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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Horror, fantasy, sci-fi.
Through bushes and through briars,
I lately made my way,
So the Green Grave would see me
For I can't love that man...

Life is cruel. You and your family toiled in the fields for the right to live on land claimed by a lord, on behalf of the king. A portion of all harvest given to him, to feed his warriors. Brothers and cousins given to wars in lands beyond the horizon. You and other girls wary of his eye and those of his underlings.

Life is cruel. The priest tells you this is punishment, for the sins of the fathers. He offers dire warnings about the evils of your flesh and weakness of your will. He dismisses your pains and accusations.

Life is cruel. The most powerful woman in the village told you so, and she knows - she is older than anyone else, even the local lord. Her face is lined by laughter and suffering, her back straight and gaze piercing. She knows how to treat ailments the priest ignores. The men at arms fear her. To the village, she is the midwife - she delivered you, and your mother, and perhaps even your mother's mother.

But she has told you stories; the Green Man of the Woods, the Queen Under Hill, the Lurker on the Threshold. Now you hear the call, o human child, from gods & monsters of the wild.

This game of horror, transformation, and rebellion will feature four to six Witches as the player characters. Each Witch has sworn herself to a wild god in exchange for power - what she does with that power is her business, though some patrons expect more service than others.

There are two ways to approach this.
1. A group of Witches sworn to different gods, working together across a large-ish region.
2. A group of Witches where one player is the Hag in charge, each embodying a different aspect of one god.

Characters should be female-identified, though I may allow one exception if someone convinces me with a concept.
Prior experience with dice is appreciated but not mandatory. New players will receive direct assistance from me and will largely learn by doing.

You are required to read at least enough for the system and setting doc to make a Kelene character.

RULEBOOK: CDA Special Edit - revised
Character Index: CHARACTER INDEX - COVENANT - Characters

Questions and comments welcome.

CC @Alexandra @Hair @FuzzMonster @Ragoza @Custodiet Teh @Silvertongued
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Argh.....both group options are really good, but understandably lead to two very different games.
Oh, yes, I would very much like to join if you'd have me. C:
In of course!
Any opinions on which type of group?
Group one feels more character creation friendly but group two seems better for the plot, I'll have to do some research in the lore to figure out the 'god avatar' character but it could work for me.
I genuinely like both ideas, so I'll leave it up to folks who have preference.
I'll make it easy and throw in on option one :)

I too favour option one, it lends more flexibility.
I'm interested. Do we each make up our own deity, or is there a list?
Both options sound interesting, but option one tickles my fancy more
That's a good point, are we taking purely off the list of Gentry in the Corebook, or can we make up our own? With express permission of our GM of course... I just, have a few ideas...
I'm interested. Do we each make up our own deity, or is there a list?

Fair question. There will be a list, but I am open to suggestions if they fit with the world.

purely off the list of Gentry in the Corebook

Did I put one in there? I don't remember doing that.

*checks notes*

Hrm. I'll write up a nice succinct list in the character index to give everyone an idea.

Speaking of which, it looks like group type one wins out and we have enough players, so I shall get on that presently.

I think we even have exactly six players.
See also the first post for a link to character thread.
See also the first post for a link to character thread.
Any information on The Wheel, The Sun, Fear and The Sea?
I cannae remember; would Litrys have sea related things under her purview? I'm just half remembering a sample "weird biennial village ritual" involving throwing a young woman from the cliffs of a seaside town to ensure, uh, prosperity I think? Or protection. Either way she was changed down there in the water. Years later the ritual was made more symbolic as the Church cracked down on that kind of thing.
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