Cute Fantasy Siblings

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Len Auphydas

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Agender
High fantasy, occasionally soft sci-fi with fantasy elements.
Heya, I'm Len! I'm new to the site, which I found randomly when I accidentally did a search instead of going straight to my normal RPing site a couple days ago. It looked alive enough and the rules werent excessive so, I thought I would try it out. By means of introduction, I'm a 24-year-old eunuch purity zealot with a love for speculative engineering, cuteness, and siblings. I'm studying biochemistry and live with my cousin and clansmate. I have roleplayed on-and-off for about, a bit more than a decade now? If you wanna know more about me, I did write up a profile last night, so feel free to check that out.

Anyways, without further ado, I'll go ahead and get into it. I have a fairly narrow taste in roleplays, but I'm always looking, so no matter when you see this, if you're interested in sibling centric roleplaying, I'm your person!

What is this RP?
A fantasy RP centered on a cute sibling dynamic! The actual plot could be a large range of different things to be honest, from fantasy adventure to pure slice of life. I also have wanted to branch out from just my normal high fantasy setting to also try poking around with more contemporary fantasy settings, which is better for more domestic situations. The RP could be either plot oriented or entirely plotless or anything in between, I'm mostly keen to discuss the specifics with each person depending on what they're looking for. Regardless, my bread and butter will always be cute, fluffy content, and I tend to be bad at progressing plot in RP's, so bear that in mind. Some drama might be ok but for the most part this is not a drama centric RP. Also, I tend to struggle with non-fantasy settings, so while I can do various types of fantasy I probably will have to insist on some fantasy elements at least.

What kind of characters should be used?
The main characters of the RP are a pair of siblings (controlled by each of us) and as a result, should be made just for this RP. I like to give them matching names and talk about the specific sibling dynamic before we start. While I am open to some amount of drama or arguing if the RP calls for it, I should be clear; I want to roleplay a cute, healthy sibling dynamic! That means that even if they fight or argue they should still get along and love each-other.

Also, given how people... are, I feel I should make this clear out of the gate; There will be no. incest. Or really any sexual content of any kind. Though I'm not completely averse to platonic nudity, I would need to trust my RP partner that they wouldn't try to take the RP in that direction first. There are also a few heavier or more questionable themes I wouldn't be averse to exploring, but again I would need to trust my RP partner before I planned something like that.

I will also note that I am rather partial to androgynous characters. Particularly fully agendered ones, though, since that is tied into my particular moral stances, I dont expect or intend that to necessarily be part of the RP. Still, I felt that I should mention it. If that interests you, mention it to me and we might be able to work something out with that in the plot.

What setting will the RP be in?
I am generally most comfortable in fantasy settings and tend to struggle a bit in realistic settings, so I would overall prefer if the setting is some manner of fantasy setting. Having said that, it doesn't at all have to be medieval fantasy, I've had some interest in developing a more contemporary fantasy setting though at the moment I don't have much there.

Otherwise, my other main setting is "Heartlands", which is the one I am most familiar and comfortable with. Theres way too much to go over right here but suffice to say, it varies in technology level from neolithic tribes up to steampunk, depending on region. Its mostly a typical fantasy setting, but it has its own races and a website i made to show off all the lore I made for it. Plus, I have several story ideas within it, ranging from being swept up in a magical storm to end up in a strange land and have to survive, to being monster hunters in a tribal kingdom.

What is my RP style?
My favored way to RP is in periodic 'sessions' of focused RP-ing, sometimes with longer gaps between them, but I can manage with other styles to an extent. Generally with me momentum helps alot and if every post has a long distance between them its hard for me to stay engaged. I conventionally say that I write a paragraph or two most of the time, significantly longer for starts, but presently I seem to be averaging more like three per post so who knows? At any rate, if you expect me to make multi-paragraph in EVERY single post, you will be dissapointed, sometimes I just only have a small amount to say, especially in conversations. I prefer RP partners who are willing to talk OOC since I find RP's go much smoother when I'm at least acquainted with the person I'm RPing with, especially if the OOC conversation isnt necessarily related to the RP itself.

How will the RP be done?
Well I'm not totally familiar with this website yet but I assume there is some manner of private messaging option. I'm perfectly happy to RP here as long as I can figure out how it works, but failing that I am also happy to rp on discord (username on profile). I am also on another site, rprepository, though I cant imagine that would be relevant here.
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Well I got a couple hits but they both arent responding presently and RP planning hasnt finished so who knows if those will go anywhere. Not a bad start but I still figure I might as well...
Like always, still looking!