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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

If you were immortal, what would you do?

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Original poster

  • Genre: Fiction/fantasy, supernatural elements, horror elements, dark comedy
    Keywords: Vampires, werewolves, witches, humans, drama, action, murder, supernatural, horror, dark comedy
    Warnings: Murder, violence, language, implication, blood
    Writing Level: Advanced
    Posting Frequency: Moderate to slow (1-2x daily to 3-4x weekly)
    Restrictions: 18+ strongly preferred

    Note: This role play has dark elements, but it should not be overly grim and bitter. Most people believe vampires to be soulless and brooding, but vampires were once humans so any traits they possessed while still human will more-than-likely follow them into their undead life. The same goes for werewolves, not all are ravenous creatures looking for a big, juicy meal. Not all witches will hex you on the spot when you spill their soy-pumpkin spice latte. The role play will be dark, but there will be humor and action.

    With that out of the way: Welcome! This is a fiction-fandom fantasy role play with vampires, werewolves, and witches. As noted, this is an advanced level role play with a moderate to slow posting rate. I would prefer all players to be 18+ due to the mature content that will be exposed throughout the story. This will be set in the modern-age, but when referring to your character (mostly vampires) in their past make sure you have a grasp of the time period they originated from. Every detail is not expected to be period accurate, however be mindful of the culture and technological advances (or lack thereof) within the era. If in doubt, Google will help you out!

    This role play will follow a group of supernatural beings who are forced to come together, once and for all. I want to grant players a voice in the story line and it's development, but I also want to keep the original idea intact. Decisions on where to take the plot will be deciding through a voting system though I, as GM, reserve the final say, especially when a decision simply cannot be reached.
  • The Rules
    1. All Iwaku guidelines do still apply!
    2. No hijacking or baiting other characters.
    3. No character, no matter how supernatural, is impervious to physical trauma and/or damage.
    4. No character may kill another without both respective player and GM's approval/permission.
    5. Any and all sexually explicit scenes between characters must fade to black and presumably resume within the PMs.
    6. Be respectful to all other players or members of Iwaku as well as the GM/Co-GM.
    7. You must meet posting-level expectations to remain in the role play.**
    8. As the GM, I reserve the right and privilege to remove any character or player at any time for any reason.
    9. Listen to the GM/Co-GM as well as any player who has something they need to say in regard to the role play/another player/another character. However, keep the thread open to criticism or interpretation and never shoot down a question.
    10. Don't think that this is a serious role play. It is a space for all to come in, interact, and have fun no matter what may occur within the role play. All disputes in-character should stay that way and should not be brought into out-of-character chats unless you are solely speaking to another player about your characters.

    ** We all have lives outside of Iwaku. If an issue arises and you require an extension on your post or you must be removed from the roleplay altogether, shoot me a PM and we can always work something out. Give me a heads-up before you disappear so your character (and anyone interacting with your character) isn't stuck, aimlessly in time.

    Since this is labeled an advanced role play, I expect any and all players to meet the minimum posting level requirements. What this means is that I expect posts be coherent writing that utilizes correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, and syntax. I do not expect novellas for post! Detailed and descriptive writing is phenomenal, but sometimes too much can hinder writing as well as plot development. That means, when some players post more than 11-15 paragraphs, it can slow down the role play and make responses too difficult for others.

    With that in mind, post expectation ranges to a minimum of three to four paragraphs and a maximum of nine to ten (going over these expectations is fine on some occasions, but again too much can hinder the role play). A paragraph should discuss a theme or idea in as many sentences as need (within reason) so I'm not going to require a sentence number (I'd break that rule anyway).

    Anything under three paragraphs with only two sentences will not give any player enough meat to respond to your character. You must give other players enough to work with and respond to. The usage of dialogue is helpful and more than encouraged, as is reasonable detail of your surroundings and description of your character's thoughts/movements. I also expect players to contribute to the story line and help move the plot forward. If players do not make decisions or actions within their posts, the role play will drag and ultimately die a long, painful death. If needed, I will keep things moving forward to the best of my ability, but I want to give the players the power to make their own decisions.

  • french_quarter-new-orleans.jpg

    For centuries, The Originals have ruled over the vampires as dictators. They watch over them like family due to the fact that most have direct sire lines to The Originals, which engraves an intense form of loyalty within their bastard souls and their sires form a sort of.. Fondness for those they create. Over time, the two youngest of the Original siblings fell off the face of the earth, not wanting to become entrapped in the feud growing between the three eldest siblings. The eldest sibling was known to take control and her hybrid brother and sister didn't quite like that dynamic. Each one allied themselves within a species in order to fight the other sibling until one overruled them all. However, that feud started centuries ago, today it still continues on as each sibling teams up with another, back stabs them, and then repeats the whole process.

    In the modern era, the feud still lingers, but each species is growing weary of the constant battle between them all. Too many have died and too many have been sacrificed for a cause that does not benefit them whatsoever. Each species usually keeps to themselves, going as far as killing anyone else that comes into their presence, however there are whispers that wolves are conspiring with witches and vampires are conspiring with wolves. What is the truth? When will this feud end? And will it end before all of The Originals are hunted and slaughtered, one by one?

    Today, the Original three have come together, peacefully, to New Orleans, Louisiana in order to discuss the rumors in regards to their two younger siblings. Whispers have claimed that they have died, miraculously, which proposes the question: "How can an Original truly die?"
  • I will only accept original characters. I expect applications to be spell-checked and the usage of proper grammar and punctuation prominent. Typos can occur, no worries. If anything stands out to me as not suitable for the role play, I will ask you as well as help you make revisions. The lore is long and mind-numbing, I don't expect everyone to read it all, so I will help when needed.

    If your writing is prone to mistakes, I have the authority to make the decision that you may not be an ideal candidate for this role play. I will take the conversation to private messenger and we could possibly work together in amplifying your writing to better suit the role play if you are truly interested. I don't ever want to be mean and reject a character sheet, but sometimes it must be done. I will give everyone a chance and help them to the best of my ability. This also applies to rude, inappropriate behavior. An incredibly well-thought-out, wonderfully coded character sheet will not grant you redemption if you are rude to me or any other player within the thread. If I have already accepted your character sheet and you act-up, I will kindly ask you to leave.

    Thank you for understanding! It may seem harsh or complex, but it truly isn't! I want everyone to have a fun experience here.

    Name - Full name, any nicknames, and how you properly pronounce their name. Refrain from using any canon character's names and/or surnames.

    Age - Unless you are a vampire, your character can be any age within the range of 18-100 years old. As for vampires, your character should not be older than 500 years old and please include their exact date of birth and what age they were turned into forever.

    Nationality - Where they are from.

    Languages - What languages your character speaks. Be reasonable. It's normal to speak other languages, but indicate their fluency by using this: (F) Fluent: they speak the language with no difficulty whatsoever; (C) Conversational: they are able to make small talk and understand most of the language; (P) Polite: they can communicate well enough for socializing at public events, but conversation can be difficult; (B) Broken: they can piece together enough phrases to communicate basic ideas:

    Powers & Ability - There is no need to re-list what I have already written about your character (species-wise), simply tell us what ability they use the most or what power they have mastered more than the others. Be reasonable. Your character is susceptible to physical trauma and/or damage and most-likely will be injured or beaten in combat.

    Appearance - Pictures are not required, but they are encouraged. However, I can only stress this enough, please use artistic images for your characters and/or headshots, face claims, and etc.. Using images of real people is my own way of describing characters, but refrain from using the faces of any canon characters and make sure you and another player do not have the same face claim (unless they are twins). That said, I restrict the usage of anime/manga characters. That artwork is not what I am looking for and there is nothing wrong with it, but I simply don't want it used here.

    In addition to an image, include a short, written description of your character with exact height and weight measurements for combat purposes.

    Personality & Brief Background - Try to mesh these two together to the best of your ability. I expect biography to come out during the roleplay and some character's bios we may already know. A general overview (a few short paragraphs would be enough) of your character's demeanor, habits, ticks, and whatnot should go here. Character development is key, but personality tends to change much more slowly overtime. Editing this as your character develops, while adding key-points on why they've changed, is your choice altogether. As you flesh out their personality, try to add tidbits of their background and why they have come to be that way.

    Aspirations & Regrets - What is your character good at? What do they dream to become? What have they lost and now feel an immense pain when they think about it? Do they have any budding skills?

    Misc. - Anything else you want others to know about your character. Any funny comments or important information to share goes right here.
    You are more than welcome to enter in a fancy-schmancy code to better reflect your character and your writing, but make sure it is easily legible and not overly huge.
  • Here is a list of characters I would most definitely want in the role play. It will be on a first come, first serve basis so if someone has already claimed it before you and you are just dying to try it, take it up with them. They may be inclined to offer a trade. They are free-reign characters so they are nameless and most everything is up to you! If you choose a character and there is an ulterior plot for them, I will let you know.

    Note: You do not have to choose a base from this list. You are welcome to create a character simply from scratch. I created this list to give an idea on the ratio I want for each species. As for humans, there could be as many as you can handle, just no more than 4 characters since it tends to stall the role play from moving forward. With that, if you choose a character here that is destined to die, make sure you choose another character so you still have premise within the role play. These are just characters I would like to have! The only ones that will definitely be in the role play are The Originals.

    Here we go:

    The Original Vampires - All flesh and blood siblings to one another. They are in order from eldest to youngest.
    Vampire (female) (reserved for Tyche)
    Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid (male) (reserved for MadKingJai™)
    Vampire-Witch Hybrid (female) (reserved for BladeX)
    Vampire (female) (reserved for ~Dark Disney~)
    Vampire (male) (will be killed off)
    Vampire (male) (will be killed off)

    Vampires - One is directly sired to the eldest female Original and the other is sired to the vampire-witch hybrid Original. The last is sired to the youngest male Original and will be killed off.
    Vampire (sired to the eldest Original) (reserved for Katori)
    Vampire (sired to the witch-hybrid) (reserved for MisterGrumpyLolli)
    Vampire (sired to youngest male; will be killed off)

    Hybrids - Both are immediate descendants of the Vampire-Werewolf Original, however one is completely loyal to him and the other has broken their ties to him completely.
    Vampire-Werewolf (against) (reserved for Tyche)
    Vampire-Werewolf (loyal)

    Werewolves - One is a born Werewolf transformed many years ago and the other has yet to transform.
    Werewolf (yet to transform) (reserved for Spectre of the Fade)
    Werewolf (already transformed) (reserved for Azzy)

    Witches - One Witch is an immediate descendant of the very first, Original Witch and the other has just begun to accumulate her powers. The Elder is the only one who can perform high-intensity spells and ultimately not die, she brings the two together.
    Elder (reserved for LolliNinja)
    Witch (descendant to the OW) (reserved for Katori)
    Witch (new witch) (reserved for abalint)
  • Vampires
    Undead humans who feed on blood and who do not age, due to their immortality. Vampires are magically reanimated human corpses which are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person and who closely resemble the living human they were before their transformation. Vampires feed and survive on the blood of the living, typically on that of humans, and they can also transform other humans into more of their kind by sharing their own blood with them. Vampires are one of the many known supernatural species in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals universe that were created by Witches.

    A human who has consumed vampire blood in some way (whether by drinking it, having it poured into their open wound, or by being injected with it) and gas subsequently died with the blood in their system will be magically revived as an undead vampire, just like the vampire who sired them. The exact nature of the human's death is irrelevant to this process; the only condition that must be met is that the body has to be more-or-less intact and able to function once they reawaken in transition, though the upper limits of physical damage upon a human body by which vampirism can recover has yet to be defined.

    In order to complete the transition into a vampire, the person must then consume a significant amount of human blood, at least a sip's worth, within the next twenty-four hours, or else they will die. Vampires can only feed on human blood in order to complete their transformation-- animal blood or vampire blood is not sufficient to finish the transformation from human to vampire. However, in this case, "human blood" can include the blood of a human witch. Additionally, the blood need not be from a live human.

    A vampire in transition is neither truly living nor truly dead until they make their choice to either complete their transition or to abstain from feeding and ultimately die. This puts the semi-vampire in a strange liminal space between the two states that can affect them in different ways. In a similar vein, until a person in transition drinks human blood to complete their transformation, they will be not be susceptible to the standard weaknesses of a vampire (i.e. they can still walk in sunlight and can enter homes without an invitation).
    Every regular vampire who has ever existed is descended from those of their kind known as the Original Vampires, who, unlike the majority of vampires, were turned not by dying with vampire blood in their system, but who were instead transformed using a spell that was cast using Dark Magic at some point around 1004AD. After the Originals awakened in transition, they fed on the blood of another human from their village and were officially transformed into the world's first true vampires, from which all other vampires were created. Their blood possesses mystical properties that are passed down to each and every one of the vampires they sire, along with every vampire sired by their progeny, connecting all vampires to one of the six Original vampires from whom they are descending by a bloodline. Due of this link, the death of an Original vampire will result in this connection being severed, and every vampire in the deceased Original's bloodline will follow them in death within an hour. It has also been proven that this bloodline connection can be broken using magic.
    Blood is the main component of a vampire's diet, be it human, animal or vampire blood. If a vampire fails to regularly drink blood, their body will become severely weakened, and will ultimately desiccate into mummification until they are able to get blood into their system.

    Blood (especially human blood) does not only satisfy a vampire's thirst, but it also heightens their supernatural abilities, making them stronger, faster, and able to heal much more quickly than they would after not eating for a significant period of time. The longer a vampire abstains from blood, the more likely the vampire will becoming feral until they are eventually unable to resist feeding on whomever they come upon. In many cases, a vampire who has been starved for a long period and is risking desiccation will eventually become so overwhelmed with hunger that the lose all sense of their humanity and rationality altogether and finally give into their bloodlust. It has been demonstrated that vampire blood, just as with human and animal blood, can be used to revive a vampire who has been desiccated (even if they ordinarily do not partake in the consumption of vampire blood), and it can also help a badly injured vampire heal more quickly if human or animal blood is not available. However, human blood is most compatible with a vampire's dietary needs, and because of this, the majority of vampires rely on it as their sole food source. Despite their main food source being referred to as "human blood," this term also extends to the blood of both witches and werewolves who are in their human form, as their blood seems to be functionally identical to that of regular humans.

    Due to their acute senses, a vampire can detect whether or not a human has recently consumed alcohol or drugs, because their blood tastes unclean and can leave a vampire with a chemical aftertaste. This also extends to vervain as well, as vampires who feed on a human who regularly ingests vervain will be burned and weakened upon contact with their blood, which can often be used to the human's advantage. Due to a vampire's amplified senses and feelings, their hunger cravings are much stronger and harder to control than the mundane hunger for food that they felt when they were humans, and this hunger will often be connected to and amplified by powerful emotions.

    Vampires are magically preserved in the physical state that they were in when they died, therefore making a vampires body a freshly dead corpse, though it is reanimated and protected from decay with dark magic. Vampire's bodies remain in the exact same state as they were just prior to their deaths as humans (aside from the injuries or effects of most illnesses that caused their death) from an anatomical standpoint, except when it comes to their supernaturally-enhanced abilities and the addition of vampire's true face. Their true face is a slightly transformed version of their human face, which includes red, blood-shot sclera with protruding veins around the eyes, as well as elongated fangs. The bite of a vampire is so powerful that it can sever the limbs of both animals and humans, as vampires are known for having extremely sharp and strong teeth.

    Similarly, a vampire has human-like physiology, and their bodies continue to function normally as long as they have a steady diet of human blood; for example, their heart still beats to pump the blood they've consumed through their system to maintain their vitality. Because of this, vampires can eat human food, though it doesn't sustain their life or provide any nutrition like blood does, and their digestive system will continue to process it and produce wastes just as a healthy human's does. Regardless, many vampires continue to eat regular food for several reasons, including out of human habit, to maintain human appearances in order to prevent their exposure, and to help sublimate their eternal hunger for blood and thereby keep their bloodlust at a manageable level.

    Vampires can also become intoxicated by drugs such as alcohol and marijuana just as humans can, although they do have much higher tolerances due to their accelerated healing, which rapidly regenerates the cells damaged by these drugs which causes the sensation of being drunk or high. In fact, most vampires frequently drink alcohol throughout the day to help them deal with their perpetual hunger, much in the way that some vampires eat human food to help curb their cravings.

    Vampires are immune to the majority of human diseases and illnesses. One exception of this rule is cancer, though vampires cannot actually develop it-- they have to have had the cancer prior to being turned, as vampire blood cannot cure it in humans. These aforementioned vampires continue to have cancer even after their transition is complete, as cancer cells rapidly regenerate in the presence of vampire blood due to the cells being functionally immortal; normal human cells have "suicide buttons" that allow them to die once their organelles have worn out, but cancer cells have no such button, and vampire blood only serves to accelerate the regeneration of cancer cells. The only known substances that can have a serious negative effect on vampires are vervain and Werewolf Venom.

    The mystical effect of vampirism is the only thing that keeps vampires and their bodies alive. If vampirism is removed through the cure to immortality, the body will return to the state of a healthy alive adult so long as the cure remains in their blood. However, once a vampire is reverted to being a human after ingesting the cure, the cure will remain in their bloodstream, allowing any other vampire who wants to be cured to do so by feeding on the cured vampire's blood to nearly full consumption.

    It has been recently discovered that while vampires are sterile and cannot have biological children (with the exception of the hybrids, whose werewolf side and the magical nature of their vampire transformation canceled out the sterility all other vampires possess), certain forms of magic can transport a fetus or fetuses from a human's body into a vampire's.
    Vampires have the capacity to be extremely feral, predatory creatures, and can be more beast-like and savage than their human appearance suggests. They growl, hiss, snarl, and curl their lips back when provoked, baring their fangs as a sign of aggression when faced by a threat.

    Despite their nature, vampires are also capable of human emotions, such as compassion, love, and self-control. However, it's in a vampire's nature to be violent, and no matter what their morality or kindness, they will almost always resort to such acts if it's necessary for their survival. While vampires typically maintain their human personalities after their transformations (though magnified by the magical properties of vampirism), they are usually dehumanized to some degree, and due to both the violent tensions between witches, werewolves, and vampires (along with the in-fighting within the vampire community itself), violence, tragedy, and death of the aforementioned groups and humans caught in the crossfire seem to follow vampires wherever they go, even despite their best efforts to avoid it. Many (though not all) vampires are inherently selfish and consider other beings, especially humans, to be inferior to themselves, as they see themselves as the top of the proverbial food chain. Even the most compassionate of their kind will often resort to cruelty and torture if it means protecting themselves and their loved ones from danger. Although, the longer one spends as a vampire, the more tolerant of violence and murder they become.

    Additionally, over the course of their millennium of life, some older vampires, such as Originals, have also become somewhat dehumanized after spending so much time as the most powerful beings on earth, even despite their generally kind and gentle nature; their penchant for the "snatch, eat, erase" method of feeding and their dedication to avoiding unnecessarily large demonstrations of violence and cruelty if at all possible is typically more out of their desire to protect themselves from exposure than a desire to not harm others. In recent years, a select few of Originals are not as quick to harm or kill out of anger, they still are known for being ruthless against their enemies or anyone who tries to harm their family and friends, and have shown no discomfort in torturing others to get the answers or results they need.

    However, vampires experience sensations and feelings much more intensely than humans, and as a result, they have a much more difficult time controlling their emotions, all of which are tied to their hunger in some way. Whenever a vampire is overwhelmed by powerful feelings (such as extreme hunger, fear, anger, happiness, love, etc.) their faces become pale, and blood rushes into the veins surrounding their eyes, darkening them tremendously. Their canine teeth will lengthen into fangs, giving them a more predatory look to scare off or threaten their prey and to aid them in feeding on humans and animals. This intensification of emotions experienced by vampires also extends to their personalities as well, both the good and the bad aspects of it. For example, some humans are both compassionate and kind, which amplified these traits to the point of being self-sacrificing as vampires; conversely, those who were troubled and dabbled in the drug life, carried these personality traits into their vampire life as well, making them the subject to violent mood swings and making it even harder for them to resist their cravings for human blood.

    Due to their intensely emotional nature, it is not uncommon for vampires wishing to maintain self-control to document their lives after their transition in journals. Though they have consistently shown considerable powers in recollection of specific memories and dates, vampires still need to pursue their journals in order to reflect on their feelings and other minute details during certain events. Another function of the vampire nature is the ability to "turn off" their humanity in order to make it easier for them to emotionally deal with feeding on (and occasionally even killing) humans to maintain their immortality.

    Vampires who have used this coping mechanism have described the process as "flicking a switch," which essentially numbs their emotions and disables their ability to be empathetic, allowing them to shut out painful feelings such as guilt, grief, and sadness and turning off the part of them that makes them ashamed of their actions. Vampires with their humanity turned off often think of themselves as purely rational and logical and are not ruled by their emotions. They also have no problem feeding indiscriminately on whomever they please, either using compulsion to make the humans forget the experience or killing them outright with no shame or remorse.
    The supernatural forces that sustain vampires also endow them with superhuman physical abilities as well as powers of mind control. Their physical abilities such as strength, speed, agility, durability, healing and senses all grow stronger with age and experience. Vampires who feed on animal blood will not be as powerful as those who feed on human blood. Human blood is also known to increase the speed of healing when ingested by a vampire after being seriously wounded.

    Super Strength: Vampires are noticeably much stronger than Supernatural Hunters, Immortals and Humans and slowly grow stronger as they grow older. They always have the advantage of superior strength in direct combat with a human. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss an average-size, fully-grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their other feats include single-handedly lifting grown men high off the ground by the throat and snapping their necks, cutting off a person's head with their bare hands, and ripping out internal organs such as hearts with little to no effort. Their strength is also more powerful than that of Werewolves in their human form and, depending on the age of the vampire, can be equal to that of Evolved Werewolves. Their strength allows them to jump higher and further than any natural creature. Vampires who feed on humans are stronger than those who feed on animal blood. However, young vampires may have difficulties while dealing with truly heavy objects. Although noted that a vampire's strength enhances with age, it can also be noted that the emotional status of the vampire takes a toll on the strength.

    Super Speed: Vampires are much faster than supernatural hunters, immortals, humans, and werewolves in human form. Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, usually faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion allowing them to appear or vanish quickly and quietly. Their reflexes and dexterity are similarly heightened, allowing them to catch certain projectiles such as arrows and thrown stakes in the air with ease. Like their strength, their speed also increases with age.

    Super Agility: Vampires possess super-human agility. They have shown that they can move quickly, jump very high, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. Vampires can jump with their super speed too. Vampires that feed on human blood can jump much higher than vampires that feed on animal blood. This ability also increases with age.

    Super Senses: Vampires have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, smell, and taste that far exceed those of humans and werewolves. They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far of buildings and on phones, though most vampires typically learn how to tune out most ambient noises when it's not necessary to hear them. Vampires can also smell blood from several meters away, and see in total darkness. These senses improve and grow stronger with age and experience. Their senses of taste are also enhanced as well, allowing them to detect the presence of drugs, alcohol, or vervain in someone's blood.

    Super Durability: Vampires can take a great amount of physical damage without being slowed down. Even vampires who have been shot with wooden bullets, which have a weakening effect on vampires, have been seen to continue fighting so long as they were not shot in the heart or the head. Vampires still react to physical force in a human manner, particularly young vampires, who will occasionally be affected even by human-strength-level force. Vampires can also still be stunned and dazed by strikes and trauma, though their tolerance for it will increase as they get older.

    Healing Factor: Vampires recover tissue from any form of physical damage to their bodies within seconds, though they still feel the pain of a wound before it heals. Vampires can snap their bones back into place after they have been broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement very quickly, so long as they had consumed a regular diet of human blood prior to the injury. Those vampires who feed on animals will still heal much faster than a human, but their injuries, especially severe ones, will take much longer to heal than a vampire who feeds on human blood. The only injury a vampire can sustain that cannot be healed on its own or by consuming more blood is a werewolf bite, which requires a hybrid's blood or a very rare scientifically-created serum to cure. Also, a vampire's enhanced healing is limited to physical damage to their bodies—many forms of magical damage and psychological damage are beyond its capability. Vampires cannot grow back body parts, though they can reattach the severed limb with some effort.

    Immortality: A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires become immune to all conventional illness, diseases, viruses and infections. While vampires who were cancer-free as humans will be immune to cancer after they are turned, those humans who were turned while they had cancer will not only still have it as a vampire, but their newly-enhanced healing factor will accelerate the progression of the cancer cells over two-fold, nearly always causing the cancer-stricken vampire to kill themselves to end their suffering.

    Enhanced Emotions: Vampires experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are magnified for vampires, allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows vampires to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age. Original vampires have been shown experiencing emotions as powerfully today as they did 1,000 years ago. Conversely, sadness, depression, guilt, fear and anger are also amplified, causing many vampires to become so overwhelmed that they "turn off" their humanity to block out the more painful emotions. After time and practice, the overwhelming sensations of heightened emotions fade as the vampire learns to overcome their emotions without turning off their humanity all together.

    Emotional Control: Vampires have the supernatural ability to remove or dull their emotions by "turning off" or "switching off" their humanity, which is directly connected to their emotions. Doing so allows them to block out their more negative emotions, such as fear and guilt, allowing them to feed and kill without remorse, go against any opponent without fear, and relieve themselves of painful feelings such as grief, loss, depression, and shame. A vampire without their emotions is far more calculating and direct than one who keeps them on. However, the vampire can become a remorseless killer, and are almost unrecognizable from the person they truly are, as blocking out negative emotions also causes their positive emotions to become dulled or nonexistent as well. Vampires are capable of turning their humanity back on and bringing back their emotions, but it is difficult as a result of the fact that they will be bombarded with all of their repressed emotions in addition to the guilt of anything they did without their humanity (such as killing or torturing innocent people or loved ones) with enhanced intensity. This ability fades with time and vampires who are over 500 years old have said that they have lost the ability to turn off their humanity altogether.

    Mind Compulsion: Vampires have the ability to influence and control thoughts, emotions, and behavior and can alter or erase memories. There is a sort of hierarchy as to how this ability works. Original Vampires can compel Humans, Doppelgängers, untriggered Werewolves, regular Vampires, and vampire-werewolf Hybrids[/URL]. Regular vampires, as weaker forms of their Original progenitors, cannot compel hybrids or other vampires, though they can compel the other aforementioned species. However, no vampire can compel a witch, or a triggered werewolf and Original vampires cannot compel other Originals.

    Sire Bond: Although rare among them, sire bonds can be formed when a human is turned with the blood of the vampire for whom they had strong romantic feelings before they were turned. Those vampires or hybrids with a sire bond are supernaturally loyal to their sires to the point that they will go out of their way to do whatever their sire asks them to do, even if they don't actually want to do it. However, this bond doesn't affect how they truly feel about their sire, it only affects their behavior.

    Telepathy: Vampires have a limited form of telepathy that allows them to easily enter the minds of humans, and with more effort, the minds of witches, werewolves, doppelgängers. They can also enter the minds of other vampires, though this ability is dependent on the vampire being younger or weaker than the one using telepathy. Other ways to weaken a vampire to use telepathy on them are to starve them/drain them of blood, inject them with vervain, or expose them to werewolf venom. It is one of the hardest abilities to master, and because of this, it is usually the last of the mind-control-related abilities a vampire learns after becoming proficient in mind compulsion. Normally, this ability works through tactile contact, usually by the vampire placing the palms of his or her hands on the temples of the vampire whose mind they want to enter. The vampire then closes their eyes and focuses on the information they wish to seek, allowing them to sort through their victims' memories until they see what they're looking for. Some can mentally communicate with others from a short distance without tactile contact in order to send distress calls and mental images during emergency situations. Like their physical attributes, a vampire's mental strength increases with age, making it difficult for a vampire to invade the mind of an ancient vampire such as one of the Originals unless they are of similar age.

    Dream Manipulation: Vampires can also use their power of telepathy to control dreams and the subconscious. This is an aspect of telepathy that is much easier to learn, and with it, a vampire has the ability to produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares and lucid dreaming, distort people's perception of reality and trap someone in their dreams. Vampires can manipulate and enter the subconscious of other vampires and even an Original vampire if they are vulnerable enough. However, this is a learned skill that requires practice to achieve.

    Illusion: Vampires have the power to trick the minds of other younger vampires into seeing/feeling things that aren't actually happening.

    True Face: A vampire's true face is the appearance they are hiding under their normal human face. When a vampire's true face is revealed, the sclera of their eyes turns blood-red, dark veins appear under their eyes as the blood pumps forcefully through them, and their canine teeth extend into razor-sharp fangs. On some occasions, a vampire's fang teeth can include both their canines and their lateral incisors or both their canines and their premolars. A vampire's true face can be revealed whenever they wish, but it will appear against their will whenever they are aroused by the scent of blood, or are feeling intense emotions such as fear, anger, lust, sadness, etc. A vampire's fangs are extremely sharp which gives them the ability to tear into almost any substance (including and especially flesh) and tear off limbs. A vampire's true face will appear for the first time either while they drink human blood for the first time or shortly afterward. With the fangs come the darkened veins under the eyes as well.
    If vampires are killed by a wooden object stabbed through their heart, their body desiccates into a gray color, and their vampiric veins thicken and protrude from their skin. Vampires can build up tolerances to some weaknesses, such as vervain, allowing them to protect themselves from compulsion by an Original and to help lessen the likelihood that it will seriously incapacitate them when used by enemies. However, it will still burn them upon contact, but if ingested, it will not weaken them as much if they take small amounts over time to increase their immunity.

    Animal Blood: Animal blood, while somewhat satisfying a vampire's hunger and sustaining their undead life, will make the vampire considerably weaker than they would be if they had drank human blood, causing their physical abilities to be inferior to a human-blood-consuming vampire, making them heal much more slowly, and making their compulsion less effective.

    Broken Neck: Breaking a vampire's neck will not kill them, but it will render in a death like state for varying amounts of time, depending on the diet and age of the person in question.

    The Cure: If a vampire takes the cure, they will revert back to being mortal again. Once taken, the cure prevents vampire blood from having any effect on them, as it will not heal their wounds, and, if the vampire dies with vampire blood in their system, they will remain dead and not awaken as a vampire in transition. Additionally, their blood becomes the cure once they've ingested it, making them a target to any vampire who wants to cure themselves. If the cure-laced blood should be drained from a cured vampire, that vampire would begin to rapidly age to compensate for the years they spent as an undead, un-aging vampire. In the case of older vampires (usually those who have been vampires for half a decade or more, depending on how old they were when they were turned), this can cause them to age so quickly that they die in weeks or months if the cure has been drained from their body by another immortal being.

    Decapitation: Dismembering or manually removing the head of a vampire will result in instant and permanent death.

    Desiccation: Vampires who abstain from blood for extended amounts of time will eventually desiccate and mummify. Witches can use magic to desiccate a vampire, and there is serum that would cause desiccation in a vampire if they were not given an antidote within a short matter of time.

    Fire: Vampires are highly flammable and sensitive to fire, and will quickly burn and die from it if the flames are not extinguished in time. This quality has been proven to be useful in disposing of the remains of a dead vampire without any physical evidence. However, in some cases, vampires have used this vulnerability to their advantage.

    Heart Extraction: Removing the heart of a vampire will result in permanent death. Vampires have the strength to plunge their hands right through the flesh of humans (including witches, doppelgängers, and supernatural hunters), werewolves, or other vampires, allowing them to punch their hand through the thorax of a person and pull out their heart. If it is a vampire who has been subjected to this, then they will desiccate upon their death, causing their bodies to become a grey, dry husk with their vampiric veins exposed all over their body.

    Invitation: Vampires cannot enter a home without an invitation by the owner. If a vampire that wasn't invited in a human's house is forcefully shoved into the threshold, they will begin to bleed from the nose and eyes and feel immense pain. It has been revealed that invitation can be granted long-distance and even by someone who hasn't lived in the house in years.

    Magic: Vampires are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects. Witches have been seen to use magic to cause agonizing pain by inducing aneurysms in their brain or muscle spasms, telekinetically ripping out their hearts or snapping their necks, magically increasing their hunger for blood to unbearable levels, setting them ablaze with a single thought, and desiccating them to the point of mummification.

    Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely within seconds so long as they haven't been weakened by other means such as vervain or werewolf bites.

    Sunlight: Sunlight and UV rays burn vampires on contact, and prolonged exposure will cause them to burst into flames and die. However, this weakness can be mitigated by the use of a lapis lazuli stone enchanted with a specific protection spell by a witch for a particular vampire, which is usually affixed to jewelry, though it requires the vampire to wear the stone at all times.

    Vampire Bloodline: If an Original vampire dies, all vampires descended from their bloodline will slowly perish as well.

    Vervain: Exposure to or ingestion of vervain causes a vampire to become severely feverish and weak to the point that it can even hinder their healing abilities as well. Also, physical contact with vervain will burn a vampire's skin. Vampires cannot compel anyone who has ingested vervain or has it on their person. Many vampires drink small amounts of diluted vervain to protect themselves from Original vampires' compulsion and to reduce its effects when used against them by enemies.

    Werewolf Bite: The bite of a werewolf, which involves injecting a toxic venom into the wound, is extremely lethal to vampires. It will cause them to hallucinate, grow severely weak and go rabid until it kills them. Hybrid blood is the only surefire way to cure the bite. Vampires suffering from the bite seem to always hallucinate either significant moments from their past, significant people in their lives, or specific actions of the vampire that they feel guilty or ashamed about. While typical vampires will eventually die from werewolf bites, it isn't lethal to Original vampires, though they still will experience the sickness and hallucination that accompanies it for several hours or even days, depending on how many bites/how much venom was ingested, until their body heals itself.

    Wood: Wounding a vampire with a wooden weapon such as wooden bullets will incapacitate them, and it will take longer for them to heal their injuries than if the wounds were caused by any other substance. Stabbing a vampire through the heart with a wooden stake will result in instantaneous and permanent death.

    White Oak Ash Daggers: It is said that if a vampire daggers an Original vampire, they will die while the Original vampire is neutralized.
    Garlic: The vampire's supposed repulsion towards garlic may have been a fabricated lie, similar to how werewolves are not actually immune to silver. This myth was presumably started to hide the fact that vampires are actually vulnerable to vervain.

    Holy Items: The myth that vampires could be harmed using holy artifacts like crosses, blessed ground, and holy water may have circulated from the belief that they are unholy creatures originating from Hell and in league with the Devil.

    Mirrors: The myth that vampires did not cast a reflection may have come from the belief that vampires had no souls.

    Shapeshifting: The origin of the myth that vampires had the power to morph into a bat, wolf, rat, or a cloud of mist is unknown. It may be the result of a mistake of perception between vampires and werewolves.

    Soulless: The belief that vampires are soulless beings may have stemmed from their ability to shut down their humanity, causing them to block out their emotions and behave without remorse or regret, giving off the impression that they have no conscience and by extension, lack a soul.

    Death: Contrary to popular belief, vampires have beating hearts and they cannot function without oxygen. They will, however, be forced to revive after suffocation or oxygen deprivation but will only die again if the circumstances of their revival are less than favorable.

    Werewolves (also called Lycanthropes, Loup Garou, Rougarou, Beasts, or even just Wolves for short) are a near-extinct supernatural shapeshifting species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome, and extremely hostile wolves on the night of the full moon. Even in their human form, werewolves possess superhuman physical prowess, though not to the same level as a vampire, and their abilities are not as powerful compared to those they possess on the full moon while transformed. These creatures are the most dangerous enemies of vampires due to their venomous bite, which is lethal to them. Werewolves are also hardwired to kill vampires on sight in their wolf form, though they still hunt human prey whenever there are no vampires to kill.

    Like normal humans, werewolves can eat human food if they wish. However, because they turn into ferocious beasts during the full moon, they are carnivores. When in wolf form, they can feed on human or vampire body parts and organs, but they are not required to ingest them in order to prolong their existence, like vampires must do with blood. There are no known consequences from abstaining from human or vampire flesh while in werewolf form. It seems that most werewolves do not get to feed on humanoid flesh, because most tend to lock themselves up during the full moon, or are scared or distracted away from their victim before they can eat them.

    Werewolves have not been seen to attack each other in human or lupine form, but have been known to hunt both human and vampire prey while transformed under the full moon. Unstable hybrids also have the urge to attack vampires regardless of what form they are in.

    Werewolves in their wolf form are quite similar to natural wolves, although unlike natural wolves, werewolves have glowing yellow or orange eyes, wicked fangs, and a much more feral and predatory appearance. They can also be distinguished from regular wolves by their displays of supernatural strength, blurred speed, and size which is comparable to fully grown humans. The fur color of wolf forms differs from one to the other. Werewolves appear the same as any other human the rest of the month, aside from their enhanced abilities of speed, strength, and healing.

    Werewolf Transformation
    A werewolf will only transform into a wolf under a full moon. The first transformation is quite slow, and the person is subjected to at least five or six hours of intense, bone-breaking pain before the actual transformation. After the first transformation, the experience does not last nearly as long, but it is still painful and something many werewolves come to dread.

    During the transformation, the body of the person is twisted in an unnatural manner as bones reshape and shift to form a wolf's skeleton, causing the person immense physical and psychological pain. Later, the werewolf grows excessive body hair and becomes feral. Their irises turn golden-yellow, their sclera turn black, and their teeth elongate into canines before they finally transform into their wolf shape. A werewolf returns to their human form after a few hours, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. After the first transformation, the werewolf will experience muscle aches.

    Older werewolves can control themselves to some extent on the night of the full moon, but many find it necessary to dose themselves with wolfsbane to weaken them before they lock themselves up in chains to prevent hurting anyone while they're transformed. The Crescent werewolves have seemed to gain much more control over their actions in wolf form than typical werewolves, most likely as a result spending all of their time in wolf form. Werewolves also feel everything more sharply in their animal form, especially familial ties.
    Werewolves are known to be aggressive, strong and fast, even in human form. Many often had trouble controlling his temper, especially leading up to and during the full moon. Those with the werewolf curse still latent can exhibit some supernatural traits which can be triggered by aggression, along with unusual physical strength for the person's given size and age, but they cannot fully transform, and they also have a tendency to black out when they become overwhelmed in fits of rage. Werewolves seem to have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to protect their own, and feel a responsibility to help their fellow werewolves whenever they can.

    Also, werewolves have a higher body temperature than humans. When Tyler first activates his curse, he states that his skin feels as if it's on fire. Once a werewolf has triggered their gene, their eyes turn gold (the eyes of a wolf) while enraged or when feeling threatened. Activating the curse is also painful, as werewolves have been seen to double over in pain before their eyes change for the first time.

    While some werewolves prefer to keep to themselves and keep their beastly natures hidden, most seem to aggregate themselves into packs and residing in areas isolated from general human society so they can run free on the full moons without fear of hurting or killing anyone.

    Code of Loyalty
    Werewolves are very similar to witches when it comes to their own kind. Unlike vampires, werewolves have an unwavering sense of loyalty, and will often bond with other werewolves they meet. They form packs and work with each other as sort of an extended family. The bond of loyalty between werewolves is so strong that while changed under full moons, the only beings they do not attack are other werewolves (regardless of whether or not they have activated their werewolf gene). This code does seem to extend to hybrids, as well. It's possible that another reason why hybrids were so loyal, aside for the Sire Bond between them, was because of their werewolf heritage.
    Werewolves' strength and speed are enhanced and are at their peak during time under a full moon. When angered or threatened, these powers and abilities are temporarily enhanced.

    Super Strength: Werewolves possess supernatural strength that makes them far stronger than immortals, Supernatural Hunters and humans. There have been several occasions to suggest that untriggered werewolves possess more strength than any average humans, which would indicate some form of enhanced strength even before the activation of their curse. However, werewolves in their human form are not as strong as a vampire, and have even been shown to be far weaker on several occasions. When they are in their wolf form, their powers amplify to a degree that excels that of the non-Original vampires, making them more powerful than non-Original vampires. In wolf form, a werewolf can overpower and kill any non-original vampire with ease. They can also defeat an Original Vampire in small groups.

    Super Speed: Werewolves are much faster than immortals, supernatural hunters and humans. They possess this ability both in and out of transformation with an animalistic quickness. However, the power is faster at night than in the day, due to the moon's presence, and their speed increases greatly when the werewolf is transformed during the full moon. Some werewolves are shown to become nearly a blur like their vampire enemies; others have not. In wolf form, however, while under the influence of the full moon, they can use their speed to swiftly chase down their choice of prey; even vampires, as their speed rivals that of most vampires or possibly even exceeds it.

    Super Agility: Werewolves possess superhuman agility. Either in wolf or even in human form, they have demonstrated that they can move, jump very high, climb, flip, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. They can also jump down from incredible heights with almost gravity-defying grace.

    Super Durability: Werewolves can take far more trauma than humans without nearly as much discomfort or injury, however, not as much as vampires. They can also exert themselves for longer periods without tiring.

    Healing Factor: Werewolves possess superhuman regenerative abilities, meaning that if they are physically injured, their bodies will heal rapidly. Like vampires, werewolves can heal from the most grievous of injuries, even in human form, albeit more slowly in comparison to vampires. However, unlike vampires, when a werewolf's neck is broken, they stay dead.

    Super Senses: Werewolves have the extremely keen and heightened senses of smell, sight, taste, hearing and touch inherent in all canines. Because they are supernatural and have powers that exceeds their wolf counterparts, they can hear, see, and smell better than that of regular canines. With this, experienced werewolves could sniff out vampires - something vampires themselves are incapable of - and some can taste vervain placed in his coffee, which would otherwise be impossible, since coffee's intense flavor typically masks the taste of the herb. Untriggered werewolves are also gifted with more sensitive hearing.

    Lycanthrope Enhancement: Werewolves are able to make their eyes glow when angry or threatened, but only for a short amount of time. When a werewolf is furious or forced to defend themselves, their anger increases all their power and abilities for a short period of time, which allows them to access some of the power of their wolf form to give them an edge.

    Shapeshifting/Transformation Control: During a full moon, they will unwillingly transform from their human form and into their wolf form. However, if a female werewolf is pregnant, they will not turn for nine months as the transformation would kill the baby.

    Werewolf Bite: A werewolf's venom is extremely lethal to non-original vampires. While an Original vampire cannot die from the venom, they are not wholly immune to the effects of the bite. For non-Original vampires, the venom acts as an poison of sorts that will enter the bloodstream and deliver the toxin throughout the body, producing discomfort and weakness. All vampires who are bitten will ultimately develop uncontrollable hunger that progresses to delusions, hallucinations, rabid rage, and dementia. After that point, non-original vampires will finally die, though many are "mercy-killed" before that point.

    Full Moon: A werewolf's strength, speed, agility, and all their powers are enhanced to their peak during a full moon.

    Immunity to Silver: Werewolves are immune to magic bonded to silver. Weapons made of silver might wound them, but the wound still heals at supernatural rates and will not be fatal to them.
    Vampires and werewolves can be damaged in the same ways humans can, and in most cases will only be briefly weakened. However, werewolves are still mortals, and thus can be killed or incapacitated in various ways.

    Blood Loss: If a werewolf is severely wounded and bleeds out before they can heal, they can die. This was demonstrated when Stefan threw a stake into a werewolf's neck, hitting their carotid artery and causing the werewolf to bleed out and die before they could fully heal.

    Broken Neck: Breaking a werewolf's neck will result in instant death.

    Decapitation: Decapitation will result in instant death for a werewolf.

    Fire: (Presumably) Fire can presumably kill a werewolf just as it can any mortal. It can also hurt them, though their regenerative cells allow them to heal burns much faster than an ordinary human.

    Heart Extraction: Ripping a werewolf's heart out will result in instant death.

    Magic: Werewolves are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects. Multiple spells have been performed by witches against werewolves to cause several effects against them, such as slowing down or speeding up a werewolf's transformation on a full moon, inducing a werewolf transformation earlier than they would normally begin to change, telekinetically ripping a heart from a werewolf's chest, and cursing a pack of werewolves to be trapped in their wolf form at all times except for a few short hours during the full moon when they return to their human forms.

    Mortality: Werewolves can die of old age and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. suffocation).

    Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a werewolf pain and will also slow them down. Fortunately for them, this is only temporary, as they will heal completely within minutes. However, certain injuries, such as a slit throat or a snapped neck, have been shown to kill werewolves.

    Wolfsbane: When ingested, wolfsbane causes a werewolf to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a werewolf's skin is exposed to wolfsbane, it will burn them.
    Silver: Contrary to popular belief, werewolves are not weakened by or allergic to silver. Silver actually has the opposite effect – when a werewolf is wounded by silver, it heals.

    Wolfsbane: Several myths have surround the use of this herb and its relation to and effects upon werewolves, including the myth that wolfsbane supposedly either causes or cures lycanthropy. These myths are false.

    Hybrids are a cross-breed of two or more different supernatural species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf turned into a vampire due to the fact that they were the first supernatural hybrid to be introduced in the series. However, since the werewolf-vampire hybrid's creation, there have been other cross-breed hybrids revealed in the series' universe, such as witch-vampire hybrids, werewolf-witch hybrids, and a witch-werewolf-vampire tribrid.

    Hybrids possess both the strengths and some of the weaknesses of their parent races, along with powerful attributes unique to themselves alone due to their combined heritage. For werewolf-vampire hybrids, this includes Day Walking and being able to transform into a wolf without the Full Moon's influence.

    To become a werewolf-vampire hybrid, a werewolf must have either an Original hybrid's blood in their system before they are killed so they can awaken a short time later in transition. Because no regular vampire has ever attempted to use their own blood to turn a werewolf into a hybrid, it is likely that such an attempt would be unsuccessful. After a werewolf dies with an Original hybrid's blood in their system, their transformation will be successful only if the wolf completes his/her transition by drinking the blood of a human doppelgänger.

    Only one hybrid, the Original, has been turned into a hybrid before triggering their werewolf gene. However, since the Original hybrid was turned into a hybrid with dark magic performed by a witch as opposed to being turned by another hybrid's blood, it is unknown if untriggered werewolves can be turned into hybrids successfully via the normal procedure. If it were possible, the werewolf would presumably trigger their werewolf gene during their first kill as a vampire following the completion of their transition by feeding on the blood of a doppelgänger. However, this has never been done before and concrete details are still unknown.

    If a newborn hybrid feeds on regular human blood to officially complete their transition, the hybrid will become unstable, causing them to bleed from the eyes, become rabid, and eventually die in pain. However, it is unclear why that happens. It might be a reaction to being fed the wrong blood in transition in addition to feeling the effects of the full moon overhead.
    Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the powers and abilities of both werewolves and non-original vampires, both physically enhanced powers and abilities of mind compulsion. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids will grow stronger with age due to their vampirism and will also increase in strength when enraged, due to their werewolf side. Their strength will also increase during a full moon.

    Super Strength: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are stronger than all. Due to their vampire side, they also get stronger with age. The full moon will boost their strength and aggression. Older non-original vampires may be stronger and more challenging for many newborn non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids. However, if a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid fights a non-original vampire closer to their age range, the non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid will win. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are even capable of putting up a fight against non-original vampires well above their age range. A non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid in werewolf-form will be immensely powerful and may be a slight challenge for even an original vampire.

    Super Speed: A non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's intensified quickness, agility, reflexes, and endurance makes them faster than any werewolves, evolved werewolves, non-original vampires, supernatural hunters, immortals and humans. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can use this ability in human or werewolf form. As with strength, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids get faster with time. The full moon will increases their speed and being in werewolf form will make them even faster.

    Super Agility: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids possesses much more superhuman stamina, flexibility, reflexes, agility and dexterity than immortals, non-original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves and humans. They can move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

    Super Senses: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, touch, and smell that exceed those of non-original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves, and humans. Since they're a supernatural crossbreed between werewolves and non-original vampires, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the combined senses of both species thus making their ability extremely effective.

    Super Durability: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can bear a lot of trauma. They also hardly ever get tired or fatigued. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can take far more trauma than any non-original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves and humans, without much discomfort or injury. Stakes and arrows can not kill a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid when they are struck in the heart, they merely become unconscious.

    Enhanced Healing Factor: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the combined healing capabilities of both non-original vampires and werewolves, rendering them practically invincible to anything but fatal wounds that can seriously impair their healing capabilities like decapitation or heart-extraction. They can recover/heal/regenerate from any injury much quicker and more effectively than any non-original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves and humans. They also seems to heal much more quickly when exposed to vervain, wolfsbane, or wood. Human blood has also known to make the healing process faster.

    Immortality: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids stops aging the moment they transition. They become immune to all conventional diseases, toxins, poisons, viruses, illness, infections, and injuries.

    Day Walking: Due to their werewolf heritage, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are immune to the lethal effects that u.v. rays and sunlight have on non-original vampires and original vampires. Allowing them to walk in daylight without the use of a day ring.

    Emotional Control: Due to their vampire heritage, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are able to exert certain control over their own emotions, e.g. They can turn off their humanity.

    Enhanced Emotions: Because of their vampiric and werewolf traits, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids experience emotions more powerfully than humans and non-original vampires. Particularly emotions such as anger, rage, aggression and violence due to their werewolf heritage. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are more prone to violence and rage than non-original vampires. However, emotions such as love, joy, and happiness are intensified for them as well, allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows them to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

    Lycanthrope Enhancement: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are capable of using their werewolf features to further supplement their powers and abilities. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can grow claws from their nails and werewolf fangs from their teeth even when they are still in their human forms. Also non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can display both sets of vampire and werewolf fangs. Their eyes also change into those of their werewolf form, presumably granting them better eyesight. Due to their werewolf heritage, a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's strength and speed are heightened further during a full moon and at its peak in their werewolf forms.

    Mind Compulsion: A non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid can compel the minds of Humans. They cannot, however, compel original vampires, non-original vampires or Werewolves.

    Shapeshifting/Transformation Control: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the ability to transform into their werewolf forms at will. Most of them avoid transforming at all due to the pain it causes. They have complete awareness, but they still, however, have no control of their actions in werewolf form. They can also perform partial transformations, manifesting single features of their werewolf forms.

    Sire Bond: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids seem to be sired to the source of their creation. A non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid is capable of breaking a sire bond, if they transforms into their werewolf forms an excess of 100 times in a row. Transforming so many times in a row causes them to no longer feel pain from transforming into a werewolf and they no longer feel a sense of gratitude, commitment or loyalty to their creator breaking the sire bond. Like non-original vampires/original vampires, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can form a sire bond if the human they turn into a vampire has feelings for them before being turned. Although like non-original vampires/original vampires, this is extremely rare.

    Telepathy: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the ability, albeit a weak variant, to enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than them. Normally, this ability works in a tactile fashion and the non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid requires physical contact in order for it to work successfully. Like their physical attributes, their mental strength increases with age.

    Dream Manipulation: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can control dreams and subconscious like non-original vampires/original vampires. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability is the distortion of reality and trapped in the dreams.

    Illusions: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing/feeling things that aren't actually happening.

    Werewolf Bite: Due to their werewolf heritage, Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids have venom which is fatal to non-original vampires and they themselves are immune to werewolf venom. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid venom seem to take effect much faster than a normal werewolf venom.

    Immunity to Silver: Due to their werewolf heritage, magic bonded to silver doesn't affect non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids. Weapons made of silver might wound them, but the wound heals at super-normal rates than regular wounds.
    Broken Neck: Breaking a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's neck will results in the non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's unconsciousness.

    The Cure: If a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid takes the cure, they will revert back to being a werewolf again. Once taken, the cure prevents them from being immortal again, causing the body to reject vampire blood.

    Decapitation: Dismembering or removing the head of a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid will result in an instant death.

    Desiccation: Being completely drained of blood or the heart stopping will cause a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid to desiccate due to their vampire side, losing most of it's strength and any ability to move. This process can be replicated artificially by magic.

    Heart Extraction: Removing a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's heart will result in an instant death.

    Hybrid Bloodline: If the Original hybrid dies, then all the non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids they created will die along with them.

    Invitation: Due to their vampire heritage, non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are unable to enter a home without an invitation.

    Magic: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects.

    Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely within seconds. It seems physical trauma can give them pain and weaken them anywhere on the body (ex-eye gauging, drowning).

    Vervain: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are affected by vervain like their non-original vampire counterparts. They can't compel anyone on vervain.

    Wolfsbane: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are affected by wolfsbane like their werewolf counterparts.

    Wood: Wounding non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids with a wooden weapon such as wooden bullets will incapacitate for a shorter time than a non-original vampire.

    A Witch is a person who is born with the power to affect change by magical means (Witchcraft). While many witches are the self-proclaimed "Keepers of the Balance," other witches have been known to work against the Balance and use their power for personal gain.

    The Balance of Nature is a spiritual belief system based around the observance of the Earth and reverence of Mother Nature. The goal of many witches is to honor the design of nature and to maintain balance within the natural world. The balance of nature is intimately tied to one's spiritual relationship with the Earth, and the idea that all living things (e.g. animals, humans, plants, etc.) are considered sacred, as they are all different aspects of nature. Contemporary witches would also agree that using modern ceremonies, rituals and shamanic practices is the best way to attune themselves with the natural rhythms of the universe in their efforts to obtain guidance and knowledge from wiser known witches called "The Spirits." However, it is implied that not all witches follow this belief system, and have the freewill to choose how they wish to practice their power.
    Magic is a practice of witchcraft that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting, and spirit communication. It includes the practices of many cultures, nations and religions as well as many books and writings from ancient times. Depending upon the individual, some witches practice their power by certain belief systems, such as Shamanism, Voodoo, Wicca, or any number of other magical practices from countries and cultures all around the world. Although the majority of traditional witches are commonly portrayed as being kind and selfless humans who use their powers to maintain balance within the world it has been proven that some witches are independent thinkers who may go against the Balance of Nature by practicing their powers for dark and sinister deeds.
    Basic Powers
    The basic powers of every witch include:
    Spell Casting: The power to change and control events through the use of incantations and more.

    Channeling: The power to invoke extra forms of energy by focusing on external forces.

    Potion Brewing: The power to brew and concoct potions, remedies and elixirs that have supernatural properties.

    Other Powers
    The power to move objects and persons through mental influence.

    Pain Infliction: The power to create excruciating migraines through supernatural means.

    Elemental Control: The power to control and manipulate the elements of air, earth, fire, and water.

    Divination: The power to divine future, past, and present events based off extrasensory perception.

    Clairvoyance: The power to gain direct visual information through non-physical means.

    Intuition: The power to divine future, past or present events through the use of instinctive knowledge.

    Premonitions: The power to divine future, past or present events through the observation and study of dreams.

    Psychometry: The power to divine future, past or present events through contact with or proximity to a certain object or person.

    Uncommon Powers
    The power to separate from one's body and project the mind to another location or to instantaneously travel from one point to another.

    Transmogrification: The unique power to alter the physical structure of objects living or dead, changing their form.

    Telepathy: The power that allows witches to access the minds of others through spells.

    Possession: The power to jump one's spirit into the body of another, taking control of said host body.

    Illusions: The power to alter the senses of others to perceive a false reality.

    Dream Manipulation: The power to control people's dreams through spells.

    Resurrection: The power to bring someone or one's self back from the dead.
    Disbelief: The act of denying or disbelieving in one's potential could cause a witch to inadvertently suppress their magical power.

    Distraction: Denying a witch from concentrating or giving full attention to their spells, may render them ineffective. Since most spells are spoken verbally and take time to take effect, witches are vulnerable to attack before their completion. Additionally, certain spells require items, tools, and/or special events during casting, therefore they can't be invoked on mere whim.

    Emotions: A witch's magic is subject to the influence of their emotional state and may fluctuate according to them when untrained.

    Herbs: Ingestion of certain herbs can cause a witch to lose consciousness and prevent them from using magic for an undetermined amount of time. The Lobelia flower prevents concentration and the practice of magic and can be used to weaken a witch as one would weaken a vampire with vervain.

    Magic: Witches are still susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects.

    Mortality: Despite their mystical attributes, witches are still human and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, snapped neck, etc.). However, witches can temporarily get around this weakness through the use of protection spells.

    Overexertion: The excessive use of magic could lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death.

    Nature: It is said that nature will always find a balance when witchcraft is performed and spells will always have loopholes. This means, among other things, that no being can be truly immortal.
    Amulets: An object that is used to protect its wearer from harm.

    Athames: A ceremonial dagger with a double-edged blade that is commonly used to direct energy.

    Candles: A block of solid wax with an embedded wick that is commonly lit to to amplify a witch's spell.

    Cauldrons: A large metal pot that is commonly used to hold the ingredients for elixirs and potions.

    Grimoires: A family journal is documented with magical recipes, rituals, and spells, and can also be used as a Talisman.

    Herbs: Various flora used as ingredients to be incorporated into spells as binding agents.

    Stones: Various minerals and ores used to boost or bind a witch's spell.

    Symbols: Seals drawn or written used as physical representations of spells.

    Talismans: An object that is used to magnify a witch's power and or represent them supernaturally.
    One of the defining characteristics of a witch is their ability to cast spells; a "spell" being the word used to signify the means employed to carry out a magical action. A spell could consist of a ritual action, a set of words, a verse, or any combination of these. For reasons unknown, the majority of spells used by practitioners of Spirit Magic and/or Traditional Magic are spoken in an ancient language similar to Latin. However, witches who practice other forms of magic have been known to use spells in different languages.
    The relationship between Nature and witches is a very deep and spiritual connection. While the majority of witches seem to respect Nature with just as much commitment and reverence as religious factions do about their churches or mosques, it has been proven that not all witches share this belief and have made malevolent acts against the Balance of Nature.

    The relationship among witches is generally a positive relationship where witches not only help and protect each other, but often treat one another as members of an extended family. However, while the majority of witches feel it is their duty to help their fellow man, it has been proven that some witches may disregard this belief and turn against their own people if it comes to it, such as with their own safety, that of their loved ones or that of their own beliefs.

    The relationship between humans and witches is generally a positive relationship, although this was not always the case. Throughout the past, more than half of the human population lived in fear of the supernatural community. This fear caused many human parents to teach their children to hate and persecute all creatures who were different from them, especially witches. This eventually led to some of the world's most infamous witch trials that massacred hundreds (possibly thousands) of witches. Throughout the centuries, it appears that the belief in the occult has dramatically declined to the point where it is suggested that many humans like to poke fun at witchcraft, a behavior many witches encourage to ensure their anonymity to the human world and allow them to quietly practice their craft in private.

    The Spirits
    The relationship between the Spirits and the witches was more of a political relationship than a spiritual one. The Spirits were highly involved in the activities of witches and often communed with them during their rituals and spells. The Spirits were known to have created the laws of witchcraft and distributed punishments to any witch who disobeyed their rules.

    The relationship between the vampires and the witches is a complicated one that is more often negative than positive. This is mainly due to the notion that since vampires were created from Dark Magic, and flout the natural design that all living creatures must die. Nevertheless, some witchess are free-thinkers who have not only aided vampires, but befriended them. Other witches, however, have been known as "Witches for Hire" in regards to vampires, such as working to accomplish a common goal, combat threats from other vampires, or for simple business arrangements. While some are forced to work alongside vampires, these witches are not particularly fond of this label.

    The relationship between werewolves and witches is a neutral to negative relationship. Werewolves and witches have been shown to be at odds more than allies. Apparently the two species did once have a strong relationship with one another, however this was ruined by the inception of the vampires. However, witches and werewolves have been known to ally themselves with each other against their common enemy (the vampires), though these alliances are typically short-lived due to werewolves not wanting to be controlled.

    Humans are a race of mortal, sentient beings who are members of the species "Homo Sapiens". Humans serve both as a food source as well as a means of pro-creation for vampires, who reproduce by performing a ritual that will transform a human being into an undead immortal. Humans make up for the majority of the earth's population, and are commonly noted for their desire to influence and understand the environment by seeking to explain and manipulate phenomena through mythology, philosophy, religion, and science.

    The primary abilities of every human being include adaptability and versatility. For the most part, humans are outmatched by supernatural beings and are most often defeated whenever confronted by a superior creature. However, some humans have been known to utilize tools and weapons and have managed to succeed in a supernatural combat. Therefore, as a means of survival, most humans must rely on intelligence, research and teamwork in order to prevail.

    Due to the fact that humans are commonly noted for their tendency to fear the unknown, many of the humans who are aware of the supernatural have built societies that are dedicated to hunting and killing all supernatural beings, especially vampires. Generally, these hunters use advanced knowledge of folklore to hunt, identify and murder any and all threats to humanity. They are able to modify conventional human weaponry such as guns and knives to repel and/or kill supernatural beings that are often more powerful than they are.

    Humans who are born with magical powers are known as Witches. While most witches are known to channel their power from the forces of nature, some witches have been known draw their power from other sources. Witches who have great command over magic have proven to match overpower other supernatural beings.
    Mortality: Humans have weaknesses and are susceptible to many common forms of death, (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, etc).

    Blood Loss: If a human is severely wounded and bleeds out they can die.

    Broken Neck: Breaking a human's neck will result in instant death.

    Decapitation: Decapitation will result in instant death for a human.

    Fire: Fire can hurt and burn humans. It can also kill them.

    Heart Extraction: Ripping a human's heart out will result in instant death.

    Magic: Humans are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects.
    Only a handful of humans are aware of the existence of literal vampires. Among the greater masses of the 21st Century, vampires are regarded as superstition, fiction, and myth. Humans can be turned into a vampire, with vampire blood and then death, although it needs to happen within 24 hours. Some humans can be completely unaware of what's happening to them during their transition into vampirism, and will feel confused and very hungry.

    Not very many humans are completely aware of werewolves, mainly due to their near extinction, making them an endangered species. Humans can also give birth to werewolves. Werewolves are technically still human until they trigger the curse. They can pretty much grow up living a human life unaware of their heritage.

    Some humans might not be completely aware of witches, but they are most likely aware and sometimes used in human witchcraft practices or sub-culture classes. Back in the Salem witch trials, humans were held responsible for the burning of the witches. Despite the horrible history between the two species, it appears that witches can generally get along with humans, possibly mainly because they are bound by nature. Humans can give birth to witches, and can also lose their powers, becoming human.

    Witches (much like werewolves) can also be completely unaware of their heritage and will most likely confuse them when their abilities start to break out.

With that, you are all now welcome to post your characters sheets below for review!
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Name -
Rowan O'Callaghan
[Row-An O Cal-A-Han]
Deadly Beauty, Ro, Original, and mímhorálta (Gaelic for Immortal)

Age -
1,013 years old | November. 13th, 981
Turned in 1,004 | Forever 23

Nationality -

Languages -
(F) French, English, Latin, and Celtic
(C) Russian and Spanish
(P) Greek and Mandrin
(B) Japanese


Powers & Ability -
Rowan is a Original Vampire that is, very inteligent and quick. She mostly uses her compulsion and speed to get what she wants, embrassing the darker side of her to help destroy and hate of her own kind makes her the most deadly of her siblings. Her pure hatred for what she had been turned into. Her Compulsion has been amplified to its max, she can compell any human and any other creature known and unknown to man kind. She also is Logic, yes she may just use her Vampire strength,but she has spent time in Hunter libraries and libraries in general. Rowan is also very quick, she is a blurr when she moves faster then her slow hybrid brother, faster then the eldest sibling and faster then her witch hybrid sister and 2 younger brothers. Also with the quick speed Rowan is Agile and a very fast healer.

Appearance -
images (7).jpg
Rowan stands at an average 5'8" and weighs approximately 127lbs, however her size does not hinder her ability to move quickly and stealthily. She has long Black hair which appears to have lightened a small bit over the years, her eyes are slblue but in the moonlight Silver. Her facial features are sharp - Face is very defined, a strong jawline like her sisters, and a straight nose with flawless skin.

Personality & Brief Background -
Rowan Is very manipulative it is why she works on her compulsion the most. Even before she been a vampire she had manipulated her parents and her siblings into many things they didn't want to do, she gave one tiny look and they would do as she asked. Rowan Also very cold Sarcastic and cruel to humans and vampires. She use to be a carefree happy go lucky human, then when she was turned that changed. She was dead, and life had come to a halt. She was a rock stuck at the side of the stream, what they had, you couldn't call it living. They had been tossed the wheel of life. After that she went on a rampage. She Killed many humans in that process, Just to show the one who turned her this is what they had made a soulless monster. After about a few years of that, She found a Human who seemed to bring her back to reality. He showed her that she was killing the race she use to love to be and that's when she figured it out, she hates humans as much as she hates vampires. However she would rather protect human life then destroy it most days.

This human however betrayed her and got her caught by hunters. She manipulated her way out of it and struck a deal with them. She would hunt down wolves, Witches and her own kind and shecould live. She could feed,but not kill a human,unless they were protecting a vampire. She did however take revenge on the human who betrayed her. Now she is not all cold and unfeeling, She does have some kindness, caring, empathy and mercy. If you as a vampire live your exhistance under the radar and don't stir up any trouble she won't hunt you doen, and will leave you be. She lso has quite a Sarcastic nature and a sharp tongue so she can be very hard to get a long with and work with especially using dry humor. However because of her conquests and the like she has been all over the world and learned many different languages, some just enough to help find her kind, others because she loved the language. All Hunters know of her and those who know her, tolerate her.

Aspirations & Regrets -
Rowan Wishes to wipe out her race, they have become to egotistical about their mortality. Teaming up with the hunters to help them track the others down one by one, However she has recently learned if you kill an original, you kill an entire blood line. Her Regrets are all lives that her species has ruined be it they killed a human for food, which is not necessary, or be it they have turned a human and realesed them to do what they want. She also regrets creating a line of Vampires herself.

Misc. -
Rowan Is a very skilled Hunter
Rowan loves animals
Rowan revels in blood of humans
Misses the sun actually warming her skin, not like now where it just shines down on it and makes her look even paler.
wears her daylight ring
plays piano very well​
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Name - Erik Northman
[Air-Ik North-Man]
Northman and Asshole

Age -
500, Turned at the age of 27.

Nationality - Sweedish

Languages - (F) Nordic, Latin, Greek and English (C) Russian Danish

Powers & Ability - There is no need to re-list what I have already written about your character (species-wise), simply tell us what ability they use the most or what power they have mastered more than the others. Be reasonable. Your character is susceptible to physical trauma and/or damage and most-likely will be injured or beaten in combat.

Appearance -
Eris is a very tall 6'3 man and stands straight. He has a toned body, he is a dark mysterious Sweedishman. He weighs 167lbs He has medium length blonde hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes.

Personality & Brief Background - Eric was a young warrior in Sweden and was on his death bed when Rowan found him She had been wandering the world for a vampire when she stopped by the war ground to look for supernaturals. She wound up finding Eric. Kneeling she died him her blood gently as he begged for relief. She snapped his neck and slipped him out of the tent compelling those to think he was dead. She took him to a cottage Where he woke to her. She spoke to him and he learned ando listened to her, however after a hundred years she had to leave him,but he stayed put and made his way in the world, being spurned He was a bit bitter and became a bit of a Sarcastic asshole. He did have a sweet protective side and would protect those he cared about even his own turned. He turned and few,but kept only one female close and made her his second in command.

Aspirations & Regrets - To stay in the good graces of his Creator and help her with anything she needs. He only regrets having to listen to his creators command to do his own thing.

Misc. -
Is a sweet asshole.
He does care and loves to be Sarcastic.
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Cortland Gabriel Emsworth
(KAWT-luhnd GAH-bree-ul Ehms-WORTH)
"For the sake of my dignity, please just call me Gabe."
Gabe, Cort, Emmie

Werewolf, yet to transform

Born Aug 13th, 1996; 20 years old; Leo


Neutral Good

Francisco Lachowski

Playlist: One Two Three Four Five
"because we're gonna be legends, gonna get their attention,"
Born in the US; ethnically 50% Brazilian, 50% mixed (primarily English, some French, a bit of Native American)

(F) English; (F) Portuguese; (P) Spanish

None, yet

Powers & Ability:
~ Has yet to transform, and lacks the typical werewolf repertoire of abilities
~ Does have unusually high agility and hand-eye coordination for a human, however

Gabe stands at a tall 6'2" (when he isn't slouching) and weights in at around 182 lbs. The potential to intimidate others that one might expect with his height and build is typically negated by his charming disposition and the obvious effort he puts into his appearance, however. His hair is rarely without some kind of gel or holding spray, usually styled in that "messy like he's not trying but totally is" way; his clothes are neat and well taken care of and always well color coordinated, even if his taste in clothing tends toward the eccentric at the best of times. His favorite colors are pastels and neons, especially pinks and colors like teal and cyan, though he can find a shade of any color he likes enough to wear. Soft brown eyes, spattered with enough green and gold that one could almost call them hazel, are the distinguishing elements of his face and tend to light up well when paired with one of his winning and seemingly ever-present smiles. There's also a dimple in his right cheek, only revealed when he's in an excellent mood or in the midst of a bout of laughter.
Tattoos: The phases of the moon on his left wrist and an intricate Aum symbol on his right side

Personality & Brief Background:
Confidence is easily one of Gabe's most easily noticeable traits. He's the sort who can spark up a conversation with most anyone, the sort who's utterly unafraid of declaring an opinion or drawing attention...One might even say that he craves the attention his confidence tends to net him. This confidence stems from his fairly mobile childhood. Moving every year or three, along with spending his summer holidays with his mother's family in Brazil, shaped him into someone who is very good at meeting new people and making friends of them, but also someone who's terrible at maintaining the relationships he develops. He tends to keep others at arms length, with the prospect of letting someone else in closer than that far more daunting than desirable, but he also has an awful habit of allowing relationships to fall to the wayside if he doesn't see the other person on a regular basis. The anger issues he's been struggling with since he was a boy (dealt with through avoiding conflict and a daily routine of meditation) help exactly none, given how afraid of his own snappy temper Gabe is. Still, he tries his best to be a kind, considerate, and productive member of society. He shares his food willingly; he takes his promises seriously; he takes defeat and failure in stride as best as he can. And, while he might rather spend any given weekend lazing around and playing video games with someone who's presence he enjoys, he'll drink a couple of energy drinks and crack down for those precious days of free time to get an essay done before its due date.

Essentially, Gabe is someone it's difficult to have a neutral opinion on. One tends to appreciate his friendly and tactile demeanor, cheery attitude, and off beat sense of humor, or one finds him cocky, annoyingly optimistic, and weird in some shape or form.

In his recent history, he's taken a part-time job at The Honey Pot, Monroe's ([color=deeppink]@Mundane Monster[/color]) flower shop, and is proving himself to be both trustworthy and a good worker. He balances the job surprisingly well with his classes at a local college while he works on finishing an associates degree.

Aspirations & Regrets:
Gabe's the sort of multi-talented individual who's gotta be going somewhere. He ran on the track team every year he was available to, he's good at math and did reasonably well in school, he's excellent at video games and highly enjoys them. His passion, however, the one he'll loudly declare to everyone who asks about anything remotely related to the subject, is fashion and clothing. He wants nothing more than to have his own fashion line, and with the intent way he says that sort of thing, it's easy to believe that he'll accomplish it.

However, deep beneath the layers of passion and charm he uses to protect his squishy inner self, Gabe doesn't have a purpose. He's been building his whole life to get to college and pursue art and fashion, make it a career and make it his lifestyle, but now that he's at that point, he's not entirely sure if that's what he wants any more and he's not entirely sure where that leaves him. Besides directionless and depressed, that is.

~ Has a small and timid-but-friendly cat that he adores named (despite all his attempts to encourage her to respond to something else) Booples
~ Is the type of person who can and will sing along to anything on the radio
~ Lyrics around text box are from Legendary by Welshly Arms

what we're doing here ain't just scary, it's about to be legendary."


Playlist: One Two Three Four Five

Cortland Gabriel Emsworth
(KAWT-luhnd GAH-bree-ul Ehms-WORTH)
"For the sake of my dignity, please just call me Gabe."
Gabe, Cort, Emmie

Werewolf, yet to transform

Born Aug 13th, 1996; 20 years old; Leo


Neutral Good

Francisco Lachowski

Born in the US; ethnically 50% Brazilian, 50% mixed (primarily English, some French, a bit of Native American)

(F) English; (F) Portuguese; (P) Spanish

None, yet

Powers & Ability:
~ Has yet to transform, and lacks the typical werewolf repertoire of abilities
~ Does have unusually high agility and hand-eye coordination for a human, however

Gabe stands at a tall 6'2" (when he isn't slouching) and weights in at around 182 lbs. The potential to intimidate others that one might expect with his height and build is typically negated by his charming disposition and the obvious effort he puts into his appearance, however. His hair is rarely without some kind of gel or holding spray, usually styled in that "messy like he's not trying but totally is" way; his clothes are neat and well taken care of and always well color coordinated, even if his taste in clothing tends toward the eccentric at the best of times. His favorite colors are pastels and neons, especially pinks and colors like teal and cyan, though he can find a shade of any color he likes enough to wear. Soft brown eyes, spattered with enough green and gold that one could almost call them hazel, are the distinguishing elements of his face and tend to light up well when paired with one of his winning and seemingly ever-present smiles. There's also a dimple in his right cheek, only revealed when he's in an excellent mood or in the midst of a bout of laughter.

Personality & Brief Background:
Confidence is easily one of Gabe's most easily noticeable traits. He's the sort who can spark up a conversation with most anyone, the sort who's utterly unafraid of declaring an opinion or drawing attention...One might even say that he craves the attention his confidence tends to net him. This confidence stems from his fairly mobile childhood. Moving every year or three, along with spending his summer holidays with his mother's family in Brazil, shaped him into someone who is very good at meeting new people and making friends of them, but also someone who's terrible at maintaining the relationships he develops. He tends to keep others at arms length, with the prospect of letting someone else in closer than that far more daunting than desirable, but he also has an awful habit of allowing relationships to fall to the wayside if he doesn't see the other person on a regular basis. The anger issues he's been struggling with since he was a boy (dealt with through avoiding conflict and a daily routine of meditation) help exactly none, given how afraid of his own snappy temper Gabe is. Still, he tries his best to be a kind, considerate, and productive member of society. He shares his food willingly; he takes his promises seriously; he takes defeat and failure in stride as best as he can. And, while he might rather spend any given weekend lazing around and playing video games with someone who's presence he enjoys, he'll drink a couple of energy drinks and crack down for those precious days of free time to get an essay done before its due date.

Essentially, Gabe is someone it's difficult to have a neutral opinion on. One tends to appreciate his friendly and tactile demeanor, cheery attitude, and off beat sense of humor, or one finds him cocky, annoyingly optimistic, and weird in some shape or form.

In his recent history, he's taken a part-time job at The Honey Pot, Monroe's ([color=deeppink]@Mundane Monster[/color]) flower shop, and is proving himself to be both trustworthy and a good worker. He balances the job surprisingly well with his classes at a local college while he works on finishing an associates degree.

Aspirations & Regrets:
Gabe's the sort of multi-talented individual who's gotta be going somewhere. He ran on the track team every year he was available to, he's good at math and did reasonably well in school, he's excellent at video games and highly enjoys them. His passion, however, the one he'll loudly declare to everyone who asks about anything remotely related to the subject, is fashion and clothing. He wants nothing more than to have his own fashion line, and with the intent way he says that sort of thing, it's easy to believe that he'll accomplish it.

However, deep beneath the layers of passion and charm he uses to protect his squishy inner self, Gabe doesn't have a purpose. He's been building his whole life to get to college and pursue art and fashion, make it a career and make it his lifestyle, but now that he's at that point, he's not entirely sure if that's what he wants any more and he's not entirely sure where that leaves him. Besides directionless and depressed, that is.

~ Has a small and timid-but-friendly cat that he adores named (despite all his attempts to encourage her to respond to something else) Booples
~ Is the type of person who can and will sing along to anything on the radio
~ Lyrics around text box are from Legendary by Welshly Arms
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(wip just wanted to get it up so I don't accidentally lose it)


Alexander Christian Jakobson/Mac Donaill (ah-lehks-and-duhr krihss-chuhn jay-kuhb-suhn/ mahk dohn-AYEL)




50% Irish/50% Australian

English (F), Irish (F), Louisiana Creole French (C), French (P), German (B)

Powers & Ability
All Basic Witch Abilities, Partial Elemental Control, Researching Resurrection and Illusions but without much progress


Alex stands at a meager 5' 5" and only weighs about 120 pounds, very short and light for most of the general population with a lithe but toned build. His skin is moderately pale, but not sickly so. Dirty blonde hair frames his head and face in a charming and even cute way. His eyes are a bright and beautiful sky blue that give off an innocent aura. Thick rimmed 'nerdy' glasses are his most common accessory and necessity, but they only seem to add to his attractiveness. A childish, bashful grin is his best feature, despite it being hidden behind an ever present resting bitch face. His clothing style is simple: skinny jeans, various shirts (depending on the weather), and a hat (pictured above).

Personality & Brief Background
Alex is very smart, unimaginably so for one his age. He loves books and reading and learning and always has from a young age, since he never really went outside. His mind is full of big things and big dreams, but he never acts on anything without thinking it through to each possible outcome, anymore. Consequences are a big deal to him and he takes final decisions very seriously and takes his time when choosing between difficult decisions. At times, he can even bee seen as manipulative, using his intelligence to get his way with almost everyone in his life.

Despite this, Alex is very introverted and rarely speaks even if spoken to. Although he hides it well enough, this young man is riddled with anxiety at the worst of times. Fearing he isn't good enough to become who he wants to be come, fearing he isn't smart enough and pretty much any other insecurity you could have courses through his mind constantly.

To the people he cares about and is close to, Alex is very sweet and kind. Since his mother was his primary role model, he is known as the 'Mom Friend'. He is very motherly and doting over those friends. Always asking if they're okay or if they're hurt, even going to the extent of being the personal caregiver to them.

Aspirations & Regrets
Anything academic, Alex excels at. While he's still young, his magic, thanks to his mother, is very advanced and coming along quite well. Nothing would make him happier than to become a Witch worthy of the Mac Donaill Coven name.

His lack of having a father is quite the sore spot for Alex, as is his mother, though for different reasons. Alex is incredibly protective of his mother and would do anything to help her. If anything is wrong with her or happens to her, he loses his grip on his sanity for a moment and can only think of how he can help. Anything brought up about his father sends him into an unnecessary bought of rage that can't easily be quelled. During his anger, Alex's elemental control magic goes haywire and he has trouble suppressing and controlling what his magic does.

~Nothing at the moment~​
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I'd really like to take up the 'new witch' position. I was wondering [since I don't know much about Vampire Diaries or the Originals] are all witches female?
I'd really like to take up the 'new witch' position. I was wondering [since I don't know much about Vampire Diaries or the Originals] are all witches female?

It is yours then! And no, not all witches are female, males are just super duper rare.
Mikey Heverly

Esteban San Carlos
[ S-tuh-BOND / SAN / CAR-los ]
Hybrid / / Abomination / / Bastard Child / / Maniac / / The Mad King

May 25th, 979 | 1,009 yrs. old | Turned in 1,004 | Forever Twenty-Five

Original Hybrid (Werewolf/Vampire)


(F): French, Spanish, English
(C): Swedish, Portuguese, Latin

Himself | Vampire-Werewolf Hybrids | Werewolves

Being that Esteban is the Original Hybrid, he has all of the traits of both vampires and werewolves and also special abilities and powers that only he and his vampire-werewolf hybrids have. Transforming into his werewolf form without the full moon, controlling his mind in said form. He is also stronger than most, giving that his hybrid genes enhance his strength double than normal. Esteban has been known to throw multiple supernatural creatures through doors with just a swift punch to the chest. He is also no stranger to tearing hearts out before one could blink their eye. The only person that seems to be able to stop him when his emotions are on full force is his eldest sibling, Fleur. While his vampire side allows Esteban to shut down his emotions, he rarely ever does. The more alive he feels, the better. Without his emotions, it would be like he enjoys being a vampire. Which is false.

Esteban stands at 6'4" and weighs in at a nice, 223 pounds of pure muscle and a divine set of washboard abs. Even before he was turned and awoken his werewolf genes, Esteban was an active young male that kept up with his body before it was such a big deal; like nowadays. Other than his striking physique, Esteban has beautiful, chest length, naturally dirty blonde hair. He keeps it out; wild and free, like he wants to be one day. Usually his hair and entire body smells of burning wood and cinnamon. With the chiseled facial structure of a god, Esteban's maniacal actions get a past when he brings out that charming smiles of his that can disarm even the most hostile of foes.


Esteban wasn't always such a tyrannical monster; it all began years before he became the Original Hybrid. He always felt like the odd man out when it came to anything involving his entire family. His antisocial demeanor might've played a huge part in the reason why he felt this way, but that was something he never acknowledged and still doesn't to this day. Esteban has gone soo far as to change his name; just so he doesn't have to have any part of his so called family in his life anymore. After being turned into the monster he now feels he is by dark magic, his anger and resentment towards his family only harbored in his heart and turned him into a morbid lunatic.

When he's not busy making his siblings lives a living nightmare, you can find Esteban using and analyzing other supernatural beings. He is a master manipulator that uses either, his intimidation, wits, charm or force to get what he wants out of anyone. He has no shame in anything he does and is fully unapologetic. If someone was to ask him why he does the things he does, he'd say "I do it because that's what I was made for." Blaming his family and everyone else for his actions.

Over the years of living on earth, Esteban's denial of his vampirism and his family has changed his mind and has caused him to become suicidal and mentally fatigued. His suicidal thoughts and attempts have gotten so severe that it's almost impossible to leave him alone for too long. His fear of letting the vampire side of him come out is the main reason why he's been spiraling further and further down the wicked rabbit hole called life.

Esteban believes that he can break the curse placed upon him and he would love to just live the rest of his life as a werewolf, even if that life is only a few days. He's soo blinded by the self-hate he deeply has that he doesn't even know how much his family truly loves him for who he is. He'd love nothing more than to see his siblings burn in the fire for being the monsters they are.

The Original Hybrid has only one regret... not stopping that bitch witch from putting that curse on him when he had the chance.


►Skills: Manipulation | Physical Fighting | Sword Fighting | Mental Warfare | Analyzing Others & Situations
►Favorite Color: Maroon
►Favorite Food: Pasta Bowl
►Only his siblings know his true name. It's as if it has some hold over him. When they speak it, he snaps out of his mental breakdowns and chaotic actions.
►Esteban doesn't let people in ever and it has kept his heart cold as ice. Love is a concept he knows nothing about.
►The only person that had ever come close to breaking down those walls of his was a maiden from his youth that warmed his chilled heart. If only for a short time. Sadly Esteban couldn't hide his curse for too long and the night she found him feeding on their neighbor, she ran off and he never saw her again.
►Esteban's suicide attempts have gotten worst than ever. Now he has even been trying to drink Vervain and Wolfsbane infused tea. Luckily someone has always been there to stop him before he can. There might be a day when it will be too late. Though both poisons won't kill him, they'll do enough damage to at least cause some kind of excruciating pain he thinks he deserves.

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  • Love
Reactions: Tyche
Name: Zaire Elfassi
Nickname: Zai
Pronunciation: Za-e El-fah-ze​

Age: 18

Nationality: American and Israeli

Languages: English (F) Heberew (F - both Ancient and Modern) Greek (B - He can read it efficiently, but that's about it) French (B - He's learning French from Addy @Katori)

Powers and Abilities:
Zai doesn't have much knowledge about witchcraft and is learning a lot from Addy (@Katori) as well as what he can from books and his family's Grimoires, which he just recently inherited.

Spell casting: Intermediate

Channeling: Advanced Beginner

Potion Brewing: Advanced Beginner

Elemental Control:
Zai has an affinity towards this, specifically water. Intermediate

Divination: Zai doesn't believe in this form of magic [in the sense he will never utilize it]


Face Claim: Zayn Malik, but the younger version...aka glasses and cutes.

Zai has dark brown hair and eyes. His skin is a light olive color in the winter and darkens during the summer. Standing at a whopping 5'8", Zai is rather average [weighing about 145 lbs]. He's always wearing an earring in his left lobe. Zai needs prescription glasses for his everyday life. While it's sometimes cumbersome, for the most part they don't get in the way [unless they get smudged]. Zai is known for his extensive pullover collection. With various different styles and designs, Zai is almost always wearing a pullover when it's appropriate. Otherwise, Zai is wearing a graphic t-shirt. Zai lives in jeans. When he has to wear dress pants, he cringes.

Personality & Background:
Zai was raised as a normal human. He didn't know he came from magical blood because his mother, whose bloodline has magic, was never good at casting. When he was 13, Zai started noticing puberty taking on a new role and his powers started to emerge. At first, he wasn't sure what was happening. His ignorance to magic caused him to supress his powers, but by the age of 15 his mother realized that he needed to know more about his lineage. After telling Zai about magic, he was determined to learn more about spell casting and what it meant to be a witch. During this time, Zai and his family took a trip to the Santa Fe where he met Addy, a fellow witch. The two traded numbers and keep in touch. Now, three years later Addy has become a 'big sister' and mentor figure to Zai.

Zai is, like any teen, somewhat self conscious of his appearance and his behavior. While he's pretty comfortable in his own skin, Zai never really felt he belonged with everyone else. Despite having many school friends, he rarely hung out with them after school. Zai didn't exactly fit in with everyone else because he didn't like the things average teenage boys liked. Instead of playing video games and buying cool clothes, Zai was studying history. By the time he entered middle school, Zai had a need to fit in. This need turned into suppressing his powers as they manifested during puberty. When he met Addy, he connected with her on a different level. Feeling like he wasn't some anomaly, Zai embraced his heritage and is who he is today.

Aspirations & Regrets: Zai regrets the majority of his middle school years and his attempts to 'fit in'. As for aspirations, Zai hopes to become a knowledgeable witch and not fail out of college in his first year.

Misc.: As one might have guessed, Zai is Jewish. While his family isn't really religiously Jewish, they are culturally Jewish. His magical lineage goes back to the 6th or 7th century when Jewish Mysticism/Kabbalah was popular, but in more modern times witches have become rarer in his bloodline.
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Reactions: Tyche and junebug

Name - James Quinn (Jaymz Qwin)
Nickname - Jamie (Jame-e)

Age - 26 Years Old

Nationality - 100% Irish

English (F) French (B) German (B) Spanish (B)
- James Quinn enjoys sprinkling his dialect with various phrases from other languages he's picked up whether they be words of flattery or curses.

Powers & Ability
None (Human)


James Quinn is a red head Irishman with a strong jaw and sparse facial hair around his chin and upper lip. He stands at a proud six feet in height and weighs in at about 225 pounds. His skin tone is very light though not fully pale and has light brown almost yellowish eyes. His commonly gels the top of his hair back and has an average body build though he's got some muscle on him. His voice is typical of someone who's grown up in Ireland down to the accents and tones. He commonly sports brown work boots, dark blue jeans, black under shirt, a loose dull gray jacket which he leaves unbuttoned most of the time and sometimes wears a dull green flat cap hat.

Personality & Brief Background
"So I hear you've been asking around town about me. Well...here I am to just enlighten all of your darling little curiosities ain't I? Once upon a time...nah to hell with all that. Listen, I'm just a man who was born on the emerald isle of Ireland same as most of my fellow Irishmen. My father Patrick was and honestly probably still is a bloody drunk and my ma was one as well. Ya can see how they got along and how I probably came along heh. I grew up in lovely Dublin for most of my younger days causing mischief one would say but never without reason or something to gain ya see. Whether it was fooling other kids out of their lunch money or making sure I'd win my fights without getting banged up much. Ya see darling...fighting fair is for people who have a death wish."

"Wasn't long after I turned twenty-one...the was one hell of a night out drinking but that'll be another story; a lass who looked not much older than me seemed to take an interest in me. She said she could see some interesting traits about me. Stuff about seeing that I was good with my words and thought before I acted. At first I joked and called her some kind of stalker but after that I blacked out. Not soon after I woke up in what I figured to be her house, tied to a fuckin chair like some kinky bullshit that I wanted nothin of. She appeared and told me of this world...this unknown world of creatures and monsters thought to only be in stories live all around us...under our noses. Of course I rightly responded by calling her a crazy fuckin bitch but that's beside the point. The more she told me the more believable it seemed. I asked her why she told me this as I found out soon after that she was one of these mythical monsters. She simply said...because it amuses her to the faces humans that she tells this. I remember something metal hitting me in the back of the head and knocking me out. The next thing I remember is wakin up in the gutter with rain pouring down on me."

"Oh...that day did change me alright lass but not in the way that that woman probably expected. She probably wanted to see if I'd go insane and see me committing some crime or getting myself killed or some shit like that on the news. But nah...I'll tell you this now. I plan to thrive in this dark underworld she's tossed me into...maybe even one day show her what a big mistake she made for fuckin within me to this degree. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches...please...I'll show em what a real monster looks like."

Aspirations & Regrets

Skills: Persuasion | Deception | Intelligence | Planning | Contacts

- James Quinn aspires to thrive in the dark underworld which his been made aware of.

- James Quinn aspires to make the creatures that dwell within the night think twice before crossing him.

- James Quinn seeks to constantly improve his knowledge and continue to learn and improve.

- He only regrets that which he doesn't know already and doesn't prepare for.

- He has a sweet tooth
- A twisted sense of humor
- Loves to joke around
- Loves comedy​
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Reactions: junebug and Tyche

(FLU-air saw-VEH-tear) | Flower, Sister, Noble One
Original Vampire | 1,013 years old | Sept. 12th, 978
Turned in 1,004 | Forever 26

Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Fleur stands at an average 5'7" and weighs approximately 125lbs, however her size does not hinder her ability to toss non-original vampires with ease or move large objects without so much as breaking a sweat. She has long blonde hair which appears to have darkened slightly in the last few years, with hazel brown eyes. Her facial features are angular - high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a straight nose.

"Yes, it is I. In the flesh. I'm a little behind on the times, but I believe the term you're looking for is OMG."



(F) French, (F) English, (F) Greek, (C) Latin



As an Original, as well as the eldest, Fleur harbors great strength over her siblings and other supernatural beings. She is much faster than non-original Vampires and has no problem showing off that speed during battle. Fleur is known to throw her kind across the room with the flick of her hand; her first rule is to never let your guard down. She has learned to hone her sensitive hearing as well, using it to her advantage during dire times and solving the smallest of mysteries by simply paying attention. Her siblings tend to charge into battle without first assessing the situation, while Fleur takes her time before battle. It has been known that when truly angered, Fleur appears like a plague in the night, wiping out all that stands in her path to success. If Fleur asks a question, it is best that you answer it.

"Family is power. Love, loyalty. That is power!"
Her supernatural attributes aside, Fleur's greatest asset is her sharp intellect. Her penchant for strategies and forming contingencies way ahead of time easily rivals others, despite this, she has been outsmarted by her siblings on more than one occasion. Often, Fleur is able to discern a great deal of whatever or whoever presented to her after only a few keen observations. She is much more calm, composed, and strategic in battle than her siblings. Due to her long existence, Fleur has seen countless battles and is very experienced in battle. She is also very adaptable to her surroundings. Fleur has slaughtered vampires and werewolves, alike, most often by ripping out their hearts, ensuring immediate death. Fleur also has an extremely high pain tolerance as she doesn't even flinch when removing her daylight ring to use her flammability to her advantage.

"Honorable? Yes, that is what they call me. And yet... I followed a lead here to New Orleans to engage in a war. So, I ask, does that sound honorable to you?"
Fleur respects human life. She is shown to be generally gentle, kind, caring and considerate with humans, the opposite of her other siblings, who are shown to have little to no regard for human life. She has not been seen compelling many humans. Fleur is described as unpredictable, over-protective and stubborn, but also very kind, intelligent, selfless, empathetic, compassionate, and friendly. She is extremely loyal and has a loving nature. But in spite of this, Fleur is very naive and easily manipulable. She strongly believes in trust, honesty and loyalty and whenever she would give her word to someone, she would keep it, as she has said "I'm a woman of my word". Fleur has been known to break deals but only when she realized she was lied to. As a vampire, she strongly dislikes the idea of feeding on humans and instead feeds from blood bags. Fleur's mother, however, mentions that she is no better than the others, causing her to reflect that she kills, tortures and manipulates others to get what she wants, mainly to protect her family. Because Fleur rarely feeds on humans, she can be weaker compared to her siblings, but make her mad and the darker side of the blonde emerges full force and there is no end to her rampage. She will hunt until every question is answered and every predicament has been solved. Fresh human blood send her into a fury like no other - blood bags just aren't sufficient enough for a vampire, but Fleur tries to set a good example for her kind.

Personality wise, Fleur is rather passive during confrontation, sometimes leading it as well as inputting a few snarky remarks here and there. As the eldest, she takes great pride meddling in the lives of her siblings as well humorously mocking them for their failures and shortcomings. She never means much harm by it, the years have simply left her in need of a little banter. Her siblings did up and leave her when, how do you say it... Oh, shit hit the metaphorical fan. They all became monsters and forgot what family truly means. Fleur is a very attractive, positive, quirky and upbeat person. She always tries to see the good in people and tries to be a friend to everyone. She lives by a code of honor and morality that has been with her since she was a human. She valued qualities such as compassion, honor and virtue long before her mother turned her into a vampire. Having learned to take care of her family over the years and being naturally responsible, Fleur has developed into a very free-spirited, mature and independent person.

"All difficulties aside, I value my family above everything."

Fleur wishes to bring her siblings back together again and teach them that their mutual family bond is the only thing that keeps them inherently alive. She regrets the lives she has tortured and killed, however she does not stop this behavior. She is aware of the consequences when she doesn't feed or doesn't comply with certain situations.


  • Fleur fell in love not long ago, but could never bring herself to turn him. She let him die naturally and left him.
  • She has been watching her siblings ever since they went their separate ways.
  • Once, Fleur was bitten multiple times by a group of wolves before defeating them and ended up in bed for days. Her hallucinations revealed all the wrong in her life and she decided the war should end soon.
  • Fleur was in New Orleans during World War II, but then fled when her sister Astrid arrived. Fleur has always tried to stay clear of her and give the woman her space.
  • She loses touch with her emotions and sometimes lets her love for others power her anger.
  • She owns an iPhone and relishes in the App store. She likes Flappy Bird the most.
  • Fleur has been staked by her siblings over a million times. She lost a century of life when one of them daggered her and put her away in a coffin.
  • No matter what trials Fleur faces, she always returns to the vampires and wins them over every time.
  • Her favorite color is navy blue.
  • She wears a lot of white collared shirts with slacks. You'll never see her wearing a dress unless it is a special occasion. Only suits for her.
  • She used to be a waitress in a diner. A horrible waitress, but a waitress.
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Fenris Lee Hoult
(FEN-ris LEE HOLT) | The Destroyer, Royal Ass | Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid
170 years old | Born June 22nd, 1824 | Turned in 1848 at 24 | Faceclaim: Diego Barrueco
American | Speaks English and French fluently | Allied with nobody

Fenris stands roughly 6'0" feet and weighs about 200lbs. He has short brown hair that is usually slicked back, because he absolutely refuses to cut it. His facial features are pretty straightforward. Fenris has a muscular and toned body with broad shoulders and scattered tattoos along his right arm. Like all werewolves, his eyes will turn yellow when he becomes very angry. In his werewolf form, Fenris' fur is brown.

persona &


"If you are need of a mentor then why don't you consult that thing they call the internet. I may be wise, but I do not have the patience."
The typical powers of a hybrid with intense physical strength. Fenris has been a hybrid for nearly 200 years, he has mastered his ability to keep both his vampire and werewolf side happy as he attempts to live a normal life. He never truly wanted to be this monster, but he has had to endure it without a say. He can turn into a werewolf on a whim so he lives most of his days like that, hiding from the world. Fenris had a very aggressive, arrogant and selfish personality. He showed this many times for example when he had fights with his siblings and friends when he was a child. Fenris behaved like this because of his werewolf gene. He knew of his werewolf gene and was afraid of what may happen to him if he turned. His fears came true when he accidentally killed a childhood friend and triggered the curse. His aggressive trait seemed to calm down once he triggered the curse, and he was able to start trying to live a normal life. Until, an Original hybrid bumped into him in 1848, the California Gold Rush. When Fenris became a hybrid he started being his old self and he became very loyal to the Original hybrid because he took the pain of transforming away. Fenris has gone through, being enslaved to the Original hybrid and having him murder many of his relatives and friends in 1848, has caused Fenris significant emotional pain and a dark change in his personality.

"I've lived nearly 200 years in the shadows. I think it's time I end this once and for all myself. Lord knows I possess the power."
He has become obsessed with vengeance. He ran from the Original hybrid and has traveled the states, alone, in order to figure out a plan to take him down. Ate first, he is shown to have little regard for what gets in his way, but over the years he has decided to channel his wolf form and try his hand at a normal life. He has shown subtle signs of being at least partially suicidal, trying to goad other vampires and wolves into killing him. It is believed that this is due to him losing so much, to the point where he believes he has nothing left.

"Don't underestimate a man with a death wish darlin'."

aspirations &


Fenris wants to reunite with his family in Heaven. He wants to be rid of this curse, but he also knows no other way to live.


  • Fenris has a southern drawl as well as the hospitality.
  • He was a devote Catholic as a human, but through the years has only visited a church a handful of times.
  • Fenris has never, ever owned a cellphone or a computer. He has no idea what a me-me is.
  • His favorite color is red, like blood.
  • He has been eating and drinking animal blood for a very long time. He sees humans as a delicacy (like a prime steak dinner) and will only feed on them sometimes.
  • The only reason he ever got tattoos was because he wanted to kick his fear of needles.
  • You could say that Fenris is pretty damn patriotic since he grew up in the teenage years of the USA.
  • He smokes about a pack a day.
  • He served briefly in World War I and II.

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"A Witch who is bored may do anything."
Ophélie Bourgeois
(OH-fell-EE BORE-sh-WAH)
Born March 3rd, 1994
23 years old
(F) French, (F) English, (F) Spanish, (C) Latin, (B) Mandarin
Faceclaim: Christina Santini

Ophélie stands roughly 5'6" and weighs about 140lbs. Her hair is light brown and practically always curled and in it's natural state because she finds it both infuriating and idiotic to try and keep it out of her way during spell-casting. She wears a slew of comfortable clothing since she is nearly always inside her shop attempting to sift through an array of grimoire's or attempting to contact the spirit world. Her eyes are a chocolate brown, accentuated with high cheekbones, plump lips, and a strong T-zone. Her smile is always gleaming and it's paired with a pair of deep dimples that seem to break through her serious facade.

Since childhood, Ophélie was a good-hearted, bubbly, sweet, fun-loving, spirited and optimistic individual. With regards to other people, Ophélie is described to be kind, warm, sympathetic, caring, compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and self-sacrificing. She has shown that she makes a very loving, devoted, loyal and caring friend and even could be considered to be a very spiritual person. Before she was fully aware of her powers, she believed to be psychic and tried to help anyone that needed it.

When her powers had fully manifested, Ophélie's grandmother began to teach her the ways of a witch. From the age of 16 she was taught about her heritage as well as an array of spells and potions. Over time, she begins to suffer immense grief, loss, pain and tragedy as well as the losses of people close to her (like her grandmother at 18 and her mother at 19), she begins to become a much more serious and even depressive person. Although she has shown that she is generally optimistic, she has also shown that she is capable of being depressive, withdrawn, martyring, and apathetic. After her grandmother died, she distanced herself from her friends and her mother. Her grief was so bad that she escaped New Orleans for a few months, leaving her mother behind.

Despite all the pain, loss and suffering that she has endured, Ophélie still remains rather strong, especially in the face of danger and adversity. When she returned to New Orleans, vampires had begun to overpower the witches and she (along with others) had to run them back out of town. It could be argued that she is much too emotionally invested or involved in the lives of her friends and this is probably the reason why she never seems to find a long period of contentment or happiness. Ophélie has always tried to help her witch sister's as well as her human friends because she knows what it means to be alone, wanting someone to help you. Ophélie's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good. When her mother had been caught by a vampire, Ophélie attempted to barter with her in order to save her mother. Ophélie's life for hers. However, the female vamp had a different plan and attempted to turn her mother after all. It took great strength for her to let her mother go, especially when she had lost her grandmother only months before. Despite her strength in the face of loss, all of the tragic events that have happened to her and her friends has taken their emotional, mental and spiritual toll on her, particularly with her mother's death. That was only 4 years ago. She still feels these losses everyday, but she overcomes those feelings and focuses on her magic as well as her photography. Today, she runs her family shop in New Orleans and recovers old grimoires from families across the globe that don't want them.

She regrets not being able to save her grandmother from her illness and she regrets not being able to die in place of her mother. One day, Ophélie would like to open a gallery for her photos and travel out of New Orleans, but she finds it difficult because of the fact that her blood runs through those streets.

  • Ophélie enjoys jazz and blues the most.
  • She played the trumpet as a teenager, but now it is collecting dust in her room.
  • Her shoppe also acts as her apartment and you can almost always find her there, whether it's upstairs or downstairs.
  • Ophélie owns a black cat, Salem, which fuels the rumors that she is a witch. It's an idea she gave to a few tourists on her first day of being a tour-guide.
  • She leads a few tour-guides through New Orleans, telling them about certain buildings and a few tidbits of history.
  • Her favorite color is sunflower yellow.
  • She dresses in a lot of jeans and t-shirts. She absolutely hates wearing shoes/socks and mostly wears sandals.
  • As a child, the Ancestors once called onto her and it was an incredible experience. Now, she is weary of their call.

Spell Casting, Channeling, Potion Brewing Mastered Knowledge
Pain Infliction, Telekinesis, Premonitions, Divination, Telepathy Intermediate Knowledge
Illusions, Projection, Elemental Controls Beginner Knowledge

Ophélie, ever since the deaths over her grandmother and mother, has attempted resurrection, but every attempt has been futile. She has been avidly practicing Dream Manipulation and Possession, to no avail. She finds that the more she attempts to do magic in order to contact/bring back her loved ones or hurt those that have wronged her, the more she is unable to do basic magic. Her anger and regret clashes with her abilities, leaving her frustrated and worse off. Her magic cam to be at 15, so she quickly mastered the basics of witchcraft: potion brewing, spell casting, channeling, artifacts, and symbols. After her grandmother's death, her mother began to teach her about divination and telekinesis, which was how she had made a living in New Orleans. When her mother was murdered, Ophélie began learning more advanced spells and powers such as: illusions and projection so she is very new to all of that.

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Name - Lilith Streisch

Age - 412 years old. Born on the 4th of April in the year 1605. She is now hanging on the age of 24

Nationality - Lilith is from Germany

Languages - German (F)
English (F but with a bit of an accent)
Dutch (C)

Powers & Ability - Super Strength: Due to Lilith not being very mobile, she has trained her strength more.

Super Speed:
Due to Lilith having a slight handicap, she is a bit slower than most other vampires. She is fast, but not as fast.

Super Agility: Due to her feeding on human blood most of the time, her abilities are good enough that she doesn't fall behind on other vampires or species too much when fighting.

Super Senses:
Because Lilith is blind in one eye, her other senses are more developed which makes it easier for her to smell blood from a longer distance but her sight is a bit screwed up.

Super Durability: Lilith is not very fragile but also not the most durable. She is known to be more susceptible to forced than most other vampires.

Healing Factor: Because Lilith knew she would be more fragile than others, she has developed this ability more than her other ones so her healing powers are slightly above average.

Enhanced Emotions: (Will talk a bit more about this in the personality)

Emotional Control: Lilith's emotional control is a bit unique. Due to her having a certain condition, she can not control what kind of emotion she will feel at certain points. This is something she is still struggling heavily with.

Mind Compulsion: Lilith has always left this ability alone due to her not finding much use in it.

Sire Bond: Lilith has never done a sire bond and will most likely never do so.

Telepathy: With Lilith being quite old, she has always loved to train on this ability. Her Mind Compulsion might not be well developed, but for her telepathy is an advanced powered ability.

Dream Manipulation: This skill is of above average skill for Lilith as she has always loved seeing people suffer. Therefore she loves making humans have nightmares with some of the scariest images one could get up in their mind.

Illusion: Lilith has mastered this skill because she likes mind games more than raw power.

True Face: Due to Lilith being blind in one eye, her other senses are more developed. Sadly, this makes for her true face to be less controlable with her smell being more enhanced and her therefore being able to smell the delicious blood from further away.

Appearance -

Face Claim: 时绪千阳 (Chinese cosplayer)

Lilith will appear very elegant with a silk smooth, pale skin and long black hair flowing over her back. She wears beautiful dressed with a combination of red, white and black colors as well as the usual hair ornament on top of her head. She stands at 5'2 and weighs a little under 88 pounds. However the most interesting about her is that she wears an eyepatch over her left eye to reveal only her red colored eye on the right. She also walks using a walking stick due to an accident in the past.

Personality & Brief Background - Long, long ago in Germany, a special girl was born. Lilith was born into a family of very normal people but what they didn't know is that she would have a special condition. They later thought she was a demon because she had multiple personality disorder. One oh so sweet and clingy, another one that was calm and well mannered. One where she would be very sad and depressed. But worst of all was the personality where she would become an almost literal demon. Aggressive and angry, Lilith would scream at anyone she didn't like the sight of and would try and hit everyone around her. Her family began pushing her away which made Lilith quite sad and she would be in her depressed state most of the time. It was around the time when she turned 20, she was involved in a terrible accident. After some thieves stole from a bakery, she tried stopping the thieves herself. Sadly they would stab her into one eye and push her to the ground while they threw a rock on her leg. This was a traumatic experiences she even now has trouble with accepting that it happened and will have nightmares about it from time to time. When she turned 24, she just didn't feel like it anymore. Like what you ask? Well, living. Standing on the edge of a bridge, she was about to jump. However, a strange person came up to her. They explained they were a vampire. One of the Originals. They offered Lilith a life of fun and immortality in trade of letting the person suck her blood. Lilith agreed, and to her surprise, she actually turned into the beings she had heard legends about.

Aspirations & Regrets - Lilith is a very skilled cook, but also a skilled violinist. She dreams to one day become a famous chef or maybe a famous violinist that performs in the biggest of concert halls.

Her regrets? She only has a single one. This was that she didn't kill her family when she had the chance.

Misc. - Lilith is very unpredictable with her personalities. She can be very calm at one point and suddenly be clinging to your leg. So, good luck with that.
Lilith's cane is not just an ordinary cane. If she twists it it will reveal the handle has a long, sharp silver blade attached to it.​
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Name: Baruna Sanghvi
Nickname: Runa
Pronunciation: Bah-Roo-nah Sung-vee

Age: 24

Nationality: American

Gujarati Indian (F)
English (F)
Portuguese (C)

Powers & Ability:
Unaware of her werewolf gene.

Baruna weighs 134 lbs and stands at 5'9". Her skin is smooth, but she does have callouses on the bottom of her big toes from exerting too much pressure on them. A few small scars decorate her hands, generally only visible if someone took the time to observe her. Baruna has a slim body build and a vague outline of abdominal muscles if she tightened her stomach. She enjoys wearing light colors, particularly pastels and white for a classy and elegant look.

Baruna moved from Gujarat, India to Louisiana when she was fourteen years old. She was a healthy, active young lady who enjoys playing outside, even if her mother doesn't approve. Baruna has a fairly large and extensive family, but she only lived with her mother, father, brother, and sister. She's not sure if she loves traditions anymore, but she's also hesitant to try new things because of what her mother might say. She's witty and humorous; Overall, self-confident.

She's skeptical of others, distrustful of her family, but sentimental and contemplative. Baruna would do anything for those she loves and tries to help out in any way she can. Her mother's friend has described her as foolish and her brother finds her absolutely atrocious, yet fun-loving. Baruna isn't afraid to step up her game to try and get noticed, be it by her family, or simply her community. Her love for herself comes from her individuality, but even that can break sometimes.

There is a secret Baruna doesn't know about her family though. They are werewolves and she is one as well. Things have been strange. The first of her occurrences was at a pool party where she was dared to jump off the diving board. Scared, but angry at their jeers, she climbed the ladder. Her exit dive was remarkable, almost unnatural, but things didn't stop there. A talk with her parents on the phone, asking her to come home, and the pain drove her to crack the table.

She's unsure of everything and worst of all, unsure of herself.

Aspirations & Regrets: She is distant from her family as an individual. Baruna wants to move forward with her life but feels lost and unsure. Baruna isn't in school right now because she's financially independent and working two jobs to help cover billing costs. She's new to this life, sort of thought about becoming a psychologist, but doesn't really have any dreams she wants to pursue.

• Her favorite color is red.
• She doesn't really see it, but many have commented on her innate ability to paint.
• She loves German beer, specifically Doppelbocks.
• She can run one mile in eight minutes.
• She has a stash of old paintings she drew when she was a teenager in her attic.
• Her werewolf gene has yet to be triggered.
• Baruna is not Indian-American because India doesn't recognize dual citizenship.
• She's terrible at cooking but seems to make decent Challah bread.
• Baruna has a great memory.
• She's great at mixing and creating alcoholic drinks.
• Her shoulder has been the home of many saddened individuals.
• Baruna has been working at ??? for five years now.
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Dario Julio Gonzalez
[ DAH-ree-Oh / WHO-lee-OH / Gun-zah-leyz ]
Rio | Mr. Serious | Supernatural Hunter | Bounty Killer


April 22nd, 1986 | Thirty One


America | Orlando, Florida


(F): English | Spanish | Latin | Portuguese | Italian
(C): Hieroglyphics | French
(P): Mandarin | Japanese | Korean
(B): Swedish | Swahili


Humans | Hunters | Somewhat Witches


Dario comes from a long line of Supernatural Hunters that have been magically enhanced by a coven of witches that have been helping his family line for centuries. They didn't give his family too much of a boost, but he definitely isn't the average human. A small boost of strength and speed, just to put up a fight if it came down to it. Being able to physically fight a newly transformed wolf or a young non-original vampire. He was also given his family's Crossbow that shoots true 90% of the time. Hitting it's target and getting the job done. Don't let the antique look fool you; it's as powerful and proficient as a shotgun.


Dario stands at a good, 6'2" and a half. He has a nice build; weighing around 200-215 pounds even. His chosen and destined career keeps him on his toes at all times, and he has to be ready to jump at the drop of the hat. There isn't many overweight hunters that actually get the job done, or stay alive after a battle of wits and strength. Though he doesn't show his body off that often, his tight clothing will always give a hint to what lies under them. He has dark black hair, that is just perfect and silky soft. He smells of jasmine and lavender and has a smile that is boyish, yet sexy at the same time. A calm and sophisticated demeanor that complements his calm and sophisticated style.


Dario has always had a mature sense about him. At the age of five, he was already acting like the older sibling to his two older brother, who were nine and eleven at the time. His parents knew he would grow up into a great and important person. A very intelligent and creative soul that waits to learn about someone before judging; unless they're some kind of supernatural monster.

Since he could say the word "hunter", his parents taught him everything he would need to know if he was to keep the family business going once his father and older brothers were gone.

For a young male, Dario took the information in without batting an eye. It wasn't a secret that he tended to find things around their home that put questions in his young brain. Hearing from his parents the truth of what they were, had put all the puzzle pieces together in his head. Though he knew that this line of work and chosen career usually ended with the Hunter dying or a family member being killed out of revenge, Dario knew this was what he was suppose to do and took the risk anyway.

He might not appear like it, but Dario is a big risk taker when he passionately believes in something or someone. He puts his all in everything and everyone and that is a rare trait nowadays. When life throws him a curveball, Dario will keep swinging. Eventually he'll get life back on the right track; never giving up and determined to accomplish everything he puts his mind to.

As years passed, Dario grew into his own person. A strong and courageous male, who found the love of his life while attending college in his hometown, of Orlando, Florida. The beautiful woman's name was Victoria Velez, and two years into their loving life, Dario Jr. was born. The fatherly attitude of his that he had since five years old only grew more as he was actually someone's birth father.

Time went on very smoothly for the most. Victoria and Dario kept their son from knowing about what his dad did for a living. Which was one of the only things that made life rocky for the Gonzalez family. Victoria begged for Dario to stop doing such a dangerous thing, but he couldn't just leave his family's legacy like that. It wasn't what Gonzalez men did.

Sadly, he should have listened to his wife. A year later after the argument they had about his chosen career, Dario had been off for a few weeks, tracking down a coven of vampires and Victoria and Dario Jr. had been home alone for the past two weeks. Unknown to Dario, a vampire had been tracking his family line since forever. They had finally had the opportunity to enact the revenge they wanted soo badly.

The day Dario arrived back home, after failing to find said coven of vampires, his world would change forever after that day. The scene he came home to was one he couldn't and wouldn't talk about ever again. It was horrific and it only fueled his already revved engine of vengeance.

Using his intelligence, connections and negotiations skills, Dario found himself in New Orleans, where a rumor speaks of The Original Vampires ruling the city. He wants to rid the world of them all and stop another family from going through what he went through.


Dario wants to end his Supernatural Hunting Career soon and just go into teaching the Next Generation to protect humans from the evils that roam around. He wants to see The Originals ended and banish all supernatural beings from the world, for good.

Dario regrets not being home that night to save his wife and child from such a disgraceful death. He regrets putting Victoria and Dario Jr. in a life neither one of them wanted or asked for.


Dario's favorite color is any shade of Orange. It's such a pretty and versatile shade.
He wakes up everyday at 5 in the morning and does his routine morning rituals, which consist of working out for two hours or more, praying, taking a shower, brushing his teeth, eating one apple and having a glass of water. There are a few more rituals, but we would be here all day if I went through them all.
Has a severe case of OCD. If it wasn't obvious already.
Still has nightmares of the death of his wife and child. Even though it has been a few years since it occurred.
Loves Jazz and Latin Music more than any other genre.
Wears mostly orange and black, tight outfits.
Owns a small condo and also a grocery store. Can't go Hunting on a empty stomach, so why not buy a grocery store to get free food.
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25 years old

Mexican American

English, Spanish, and French (F)

Owner of The Honey Pot


Spell Casting - The power to change and control events through the use of incantations and more (Advanced)

Channeling - The power to invoke extra forms of energy by focusing on external forces. (Proficient)

Potion Brewing - The power to brew and concoct potions, remedies and elixirs that have supernatural properties. (Master / Specialty)

Pain Infliction - The power to create excruciating migraines through supernatural means. (Proficient)

Elemental Control - The power to control and manipulate the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. (Proficient but limited to earth)

Transmogrification - The unique power to alter the physical structure of objects living or dead, changing their form. (Novice)

Boxing - She isn't a pro but she knows enough to defend herself or give pretty good sucker punches.


Monroe is a medium sized woman standing at 5'8" and weighing 147 lbs most of which is light muscle. She has smooth and nearly unblemished beige skin with a tawny glow and full black hair which she lets hand loosely to her shoulders. Monroe likes to wear pastel colored tunics, dark leggings and sneakers but she also likes to wear business casual.


Monroe has been a fiery girl from the start. Since she was a baby she would scream her lungs out and when she got older she would get into heated toddler fights with her mom, Esperanza who was only eighteen years older than her. The two of them only had each other for so long and even though they got into fights that would have shaken the rickety roof over their head, they were each other's best friend. Esperanza had been kicked out her parent's house for getting knocked up and living on the streets of Mexico as a homeless teenager was rough, even more so when she had her daughter. For awhile, the two couch surfed from friend to friend and sometimes relatives who felt bad for them but not enough to take them in permanently.

When Monroe was six, she found out her mom was a witch when a CPS person tried to take Monroe away. Her mom used a spell to inflict great pain on the man, causing him to crumble on the spot and writhe in pain. After that the two kept to the shadows and did their best to stay under the radar of the authorities, but because of her mother's use of her powers, they were placed on the radar of a coven of witches for hire called, The Vacilars.

The Vacilars located the two and offered them a place with their coven in exchange for Esperanza's services. Life with the Vacilars wasn't unpleasant but as she grew, Monroe grew tired of being apart of the coven. She didn't like being told where to go and what to do and she didn't like how her mother seemed unwilling to stand up to these witches. She was the youngest of the coven and so she trained with various members as well as her mother, so that she could become well versed in a variety of skills, however due to the differences in age, Monroe often had ideas that conflicted with the covens 'traditional' ways and she was often reprimanded for even suggesting change. Being as stubborn and argumentative as she was, Monroe often started fights with the other witches, which neither her mother or the heads of the coven appreciated.

At school, Monroe made quite a few friends and although she wasn't an honor student, she did excel in science, particularly chemistry. When she graduated she ran off to Louisiana to attend a STEM college that offered her a scholarship. It broke her heart to leave her mother but the woman had been brainwashed into thinking the Vacilars were the end all and the be all and Monroe just couldn't agree.

College was tough but Monroe graduated with a double major; Chemistry and Business. She bought a shop in the French Quarter and started her business, The Honey Pot. For legal purposes, it was a flower shop. But for supernatural purposes, it was the place where you could grasp your deepest desires. For a price of course.

Aspirations and Regrets
Monroe has pretty much obtained all of her goals, but she has been thinking of expanding her business and opening a second store.

Her only regret is not trying harder to get her mother on her side, so that they could have made it big in America together.
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*Anita on the right, Alexandra on the left

Name: Alexandra Mykhailenko
Nickname: Penelope, Penny
Pronunciation: Alex-an-drah Mike-hi-eel-lenkoh

Age: 421, Appears early to late 20s

Nationality: American, Ukrainian (Former)

French (F)
Ukrainian (F)
English (F)
Gaelic (F)
Polish (P)
German (C)

Powers & Ability:
Illusion - The power to manipulate illusions. Mastered.

Telepathy - The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information. Advanced.

Super Senses - The ability to have better senses than what is naturally possible. Advanced.

Super Agility - The ability to be agiler than what is naturally possible. Advanced.

Super Speed - The ability to be faster than what is naturally possible. Advanced.

Healing Factor - The ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury. Mastered.

Dream Manipulation - The power to manipulate dreams. Mastered.

Mind Compulsion - The ability to influence and control thoughts, emotions, and behavior and can alter or erase memories. Advanced.

Alexandra is a strong woman physically, contrary to the fact that people think she's a twig. At 5'9" and 130 lbs, she believes she is the embodiment of a goddess and loves to flaunt that with the latest trends. She especially enjoys the purses from Louis Vuitton and the perfumes from Gucci. Alexandra isn't afraid to show a bit of skin and get up in men's alleys. Her smile and physique is the key to what drives humans closer to her, just enough for her to mess with their minds.

Many years of living ironically, as a person who's technically dead, Alexandra thought she caught onto Fleur's intentions rather quickly and developed apathy towards humankind. She's a real charmer, all for the sake of getting amusement and having any and all attention focused on her. She loves messing with humans' minds to the point they'd go insane, and for the rare few, kill themselves. Alexandra feels no remorse or any sort compassion towards them.

Alexandra has traveled all over the world and seen many faces and cultures. It's difficult to make friends because generally speaking, people are scared of her as a person. Even when Alexandra isn't toying with humans and keeping her distance, there are few things in her heart that one considers desirable. She doesn't trust easily and uses her physicality to get what she wants like she did with that one Irishman she thought she'd forgotten about.

Aspirations & Regrets: She regrets allowing Fleur to change her, or even so much as let her near her. Alexandra has a strong belief that she would've been better off dead and these last few years have been nothing but garbage. She doesn't want to make plans, she doesn't want to "live" because she knows she's technically already dead and able to become ugly and scary, so what's the point?

• Anita Mykhailenko is Alexandra's twin sister by five minutes less.
• Anita doesn't know her sister became a vampire.
• Alexandra loves long walks on the beach and candles.
• Her favorite color is lilac.
• She's proficient in the piano.