Characters That Need Playing (open for business)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
Ello there everyone, I have some characters that I would love playing in a 1x1. But before we get into that, I have some rules. I generally post around 2-3 times per week, and would appreciate a partner who can do the same. If we wind up posting more than that, then yay! I will always try to give you a quality post, ranging between two to five paragraphs depending on what you give me to work with in terms of responses. Grammar and spelling should be as correct as you can make it, but I understand making mistakes now and then.

As far as characters go, they are all open to male and female counterparts. A short blurb will be provided detailing what kind of world they come from, and any potential plots that I would find interesting with them. Thank you for checking them out, and please PM me if you are interested!
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The Supers:
These characters below come from worlds where empowered individuals are rare, but common enough to make headlines saving the world from given foes. Their histories further detail exactly what conflicts they face.

【 Matthew Volt 】

《 Personal 》
Full Name:
Matthew Michael Volt​

Current Alias:

Zappy, Shocker​




6' - 2"​

《 Characterization 》
Matthew is a calm individual. Being relaxed under pressure is one of his specialties and he very rarely breaks his composure. He can be sociable when he has to be, though he tends to get worn out by too much contact. He likes to believe that he's doing something truly good for the world by eliminating threats that cannot be reasoned with.​

Matthew Volt was dropped off at an orphanage when he was just an infant. Growing up out of an orphanage in Detroit was rough. Getting called Zappy due to the fact that he somehow managed to generate enough static electricity to shock quite literally everyone he touched was even worse, and really not helpful due to his unfortunate last name. He became a target to bullies due to his quiet nature, and when he stood his ground he was met with physical violence. He could deal with that. When he was taking the train home, things went far past what he was capable of dealing with.

One of the guys who had been giving him a hard time was involved in some sort of gang. He got jumped on the platform by a small group of gang members, and after taking a severe beating, was thrown down onto the tracks. He hit the third rail, and the entire west side of Detroit blacked out. When he woke up, he was in an interrogation room. Apparently the guys who had attacked him had been electrocuted. He was soon transferred into a training program in order to gain control of his abilities. It was all very obscure, no legitimate names or clear answers. This program turned out to be some sort of military prep school, where he learned a great deal about hand to hand combat, as well as firearms and other weapons. While he thrived in this environment, he was fearful of what their end game was. After all, they were turning him into a weapon.

He was aware of how they were using him. His technopathy training had garnered whoever this group was a great deal of information on several things that normal people should not know. He became increasingly aware of the security stationed around the facility, and how it seemed like he and the other students here were being kept in rather than threats being kept out. Slowly but surely they formed a plan of escape, and after the fight of their lives they managed to actually get away.

With his newfound freedom, Matthew took on the alias Havoc, in memory of his role in the escape. He began his work as a vigilante, and garnered some fame and infamy for his ability to wipe the slate clean. He has recently found a large city that he's been considering settling down in, and perhaps find someone to take on as an apprentice.​

《 Skillset 》
RUBBER GLOVES AND RUBBER SOLED BOOTS - due to the constant charges released by his body, he wears rubber gloves and boots in order to prevent himself from accidentally short circuiting any technological devices when he isn't off saving the world.

SUIT - composed of a self-healing metal and synthetic material weave, this suit is highly conductive to electricity and magnifies his electrokinetic attacks. it's also bullet resistant, not bullet proof. the suit repairs slower than average due to the constant charges being released by him, so if he gets shot multiple times in the same spot in a rapid time frame, the bullets could get through and actually cause injury. the suit doesn't hold up too well against heat, either.

TWIN PISTOLS - in the case of him not being able to use his more combative abilities.​

HACKER - he is skilled in getting into websites and systems that he really shouldn't be able to without getting caught. he can find information with absolute ease and cause a bit of havoc if building security controls are within his electronic reach.

GUNNER - he's had extensive firearms training and has a very keen eye. this comes in handy when his abilities are compromised, since it's relatively easy to negate his more offensive one.

HAND TO HAND - he doesn't like it, but he knows how to fight up close and personal when he has to. emphasis on doesn't like. putting himself in the "get your head punched off" range is just plain stupid. too much risk, considering that he doesn't have any kind of enhanced strength or durability.

TACTICAL - he was trained during his stint in pseudo-military prep school in order to make plans and adapt to the situation at hand. he doesn't like operating without a game plan and generally refuses to take on a mission until something vaguely reasonable is framed out.

PAIN TOLERANCE - he can operate under duress. ignoring pain and tuning it out until he can actually do something about it is something that he was trained to do. it probably isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but it does the trick during a fight.

MEDICAL - he knows how to treat injuries from a lot of personal experience. he generally doesn't trust anyone to treat his own injuries, considering the fact that he probably would end up zapping whoever was attempting the feat.​

TECHNOPATH - he can manipulate technology by utilizing his electrokinesis to access a mental interface from which he can control a given piece of technology. this requires a certain proximity depending on the level of difficulty.

ELECTROKINESIS - his body generates a high level of electricity that he is able to manipulate in order to fry security systems, zap opponents, or occasionally shock people that need a slap on the wrist. while he can use this ability at range, he prefers close proximity just to be sure that he won't accidentally bug zap the wrong person.​

LOW TECH - his technopathy doesn't work on purely mechanical devices, and the older and more outdated the technology is, the harder it is for him to manipulate.

PROXIMITY - his technopathy requires him to be close enough to observe what he is manipulating.

SHORT CIRCUIT - if he attempts to use his electrokinesis when his skin is in contact with water, there is an extremely high risk of him zapping himself instead.

NON-CONDUCTIVE MATTER - materials such as rubber and silicate are extremely resistant to electrical charges and pose some aggravating problems when worn by opponents.

MAGNETS - electrokinesis gets whacky as all hell around magnets. his ability to aim any impulses gets extremely distorted, and there is a risk of him short-circuiting if he makes contact with a strong enough magnet. not to mention his suit is made up of some metal compounds, so he could get stuck on a powerful enough magnet. his technopathy would also get glitchy when exposed to high powered magnets.​

《 Relational 》
The Nobody Kids - a group of empowered people who had escaped a highly questionable government institution and garnered secret identities for themselves, forging backgrounds and starting their lives over again.​

Hero, Anti-Hero, Criminal, or Villain?
He was always teetering the line between Anti-Hero and Criminal. People don't stop until they are forced to, and while sometimes this force doesn't have to be fatal, sometimes it does. He holds no issue with that fact.​
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Slice of Life:
These characters have semi-ordinary lives within modern-day humanity.

{ Alution Wright }




December 10th



A soft black color, longer in the front than the back.

A warm sky blue.

5' 11"

142 lbs

A single diamond in his right earlobe.

Many, too many to count.




Kind, Cautious, Quiet, Lively, Spontaneous, Courageous.


Ice cream, the cold, slushies, smoothies, the dark, tattoos, music, dancing.

Haters, performing, judgement, hot weather.

Not being able to DJ anymore, his siblings finding out, losing himself.


Biological Family:
His twin brother Aaron. His little sister Natalie.

Significant Other:


Favorite Food:
Oreo Shakes

Favorite Color:
Neon Blue

Favorite Song:

Favorite Animal:

Birth Stone:

Western Zodiac:


36 years old
Date of Birth
October 24



Archaeo is a simple man. He's a quiet and thoughtful type, and doesn't share much about himself. He is calm and focused on nearly all occasions. He has a mind for business and networking and is far smarter than he lets on. His sharp mind has saved him from many a few disasters and his ability to think on his feet is something to be wary of. Precision is his most deadly weapon, as it leaves nothing behind.

There is no such thing as fearlessness, only the power of will to surpass what your mind defines as limits.

He is careful with those under his care, and despite his dangerous reputation he is nothing but gentle and kind. His knowledge on how to work with people is somewhat surprising.


From a young age, Archaeo was trained for his given profession. He attended a private school nestled at the base of the French Alps, where he and several other children were trained in a certain art... Assassination.

The school didn't have a name, and upon graduation from it, the children received their aliases. He graduated at the top of his class, earning the alias Ghost. The school was attacked during his graduation, Headmistress Vital was killed before his eyes. The students managed to fight off the attacking group, and the school was dissipated then and there.

Ghost made his first mark on the field of assassinations by hunting down the clan that had attacked his school until they no longer existed. With such a high referral rate after his opening marks, Ghost quickly rose through the ranks to be one of the world's greatest assassins. His prowess did not mean all good things, as he was frequently targeted by other assassins attempting to take the top spot by force. Some of his clientele were also of the bloodthirsty sort, and while few and far between due to his careful screening of missions, some have made attempts on his life upon completion of a mission.

He has recently formed a guild, aimed to help young assassins sharped their skills through vetted missions, and they have been gaining fame among the criminal underground. Many clans have sent their young adults to further their training within the walls of the
Âmes Noires, though few manage to make it through the rigorous selection process.


He's definitely afraid of something, or someone.
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Dragons, demons... Beings that have seen the rise and fall of kingdoms and have known the blaze of war.
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Looking for the Wild Wild West? These characters are the best of the best in their given professions. Whether it's legal... Well, best not question it.

{ Rowan McCabe }

《 Personal 》
Full Name:

Current Alias:
Rowan McCabe​

McCabe, Fluffy​




5' - 9"​

《 Characterization 》
Rowan is a bit rough around the edges. At least he ain't a pushover like some of the bums who try to get by way out here. He doesn't deal with any bull, and rarely lets those who give him shit live to see another day. There isn't much left to morality with him, if you couldn't tell. He isn't a completely amoral being, however. He won't stand by and watch someone give a woman a bad name. He'll only give respect when respect is due.

His work ethic is remarkable. You offer him money to do something, and he'll get it done right. He works quickly and can occasionally be an honest man about it, but where's the fun in that, eh? He ain't one for a tame life of doing things by the book. It really doesn't suit him. He's a wanderer, traveling on his own roads and following his own laws. He'll do what he has to do in order to get through another day, and doesn't seem to care about the fact that his life certainly ain't gonna be a long one if he keeps up with this kind of lifestyle.

He's a bullheaded man, that's for sure. Once his mind's made up, nothing short of a gun pointed at his head or a knife against his throat will sway his opinion, and even that sometimes doesn't work. He typically doesn't give two shits about other people's problems, and never shows sympathy. He always trusts his instincts, and rarely trusts others considering his main lines of work. He sometimes holds a grudge, but it usually wears off after a while. Unless whoever had the balls to piss him off actually survived the encounter.

In short, Rowan can come off as a belligerent asshole at times, though he isn't all that bad once you start to see things through his eyes. He demands at least a bit of respect, as not just everyone gets their picture plastered up around town. And he really hates people who try and lie to him.​

Long before he strayed down the trail of a criminal, Nashoba and his older brother Koi ran their family's horse ranch. The duo made out quite well for themselves. Koi got himself a beautiful wife and after a couple tries they finally had a little girl. The wife was a fragile woman, and illness had settled in quickly after the kid. She held strong for a year or two until she faded out in her sleep. Nashoba took over the ranch in full so that his brother could take good care of baby Talulah, and was there to help them every step of the way. When Tally turned eight, both her and Koi started helping out at the ranch.

They had a good thing going until it all went to shit.

Drought hit the ranch hard. Nashoba and Koi got into a heated argument about whether or not they should move to better grounds. It led to the brothers splitting the herd, and Nashoba striking off on his own. He managed to get himself a nice parcel of land, and hired a few hands to help out. A few years passed since then, and Nashoba decided to head back home to see how his brother and niece were holding out. The place was deserted with signs of a struggle. He found two burnt corpses a ways away, but due to the deterioration he couldn't tell if it was them or the people that had caused them to up and go in a hurry.

He couldn't go back to his ranch without knowing their fates, and settled into to criminal underground to pick up information on who might have been involved in the attack. He's yet to find any real answers, and is holding onto the fading hope that Koi and Talulah are alive and well somewhere safe.

《 Skillset 》
COWBOY HAT - a present given to him a long time ago by a person who ain't around anymore.

DUSTER JACKET - worn out and patched up from so many less than great encounters. he knows he should probably just get a new one at this point, but he always winds up patching or sewing up the holes.

TWIN PISTOLS - for peaceful negotiations.

RIFLE - for no negotiations.​

SEWING - he's pretty skilled with a needle and thread.

MEDICAL - he knows how to fix wounds so that people don't die from them. he isn't skilled enough to make it look like they were never there, but what's a few scars anyways? he thinks it's proof that everyone's had a strike of stupidity at least once.

GUNNER - he's had more practice with various types of guns than he'd care to remember. he has shooting down to a science with his keen eye.

TACTICAL - he makes plans work, plain and simple. if things don't go according to plan, he probably has a few backups at the ready.​

《 Relational 》
Tilly's Tavern & Inn - he is a regular customer at this off the beaten path establishment, with a reputation to back him up in the case of petty wanna-be's and other similar trouble. the law steers clear from this place because they are so outnumbered here.​
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Dangerous Duos
These characters are nearly inseparable.

❂ Heartless Creatures ❂

"Quand on a pas ce que l'on aime,
il faut aimer ce que l'on a"

  • Name:
    Zornym James Cavaldre




    Ringmaster of the Dark Cirque

    Zornym is a showman and gentleman above all else. The world is his stage and he lives for the performance. He's extremely considerate of those who come to his world, as the cirque is a place for lost souls to find peace and harmony on the grand stage of life. He is fearless, and willing to take risks if it means helping those under his care. After all, it isn't like he could die, anyways. So, why not stand up and live a little bit more each day.

    His high spirits tend to recede after the show is over and the eyes are off him. His habits are terrible, and if he was a living being then they most likely would have claimed his life by now. To the chagrin of Naiya, he relies heavily on his flask and the cigars hidden on his person. Even more so, he holds little regard for his own physical wellbeing and tends to ignore or even forget about serious injuries. He's long since given up his hopes of becoming human once more, and while stitching things back together may promote healing among the living, dead tissue does not revitalize itself and finds it patronizing when people think that he can still heal.

  • Name:
    Naiya Marie Valcrosse




    Fortune Teller at the Dark Cirque

    Naiya is a spirited girl that always finds a reason to smile, no matter how small. She is very careful in her actions and has a tendency to mother hen just about anyone. Her motives are somewhat unknown to the vast majority of people she takes under her wing. She picks her fights carefully and can be stubborn when she knows that it would pay off in the end. She has a silver tongue, well trained for delivering fortunes. She only tells people the good things that they can look forward to as she finds it wrong to instill dread on one's future. She is a fearless individual when it comes to solving problems.

☽ Echoes ☾

. . . Sol . . .
"I'll make your dreams come true."
B a s i c

N A M E :
Solavan Trace

A G E :

G E N D E R :

R A C E :
P e r s o n a l

P E R S O N A L I T Y :
Sol is a quiet man with a witty sense of humor when he deems it appropriate to bare. He is very even tempered and mild mannered, and will often do whatever he is asked to do without a second thought. This obedience wasn't something that he was born with, and he isn't willing to elaborate on the events that led him to adopt this trait. He is always gentle with the people he cares for, as he is well aware that not everyone is immortal like him. He does have a sarcastic streak a mile wide with people he dislikes. He can't tell a lie, but he knows how to manipulate truths and as a last resort his silence speaks volumes. Don't assume he's harmless just because he acts as peaceful as he does. He is capable of doing a great deal of damage when it's required by him.

H I S T O R Y :
Sol only remembers his time as a genie. He's vaguely aware of the fact that he had a mortal life prior to this, but it isn't clear enough for him to mourn the loss of. He has served many masters, and some were far better than others. In the beginning, he was quite the snide creature, though after he fell into the hands of a royal family, things drastically changed. He was beaten and tortured for any supposed "acting out" that he did, and after a few generations serving the family, he became a well-trained and obedient creature. He lost all hope for freedom as the family line continued to flourish, keeping the genie as their deepest and darkest secret.

One king kept failing to produce an acceptable heir. All of his sons were turning into simple-minded failures. His wish was that he wanted an heir that would set an example for all who came after them. The genie, well versed in loopholes and seeing his way out of this horrific eternal torture, crafted an exemplary young woman with a sharp mind and a kind heart. Of course, he was beaten severely for creating a female heir, but gender hadn't been specified and he had a feeling that a male would have adopted the traits of the royal family too readily when it came time for them to gain ownership of the genie.

The heir grew into a brilliant girl. Nocta was the name he called her, and the only name she willingly responded to. When she was still a young thing, she stole ownership of his lamp, and wished for their escape. It was the first time in half a century that he happily granted a wish. They arrived in a time and place far different than their own, and swiftly made a living as street performers. Sol cared for his master, or as she requested to be called, his person, ensuring that she remained healthy and happy, without a care in the world. He taught her everything that he'd learned over the course of his existence, languages lost to time and the ugly sides to history. She needed to know that the world wasn't a perfect place, and that no amount of wishing could make everyone happy. He was scared of damaging her positive outlook, though she took the lesson in stride and was better for it.​

. . . Noc . . .
"I feel like I'm going nowhere."
B a s i c
N A M E :
Nocta Trace

A G E :

G E N D E R :
P e r s o n a l
P E R S O N A L I T Y :
Nocta is quick minded, witty, and clever. She doesn't care much about anything, and happily lives in the present. She loves learning new things and can be quite a trickster when left unattended. Puzzles and riddles are an easy source of entertainment for the girl as they provide a great amount of stimulation for the mind. She often gets hung up wondering whether to act in the name of good for herself and her friends, or to act in the name of good for everyone. It's a hard decision for anyone to make, and the young girl isn't quite sure what to do with the abilities that her friend holds for her. She's just happy with the life they lead now and is afraid to make a wish that would negatively affect it. In the same vein, she feels like she isn't doing anything with her newfound life since she hasn't made any meaningful wishes.

H I S T O R Y :
See Sol's.

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Currently looking for partners!
Still looking!
Is Matthew Volt the only super you want to use?
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Is Matthew Volt the only super you want to use?
Yes, he's currently the only super I'm interested in playing at the moment. If you are interested, please contact me through pms as I requested in the first post.
Still searching
Still looking
Anyone there? I'm still looking.
What are you looking for? In terms of RP-partner (expectations)? But also in terms of character: what kind of person would match well with your characters?
My expectations are written out in the first post, along with a request to pm me with any interest or questions.