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Rotten and Delicious
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Magical Girl, Supernatural, Victorian Goth, Steam Punk

  • 2ezpv2e.jpg

    Welcome to Bloomfield High

    A fancy new boarding school for the most academic, artsiest, and athletic female students in the country has just opened up on the outskirts of New Tokyo. It boasts brand new facilities, with a large campus, and the best teachers from all over the world. The primary goal is to compete with other schools in the area and within itself, and to eventually gain national recognition as the best school for girls.

    The Roleplay

    The roleplay is meant to shine a light on the lives of some of the young women accepted into Bloomfield High. It follows them through their day to day lives as they forge new friendships, spark new flames, and stir up drama within Bloomfield.

    The main focus is on the relationships of the girls and how they interact with each other, with a light emphasis on school work, and the activities they choose to participate in. There will be competition for the school extracurricular activities, as well as festivals, and events on and off the campus.

    Romance is heavily encouraged, but your character does not have to seek out romantic relationships. The most important thing is to develop your characters thoroughly and get acquainted with the cast. You're expected to create your own scenarios and situations with other characters, though I'm more than happy to lay out the environment to assist with this. The campus is your playground.

    Gm: Sailor Moon

    Bloomfield, New Tokyo

    New Tokyo is a fusion of New York City and Tokyo, with lots of traffic on the sidewalk, and even more on the road. At night it lights up with neon signs, and electronic billboards. It's a melting pot of cultures, and no one race or ethnicity is the majority. It shares in many formal Japanese customs, and the language is still spoken by most people, however it is not uncommon to hear other languages spoken fluently in the city.

    Bloomfield is on the outskirts of New Tokyo, thought it is still considered to be in the city it lacks the bustling traffic and electric nightlife. You'll find a lot of shops, cafes, and lounge spots. It's a very romantic setting, with plenty of nature surrounding the place, and a natural lake in the area.
    OP. 1
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What's your name?
"Hachimitsu Delilah, Nice to meet you."

How old are you?
"I'm 16. "

How tall are you?
"...I'm 4'9 and a half." *blushes*

How much do you weigh?
"I weigh 89 pounds." *glances around shyly*

What grade are you in?
"This is my second year in high school."

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
"For my dancing, but it's possible Bloomfield wanted me for something else. I'm a woman of many talents."

Are you playing any sports?
"Tennis and dance."

Do you participate in the fine arts?
"I'm in a dance class. I love to dance contemporary, and ballet. I'm not sure which I prefer, but I suppose I'm a better ballerina..." Delilah drifts off into thought briefly, and then snaps back to attention.
Dance, Choir, Theater

Any Academic Clubs?
"Mathletes, Science Club."

Your favorite color?

Your favorite foods?
"Let's see...Sushi, Fruit, and Omelettes."

Your most cherished item?
"My body, or more specifically, my feet."
First pair of ballet slippers

Five things you're good at?
"Well, I'm an excellent dancer. I've studied many dances and I can say that I'm a master of one, but perhaps that's a bit conceited of me." Delilah giggles, and then begins again. "I'm also good at crocheting and knitting. It's something to do when I'm not dancing, and isn't totally unproductive... And then there's organizing, singing, and...fitting into small spaces."

Four things you're bad at?
"I'm horrible at...being horrible at things?" Delilah giggles, wondering if that question was meant to be serious.

Admitting to shortcomings, Making friends. Cooking and/or baking. Listening to authority.

Traits you look for in a friend?
"Athletic, stylish, flexible, sensible, and kind. If you're all five, that's even better.."

Traits you dislike in a person?
"The opposite of everything I like in a friend?"

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
"Dresses, if that were an option."

"It's a full outfit in one."

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
"I hope to graduate from Bloomfield, and to be taken seriously as a dancer and singer by my peers. I'd love to gain recognition in New Tokyo and carry the Bloomfield name. People will see that you don't need long limbs to be graceful and elegant on stage ."


A soft spoken individual who walks with her head held high, and her shoulders pushed back at all times. She's generally polite, though this often gets lost in the way she looks at people at times. On the outside looking in, Delilah appears to be very focused and polished. She's a perfectionist and a neat freak, preferring things her way at all times. As you can imagine, a girl like Delilah enjoys her order, and becomes flustered very easily when things don't go in her favor...or if someone points out her height.

As stated earlier, the way Delilah looks at people can sometimes give off an air of superiority and frigidness, but when she begins to socialize she is much gentler. She's a naturally competitive person, and takes everything she does seriously. She takes defeat particularly hard, though she'll try to remain humble in front of an audience. There are some qualities she retains from being spoiled and privileged, but the main one is that she can be shallow, and a little judgmental.

Background History:
Delilah was born in a private manor in Bloomfield, New Tokyo with a ginormous silver spoon in her mouth. She saw very little hardships growing up, and this turned her into the entitled, but kind young woman she is today. From the moment she took her first steps, her mother had her in a pair of ballet slippers at the best dance academy their money could buy. Much to Delilah's relief, Delilah turned out to be a very talented dancer, and over the years she would develop her vocal talents as a skilled soprano.

At the age of ten she watched as the construction workers moved into her hometown, and began work on what she could only describe as a monster of a mansion at the time. For four years, she watched as Bloomfield High was built, and six months when she learned that it was to be a prestigious academy for girls. She could only dream to be invited there, and didn't want to waste any time waiting around. One day, as she was heading outside to put her application in the mail, she stumbled across a package laid out on her porch. It was an invitation from Bloomfield High.

Leaving her old school in favor of a new, prestigious academy didn't require a second thought on Delilah's part. She left what few friends she had behind and excitedly prepared for her sophomore year of High School.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]What's your name?[/BCOLOR]
"Shizu Yaken, proud member of the Yaken clan!..Erm, sorry...got carried away with that"

[Shizu Yaken]
[BCOLOR=transparent]How old are you?[/BCOLOR]
"Fifteen...Three more years..."
[BCOLOR=transparent]How tall are you?[/BCOLOR]
"5'0..A bit short too be a proper warrior..."
[BCOLOR=transparent]How much do you weigh?[/BCOLOR]
"110 lbs...No muscles sadly "
[110 lbs]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What grade are you in?[/BCOLOR]
"First year..."

[BCOLOR=transparent]Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?[/BCOLOR]
"Academics, not much of a athlete or artist..."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Are you playing any sports?[/BCOLOR]

"My clan have take pride in using weapons of the old such as swords and bows, while they are rather obsolete weapons in this era we are still taught the basics of them as they are the weapons that our ancestors started with centuries ago...I wish to take on archery and master one of the weapons of the old"
[Archery ]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Do you participate in the fine arts?[/BCOLOR]
"It was a weird idea..But for some reason i wanted to sign up for photography, maybe i can learn skills in reconnaissance! "

[BCOLOR=transparent]Any Academic Clubs?[/BCOLOR]
"I would say I'm decent at chess, maybe i can improve my skills in that club...Also i like literature, so i guess il join that club also! "
[Chess and Literature]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Your favorite color?[/BCOLOR]
"Red! The official colors of the Yaken Clan! The Symbol of our aggression!...B-But I'm not aggressive...Sadly"

[BCOLOR=transparent]Your favorite foods?[/BCOLOR]
Well i never really had anything special, all the good food was reserved for those that were in training and since i didn't train i was simply fed bread and maybe fruits so i would not consume valuable resources i didn't earn..
[Bread and fruits]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Your most cherished item?[/BCOLOR]

"A Heirloom given to me by my mother...Its a necklace that belonged to my father that had the bullet he used to claim his first kill, a millstone in his career of being a soldier. In our culture its said that heirlooms are a connection between the living and the dead, when my Father died in combat it was given to my mother and then to me so he can watch over me during my time at Bloomfield"
[A necklace with a old 5.56mm bullet attached to it]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Five things you're good at?[/BCOLOR]
Oh Well...Not really sure what I'm good at, as before i said i was decent at chess, if i can't be a fighter then maybe i could be a strategist!..Wait, you want me to list more? Errr...I'm good at being a walking history book of my clan! I can write stories..i can adapt!...i can..breathe? Ok not really..(Asthma), I don't know....Playing video games? Yeah...I'm good at that.."

[Nothing note worthy]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Four things you're bad at?[/BCOLOR]

"Oh, were to start...Being social, fighting, being useful, cleaning, meeting the clan Elder's expectations, cooking, remembering things i need to do, staying focused...Oh wait you asked for just four..sorry.."

[Pretty much everything]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Traits you look for in a friend?[/BCOLOR]

"Honorable! What good is a person if they don't have honor?!...Sorry i get carried away sometimes with that...I just want someone i could depend on, someone who would not betray me."

[BCOLOR=transparent]Traits you dislike in a person?[/BCOLOR]
"Dishonest, treacherous and all around dishonorable! They are SCUM!...But also people who are just plain mean..."

[BCOLOR=transparent]Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Why? [/BCOLOR]

"Well its a more tactical choice...Camo skirts don't really work..."

[BCOLOR=transparent]What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Something..While i can't really learn much about being a warrior here, maybe i can learn something useful and contribute to my clan that way! Just be good at something useful for once...My mother sent me here in saying that i been in a "toxic environment" for far too long. Never really saw it as that..."[/BCOLOR]


Shizu can be best described as a "nervous wreck" who for far too long has been pushed around by her own people for being "weak" and a "failure" , she truly believes that she is theses things and finds it hard to think otherwise. Her Confidence and self esteem has been drained from this constant mental abuse by her clan and she became self loathing, agreeing with all the criticism about things she has no control over, much like her asthma and her submissive nature. She then becomes paranoid about the outside world when she firsts attends Bloomfield, feeling incredible unsafe around all theses strangers that could very well kill her if given the chance. A ludicrous idea but thats exactly the type of things her anxiety will conjure up and torment her with. The Only place she felt safe was back at home and despite the hostility she received there she still felt safe there

She finds escape in video games, a small luxury some children of the clan had the chance to enjoy. Here she found a way to escape her dreadful existence and live out a different life in a virtual world as a way to live out some fantasies of hers. Its something a lot of people might find pathetic but she finds happiness in it, something that allows her to enjoy herself. To add to this she also finds pleasure in reading stories, once again wanting to escape reality and immerse herself in another world.

Due to the Clan's agenda of "Carrying on the bloodline", a heterosexual lifestyle is pounded into the minds of their children so that they will grow up and find a suitable mate to create off spring with and carry on the clan's bloodline and legacy and same sex relationships are considered taboo and Forbidden love that will be swiftly dealt with if discovered. Due to Shizu's frailty and defects she was forbidden from mating as the higher ups in the clan did not wish to risk contaminating the gene pool any further and creating weaker generations. Bloomfield high was selected for her as it was a all female school so Shizu would not get "involved" with any male students and disgrace the clan. They however did not take into account that maybe Shizu would develop a attraction to the same sex

Despite the venomous treatment Shizu has received over the years, She still remains ferociously loyal to her clan. Wanting to prove herself somehow to earn the respect of her family, but sadly theres not much she can do as shes not trained at all to be a soldier. Still she would happily be the first to put her life on the line for her people (if they allowed her too) and would even go as far as kill a enemy of the Clan if given the opportunity despite not being trained to fight.


[BCOLOR=transparent]Shizu was born into a highly militaristic Japanese clan that holds on to ancient traditions in the modern age. This clan's history dates back to Feudal Japan as a highly dangerous Mercenary group that oddly enough had the same amount of honor as some feudal lords. To this day they continue their traditions of being honorable mercenaries in the modern era as it is their calling in life, following this path has kept them alive this long and pleases their ancestors who set them on this path. They favor four things "Honor, Strength, Discipline and of course Money" and theses four things is what every Yaken desires most, they are warriors and wish to only breed the most fearsome and deadliest soldiers for hire in the world. Due to this the Clan is very picky about who is brought into the clan via marriage, as the Husband/wife would also have to be a mercenary as well and damn good one to keep they gene pool strong and vibrant. Any child that is born with any kind of defect or disability is euthanized as a "Act of mercy", every child is too be brought up as a soldier and anything that could inhibit their ability in the field is a sign of weakness.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shizu was suppose to be snuffed out, she was born with Asthma and was quickly was put on the chopping block to follow protocol as this would prove to be a liability in her training and out int he field. But her Mother pleaded with the Clan's Elders to spare her life, saying she would outgrow her Asthma before she is old enough to be trained. In the clan every child is trained for 10 years straight in a brutal training process once they reach age 8, seeing it as the perfect time to mold them into true soldiers and prepare them for their future as proud Yaken mercenaries. Along with the plea and claim that her Asthma will go away over time she talks about its all she has left of her Husband who died out in the field during her pregnancy. After a few pulled heartstrings the Council allowed Shizu to live in hopes that it WOULD get better.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It didn't sadly, it got far worse and became a chronic issue. Needing medical attention for simple exercises By age 8 she was forbidden from joining her kin in training as it would end up being too much for her to handle and would possibly end up killing her. While she could not be apart of the physical training she did however attend mental training, attending home schooled classes that taught her and her kin the basics of Math, science, reading and writing. This is to prevent the next generation of warriors from being mindless brutes by giving them the basic education they need to develop their brain properly. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]However throughout this entire period of her life she was harassed and bullied by her kin for being this "defect" that only brought shame to the clan, for being a weakling that only leeches of the Clan and its resources. She was picked on by her superior kids with parents turning a blind eye to to it, even going as far as roughing her up (Which is usually some playful fights kids of the clan play, yet theses kids knew how physically weak Shizu is...) and thought this harassment she can't help but think their actions are "Justified"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her Clan's culture is all she knows, she was raised in this small bubble and only had her kin to socialize with and only influenced by their ideology and nothing from the outside world and this culture teaches them that being a warrior is what they were made to be and Shizu was incapable of living up this, she became self loathing and accepted the poor treatment she received submissively. She believed the she was indeed a "bad egg", a "failure", a "Disgrace" to her people and that what she got was her just deserved despite not being able to help who she is. She remained Loyal to a culture that did not want her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She hardly had anyone to talk too in theses times, being a outcast to her own people, her Mother was one of the only person she could talk to comfortably but she was deployed most of the time to some conflict zone to fight for Honor and currency, leaving Shizu with nobody to talk to her or comfort her. When her mother was deployed She would be put under the care of a cousin named "Avio Yaken" who showed a softer side for Shizu, knowing its not her fault for whats wrong her, at first Shizu was shy around him despite them being family...but eventually opened up to him. However when he was deployed she was left with nobody to talk too and the council could not keep assigning her babysitters.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]At some point she began wearing a Jacket that acted like a "security blanket" for her, something that comforted her when she had nobody to be with, something that made her feel safe and hid her from her kin that were a bit annoyed by her presence. At first it became her most valuable item, while it was not a expensive jacket it had sentimental value to her as something she would not leave her room without and would wear it even in the middle of summer and would sometimes have to be forced out of the jacket to avoid having a heat stroke. Even then if she didn't have her jacket she found other means to hide herself, not wanting to be seen by anyone to avoid offending them by being in their eyesight.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her Mother shared her loyalty to the clan but still saw what torment they put Shizu though, she suffered 13 years of this mental and sometimes physical abuse that twisted her mind and destroyed all self esteem and confidence in herself. Her mother felt as if this was all her fault, she still does not regret pleading for her Life when she was born but due to her actions she was put in a place were she was not wanted by her own blood relatives. She had to make up for this and repair the damages she caused and ease Shizu's pain.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She had to get her away from this, while she hated the idea (along with the ENTIRE clan, Shizu included) she plead to the Elders once more on Shizu's behalf to perhaps allow her off family grounds to attend a school in which she may be around a more "positive" environment as she certainly was not gonad find a place here that "positive". Obviously the Elders mocked the idea but the Clan's High Elder allowed it out of sympathy for the Girl.[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]Bloomfield High is the School the Clan chosen for Shizu to attend, its somewhere in "arms reach" of the clan where they can keep tabs on her, Plus its a all female school so Shizu would not be playing around with "boys" and getting knocked up and disgracing the clan's gene pool. Using various contacts and some funding they landed Shizu a spot in the school.[/BCOLOR]
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@Sailor Moon Here you go, I hope everything is alright.



What's your name?
"Mischa Iizuka. Just call me Mischa."

How old are you?
"Eighteen years old."

How tall are you?
"Around 5'9''."

How much do you weigh?
"Last time I weighed in, I was 135lbs."

What grade are you in?
"I'm a third year."

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
"Athletics, of course. Unsurprisingly, the regional bantamweight champion isn't here for 'arts and crafts'."

Are you playing any sports?
[scoffs] "Well, being an MMA regional champion usually requires you to do martial arts. I'm also just getting into track, but martial arts gets my full attention."

Do you participate in the fine arts?
"God no. That kind of stuff isn't my thing."

Any Academic Clubs?
"I do mathletes, but not by choice. My parents were adamant I did something academic, and I guess I'm kind of good at math."

Your favorite color?
"Gold – I'm so used to seeing it, it's difficult for it not to be my favourite colour."

Your favorite foods?
"Sandwiches, omelettes, anything with chicken in it... And I can never turn down a good salad."

Your most cherished item?
"You can't expect me to pick one trophy out of all of the ones on my shelves, can you? Maybe that regional bantamweight championship belt I keep mentioning. Soon, my most cherished item will be the national bantamweight championship belt."
[Not completely true – she cherishes her collection of judo belts that she has gained over the years much more than any championship belt]

Five things you're good at?
"Let's start with the obvious: martial arts, mainly judo, but I'm also trained in Muay Thai as well to give me a striking advantage. Like I said earlier, I'm good at math – but you didn't hear that from me. Video games too, though I'm terrible at the sports ones. They're just so unrealistic, it's frustrating! [sighs] Anyway, I have no problem standing up to other people, especially if I'm right, so I guess that's something I'm good at. And just...doing my own thing, if that counts."
[Martial arts, math, video games, standing up for her beliefs, being herself and not being swayed by others]

Four things you're bad at?
"Uh, nothing? You really think I'm going to admit to my weaknesses?"
[Listening to others, making friends, admitting she's wrong, anything artistic]

Traits you look for in a friend?
"Someone who gives me my space when I need it and is a pretty relaxed person. I don't like dealing with drama queens. Also, someone who's more athletic, I guess we'd be able to understand each other better. A sense of humour is nice too. And someone who can keep up with me – if you get left behind, then that's your fault. You've got to be quick and ready to follow me."

Traits you dislike in a person?
"Needy and clingy people. I can't stand that kind of attitude. If you're dependent on me, then prepare to be forgotten about as soon as possible. Also, people who make a big deal out of every little thing. Sure, there's a time to be serious, but sometimes, you've just got to relax. There's little things that bug me as well, but we'd be here all day if I went into that."

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
"Pants, or shorts."

"You'd never see me dead in a skirt. Pants are way more comfortable."

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
"I want to maybe meet some like-minded people, and scout out any potential opponents that I could be facing in the near future. And getting a taste of some more success – athletic or otherwise – is always an added bonus."


With a lot of ambition and tons of confidence, Mischa is often perceived as being rather narcissistic – a claim that she doesn't argue with. Despite her confidence levels, she often keeps to herself, unless someone else gets in her way. Her sense of independence and responsibility drives her to achieve everything she can, though this can also lead to her leaving others behind her in the dust. With a selfish streak running through her – just one of the consequences of her competitive attitude and love of success – Mischa is not the most approachable and likeable person, though she sometimes finds herself opening up to those she thinks may benefit or help her.

Background History:
Born into a normal, working class family, Mischa developed a sense of responsibility early on, since nothing was handed to her easily. She went to public schools, made friends with normal people, and usually kept to herself. Her parents encouraged her to find something she was good in and excel at it, and they often encouraged her to pursue academic pursuits. Whilst Mischa did well in math and other academic subjects, she would soon find her real passion through a friend of hers.

One day, she learned that one of her school friends attended judo lessons at a nearby dojo, and Mischa's interest was piqued. For the first time in her childhood, she begged her parents to take her to the dojo and allow her to take judo lessons there. They caved in when they saw how determined she was, and allowed her to go. It wasn't long before Mischa was grasping the basics of martial arts and as she grew into adolescence, Mischa's skills became better and better. In her teenage years, she entered her first under 18s judo tournament, where she won third place. But that wasn't enough for Mischa. She returned the next year to win the tournament, as well as move on to regional championships. By the age of 17, Mischa was a regional champion in mixed martial arts and had begun honing her skills with Muay Thai training as well. Her parents had a lot of pride in her, though they encouraged her to take up academic pursuits as well, knowing full well the risks that combat sports often came with. And whilst Mischa spent most of her time focussing of martial arts, she listened to her parents and put at least some effort into math to appease them.

At the age of 18, Mischa reigns as the regional MMA bantamweight champion of New Tokyo, and is yet to find an opponent who can take her down at what seems to be her peak. She's had reporters try to get her story – the local teenage MMA 'superstar' – but she always shoots them down, wishing to be left alone and not have her name thrown into the spotlight, despite her love of her own success. It was no surprise to her when the invitation to Bloomfield arrived, with her athletic success making her a shoo-in for a place at the academy. Much to the pride of her parents, Mischa headed off to Bloomfield, prepared for anything that would come her way.
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What's your name?
The name is Aya Matsu

How old are you?
I'm 17 years old

How tall are you?
I am 1,65 meters tall

How much do you weigh?
W-Why would you a-ask that? B-Baka... But only because it's you... I weigh 45 kilograms

What grade are you in?
In the 2nd year

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
Well I am very athletic so that is why

Are you playing any sports?
I do trackrunning and swimming

Do you participate in the fine arts?
I'm in the choir

Any Academic Clubs?
I'm with the Mathletes and in the Literature Club

Your favorite color?
Red is a nice one

Your favorite foods?
Lasagna and doughnuts are the best!

Your most cherished item?
I can't go without my grandmother's locket

Five things you're good at?
Trackrunning, swimming, maths, athletics, singing

Four things you're bad at?
Dancing, painting, making friends, acting

Traits you look for in a friend?
I like friends who accept me for who I am and that don't judge you for mistakes you make or have made. I want a friend I can trust and always talk to if something is wrong

Traits you dislike in a person?
I don't like cocky and rude people. Also people who act like you owe them after they helped you

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
Probably skirts.

They have like built in ventilation and are nice and loose

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
Making some friends and maybe even finding love...
Personality: Aya is a generally nice and kind girl who loves to help people with any problems they might have in their lives. Though Ishe can sometimes be a bit shy when someone approaches her and she also never really approaches someone because of this. She just never had friends. But if she becomes friends with someone they can trust her a lot. She won't ever betray them. When it comes to rude people. Well if they are rude to her, she just ignores them. No reason to be rude back right? And she just doesn't have the courage to do so cause well... she's very shy. She's pretty intelligent, or that is what she was told by family. Once she sets her goals she will not give up till she has reached them and will always push herself to do so. The same goes for other people. If they have a goal, she will help them reach it!

Background History: Aya was born into a catholic family where everything the children did had to be perfect. From studies to sports, it all had to be perfect. Aya was raised this way so that she could enroll into a high level high school for a good study and to later get a good career and raise a healthy family. Though Aya was good in academic work, like maths and such, she was way more interested in sports. Especially gymnastics. She was part of the athelete's team in Junior and Middle school where she was always the best. She wanted to become a professional athelete and have a life she desired, not the one her parents desired. Aya also had a secret that she kept hidden from most people but her closest friends. Well friends, she only had four, two of which she knew since kindergarten. She secretly was a lesbian. Due to her family being catholic, this would of course not be accepted by her family. She lived with it and her parents never found out. In the meanwhile she was going to national tournaments for athletics an she won many of them. But one day, Aya got bad news. Her grandmother was dying so she took a week off school and went o visit her nanny. Before her nanny died, she gave Aya a special locket. Aya promised to keep it dear and always hold it close. The next day, her nanny passed away. Aya was at home when she was looking through the mail and saw a letter adressed to her. She read it and was invited to enroll into Bloomfield High. An all girls school only for the best in their speciality. For Aya this was athletics. She talked about it with her parents, and they gave permission. The next day Aya packed her bags and left to Bloomfield.
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  • Love
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What's your name?
The name is Aya Matsu

How old are you?
I'm 17 years old

How tall are you?
I am 1,65 meters tall

How much do you weigh?
W-Why would you a-ask that? B-Baka... But only because it's you... I weigh 45 kilograms

What grade are you in?
In the 2nd year

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
Well I am very athletic so that is why

Are you playing any sports?
I do trackrunning and swimming

Do you participate in the fine arts?
I'm in the choir

Any Academic Clubs?
I'm with the Mathletes and in the Literature Club

Your favorite color?
Red is a nice one

Your favorite foods?
Lasagna and doughnuts are the best!

Your most cherished item?
I can't go without my grandmother's locket

Five things you're good at?
Trackrunning, swimming, maths, athletics, singing

Four things you're bad at?
Dancing, painting, making friends, acting

Traits you look for in a friend?
I like friends who accept me for who I am and that don't judge you for mistakes you make or have made. I want a friend I can trust and always talk to if something is wrong

Traits you dislike in a person?
I don't like cocky and rude people. Also people who act like you owe them after they helped you

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
Probably skirts.

They have like built in ventilation and are nice and loose

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
Making some friends and maybe even finding love...
Personality: I'm a generally nice and kind girl who loves to help people with any problems they might have in their lives. Though I can sometimes be a bit shy when someone approaches me and I also never really approach someone because of this. I just never had friends. But if I become friends with someone they can trust me a lot. I won't ever betray them. When it comes to rude people. Well if they are rude to me, I just ignore them. No reason to be rude back right? And I just don't have the courage to do so cause well... I'm very shy. I'm pretty intelligent, or that is what I was told by family. Once I set my goals I will not give up till I have reached them and will always push myself to do so. The same goes for other people. If they have a goal, I will help them reach it!

Background History: Aya was born into a catholic family where everything the children did had to be perfect. From studies to sports, it all had to be perfect. Aya was raised this way so that she could enroll into a high level high school for a good study and to later get a good career and raise a healthy family. Though Aya was good in academic work, like maths and such, she was way more interested in sports. Especially gymnastics. She was part of the athelete's team in Junior and Middle school where she was always the best. She wanted to become a professional athelete and have a life she desired, not the one her parents desired. Aya also had a secret that she kept hidden from most people but her closest friends. Well friends, she only had four, two of which she knew since kindergarten. She secretly was a lesbian. Due to her family being catholic, this would of course not be accepted by her family. She lived with it and her parents never found out. In the meanwhile she was going to national tournaments for athletics an she won many of them. But one day, Aya got bad news. Her grandmother was dying so she took a week off school and went o visit her nanny. Before her nanny died, she gave Aya a special locket. Aya promised to keep it dear and always hold it close. The next day, her nanny passed away. Aya was at home when she was looking through the mail and saw a letter adressed to her. She read it and was invited to enroll into Bloomfield High. An all girls school only for the best in their speciality. For Aya this was athletics. She talked about it with her parents, and they gave permission. The next day Aya packed her bags and left to Bloomfield.
For personality, I know I accepted Aya before, but I want the personality to be written in third person, because I want to be able to get a sense of who she is as a character and I'm cracking down more on character sheets.
[fieldbox="Usagi Ogawa, blue, solid"]
ehhhh?! H-how did you get this shot?!

What's your name?
"My name! Yes, it's Usagi Ogawa...
H-huh?! Usa-chan? Y-Yes, I guess a few people do call me Usa…"

How old are you?
"I am currently fifteen years old"

How tall are you?
My height?! Okay… well I am 5'3

How much do you weigh?
"U-umm… 103"

What grade are you in?
"1st ​Year" *blushes*

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
"Well it did take me by surprise but,
I'm here because of the Arts"

Are you playing any sports?
"I umm… might consider swimming"

Do you participate in the fine arts?
"Yes! I will be attending the school choir! I also play the flute so you'll also see me in band
and the theater club. I do it mostly to overcome my timidness,
but I find it quite enjoyable especially musicals!"

Any Academic Clubs?
*covers face and shakes her head*
"I'm not the brightest of the bunch… However I do enjoy old classics and poetry so I may often attend the literature club."

Your favorite color?
"Oh I uh, don't have a favorite"

Your favorite foods?
"Believe it or not… I have quite the appetite"

~Get her any type of sweets, she'll be the happiest girl alive
~ Fruits

Your most cherished item?
*smiles then points at her hair* "This hair pin, it was given to me by my older sister."

Five things you're good at?
"Singing, playing the flute, getting dressed quickly, making kimonos
and I'm an expert at various card games"

Four things you're bad at?
"Sadly... Cooking, most academic studies,
Keeping tidy and waking up"

Traits you look for in a friend?
"Okay w-well I'm not too picky but, someone Reliable,
humorous, strong and caring"

Traits you dislike in a person?
"Honestly… I don't think most traits are bad,
except for those who put others down"

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
"If I had to choose, skirts"

"W-why you ask?! I guess because I find them
more comfortable than pants"

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
"I hope to do better academic wise,
be more confident and help the school reach the top"


Usagi is very kind and always puts the well being of others before hers. She isn't exactly shy but can be a bit timid at times, since she tends to get very flustered and nervous a lot. She accepts that she isn't the most confident girl around and is determined to turn that around and become more comfortable around others. Though once she does get comfortable with those around her she develops a peppy and free-spirited personality and sometimes does things without thinking which can usually cause her to get in trouble if it gets the best of her. She is shown to be pretty creative, always coming up with new kimono themed ideas which is usually inspired by Lyrics, Poetry and old classics. Other things about her include that Usagi is easily frightened and also can be pretty forgetful at times.

Background History:
Growing up in just another family owned business far off in New Tokyo and while she's home during her free time, she helps make/fit/sell traditional Japanese clothing with the rest of her family. She has a very close relationship with her family, they always have fun running the shop together and nothing more exciting as family card night… that is where you can witness a whole other side of Usagi, you'll never guess the skill and competitiveness she possess that is never shown elsewhere. Usagi's mother has been running a traditional clothing shop for as long as she can remember and her father was actually a professional swimmer. Her father never forced any of the girls to join swimming, he respected their interests very much, but that didn't stop the occasional yelling from swim competitions on T.V.

She is especially fond her older sister whom she looks up to drastically. The two would always spend time together until her sister became a little busy throughout middle school & high school. Her sister became involved with many clubs and Usagi did her best to take interest in it too as an excuse to keep spending time with her sister. Therefore, the two sibling's most precious memories came from learning the flute together, practicing lines to scripts and Usagi's personal favorite, singing. She found singing to be one of the most precious, the sound of her and her sister's voice link together in a sweet harmony that tells an emotional story through the lyrics. Unfortunately her sister left for college when Usagi was in Junior high, but that's what made her focus more on her singing and other interests since it brought back the same feelings of the times with her sister. It was no surprise Usagi got many reconization for her singing, it was her passion and she really poured her heart out. So when Bloomfield was built, she was determined to get in.
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  • Love
Reactions: envogue
Cast List has updated as well as Delilah's final picture haha. :D
What's your name?
"Urano, Takara Urano."

How old are you?
"Dunno... from what I can remember I was turning forty eight next week...Pfft nah I'm just joshing you, I'm Sixteen."

How tall are you?
"Wow, getting my measurements already? You could at least take me to dinner first, but in all seriousness I'm at an overly healthy Five-foot Ten"

How much do you weigh?
"Last time I checked.... I think I clocked in at around 130... most likely."

What grade are you in?
"Eh, it's probably my second year give or take a few months."

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
"Athletics, underneath all this soft skin is sheer muscle I assure you, buddy."

Are you playing any sports?
"Yeah, mainly track but I'm down with martial arts as well."

Do you participate in the fine arts?
"Nah, not like I couldn't dance or paint or anything, but I just never felt like it."

Any Academic Clubs?
"I'm part of the Mathletes."

Your favorite color?
Your favorite foods?
"Pizza, I mean it just offers so many options!"

Your most cherished item?
"A Double-headed fifty cent coin."

Five things you're good at?
"Okay, I can run really fast, uummm, Oh! I've been told my Cooking is pretty good.... Math just comes easy to me... My leg work has gotten me quite a few praises... and uhm.... I've also got an extremely good memory."

Four things you're bad at?
"Besides math, most nerd stuff just flies over my head....Terrible Puns, my greatest pleasure is my greatest downfall... Most stuff that doesn't interest me, I can get through classes on minimum requirements well enough but I can't really put effort into boring junk... I can not for the life of me play a single pleasant tune on any instrument."

Traits you look for in a friend?
"Eh, when I think of a friend I think of someone I can just pal around with, don't see why its gotta be more complicated than that. Someone I can laugh with, play games with, screw around with. I want friends who can enjoy themselves in my company, who think of a good time whenever they hear my name. Pals who I can just go out and chill with. I guess I just want people who like having me around and... I dunno enjoy talking with me or something. Eh, I guess I'm not really good at this whole emotional depth thing... sorry, buddy."

Traits you dislike in a person?
"Eh, I'm not really judgmental enough to really point out the flaws of others. And I'm pretty tolerant of most forms of annoyance in general. But I guess if I had to pick one thing that I hate to see in a person, it would be a lack of fun. People who take things seriously I can enjoy, but those who are incapable of having any form of fun just... don't do it for me..."

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
"Pfft, pants obviously."

"Heheheh, okay... long story short, I had a bunch of dude friends at my old school. We hung out, palled about and just had fun and all. Plenty of gals got all bothered by it and stuff, but I thoroughly enjoyed their company. Only problem? Well, they tried to hide it as much as they could but they just couldn't keep from seeking out my few up-skirt moments. Windy days, passing cars, and the likes became like a spy movie for them to try to peak without me catching them. To their knowledge, I never did, but they were just so obvious. I was flattered of course, and decided not to press it. Guys will be guys after all. But if I didn't have to wear that short little skirt I wouldn't have had any problem in the first place."

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
"Dunno, I'm here because my parents recommended it so.... I guess I just want to finish."
Some may call her carefree, others call her careless. No matter which term you prefer all agree that Takara Urano carries herself with an air of passiveness. Despite her low levels of care, Urano often performs to the best of her abilities when faced with challenges she enjoys. Even in bleak situations, one could easily assume that Urano just knows her limitations, as not even stress seems to have any affect on her. With an all powering drive to have fun with friends, Urano seems like a strange, unholy mix between a passive wallflower and a social butterfly. A socially passive ButterFlower, oh the horror that could be associated to such an unsteady mix.

Background History:
Not much to say really, Urano grew up in an upper middle class family with a little brother and little sister. As the older sister, Urano often had to entertain her younger siblings whenever the parents were away. At school, she became known as what many would call a jack of all trades. She was able to hang out with a variety of cliques at any given time, and was able to get along with male students as well as her gal pals. In fact, most of her good time buddies would come to her for advice on hooking up with her gal pals. Though her lack of effort in some classes infuriated several staff members, and would often leave her parents scratching their heads. This continued on through most of the schools she was sent to, until her parents figured maybe she needed something just a little bit different. Soon enough, Urano was off to Bloomfield.​
Just so everyone knows. I'm capping every activity at 5 or 6 students depending on what it is and probably opening them up again when we get some nice variety. :) Also Grieve I will add you to the cast list when I get on my laptop
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What's your name?
" Hanako Annaliese Fujimata , Pleasure to meet you. Please call me , Hana!"

How old are you?
" I'm eighteen and loving it."

How tall are you?
" 5'9 , perfect size right? "

How much do you weigh?
" I- Is this something you must know? Fine oh fine , I weigh one hundred and five pounds. To think I thought boys were overly curious.. "

What grade are you in?
" I'm in my third year , if you ever need anything feel free to ask away! "

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
" To be honest I was accepted in for my athletic abilities.. Yet , I'm a woman with many a hidden talent. "

Are you playing any sports?
" The one's I'm best at and love of course!"
Horseback Riding ~ Fencing

Do you participate in the fine arts?
" I dab in a little bit of everything for the complete fun of it."
Choir & Theater
Any Academic Clubs?
" Literature Club."


Your favorite color?
" Lavender."
Your favorite foods?
" Such a tough choice.. Parfait's , Sushi , Shrimp Scampi and Veggie Wraps."
Your most cherished item?
" My most prized possession is the last thing my mother gave to me before passing last year.. Reminds me that I pursue what we both loved."
My Black Andalusian , Iris.
Five things you're good at?
" Hana allows a softened smile to curve against that of her rose tinted lips as she spoke." Off the top of my head I'm an astounding horseback rider.. Trained in every area of it and have been at it since I could hold a pair of reins.. I do hope that doesn't sound boastful.." She continued on." I'm also very good at fencing , baking , great listener and when I need to get my mind off things.. I always turn to the piano."
Four things you're bad at?
" Apparently this shocks my family and the girl's that look up to me.." Presses her fingertips delicately against her lips as she ponders."
Sewing ~ Obeying order's ~ Archery ~ Dealing with feelings ~ Quick anger/frustration
Traits you look for in a friend?

" Well I do love finding these in a friend. "
Kindness ~ Athletic ~ Caring ~ Understanding ~ Fashionable ~ Witty
Traits you dislike in a person?
" The traits that are found in a stereotypical mean girl and or that of a bully. Despicable ways those kinds have.. Won't stand for it."
Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
" Skirts."
" I love to feel the breeze play against my legs and not to mention far more comfier. "
What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
" I may only have a year to give my all to Bloomfield.. But , I hope and pray that I will graduate top of my class with astounding grades and experience. I want to create lasting true at heart memories with the school and new friends I hope to make. I truly hope to leave having all of New Tokyo knowing my name and my proud background to carry the Bloomfield name. I greatly hope to be recognized for my Equestrian skills and for all my peer's and people to realize that practice truly makes for perfection and that no dream is to big or small. I want to never forget this chance and the unbreakable bonds I create."


WIP ~ Adding on More
Hana has quite the regal presence to herself. She is a girl who carries herself with the air of a princess with her head constantly held high. She is kind and cheerful on most occasions when you first meet ,see and or get to know her. Upon first laying your gaze upon her own , her known kindness can be ignored by the cold and competitive gaze lit in her eye's sometimes unknowingly to her. Once you get to know her you'll find she is an extremely competitive , focused and refined individual. She is secretly a hopeless romantic and refuses to show that side because of how great her pride is. Hana does have her downsides and her main one's for certain are brutal honesty and her closed off feelings. They are often her tragic flaws. She is a great leader and with that she looks out and stands up for others.

Beneath her flaws , she has a soft and gentle heart that has been hurt one to many a time. She keeps that pain covered well and even when it attempts to slip out she masks it quickly from all.


Background History:
WIP ~ Adding more on
Hana was born in her families countryside getaway home away from the bustle of the city. She was born to the CEO of Fujimata Industries , an up and coming thriving company. Her father was and ambitious man who cherished his family and her angelic mother , Sun. Her parents cherished her and with that she never would once need for anything in her lifetime. Of course as she grew with each passing day she realized all that she was entitled to and yet never once did she allow for it to go to her head. Her mother would always tell her that the greatest of all treasures to be had in this world was that of a kind and giving heart. When she looked into her mother's softened blue eyes she knew that the words she spoke were true. As she grew older , she began to develop not only that of her mother's beauty and father's wit but that of her mother's skill atop a horse.

It was than that her father began to have her instantly trained and she couldn't have been any happier than in that moment. She conquered and won every competition she was in and held her reining titles proudly for her family. At fifteen , she was still continuing on with her riding as she began to study at Primwood Academy for Young Women. There she exceeded and was well loved by all and looked up to. Yet , not everything can stay fairytale perfect. Something must shatter at some point in life. At seventeen , her mother became dreadfully ill with stage four cancer in her liver.. Hana's life slowly began to slip and before a blink of her eye.. Her mother had been taken from her. A light within Hana's heart diminished away and with that she put a wall up solidly around her heart in fear of all else that she could lose.

Months later , she sat within the confines of their manor in New Tokyo. She had taken great notice of the new all girl's academy , Bloomfield drawing near its grand opening.. This could be her chance to have one final fresh start before moving on into the limitless big world. She padded her way down the hall in search of their butler , Toroshi only to nearly collide into him. His arms were not bare.. A neatly wrapped package was nestled beside a large white envelope. One was the unexpected invitation from Bloomfield welcoming her and the other held the contract to her forecoming arranged marriage to another thriving CEO's son called , Hyato. Bloomfield was her last chance at freedom and to make something of herself before being thrown into a loveless engagement to a boy she hated.



This CS will be read most effectively if you have this voice in mind while reading it. It's the first voice you hear; that of Plutia, the purple-but-not-pink-haired-one.

What's your name?
"Uum... Sera. I think my family name is... Pe.. Petrov, yeah."
Sera Petrov, if Sera is to be believed.

How old are you?
"15... probably."
15 is correct.

How tall are you?
"About... average? A bit short."
150cm, give or take.

How much do you weigh?
"left! Ehe..he that was funny."
38kg, give or take.

What grade are you in?
"Shouldn't everyone be a first year if the school only started this year, though?"
1st year

Why were you accepted into Bloomfield?
"Athletics! Hehe, that was funny too. Is this what they call "on a roll?"
Sera is an Arts student, primarily.

Are you playing any sports?
"Ah, now you're making jokes too!"
Sera's so slow she doesn't even get picked for the compulsory events at sports festivals.

Do you participate in the fine arts?
"I draw pictures. I think I'm quite good. I like them, at least."

Any Academic Clubs?
"I'm actually really good at computers. And robots."
This is genuinely true, although she feels she's a little difficult to work with unless people have colossal amounts of patience.
Computer Science
Technology Club

Your favorite color?
"I like... white. White is nice."

Your favorite foods?
"I eat anything, as long as it's not spicy. I can't stand spicy. If I had to choose, I guess.. strawberry sponge cake?"

Your most cherished item?
"Um... I don't know. Oh! That! When I was four years old, or five, or maybe six... I found a silver key under a floor panel... I never found what it opened. It's sort of a good luck charm!"

Five things you're good at?
"I'm good at drawing! I know it's other things as well, but it's such a pain to say them all individually...
I'm also good at... hmm, what am I good at? Oh! I'm good at computers, and robots, but people say that's unexpected. I'm also good at mental maths. Really good, and... I'm fluent in Russian."

Drawing (not an exaggeration: Her doodles would be an average drawer's masterpiece), Computer programming (She can even write in base computer language which is like, impossible), robot making (particularly artificial intelligence, and learning), mental arithmetic (she can do pretty much everything in her head provided she knows the formulas necessary), and Russian (cos she's from Russia).

Four things you're bad at?
"I'm bad at a lot more than four things... I can't cook. Imagine how disastrous that would be! I'm not very good at remembering things, either. I'm really bad at jokes, I always miss the timing. I'm bad at planning things out, I just start and keep going."
Cooking, remembering, humour, plans.

Traits you look for in a friend?
"Um... loyalty is good, because I don't make friends very easily, I'm quite shy. Also, patience is really important... I think it's quite obvious why!"

Traits you dislike in a person?
"I don't like mean people, but I know that they're only being mean because deep inside, they have problems, so I don't want to be mean to them because it might hurt them too much."

Would you rather wear pants or skirts for the rest of your life?
"Haha, what a silly question. Pants are so uncomfortable!"
"Why? I just said, didn't I? Well, probably not. Sometimes I imagine myself saying something but I don't actually say it, so... Pants are uncomfortable."

What do you hope to accomplish at Bloomfield?
"I don't really know at the moment. To begin with, I wanted to get good at drawing, but I'm already good at drawing, so I think I might focus on programming."

"Um, I have to describe myself? I'm not very good at that... I'm quite slow, but I'm not very good at being mean. I can be a bit shy, and I'm usually a little tired. I don't really care much for studying, but I can be surprisingly devoted to things I enjoy."
If you go to a dictionary and look for the word "Snail" or perhaps "oblivious", Sera's picture would be there. She's naturally friendly and kind, but she can be slow which is bad for people with short fuses. She doesn't really understand more complex emotions, so she can be a bit oblivious and often come across as rude if you're fragile at the time, but not intentionally.

Background History:
Sera was born in Russia, and lived there until she was 12, when she was abruptly moved to New Tokyo because of the collapse of a nuclear reactor nearby, which her Father took as an opportunity to advance his career. His mother was unaffected by this so it was pretty much a spontaneous decision. Sera has a lot of money; or rather, her parents have a lot of money and she just has a lot of access to it. Just as her time at the academy was starting, her mother's career took a sudden turn, and her parents were forced to move away, but decided to leave her at the academy because they didn't want her following the same career.
Cast list has been updated!

A new sport has been added to the list aka the dance team. They will perform at some sports functions, but mainly basketball, and with the band. I felt like the list wasn't complete without one. :D

Also thinking of adding a student committee, which would only be eligible to third years. One from each house.
Was hoping you would do a Student Committee , wouldn't be the same without one. Hoping to snag it for Hana to do. ^^

Hana will be re-finished tonight!
Was hoping you would do a Student Committee , wouldn't be the same without one. Hoping to snag it for Hana to do. ^^

Hana will be re-finished tonight!
I had always had the idea in mind, but I didn't know how I wanted to do it, but I think it's a good idea to do one. I think it's simplest to restrict it to one third year of each house.
I had always had the idea in mind, but I didn't know how I wanted to do it, but I think it's a good idea to do one. I think it's simplest to restrict it to one third year of each house.
Well , I mean there are several ways to do it and or put them to use. They could have always been picked by supposed highest entrance exam scores or something along those lines to be introduced at the welcoming ceremony. So many options to be had. It should be mainly third years since they would be more experienced but I would assume lower years would volunteer to assist them every now and again by their choosing.
Well , I mean there are several ways to do it and or put them to use. They could have always been picked by supposed highest entrance exam scores or something along those lines to be introduced at the welcoming ceremony. So many options to be had. It should be mainly third years since they would be more experienced but I would assume lower years would volunteer to assist them every now and again by their choosing.
I'd rather not do the entrance exam scenario only for the simple fact that not everyone would be interested anyway and it shouldn't mean they're also the smartest person, even if they do happen to be pretty intelligent. Probably the headmistress will have selected them. And yeah, they would volunteer.
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