EVENT Cervian Post

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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

"I wrote you a love letter, and I sent it snail mail. Love is forever, and that's about how long it'll take to get to you." ― Jarod Kintz

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As Iwaku's Love Festival approaches, so too does a peculiar enchantment befall Cervia. Cupid's love is in the air, stirring hearts and minds alike. To celebrate this mystical event, we propose a challenge: a whimsical exchange of love letters! Channel your character's personality, add a dash of humor (or tragedy!) and let the tales of whimsical romance unfold as you craft a fictional love letter from your character to another! Who knows, their feelings may just be reciprocated... :devil:
fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'

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I post this letter in a public space - in the same library where I unexpectedly spied the subject of this writing's original inspiration. I do not know the name of the person to whom I write, and although this is pinned for any passersby to see, my hope is that you - the quiet soul I have in mind - might realize a secret joy should you discover this note, and that is all.

Upon a visit to Black City recently, I frequented this library for the first time. I enjoy pulling historical technical drawings on architecture, and I had hoped to discover new artistic inspiration in local documents. Unexpectedly, I'd seen you - adrift so faintly tangible amidst the tall rows of books. You were on your own, distant, yet seemingly quite content. A patron? A librarian? There was a sapient, discreet mystery to your muted winter grays enough that I found myself quietly stupefied by inspired wonder.

I wish now in reflection that I'd approached you that day. Alas, left in my unrequited admiration, I instead leave these thoughts for you to pluck without expectation. In a way, I delight in knowing that so many other eyes might pass this bulletin board and know some glint of praise meant for you, likely without knowing the specific subject. Perhaps some readers will be among those regular patrons who pass you by with some frequency. Even if they do not realize it, they'd unintrusively carry inspired considerations about you along with them, and I feel that there is a type of magic in that.

Perhaps your eyes will pass this way and you'll know that this was penned for you. I hope that in that moment you won't find the notion offensive, but instead that you'll smile in some way, even if not outwardly – aware that you innocuously inspired a stranger.

I wish you well in whatever you pursue there amidst the learned shadows.

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tag: @Dusk 's Kestrel

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to: ren
from: selma

It's been a while since I last wrote to you, I'm so sorry it's been this long.

Thing's have just been… well, a bit crazy around here. I miss you more and more every day, if that's even possible. Everyone said it'd fade with time— the grief, the yearning, the anger —but it never did. My heart still breaks knowing I can never get you back, that Hyacinthe grew up without you, without her father.

I laughed when my sisters tried to get me to remarry, you know. "It'd be good for Cin! She deserves a father! You can't hold on to his memory forever! You have to live your life!" Didn't take me long to remind them that you were irreplaceable to the both of us. That your memory cannot and will not be replaced. They fought me so hard on it, but I snapped and destroyed half the manor and well— I don't regret it, cause it got them off my back, but it did cut into that year's budget. Had to work overtime for six months after that— and kiss my mom's ass. You know how much I hate doing that.

There's so much to fill you in on, I don't even know where to begin.

Cinthe's still cursed, despite all our effort, and I'm nowhere close to breaking it.

I feel like such an awful mother. An awful human being. She doesn't complain, not really, but I know she misses it. The fresh air, the rain. The park we used to go to as a family. She still talks about you, you know, and she's added so much to your grimoire.

I was a little jealous, I'm sure you remember, when she took to your spatial magic so quickly. I'm glad though, it gives her an ounce of freedom that my light magic simply cannot provide… but I can't lie. I've been loving spending time hunched over our shared grimoire, in the kitchen or the conservatory, watching her sputter little flecks of light from the palms of her hands. I get it now, the pride and the joy at passing on your ancestral magic. Looking back, I'm glad it worked out that way. I'm so glad she has those memories of you.

I'm glad I still have memories of you as well. I don't think I'd be where I am now if I didn't. I miss you, Ren, more than anything in this world. I wish you were here. For me, for our daughter. For the life we missed out on.

Cin has another gala tonight that I need to get ready for, so I'm going to wrap this up. I don't want to be teary eyed while meeting guests... I'd go and put this letter on your grave like I used to, but... I haven't been there in years. It hurts too much. I'm so sorry. I do make sure your headstone is clean though, I pay the cemetery every month, as well as the florists, so there's always a bouquet of hyacinths and tulips there for you. I love you Ren and I miss you desperately. I'm sorry I'm such a coward... But once Cinthe's curse is broken, I promise you'll we'll come and visit. We'll have a picnic, just the three of us...

I love you.

Yours forever and always,
fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'

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I thought about you while I was traveling – and why not turn that toward a letter? I'm excited about my work's future prospects - did you know that there's a museum that houses a small collection of my art now? We should visit it together sometime, pairing it with a jaunt to enjoy the local theater. In saying all this - and tying this more soundly back to you - I miss our earlier school days.

While on a train, I reflected back to when you first invited me to 'just at least lurk and see' if I'd like your theater crowd and their improvs. I thought perhaps there was catch somewhere in the invitation - but I learned of course that it was rooted in a completely candid love of the art. I remember, in a blur of so many days that could have happily been the same one, lounging in the auditorium with my sketchbook, basking in the cheeriness of all of your performances. It's a happy place to revisit in my mind.

While I find myself so restless to wander, I simultaneously wish to cozy on back into those nostalgic moments at times. When I'm back in Rose Town, let's all get together? I'm sure you've exciting new ideas to share, and I could use a certain immaculately period-dressed friend to model for a scene I've drafted beside a bridge in old Black City. For ease of reference, I believe the style of the bridge was set in an era about a century ago. You'll know what fashion would best suit Black City in that time period.

I'm sure by now you're wondering if I've contracted a mortal illness or some other devastation has befallen me - I promise you, all is well. I realized that maybe the candid things people think or feel just aren't shared as well as they should be. So endure a sentimental letter for my sake!

Allow me tell you how much our friendship has meant to me. I can presume that you know how I value you, but guessing isn't a certainty. I felt welcome and seen from the first moment we met, as though I'd always been a member of your circle and I'd just happened to forget. I don't need to especially rehash why that has more impact on someone like me, split between Fae and Darkling worlds and belonging to neither. At that time in my life, having a sense of true belonging somewhere beyond my small family circle meant so much to me. Your humor, good nature, and outright enthusiasm for the things you love are always radiant beacons. Ha. Light mage. Ha.

I won't be back in town for another few weeks or so, but I expect a little of your time! Famous playwright and historian as you are now and all, I pray you'll pencil me in. I have a few sketches just for you to hopefully make it worth your while - though you will never get them except in person.

With all of my love,​

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tag: @PavellumPendulum 's Willow


After we talked about exchanging letters, I've found myself thinking back to that idea often. But the idea of receiving letters appeals to me more than writing them. I've never been great with words, and my handwriting is atrocious, as you can see. I know you'd be fine sending me letters even if I wasn't writing back. That might be better. I've never written a letter before, at least not that I remember, and I don't actually know what I'm supposed to say. People normally write about what's happening to them or their feelings, right? Nothing interesting has happened for me to write about the former, and I've never been good at feelings.

You're good at feelings. You feel everything, without shame, without hiding it away. I don't think I've ever known anyone else who is as open as you are. It's one of my favourite things about you, you know? I can't imagine being that way. Just loving people and things without reservation. How do you do that? If things had been different, could I have been that way? Maybe not. Probably not. I don't think I was made that way. But maybe if I had been, maybe then... Maybe I could say something to you. Tell you how important you are to me. Maybe then I could say things I'm not even sure I feel. Maybe I could tell you for real, instead of writing this letter I'll burn.


A letter, burnt to ashes without being sent.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Nessie Loch
Puck, Puck, PUCK!!!
It is Nessie, me! I don't have your adresss so I pinned it on the board hoping someone knows you. Everyone knows you, right? You said so yourself and you are the most knowledgable wisesest Duck I know. The ducks in the pond didn't help me. Something about ducks not being able to read. But I am sure Puck can, because Puck is the best and I learnt my ABC's as well! If I can Puck definitely can! Write back to me, I miss you!

XoX (I saw that in the other letter!) - Nessie (my name is so pretty!)

@rissa's Pux Puck the Duck


@Nemopedia / Nessie
To the Princeling,

In anonymity I live. From memory I scribe. Shaping out the letters inscribed in my heart. It is the only way I know how to express myself. The only manner I know how to share my love. This gnarling, gnawing emotion and accidental flashes of your appearance that haunts my days spent in darkness. How I hope that this note finds you well, plastered on this public board amongst all other declarations of love. How I pray that none ever finds out the personage that carries this torn up heart that cannot declare and cannot admit to the public these wrongful feelings that I cannot lay any claim to.

In anon I sign. My memories I leave between the written lines. May you remember me fondly but never find me.

— Anonymous note

To the fairest Velia of them all,

The simple pleasure of receiving a letter from a friend is one that I am exceedingly weak to. Your letter finds me both well and nostalgic, thinking about our days together in university. The "pineapple vendor" prompt you offered us remains forever seared in my mind; I never imagined that half the troupe would end up ripping their trousers in their attempts to make you laugh! Perhaps there is more to comedy than showing off one's bloomers to the student body...

Of course, I would love to spend time with you, my friend! The sun and the stars could arrange for a once-in-a-lifetime waltz in the skies and I would still not miss an evening with you for the world (though if you wanted to watch that instead of one of my plays, I would not take much offence to it.) I've got just the costume in mind for your idea and would be more than happy to model. I hope that in turn, you will indulge me and allow me to show off all of the other costumes I have finished in your absence. My sewing machine has been my best friend over the past few weeks, perhaps more so than my beloved gacha games. (Did I tell you that I pulled a magnificent UR recently?!?!?! Remember to check your email for my recruitment code, you too could earn a free 20 pull coupon, my friend.)

Our friendship is one that I treasure deeply. You are gifted with both a beautiful mind and soul, which is quite the feat in a world where art is sometimes treated more as a luxury than the core of our existences. Who would we be if we could not create, if we could not experience art? Those who spit upon the merging of two cultures, of two existences, well, I believe they don't understand why we are alive in the slightest. It is the nature of life to change, as is the nature of art. You are as wonderful as you are talented, Velia.

Thank you for existing as you are, in the same time and space as me. It has been a blessing to know you.

Lux mentis, lux orbis,

Willow West

Letterhead by @rissa
Tag: @sele 's Velia
Listen, listen, listen,
You know how my birthday was 10/27? You know how there's multiple parties in Black City right now? Well get your ass over here so we can pretend they're all for me! The murders not withstanding. Minor detail even. We'll figure it out.

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It was a happy surprise to arrive at my next hotel with a letter already awaiting me there from you. I'm glad that the list of dates and locations I slipped in with the last letter helped you to find me! As ever, you're a happy poet, in this life, and undoubtedly in any other that you ever lived. At the very least, one who paints our world with light.

I was glad to read that you're well and welcomed my initial note. As you can see, I felt I should step up what you receive in reply – what, with the alpenglow you warmed into my winter, how could I not give the same?

I painted the included card thinking about the path we used to take after classes sometimes. Of course, I tried to emulate the art style of the most recent mobile game you'd invited me to – so our Ponderosa Way is now canon in your current game style. I hope you can smell the pines and feel the slight chill of the snow! If you say my fairy dust paints that I blended specifically for you come off like bathroom cleaner I'll end my career here and now.

By the way, I hope I completed all of the right tasks for you to receive bonus rewards! I didn't know what I was doing, but by the stars, I mashed buttons and prayed. Let me know if I missed any steps, and show me what my bumbling earned you, huh? The world is designed so well, so if I comprehend nothing else, I'll think it's pretty. I forgot what UR meant. I looked it up for a quick reminder – I won't tell you how many other acronyms I saw... or what some of them were. Just know I gasped, then laughed, and ultimately realized what you'd meant and celebrated your triumph from afar.

I also considered how your light – as a person, beyond your magic – warms through even wintry moments, turning the cold parts of the soul's seasons into something lovely. So I write to you in light, too, inspired. I'm confident I became more of an open person through our friendship – you aren't afraid to say the kind things that I imagine most people hesitate on. You give the people around you permission to express in candid cheer simply by your own good nature and that's a gift. Thank you for all of the affectionate compliments you shared in your own letter – the reflection on them alone bolsters my spirits yet again. I don't think you know just how much power to heal and inspire exists in you. Don't worry, I'll remind you.

I'll always cherish the wholesome chaos in our shared nostalgia. More, I look forward to future shared moments – from comedy to costumes, URs (remembering what that means!) to plays. And, of course, anything in between and unexpected.

We should order a pineapple upside down cake and see if the troupe won't get together when I'm back – and any other friends who'd enjoy a bit of silly, bright company.

With all of my love (and a little extra),​

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tag: @PavellumPendulum 's Willow

  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Beloved Jax,
There is a gravity to the way that you exist. My heart and body wander, but they return to you without thought, without any intention other than to cherish your place in my life, in the world. The distance between us sometimes feels too vast, but I've grown fond of believing that the physical realm has no bearing on our relationship when we are apart. In the past few weeks away from Black City, I've missed you in more ways than I could count. I see your freckles in the stars, the points of your ears in the gently bladed edges of leaves. I taste you in the juice of the plums I eat, in the sweetness of the afternoon rain.

Pardon me for the sudden letter. My heart ached one day and I believed it was reaching out for your comfort, the way a child clings to the warmth of a familiar blanket. My hands in recent days have imbued all of my art with the curve of your smile. I will finish my work in Aeaea soon. Perhaps when I return, you could grace my tired ears with the sound of your voice?

As per usual, there is no need to respond, no hurry to greet me. Knowing that you will read this, that your fingers will hold the very paper I touch now, is wonderful enough for me.

Halo Al Nuaimi

(A letter, smelling faintly of Halo's cologne, appears in Jax's mailbox. It is immaculately stamped with wax and a visible kiss mark.)
(@Dusk 's Jax)
were-jackal | a quick thief | longs for summer


Girl, I've been trying to catch you all week, but we keep missing each other. I know it's been kinda wild lately - you've got your training and upcoming fights, and I've had some extra 'shifts.' I kinda hate leaving this to you in just a note but y'know, fuck it, I'm too excited for you to get this, right?

You know the drill, no questions about how I got these, but I'll say this time it was actually legit, okay? It felt more genuine if it was. I mean, at least as a gift with value - and I wanted you to feel valued.

So anyway, you've been my BFF since forever, which means a lot, especially the way our lives are. It's not just loyalty, it's safety and love and confidence. I've got your back as much as you've got mine, I hope you know it as sure as I do. I saw an opportunity for us to go have some fun together, just some legit, real fun like any other folks do - so you're going to a Sudden Revival show with me when they come through Hallen, alright? We get to be really close up, none of that nosebleed shit. Might even get to meet the band, that'd be crazy, right?

Keep on fighting, literally and figuratively. I borrow from your strength on the harder days out here, though I mean, I'm always cool and collected. Alright, I know you see through my old grin when I'm faking it, and honestly as much as I feel scammed somehow for someone seeing through my usually perfect cons, being genuinely seen by the one person you love best is worth it.

Sorry about all of the tape, I didn't wanna risk the tickets falling out somehow. By the way, I'm the fox sticker, you gotta be the raccoon - couldn't find any jackals or coyotes.



tag: @Ghostie 's Bellatrix

  • Sweet
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic


I received your letter before I left for Julian City, and it keeps me company while I journey off to see my brother. I wish I was as clever as you to think to order your drink at the times I'd especially wish to summon your company. You could have teased me for the scowl at myself just now – the person sitting beside me on the plane leaned over to ask if I was alright. I said that something got into my eye and I'd be fine. Not a complete lie, as I'd been jabbed by such a clever idea I'd never considered for myself. I'm glad that you've summoned some part of my memory to you at times, though. Although I was ignorant of it, I feel the happy warmth of it now.

If we'd stayed in contact through the long silences, I might have either decided I was invincible while riding your high praises, or crumble in brittle horror at the expectations. I think you'd fashion it all to support the former, in which case, belief would become reality, and thus the world is safer as it is. I will be a sun god only in Halloween costume in the end – a terror for only one night.

Your vampire slayer costume idea is a brilliant terror. If I don't see pictures of you in costume, you'll never see my sun god's metallic gold body paint and toga. It's only fair.

Let me get this straight: You have a cat, her name is Minerva, and she talks to you? You have no idea how I've just laughed, wishing to tell my poor flight neighbor here about that. She looks at me now and then like I'm a little crazy – perhaps in corresponding with you, I do lean a little cheerily mad.

Madam, did you know that there is a Professor Theodore Vasilliou who has conversations with his cat? No, I mean actual conversations WITH the animal! Wait, don't push your service button, no – flight attendant, I'm not drunk – wait, we don't need to make an emergency landing – please -

I think that's brilliant – not my play at being insane, that's … the opposite – but your research advancements. You really will continue to open doors to how we understand and interact with our world. So few souls have the gift and the drive to achieve such a thing. You were always clear-eyed and brave enough to reach for the unseen and make it real for everyone else, though, and that's truly admirable – remarkable, really.

I thought you should know that my flight neighbor risked asking me what made me smile so after all, and we'd had a conversation where I politely gushed about you. I think she's spared me the service button, and in fact seems fond now of me – or rather, of you through me. She said she'd look up your work, which feels like a small triumph that another curious pair of eyes will comb through and ultimately praise your labors.

As I review my letter, I come to the conclusion that I've missed you terribly, Theodore. Why do we let so much time slip? After my visit in Julian City, you know I'll seek you out and aim to fill the chair opposite you when you order my favorite drink. I imagine that your kind baristas will know to make both of your orders at that time.

Thank you for warming my soul with your reply letter. I'll include where I'll receive mail in Julian City on the happy hope that you find a little time to spare some starlight for me once more.


P.S. - In reviewing this letter again, I can't state enough how much I look forward to Black City. The horizon feels all the more inviting. There's so much more that I wish to say, but perhaps those parts are best left for when we're together. I hope to hear from you. And Minerva.

tag: @ikaroa 's Theodore, in reply to Theodore's Letter

upper class redblood
animal sciences professor

Dearest Leland,

I have written this letter three times now. Not for the feeling of distaste for what I shared. You see, halfway through each of the rough drafts contained secrets I wish to enchant you with in person. The light that comes to your eyes when you encounter the curious unknown - I wish I could replace the sun with it. Never would it burn me then, only give me reason to smile as it kisses my cheek come morning. I've finally met the bottom of your (my) coffee at three in the morning: this letter must be the polished manuscript: the power of caffeine and a little dark academia… why, I could cross oceans of time with it.

While you were coasting through clouds, speaking of me, you hadn't a clue that I'd been floating right there beside you. Fright circulates through my colleagues. Each time I pass them, they flush with horror against the wall as if my last name is Meyers. Your letters have left a relentless grin on my lips and within me, too. Leland, my drifting bird, there are so many things I have to tell you. My poor sister seems to feel unwell as I breathe you into every conversation. There you'll remain. If I were a good brother, I'd insist you arrive sooner than you plan, if only to spare her sanity. Instead, I'll insist for my own selfish reason: the closer we are to reuniting, the more I miss you.

I must admit, I am jealous of the woman who traveled through the sky with you. The starlight you crave is yours: Black City and I sit eagerly on your horizon - and I'll be certain our nights are filled to the brim with constellations and clouds alike. My work will draw me away, as I've students who count on me (how frightening, I know!) to mold them into advocates for those who cannot speak - yet. Minerva knows your name and she knows the colors you place in my home: she has much to say to you.

Time has crept around us, a shadow I failed to see before it had consumed a margin of our path. Perhaps it is self-centered, to think of reasons as to why Black City may become your home, or a place where you might make an occasional nest. There are so many days that wandered by in two different heavens - it will take hours, days, to retrace our steps. Forgive me now for the stumbles I'm sure to make, the things I'll purposefully hold back to entice you for just a few more moments of conversation - they're to be expected. I simply can't let you go a second before I must.

You've flattered my cheeks rosy: I feel as though I am no remarkable being on my own, but in your company, I embrace it. You, Leland, are the marvel - you've the power to make me believe your declarations are true. There is nothing more otherworldly than that.

May your travels bring you joy. I wish you all the best as you visit your friends and explore Julian City. Minerva and I await you with your favorite treat - secrets.

Attached is a photo of my costume. I showed you mine, now show me y- …. wait.

November 16th, 1715

To the Best of All Mothers,

I should start this letter by informing you that your son is alive and well, except for the aching feet caused by many marches and rough terrain traversed. However, I dare not complain when there are many more suffering worse than I. I have had front row seats to see just how much and how many are harmed by this terrible war. But in your case, I am far from you and I know that to be the cause of great suffering for you. I hope you are not too upset still, mother. It's been two years. I am no longer a boy, but a man of seventeen years.

Now being a soldier, arm to arm with our vampiric brethren, I know the decision I made to be the right one. They need me, and I need to help not just them but anyone else I can along the way. I also know how right you were. The world outside is not as romantic as the tales in the stories you have read me and there are times I wish I was still able to hide behind your skirt. But there is blood on my hands now, and the only thing I can choose is whose blood I bloody these hands of mine with. Until the fighting ends, I will fight for you just as you have done for all my life.

Perhaps I should be expected to end my talk on the matter there, but you see right through me and my words whether you're looking me in my face or reading my writing. And though I meant everything I wrote, what I am to tell you next is also true. I am scared.

It was you who taught me to fight, where to aim my blade. It was also you who protected me from every knife that dared to press against my neck. And it was always you that made sure they'd never do it again. I have killed now, there is no denying that, and will have to. But with every life lost, it becomes easier. When I am alone and far from the men, I do not cry any longer. It terrifies me that I may lose the heart you gave me or that I may lose my life completely by another, stronger foe.

I know I am my father's son, but I am also yours. If only I could have an ounce of your strength then I wouldn't carry this fear with me everywhere. I would know I could never be defeated, never changed.

We came to aid our fellow troops during a battle near a village a week ago. The fighting leaked int it and innocents were killed… Men, women, and children slaughtered. Amongst the smoke and debris, we found one survivor. It was a human boy barely younger than I, terrified, hateful.

I saved him. I believe I did. I thought if I could save one life amongst this all, perhaps I could save more. I am so tired of killing. Of war. And most of all, I miss you and Sisi, and father.

The boy ran away as soon as the chance permitted. Maybe he knows I am irredeemable. But I will have to continue to be so if it means protecting my people, and protecting you. I'll keep my blade unsheath despite all the fears.

But I hope when this is all over, you can welcome me back in your arms and read me the stories of fae and men like you used to. I hope with all my heart that though I am a man, that at least you can still see the boy I was. I hope that you will still love me as I will always love you, and keep you in my consideration. As you are the only mother I have, and the only mother I want.

Most of all, though, I hope that when we meet again that the only things these hands will do instead of taking life is play you a piece on the old piano in our drawing room while you read your novels and Sisi practices her ballroom dancing.

Your Dutiful Son,

Julian Orpheus Absolam Blacke.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: Dusk and rissa
An unmarked envelope was haphazardly handed to Lucio by their dorm neighbor one evening. The neighbor seemed not to care much and hurried back to his own apartment once the random chore was done after muttering about thinking some guy was paying him for something. Edwin had given the sealed, white envelope to the neighbor with intentions for the letter to go to Russ. Oops.
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I know letters aren't really normal in general anymore. I mean, anything of consequence I should probably just be brave enough to say to your face, right? I'm working toward that. I was a little timid to even write your name out here in case it somehow forced it to feel a little more official and demanding than I'd ever meant for it. That probably reads weird, too. Just know I have good intentions. I think so, anyway.

So I should get to the point, though, huh? You're probably reading this like, What the hell's up with Edwin? You're not wrong to think that if you do. I really do mean to tell you, whatever the outcome (though no matter what you decide, I really hope we can remain at least friends? It's horrifying to imagine losing the people you connect with for overshooting their interests...).

Now you're like, Ok, Edwin's been slipped some drugs by Hunter or something. No no, it isn't that. I just wanted to say that in the time I've known you, which I know isn't exactly extremely long, I've really valued your company. I feel at peace and comfortable to just exist without overthinking it. That means a lot, as small as it might seem.

I've really enjoyed going over and just hanging out and feeling like myself. Your roommate gives me that same energy, too. So your space has just been my favorite place lately. I hope you don't feel appalled that I've wondered if we could possibly be more? Don't think I just ask anyone and everyone that sort of thing, it was a struggle to build up just enough courage to write this, then hand the blank envelope to your neighbor to give to you for me.

The couple dollars you found surrounding the paper was so if your neighbor looked at the envelope, they might think I was just paying you for something. I know, I know, I feel you laughing at me and I probably deserve it. Oh god, the money wasn't to try to bribe you somehow. What a shit amount for a bribe anyway. Ugh, imagine?

Okay and I also don't want any of this to make you feel pressured? If it's not for you, I'll put away my hope and everything will be fine on my end, I promise.

I trust you to have some sympathy for me here and let me down easy if you gotta. We can have an awkward laugh and chuck it into a bonfire, right? But, if there's a chance you consider it something worth trying? God, I'm a mess. You know I mean well, and no matter what, if you need some help before an exam or something, I got you, no weird strings attached or whatever.

I hope to hear from you whatever happens.​

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Tag: @PavellumPendulum 's Russ, & @Dusk 's Lucio.​
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  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'

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I selfishly begin with a series of apologies. One for the possibility that you might not remember me at all. Another for a lost, long-ago life that we once both occupied as children. And last, I apologize if my wish to speak to you again rouses nothing nostalgic, but instead echoes of an early trauma. This latter is far from my wish, but that hope may be flawed from the onset given the selfish introduction. I hope that whatever life has done with and to you since we were parted many years ago, that at least now, in your present, you know something of happiness.

As noted on the envelope, I reintroduce myself in our adult lives - I'm Velia Ianthe LaFey. Perhaps you remember something of a silly hybrid-fae girl playing at being a gargoyle under Ruwen Aramis Meng's care at the Temple of Aicratheon. My twin sister, Flora, she took on more of the gargoyle traits from our father, perhaps you remember her there, too.

We'd been friends once, in that past life. That part of me that's still under ten years old in my memories still looks for the boy who had become her first genuine friend outside of her sister and father.

It has been many years, and I would not fault you for discarding this letter to put away the past and whatever varied trappings it unearths for you. You may also wonder how I'd managed to contact you again - I'd wonder the same if our places were reversed.

Incidentally, I'd been in Sayby Falls recently for a work project. My rental car broke down and I was directed to the nearest mechanic shop. It would have all been perfectly mundane if not for a closing comment from the man that'd done the repairs. A Stephen Moore. He'd made a proud comment about his son, naming an Alois. I know there could be any number of Aloises in the world, but nonetheless I was caught off guard and blurted a question - and ultimately, he confirmed, yes, his Alois had once lived at the Temple of Aicratheon. I opened candidly to him that we'd been childhood friends.

I went on to ask if he thought it'd be alright if I received your contact information - he said you'd gone on to Black City, and he happily provided this address. If he'd seemed hesitant, I would have quickly apologized and dismissed the notion. Instead, we had some conversation about the earlier years you and I shared.

As noted before, we were so young. Still, I hoped I shared something living and real to him. Of course, a nostalgic lens into childhood can be a bit of a kaleidoscope. Still, I told him how I'd jump out to startle you into stone sometimes, and you'd make fun of my wings in a way that ironically made me feel valued for my differences from pureblood gargoyles. I didn't think about it that deep as a child, but I felt it. A series of what had previously felt like brief, reflective footnotes during my adult years pieced together into a larger patchwork of fond things between your adoptive father and myself that afternoon.

Calling what I remembered "footnotes" detracts from the influence I'd felt from those younger years with you. In childhood's rudimentary ways, I learned about real friendship and positive nuances about when to trust. Paired with those uplifting elements, the fallout around the temple training also influenced my later thinking. I also confess that I'd had shades of jealousy and feeling left behind when they'd tapped you to step on a path I couldn't have ever joined myself, given what I am. I was proud of what they saw in you, I just didn't want to lose my favorite friend outside of my twin sister.

I only admit these things to you now for a purpose that I'm getting to. If you will, please do bear with me still, if you've come this far.

Trust me, I've felt guilt for those aforementioned feelings after you were cast out and suddenly completely gone. I'd wondered: had my dark feelings tainted the blessing you'd been granted? Could I have stood up for you and somehow stopped the outcome? I think the genuine answer to that young guilt is, to both, "No."

Still, all of the pieces I've thus far described came together to influence elements in my art. Professionally, I'm a painter these days. I told you - without any true merit, as is the fantasy in childhood - that fairy dust would make me famous one day. I'd just been angry at one of the other kids about their hybrid teasing. Jokes on them - and me - it genuinely did, to a degree at any rate. I found a way to incorporate it into my paints to add other sensory and emotional experiences for viewers.

Anyway, the things we experienced together, as friends, as children around the temple, our separation back then - shades of these have often found their way into my works. Remembering the boy who'd been my friend where others were cautious warmed within the sunlight held high and safe from terrestrial troubles within my paint. Dab by stroke across the years, something of you hid in the comfort of cool shadows, or chased through streaks of light well out of reach of a judgmental world. In my way, I hoped to will something healing, uplifting, into existence for that long-ago friend who fell and vanished. In various ways, shades of you were a muse to me.

We're different people now, I won't pretend to know who you are at present, and while I've written you this lengthy letter, you do not now know me either. I could have left out so much of this and simply offered a greeting from the past - kept it surface and superficial. But that felt unfair. When I apologize for the previously unspoken shadows within me that failed you back then, even if ultimately inconsequential in the greater scheme of what either of us could ever influence, you at least might possess the genuine and heartfelt nature of it.

You might also understand that I wholeheartedly mean it when I say that I hope, pray even, that whoever you are now, that you really do know something of happiness.

There's a museum in Sayby Falls curated by a professional friend, an Ariam Nguyen. He hosts a small collection of my work. Should you return, I imagine to visit your family, I'll ensure you'll always have free access. I'll contact him and by whatever means, be it a membership or a tab, I'm determined for you to always be able to visit without cost. I feel it's something small to offer a muse - a long-ago friend who inspired some of the better parts of my maturation. No one else knows, I've admitted now to no one but you - patrons have admired some of your colors in my pieces for all of this time.

On a concluding selfish note, I hope that you'll tease me for the nature of my wings again one day.

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tag: @wren. 's Alois mentions: @MaryGold 's Ruwen, @Ghostie 's Flora, @PavellumPendulum 's Ariam

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  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: wren.
My favorite Pomona Beach Babe,

First off, I hate the fact that we haven't been able to see each other as much recently! I'm honestly thinking about taking a small break from fighting so we can hang out and get into some ruffian adventures together!

That being said, I'm supposed o have a bit of time off soon, so that'll be fun! And what'll also be fun is us fucking shit up in a mosh pit at a Sudden Revival concert!! Dude I can't believe you got tickets, and I know better than to ask how (even though you swear that this time it was legit).

You know I'm not as good with the mushy gushy shit like you are, so I'll just say that you're my favorite person ever! Even though you basically have no choice in the matter at this point! You've been my rock through the hardest of times and I'm just glad I have someone that'll go down with me kicking and screaming if when it comes down to it! Everyone else is gone, but not you and that means more to me than I'll ever be able to explain!

P.s. that raccoon isn't nearly as sly as me!

Trixi Babe

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upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic


I write as a fencing fan. I've been to a few of the recent bigger tournaments - the ones that build standing toward global rankings and the Olympics. Seeing your grit and finesse at such a high level against such demanding competition, I felt it worthwhile to send my congratulations and support!

I don't fence myself, at least I haven't since I was an older child for basic school functions. Still, my imagining is that any positive boost you can receive might help you along. My family enjoys watching the sport, so they know your name and support you, too. I'm angling to bring a few of my siblings to a tournament if they'll join me once I'm settled in Black City.

At that time, maybe I could get a photograph signed? I think my mother would enjoy that. If I manage to get my mother to attend, if you charmed her a little I'd be especially grateful, and you might find it wholesomely amusing. I'd introduce us as the Stolls, and mention my mother's admiration of fencing athletes for a cue if you happened to oblige and play along. She says that you and I look somewhat similar, which gives her an incredible bias toward you. Of course, no pressure or expectation around that. We're just happy to attend and support our favorites.

Did you have a favorite weapon while growing up in the sport? Mine was epee for the freedom of it - any touch counting anywhere, as you know, of course. Though I was shuffled into foil for some sense of prestige through the heightened level of order and rules. Sabre might have been fun for all of the additional right-of-way rules and slash attack options, though I never tried it. Whichever you preferred, it seems your coaching or management knew right where to guide you! Though maybe you would have excelled in any of the weapons.

I'm sure our families must have mingled at some social event or other, though I've missed a great deal through the years having been away completing my training as a doctor. I'll likely catch up on all of the major notes I've missed once I'm settled back into Black City more permanently. Which also means we're both more likely to have mutual future social engagements summon us together. When you see the handsome blond that reminds you a bit of yourself, you'll know it's me (please read my friendly sarcasm here - at least you'd be prepared for my mother to mention it for the nth time).

Best regards, and all of our support through training and competition to come!​


tag: @MaryGold 's Oak