OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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Colby "The Chosen One" Madden

Colby would frown, not liking the idea that the other man got a gun and all he got was a promise that he would maybe get a reward. He crossed his arms in protest, but followed anyone. "So Bren, what can the field marshall do for us?" He asked, while following him upstairs by Marius, keeping an eye out and if there was danger, making himself invisible.


Angelo Rose

" Yeah, I was just about to suggest to leave because it looked like things were going to get a lot more hostile if we stayed and that is not something that I want to deal with."

@Raynar Saassin @Foxes81_of_Anime
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Wally stroked his chin as Bringham brought him up to speed. The Redheaded speedster was definitely not prepared for what he was hearing. A struggle for London between the English holders, and then the Russians and Japan. That was a very bad situation indeed. He was shocked that people were still in the city in all honesty, that must mean there is no more safe places to run to on the earth. That was a very terrifying revelation to the man. He took a few deep breaths. He had no clue what Speedforce's reason for sending him here was, but he would help this suffering world no matter what. He had to do it, so he can look his kids in the eyes and tell them no matter what they had to do their best to help those in need, to show them how to be a hero.

He nodded as he listened. "So outside is a completely dangerous area. A bonified war zone. That is good to know. I do believe I can save the man I have been sent here to save though." Walt assured the man as he stood up. This was definitely not something he was completely ready for, but he had choice.

The young Flash had seen war before. Against the Legion of Doom, the Injustice League, The Crime Syndicate, Apakolipse, the list went on and on. He had seen war, it was horrible and spared no one. He knew that. He had experienced and seen it all first hand. He leaned forward, his chin on his folded hands now. He wondered, what he could do.

"Where was this person last seen?"

@Raynar Sassin
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  • The Echnida flinched from the incoming Grenade Launcher fire and closed back up, flying around and entrapping the pair. The war bot transformed into it's immobile machine gun turret mode and pumped her full of lead; causing her to untangle and move away; revealing the demoness once more.

    "Down there!"

    One of the Confessors shouted from the cockpit of the helicopter once it came into view, taking note of the demon that was attacking a pair of people.

    "Looks like some strangers have begun attacking the source of the problem. Most likely those anomalies Kane sent me to locate. Pilot, open the entrance ramp."

    The pilot nodded and the entryway opened up fully, the Commando and the Confessors getting themselves ready.

    "See you down there, V."

    The Commando and the Confessors dropped to the ground from the entryway, landing in front of Haru and the War Bot. Turning around to Haru with a glint in her eyes, she brandished her dual pistols and fired a barrage of Lasers towards Echidna, the Confessors slowly converging on the giant tablet.


  • "You're a special case. The Japanese we are referring to are hell-bent on destroying anything they can get their hands on, even when the world is so ravaged in destruction already."

    The marine explained before one of them radioed for the transport. A few minutes later and the transport helicopter arrived to the scene, opening the hatch, the medic outstretching a hand to the boy.

    "Take my hand. You can trust me."
    "We're on our way home now. I'd call this a victory."

    @Foxes81_of_Anime @LuckycoolHawk9

  • "Well, for starters, he can help you get to somewhere safer than here."

    Brenner responded, keeping an eye out for Russian troops.

    "Then once we get back to America, everything will be explained. They'd do a far better job than I."

    "They were last seen in the London Underground. You are looking for an individual wearing a dark yellow outfit. It's a high chance that whoever you were sent to rescue is also with him. His name is Captain Brenner."

    Bingham explained.

    "Be careful. We don't know just how much territory the Russians truly possess. Expect trouble from them and the Japanese, I cannot guarantee that there will be allies in the area."
    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • Countdown to Detonation - 0:30

    As Kaoru and Yuuji fought the Visceroids, the sound of a helicopter could be heard...


    "About god-damn time."

    The Helicopter turned it's back to the roof of the Communications Center and revealed four individuals inside:


    "Get in! Now!"

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  • unknown.png


    --V--Haru Okumua--
    The Mysterious One
    Status: Combat, Peak Health
    Griffon: [Inactive]
    Shadow: [Inactive]
    Nightmare: [75%] ACTIVE
    Milady's SP: [80%]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    The Viper
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

    Haru holstered her launcher and prepared to summon her Persona as Bastion helped untangle them, prompting the Echidna to become a moving target right as her mask burst into blue flames.

    "Persona!" She called out, summoning the ethereal woman Haru summoned when she and Bastion were attacked by the land sharks. Its dress unfurling to reveal an arsenal of firearms, shooting neon colored plasma-like psychokinetic shots at Echidna, exploding into energy swirls upon impact. After a few rounds, her summon temporarily faded right as a strange woman and a group of black clad men landed in front of her and Bastion. The woman herself taking out pistols and began shooting Echidna while the rest of her allies appear to go for the giant flat obelisk, as if tasked to destroy it.

    "Who–?" Haru uttered a question, confused upon the arrival of armed soldiers. She shook her head, trying to focus on the fight at hand. "Right. Questions later, then." She raised her axe, dragging the blade along the ground as she rushed after Echidna in a quick sprint, aiming to swing it at the snake as if chopping down a tree.

    Meanwhile, still standing on the helicopter's entryway reading a book, a young man in black observes the situation below; like the strategist that he is, V is glad to have a moment without his life being at risk; at least, at this height. That doesn't mean he's to stand idly by. He has Familiars to command after all.

    "For situations like this…He should be used, if that demon were to be defeated without casualties." V spoke, closing his book with a loud clap. "Get to work." He raised his free hand, snapping as his hair turned white; as if his black hair was nothing but dye being rinsed off by the wind. Storm clouds swiftly form nearby, and in almost an instant, a meteor-like object is conjured and sent down towards the Echidna, crashing into it.


    Heaven on a Landslide​

    Upon impact, it would be greeted with the third of V's familiars; a herculean titan of dark flesh and muscle. Demonic Steel plating and spikes piercing through his limbs and joints; at the center of it all, a massive, glowing purple eye. It growls as it stares down at Echidna, preparing to swing its heavy arms, oozing with dark matter.

    "I asked a thief to steal me a peach: He turn'd up his eyes…" V began to recite from the entryway, using it as a means to focus his energy on sustaining his strongest familiar.

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Angelo Rose

" Yeah, I think the same exact thing. This feels very much like a success of a mission so hopefully that means things will continue to get better as time goes on."

@Raynar Saassin

Colby Madden

" Well, it does feel a lot better to be in a safer place than this underground place, Bren. I hope they do a lot better of a job explaining then you. You do a terrible job at it."

@Raynar Saasin @dark
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Yuuji & Kaoru
Without hesitation, Yuuji parried one of the creatures' strikes before rushing over, Kaoru quickly following but dropping one of his knives in the process. They both dove into the helicopter, panting. "...maybe I did need to take that weapons class.." Yuuji admitted to Kaoru as he slowly got up, looking around at the unfamiliar people. He tensed, still unsure of his movements.

Sakuto looked up at the medic with a scared expression before swallowing and taking his hand, standing up. "Where are we" he asked in a small voice, looking around at everyone.
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  • Echidna was being fully dominated by everyone's presence, causing it to back away towards the Obelisk it came from. The portal began to open up as it was slowly being vacuumed into it.


    With a last ditch effort, a demon seed spawned from her as it latched onto the War Bot, and began pulling it towards the Portal. As soon as Echidna fell into the vortex, the War Bot followed suite, with the Nod Commando turning to Haru and the Familiar.

    "Destroy that Tablet. Now. Otherwise that thing will return."

    Bastion has been eliminated.


  • "We're heading to a safe location. I promise."

    The Medic, gently clasping Sakuto's hand, walked into the helicopter, the marine and Angelo following as the hatch shut; the pilot lifting off when the sound of jetpacks could be heard.

    "Port-side! Rocket Angels incoming!"


    Several of the flying maidens came to attack the Helicopter, which prompted the Army Rangers to raise their weapons, not before someone came in over their radio.

    "Let's give 'em an Air Show."

    The sound of powerful flight engines could be heard as in the Helicopter Windows were the sound of American F-12 Raptor Jets flying into view, launching a salvo of heat-seeking missiles; prompting the maidens to turn tail and flee.

    "God bless America. We're on our way home now. Just hang tight."


  • "I'm just a Soldier. The majority of this stuff confuses me."

    Brenner explained as the group continued onward, seeing a faint light up a flight of stairs.

    "Up here!"

    Brenner shouted as they would eventually come to the surface; echoes of gunfire and explosions going off all around them. The roads are cracked and full of pot holes; as well as scattered debris of destroyed Battle Tanks; some looking futuristic.

    "The whole place is FBAR. We need to find Bingham's FOB before the Russians or worse; the Japanese, find us."

    @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark

  • As soon as the pair jumped into the Helicopter, Tanya and Havoc followed suite; the helicopter taking off right as they take a step onto the ramp. Tanya rested against one of the side seats whilst Havoc stared out at the building.

    "What's got you so excited mate?"
    "Just watch."

    Havoc opened one of the windows and then used his hand to imitate a count down. As soon as his hand changed into a fist; the Communications Center turned into a crater as a mushroom cloud formed slightly above it; reducing everything to rubble.

    "Haha. My favourite part about this job."

    Now the Helicopter was outward bound to Washington DC...

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Wally nodded as he heard what they had to say about this. Of course, he had expected to have a in a little more help for the situation, but he would make do. This was not his first rodeo. He had survived countless wars with Apakolipse back home. Battled in entire wars that took maybe fifty seconds for most people but much longer for him. He had survived the seemingly impossible many times before. That was the good thing. Not many could say that, so of course he would take such a risk here. He knew he could do quite a bit more than this person seemed to understand.

"I see, so out there in the middle of No Man's Land. I will be careful. Do any of them have bullets designed to hit speedsters? If not, I may have a slight advantage over any of them out of there. Not much but at least some of one." He told them as he ran a hand through his hair. He knew they had quite a lot of issues here, and this would be risky no matter what. Of course, he knew a lot of things here had to be very dangerous for him.

"Okay, so what is the London Underground? I am a little unsure. This earth's London is a lot different from mine."

@Raynar Saassin
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Marius Titus

Marius still donned his helmet as he nodded in acknowledgement to the other soldier looking for some other problem areas before he grabbed everything and looked over at the superhero "... Long story. You don't want to know why."

The Centurion turned to the soldier, he may have been in several war zones in Rome, but the futuristic tone for the Roman soldier was something else. He took the handgun and followed up the stairs to the surface.

He was fairly sure they weren't exactly out of the woods just yet.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Raynar Saassin
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"A underground network of train rails and other things. It's remained the same but is mostly abandoned now. I am entrusting you to find your way towards them---"
"Field Marshall, come in, come in!"

Sounded a male's voice as he reached for his communications device and turned it to Speaker mode.

"Brenner! Thank the lord you are alive. What is your current position?"
"We've seem to of come out around the Parliament building."
"That's not too far from here. Hold on, I'm sending someone to come and get you."
"Better make it quick, I can hear the sound of tank treads."

Bingham hung up and then outstretched a hand towards the Speedster with the radio in hand.

"Take this and keep in contact. Godspeed, friend."

@Gotham Knight Todd
— — — — — — — — —
"Alright, that should be it. Now hurry, before..."

Brenner was cut off as the sound of a tank moving behind them immediately made him turn around to witness such a creation in the distance...


"Oh... shit. Soviet Apocalypse Tank."

Brenner turned to the two men with a very worried expression.

"I don't know about you guys, but we should get the fuck out of here before that thing spots us."

@dark @LuckycoolHawk9
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Wally nodded as he took the gun. He had zero intention of actually using it, his powers were far faster than any gun anyways. He would be able to defend himself easily without it, but if it helped his comrades sleep at night, then he supposed he could have to carry it around with him. Besides, maybe he could use it to help build up more muscle mass and increase the speed with and without carrying heavy objects. That much he was sure he could shoot for. At least he hoped.

"Don't worry too much about this. Flash got this." Wally said as he gave them his dual finger salute that he learned from Barry when he was just a young boy running around excited to be a bonified superhero running around the place that was known as central city.

With that, the speedster was off and running.

They were not kidding, when the people back at the base said it was a war zone. He could hear screaming, crying, shouting, gunfire and all these other things that indicated a war was being waged. To think it was tearing London apart and that four non British nations were fighting to control it. This was a terrifying situation, he was glad none of his children or friends where here to endure the fight that was going on around him.

He stopped on occasions to help civilians get to a safer place, or to rescue a soldier he could identify as an aly from certain doom, but he soldiered on, until finally he hit the London Underground.

"Now to see if I cannot find the people I was sent here to find." He whispered.

Interactions @Raynar Saassin @dark @LuckycoolHawk9
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--V--Haru Okumua--
The Mysterious One
Status: Combat, Peak Health
Griffon: [Inactive]
Shadow: [Inactive]
Nightmare: [75%] ACTIVE
Milady's SP: [80%]
"Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
The Viper
Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

"No!" Haru gasped as he robotic companion got taken by the Demon Gate. She was going to go after it when Nightmare set its sights on the obelisk, with orders from the Commando to destroy the demon gate. It growled as the only solid core it had began to glow. Letting out an ominous hum as it awaited its master's command.

"You heard her." V spoke from the helicopter. "Tear. It. Down." He snapped, and the Titanic Familiar let out a demonic beam straight at it. Haru, meanwhile, was barred from her path by both a black panther and a blue bird. The latter circling her.

"Now, now! Be a good little girl and stay!" Griffon cackled, "Unless you wanna get trapped in the Demon Realm!" As the giant bird warned the thief, the Nightmare was nothing but consistent on beaming down the Hell Gate with complete brutality.
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  • Brenner reached for his radio and hailed it. The Speedster would feel his vibrate as a voice started to come through.

    "Bingham, come in! We're in a FUBAR situation right now, if you're sendin' somebody to help us, now would be good!"

    Faintly in the distance was the sound of moving tank treads.

    @Gotham Knight Todd @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

  • As soon as the beam made contact with the Hellgate, it ripped a hole clean through as the Commando and the trio of Black Hand Confessors followed suit with their laser weaponry. Eventually it crumbled to the ground with a loud thud as the debris began to clear with dust.

    "Excellent work. Kane will be pleased."

    The Commando then turned to Haru with a smirk as she put her dual pistols away, with the Confessors calling for the Helicopter to pick them up.

    "As for you. Kane has been expecting you since you arrived on our Earth. Here."

    She dropped a black and red disc onto the floor, which after a few seconds, projected a holographic image of Kane.


    "My child. I am pleased that your work in the Amazon has proved fruitful. I know of you, we had a "Phantom Thief" among our ranks once the Continuum Cataclysm occurred, however, they did not last long. But that is of no concern to you, my child. Allow my forces to bring you to me, so I can fully explain in detail. We are the only ones you can trust. Peace through Power."

    The Disc then dropped the hologram and the Commando outstretched a hand towards Haru.

    "I'd advise to take our Messiah's offer whilst you can."

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Colby Madden

Colby would nod, seeing that things definitely looked bad. "I think now might be a good time for me to go invisible," he replied, making himself unseen again and looking for their contact at the same time.

@Gotham Knight Todd @dark @Raynar Saassin
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Wally skidded to a halt near a group of people with his gun at the ready as he looked to the people, he had a feeling that these people where the ones he was here to help with what was going on. He did feel some rumbling heading their way and he sighed. Of course they had the gone damn tanks coming after them. Dear god this was worse than a mission in an active war zone, especially since this time he was fighting a war that was not even his own earth's war to fight. He ran a hand through his exposed spikey hair.

"I am your back up. You can call me The Flash. That is all you need to know about me, what is the situation?" He asked as he got ready to do his speedster thing and hit the tank with some speedster lighting to take it right down without much fear. "I have something that will at the very least slow this tank down as it approaches us. This earth does not seem to have metahumans, so I doubt they have any protections against my unique set of powers." He was confident of it, hell most militaries back home would not stand up to him in all honesty. Not that he made a habit of fighting them though.

Interactions @Raynar Saassin
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The main group marched onwards, aiming to locate the anomalies that had arrived on Earth before the Brotherhood does. The snowy terrain remained peaceful and ominous. Sinclair and the marine would notice various types of Crystals poking out of the snowy Earth, ranging between Green, Blue and Red. Sleeping creatures were resting on open fields with the same crystals, looking like they were ripping out of their backs.

"It's worse than we initially feared. Tiberium has completely devastated Russia. Not even the snowy landscapes were safe from it's mutation."

In the distance, a snowy forest could be seen, but it was not normal...


The trees were nothing more than dead husks, coated in Tiberium.

"Even mother nature cannot survive forever against the alien mineral."

Eventually, some smoke could be seen in the distance. One of the ZOCOM soldiers pulled out a pair of binoculars and inspected it further, revealing more smoke and a campfire in a cave.

"I think we've found them. Let's move up!"
The warrior walks amidst the wasteland. Armored footsteps grumbled as the armor whirrs as if singing the hymnal of machines. The flocks of cherub surrounded the form of the Cataphracii as snows falls, partly dotted the mottled green pauldrons with white. The lightning wreathes form of the Manreaper seemjngly blended into the surrounding, as the Captain of the XIVth Legion observes the landscapes.

Unnatural crystals jutted out of the snow, its multicolor glows shouted out its dangers, as if the warning light of his sensors doesn't shouted the words [Mutagen] into his mind. It is a fortune nonetheless that this has nothing to do with the foul energies of the Empyrean, but it still not likely to be underrestimated. A scion of Mortarion are not to disrespects any toxin.

" What are these crystals "

He asked the nearest soldiers. His grumbling voices shows a tint of contemptous waryness.
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  • "That's Tiberium. Years ago, a meteorite crashed into Earth and started to spread the mineral. Now it's corruption has escalated into a wide scale threat."

    A ZOCOM Soldier explained to the warrior as the team scaled down the mountain towards the anomalies. At the same time, Jak had noticed a group heading towards them and was having a bad feeling.

    "Dax, Burt, we have company."
    "Company? What kind of company?"
    "The armed kind."

    Readying his marksman rifle mod, Jak took fire at one of the Soldiers which caused them to scatter and shout back in response.

    "Hey! Seize fire! We're on your side!"

    Jak immediately put his weapon away and walked out to the group, Daxter sitting on his shoulder.


    "Hey, no funny business, or we'll kick your ass! Right, Jak?"
    "Let's not do anything rash, Dax. Sorry, the last armored group that approached us back home arrested us out of nowhere."
    "Least you didn't do anything serious. I'll take that as a warning shot. Listen, you two are not safe here. You're knee deep in a Red Zone and---"
    "Hold on, RED ZONE?! What is THAT supposed to mean?!"
    "I can explain more on the way, just listen to us."

    As the ZOCOM Soldier said that, a airship flew into the area and landed in the clearing:


    Attached was a cargo container with the front hatch open, with a few of the GDA troops moving into it to secure it. The ZOCOM Commander turned to Sinclair, the Warrior and everyone else around.

    "It won't be long now until we have company. Hurry onto the V-35, quickly."
    "I don't trust you guys."
    "Dax, we don't have a choice. Either we go with them, or die out here. Let's just go."

    Jak raised a convincing argument, and so, Jak and Daxter, Burt and the rest of the Russia Rescue Team boarded the transport; the hatch closing behind them and took off, heading outward bound to Washington...

    Russia Completed.

  • Colby Madden

    Colby would nod, seeing that things definitely looked bad. "I think now might be a good time for me to go invisible," he replied, making himself unseen again and looking for their contact at the same time.
    "Yeah, good idea."

    Brenner commented as all of a sudden a new individual approached them:
    Wally skidded to a halt near a group of people with his gun at the ready as he looked to the people, he had a feeling that these people where the ones he was here to help with what was going on. He did feel some rumbling heading their way and he sighed. Of course they had the gone damn tanks coming after them. Dear god this was worse than a mission in an active war zone, especially since this time he was fighting a war that was not even his own earth's war to fight. He ran a hand through his exposed spikey hair.

    "I am your back up. You can call me The Flash. That is all you need to know about me, what is the situation?" He asked as he got ready to do his speedster thing and hit the tank with some speedster lighting to take it right down without much fear. "I have something that will at the very least slow this tank down as it approaches us. This earth does not seem to have metahumans, so I doubt they have any protections against my unique set of powers." He was confident of it, hell most militaries back home would not stand up to him in all honesty. Not that he made a habit of fighting them though.

    "The Flash? Like that Superhero I kept seeing on posters? Okay then."

    Brenner didn't care that much about that, he was just happy the new person was an ally. Though he realized that Bingham's Radio was with him which made him smile, seemed the Field Marshal knew what he was doing. As soon as the Flash ran up to the Apocalypse Tank, his powers caused it to explode from the immense force that it would of felt from his incredible speed.

    "Never thought I'd see the day where the most advanced Tank in the Soviet Arsenal just goes down like that. Regardless, we're good to go now. I assume Bingham sent you to come get us."

    @Gotham Knight Todd @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark

Meanwhile, back at the GDA Headquarters...

"Several unidentified objects have entered our orbit, sir."

"It looks like they're trying to make their way to Earth. Do we know where they are from?"

"Negative. We last tracked them by Jupiter, and..."

"What is it Sasha??"

"The Ion Cannon have been engaged, sir..."

"On who's authority?"

"...Director Boyle. Here it is on Sat 3:"

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"Posters?" Wally was a little confused. He shuddered when he realized that meant people made superhero movies here. Dear god that would stroke all the wrong egos back home. Superman and Booster Gold would never shut up, albeit for very different reasons. He still did not look forward to how the League would react to this new information when he had to tell them about this incident inevitably. He knew this was going to be a very difficult time for him, and he hated it a lot. He also wanted to avoid ever hearing about those movie posters ever again if he could avoid it.

"I guess if that helps explain who I am and cuts out awkward attempts to explain my powers I am not going to question it." That was the only way he could articulate his true thoughts on the situation in this case. He wouldn't judge this world, for all he knew he might actually be a fictional character on this earth and that would explain why The Flash was in the movies here. At least he hoped that was the reason, he really didn't want to risk meeting a doppelgänger and having to try and explain the multiverse if his counter part on this earth had not experienced the mutliverse.

That is when a tank interrupted them. He abandoned his gun and ran around at a high speed, he threw speedster lighting at it and made it explode. He stood there with a bit of a smirk on his face. The only time the League was not heavily no kill preference was in a war, and well this was definitely a war. And he was saving people's lives. He knew this would be one hell of a story to tell the League though, and expected he would not have a good time doing so.

"That Tank is more advanced than anything in my world, but my power is unknown. Good to know, gives me a bit of an edge." He turned to his new companions with a look of concern on his face. This was not something he was a big fan of, but well working with these people was the only thing he could do to get home. "Are you all okay? That thing looked downright terrifying as I looked at it, and I barley even saw that thing right there."

Interaction @Raynar Saassin
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Marius Titus, 14th Legion Centurion of Rome
@Raynar Saassin @Gotham Knight Todd @LuckycoolHawk9

""Quod ipsa irrumabo?!" Marius cursed in Latin, to the confusion of many (English translation: What in the actual fuck?)

The Centurion blinked as another stranger came nearby and the giant "metal monster" that was called a tank owned by the Soviets suddenly just randomly blew up.

The soldier blinked, still confused on most of the futuristic tech, besides the handgun he now possessed.

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  • "Yeah, we're fine. Right?"

    Brenner looked towards Marius and was relieved. But when he tried looking for Colby, he realized he went invisible. Great. Hardly able to be found by the human eye, he'll never get used to these super powered types.

    "What you just destroyed was a Soviet Apocalypse Tank, the toughest armor in the world. It's mere presence alone frightens the brass that are commanding forces against them. And you just made it look like paper. I'm not going to get used to this, am I?"

    He then turned to Marius who seemed to speak some kind of language he didn't understand. Brenner didn't exactly know much about ancient times, skipped over that.

    "I don't even know where to begin... Let's just get the hell out of here. I hope you're able to take us with you with that super speed of yours, Flash."

    @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Gotham Knight Todd

  • As soon as the King Oni mech appeared, the group tensed up. It was incredibly tall and powerful, as the Japanese Warriors bundled around it with their burst fire rifles drawn and ready. The Imagined readied her weapon and moved a step forward to attack, but the male stopped her in her tracks as he pulled out another Falchion.

    "Any particular reason you'll holding me back?"
    "We can't fight this thing head-on. It dwarfs even the Wyverns back home with it's size."
    "He's right. Not even a defense Golem is this big. We need a plan."

    The male looked towards them for a moment, before he sighed and took a step forward, much to Imagined's Dismay.

    "Oh, so you get to fight it but I don't?"
    "That's not the point. These people will go to great lengths to rely on this... thing, to defeat us. You need to get them out of here."

    Angered by this, Corrin drew her blade but Imagined stopped her, nodding as she grabbed both her and Lucina.

    "You better not fail. Once I get these girls to safety, I'm coming back for that thing, and kicking it's ass."
    "Hmm. You sound like Robin. Alright."

    With both girls around her arms, Imagined moved towards the direction of the transport ship as the male readied himself to fight.

    "(Remember your training, Chrom. Concentrate.)"
    "Only fools walk the path of death alone. But I guess the King Oni will remind you why."

    The male who addressed himself in his thoughts as Chrom, rushed forward to engage the Japanese Army alone whilst The Imagined made it to the Transport and entered the cockpit, laying the girls into the seats provided."

    "Punch it."
    "Aye aye, ma'am."

    Lifting off, the Transport was outward bound to America...

    Hong Kong Completed.
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