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Original poster
Year 1965.

Welcome to Waldendorf, a sprawling urban paradise where vintage antiquity meets modern technologies. With its age old buildings, cobbled streets, technology, and top-of-the-cream elite, life in this city is never dull. It is heralded as one of the most affluent cities in New America—a place that most people could only dream of living in.

Among the city's pioneering residents is a powerful family known to most as the Vampires of Waldendorf. They are nothing like the mythical creatures, but their nickname has been well-earned. Don't let appearances fool you; underneath those perfectly rehearsed smiles, the Vampires are ruthless businessmen, cold and trechearous as ice. Owning ninety percent of the enterprises within Waldendorf, they more or less own the entire city itself.

Despite their elite status, however, they seem just like any other ordinary family. After all, their record is spotless clean. They might have been into one or two scandals in the past, but they were instantly filed away and soon forgotten. As far as society is concerned, the Vampires are perfect. Powerful. Untouchable. Nothing could possibly besmirch their good reputation.

But underneath all the glitz and glamour surrounding their lives, there is one sordid truth just waiting to be unearthed.

Fifteen years ago, wanting to ascend the social ladder and triumph over competing families and firms, the Vampires formed an alliance with yet another family: the Winthrops. While not as influential nor as sophisticated as the Vampires, the Winthrops were powerful in their own unique way. They ran a secret organisation and were involved in numerous illegal activities. Like spiders, they weaved their underground social web, gathering the deepest and darkest secrets of Waldendorf's elite which they then sold for a good hefty price. The Vampires exploited the Winthrops' ability to gather information. In exchange for information on their rivals, the Vampires provided them with money and privilege. But forming an alliance with the Spiders was like striking a deal with the devil, and it turned out that the Winthrops had an ulterior motive in mind. In their heads a terrible scheme was created, for what these Spiders wanted most of all was influence—influence that no other family aside from the Vampires could ever hope to achieve.

The Winthrops strived hard to achieve their goal. They tried to earn the Vampires' trust, tried to uncover secrets, tried to stage scandals and spread lies in an effort to taint their name. But easily the Vampires caught on, and all of a sudden the tables were turned. The Vampires made it so that the Winthrops' illegal involvements were brought to justice. Those who managed to evade imprisonment only did so by the skin of their teeth, and even then they had no assets left to live a comfortable life.

The Spiders learned their lesson, but it was too late to make amends; the Winthrop name had already been smeared from high society.

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Black suits and high ties, tight suitcases and waxed hair. The smell of aftershave and perfume strong in the air, along with the lingering smoke of the cigar shared. It was another day in the Waldendorf office, filled with sarcastic remarks and quasi-serious topics. They had decided that the wages of the walkers would be cut by a minimal percentage, that the budget for the pharmaceutics would be bigger for the next year, and that the bonuses should be cut for the sake of their public image.

A lucrative business deal with the rising Lexington family was also mentioned in passing, but Diederich didn't interest himself too much in the contents of the deal. Just another family to usurp, he believed. Like they did for years, had been doing for years.

Diederich's mind drifted off to the time he was involved in wiping out a family. What was their name again? Wimpffen? Windt? It had been so long and he was still so young. He could still feel the adrenaline pumping through him as they were slowly playing their checkmate.

He expected his father to call upon him again, to lead and to bring down the Lexingtons like he had done so many times before. Instead Diederich senior dismissed his son and left the rest of his half-siblings sit. A slap into the face of the junior, who was used to be included into everything.

Slamming his gas a little too hard and letting the engine growl out his frustrations the man drove out of the office. He needed some distractions and he knew where to find it. The Waldendorf studio it was, he had heard the executive of the location mention a shoot going on at the moment.

Diederich Waldendorf junior was, just like his father, a man of many pleasures. The eternal bachelor, the media described him. A title he took much pride in. Playing around, surrounding himself with pretty faces, Diederich didn't need a marriage to spoil that. He just needed an outlet.

Once he entered the studio people started to flock around him from all sides. One taking his coat, another to ask him for what reason he was visiting, all of them eager to please him. Diederich ignored half of them, handing over his belongings before stepping onto the set. It did look promising indeed, with a scene in full play. Smiling confidently the man walked over to the director, tapping the man's shoulder to catch his attention.

"Wha- Diederich Waldendorf!" the director was about to snarl an insult for the interruption, but was quick to correct himself. Though, the way his name was exclaimed still sounded like a curse over the lips of the director.

"Cut, take a break!" the director was quick to call in for a pause in the shooting, sliding out of his seat to offer it to the Waldendorf junior. Everything to please the man.

Face claim: Adrien Brody
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I'm just a bad girl, that's why we get along / Won't make
excuses for anything I'm doing wrong / I'll pull the trigger
in a flash / Watch out, honey, step back / What's the fun
in playing safe?
❝I think I'd rather
elise lexington.
dirty laundry - bitter:sweet
As soon as the director called for a halt in production, a low murmur erupted among the people on set. Some dashed about as if their lives depended on it, while others simply stood and watched with either tension or awe. Elise Lexington, who had been in the middle of delivering an important line, found herself puzzled amidst all the commotion. It wasn't until she followed everyone's line of sight that she immediately understood the source of all the fuss—Diederich Waldendorf had made an unexpected visit.

However, Elise couldn't quite say it was unexpected. One way or another, they were bound to meet—Elise made sure of it, even if this wasn't exactly the place she had in mind. But at last, here he was. More than just a moving picture in the morning news. More than just a black-and-white photograph on the papers. Here he was, in the flesh. Finally.

Everyone dropped what they were doing to cater to Diederich Waldendorf. Understandable, for the heir alone held more worth than all the other people in this studio combined. Worth that would soon be stripped away from him, Elise couldn't help but think, until he is no more useful than litter.

The director called for her just then, beckoning her forward impatiently before focusing his attention back on the bachelor. Beads of sweat had started to form on his brow as he clearly struggled to impress the man. He stumbled over his own words as he attempted at a light-hearted conversation, briefing Diederich on their newest hit production.

"The star of our show," he announced, finally, as Elise came up towards them with a perfectly rehearsed smile sitting daintily upon her lips. She extended her hand in greeting.

"Mr. Waldendorf," her low, sultry voice seemed to be almost coaxing, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
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Diederich was used to the lavish attention he got, the glass of wine that was suddenly brought to his hands already expected. He was mostly ignoring the director, his eyes fixated on the pretty face that was presented in front of him. It was obvious what was going through his mind as he shamelessly checked out the actress. How new was she? Age? What were her expectations? Diederich knew that he could wind her around his finger with just his name once she figured out how this business worked. He liked her face, she needed his power and fame. If she was compliant enough, which they always were, Diederich would grant her wish like a genie.

"Pleasure to meet you, miss?" he spoke, his eyebrow cocking up slightly. No smile, he didn't want to come across as friendly, yet.

Face claim: Adrien Brody
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I'm just a bad girl, that's why we get along / Won't make
excuses for anything I'm doing wrong / I'll pull the trigger
in a flash / Watch out, honey, step back / What's the fun
in playing safe?
❝I think I'd rather
elise lexington.
dirty laundry - bitter:sweet
A simple smile, a suggestive glance. That was all it took.

Diederich's wandering eyes didn't go amiss. It was all too familiar. He looked at her like one might assess an object on display, as though gauging her value and seeing what she was made of. Elise was never one to disappoint, so even as he shamelessly ignored her outstretched hand, she merely shrugged it off like it was nothing. Playing the dumb bimbo always worked in her favor.

"Oh, where are my manners!" Elise's laugh was light and airy, her still outstretched hand gently touching the man's arm instead. A simple gesture, and yet she hoped it was enough. She didn't want to come on too strong--just enough to intrigue him. "Elise Lexington, Mr. Waldendorf."
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They were all so easy. Diederich knew what the actress wanted the moment she touched his arm. That laugh, the touch, everything pointed towards one thing and it was always the same. Not that he complained, the male happily complied. They could fill up a hole and he could elevate them. It would be a symbiotic relationship.

"Elise Lexington," he let her name roll over his lips, repeating after the woman. So young and so beautiful as she was, Diederich knew that he was going to enjoy his time with her. For as long as she remained the way she was now. Beautiful, young and silly. He didn't tire of that type, for they were the easiest to pick up and to discard.

Vaguely the Waldendorf recalled the name Lexington being mentioned before. Was it for a fusion? Or a business bargain? Diederich couldn't recall it so quickly anymore, but he felt that it was unimportant. Mere details of an otherwise dull day. He would have remembered if otherwise, not?

Besides, he didn't want to think of work. He just forgot about his father's actions earlier and now his mood was back to where he started. A frown crossed Diederich's expression for a split moment. Quickly looking down at his watch the male decided that it was because he is a busy man. Or at least, in act.

Giving Elise another examining look the male decided that her name didn't matter today. She was the distraction he needed and as long as he didn't call her by the surname he wouldn't remember.

"Pleasure to meet you," Diederich took the hand on his arm in his, rubbing circles over the back with his thumb. Soft pale skin, and the slight sweet fragrance of seduction that all actresses seemed to carry with them. The man was convinced that Elise could provide in what he needed, just like her predecessors.

"I will be in Le Cinq if you have no dinner plans tonight," the man informed her. It was an invitation, but Diederich never formulated questions. He only informed and expected. "We shall hear more of each other, Elise," he continued, kissing her hand lightly before gently letting go and turning away.

"It is looking good here, now shall we continue?" he rose a brow at the director expectantly, pretending as if he was on some sort of business here.

Face claim: Adrien Brody
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I'm just a bad girl, that's why we get along / Won't make
excuses for anything I'm doing wrong / I'll pull the trigger
in a flash / Watch out, honey, step back / What's the fun
in playing safe?
❝I think I'd rather
elise lexington.
trouble - bitter:sweet
This was all too easy.

It didn't look like he'd acknowledge her advances at first, if the flicker of annoyance as he looked down on his watch was any indication, but soon enough the case proved itself different. Eyes freely and unabashedly roaming as he took her in, the man took her outstretched hand and gave it a massage. From the corner of her eye, Elise sighted the idle director visibly shifting his feet.

In another time, a different place, a gesture like this would have elicited a different reaction from Elise. But now that she was much older and more in tune with her sexuality, she understood its true power. If she played along with the rules of society's game, then it was less of a thing that could be used to exploit her, but more of a weapon she could harness for her own benefit.

"I will be in Le Cinq if you have no dinner plans tonight," he told her, more as a statement rather than an invitation. Then, bringing her hand to his lips, he continued, "We shall hear more of each other, Elise."

"I should hope so, Mr. Waldendorf," she replied, a smile playing on her lips, genuinely delighted to see the man ruin himself. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she gave Diederich another meaningful look, casting her eyes downwards as if bashful. Then, she walked away without another word, the beginnings of a plan forming in her head.
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After visiting the studio Diederich follied around at another set before the clock hit half past seven; signifying his dinner plans at Le Cinq. Pulling away from the actress clinging on him he straightened his collar before marching his way over to his car. Not a word of goodbye sent to the whining actress in the back. Just another pretty face that threw herself all over him. He didn't care that he smelled like perfume all over, neither did he notice the stain of lipstick on his collar. It was never a matter before and Diederich didn't consider it to be a matter either.

"Diederich Waldendorf junior," the male told the waiter who came to help him out of his coat. An unnecessary introduction, as he came along often enough to have a table for himself. Despite the popularity of the restaurant he didn't need to reserve a table week in advance either, his name powerful enough to even throw out a random couple if he so pleased. He still liked it, however liking the way the eyes shifted of all who were within the vicinity to hear him.

"A table for two, please," he followed up as if he never came to Le Cinq expecting company. Everyone working in the restaurant knew the number by now, and these who didn't would learn soon enough. Diederich Waldendorf came to Le Cinq to impress and to score. A higher up middle class restaurant that didn't intimidate too much, but wouldn't disappoint either. A place for impressions, impressive impressions of empty promises. Just like Diederich was full of.

Face claim: Adrien Brody
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