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Original poster
Now that I have your attention, please, take a seat. Have some coffee, tea, water, tequila, whatever you prefer. This is a free space, after all.

Are you a woman seeking another woman for some roleplay?
Or perhaps someone who identifies as female looking to get some action with an FxF RP?
Well this is the right place for you!
You see, I've been brewing over this plot over some time now. And I've tried all kinds of things with it.
I've written it out, put faces on its characters, added explosions and even glitter! But I can't seem to get my writing off the god.damned.ground.
*large inhale, unnerving grin*
I've decided to put it up for a role play.

Here's the premise:
The old Gods are dying. It's a process that happens with every generation of gods. Zeus and his mates did it to the Titans, Titans to Gaea, etc, etc, etc. And this time, it's happening again. However, this new generation of younger gods has a lot of angry, bitter, demigods who will never get their time in the spotlight. They are not human enough to feel like they belong in the mortal world, yet not god-like enough to be welcomed to Olympus. So what do they do? Start their own world. Now you've got a full-blown revolution at your own hands. But see, these demigods can't just "create" their own world, they've got to take someone else's.

Within this link you will find the character you will be working with: https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/characters/altea.12832/
Do not worry, she isn't just some white, model-skinny girl. I went with her for the dress and the background. Just imagine she was dark-skinned with long black wavy hair.

Altea and her family mostly wants to keep out of the wars because no one really wants to be the "God of the Underworld". But Altea is the granddaughter of Demeter, making her the heir to both worlds of the living and the dead. She could be the key to either winning or losing the war.

So, let me know what you think and send me some ideas for characters. Let's have some fun!
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