Cult Of Super Powers ( Sci-Fi / Action / Conspiracy )

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Final nation modified.jpg

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "cult"? Images of people like Jim Jones or Charles Manson flash before you...and for that you'd be forgiven. However our story about the cult we got involved in, was a bit different...and very similar to the others just mentioned. First onto the similarities...did this particular cult have a leader that claimed he was God, check. Did it have physical and psychological abuse of it's members, again, check. Was it subversive in it's teachings and draw a good amount of suspicion from the media and the police...well so far, we've gone three for three. So your probably asking yourself, just how in the hell this particular cult was any different from the myriad of others that have cropped up over the decades. Well the one major difference here, is that this cult actually granted some of it's members with a montage of super human abilities.

How you ask, well therein lies the tale. It's a dark story filled with conspiracy, intrigue, other worldly dimensions and a super powered clash of armies not of this Earth. This is our story, not all of us made it out alive. This the story of what came to be Final Nation.

Final Nation

Jerome Hollister.jpg

So little is known about this shadowy and underground movement. It is led by a man named Jerome Michael Hollister, known to his followers only as "The Sovereign One". Where he came from or what exactly his origins are, remain a mystery. Hollister claims that he is training up an army to combat an invasion of a mysterious race he calls "The Patriarchs". The cult he leads, coined "Final Nation" has allegations of strange practices, psychological abuse and actual claims of people with what can only be described as super powers. People who can levitate or fly, some who can manipulate fire or electricity and some who have the unnatural strength of fifty men. Needless to say, there is something very unusual going on in this particular cult.

Ok so I've wanted to start a story about a cult for a very long time. I myself am fascinated by the concept and thought it would be cool to have a story revolving around one...but to give it a sci-fi/comic book like twist. You always hear about how destructive quasi-religious cults can be with the leader taking all and never giving anything back to his/her followers. Well what if some of the members actually did get something back in the form of extraordinary powers...all to serve the leader of course, but you get the picture. Ask yourself, would you join what you knew was a potentially dangerous movement for the chance to gain actual super human powers? That's what this RP will be all about. Now I have the basic premise down, but I do plan on some world building, so any and all suggestions are welcome.
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