CCS: Citizen Credit System

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Chaotic Lawful
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We are entering an era where the definition of crime cannot be split between the mere recognition of a felony versus a misdemeanour. Where the start of a crime can't be measured by the hand of a person, and where the intent of a crime can be determined by the formulation of thought. With these blurred lines it becomes all the more important for crime to be defined. For the lines have too long been blurred and our citizens have lived caged inside of theirs fear rather than enjoying the privilege of freedom. The education between right and wrong and of morality is a constant never ending lesson. A debate that has existed even before the Roman Empire. A discussion in which answers are needed and demanded. Answers that only a strong state can answer for its citizens, the CCS is the answer to this never ending workshop that we all are part of.

- Preamble to the first draft of the Citizen Credit System by A. Gone

Citizen Credit System

The Citizen Credit System (CCS) is a reputation system that scales the citizen over four fields; Political Integrity, Economic Stability, Social Integration, and Judicial Credibility. Introduced in the (former) penal colony of Atlantis the CCS has proven itself to be an effective system that encourages and inspires citizens to be good neighbours and obeying citizen through the reward of earned privileges. Reports have shown that with the introduction of CCS there is an increase of a sense of safety, while the rate criminal conduct and repeat offences have lowered, and thus the need to punish as well, while binding the community together benefiting in a flourishing sense of society within Atlantis and other penal colonies that have since flourished.

"We love rewards and we respond to positive stimulation. Like the Pavlov dogs that started to associate the bell to treats, we should associate our privileges to good behaviour rather than granted and stop fearing the repercussions and look forward to rewards to be earned as milestones."
- A. Gone on CCS


The CCS score of every citizen presents itself in four numbers that represents each of the four fields in which the citizen is rated. Through a chip commonly implanted in the wrist of the (dominant) hand the credits are tracked and displayed in a low blue light glowing through the skin. The score displays itself as a number with 0 being the lowest score that is possible to achieve in a field and 9 being the highest score one can maintain. Special platforms can read the chip which in turn will enable the citizen to go about their daily lives and unlock services such as the use of public transport.

Political Integrity - 9000 Represented by the first digit Political integrity keeps track of and measures the political and sociological beliefs of the citizen. Voting history is tracked and so will be the participation in certain movements and the coalition with groups. The membership of fraternities and involvement with radicals can affect the score alongside the type of papers that is being read. Taking everything into account it is weighed and measured to see what sort of threat the citizen may pose towards the state. It goes without saying that those who vote for anarchy are more likely to score low. Having a low score in Political Integrity can affect the application for travel permits, as those who score low are seen as potential threats in need of increased supervision. Amongst critics Political Integrity is the most ambiguous number on the scale for the citizens, whereas its supporters believe it to be quite simple; it isn't a matter of understanding, but following instruction.

Economic Stability - 0900 Traced in the second digit of the CCS is the ability of the citizen to budget and their overall trustworthiness with money. Outstanding debts will bring down the score, but that may be improved by paying off the debts in a timely manner and by moderate budgeting. Failure to pay can hurt the score again while an increased purchasing power and market participation can increase the score as well. Active participation into the labour market and earning a full wage are favourable over the inability to retain a job. Having a high score in Economic Stability means that obtaining a mortgage will be easier, allowing one to buy a house or venture into business, whilst those with a low score are seen as risk categories to invest in. Needless to say Economic Stability is at large determined by money and can thus be increased with money.

Social Integration - 0090 The third digit of the CCS rates the citizens on the relationships and (daily) interactions they have. It is determined by the social circles they are involved in and what crowd they hang with. It encourages networking and discourages sensationalists. A unique feature of Social Integration is the rating system that is accessible to every citizen. Upon meeting, citizens are allowed to rate each other one to five stars, editable at any new meeting that occurs. This popularity rating encourages meaningful encounters and leaving good impressions which are needed as well to boost the credit system. The score in Social Integration can determine the entry into certain establishments, and may affect the enrollment into certain bodies of education, or organisation, to even workplaces where maintaining a clean image is of importance.

Judicial Credibility - 0009 The last digit represented in the CCS is the Judicial Credibility. In here any encounters with the legal system are registered. The score here is a grade given to reflect the supposed understanding of the legal system by the citizen and is at large also impacted and influenced by the score of the aforementioned three fields. The easiest method to increase the rating within Judicial Credibility is by reporting anything that disturbs the good peace of the community, in which the citizen is seen as an active and essential gear within the maintenance of the system. It goes without saying that past convictions can bring the score down, but so can frequent (ab)use of the legal system, and so do false reports. As Judicial Credibility is influenced by Political Integrity, Economic Stability, and Social Integration, having a low score here can also result in limitations in travel, loans, entry of establishment and certain services. It can even affect the weight of the ratings given after each encounter for the grading of Social Integration.
"What better prison is there than one at the bottom of the sea? With no land to escape to and with whales and sharks as their guards, with no sun to long for and pray to, and the most powerful element there is known to mankind to keep them barred?"

- Introduction by R. Fuller during his first tenure as Minister of Justice

(Former) Penal colony Atlantis

Built at the bottom of the ocean Atlantis started as a prototype penal colony where CCS was first introduced. As a never ending experiment in the search and race for land expansion, it was built to give criminals a second chance in life. Atlantis is the city where the banished and the unwanted from above go to. Subjected to become live guinea pigs to the whims and whiles of the participating states they hail from.

With the success of CCS to correct the behaviour of its detainees Atlantis has since moved on from being a penal colony exclusively as CCS was introduced by states and areas above the sea and Atlantis itself developed itself into an area of interest and competition. With the growing exchange and retention of information and thirst to collect data a conviction is never forgotten and judgement never fades, however, as prejudice still exists against Atlantis in its whole. Yet, with the kin of the first detainees growing up within Atlantis and within the system they have learnt to navigate themselves through the system and the prejudices.


Atlantis is forever cast in the blueish silvery hue of the water that surrounds and limits the city. It is the mixture of signs, the architecture and the general city plan that emits angry reds, stark blues, and emits poisonous greens that keeps the city bright. Harsh on the eyes, and impossible to ignore it makes shades a strangely popular item in the city where it is impossible to tell the time without any natural light to distinguish between day and night.

Limited in its expansion only few areas remain intact to the original appearance from the time when Atlantis was still a penal colony. With the gravity of life switching to the Central Business District, Atlantis honours its history in The Syndicate and The Scrap, whereas its future can be found outside of the initial premises with the recent inclusion of the domes.

"Heroic tales of knights and war heroes do not amount to much in Atlantis. The belief in anarchy and the staunch belief that war and revolution is needed to change the world is one of radicals, of the dissents and what had us ending up in this place in the first place. The recommendation herein is to play the system instead."

Central Business District


The Central Business District gives away its function within its name. Most of the hustle and bustle can be found within this central area of the city to which the gravity has switched itself and where buildings are rising towards the very ceiling of the sea bell that was once their jail. It is the place to be for the hopefuls and the hopeless hoping for a last shot at Miss Fortune. The heart of Atlantis as it is known today can be found within this area where corporations have risen themselves and where the next adventure is only a few steps away. The Central Business District welcomes all, though some establishments do require a certain CSS score before entry or even service.

"The appearance of Citizen Credit System is the response of the continued infantilization of every citizen. Starting with the mothers that feared the 'premature' exposition of her children, and creating taboos through education and literature. Continuing with the homeowner association that fears the deviation of height in their lawns, and the instilled fear towards the man whose skin colour doesn't match the rest, and those who hold a voice that doesn't match the crowd. Where the accountability of the citizen has been taken and placed with the state in the decision of their dietary choices through excise duties. We have allowed the state to slowly dictate our every choice and curate our every thought that has resulted into the Citizen Credit System. It is the banishment of personality. The taboo of forming an opinion outside of the scopes set. It is the utter demolition of our human character."

- O. Gregory, former state attorney, CCS critic and opponent, and first generation Atlantis detainee

The Syndicate


The Syndicate is an outlier in the city even in its history. In need of a place to house the custodians and the governors of the penal colony The Syndicate was meant to be their safe haven from the detainees they were supposed to watch over. As Atlantis grew in population and generations expanded and the status as a penal colony started to fade the original function of The Syndicate started to fade, gaining a new function as it started to house the outcasts and the misfits of Atlantis itself while CCS grew in power and influence.

Nowadays The Syndicate stands synonymous for family and for the underworld. It is known as a de jure area in which the initial rules of the CCS are rejected but cannot be avoided. Despite the rejection of CCS there is a strong sense of community amongst the inhabitants, forming an unique reputation and grading system of their own. Prejudice exists within the area as well, for no one can truly escape the CSS in Atlantis, which are often met when members of The Syndicate try to step out of their area.

The Scrap


Formerly The Scrap referred to the isolation cells that were in use within the city during its penal role. Huge empty blocks of nothing but concrete and cushioned walls to keep the detainees safe but also apart from the rest of the sparse community. As Atlantis stepped down from its role as a penal colony The Scrap went into disuse, with many of the first generation residents avoiding the place. Nowadays it is considered to be one of the outer areas of the city, where rent is cheap and life not as rushed and hectic as it is in the Central Business District. One would even suggest that The Scrap is the rural area of Atlantis, with few developmental sea farms scattered around in the ever continuing development of undersea farming.

"Big Brother is watching you. This is the world that Orwell and many following and before him have warned us for!"

- Anonymous criticism to CSS, awarded with a reduction of one (1) point in Political and Social

The Panopticon


The Panopticon, also simply known as the 'watch tower' is not necessarily an area as much as it is the system that keeps Atlantis functioning and makes CCS possible. It is where all actions are registered and from where points are awarded or deducted. Every social rating that a citizen gives is also send through the Panopticon, analysed and scrutinised before it is being processed. Both a data storage as a control mechanism. Few know how to enter the Panopticon, fewer are granted access, and even with entry full access is another matter, and the scrutiny all the higher.


Any changes in the CCS will be announced with the flicker of the score and a sound to the affected citizen, alongside a message with a short explanation why the score increased or decreased. Any citizen has the right to submit an objection within a week's time to any changes that come through their CCS, alongside a short motivation why they object. Any citizen gets a chance to appeal after the initial objection is submitted, provided there is a need for further motivation and clarification may be needed in front of a panel. In any case an objection or an appeal will not suspend the changes to the credit score until the objection or appeal are found to be just.

"The definition of state has been under constant change, just as humanity in overall has been. From the separation from religion and the church defining the borders of a state, to a cultural and shared identity, to the recognition of neighbouring states, and the constant disputes from the international community. I hope that, with the existence of the Domes, we can usher in a new identity of state and citizenship. In a world where the emphasis and awareness of a global identity has risen I hope the Domes can provide a space for the international community to come together and show that through cooperation and trust we can live together in peace."

- Presentation of The Domes by business man, innovator and investor W. Lamme

Central Passage


As secluded as Atlantis is from the rest of the world there is one obvious entry into the city, which is through the Central Passage. A huge tube that acts as a high road nowadays that connects Atlantis with the world outside. While the infrastructure of Atlantis has expanded itself through some minor tubes that connect itself to the Central Passage, the use of the major exit and entry point of Atlantis gets limited by the set minimum score for the citizens. It is much easier to get into Atlantis than it is to get out, with heavy patrolling meaning to prevent that any undesirables escape the city to the outer areas and the world above the seas.

The Domes


Revolutionair, innovative, futuristic, the city with no bounds, lined by glass, contained by a bell. The glass city of the future. That was the initial description of the Domes, floating pods on the sea that exist both above the water as under the sea. They are the direct connection to Atlantis to the world above and have since become part of the Atlantis city landscape in its own unique way.

Funded and subsidised by multiple states the Domes started out as research and development pods that finds its theoretical basis on the principles of a greenhouse, built in response to global climate change. Rather than fighting against the rising sea levels the Domes has sought to adapt themselves to the water, with a filtration system allowing for clean air and water within the Domes, while the dome shape itself seeks to maintain a stable climate inside. The R&D within the Domes doesn't stop here, however, with the monetary support and bound only by international treaties and agreements the Domes allows for a unique space that encourages innovation and experimentation.

Within the Domes there is no limit to the sky, even if its glass ceiling does know a physical limitation for the skyscrapers built within, and the finite space allows all within to come up with creative solutions to leave their mark within.

To the citizens of Atlantis, first generation and those born within the city the system is merely known as: Code: Red, for when this security system is triggered the usually blue casted city, bathing in neon light, becomes a bright and alarming red colour.

Code: Red

Remnants of the extensive security installed within Atlantis in its time as a penal colony remains in the city today, though not all are in use. Unseen and unnoticed the toughest security measure in Atlantis remains in use today, only known as Code: Red by its citizens. For the first generation, the original detainees, Code: Red meant the immediate return to their cells. With its role as a penal colony far behind itself Code: Red today means a bath of glaring red light overpowering all of the brightness and the signal to head back home as the city shuts down.
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World Mechanism

CCS is not so much a place or a world but a system that controls the environment it is introduced in. Atlantis is merely a location chosen to introduce the player to CCS and the way it impacts and influences Atlantis as a city, and possibly the world. At its core CCS is set in a world much like our own, with states like we are familiar with and just all the same it isn't! This means that there is definitely a possibility of expanding into both known settings as fictional settings where CCS is implemented but with a different execution or even interpretation!

CSS relies on the action, interaction and relationships by and between the characters for its functioning, as it 'grades' every choice and encounter made by the characters (influenced by the player). And while the player can control the CCS score of their character to a certain degree there is also an arbitrary element that is a constant in which the 'GM' can act as part of The Panopticon and decide to award or deduct the score. In the same sense players can also exercise their influence through, for example, rating an encounter through the 'Social' score. It is by no means meant to be a perfect system, as it is designed to be discriminatory that can (hopefully) express itself in many surprising ways! Neither is it meant to be a game of sorts, in which players try to reach the 'perfect' score. The fun is in its flaws and in exploring what CSS means and can mean.