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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

  • OWEN

    Already, a pair of crow's feet were emerging at Owen's eyes as he smiled. The stress of combat and the ensuing personal drama with Jaden's mother had aged him prematurely. That also neglected to include his own personal anxieties. For every day Jaden managed to escape unscathed, every day brought a new concern that this would be the day Owen would grow too careless and something would befall the boy.

    But nothing ever happened on Celosia Isle...right?

    Something like amusement sparked in his eyes at the boys' banter behind him. Their mother wasn't too pleased with it. He didn't entertain the thought of commenting on it, lest she feel embarrassed.

    "Of course we'll have you. No worries; I taught Jaden's mother and I'll be teaching him too-"

    "Dad! Dad."

    Jaden wormed his way around Owen's broad frame, peering up at him. Owen clapped a big hand on his head and started swerving it around, causing Jaden to descend into giggles.

    "What'd I tell you about interrupting adults when they're talking? Huh?"


    He erupted into laughter as Owen tickled his neck. Pushing him back behind his legs with playful force, Owen shook his head ruefully and met Luzviminda's eyes again.

    "You're fine," He finally answered to her second question. "I've got enough snacks and water here-"

    He grunted as he hefted a large cooler with a strap over his shoulder.

    "-and the tack box and fishing rods are down at the dock on our boat already. Just bring yourself.

    "Boys! Let's go!" He called over his shoulder, and the trio came tumbling out, Jaden naturally struggling to catch up with his much shorter legs. As Owen slammed the door shut behind them and locked it, a thought suddenly came to him. He eyed Luz, concern in his eyes.

    "You're not afraid of water, are you? Know how to swim?"
  • OWEN
    Character 1
    Character 2
    Character 3
    Character 4
    Character 5
    Character 6
    Character 7
Code by Jenamos

  • Luzviminda

    What ensued was a wonderful display of paternity, Owen and Jaden sharing the same laugh, however different it was in pitch. Luz forced herself to stop tensing up so much, running her fingers over the plush fur of her coat in a self-soothing manner. Now wasn't the time to be dredging up bad memories, even when Ambrosio always seemed so intent on doing so, despite not meaning any harm. By the time all three children were assembled at the door with her once more, Luz had nodded. Bring herself she would. It wasn't like she had any fishing supplies to contribute from her own home anyway. She stepped to the side, letting everyone else pass her by and though Cielo followed ahead after Jaden instantly, Ambrosio stuck beside her, slipping his tiny little hand into her own.

    Ah, her son. Even when he dug his little hands into her heart without meaning to draw blood, she still could not help but love him. He fiddled with the jewelry on her fingers as they began to walk down to the docks, the cool morning air tickling at their faces. Luzviminda took a deep breath, before turning her eyes back to Owen, whose face was painted with concern.

    "I'm not afraid of water, though I can't say that I'm the most proficient swimmer. It has been years." she admitted, lacking any real shame in the statements. She had loved swimming in her youth, but that adoration for it had waned over the years, especially into her marriage and pregnancy. She'd always been an island girl, surrounded and embraced by the water, but motherhood made it quite hard to spend much time relaxing in the water.

    Ambrosio piped up, "I'm really good at swimming. But Cielo is better. They can do it backwards, like the, um... Backwards swimming stroking..." He fumbled with his words, head craned to look up at both his mother and Owen, before he looked forward at his sibling and Jaden, "HOI, Cielo, ano yung paglangoy na backwards?" He yelled way louder than he needed to. His sibling barely turned their head, making a face at his terrible grammar. Ambrosio had always been the worst at speaking tagalog.


    Luz searched Owen's face briefly, her own need to be a helicopter parent being exacerbated by being around another helicopter parent. "Is the boat large enough for all of us? Safe enough?"

    Hey, Cielo, what's the backwards swimming thing?


  • Luzviminda

    Odessa ♥♥
    Owen ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Teddy ♥♥♥♥
    Elinor ♥♥♥♥
    Lennox ♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos

    Melanie grins at Merriam's shared enthusiasm, opening her mouth to reply when the sudden sound of distant voices catches both their attention. It seems to be coming from behind the barn, and Merriam beats her to the punch in checking, her expression lighting up as she presumably catches sight of someone, or someones familiar. She follows her around the dilapidated building, mud squelching beneath her boots. On the other side are a blonde young woman and a burly young man speaking beside a dusty red car. As they get closer, it becomes apparent that the dust is the only thing tarnishing the vehicle, as it is otherwise in fantastic shape. It looks out of place against their desolate surroundings.

    She waves politely at both figures when they take notice of her, happy to let Merriam handle the introductions for the lot of them. "Oh yes, Edith! I remember you mentioning her in your letters, Merriam," she smiles, holding out a hand to the blonde. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. Merriam mentioned that you have a lot of ambition for this place, so I look forward to assisting however I can."

    She turns to the man, apparently named Ezeran, and holds out a hand to him as well, face beginning to hurt from her continued grin. Despite his stature, he doesn't have a very intimidating aura. In fact, he strikes her as a shy person, eyes averted with a constipated look like he's trying to suppress a desire to turn tail and flee this interaction. "It's nice to meet you, too, Ezeran! Since you're a farmer, we ought to get to know each other, right? I'd love to visit your farm sometime. If you have any advice for me, I'd appreciate that, too!"

    She looks back at the barn, placing her hands on her hips. "This place is going to need a lot of work," she laughed, taking in the holes in the barn roof and the way the foundation has begun to sink a bit into the mud. "I expected as much, though. No one was here to take care of it for years, after all. Nothing some good old-fashioned grit can't beat, though."
    Elijah Ellwood
    Isidore Badru
    Merriam Winslow
    Edith Gerhardt
    Ezeran Vylkorric
code by wren.

    "Atta boy," Elijah calls back, grinning as the young fisherman strides over to them. Emrys doesn't look nearly as thrilled by the assistance as he feels, but that's probably less to do with Belvedere and more to do with Emrys's pervasive social anxiety. While he doesn't have much of a problem interacting with him and Isidore given how long they've worked with him, he tends to shut down when other people are around. It's sad how much his anxiety weighs him down, and it must be pretty lonely. Still, there's nothing he can do but gently encourage Emrys to be more social here and there, the rest is up to Emrys himself.

    "Let's go, then, before my arms give out!" he encourages after Emrys answers Bel's question, electing to ignore how strangled the one word had sounded. They need help to get the job done faster, and it's not like Emrys will have to deal with them for too long. Hopefully, he can forgive him for hoisting another person upon him. Of all the people to thrust him into conversation with, though, Bel is probably one of the best. The fisherman has always been admirably upbeat, radiating kindness and trustworthiness as much as he radiates the salty scent of the sea.

    He waits for Bel to collect the rest of the packages before leading them toward the town, the soothing sound of crashing ocean waves and squawking seagulls fading behind them as they struggle across thick sand onto sturdier, hard-packed soil. "Ugh, it doesn't help that I've still got my sea legs," he complains with a hearty laugh, trying not to pant as they climb up and down hills. While he's comfortable with aging and letting people see the effects of it, he's less fine with announcing how out-of-shape he has let himself get in his old age. "So, how have you two been lately? Anything good I missed while I was away?"
    Melanie Redmond
    Belvedere Halloran
    Ozmodeous Green
    Emily "Rose" Taylor
    Isidore Badru
    Dorothea Sparrow
    Paola Holloway
    Tumelun Atua
    Leander van de Laar
    Merriam Winslow
    Emrys Jernigan
code by wren.
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Nemopedia

Melanie's farm

Ezeran, Merriam & Melanie


@PavellumPendulum, @Jenamos

Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

Merri was everything one didn't expect a mayor to be and yet all one needs a mayor to be. Bright, bubbly and so very youthful in character were characteristics that wouldn't have convinced Edith on a normal day, but her vivid retellings of the island and determination to make Celosia prosper had been exactly what Edith had needed in a time where everything seemed dark and bitter.

"Came out to explore, Ezeran is showing me around," Edith had quipped back in response, unable to feel annoyed at Merriam for the lack of proper introduction to the island despite being the deputy mayor. It was easy to forget, after all, if one read through the correspondence that Merriam had sent to Edith. Stories of the island and its best places, its people and the daily tidings. By the time Edith had actually arrived she had felt confident in what she was about to see, the island itself already mapped out in mind. Yet, reality had hit differently. At least knowing Merriam had felt like she had known the young female forever, her character just as sparkling as the personality that showed through the words.

"Just Edith is fine, it is a small island!" Edith was quick to extend her hand to Melanie, excited at the prospects of two farmers on the island, widening options. And though Edith didn't know much about farms she knew about hard work, liking the attitude of Melanie already.

"Come find me if you ever need help. This goes for Ezeran as well, I will be commonly in the Town Square, but make my rounds once in a while," she continued with a dapper smile, her eyes following Melanie's line of sight as she mentally tried to jot down how to fix the problems perceived, hoping there weren't any invisible problems. A rather hopeless sight after declaring it a nice place to Ezeran. "It has a lot of opportunities," she tries to reassure Melanie, eyes flickering back over to Ezeran who had fallen quiet since arrival, his large figure seeming awkwardly out of place. A shame, for Edith did think he was nice and could use the company.

"I probably shouldn't hold you up longer than I already have." Turning towards Ezeran, Edith smoothly moves the topic with an apologetic smile as she digs through her pockets, quick to find a rectangular flat tin that contains her contact cards. "Here are my contacts, should you ever need me for anything," Edith tells Melanie quickly, before carefully touching Ezeran's arm, her eyes searching Ezeran's out as she holds out another card.

"And one for you as well, though maybe you want to take a turn in my car first as we return to the farm?"


  • Merriam Winslow

    She watched them shake hands. Edith seemed happy enough to make introductions and smile politely, while Melanie reflected it right back. Merri hoped that they both meant it. It seemed genuine enough, but thinking too much on it all was making her head spin, the exhaustion clawing at her body and telling her to sit herself right down on the dirt this instant and take a little break. "That's very nice of you, Ezeran!" she piped cheerfully, wringing her fingers together in some sort of attempt to keep herself bubbly and bouncy. It was nice to hear that the farmhand was being a bit more sociable, especially with a new villager! Maven would be pleased, she was sure.

    Still, his seemingly newfound spark of confidence didn't seem to last as long with Melanie as it had for Edith, her extended hand making him half-grimace. His hesitation only deepened, nearly palpable in the air when the new farmer spoke to him directly, soliciting advice with her friendly introduction. Merriam smiled apologetically at the both of them, feeling the seconds tick by as Ez nodded awkwardly, unable to find the words to respond at first.

    It was okay. She would handle it!

    "He's a little shy! But you can definitely visit sometime and see Maven. She owns the farm that he works on. I'm sure she can give you some great tips!" Merri certainly couldn't. Her knowledge of farming pretty much ended after the knowledge that she was supposed to water and weed them consistently. Still, she could always be an overenthusiastic cheerleader? Sometimes, a happy face could do wonders... In her opinion, anyway.

    Edith was as quick to leave the conversation as they'd entered it, a gentle hand reaching out to tap Ezeran, making Merri blink twice. She hadn't expected to see the two of them, nor had she expected them to stay long, but seeing that the man didn't cringe away from her touch meant that something good was happening. He still looked as uncomfortable as he normally did around just about anyone, but Merri knew enough to be impressed.

    "Oh! Okay!" she said a bit too loudly at first, before adjusting herself, "Bye bye, thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day!"

    She turned her eyes to Melanie now, swaying cheerily on her feet, eyes hopeful. "Would you like to see the inside of your house on the farm? I promise it's a little nicer than the outside."

  • Merriam Winslow

    Edith ♥♥♥
    Ez ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • What a TWIST
  • Sweet
Reactions: wren. and Nemopedia

  • Ezeran
    Feeling out of place in the conversation despite being invited to speak by the others, Ez shrunk as hard into his sturdy frame as he could. Melanie's cheery smile probably meant that she meant him no harm, but he already felt like he'd been pulled a bit thin on his capacity to interact with strangers for the day. He was sure that she meant well, but that extended hand only made him more nervous, wishing he had stayed back on the farm. His eyes darted everywhere they could, seeking to find some comfort in his familiar surroundings, the blue sky, the dirt path, the worn down barn. In the end, he could only muster a quick nod, meeting her eyes for perhaps half a second. Maybe next time would be better...

    Merriam spoke on his behalf, with Edith cleanly severing them for the conversation in a swift move promptly afterwards. He was more than happy to head back home on his own, turning on his heels almost immediately with no goodbye, but he did startle slightly when he felt Edith's hand on his arm, a quick but gentle tap of her fingers paired with her curious gaze. Shockingly, he didn't find himself immediately breaking into a sprint, despite his heart rate rising. It felt strange, to be touched so carefully, like he was in need of soothing.

    She held out her business card for him, but he immediately dropped it on accident, nearly toppling over to snatch it before it hit the ground. He failed miserably though, as the pretty cardstock fluttered downwards through the air and onto the dirt. He picked it up with haste, blowing it off, embarrassment glowing like newborn embers on his face, before he shoved it into his pockets. "O-Okay." he said at first, before realizing what she was offering.

    They had said someday a few minutes prior... But he hadn't expected someday to be now.

    "... I, er-" his tongue refused to behave, flopping around uselessly, "Yes. Please."

    The pretty Volkswagen awaited them. Ez tried not to look too much like an excited child, scurrying back to it.

  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • What a TWIST
  • Sweet
Reactions: wren. and Nemopedia

  • Bel

    Belvedere holds a smile, trying not to take how uncomfortable Emrys looks too personally. In an ideal world Bel would be fast friends with everyone but not this one. Bel shrugged off his anxious feelings and carried on, working hard to seem cool in the situation. He turned his attention to Elijah and accepted the older man's praise with a wide grin.

    Bel had hardly ever seemed to notice how Elijah had aged, it was hard seeing his mentor begin to slow down even just a tad. After losing Elodie just a year prior, it wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. Nan took Bel in not long after Alanis had been left in her care and she and Elijah took a great part in raising him after he'd been found. He definitely wasn't ready to start thinking about losing another person in his life. But there he went again, jumping to extremes over nothing.

    He cleared his throat and shook away the negative thoughts, managing a soft smile when Elijah spoke again. " Oh uh, not especially on my part. I helped Alanis put together her loft bed last week… Picked up groceries for Li Ming too. Oh! Harlow learned how to help carry bags! That's really helpful." Belvedere explained, fishing for anything remotely interesting to share with the others. "I think that's all for me though. Emrys?" He asked, looking over at the quietest member of the trio.
  • NAME

    Character 1
    Character 2 ♥♥
    Character 3 ♥♥♥
    Character 4 ♥♥♥♥
    Character 5 ♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 7 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: Nemopedia and wren.

The beach > Town

Elijah | Belvedere


@Jenamos | @o0peachie0o

Lennox - ( ♥️ ♥️ )
Elijah - ♥️ ♥️
Ozmodeous - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Quinzel - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Odessa - ♥️ ♥️
Hiroki - ( ♥️ ♥️ )
Rose - ♥️ ♥️
Isidore - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Theodora - ♥️ ♥️
Paola - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Dorothea - ♥️ ♥️
Leander - ( ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ )
Jiang - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Mariana - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Merriam - ♥️ ♥️
Ezeran - ( ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ )

Life on the island was like the lull of the sea colliding with the shores; a steady rhythm only disturbed once in a while by the blowing of the wind. There wasn't much to share about his tidings, Emrys felt, other than the new books that entered and the new faces that joined, adding in new addresses to which he could hold the mail for. But Elijah was aware of the newcomers, as they all arrived with his ship, and neither Bel or Elijah were known as avid readers.

"Aunty is doing well," he shared instead, remembering that he had promised her to come back with fresh bread and honey from Marianna's. He didn't mention the nightmares she had whenever he read horror next to her bed, though he promised himself to pick up some poetry instead, even if Emrys never read out loud, in the hopes that it would help her dream sweetly. "There are a lot of newcomers," he continued, remembering the strange blondine he had run into earlier. The island had been abuzz with the mention of the newcomers, for it was rare for new faces to arrive at all, let alone so many.

Though wary of strangers the innate curiosity wasn't lost on Emrys either, who had chosen the island for its unchangeable nature, but also had lamented its lack of growth, chasing away its younger population.

"A blondine, lost," Emrys recalled eventually, wondering if that stranger had managed to find the farms eventually. In hindsight it felt rather silly, to look for farms near the sea and its salty water instead of more inwards.

  • Love
Reactions: wren.

    Edith and Ezeran both seem like amicable people, even if Ezeran isn't fond of socializing. She drops her outstretched hand without comment, sympathetic to his plight. How horrible it must be to live with such anxiety. Then again, she's been told that she can be a little too trusting of complete strangers.

    It's impressive that everyone she has met so far has been so pleasant. Granted, she has only met, hm... five? Yes, five people. Still, as usual, she's choosing to be optimistic. Hopefully, everyone here is just as kind. She can't imagine that anyone can be too sour when they have someone as sweet as Merriam in charge.

    "You haven't held us up at all," she grins at the blond, waving her concern away with a hand. "It was great to meet the both of you. Feel free to visit at any time! Hopefully, next time, the farm will be in less disrepair," she chuckles, accepting Edith's contact card gratefully. How professional of her. Should she make cards for herself? No, she'd look rather silly.

    When the two have scurried off, she turns to Merriam, who seems to be... off, again. She's still just as smiley as she was, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes as it had been. Was she somehow upset by their conversation, or is this the effects of that bug bite she'd mentioned? Either way, when the blond sways on her feet, it's hard to tell if it's a purposeful movement or not. "I would love to see the inside," she chirps, partial genuine excitement and part wanting to give Merriam the opportunity to sit down.

    Trudging their way back to the front of the farmhouse, she makes sure to thoroughly wipe her muddy boots off on the faded straw-colored mat emblazoned with 'come as you are' written in black, cursive font. It draws a chuckle from her, the warm greeting sounding just like her grandpa. The door is painted an eggshell blue, contrasting with the linen-colored brick and dark brown accents of the small cottage that pokes through beneath all of the vines that have consumed it. She holds it open for Merriam to step through first before joining her.
    Elijah Ellwood
    Isidore Badru
    Merriam Winslow
    Edith Gerhardt
    Ezeran Vylkorric
code by wren.

    He hadn't been expecting much when he'd asked the question, but the mundanity of life on Celosia always stands in such strong contrast to the fun he experiences overseas. "That's quite the handy trick. If only Harlow could help us carry these boxes," he jokes. His grin fades to a softer smile when Emrys brings up his aunt.

    He knew both of these boys as children, and he can remember sad little Emrys whose parents no longer wanted him. He'd been tempted to take the poor boy in himself, but fortunately, Hunith had been up to the task. She was no doubt more qualified and prepared for it, having settled on the island in a way that Elijah has never been able to bring himself to do. Plus, her kind heart and maternal nature made her the perfect foster mother for such an anxious child. Even more fortunately, Emrys and his aunt got along splendidly. It's lovely to see him giving back to her in her time of need. "I'm glad to hear that, tell her I said hello, will you? It's been a while since I've visited, maybe I'll stop by tomorrow."

    His instinct is to bring flowers, but flowers don't grow much on Celosia anymore, and he hadn't thought to bring any on his trip back. Plus, flowers are so often associated with sickness and death, it feels almost rude to give those to Hunith. He's not much of a baker, either. Maybe he can get Paola to help him make some cookies or something; she'd probably be happy to pay a visit as well.

    He's jogged out of his pondering by Emrys's mention of the newcomers. "I'm not sure you can consider two people a lot, but I suppose it is for Celosia, huh?" he chuckles. "You must have run into Edith, Merriam's new assistant. Quite the classy woman. She was perfectly polite on the trip over. Transporting her car was more difficult, though. It's awfully spiffy and sticks out like a sore thumb. Wonder how committed she'll be to keeping it clean when it kicks up dust everywhere." Not to mention the limited amount of oil they can harvest from the island, as rusted and outdated as their drilling equipment is, meaning most people find it easier to get around by bicycle, horse, or simply their own two feet. "Well, I'm sure she knows what she's getting herself into, so I'm sure she'll adjust just fine."

    Soon enough, they've reached the town square, and Elijah shouts out greetings at the people they pass, hands too full to wave. He's all too happy to set the boxes down once they reach the post office, grunting as he does so. His back muscles spasm painfully as he stands back up, forcing a groan out of him as he places his hands on his lower back and stretches. "Leander is not going to be happy with me when he finds out how little I've been stretching," he laughs.
    Melanie Redmond
    Belvedere Halloran
    Ozmodeous Green
    Emily "Rose" Taylor
    Isidore Badru
    Dorothea Sparrow
    Paola Holloway
    Tumelun Atua
    Leander van de Laar
    Merriam Winslow
    Emrys Jernigan
code by wren.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: Nemopedia


    The sunrise is Eli's worst enemy. They went to sleep pretty late the night before—as they do almost every single night—and when the sun rises, so does Eli, unfortunately. Three hours of sleep last night. That's half an hour more than they're used to. They'll take what they can get.

    The shower is cold, their house colder still. Though it's May, the early morning chill finds a way to creep into Eli's cottage, settling down from the hills above. They're tempted to wear one of their thick knit sweaters, but they know it'll be warm in just a few hours, and the walk to the store will have them sweating. Best to stick to thin layers.

    Once Eli's ready, they grab their bag and home-brewed coffee before making the short trek into town. Alanis is usually an early bird, so the store should no doubt be open by now. They've known the woman since they were kids, loved roaming through her grandmother's shop and learning about the plants. It only seemed fitting to work there with their friend now after Elodie passed.

    Eli's eyes wander over to the beach, noticing Elijah's boat docked, which means that Isi is back now with the new farmer. What's this new woman like? What could she even do for this island that others have tried and failed to do? More luck to her, though, if the woman actually could help them out. They're not very optimistic of results, but it's not like this island could get any worse, right?

    They'll have to find Isi later and inquire about Celosia's new resident.

    Eli reaches the shop and lets themself in. Clean and ready to be opened, just as Eli knew the shop would be. They spot Alanis slouched onto her desk.

    "I'd say 'good morning,' but I can't tell if it actually is," Eli says, announcing their presence in the small space. They place their belongings behind the desk before slipping on their apron.

    Alanis finished up most of the morning tasks, but they noticed the plants by the window could use another misting. It'll be warm out today and they don't want the leaves and flowers drying out before they can be sold. Eli fills up a spray bottle and begins misting.

    It's not apparent whether their friend is just tired, or if something's going on, but if there was, she'd mention it whenever she was ready.

    "Just say the word, and I'll go out and grab you a coffee before we open." They offer Alanis a quick grin.
Code by Jenamos
Last edited:


    "Luc, if you're not up in ten seconds, I'm eating all of these muffins!"

    Sebastian hears a loud groan coming from his daughter's bedroom, and then the sound of her feet hitting the floor, dragging their way to the kitchen.

    "Not fair," she says through a yawn, rubbing her eyes. She takes her seat at the table and places two muffins on her plate, before decided to add a third. Lucia playfully sticks her tongue out to her father, but there's a hint of grumpiness in her expression.

    Sebastian laughs around a bite of food before clearing off the table. Like mother, like daughter; it seems that neither of them are morning people. Though, he wouldn't know for sure anymore, he thinks somewhat bitterly.

    "Finish your breakfast quick. We don't want to be late for school."

    They continue their morning routine. While Sebastian washes the dishes, Lucia gets ready, wearing the clothes they picked out together the night before. He brushes and braids her hair—though, somehow, it's still a messy bird's nest by the end of the school day. Pack up homework and lunch for Luc, and a few snacks for Seb before heading out.

    The walk to school isn't a long one, and he's sure Lucia could make it on her own, but better safe than sorry. The few other children of the island are heading in as well as Odessa, their teacher, greets them.

    "Okay, bye, Dad! See you later!" Lucia shouts, running into the schoolhouse, mostly likely to catch up with her friends before class begins.

    Sebastian waves her off and approaches the teacher with a shy smile. "Good morning, Odessa. Looks like you've got a full class today."

    Alright, so Sebastian isn't the greatest conversationalist, but he likes to interacting with his friends and the other islanders. Besides, the French woman's accent is nice, not something he's used to hearing. And it calms some of the anxiety within him.

    "I hope Lucia isn't giving you much trouble these days? She's going through a little bit of a rebellious phase," Sebastian says apologetically. Lucia's a good kid, but she's just learned how to be sarcastic, and Seb would really rather not her subject that to her teacher.

    "Well, I don't want to keep your class waiting. It's nice to see you, I hope you have a good day!"

    Sebastian waves to the woman in farewell before turning in the direction of his shop. After sweeping the floor and dusting his little wooden trinkets on the shelves, Sebastian checks his online shop for any new orders before printing them out and adding them to his queue. The online orders will have to wait, however, since he's currently working on a few new cabinet doors for one of his neighbors. Home comes first.
Code by Jenamos

Melanie's farm > Maven's farm

Ezeran, Merriam & Melanie


@PavellumPendulum, @Jenamos

Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

Perhaps she had appeared too eager in leaving, even if it wasn't for herself as much as it was for Ezeran. Yet, the announcement had already been made and while she whipped a new and fresh card out for Ezeran and allowed him to climb into the car first, Edith made sure to keep her goodbye short towards Merri's enthusiastic one.

"If there is anything I can do, let me know. I should also head back to sort out the administration," Edith smiled, giving the two of them a small wave as she watched them enter the farmhouse, a slight feeling of relief within the blondine when she noted an indent in the roof, indicating a collapsed structure that needed fixing.

"Ready?" Edith pops into the car, glad to be out of the soggy soil, but already lamenting the crisp cleanliness of her carpet. It couldn't be helped and it was her own fault for bringing a city car to the island the size of a peanut. At least traffic won't be a problem anymore.

  • According to Plan
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

  • Merriam Winslow

    Melanie was polite in a way that seemed so genuine that it actually gave Merriam some strength. She was just the breath of fresh air that Celosia needed, Merri was sure of it. There were definitely cheery and kind people here on the island, but the years of weak harvests and dwindling neighbours probably got to them every once in a while. It certainly did on Merri's end, even though she tried her best not to show it. She was supposed to the be the leader after all! She couldn't control her need for constant rest, but she could at least put on her best brave face and tackle the future with an optimistic smile for the sake of everyone else that relied on her.

    Though the place wasn't as nice as it had been in her youth, she'd done little tasks here and there to try and spruce it up for when it would be inhabited again! It'd certainly been easier than her barely-finished attempts at weeding the surrounding area on her own. Melanie held open the door for her, prompting a cheery but quick word of thanks for Merri before she sauntered in. The hallway entrance showed off a warm yellow tone for the walls, a few framed photos here and there of Melanie's grandfather, as well of little bits of art collected over the years. It smelled faintly of dust and well... One could definitely see some of the dust floating off into the air, especially when they were disturbed by the sudden opening of the door, but she hadn't managed to dust it often enough to make it spic and span for this day...

    Regardless, she lead Melanie down the hallway into the kitchen and dining room combination area, showing off the wooden cabinets (with a few large flakes of peeling paint waving at them) and stove top area. There was a trim of colourful tiles surrounding the room, most of them looking handmade and uneven, but the sun glinting through the windows bounced off of them, making little rainbows scatter through the dusty air. "There are about 5 rooms in this house! I tried keeping them... Mostly clean, but it is a lot of work. I think you can handle a fixerupper though!" she giggled, "This floor has this room and a living room," she pointed at the doorway from the kitchen into said living area, "And up the stairs would be the two bedrooms and a bathroom."

    Seeing the opportunity to sit herself down at the wooden table, she took a seat and tried not to look too relieved by it, relaxing against the sewn cushion. "Maybe it would be a good idea to leave all the windows open for a day just to air it out, hehe."

  • Merriam Winslow

    Edith ♥♥♥
    Ez ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: wren.
"Who me?" Mariana asked in mock seriousness as she pressed her fingers to her chest. It was a short-lived ruse and a fraction of a second later the girl cracked. Her feigned demeanour of sobriety was replaced with a broad smile.

Mariana loved Teddy and she loved to spend time with her but the younger woman was determined to catch the new farmer. Although that didn't mean she couldn't spare a few moments to chat. Melanie Redmond wasn't going to go anywhere else anytime soon. But Mariana suspected Teddy's call wasn't entirely a social one. It was rather early for her to make the trek to Mariana's house just to socialise, flattering as that scenario was.

"I'm on my way to the docks," she beamed. "Did you see if the Amphitrite is back?" Mariana wasn't a worrier but she knew all too well that the waters around Celosia were vicious. She always felt better knowing that Isi and Elijah made it home. And although he wasn't gone long, Mariana missed Isidore. She wanted to hear about his adventure as much as she wanted to meet their newest arrival. "I've got a gift to welcome our new farmer to Celosia," Mariana continued. She slipped a thumb under the strap of her bag and gave it a couple of shrugs to emphasize her point. "Nothing fancy, just some fresh honey," she added. Her boots squelched in the mud as she rocked on her heels in place.

It was difficult to not be excited.

"Did you see her?"
Code by Jenamos

And with the transfer of cash and the print of her receipt, Maven considered her tab for small talk with Hiro paid and closed.

It was nothing personal. Hiro was a good kid with a good heart and a good mind for conversation. But Maven was an unstoppable force once she set her mind to getting a task done. It was best to let run her course and do her duties first before trying to shoot the breeze with her.

"You take care. And tell your family I said hello."

The bell at the door tolled cheerily as she left. Her eyes went to the sun immediately; it was still rising. A good sign, yes, but she knew how quickly time could get away from her--especially if she ran into anymore neighbors in need of, say, assistance.

Speaking of.

Maven came to a halt just before the piers as she pulled out her phone, her car barely visible at the edge of town. She'd forgotten to let Barry out of his cage. Barry, the old stubborn rooster, had picked a fight with the new one, and Maven had been forced to separate them. She didn't usually forget to let him out but...ah, Pete Wesley. Good ol' Pete Wesley and that terrible fence.

Ezeran was one of the few numbers in her phone. Her thumb flew over the flat screen, the message short and succinct in her usual fashion.

let Barry out

There was still some sort of fracas happening at the docks. Maven's head turned briefly in that direction, listening to the voices carrying back towards. She paused, thinking.

Her thumb typed against the screen once more.


Code by Jenamos
  • According to Plan
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

  • OWEN

    Were he another man, and he would have made a joke out of Luz's concern over the size of the boat. But he'd asked himself the same question when he had purchased it himself; back then, it had only been himself on the boat. Only after he'd test run it himself a few times had he even considered taking Jaden on with him. Extreme? Maybe. But better safe than sorry.

    Owen nodded solemnly. "Boat's ready for us. All of us. And there's a life jacket on there if ya want one."

    Jaden had no choice but to wear one, even if he resisted. The ensuing chatter that came from the boys ahead of them either unheard, or ignored. It was hard to tell with parents; they had a certain knack for both listening and not listening to the endless stream of noise that came from their children's mouths.

    But worrying about whether or not the boys would poke their eyes out with the hooks or tumble overboard wasn't the foremost concern on his mind. Oh no--his biggest worry was...

    What the hell am I supposed to talk to Luzminda about?

    Entertaining kids? It came with the dad gene. Keeping a grown woman invested and entertained in a menial hobby out on a boat with nothing but three hyper kids as support? Not ideal, especially for him. Luz was as classy as she was mysterious; two years of living on the island, and Owen barely knew more about her than when he had first met her.

    Would she kill him if he talked football the whole time?

    "Hey! No running," Owen scolded just as Jaden geared up to make a break for the docks. His curly head swung Owen's way, mischievous.

    "Our boat is the last on the dock. It's, uh--"

    He paused, noting the rest of the townsfolk coming up from the pier into town. He saw Bel, Elijah, Emry, and...

    Was that Maven he even spied way down yonder?

    "Looks like we're not the only ones out and about," He told Luz.
  • OWEN
    Character 1
    Character 2
    Character 3
    Character 4
    Character 5
    Character 6
    Character 7
Code by Jenamos
  • Haha
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

    In spite of Lennox's scolding, Isidore couldn't help himself but smile and shake his head softly at the man. The man didn't allow him to get a word in to inform him that none of the men or women he bought from even sold snake oil in the first place. Not that it would have appeased him when he could list every other faulty and probably fraudulent product Isidore bought. But it was good to see him talk, and so much. Even if it was to scold Isidore. Ultimately it was out of concern for him. So, though he knew it was sure to exasperate Lennox further, Isidore's smile remained as he shoved a spoonful of eggs into his mouth.

    His smile only grew wider when Lennox finally conceded to eat as well. He could be smug, but the grin on his face was enough of a "see?" response than anything else. "But microwavable food is awful, and the shitty ones more so. I'll just have to really focus on growing my garden." He hummed to himself. The quality of food was one thing he would not sacrifice... except in the case of buying magical charms. Which he did do.

    He shoved another mouthful of eggs into his mouth and a piece of bread. Perhaps it was because he was already so hungry or because he knew he would have to eat within his budget, which ultimately was less, the next few days. "I don't know, a few days I think, " "a few" meant 3-4 days. "I really want to see how Melanie settles down and if she needs help with anything else. And I missed you guys." Most importantly. "How is your dad?"

    Mariana ♥♥♥♥
    Lennox ♥♥♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥♥
    Corlin ♥♥
    Dorothea ♥♥♥♥
    Leander ♥♥♥
    Tumelun ♥♥♥
    Li Ming ♥♥♥
    Ozmodeus ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.

  • Ezeran
    Now armed with two of Edith's business cards, one faintly soiled with dirt and the other still crisp and clean, Ezeran packed himself into the driver's seat of the blonde's car. He shoved the cards in the pockets of his jeans. Even though they would likely bend, he was too excited to care all that much... Hopefully Edith didn't care either. He leaned over to fumble with the seat so that he could push it back, his legs far too lanky and built to fit into the space without pushing the entire thing entirely to the back of its range. Though it wasn't often that he drove, he marvelled at the vehicle all while setting it up for the perfect, short cruise: adjusting the steering wheel, the mirrors, his seatbelt and getting used to the feel of it all.

    He could hold back the massive grin nearly tearing his face apart, wider than he could remember in the past while, like he was a kid let loose in a toy store. Maybe he really was. He'd always liked cool cars as a kid and the city, though it'd had its problems, had definitely been better for car watching. Now, he was lucky if he saw anything more than the same old pick up that Maven drove. He was giddy, almost embarrassed to look at Edith when she asked if he was ready.

    "V-Very. Thanks." he could barely contain himself, with the vehicle now turned on, but he did not shift it into drive without getting a visual signal from Edith first, not wanting to upset her before the ride had even started. But as soon as the vehicle pulled out of the driveway... Heaven.

    Ez was conservative with his speed, both to be safe and also to not worry Edith too much, bringing the car down the dirt road at a respectable pace. "I've always wanted to drive something like this. I can't believe this is happening right now..." he mumbled, eyes focused on the road, seeing Edith in his peripherals, "This is the best day ever."

    He remembered something halfway through the ride, asking, "Am I taking us back to Maven's? I can drive you somewhere else and walk back from there..." The suggestion was a bit late in timing, but... It didn't hurt to ask, right?


  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Nemopedia