• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

  • Bel
    Belvedere sat on the edge of the small dock in front of his beachside cabin, his feet dangling above the salty waters beneath him as he fished the harsh waters. It was a dinky old thing but he was fond of it nonetheless, it's creaky planks covered in chipping paint and smeared chalk stains for old artwork Bel had done as a child with his friends and Elijah. Bel had lived alone in his little cabin for most of his life here but he never complained or felt negatively about it. He had met lots of people to keep him company in his younger days and found quite a charming little family for himself on the island, it didn't take long for Celosia to feel like home.

    Life on the island was quiet and simple enough, he filled his days with work and filled his nights with relaxation. He had all he could want for, for the most part at least. He sometimes thought about expanding on his cabin, making an upgrade from his old bachelor pad for future plans. He wasn't too far off from his 28th birthday and he wasn't too sure how he should feel about approaching 30. He was getting older and the older he got the less he wanted to be getting older alone.

    Of course, he wasn't really alone. He had Harlow and Alanis… Isidore too. Lenny on some days as well! Heavy panting and large paws smooshing through the sand behind him pulled him from his melancholy thoughts and a smile spread over his face. " Good morning, Harlow! " He greeted the fluffy white haired dog, looking over his shoulder at him. He felt a slight tug on his fishing pole, snapping his attention back to the sea as he began to reel in the line. A small piece of him hoped a decently sized red snapper would appear, but he knew better than to get his hopes up. Pulling his catch up to examine, Belvedere sized. It was a flounder, barely big enough for a meal but protein nonetheless. He glanced over at his bucket, frowning deeply at the two pitiful cod that waited for him. He let out a disappointed whistle and shook his head, feeling deeply discouraged once again.

    "Another day in paradise, huh Buddy?"
    「 N/A 」
  • Bel
    Character 1
    Character 2 ♥♥
    Character 3 ♥♥♥
    Character 4 ♥♥♥♥
    Character 5 ♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 7 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos

  • LiMing
    Sitting behind the front desk of the hospital, Li Ming quietly sipped her tea. The hospital was usually a bit cool and today she had worn her favorite cream cardigan to keep warm in. Her job was for the most part very peaceful and routine which she liked. She was grateful for the job regardless but it was nice not having too many accidents occur around the small community. She wondered if other people would find her job boring, as she was mostly just Leander's assistant or secretary, but she didn't mind at all. It paid decently and her stress levels stayed low, it was a good situation to be in for her.

    Li Ming hadn't been on the island all that long, six months now in fact, but she found the town charming and the people to be lovely. She had made a few decent acquaintances so far and that felt extremely promising. It was hard being away from her family for the first time, especially so far away and with very little opportunity to go home for visits but she tried not to dwell on it too much. She enjoyed her life here so far and it was only going to get better from here on out.

    There was a jeweler to keep her jewelry box filled, a seamstress to keep her closet fresh, a plant shop she could buy tea plants from and an adorable townhouse to call home. She couldn't really ask for much more, honestly… She was fairly content but she did look forward to establishing a few stronger bonds here and there to keep from feeling lonesome. But she didn't need to worry about that yet.

    She knew that someone was arriving on the island today, moving into a farmhouse and taking over another portion the farmland on the island. It was exciting, wondering what they would be like and what first impression they would leave… Li Ming found herself curious, but had a job to do and doubted a newcomer would like to be bombarded with new faces so soon. So, she decided to stay put and get on with her day as usual.
    「 N/A 」
  • LiMing
    Character 1
    Character 2 ♥♥
    Character 3 ♥♥♥
    Character 4 ♥♥♥♥
    Character 5 ♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 7 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos

    Although Merriam likely doesn't even see it, Elijah waves to her from his spot on the pier, remaining there until she and their new farmer have disappeared from sight. Melanie is a nice young gal and likely has a bright future ahead of her. Then again, Celosia seems to have a way of extinguishing the light in people nowadays, and maybe she'll wind up just another victim. It would be a damn waste. Hopefully she can get through to it before it gets to her.

    Isidore dismissing himself almost immediately isn't much of a shock; the kid has always been a social butterfly, and there's no doubt that he's thrilled to meet up with his friends after being away for so long. "Relax, I'm not —" he stops himself from the admittedly mean comment on Lennox's alcoholism. It's a crying shame what happened to him and his folks, and he can't rebuke him for needing a way to escape. Having known most of these young people since they were in diapers, it's hard to resist making comments or inserting himself into situations he doesn't belong. He is, after all, not any of these kids' father. "Not that hard up yet," he amends smoothly, "And I've got a delivery to make first anyway."

    Being the only transit between the island and everywhere else, what with most other sailors dead or gone, the island relies on him for their overseas mail. So, he spends the next several minutes dragging boxes of letters and other goods off of the ship and onto the dock, all of it stacked up into a neat pile by the time their resident mailman comes to collect them. "Good morning, Emrys," he greets, clapping a boisterous hand on the young man's shoulder. He's awfully out of breath, did he run here? "Relax, mate, you made it here on time," he chuckles, checking his watch to confirm. "I've got quite a few packages for you today. We'll you be able to carry them all, do you think? Or should I help you?"
    Melanie Redmond
    Belvedere Halloran
    Ozmodeous Green
    Emily "Rose" Taylor
    Isidore Badru
    Dorothea Sparrow
    Paola Holloway
    Tumelun Atua
    Leander van de Laar
    Merriam Winslow
    Emrys Jernigan

code by wren.

    She's not sure what she'd been expecting the mayor to look like, but Merriam is decidedly not it. She's so young, likely the same age as her! She didn't even know that someone so young even could be a mayor. Maybe thinks work differently on Celosia than in most parts of the world? Then again, it's not like she'd no much about how the rest of the world operates, having never left Canada until this moment. Regardless, Merriam greets her with a cheerfulness that mirrors the tone she'd used in her letters, immediately putting her at ease.

    "Right, Merri, okay," she agrees with a grin of her own, reaching to accept the proffered tin before Merriam pulls it back toward her. "Thank you so much; you really didn't have to get me anything," she insists, face warming again. Although her hands obscure it a bit, she can see that the tin has been painted over with tiny pictures of fruit, and she can't resist asking, "Did you paint those? They're so cute!" Although they've only just met in person, she gets the feeling that she'll wind up enjoying Merriam's company immensely.

    All the more reason why she'll have to give this farming thing her all!

    "I'm so excited to be here. Thank you for answering my letters so quickly! I'm glad that my grandfather's farm has been preserved so well, too; I'm sure that must have been difficult to maintain —" She cuts herself off when Merriam's face suddenly contorts in obvious pain, although the mayor tries to play it off quickly. Did she say something wrong? "Oh, y-yes, absolutely. I'm excited to meet everyone and get started — are you okay? It seemed like you were in pain."

    Perhaps she shouldn't be asking, given that they've only just met and it could be linked to a personal issue. Still, if it's something she can alleviate, she'd gladly do so.
    Elijah Ellwood
    Isidore Badru
    Merriam Winslow
code by wren.

Maven's farm




Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

It was unjarring to not be met with the same made-up enthusiasm that Edith had tried to emulate towards the farmer, his response to her introduction strangely muted in that estranged way that told Edith that he didn't care all that much. Unjarring in the way that Edith didn't know how to respond when one didn't play by the social cues of the harsh business world she had come from where it was all about faking smiles and exchanging contacts.

"Ezeran!" Edith had repeated after him in a cheerful manner, but that seemed to cringe the man more away from her who hadn't taken her hand. At least now she knew that he wasn't the newcomer she was looking for, which meant she was at the wrong farm for sure.

And then a breakthrough, nothing really, other than a clumsy wish of good luck with Merriam, the one who had lured her into this island that was so different from the dreamlike escape Edith had hoped to arrive to. It made Edith's smile falter for a moment, not quite used to such honesty straight off the bat before she broke into another smile. This time not so plastered, a bit more muted, but warm all the same as she let her shoulders slump for a moment.

"Thank you, Ezeran," she laughs, though it wasn't the charming little twinkle she would let escape in business rooms and at seminars. It was more of a rumble, as if acknowledging that the island and Merriam had been far from all what she had imagined, and that she wasn't actually sure what she was doing here, but willing to try all the same.

"Anyway," Edith finally recovers herself, shaking her head a little to flick an escaped strand of hair back out of her face, a look of demurity overcame her, about to admit to something she hated the most of all, "I was actually looking for the new farmer, but Google Maps isn't working here."

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The beach


Isidore | Belvedere

Tags: @Jenamos

Lennox - ( ♥️ ♥️ )
Elijah - ♥️ ♥️
Ozmodeous - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Quinzel - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Odessa - ♥️ ♥️
Hiroki - ( ♥️ ♥️ )
Rose - ♥️ ♥️
Isidore - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Theodora - ♥️ ♥️
Paola - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Dorothea - ♥️ ♥️
Leander - ( ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ )
Jiang - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Mariana - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Merriam - ♥️ ♥️
Ezeran - ( ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ )

Elijah's face was a familiar one, and trusted, giving Emrys a strange feeling of relief as he felt the sailor's hand clap on his shoulder, his own body moving forward in the shock before Emrys grounded himself by examining the wrinkles on the face of the man so many on the island saw as a father figure of sorts. Elijah, who sometimes had Emrys wonder if his father could have been the same without the work-accident, or if his father looked the same now, bearded and aged.

Emrys realised how long it has been since he saw his family last, not having missed any of them for a moment since he left.

"Ah," Emrys let the sound escape him before he gulped, his throat strangely dry, but moisture was coming back and he scraped his throat a few times as he took in the packages and mail addressed for the island from across the sea. That had been quite a bit more than normally would come in, but there had also been quite a few newcomers who arrived.

"Maybe?" the male responded, as if he wasn't quite sure when in fact it was quite obvious that he wasn't going to be able to bring all of the packages with him in one trip. Sometimes Emrys would bring his bike, but mail here on the island was usually slow and few, and so he often came by alone, just walking by, for the island wasn't large and Emrys could use the exercise when stuck in the library the whole day.

"Isidore already at the inn?" Emrys continued, his words a bit fragmented like his sentences didn't flow quite too smoothly, but it was the best he could do for now, the progress he had shown over the years he had returned and the years he had been fully mute. Maybe there was someone else that he could ask for help as well, Elijah had a long morning behind him, after all, and Emrys wouldn't want to keep the man from his much-deserved rest just because he didn't think of bringing over his bike.

"Maybe him?" The male finally pointed into the direction of the beach, where the lonesome figure of Belvedere could be seen. Another face he knew, and a much younger muscle that he wouldn't feel so guilty using for help.

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  • Love
Reactions: Kuno and wren.

    "Thanks, Oz," Isidore raised his glass to the bartender and sipped on the glass. The fizz bubbling in his mouth was a welcomed sensation that he missed. The drink was primarily two ingredients but somehow Oz made it best than any bar he has been to. As good as it was, his attention on it was brief as he moved his head to look back at Lennox. He watched his expression closely as he inspected the gem. He looked surprised by the raise of his eyebrows and inhale.

    Isidore, for his part, examined the gem as best as he could, but he knew no more than he did the first time he found it. He nodded his head when Lennox made an approving look. But the laughter was what made Isidore relax, warm even, and smile in response. He laughed. That was good. Better yet, he was talking with a happier tone than the dull somber one he usually spoke with.

    Teddy's voice caught both of their attention and within the span of a few minutes, he was passed a hot meal and drink before she was out the door. Isidore took the moment to sip on the honey lemon tea as Lennox carried on their conversation. "Melanie is great," he addresses the comment of the newcomer first. "I hope she stays ... I just have a good feeling about her."

    Not that Isidore's good feelings about people were always correct. His own poor judgment had led to less than pleasant relations that chipped at him. But he truly believed that Melanie was good and would bring good to the island with her. hopeful, romantic thinking some would say. And they would be right, but it did not stop Isidore from thinking about it.

    "The trip was great, except when we were halfway back. I ran out of my medication and I threw up twice. But my stomach is settled now." He laughed sheepishly, his cheeks flushed at the memory. Of course, Lennox didn't want to hear about that though. "When we reached the ports I did a lot though, not shopping this time. Just exploring the more natural parts. This time I had a guide, I didn't want to fracture my arm again like last time by getting too engaged with wildlife. I am pretty sure Elijah wouldn't have it again. That was how I found your pearl! Maybe if I go again I can find more and it'll bring you better luck than I got with it." The laugh that accompanied his words could have framed it as a joke, but it was Isidore. And he was not joking at all no matter how truly lucky he had gotten and it was unlikely to happen again.

    But Lennox -- and Alanis -- needed a reason to smile and laugh even if it was only a little. If he could give them that reason, he would do it time and time again. That was easier said than done, however. Lennox's little laugh was rarer and more valuable than the pearl Isidore had found. But Isidore did well to keep talking, he knew he liked hearing about his travels.

    "Oh! I met this lady in the marketplace," Isidore continued, and as he did so, his fingers ran through his wavy hair, pulling back as he tied it into the purple ribbon he held in one hand. It was a messy job, strands stuck out at the side and many still framed his face, but his focus was already shifted to the exciting tale. "She sold me this charm that is supposed to protect you from drowned souls and she even threw in a few candles for a bargain deal price. I don't actually know what the original price was, but I think it was worth it. I made it back without any nightmares and once-piece. So that was pretty cool too."

    Isidore grinned to himself and pushed the plate prepped for him by Teddy toward Lenny. He reached over to grab a hod croissant and bit into it as he added. "I might have to figure out a payment plan for groceries though. I forgot I would need to fill my fridge when I got back." Maybe he could stop by the restaurant whenever Elijah came to try and get a free meal with him. Mariana would share for sure but she had so many siblings. But he couldn't impose on them.

    Isidore hummed to himself. He'd make it work.

    Mariana ♥♥♥♥
    Lennox ♥♥♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥♥
    Corlin ♥♥
    Dorothea ♥♥♥♥
    Leander ♥♥♥
    Tumelun ♥♥♥
    Li Ming ♥♥♥
    Ozmodeus ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos

  • Merriam Winslow

    Merri knew very well that she did not look like a mayor. Heck, she was pretty sure she didn't really act like one, even if she tried her best to emulate what her mother had done many years before her. That friendly smile and cheerful disposition had always been a staple in the Winslow family, but she was certain her mother had gotten more done than she had. After all, what had Merri managed to finish in her few, short years after taking over her mother's position? … Well, she'd made cookies a few times for everyone on the island. She was sure at some point she'd done a few pieces of paperwork here and there, signed her name all pretty after trying to force her brain to focus on the teensy tiny text. How could people read those forms? It was awful, it felt like her brain would explode while the words floated up in the air, incomprehensible and fuzzy after only an hour of work. She kept smiling at Melanie, hoping that she would not be upset upon realizing that Merri did not have much to offer. Of course she'd brought cookies, what else did she have to give?

    She was making herself sad. She tried to divert herself away from those thoughts, happily soaking up the praise about her painting work. "Hehehe, you like them? It's another one of my hobbies. I'll paint more stuff for you if you want! Your house will probably be a little bare to begin with anyway." She loved things that kept her mind and her hands busy. Even if she had difficulty concentrating, crafting and creating was usually juuuuust stimulating enough for her brain to be able to continue doing it for a few hours without being so labour intensive that she passed out before getting anything done. She stopped rocking on her feet, nodding and receiving Melanie's words of thanks.

    Unfortunately, Merri's brain did not want to cooperate. When Melanie stopped talking just to check on her, Merri's immediate instinct was to giggle and push away any sort of pressure she felt curling up behind her eyes, shaking her hands at her newfound friend. This was awful. She was putting a frown on Melanie's face. She didn't like that, especially being the cause of it. "No worries! I think I got a lil bug bite, but I'm strong." She chirped, giving the back of her arm a little swat as if to say the bite had been there, though internally, she wondered why she'd said that. She loved bugs, yet she was blaming them for biting her? She brought the conversation back as soon as she could, "We're so, so happy to have you here, Melanie! I'll show you around and get you introduced to everyone."

    She started to head off of the pier, gesturing towards town and holding the tin under her other arm, pressed against her side. "Do you wanna see your grandfather's farm first or try your hand at meeting a few of the locals?"


  • Merriam Winslow

    Edith ♥♥♥
    Ez ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Sympathy & Compassion
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: wren. and Nemopedia

  • Ezeran

    She repeated his name aloud. It sounded weird on her lips, like a spell incantation or a word in another language. Maybe it was just because he was not used to her voice. He fumbled with the bottom of his shirt, thumbs pressing over the fabric repeatedly in search of comfort, grazing over the stitching as though it would help him keep his cool. At least he was in the barn. He liked the barn. It was cooler in here than it was outside on most days, which was most certainly better for his head when he was overheating from all the hard labour, but it also helped him feel safe. He was quite certain now that this Edith person likely meant both him and the farm no harm, so he could at least relax a little more now. He was sure she would find that he was not what she was looking for and she'd be on her merry way and he could get back to work.

    Edith laughed at his comment about Merriam. He meant no harm with it, but he was sure he wasn't the only one who found her difficult to deal with. The fact that she slept anywhere she pleased was certainly something she could work on in her own time, but the way that she talked his ear off even when he bristled and awkwardly tried to send her signals that he wanted to be left alone was a bit more problematic. He had nothing against her, but he wished that she wasn't so intent on befriending him. Surely, as the mayor, she had more important things to do? Right? His thumbs were growing sore from his incessant pawing at his clothes, the friction heating up his fingertips in a way that was becoming much less pleasant. "… You're welcome." He offered his little response, expectantly waiting for her to go, but she had one last question for him, it seemed.

    She was looking for the new farmer. Ez's expression became perplexed. If he knew, he would've ushered her over straight away. If Merri had known this new lady and a new farmer were going to show up today, why wasn't she escorting them around? "Um… I don't know." He said stupidly, tonguetied from his own thoughts, before he tried again, "I can, uh… Show you… The old farm." He let the words hang in the air before he realized that they probably sounded somewhat menacing without an explanation, "If there's a new farmer, they're probably taking over the empty one."

    He exited the barn, keeping a wide distance between them, before he pointed in the direction of said farm, and turned his gaze back to her, the sun now in his face. She had a car. He wasn't sure if she wanted directions to drive herself or if she wanted him to actually walk her there.


  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia


    It had been almost 2 weeks now since Corlin's return to Celosia Island and during this time he had managed to avoid interacting with most of the people living here which was an accomplishment considering how small this island was. Nevermind the fact that his avoidance had consisted mostly of him being hauled up at the Inn and going outside at nighttime for fresh air.

    On this island, most people were up and about so damn early in the morning and his sister was no exception. It wouldn't surprise him if she had gotten up at the crack of dawn today to start her work. Something that did surprise him was her call for help in this morning hour. Damn. This was the worst time to be working for someone who wanted to minimalise his interactions with other islanders. But he would do anything for his sister.


    Dora had already left when Corlin made his way downstairs. His eyebrows raised in surprise when his gaze fell on the scattered pieces of bone china on the floor. It wasn't like his sister to ask for help or leave such a mess behind. Guess she really had to run to the store. The blonde quietly bent down to pick up the bigger pieces when he heard a loud noise through the door connecting to the bar. People were talking, laughing, maybe drinking? Corlin kept his gaze locked on the door while slowly doing his chore. He recognized Isidore's voice and heard little bits and pieces of the story he was telling other people. Corlin knew how much his sister adored that guy, and he could understand why.

    The young blonde imagined his sister overhearing Isidore's conversation and immediately pausing her work to go and welcome him back from his trip with a bright smile and a warm hug. Such typical islander-behavior, being all sweet and soft like granny's sugarcakes. One of those would be good right now... Ouch! Corlin flinched when he got a cut on his index finger from one of the sharper shards, dropping it on the floor and watching it shatter into even smaller pieces. Great.


    There are some questionmarks here because Corlin doesn't understand his own feelings.
    More heart-statuses TBA.
    Dorothea ♥♥♥♥
    Theodora ♥♥♥?
    Ozmodeous ♥♥♥?
    Isidore ♥?
    Tumelun ?
    Jiang ?

Code by Jenamos
  • Sympathy & Compassion
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia and wren.


    Hiro had been sitting behind the counter for a little while when the bell finally rang. Standing up straight Hiro prepared himself to greet a new face but instead he was faced with none other than Maven. She was a farmer, one who had been around for a long time, and Hiro was intimately familiar with her farm. It was less due to deliveries and things and more due to the fact that he'd woken up after his 21st birthday amongst her cows, and on other occasions when he threw caution to the wind and drank too much. On top of that Maven had the hottest guy on the island, Ezeran, working on her farm. Ever since he'd come to town Hiro had been enamored, mostly by his abs but also by his personality. He wasn't too chatty, not too in your face. He just wanted to do hard work and live his life. Hiro liked that.

    "Morning Maven." Hir stated, leaning into the counter. The woman always had strange requests for him and today it was a request for rods and hardware. Tapping his chin Hiro tried to think what he had in stock. "Well I certainly have locks, as for rods it depends on what you need. I know I have some basic netting and things but anything more specific than that you may need to see the smithery for that. They have more metal than I do." Hiro stated, walking over to his small selection of locks and keys so that Maven could pick one out.

    Oz ♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥
    Leander ♥♥
    Maven ♥♥♥
    Ezran ♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

Maven's farm




Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

Finally a direction! And it wasn't a direction towards the Town Square, or from which she had come from. An actual direction that suggested that, had Edith just gone ahead, she would have gotten there eventually. A stark reminder of the size of the island, where everything seemed to come together in a circle.

The old farm, Ezeran had called it, which confused Edith a little as everything seemed old and decayed here. A thought she didn't formulate out loud whilst casting her eyes into the direction into which the old farm was supposed to be, wondering in what state she was to encounter the place in, and if it was fit for any living standards.

"Thank you so much!" Edith exclaimed nonetheless, genuinely relieved to finally have herself not as lost anymore before she reached for her car, turning with a questioning look in her eyes towards Ezeran.

"Do you want to say hi with me?" she proposed, remembering the 'don't knows' from Ezeran and how he didn't seem familiar with the newly arrived farmer. Something within the deputy mayor told her that Ezeran wasn't the most social, that he might even scorn it, but she wanted to try it anyway, just as an offer.

"We can go together!" she offered, as if that would make the experience any better, though Edith was convinced that having a familiar face with you always made things more comfortable, or at least, in her own experience that was. And in a way she could be considered a familiar face to Ezeran, somewhat.

"How about it?" the blondine continued, a smile of encouragement following after, "Merri should be there by now, and it will give you an opportunity to scout out the rival." The last bit was an obvious joke, though it never hurt to encourage a little competition, the businesswoman within her claimed, hoping that this could spark some life back into the island.

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  • Love
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

    The question had been mostly rhetorical; it's obvious from the fact that Emrys arrived empty-handed that he isn't prepared to carry so many boxes by himself. Technically, the man could just take multiple trips, but it's not like Elijah has anywhere to be. "I'll help," he smiles, decisive, stacking a good deal of boxes on top of each other. Lifting with his knees, he's able to carry them pretty easily. While he hasn't aged like fine wine, he still has a good deal of his strength left.

    "Oh yeah, Isidore booked it as soon as he could," he chuckles, "Probably spotted one of his friends." The blond's love and devotion to all of his friends is admirable, and the excitement he shows the minute he steps foot back on the island is charming, although Elijah can't help but sometimes worry that he spreads himself too thin trying to please them all. Unfortunately, no matter what he says on the matter, it'll go out one ear with the kid.

    Even between them, there are still a few boxes left to pick up, so Elijah is glad when Emrys points toward a recognizable figure in the distance. "Hey, Bel!" he shouts with a voice that is clearly used to the activity, grinning brightly. If he could wave, he would. "Are you busy right now? Could you help Emrys and I deliver the mail?"

    Belvedere has always been a kind young man and one of his favorites, having spent a great deal of time around the boy when he was young. He'd shown a great interest in the sea, and so he'd been happy to teach him how to sail and tips for fishing. If he's free, no doubt he'll help them out. He certainly seems it, sitting there all solemn with his fishing rod.
    Melanie Redmond
    Belvedere Halloran
    Ozmodeous Green
    Emily "Rose" Taylor
    Isidore Badru
    Dorothea Sparrow
    Paola Holloway
    Tumelun Atua
    Leander van de Laar
    Merriam Winslow
    Emrys Jernigan
code by wren.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

    Although Merriam insists she's fine, she doesn't look fine. She looks on edge, trying to sweep a problem under the carpet. Well, she won't press. It would be impolite to push a matter that Merriam clearly doesn't want to discuss, especially when they've only just met in person. "Oh, I see," she smiles, "You might want to get that checked out; I don't think bug bites are supposed to affect you like that." At least, she can't remember any of the bugs that have bitten her in her life giving her more than a temporary itch or sting.

    The continued warm welcome makes her face warm, and she flaps a hand dismissively with a giggle. She's never been great with receiving compliments. "I'm so excited to be here; it's an honor," she assures, happily following in Merriam's peppy footsteps toward what must be the town. "As much as I really want to meet everyone, I think heading to the farm would be the best first step, just so I can set all of my things down. You don't have to show me around, though, if you're busy. I imagine you've got your hands constantly full with your mayoral duties. I'm sure I can find my way around." Actually, she's not that confident; it wouldn't be the first time she's gotten lost in a small area.

    "Thank you for maintaining my grandfather's farm as you have," she continues as they walk, genuine warmth flowing through her. "That farm is incredibly important to him. This whole island is," she says, gesturing generally as best she can with her bags. "He's told me all kinds of stories about what it used to be like. I hope that I can bring some of that paradise back to it if I do nothing else with my life," she hums. "Oh, sorry, I know I already said a lot of that in my letters, ignore me," she laughs, scratching her cheek.
    Elijah Ellwood
    Isidore Badru
    Merriam Winslow
code by wren.

    A good feeling, huh? That's not really a judgment worth taking seriously from Isidore, who'd once bought a perfume off some woman who claimed it would attract frogs to him. Adorable? Sure. Idiotic? Absolutely. Isidore may love to brag about being older, but he's not any wiser. The man is just way too trusting for his own good. Still, though, Melanie could be a perfectly fine person. He won't really know until he hears it from more reliable sources like Elijah, since he has no plans to interact with her himself unless he runs into her by accident.

    He cringes in sympathy at Isidore's story, patting his shoulder briefly before snapping his hand back like he's been burned. "The fact that you became a sailor despite your terrible seasickness is bewildering," he says, sliding his empty glass toward Oz with a grin that clearly says 'more, please.' "Can't blame you, though. Not much to see here." He'd love to be far away from this place, exploring the world he's never gotten to see. He'd go somewhere like Scotland, where his family hails from, where the land is green and beautiful. Getting away from it all sounds like the best thing he could do, not just for himself but for everyone else's sake as well. Leave the past in the past and start over, that kind of thing.

    "Wow, you went a trip without getting swindled?" he teases, wrapping his hand around his glass once it's returned to him. "Maybe you should hire a babysitter for each time you go out." Clearly, Elijah isn't doing a very bang-up job of saving him from himself. He softens at the mention of Isidore going back for more, even if the offer is probably more of an empty one. "The chances of you finding another pink pearl are extremely low, but I appreciate the sentiment. Maybe we should start filling your pockets with peridot and other good luck stones so that you stop injuring yourself so much," he jokes, raising his eyebrows at the man from behind his glass where he has raised to his lips. "That's a joke, by the way. Gems don't actually do anything but look pretty." If it were anyone other than Isidore, he probably wouldn't have to make that clarification. Since it is, it feels vital.

    "You should start taking better care of yourself. I swear you always come back from your trips with at least something injured or with empty pockets. Too many people love you for you to give them heartaches like this," he chuckles. Yeah, yeah, he's one to talk, right? Shut up. He's glad for the subject change, although he does groan at the revelation, pressing his head against the bar's cool surface. "So you did get swindled. Isidore, how many times do I have to tell you that there's no such thing as magic?" His friend's romanticism is great and everything, but there comes a point where idealism grates against reality and begins friction-burning your brain. The world is ultimately cruel, and if Isidore keeps trying to treat it like a children's cartoon where everything works out perfectly by the end of each episode, he's just going to keep getting hurt.

    He turns his cheek toward the sound of scraping. Isidore has pushed the plate Theodora left him toward him, clearly intending to share. "No, Isi, you need to eat," he insists, pushing it back toward him. "If you really don't have money, take all of this. My dad and I aren't suffering enough that we can't afford food." Not yet, at least. "I can lend you some money if you need. Fuck knows I don't need any of it."
    Alanis King
    Belvedere Halloran
    Ozmodeous Green
    Quinzel Bowman
    Isidore Badru
    Theodora Tracey
    Dorothea Sparrow
    Li Ming Wen
    Leander van de Laar
    Jiang Zhao
    Emrys Jernigan
    Andrew Wu
code by wren.

Wu Peterinary > Tailor shop




Lennox - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ (♥️)
Elijah - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Alanis - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Belvedere - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Rose - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Isidore - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Theodora - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Paola - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Merriam - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Ezeran - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Emrys - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Elinor - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Sebastian - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Mornings in the Wu household started early. Nainai would rouse him at 5 am, telling him to do his morning exercises with her. Most of the time it ended up in Andrew falling asleep once more on the porch, head leaning against the door post before being roused half an hour later with the strict order to attend to the plants instead if he wasn't going to care for his own body. A small job, rather, seeing that they had gotten rid of most of the plants after 'yeye' passed away. It would wake him up enough to check on the animals that were sheltered within the compound, most still asleep, but the cats often weren't. He wouldn't feed them yet, however, not wanting to disrupt their rhythm, or that of future owners, before he would take note of any changes that could change their diet plan. If there was, Andrew would spend that time sorting it out, but most of the time he found himself napping once more, an animal in his lap that he had left to check for the last only to rouse at 6 am when nainai would tell him that breakfast was ready. A sound that the animals had learnt to recognise for it instantly woke them.

It was after such a particular morning where he found that adjustment was needed with most animals still remaining at the vet that Andrew finally managed to get to his house visits of the day, the morning now well-advanced and with most up. He knew that it was the day in which the shipments from the mainland returned. In his youth Andrew would have run over to the beach, to the harbour and ask for anything from his parents, but he had long since stopped that.

"I'm out!" he announces after breakfast, getting up to take away his dirty plates and leave a kiss on the cheeks of both his grandmothers and an unappreciated hug for his waigong. It would earn him a light hit on the shoulders, a giggle following before Andrew was waved out of the door with a reminder to be back in time for lunch.

Life was good, Andrew believed, greeting the sewist with a; "good morning, Rose!" from outside of the tailor shop, the characteristic smile on his face as the strays greet him, familiar as they are to the lingering scent of osmanthus and tea leaves perpetually stuck to him instead of animals.

"And how are you doing?" he spoke to the cats, crouching down to allow the strays to sniff at him and garner more trust. A hand reached, fingers sniffed and then nipped. They were hungry and that was a good sign, for Andrew was quick to produce two sachets of cat food, medicine hidden within to help them grow strong and healthy.

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    Lennox did a lot of talking when he was chastising. He had the right to all the fussing he did, even if he was upset, it was nice to see that he cared. His worry was misplaced, and Isidore would let him finish before he told him as much. After having gone through this before, he knew the best time to speak and when not to, but had yet to learn to keep his mouth shut about his spending on questionable products. Questionable to some of them, at least.

    Isidore rested his cheek against his knuckles and watched him do so, tapping the tips of his fingers against his cheekbone. He did his best not to smile and instead furrow his brows and nod his head. "Well, firstly, I think we should establish that magic is real, Lennox. You've met Tumelun and so have I. She almost turned me into a frog once and if things like that can happen in this world, so can charms that protect you from sea ghosts. And since I am a sailor that makes me extra liable for that. Better safe than sorry."

    The point made was a fair one, or so he thought at least. The excess of candles he gathered in such a purchase was hard to defend, so he didn't. Instead, he reached for a piece of bread off the plate and bit into it. It was still hot and fresh and perfect after the work he had gone through. "And anyway, Teddy told me to share with you so I'm going to do that. Chefs orders." He pushed the plate toward him again.

    "I don't need you to lend me any money either, I know how to make do." By far that was the truest thing said. There were plenty of days he remembered skipping meals at him just so he could avoid sitting at the table with his father and his judging eyes and hurting words. "I'll just stop by my Umi's, she's been wanting to feed me for a long time." Raeesa Almasi had stuffed her son when he was a child and Isidore knew she wanted to do it still. He only hated having to sit at home.

    "Please eat with me, I hate eating by myself." There was truth to that. The look in his eyes reflected it too, but he was obvious enough that he wasn't going to push it any further either. "My stomach can't handle all this just yet and it won't taste as good cold or reheated."

    Mariana ♥♥♥♥
    Lennox ♥♥♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥♥
    Corlin ♥♥
    Dorothea ♥♥♥♥
    Leander ♥♥♥
    Tumelun ♥♥♥
    Li Ming ♥♥♥
    Ozmodeus ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia and wren.

    Breakfast. Then Lunch. Or should lunch be made first and then breakfast? It didn't matter she would prepare them both simultaneously. Paola didn't mind cooking, no, she actually liked it. It was as therapeutic and serving it to others came with a special feeling in itself. All the pleasing looks, wide-mouthed smiles, and the "nonna is the best cook!" cries made it so rewarding. But it was the process of making food that would last long for hours for three children with different palettes and appetites that made it rather difficult. Worse, it was directly after her morning prayers and bookkeeping.

    Leo didn't like the crusts on his sandwiches, Lily hated cucumber, Luna loved cucumber but not the skin, and Michael had to have his cut into 4 perfect triangles or -Paola put down the knife and stilled herself. Michael wasn't here. Michael was gone. And he surely wasn't a child either, even if he was and always still would be her child.

    Paola pressed her hands against her face and tried to stop her trembling. Her heart faults were heavy, heavier than usual, and her throat felt tight as if it was to close up any minute now. She laughed, but it was a choked breathy sound and she had to sit down before it worsened. "He's been gone for years, you idiot. You know this, you know this." Paola sharply whispered to herself. "Get it together." If she couldn't snap herself out of it, who could? She leaned over and waited, hoping for the faint feeling to pass, for her breathing to find that steady pace again.

    She didn't know how long it took past, she was so stuck in it that time felt insignificant. But when it did pass and she could breathe again, Paola finally sensed the small hand rubbing his back, up in down in soothing motions. She opened her eyes and packed through the cracks between her fingers. The image in front of her was a Bulbasaur.

    "Nonna," Lily's little voice said. "I'm hungry."

    Paola laughed, this time the sound coming out clear and sweet. "Then you can help me finish breakfast." she pulled the small girl into her arms and kissed both her cheeks.



    "Why aren't you wearing your gown?"

    "Why would I wear my gown while I'm walking you to school?"

    "Because you're a priestess."

    "We've been over this, Leo. A priestess is not strictly confined to priestess clothing and the church."

    The nine-year-old hummed softly to himself and like everything else in his life, he moved on to something more interesting. He went back to practicing his little recorder. He was getting ridiculously good at it and Paola was focusing on his cover of the Pokemon theme closely. That is until she stopped to grab Luna's hand and pull her forward with the rest of them. The girl was always dragging behind, trying to catch whatever insect her eyes found.

    "Jiang!" Luna pointed and quickly slipped out of her grandmother's grip and ran toward the man. Lily lagged behind to replace Luna at her grandmother's side, taking her hand and sticking close. She was the shyest out of the three by far.

    It was not uncommon to cross paths with him or anyone else. Celosia was a small island after all and the main roads often overlapped. "Good morning, Jiang. What has got you up so early today?" She smiled in his direction and was fast and knabbing Luna before she could get away again.

    Paola had barely been able to help raise one child. It was a damn miracle she was able to handle three all growing at the same pace and with wildly different personalities.
    Dorothea ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥♥
    Ezrean ♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥
    Leander ♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
    Rose ♥♥♥
    Tumelun ♥♥
Code by Jenamos

  • Ezeran

    She was very happy to learn of the direction of the old farm. Ezeran hadn't spent much time there. He'd peeked at the land from afar, seeing the weeds come and go. From time to time, he saw Merri on her knees out there, tending to the land for a few minutes at a time, sometimes half-asleep, other times with a grim pout on her face. He contemplated offering his help sometimes, but in the end, he always sulked away, feeling it was not his place. Maven's farm needed him more than this old, abandoned one. Even if he lent a hand for a few moments, it would not change much of anything. The people who relied on him to get his work done came first. And so when the Edith lady thanked him brightly, asking if he wanted to join her, his immediate thought was that he did not want to. He was quite certain nothing had changed since his last venture out there. He weighed his rejection on his tongue, eyes searching her face briefly.

    Even if he didn't want to come, the fact that a new farmer was going to inhabit that space… Maybe Maven would want him to go? To scope out who was going to be taking over the land, breathing life into that unmaintained area, likely with more expertise than Merri had? Ezeran frowned, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt once more, before he awkwardly nodded, trudging forwards to meet Edith halfway. "… I'll check. For Maven." He clarified quietly, shoving his hands into his pockets to grab his cellphone. It was an outdated, rattling old thing, a flipphone with a case that was easily knocked loose at this point, from all the wear and tear. Many of the buttons were faded from the rubbing of his fingertips over the years, but it still worked for him just fine. He only used it to communicate with Maven anyway, since she would sometimes summon him earlier than usual for breakfast or later than normal to share dinner together.

    Opening up his texts, he typed as slowly as an elderly person, 'goin 2 new farm' out and sent it to his boss. It wasn't like all his work was done for the day, but he could easily return afterwards and finish it up. The animals would not keel over dead after a few moments without supervision, he was certain. A full minute later, after he'd gotten those words out, he edged towards Edith's car. Even if he hadn't liked the city, he did sort of like cars. He didn't understand them too well and disliked all the noise they made, but knowing that there were hundreds of working parts within, all moving in harmony in order to create a working machine, did fascinate him.

    "… Where'd… You get this?" he questioned, eyes on the vehicle now, unfamiliar with the make and model, but curious enough to ask.


  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

  • Merriam Winslow

    Merriam had always been quick to lie. She wasn't sure when she'd picked up the habit, but it had become her first instinct to tell people that anything going on in that little head of hers was just something silly, nothing worth talking about. She felt that it was right anyway: she didn't want to worry people, especially when there was nothing to worry about! People's heads hurt all the time. It was part of being an adult. And adults were sleepy all the time too, from long hours of work everyday, tending to their responsibilities! (Not that Merri worked as long or as hard as most people on the island, but she still considered herself to be someone who tried to contribute to Celosia…) And so she nodded happily but dismissively at Melanie's suggestion to get checked out at a doctor, even if she had no intention to do so. Doctors were scary! Leander seemed nice and all, but she avoided him like the plague for a reason!

    "We'll go to the farm first then!" Merri exclaimed excitedly, taking the new farmer down the path, towards the old farm. Over the years, Merri had done her own version of maintenance here and there to try and help, dusting the old farmhouse once every few months and pulling a weed or two when she had the energy, but otherwise, the farm had gone mostly untouched by caring hands. "Aha, um, yes, very busy, but um…" she sounded thoughtful, trying to spin her thoughts into something productive, "I wouldn't ever abandon you for them, especially not today! You're new here and it's my job to make sure you feel welcomed and comfy. I'll be your tour guide all day if you need me!"

    Why was she saying that? She felt her eye twitch, warning her of an impending nap, maybe in an hour or two. She couldn't possibly tour Melanie around that long… She deflated, but tried not to do so visibly, keeping some pep in her step as the beach faded away from behind them, the sweet breeze carrying the scent of greenery towards them, houses and business dotting the horizon. "It's a lil bit messy out on the farm, but it's nothing that some good 'ol elbow grease and spiffying up can't fix." She piped in response to the mention of maintaining the farm, a bit nervous that Melanie would be disappointed upon seeing the state of it all, "I'm just happy you're here. I think we needed a new face to brighten everything up! And I think you have just the right face!" The compliment was perhaps odd, but Merriam felt it was right, "A big smile goes a long way."

    As the farm became visible in the distance, Merri pointed it out. "Right over there! Can you see it?"


  • Merriam Winslow

    Edith ♥♥♥
    Ez ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
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