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The Wanderer

Mysterious Stranger
Original poster
Invitation Status
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Greetings, this thread is going to be about this idea that I've had for a canon character roleplay.

One other thing is the idea, I wish to give the option for someone to take it up if they so desire. Not as a means to avoid doing the work, infact it is so that the idea doesn't rot away and end up being forgotten. Or being wrong. As I am not a great GM.

May as well not delay any further. Here is the idea I've had.
You have no idea where you are, or what is going on. What you do know is that you're currently sitting in a dark room. Restrained by what looks like spheres encasing your hands and a weird device around your neck.

Before long, a bright light nearly blinds you as a door opens. The silhouette of a person calls out your name. Be it your true name or an alias you're going by. Reluctantly you get up and head into the light. As you leave the room, guards grab you and seemingly drag to a platform. There are more people standing there. Each having similar restraints. In some cases, a few of them have something extra to make sure they're compliant. You also see that there are some weird looking beings with humans Before you can ask what's going on, a loud voice booms. "Court is now in session!" It sounds like ten people are talking at once. You look up to see a masked individual with behind them that are filled with alien faces. "You stand here, accused of committing the most extreme of crimes against the Council. The jury has reviewed the evidence provided and has found all of you...."

".....Guilty!" The person bellows. "And while the crimes would've earned you death by execution. The Council has decided to send all of you to the most dangerous prison. The Boiler. Death is but a kindness to what you'll experience there. Take them away." The masked person says. Turning away. The guards force you and the others out of the court and into a ship of sorts. Stuffing you and the others into a large holding cells. They seem to align everyone in a certain way. As soon as they closed the door, the devices became connected to the walls. Seemingly to ensure no one could move about and do anything. It would take some time to arrive to the prison.

What happens next is up to you. Whether you chat with the other prisoners in the cell with you. Or just kept to your thoughts.....

[Kinda like a different version of Guardians of the Galaxy.]

That's about all I got.

Do let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.
So would this be a Crossover kinda thing? Like cross genre?
interested. So interested. Can I send you a list of chars I'd like to play so you can help me pick one? I been looking for a Crossover thing forever
Could be interesting.
I might be interested. Always in for a good crossover.
I'm in. Still hehhe
Sure. I'd like to see where you take this.
Sounds good.
Alrighty. In that case...Let us begin.

I ran through some ideas for the start/progression of the story. And here is what I have come up with. I do apologize if the ideas are rough and short, as I do wish to see what all of you can add onto them.

Path A: The characters arrive at the prison, undergo evaluation and the like. And after being contacted by a 'friend.' They slowly conceive a plan to escape. Uniting with other prisoners to make the plan work.

Path B: Mid transport, space pirates attack the ship. Thinking they're transporting important or valuable cargo. Accidently setting the characters free. If only the pirates knew what they were in for...

@Camleen @Verite @Dipper @Kagayours @Sasha Bliss
A multiversal prison, then? Will there be any limits on the characters (and by that, I mean there will probably be characters who are immensely powerful)? Is there some kind of overarching plot, e.g. a supernatural entity drawing in beings from other worlds? Is it a space station? If so, will it be revealed why these characters were sent there?
1: Kinda, the characters were pulled from their respective universe. And into this one, as supposedly they had committed a crime against the Council. When, actually they are being framed for crimes they didn't commit. As for limits....I would say so long as they aren't near the level of Goku, they should be fine.

2: Yes, there is a overarching plot. That being: Finding who set you up. And bringing them to justice. My friend did suggest it be like a secret order that framed the characters.

3: A space station, I was going to go with a planet. But then midway through going over it. I realized how similar it would be to the one prison planet in Riddick where the sun burns everything to ashes. As for why they're being sent there. The prison is essentially brutal in how prisoners are treated. Being forced to either work til they collapse, or fighting in the fight club for the guard's entertainment.

I hope your questions have been answered sufficiently.

1: Kinda, the characters were pulled from their respective universe. And into this one, as supposedly they had committed a crime against the Council. When, actually they are being framed for crimes they didn't commit. As for limits....I would say so long as they aren't near the level of Goku, they should be fine.

2: Yes, there is a overarching plot. That being: Finding who set you up. And bringing them to justice. My friend did suggest it be like a secret order that framed the characters.

3: A space station, I was going to go with a planet. But then midway through going over it. I realized how similar it would be to the one prison planet in Riddick where the sun burns everything to ashes. As for why they're being sent there. The prison is essentially brutal in how prisoners are treated. Being forced to either work til they collapse, or fighting in the fight club for the guard's entertainment.

I hope your questions have been answered sufficiently.

Would it be safe to assume that this would be like deadmans wonderland then, but much larger scale and meant for superbeings?
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