Breath of Fresh Air

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Grandpa Jenkins laughed and waved a hand when the pair returned. "Ya got it all wrong! Figured I'd teach Opal here the ropes while you two were away. He's as smart as a whip, this one is."

Opal smiled shyly and shrugged. "Well, they're . . . rather simple card games, come to that. I'm sure anyone could pick them up." He patted the nearby empty chairs and nodded. "In any case, I know what I'm doing now. We could certainly all play together if you'd like."

Axle adjusted his posture and cracked his knuckles. "All right, but you all asked for it. No one's as ruthless as Axle the card shark!"

"Father, no one calls you the card shark," Noah said, snickering.

"They will after this game," Axle said with a smirk. "Pass me the cards." The deck was handed over, and he carefully shuffled them before dividing the deck equally among the group. "Winner of war gets an extra lemon tart after the game. May the best hand win."
Lily considered pressing Mr. Jenkins and to poke more fun at him for starting early, even though it made sense to teach Opal first, but ended up bursting into laughter at Axle instead. Tickled by the idea of him as a 'card shark', she settled in at the table with everyone and handed over the extra deck to mix in so they would have enough cards for everyone.

"Oh, actual stakes?" Jasper said with a chuckle as he sat down. "Then bring it on, Card Shark. Let's see what you've got."

It was good to sit and forget about all the bad things that had happened, to gather with friends and family and find ways to smile. Lily gave Noah a handicap by holding his hand when she ran out of cards, to match the way Jasper was eventually hampered by Nobu wanting to be in his lap, and Nel by Naga wanting to climb up his back to chew on his hair. Tima, at least, napped for most of the games and only poked her head up to table height to look at what they were doing and didn't get in the way.

"Not even one win!" Lily complained as they finished another game, but she was smiling when she threw her hands in the air on defeat. "I give up! It's bedtime, boys. I'm gonna say goodnight to Fern and go wash up." It was getting late and she wanted to sleep as long as she could. They had their walk to look forward to in the morning.
Noah loudly protested his handicap at first, teasingly, but quickly backtracked when Lily offered to take it away. He loved holding her hand and ocassionally gave it a squeeze throughout the game.

Opal was frequently delighted whenever Tima poked her head up above the table, and he enjoyed the card game as well. "I say! This is rather delightful. I can't believe my parents never taught me how to play," he added.

Eventually it was time for bed. By the time the game had finished, the lemon tarts were gone, save for a few Axle had set aside for everyone to share the next day. Everyone gave a chorus of good nights to Lily. And after one or two more rounds, the rest of the group got ready for bed as well, most of them thoroughly exhausted.

There were leftover lemon tarts for dessert after breakfast. And after a warm shower, some hair gel, and a fresh set of clothes, Opal looked almost completely back to normal. Even his head wound was nearly faded. He bit into his tart and sighed happily. "Mm. Perfect dessert to pair with an oatmeal breakfast," he murmured. "Jasper, is this safe to share with Tima?"

Chaital had her eye in the window again, rumbling at the group and impatiently waiting to go on the walk the group had promised.
Teasing aside, it was a good night spent with old friends and new, and Lily was glad they could still have fun together despite all that had happened. After she had gone to bed, Jasper was content to stay up for a while, playing his part in the games despite feeling sleepy without anything more complicated to focus on, and with Nobu a warm, heavy weight against his chest where the dragon snoozed. There were still a lot of things he was on the fence about, their new additions included, but he had at least shamed himself into learning his lesson after acting like a barbarian, or a child. Having peace in the house for a while was good for everyone.

In the morning, Jasper rose early so he could wash up quickly and set to work on changing Nobu's bandages, and since he was up anyway made sure to send the dragons off to get breakfast for themselves before the others could rise. By the time he had sat down to eat with everyone else, all dragons were fed and returned to wait for their humans to be ready. Chaital especially was raring to go for some time out with Noah, but he was trying to ignore her.

"Not gonna say its good for her," he answered Opal with a thoughtful sort of shrug, sipping from a mug of coffee after he'd finished eating and waiting for everyone else to be done as well. "But dragon stomachs are pretty tough. Can't say I've seen her species before, though."

Lily nodded along, though a bit sleepily still even after a quick shower and a hop outside to see Infernus before breakfast. "She's little, so a lot of sugar could be bad for her health, but an occasional treat's probably okay." Unlike Opal, despite being clean and dressed in new clothes, she had left her hair mostly alone after drying it and was likely a bit more windswept looking than he was used to. It was going to get ruined the next time she went flying anyway, and any products she might have used were still in the house she wasn't yet allowed to go back to. "Maybe we can ask Malia if she knows what she is, when we go check on the census."

There were friends and acquaintances still unaccounted for, for most people, and when it was done they would have a better idea of where Opal's parents were. If they were anywhere. She was trying not to think about it, and didn't dare let anyone even hint at it out loud.
Opal took all of that into consideration carefully. Finally he nodded, broke off a very tiny piece, and held it out towards Tima. "I suppose a tiny bite wouldn't hurt, then. Here, Tima. Would you like a little treat? You've been an absolute dear the past few days, you know. You very much deserve it."

Chaital huffed and rumbled dramatically from the window. Noah, who had been doing his best to ignore her, laughed and finally made his way over to reach through and stroke her scales. "Okay, okay! Couldn't even let me finish breakfast, huh? Needed attention that bad?"

His dragon chirped and closed her eyes, swishing her tail happily. She certainly did! The other dragons were wonderful, but she missed her rider being around more often when lately he'd been preoccupied with his new brother Nel and Opal.

A short while later, after everyone had finished breakfast and Noah had gotten Chaital tacked up - he planned to squeeze in some flying practice after the walk - a small group met in front of the Old Mill. Noah stood by Chaital and petted her scales. "Anyone else bringing their dragons with? Maybe do some flying practice after the walk?" he offered.
Tima, having been content to sit with Opal and only smell what he was eating, perked up with a soft, questioning warble when he said her name. She stared at the piece of food he held out as if to inspect it, then very carefully took it without touching his hand, chomping it carefully down and giving a little flick of her tail when she was done.

"I think she liked it," Lily said with a little giggle, having been observing the small dragon's body language. Tima was cautious and timid, but she seemed happy enough to be with Opal and wasn't violent. That was a good sign, at least. Lily had the feeling she had been somewhere unfriendly before, but maybe she would be like Soot and make a quick turn for the better.

Eventually it was decided that Nobu could come along, after Nel offered to help share carrying duty so Jasper's arms didn't get too tired, and when everyone was ready Lily went off with Infernus to get him saddled up, and to retrieve one for Soot in case he wanted to fly.

"I think if I don't let Naga run around for a while," Jasper said as they met Noah outside and started to get everyone moving, "Naga's gonna kick my ass again. But we can stay on the ground later." He could always go up with Lily and Infernus, but he wasn't sure yet what it would feel like. The last time he'd ridden on a larger dragon up in the sky, he'd left his little ones behind.

Naga, for her part, was raring to go already, full of energy and running around both Jasper and Infernus' feet to be close to them. When they started to get going, she would likely take to the air and fly circles around them, or wander off like she'd done before to go hunt unfortunate rodents.
At first, Soot was only interested in the large group gathering, sniffing around and tilting his head. He wasn't fully used to going out for walks. Especially not after the city had collapsed and everyone was focused on rescues and healing.

But then Lily came back with a saddle for him. He chirped and squeaked excitedly, shaking his wings and running in a circle. He reached out to gingerly take the saddle from Lily's hands, and then set it on his own back before standing near Nel with an expectant snort.

Noah laughed and grinned. "Looks like he's ready to go!" He glanced at Opal, shrugging. "Uh - you and Tima could maybe try flying with one of us if you - "

Opal quickly shook his head. "Very kind of you to offer, but I'd rather not. I'm . . . a bit scared of heights," he admitted softly.

"Oh! No worries, then," Noah said, waving a hand. "Everybody else ready?"

Eventually, the crew set off. Soot took up the rear of the group at a leisurely pace, keeping an eye on everyone to make sure they were safe. Opal smiled and petted Tima as they went, enjoying the sunshine and occasionally closing his eyes with a sigh when it warmed his face. His colorful hair sparkled.

Chaital and Noah played and rough housed more than they walked. The dragon picked Noah up carefully in her teeth and pretended to toss him, only to set him back down gently in the grass. And Noah ran back towards her, tackling her leg and laughing when she lifted it up to lick his cheek.

But suddenly she froze. She set her leg down again and gently nudged Noah off. Then she lifted her head, ear fins swiveling forward while she sniffed the air, and her tail went rigid. Something was wrong.

Opal, too, walked slower at one point and frowned, clutching his chest and looking around at the trees. "I . . . I recognize this place . . ." he mumbled.
Nel was patient with Soot, letting him decide what he wanted to do, but couldn't help a big, content smile when the dragon was so excited about flying. He was quick to help Soot get all buckled into his harness so they could use it a bit later on, and gave him a reassuring embrace before they set off. Crowds and groups weren't something Soot was used to, so they were still getting used to it.

"Don't worry, rich boy," Jasper teased amiably as they started to walk, Nobu cradled in his arms already, "You can stay grounded with me and the babes." Naga would hover around in the air, but with Nobu injured she always stayed close.

Lily was content to follow along, occasionally running off after Noah and Chaital while Infernus stayed with the others like a stoic protector. Leisurely walks were good for his humans, and he was keeping an eye out for all the small dragons around, and skittish Soot. Tima, for her part, often turned her face up to the sun when Opal did, enjoying the light and the fresh air. She didn't fly around, but staying glued to Opal's shoulder was more freedom than she had ever had.

A ways into their walk, far into Dragonry property and away from the refugee camps that had been set up, Naga began to show signs of distress. Nobu had been transferred to Nel's arms already for a turn at bearing his weight, and she darted sporadically around Jasper's feet, running away and then back and finally tugging on his pant leg with her teeth.

"All right - all right!" Jasper shook his leg a little to get her off, a sharp tone to his voice that at least convinced her to let go, though she only took to the air and flew close enough to smack him atop the head with her wings as she flapped. She made distressed noises and agitated motions, turning to fly further away. "For the love of god. Okay. Okay, I'm coming. I'll catch up - if I don't follow her this time she's gonna gut me. I don't know what's gotten into her."

Lily frowned at him as he jogged off after Naga, looking between Chaital and Opal for acting strangely and finally settling on their new friend. "Are you all right?" She asked, a bit worried about the way he held his chest. "Do you need to sit down?"

Infernus was not far behind Chaital in scenting the air, but rather than grow rigid he moved around to stand between Lily and the direction of the breeze, looking off after Jasper with a worried rumble. Something nearby had died. Something big.
Normally Opal would have taken offense to the jab - but between the tone in Jasper's voice and the light smile on his face, he could tell the young man didn't mean anything by it. He scoffed and smiled back. ". . . I should be rather offended, but I'm actually grateful for the company. Thank you."

"I'm offended!" Noah teased, glancing back from where he hung from Chaital's jaws. "Rich boy is my nickname, Jasper!"

". . . Perhaps we can share?" Opal offered with a snort.

Noah rolled his eyes, but he grinned as he crossed his arms. "Okay, okay. I guess."

Eventually the group froze. Noah stood up straight and watched Naga's frantic flying patterns, a frown on his face. "Is she all right?" he asked. Then he saw Opal's pale face, and his eyes went wide. ". . . Are you all right?"

Opal swayed for a few moments, trying to steady his breathing. But then Jasper ran off after Naga and he gasped in alarm and shot to his feet. "Jasper! Naga! W - wait! Don't go that way! It's dangerous!" he yelled, stumbling off after them as fast as he could go. "Wait!"

He couldn't put into words exactly why it was dangerous. Not until the small group reached the clearing below a tree a few moments later. Opal's footsteps slowed, and then stopped.

Two bodies hung from upward facing branches, having been dropped down onto them from a fair distance above. There were a few other blood splatters and disturbed foliage where they'd been dropped a few other times before but had missed their target. One was impaled through the head; the other through the chest. They still had their hair, and one of them had long hair the same pastel colors as Opal, while the other had his natural root color.

He staggered forward and dropped to his knees in front of them, his mouth hanging open and tears pricking his eyes.
Naga was frantic until he followed, so Jasper hardly paid Opal's cries any attention, looking back over his shoulder only briefly as he picked his way through the brush. "It's fine," he called back, "nothing but trees. Just watch your step."

He turned back to see where Naga had gone without giving Opal's concern any more attention, and drew to a halt as he saw her sitting still on the ground. The calm, demure posture struck him first. Then the stains on the ground. And then, finally, the fact that she was looking up.

For a stretch of a few seconds, it felt like the world had gone quiet and still. There was a man and a woman in the trees, bloody and broken, recognizable but bent at odd angles, like someone hadn't wanted to leave any of their bones intact. Naga made a soft, mournful sound up at them, studying them just as Jasper did but with none of the shock and revulsion.

Lily made a startled sound when Opal ran off, surprised at first by his frantic words and stopped by Infernus standing in her way. "I gotta make sure he's okay, Fern," she urged, running around him to go and follow after the others. "Opal! What's wrong? Come back!"

The ground was uneven and the underbrush thicker than other places of more trodden land, but she was quick on her feet. She caught up to him just as he fell to the ground, intent on reaching for him to help him up, but the moment she began to follow his gaze up into the trees Jasper rounded on her and put a hand over her eyes so firmly it almost hurt. She only managed to catch a faint glimpse, but even the vague outline she could recall was enough.

". . . Close your eyes." Jasper said, his tone unyielding even as he took her by the arm and started to push her back. "Turn around. Go back to the mill." His jaw was tight as he turned her around and pushed her back towards where Nel was catching up more slowly with Nobu in his arms. "Take her back. Then take Fern and go get the police, he's the fastest." When she was being pulled away with only faint, stuttered protests, he gestured a hand sharply at where Opal was paralyzed on his knees even as he went to retrieve Naga. "Noah, get him the fuck out of here! Now!"
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"Holy shit, you're fast! Slow down, Opal!" Noah called out. He ran after Opal almost as fast as Lily did, and Chaital watched him guardedly for a moment before slowly following behind. Her body language and tail were tense. Despite there not being any immediate danger, she could still smell death in the air. Human death. It was different than the smell of prey - and reminded her of when she'd lost her previous rider.

She wouldn't lose Noah.

She stayed close to him, even when he eventually burst out into the clearing and staggered to a stop on seeing the bodies in the trees.

Noah's eyes went wide, and the color drained from his face. "Ohhhh. Oh, shit," he whispered shakily. He held a hand over his mouth and stared for a long moment. Only when Jasper spoke again did he blink and hurry off to the bushes. "Y - yeah. Yeah. Let me just . . . oh, fuck - " He threw up in the bushes for a moment. But finally he sluggishly made his way back to where Opal was and patted his shoulder. "Come on, Opal. We gotta go."

Opal could barely respond. But he got silently to his feet and went with Noah when gently nudged to do so.

Chaital reached down to pick them up one at a time and place them on her back. Then she licked Jasper's cheek to thank him, tilting her head afterwards as though to ask whether he'd be going with them.
Nel was trying not to look. He had glanced, and that was enough. When Jasper pushed Lily in his direction he kept his eyes on her instead, guiding her along by the arm when she couldn't seem to make herself move forward.

"Look at me, look at me," he murmured faintly, pulling her along towards where Infernus had circled anxiously to meet them. "I'll help you up. Close your eyes." It was only when she was settled, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands pressed into Infernus' muzzle when he twisted his neck around to nudge at her that Nel stepped away to make sure her tow line was attached with the hand not holding Nobu. "Fern will take you back," he said gently, "and Soot and I'll be right beside you. Okay?"

She wouldn't turn her head, but when she blinked open tearful eyes finally she managed to nod and reach for the handholds of Infernus' saddle with both hands. "O- Okay. . . Okay."

Jasper reached a hand up to give Chaital's muzzle a pat, hardly flinching at her affections and looking at her with a serious expression despite the strain in his eyes. "Take them back." He said with a shake of his head, and moved past her to make sure Noah had his tow line secure, and Opal his spare, Tima wrapped tightly around his arm and the back of his neck. "I'll stay here. Fly fast."

Someone had to make sure no one else came upon the scene before the authorities could come. It wasn't that he was immune to the way his stomach turned, or that what he'd seen wouldn't forever be seared into parts of his brain he would think about in his darkest moments - but someone had to take charge. Someone had to send the others safely away and make sure what needed to be done was done. His grandfather had made sure he was made of tough enough stuff to take that on when no one else would.
Chaital gave a gentle, low rumble. She'd fly fast. And then she'd be back. If anything happened, she wanted to make sure someone was there to protect Jasper. She dipped her head in a nod.

Then she spread her wings, pushed off into the air, and with a few frantic flaps cleared the trees to make her way into the sky.

It wasn't long before she glided down in front of the Old Mill and waited patiently for the group to dismount. She gently nudged Noah and licked his cheek after he'd gotten settled, and she chirped quietly.

Noah blinked and sniffled. "Hm? Oh. Y - yeah. Yeah, go help Jasper. I'll stay here and help Opal."

Chaital nodded. Then she turned around, took off into the air again, and made her way back to the clearing. There she strolled over and curled up beside him with a quiet rumble.


Back at the Old Mill, Grandpa Jenkins made his way outside on seeing the group approach, only to blink and tilt his head. ". . . What happened? Walk ain't go according to plan?" he asked worriedly.
It wasn't easy, flying on Soot with Nobu in his arms, but Nel managed. He had been tasked with taking care of the injured dragon, and making sure everyone got home safely. If nothing else, he was good at doing what he was told.

By the time they touched down at the Old Mill, Lily's eyes were already watering more than she could swipe away as they flew. The second her feet were on the ground she hurried to Mr. Jenkins' side and held on to him for all she was worth, beginning to cry in earnest. Infernus followed her more slowly with a worried rumble in her throat, nudging her gently to tell her to stay where she was. He had to go, but he was leaving her in good hands.

"Wait for me here." Nel instructed Soot gently as he got down, cradling Nobu still and grateful the small dragon was quiet rather than crying for his missing master. As he looked between the others Nel was reminded of the hours they had spent trying their best to avert disaster. He felt like he was choking every time he opened his mouth to speak, and there was a tremble in his hands he couldn't get rid of, but he couldn't let himself hide, or look for any solace. Lily was crying, Opal was all but comatose, and if the shock didn't drive Noah to paralysis like it once had then he was going to have to push the others along regardless. There was no one left but Nel to go and do what needed to be done.

". . . we found two bodies." He said as he approached, the horror of it clear in his eyes even as he moved to take Nobu inside, to keep going even though the tightness in his chest told him to give up and find somewhere to hide. "I have to go and bring the police. Please watch Nobu for me." And the others.

The moment his injured burden was resting comfortably inside, Nel jogged back out and climbed onto Infernus' back with no hesitation, familiar enough with the dragon to know that he wouldn't mind, and that he knew that they needed to go somewhere quickly. "We have to go. I'm sorry, Soot. Please watch over them for me." He would be back soon.

Jasper watched the others leave, grateful that no one turned to look back, and for a while stayed facing that way himself like he couldn't bear to look again. It wasn't pleasant, and other than guarding the evidence it wasn't his place to investigate. He didn't want to look at it again, no matter how much morbid curiosity told him he should. Eventually he sat, facing out towards the Dragonry with Naga pressed into his side making soft, sad little noises. Part of him wondered just how she had caught the scent before the larger dragons had, and why she'd wanted him to go to it so frantically. Maybe, he thought, she had imagined there was still some way to save them.

". . . You didn't have to come back for me." Jasper said softly when Chaital returned and touched down beside him, though a part of him was grateful for the company. "Noah needs you."

He had seen Infernus fly off again in the distance, moving with speed to the Dragonry and all the legal forces that had gathered with the rest of the refugees, to find the police chief, Malia and likely the Grandmaster of the riders as well. Between them all, they would send the right people to come and retrieve the bodies. His departure meant Noah, Opal, and Lily were all safely with Mr. Jenkins, and hopefully Axle as well.
It took Chaital leaving for Noah to snap back to the present. Lily was sobbing. Nel had to go off and get the police, and Jasper was away guarding the bodies. Someone had to comfort Lily, and Grandpa Jenkins couldn't move while she was clinging to him. He cleared his throat, sucked in a breath, and made his way over to the pair.

"Lily," he said gently, setting a hand on her shoulder. "L - let's, um . . . let's go inside. I'll make us some cocoa." Something to drink. Something to take their minds off the horror. "Opal, come on. You too. The dragons can w - wait out here." He reached out his other arm and tried to guide both of them inside.

Grandpa Jenkins had barely enough time to process the announcement about the bodies before Nel was flying off again, but he eventually nodded and waved an arm. "Eyup. I'll watch 'em for ya. Fly safe, lad!" he called out. Then he went ahead of the group and held the door open for them. "All right, listen, you all. I'll make the cocoa. You settle in on the couch in front of the fire. Ya hear?"

Soot chattered at Nel as he left, bobbing his head. He'd watch over the group. He understood. He turned and made his way to the window, keeping an eye on them while they trudged towards the couch.

Chaital huffed and licked Jasper's hair gently. Noah would be fine. He had Grandpa Jenkins, Axle, and everyone else at the Old Mill, where they'd be safe and sound.

But there had been a murder here.

If anyone were to try attacking Jasper, Naga might not be big enough to defend him. But Chaital would be. She kept her head high and scanned the surrounding forest, sniffing and keeping alert for any strange sounds.
It felt like she couldn't catch her breath. Lily shook her head when Noah touched her, but between he and Mr. Jenkins was able to be guided inside, wiping at her eyes with both hands and all but hyperventilating on the way in when she couldn't make herself stop.

"I-I'm sorry-" she managed when she was finally sitting on the couch with the warmth of the fire nearby, breath catching in her throat intermittently still as she tried to calm herself down. "I'm sorry. I don't - I don't know why I'm crying."

She had only seen a brief glimpse, and she had no idea what was going on, but it had struck her in the heart so terribly she couldn't shake it. It was awful, and sad, and terrifying. She didn't know what to do with herself.

Jasper sighed when Chaital groomed him briefly, trying to calm him like a hatchling, and just leaned back against her steady weight with a small release of tension he hadn't thought he was capable of so soon. "Thanks for keeping watch," he said softly, a hand on Naga to keep her calm and quietly grateful for the company. With Chaital around he didn't need to try and keep alert so much. She would watch for anyone that came nearby.

"I don't like the look of this. . ." he murmured as they weighted, talking to her automatically even knowing he wouldn't get a response, just like he did when he was working. "Whoever, or whatever, did this . . . they were determined. There's a lot of rage over there. . ."

He hadn't wanted to look, but he'd seen enough. The poor people in the trees, whoever they were, had been dropped from some distance up more than once, maybe even more than twice. He only hoped it was high enough that the first time had killed them.
"What are you talking about?" Noah asked with a blink. He settled down on the couch beside Lily, offering her an arm so she could rest against his side if she wanted. Then he took a breath and nodded. "We just saw two - well, we all saw it, I think. But shit like that is traumatizing. No wonder you're all shook up. I'd be more worried if you weren't upset."

Grandpa Jenkins nodded as well and lit a small scented candle, setting it on the coffee table in front of the group to help them calm down. "Ah won't press for details," he insisted. "Just want ta make sure yer all safe an' sound." Then he made his way over to Opal, pulling him into a comforting hug. "C'mere, lad. I've got you."

Opal was still fairly in a state of shock. But Jenkins was gentle, and warm, and he felt safe and secure. He sniffled and leaned in against him. And at long last, he spoke. "They're . . . they're both - " he croaked out.

Axle Harn came into the room a few moments later. He took one look at the scene, and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "- What happened? Where's Jasper?"

Noah sniffed and pointed at the door. "Out - out there, in the woods. There's - he's okay, but there's . . ."

"I'll go," the man decided softly. He whistled for Pumpkin, and once the dragon had landed on his shoulder, he made his way out the door. "You all stay here, okay? Grandpa Jenkins and the dragons will keep you safe." And before anyone could protest, he was gone.

The golden bronze dragon huffed and licked his hair a final time with a nod, relaxing herself when he finally sank against her and let the tension in his shoulders ease. Then she listened quietly to the leaves rustling in the wind.

A few minutes passed before Pumpkin's familiar chirp sounded through the trees. Chaital answered him back, swishing her tail in a relaxed motion, and a few moments later Axle's voice came from the brush.

"Oh! That sounds like Chaital. Good. We must be getting close. Jasper? Are you out here? It's Axle!"
It felt unnecessary and involuntary, crying over something that had nothing to do with her and that had happened to someone else. She was sad for the people that had passed, of course, but she couldn't get past the shock to her system after seeing them, however briefly. Jasper's voice had been enough to confirm for her what she'd seen such a small glimpse of. He was so serious, so stern, and he'd meant it. It was a voice he only used for very serious things, and she hadn't heard it in a long time. Even when he'd scolded them for going to get Chaital without telling someone he'd only been angry and worried.

Despite feeling as if her voice had died in her throat, she was glad that Axle went off to find her friend, if only so he wouldn't be alone.

She could only shake her head when Noah tried to console her, knowing somewhere that he was right and it wasn't silly to cry but feeling sick about it anyway. She turned into the way he invited her closer, drying her eyes on her hands still but leaning her weight into his side and her head against his shoulder. "Th- Thanks, Noah. . ." She managed faintly, sniffling a little and keeping an eye on Nobu where he rested on his cushion, looking longingly at the door. She hoped he wouldn't try to get up and waddle away in search of Jasper.

It was almost easy to forget for a moment that anything had happened, and that he was keeping watch over two horribly mangled bodies waiting for police to arrive. Chaital was good company, supportive but quiet, the breeze moving gently through the trees around them like nothing at all was wrong. Jasper was only glad for his own willpower, resisting the urge to look behind them again.

Pumpkin and Chaital communicating was a surprise, as was the way Naga picked her head up and scampered off in search of Axel's voice. He had done a great deal towards earning the wary little dragon's trust, having saved Nobu and helped get them back to Jasper after the city fell. She didn't go out of Jasper's sight but moved much closer, giving small, barking calls as if imitating Infernus' larger voice when he bellowed a greeting.

"Over here," Jasper called back when Naga got Axle's attention and started to scamper back towards him, leading the older man along, though part of him wanted to roll his eyes still at the man's presence. It was the shock, he was sure. For the most part, he had come to accept Axle's endless concern for others as it was, even if he wasn't very fond of being treated like a child. "You should turn back before you've come too close. It isn't pretty, and I've sent Nel for the police already." He assumed Noah had said something about why he was guarding the scene. No one else needed to have that image burned into their brain.
"I've got you," Noah said gently, rubbing Lily's shoulder and nodding. "Go ahead and drink s - some cocoa when you can. It might help us all relax a little." He glanced up at Nobu and sniffed. "H - hey. Nobu. You want to come sit with us?" he offered. "We can come pick you up."

Opal had started full on sobbing. Grandpa Jenkins led him to the couch, sitting down with him and running a hand through his hair. ". . . Eyup. Not to worry, lad. You let it all out," he murmured.

Axle's face lit up in a relieved smile when Naga came scampering towards him. If she was relaxed and at ease, Jasper must be, too. "Hello, Naga. Good to see you," he told her warmly.

He followed her back through the grass and shrubs, stopping when he found Jasper and the man told him to turn back slightly. There was clearly no immediate danger. That in itself made Axle relax far more. He nodded to Jasper and leaned against a tree, still keeping an eye on his surroundings out of habit. "I'm glad you're all right," he told Jasper. "But I'll be frank, I've no idea what's going on out here. I took one look at everyone's expressions, heard you were alone, and I just - well, one can't be too careful," he admitted at last.

Chaital rumbled and gently nudged Axle's hand with her muzzle, closing her eyes. Axle was more than happy to stroke her muzzle and glance up at her with a smile.

Then he glanced back at Jasper, and his smile faded a bit. "Can I ask what did happen? I don't need too many details."
Lily managed to nod a little, reaching for Noah's hand and giving it a squeeze. He had to be scared, too, she thought. The tremor and stutters in his voice made her worry about him, which made it easier to focus away from herself. "I'll get him." She said when Nobu's attention turned their way and the little dragon started to get up onto his three working legs. She took a slow, careful breath to steady herself, then got up to pick him up and haul him over to where they sat so he could at least be next to them if he didn't want to be right in their laps. Having Nobu to pet would make Noah feel better, she hoped. Having only had a brief glimpse at the disaster, she had no idea that the bodies might have been Opal's parents.

Jasper made a little bit of a face at Axle's coming to rescue him, shaking his head at the idea that he needed. "Chaital's here," he said with a shrug rather than protest, not ungrateful for the man's concern but feeling as if he hadn't warranted it. Axle could be soft sometimes, but he was a businessman from upper Floaten, and he was an adult. There was no need to sugarcoat things.

"Don't look," he started with a serious expression, and only once he'd been heard pointed a thumb back over his shoulder, indicating the clearing not far from where he and Chaital sat. "There's two bodies, back that way, stuck up in the trees. Looks like they got dropped from something, or somewhere, over and over, or else someone beat them to death on the ground before hanging them up there." Whatever had happened, it was brutal, and he didn't really want to meet the people that had done it. ". . . I'm not encouraging you to go see. It's not pretty. . . But I think they might be Opal's parents." The thought of it made his stomach turn. If he was right, Opal should never have seen them. No one deserved that.