OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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"Shi-" Kaoru began, but stopped, pulling out the walkie-talkie and clicking the button again. "Sorry, sorry." he apologized. "Met one of those 'Kane' people...It was a diversion." he said in an apologetic tone before ending the transmission, hearing voices. "Crud-" he said softly before running in the opposite direction. He wasn't worried about getting would take a lot of force for that.
But what he was sure about was that he didn't want to meet...anyone else like that.

Yuuji scanned the article, pupils dilating in surprise. "Hm...seems like this Earth is much more destroyed," he muttered, biting his tongue gently with pointed teeth as he noticed the flashing article.
"Tiberium poisoning in humans?" he said before guiding the mouse up to it and clicking it. "I wonder if it turns humans...into those things." he said, glancing at the crystal. He hated that was like something was repelling him from it.

Sakuto complied immediately, wing hanging limply. "Can't use up too much magic when I heal my my healing magic is shitty. Kaoru's the specialist in healing, I'm the weapons guy." he thought.
Whenever a ghost used up all their magic...they usually fainted. And if they managed to wake up...they would stay in a drunken stupor until they shook out of it.
Once he got there...if they left him alone for long enough, he would attempt to escape.
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  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: [Inactive]
    Nightmare: [50% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    OST: Crimson Cloud
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM)​

    "The nobles of the land did feed upon the hungry poor…" V spoke as he stopped the cycle in front of the base, garnering the attention of the Gladius Demons as he recited some verses while getting off of the bike, the tattoos on his body seemingly fading as his shadow seem to stretch and grow, turning into a shadowy mound, growling like a panther. "They tear the poor man's lamb and drive the needy from their door(Gwin King of Norway)" The mound finally took shape as a black panther as the Gladius began to fly towards V, turning from their bat-like form into swords shooting through the air. V stepped to the side as the panther began to change shape, turning into a buzzsaw whirling in place as V commanded it to with a snap, parrying the blades and forcing them to be stuck on the ground. "Griffon."

    "Yeah, yeah!" Griffon snapped as he was called back to V, closing then spreading its wings as it called upon demonic lightning that spread from the avian, intent on smiting the lesser Demons.

  • image.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Confused, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    To Another World
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @MurderousLoneWolf

    "You're right, it would be irresponsible to leave this poor girl out in the cold like this..." Haru nodded, seeing what it meant when it pointed at the girl and beeped in a concerned tone. Haru once more approached the unconscious girl, crouching in front of her and the robot, trying to figure out what to do with her. "I don't suppose you have room to carry her on your back, do you?" She asked the machine of war, thinking that she could probably be slung on the shoulder that's not occupied by a gatling gun, but that seemed occupied by a nest of birds. Haru let out a warm and wave at the bird that's chirping at her shoulder. Poor thing. It's probably not on its natural habitat…

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Sinclair eyed the others from his new suit "Alright, Men, and Woman. Let's move out. We can't risk standing around here any longer than we should.

In the back of Sinclair's mind, he couldn't help but have a flicker of worry that he somehow bit off more than he can chew.

@Raynar Saassin @Whatever

Marius toned down his voice "What is that you are holding? I've...never seen anything like it."
@Raynar Saassin @LuckycoolHawk9
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  • "Dax? You want to tell him?"
    "What, you want me to tell him? Alright, suit yourself, Jak."

    Daxter turned towards Burt and began to explain where they came from.

    "We come from a place that has constant trouble! With this eco stuff all over the place, people fight over it."
    "Bit of an exaggeration, Dax. Basically what you need to know is we know how to take care of ourselves, given all that we've been through together. What about you? Where do you come from?"
    "Yeah! I don't particularly remember seeing any of your kind anywhere. 'specially not ones that dress up like that!"


  • "What, you've never seen a firearm before?"

    Now he was questioning who was the one in front of him? Looked like old armor, from just the appearance alone. But questioning that was the least of his worries.

    "Look, whoever you are, we need to find a way out and back to the Allies. Unfortunately, hostiles are swarming all over these tunnels. What about your friend over there? Is he in any condition to get up and fight?"

    @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

  • As V and his Demon Summons tore apart the Hellbats and Galdius demons, the base began recovering from the out of world threats. The remaining Gladius began charging towards V with malicious intent, the remaining Hellbats alongside them. Looks like the last group of invaders are going for an all-out last stand approach against him.


    The bird kept chirping for a while before returning to the bot and nestling in the twig nest on it's shoulder. Taking note of what Haru suggested, the machine gently bent down and lifted the unconscious girl, before releasing her against one of the trees and cocking it's weapon gun.

    "*Concerned beeps, aggressive motions.*"

    A few seconds later and Haru would now realise why the bot was so anxious; there were sounds of faint movement in the woods. Coming from all directions. They were surrounded by something, but what?

    @ThePotatoGod @MurderousLoneWolf

  • After a while of walking, Sakuto would notice a metallic object in the distance that blended in with the environment:


    "There it is."
    "The Sudden Transport."
    "We mustn't waste any time."
    "Hurry along now, but keep him with us."
    "Who knows what tricks he might pull to escape containment."


  • As Kaoru would continue running, the sounds of other footsteps could be heard behind him. If he were to turn around, he'd find himself being purposed by three armoured individuals:


    "Stop right there! In the name of Kane, surrender immediately!"

    As Yuuji accessed the article, it revealed the information about Tiberium Effects on Humans:

    When exposed to very high concentrations of Tiberium, such as while passing through an area of dense Tiberium growth without protective apparatus, the short-term effects of Tiberium poisoning are immediately experienced by individuals. If an individual dies from such exposure, irregular Tiberium mutation can sometimes result. This mutation causes the individual's body to literally break down into a somewhat inside-out, amoeboid organism. These are known as "Visceroids", with the strange tendency to "bleed" fluids in both gaseous and liquid forms. Visceroids tend to feed upon nearby sources of Tiberium, or, if available, they will attempt to digest organic matter of vaguely similar genetic composition to the host organism that preceded them.

    Human Tiberium poisoning has become much more dangerous with its evolution: if a human comes into direct contact with Tiberium, the green matter will start to fuse with their skin within about 20 seconds. An intense burning sensation will be felt and a full infection will manifest if the victim isn't treated immediately. The flesh will begin to take on a glassy-greenish appearance as it begins to crystallize; eventually internal organs will shut down as Tiberium extends rigid crystalline runners throughout the body. If the crystal is breathed in, then it will become embedded in the lungs. The ability to process oxygen will be lost as the lung tissue crystallises. Eventually the subject will hemorrhage to death. If the part of the body that is infected is amputated, the infected can be spared further infection.

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  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]{O}
    Shadow: 100% [Active]{O}
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    OST: Crimson Cloud
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM)​

    The fight between V's menagerie and the Demons feel more like a wild dance between man and animal. Griffon, the blue bird and Panter seem to be the driving force, bringing the demons onto a glowing, weakened state before their Master swoops in for the kill, essentially taking all of the credit as one could see V seemingly teleport from one spot to another thanks to his cane.

    Or perhaps this is a sign that V's stronger than he lets on.

    As he removes his cane from impaling a Hellbat, exploding behind him as V turned around and spotted what would be the last wave of Demons. A flock of Gladiuses(Gladii?) and Hellbats, swarming the trio.

    "Focus." V commanded his two familiars, his tattoos glowing as if enhanced by his own magical strength. "Great things are done when men and mountains meet; This is not done by jostling in the street.(Gnomic Verses)"

    "Yeah, yeah, you don't need to tell us twice, Shakespeare!" Griffon guffawed as the bird flew around V, sending lightning to the ground below as if to deter any of the demons to approach as Shadow turned into a mound of spikes, sending tendrils at the Gladii and Hellbats in a bullet like thrust, attempting to skewer the Demons to weaken them enough for V to land the killing blows!

    The man in black simply taking out a book, reciting poetry as he calmly weaves through the demons' attacks, letting his summons do most of the work for him. It's almost as if he himself couldn't fight.

  • image.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Tense, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @MurderousLoneWolf

    "?!" Haru gasped upon hearing a branch crack somewhere, prompting the seemingly clueless rich girl to turn to the sound, her back as close to the nature loving bot as possible, not knowing what kind of danger lies on the woods. "W...What was that?" Haru gulped as she looked around to see what it was that surrounded them. She didn't have anything on her to protect herself, not even her ax–she didn't find the need to keep anything from her time as a Phantom Thief! The Metaverse was gone after all. She looked around for something she could use to defend herself–maybe a heavy stick or whatever would work!

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"Well I, I came from a desert land much like this one. Instead of cold snow, however, it is filled with scorching sand. At night though, my world does grow cold like this," Burt narrated, ending with a deep sigh as his eyes briefly returned their gaze to the snowy fields.

A wistful smile left his lips as memories of his father and creator flooded his mind. He trained himself to be stronger and better so he could rescue his father back from his captors. But now, he couldn't even ascertain if he'd see him again. "We'll, I'd promise that I will not drag you down at least," he remarked, averting his eyes back at his companions.

@Raynar Saassin
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Marius Titus



The Roman grunted and looked over at the other solider "I'm not sure about the other man, he hasn't woken yet. Can't exactly leave this guy behind though even if he's unconscious.

I can try to learn a gun but all I can fight with are swords now, stranger.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Raynar Saassin
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Kaoru sighed. "Aw~ I wanted to avoid fights o'er here, but I guess I couldn't..." he said, giggling childishly before pulling out one of his knives and running to the first person to the far left with almost superhuman speed, before attempting to slash at a chink he thought he saw at the base of the neck.
If that worked, he would teleport to the next one, at the far right, and try slashing at the same crack.

Yuuji read through it, sucking in a sharp breath. "Damn. This planet is worse than ours." he said, before trying to see if there was anything else that he could find on the computer.
If he couldn't find anything, he would see if there was anything else in the room, and if there wasn't anything there, he would try and head back to where Kaoru was.

Sakuto saw it immediately, panicking for a momentary second. On one hand, it could be warm there and he could possibly...y'know, NOT freeze to death. On the other hand...he had a bad feeling.
When they got closer, he whirled around, whilst pressing the button, trying to hit a few of them before teleporting to the first place he thought of, a small hole he saw while walking towards the Transport.
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  • As V and his Summons mopped up the remaining Demons, a few of the Nod Soldiers came out to celebrate the occasion.

    "Haha, he did it! He actually did it!"
    "That pretty much makes us even for his attack on us in Poland."
    "You're still holding a grudge over that? Get a grip."

    "Well, you've been busy."

    Spoke a familiar voice as a Commando appeared before them, carrying something on their back.

    "Surprised? My mission was similar to yours. I was investigating the source of these... things, and where they've been coming from. After finding this thing, I'm convinced we're dealing with an infestation."

    The Commando threw what she was carrying onto the floor:


    Demons. More Lesser Demons. But something was strange. There were "plants" on them of a unique style.

    "I saw something flying around the forest during my investigation, and I was attacked by this thing and others. Our new objective is to find the source, and eliminate it. Preferably without destroying the forest in the process. You know anything about these things?"


    The noises continued to occur, with the bot readying it's weapon. Soon the noises got louder, the sound of... water? Gushing through the ground and around them. Eventually, the source revealed itself as it lashed towards the group:


    Metallic Sword looking beings were "swimming" through the ground all around them, at least ten of them. Three of them swarmed up towards the bot and jumped out of the ground like a Dolphin out of water, aiming right for it's central torso. This prompted it to jump out of the way as it finished it's decent, swimming back into the ground; poking out a blade at the top like a fin.


  • "I don't think you will, Bert. We'll find a way out of this, find some people and figure out where we are, exactly."
    "Yeah. I want Civilization! I miss girls!"

    Daxter sat right by the fire and fell asleep, meaning Jak and Bert were the only ones awake.

    "Don't mind him. He has a... eccentric, personality. I tried calling for help but to no luck, the signal doesn't seem to reach anywhere. Don't suppose you have anything that could help us?"


  • "Hmm. Fine. If we're making it out of this, I'll give you covering fire whilst you move in to close the distance. But for now, we hold up here until reinforcements arrive. Or until we come up with a plan."

    The man slowly stood up, revealing more bruises and cuts on his chest as he slowly stumbled forward.

    "Look. It's not going to be easy. This is a network of tunnels and stairs, and abandoned scenery. I'm just a soldier, I had friends down here but they were gunned down. I'm lucky to be alive."

    @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

  • As soon as Sakuto teleported, the five Archer Maidens immediately grabbed their bows and readied themselves for combat.

    "He's illusive."
    "Teleportation... Shinobi?"
    "Impossible. Shinobi do not possess wings."
    "Remain focused, girls."
    "We mustn't let him get far."


  • "What the?!"

    The first one fell in an instant, with the other two readying their weapons in response, but unable to catch them as their teleport succeeded; cutting the second one down. The third immediately readied their weapon and fired several laser blasts at random directions in an attempt to catch Kaoru.

    It was then that someone entered Yuuji's room. They weren't wearing any Nod Insignia, and they certainly didn't dress like any of the patrolling members. It wasn't Tanya either, it was a male.


    "You're no Nod Scientist. What's a kid like you doing in a place like this? Look, you better come with me. I'm blowing this place to hell and back, and I don't think you'll want to be here when the charges go off in twenty minutes."

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Burt momentarily glanced over the campfire, seemingly lost at the sight of its fluttering embers. "To be frank, I'm just as lost as you are," he answered grimly, giving off a dispirited sigh, his eyes drooping in exhaustion. It's not as if he got anyone else to ask for help from even if he's back in his own world. He only got his father, and the rest treated him as either a weapon or a monster.

He leaned back against the wall of the cave that served as their temporary shelter. "Perhaps we can explore more of the area in the morning when it's a bit warmer. In the meantime, I guess we need all the rest we could get. I can stand by to watch if you want," he suggested, though clearly, his visage gave away the fact that he's fully exhausted.

@Raynar Saassin
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Kaoru dodged most of the bullets, twisting his body, almost like a circus performer but wincing when a bullet grazed his cheek, milky-white scales growing over the area almost immediately.
He danced over to the other, aiming for the crack once more.
Once the whole ordeal was over, he sighed for a minute, sheathing his knife and feeling around in the air, humming a bit as he grabbed the air, feeling a bit until he felt strands of magic pulsing under his fingers, the shimmery pink magic threads materializing as he felt around for the cut, hissing as he felt it, before stabbing the pink thread through, almost stitching the skin together.
When he let go, the skin was intact, nearly like new, the only difference being that the skin was pinker than the rest.

He turned, continuing upwards.

Yuuji turned to face the man, ears flattening and he hissed, until he heard what the other said. "Look, sir, my friend is still in here, an' I won't leave without him." he said without thinking before clawing at the air and grabbing a bundle of green strings from thin air, slipping it in his pocket for future use.

Sakuto rolled over, exposing just the white side of his shirt as he shoved his arm into the snow, wincing as his pale skin got bit by the chilling cold. as he pulled out a singular red string. Strings of physical magic.
He wound it around the cylinder, boosting the power of the scythe a little bit as he waited for his teleportation ability to recharge.
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  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: 100% [Active]
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    OST: Crimson Cloud
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM)​

    "Kyahaha! You're becoming quite the celebrity around here, V!" Griffon cackled as he settled down on V's shoulder right after the blackened Demon Hunter removed his cane from the remaining Hellbat, letting out a sigh as he leaned on the cane.

    "Though these soldiers weren't much help…" V sighs in melancholy, "Quite the disappointment, really. Dante could've handled all of these with just pistols alone…" He says as the Demons' corpses slowly decay into burnt ash, just in time for The Commando to reveal herself to V once more. The Panther morphing into a mound similar to a soft sofa ball, allowing V to take a seat as his superior officer brings him a surprisingly non-decayed demon corpse. "A Scarecrow Demon…With a demonic parasite."

    "Yeesh, kinda looks like the kinda guys you'd find bumblin' around an Echidna's forest." Griffon flew down at the dead demon, pecking it with his beak. Soon realizing that he might have to explain it to the dumbass soldiers who couldn't even defeat a bat. "They're Chimeras–Lesser Demons mindjacked by Chimera Seeds to create this monstrosity. Should be more where this guy comes from."

    "So that Demon's the likely cause of our demonic epidemic." V affirmed Griffon's assessment, glancing at the Commando. "One that we need to be rid of…Where did you find this?" He asked, knowing that the Echidna should be nearby.

  • image.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Tense, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @MurderousLoneWolf

    Haru managed to grab a stick right in time to hear the sound of rushing water, holding it like a bat as her eyes widened at a rather bizarre sight; large, shark-like fins rose from the ground, splashing around like normal river water, yet none of the land turned to mud. It's like an entire school of these things, swarming around the two in groups of three, leaping out of the ground and revealing its entire body.

    Its entire body was that of a monstrous fish with one eye, bearing its dorsal fin right above it and bearing a bladed tail. This being is an impossibility; a genuine freak of nature.

    When one of the demons leapt out of the water to slice her, Haru instinctively held up her stick to block the incoming strike. When the blade clashed with the stick, there was a spark of blue flames, briefly changing Haru's outfit into a rather fancy looking one before the flame quickly dissipated when the demon returned to land, returning Haru to normal.

    "Thats…?!" Haru gasped in shock. For a moment, she felt that rebellious will inside her; the courage and power to fight demonic entities. For a brief moment, she felt as if she's been brought to that dimension of impossibilities once more. Though one aspect of that outfit was kept–her eyes now obscured with a black facemask. Which she'd never notice.

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{slide=Hong Kong}
The Third Dropship would touch down outside of Hong Kong; one of China's central cities. It was also under occupation of the Empire of the Rising Sun, one of their few land operations remaining after the Cataclysm. As The Imagined would exit the ship's ramp, sounds of battle were heard in the distance. Clashes of Sword and Metal chimed across the area as if a battle befitting that of Swordsmen was occurring near Imagined's position. Upon further observation, it would appear that Imperial Soldiers were engaging what looked to be a woman and someone unconscious on the floor...

View attachment 235109

"Why are you attacking me?! I only just woke up after being knocked out and you're already wanting me dead?"
"Damare, mijime!" - Translation: Silence, wretch!

This lady wielded a golden looking sword which appeared to match the Warrior's strengths, but even she can't last forever...

Meanwhile, the woman who was laid unconscious whilst the other fought dressed similarly in appearance, though they looked more armored than the other. Sporting a different fashioned Sword, this woman would eventually awaken to the sound of combat as it would appear that another woman was battling a group of men, who had the upper hand against her in numbers...

@Hahli Nuva

The Imagined leapt off of the ramp, bidding the plot a farewell as she activated her helmet before her wings took to the sky, carrying her with it as she zoomed over to the sounds of battle. She activated her sword and brought it down upon the first soldier she saw, cutting enemy soldiers down like a hot knife through butter.

The blue haired woman groggily woke up, clutching the die of her head. She tried to clear the ringing in her ears and the pounding headache wasn't helping matters either. She could barely make out the form of another warrior before she fell to all fours, completely exhausted.
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  • "Nah, we got this, right Jak?"
    "No sweat. We'll keep watch, you get some rest. You look like you haven't gotten anyway in a while."

    Keeping the fire on, Jak stood by the entrance of the cave; holding a strange rifle of some kind. As minutes past, the sound of movement was heard in Jak's ears, prompting Daxter to notice his increase in guard.

    "Yeah. Something's coming. And it doesn't sound good."

    Soon after, three beings came into view at the entrance of the cave:


    "I don't know, but wake Bert up quick."

    Jak started firing his weapon; the sound of it being a Shotgun, as an attempt to suppress whilst Daxter went over to a sleeping Bert, shaking their head wildly.

    "Wake up! Wake up! We're under attack!!"


  • As soon as Sakuto pulled out his magical string, the five Archer Maidens were nowhere in sight. To make matters worse... The Sudden Transport was gone. However trouble would continue to come about as several flying objects were coming into view. Looked like they called for Reinforcements...


  • "An Echidna forest? Hmm. Sounds like whatever is responsible for this has decided to make the Amazon their home."

    The Commando looked over to the Soldiers who immediately got their act together.

    "Assess the damage to the base. Make sure nothing important was broken in the attack."
    "Yes ma'am!"

    Once they moved towards the structures, the Commando pulled out a tablet of some kind which began broadcasting a signal. V would recognize the man on the device; none other than Kane.

    "Ah, my child. I am pleased with your results, however from what the Commando has just told me, we're dealing with a bigger problem. Can you brief me on what is going on?"


    The Demons continued swishing towards the duo, leaping up for a strike towards Haru whilst her back was turned. Seeing this, the bot immediately began transforming into a central sentry position!


    Fully loaded and ready to burn, the bot began opening fire towards the Demon Metal Fish attacking Haru; pumping them full of hot lead which made them dive into the ground again. The bot would stay in this configuration for a long while, suppressing any that would jump up. Unfortunately due to their metallic nature, the bot's bullets served only as an irritation rather than causing damage. Whatever Haru has up her sleeve, she needs to pull it out now or there's a chance of death.


  • Corrin watched as someone jumped out of nowhere and began cleaving through the Japanese Soldiers, scratching her head at the situation. She was confused, but this person seemed to be an ally and that's all she cared about right now. She went to contend with the one who just woke up; falling on all fours.

    "Are you okay? It looks like we're being rescued. How bad are your injuries?"

    Corrin asked, concerned about the one she was brought with.

    @Hahli Nuva

  • As Kaoru continued on, gunfire was heard as well as female grunting. Moving closer to the source would reveal Agent Tanya lying against one of the room's walls, with a fresh wound on her right arm which was bleeding. She held it using a ripped part of her jacket but it wasn't holding.

    "Kaoru? Took you long enough... *cough* Where's your friend?"

    "I don't think you grasp the concept of "twenty minutes," kid. We're leaving. Now. Unless you want to search for your friend only to risk being several pieces of corpse all over the ruined remains."

    The man responded, gripping a rifle in his hands before putting his fingers to his ear.

    "Mission complete. Heading home. But I have a problem. ------ There's a kid here who looked like they were exploring. Some weird magical shit, I don't know. ------ There's not enough time, the place is going to ------ UGH. Fine. But you owe me big time for this one, *sir*"

    He then turned to Yuuji with a concerned and serious look on their face.

    "Maybe we'll bump into them on our way out. Now come on!"

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Much as Burt wanted to keep his pride on staying awake, his heavy eyelids kept preventing him to do so. Hence, with Jak's assent, he easily drifted into slumber. His body remained in a sitting position, with his back hardpressed against the wall of the cave. Moreover, the warmth of their campfire served as a soothing presence that lulled him to deep sleep.

"Go and save yourself! Stay free my child! Promise me that you will live!," his father's voice echoed from a distance in his dreams as he hesitated to leave their home. Several footsteps connived with his father's warning, all coming from the settlement's soldiers that aimed to capture him. Though he knew not of releasing his tears, he cried silently inside as he turned his back against the alchemist who raised him with utmost care.

It wasn't that long when his father's voice was replaced by that of Daxter's as his consciousness partly surfaced from sleep. In the background, echoes of gunshots resounded around the cave. He blinked, trying to gather his senses, as the overgrown weasel profusely shook him up.

After a moment, he quickly jerked up, suddenly horrified by the sight of a large dog-like fiend that seemed to harass Jak. Strange crystals that protruded all over its body reflected the light that came from their campfire, which seemed to be starting to dwindle out.

Startled, he quickly drew his gun, pressing its side to create metal shattering bullets before aiming at the large fiend and firing a couple of shots. He didn't bother responding to the companion who woke him up, as the situation forced him to focus his attention on the gigantic monster before them. He quickly slid the gun's barrel backwards, creating a clicking sound before harassing the fiend once again with another successive shot.

@Raynar Saassin
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Angelo Rose

Angelo had expected this land to be cold, but even with all the layers he had been given, he was still freezing just a little bit. So it did, as one might expect, take him a little longer to be able to answer the soldiers asking for a command on what to do. He took a slow and drawn deep breath. "We're going to want to be stealthy about this, the last thing we want to do is draw more unwanted attention than the spaceship that we already have landed has drawn, be quiet, be cautious and keep an eye out for each other," he replied, looking to see if there was any evidence of potential life in the area.

@Raynar Saassin

Colby Madden/The Chosen One

Colby was always a late riser, it was in the nature of being the youngest child in a family of supervillains, especially when said family thought he was powerless for a while. And when he did turn out to be special, he slept in because he could. So, being the last of the two men in London to wake up wasn't surprising at all. He caught something at the end of the man saying... " Wait, what's going on?" He asked, still groggy from waking up in such a way.

@Raynar Saassin @dark
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  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: 100% [Active]
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    Enjoy The Taste of Despair ~ Mission Start, V
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM)​

    "It would seem that a plant based Greater Demon called an Echidna has decided to make this forest her own nest. It's possible that these other demons spawned because of her." V briefed the leader of the Brotherhood, getting up from the comfort of Shadow, who, in turn, dissipated as it was called off from active duty. "As the name implies, Echidna is on the tougher side of things, with the capability to give birth to more Lesser Demons. If left alone, the Brotherhood would definitely lose the Amazon Outpost and be overrun by demons. And I mean no offense when I say this, but the soldiers' performance here doesn't leave me with any hope that this fortress will withstand a forest filled with Demons." He sighs, glancing back at his fellow Brothers. "I'll need a group of experienced combat specialists to hunt down the Echidna. Even with my familiars, my abilities are limited, after all."

  • 1200.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Tense, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    Will Power
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @MurderousLoneWolf

    Even with the help of her robotic companion, the demonic sword sharks are still quite overwhelming, her heart pounding as Haru fended off her assailants with burst after bursts of blue flame. The sound of an elusive chain jingling loudly in an intense ring as one of her hand would clutch her head, feeling the weight of the stick grow heavy, the flames transmogrifying the branch into an axe.

    Haru recognizes this sensation. This subtle scent that wafts around at the back of her mind whenever she visits the Metaverse. She's gotten used to it, so its reintroduction caused quite the whiplash–even though she knows this is the real world, her body acts as though it's in the Metaverse; and as if by sheer coincidence, the world responds to those impulses with bits and pieces of her power, constrained by her own cognition of the current events.

    "...Come to me…" Haru mumbled, clutching the black mask on her eyes, turning gold as she violently ripped it off, leaving behind a rather nasty looking patch of blood on her eyes as she called out a name;


    Beheaded Duchess of Betrayal

    Upon invoking her summon, Haru's body was now fully engulfed in a large blue flames, broken chains rattling as the flames took the form of a larger woman in a fancier black and pink ballroom gown; holding a stick with a pink mask on it to obscure its eyes; or lack thereof. The dress opened to reveal a red mechanical face hiding underneath, its mouth opening to reveal an arsenal's worth of firearms. From gatling guns, to muskets, roaring to life as Haru now appeared to be clad in a puffy pink long sleeves with a black vest ontop. Her bottom now consisted of puffy magenta shorts with a leather belt housing ammunition for the grenade launcher on her back. Atop her head is now a black hat with a large plume attached to it.

    "Milady!" She called out to her summon, the guns of her summon open fired, releasing what seemed to be neon bullets at the land swimming swords, unleashing small explosions of psychedelic swirls.

Sakuto sat up quickly, wincing at the sudden movement. "Oh, crap. Oh crap, oh crap..." he muttered before getting up slowly, holding his broken wing, and making a run for a cliff nearby.
As soon as he got close to a cliff, he activated his teleportation ability again, landing him in another, nearby cliff, not the one he had run for.
He fell on one knee, panting as a bead of sweat dripped down his face.
He gritted his teeth as he used his scythe to stand up again, retracting it once he was up and standing before slowly retreating, hoping they wouldn't notice him.

Kaoru turned to face her, eyes widening as he ran over to support her. "Tanya!?" he said, surprised. Upon hearing her question, he waved her off for a moment before responding. "We split up to find the Terminal. I didn't find it, but I think Yuuji might've.." he said the last few words quietly.
"Anyway!" he said quickly before guiding her into a sitting position. "Give me a moment.." he said, standing back up and pulling another string out of the air, the shimmers from the thread lighting up Kaoru's face as he grinned at it childishly.

After he had... for lack of a better term, cut it, he knelt back down next to her with it, mumbling a quick "this won't hurt" before stabbing it through her skin, expertly sewing the wound back up with the thread and letting go.
The skin was tinged a slight pink but otherwise new.
"C'mon!" he said before gently pulling her up and to the crossways.

"Alright...alright, fine..." he said before rushing after the man. He wondered why he was going so fast....
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  • As soon as the shots connected with the fiend, it turned over to Burt. As soon as more shots connected, it made it's target known and startled forward; grunting like a pig before releasing shards of crystal from it's back and firing them towards his position. Jak took the opportunity to use his Morph Gun and shotgunned the back of it repeatedly.

    "Whatever you shot it with seems to keep it distracted. If you can time your shots, we might be able to beat it!"


  • "Understood, sir."

    The Soldier responded with a nod as he and the rest of the squad began slowly searching the area. That was when one of the soldiers noticed incoming fliers, a few of them. Normally that could account as a patrol, but they were going towards a particular area of the region.

    "Sir, we have incoming fliers to the east. They're not patrolling, they're engaging. Whoever we were sent to find, they've already zero'd on their location. I recommend immediate pursuit before our target is kidnapped."


    Sakuto would hear the faint sound of footsteps through the snow and ice as the Archer Maidens were searching the area thoroughly. The incoming fliers were getting closer and closer to their location. It would only be a matter of time before he is discovered...


  • Upon hearing a voice, the man slowly moved up and clenched his arm, looking towards it.

    "Good, he woke up. Alright you two, we're going to take an opportunity and we're getting out of this hell-hole. Just stay behind me, okay? I'll explain more about the situation as we're leaving."

    @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark

  • "I see. Excellent work, my child. This outpost was an old one, designed to keep tabs on GDI forces in a previous war. No doubt these Demons you refer to made quick work of them. I shall dispatch a team of Black Hand Confessors, as well as assign the Commando to your command. Remove this infestation before it worsens."
    "It shall be done."
    "I wish you the best of luck."

    The communication was then cut off, as repairs of the base are underway.

    "So I'm working for you now, huh? Then I guess it's for the best. You are more knowledgeable in this field. What else can you tell us about this Echidna?"


    As soon as Haru released her arsenal, the majority of the demonic metal fish were defeated with ease. The ones remaining began to target her individually but the war-bot took care of that. Eventually with the power of teamwork and a lot of lead, they were eventually defeated; forcing any still alive to retreat.

    "*Victory Beeps*"

    The bot returned back to it's mobile form and held it's metal hand upwards. It looks like it wants a high-five?


  • "I... I see... *cough* *spit* *cough*"

    Tanya watched as Kaoru seemed to be messing with string of some sort. Though once it touched her skin, she winced a bit before starting to feel better. Though once she was pulled up, immense pain shot through her legs and back. If Kaoru were to look towards the wall where she was laid at, he'd find that there was a rather large engraving. Looked like Tanya was smashed into the wall.

    "Let's just... get out of here."

    Time to Detonation - 18:46
    The man and Yuuji would proceed up a flight of stairs. Against some of the walls were several Nod Soldiers and Officers. Seems like this man was busy cleaning house.

    "This is why you probably didn't encounter much resistance. I was already here."

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Marius Titus
Roman Centurion (Legion XIV (14)

With multiple weapons at his disposal, along with an old Legion shield he had before, Marius gritted his teeth and kept his weapons close as the other man had finally awoken from his sleep.

"Right." Marius turned, made sure to have a hand on his sword and then otherwise if he needed it."

The man moved right behind the other solider and was ready to move when he did.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Raynar Saassin

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