Corrupt a Wish

  • Thread starter IntrusivePenDesperateSword
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Your wish has been granted, but due to the wish causing a time anachronoism, the whole world is ruled by the only survivor of the bone war, Nue.

I wish for a gif.
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Wish granted, but it's really laggy and won't load so you're stuck on one frame. Sometimes it skips to a different frame but you can't really figure out what's going on. Oh well.

I wish I was in school right now. *grumbles something about all the colleges being on strike where I live*
Granted, you are teleported inside the school building. Otherwise it's still empty, and you're accused of trespassing.

I wish for a magical scarf that always keeps me a room temperature, i.e. 20°C.
Granted, but you get too cosy and choked yourself to death with it by accident.

I wish for more wishes.
Granted. You are a now a genie in a lamp. You have 'wishes' in your possession, but they can only be granted for someone else.

I wish I could fly.
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Congrats, you are now a commonhouse fly. You can fly, but you won't be alive for long. Sadly flies don't have long life spans.

I wish for time.
*Throws a clock at you*

I wish for a rhyme
you got a ryme, but it made no sense to people

I wish that I was thinner.
Granted, congratulations, you have died of starvation.

I wish to be indestructible.
Congrats, you are indestructible, nothing can get into your body... which would be great expect you contracted a virus that needs to be surgeically removed and now it can't be. You have three days to live before being indestructible kills you... but you got your wish for a bit.

I wish to be immortal.
You are immortal. You live for a eternity of pain as everything and everyone you love crumbes back to dust. Finally your very mortal sanity gives way and you become a unkillable slaughterer of your fellow man.

I wish for a penny.
Congrats, you are given a corpse. Her name was Penny and now everyone thinks you kill her... and you have to run to live.

I wish for life.
Alright, I'll borrow the nearest life and give it back to you.

Oh you died.

I wish for a dime.
Congrats you get a dime, unfortunately your house is burnt down, your family murdered and your friends abandon you, but at least you get a dime.

I wish... That the next person gets NO wishes.
Due to the paradox of said wish, and you be the next person technically, you get no wishes, but instead get all the ill effects of the last wish.

I wish to undo all the bad wishes in this thread.
Congratulations, you died! Unfortunately for you, you were also burried in Pet Cemetary. Enjoy your new, evil and zombified life.

I wish for chinese take-out.
*whips out a printer that appears to be older than you*
Just...hold on a second...
*printer makes loud printing noises*
come on...COME ON!
*printer breaks*
*whips out computer*
*Looks up 'Chinese take-out'*
*Selects the first picture on Google Images*
*hops on Iwaku*

aaaand there you go! One Chinese take-out! Sorry about the pic, my printer more broke than the McDonalds ice-cream machine.

Speaking of which...I wish the McDonald's Ice Cream machine started working again!!!
The McDonalds ice cream machine is working, it's just working as a hyper powered death machine.

I wish for a fish.
You get a smelly dead fish.

I wish for the answer to where all the forks I can't find are disappearing too.