Culli's Fandom Request

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Original poster
Welcome to my thread!

I am a 25 year old male who is willing to do MxM, MxF, and FxF. My two biggest cravings at the moment are for RWBY and Persona 5 and will love you forever if you play them with me.

I usually will double with each of us playing an OC and a Canon character but I am open to other ideas as well. I currently have one OC that I use for Persona and one RWBY that I just recently came up with.

As far as expectations, mine are not super high. I mostly just want coherent sentences and posts that will at least be a paragraph, sometimes shorter depending on how much weight the post carries.

Now on to the pairings I would like to explore!

Persona 5:

OC x Makoto
OC x Ann
Akira x Makoto
Akira x Ann
Akira x OC

I also have experience playing Ryuji and Yusuke if you would want me to play either one of those for you!


OC x Blake
OC x Yang
OC x Ruby
OC x Pyrrah
OC x Weiss
Ruby x Weiss
Ruby x Blake
Yang x Blake
Weiss x Yang
Weiss x Blake
Pyrrah x Any of the RWBY team

Those are my top choices, if you had another idea in mind feel free to shoot it my way!

Thanks and hope to get some great role plays going!
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okay i guess i'd like to play OC x Blake?