Cybernetics and Stuffing (LunaValentine x Cinnamon)

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A smiling Face
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, Romance, scifi, videogame, romance, pretty flexible really
The city of New Orion, filled with the latest in cybernetics and ai, the capital of technology for the whole world. A place of brilliant minds both human and otherwise working and playing along with other, normal people. Ever since the technology boom of 2152 the world seemed like a completely different place. Androids and robots were common and though things were far from peaceful at least the two could get along. However, androids still didn't really have full rights, most couldn't have a home of their own, be it an apartment or a house. Instead they had to live with at least one human, those that didn't were sponsored usually by a scientist.

LMV00794, or Luna as she called herself, was one of those androids, having been built by one of the top military minds Dr. Thomas Garlond. After being dismissed from a job in the military, she'd taken up a job as a secretary for a doctor's office. Because she was an android it was easy for her to smile and be calm even when people exploded at her, not to mention her discipline helping her keep things in check. She really didn't need much but she lived what would be considered a comfortable life. She was designed with bright green eyes, a pale doll-like complexion, and long dark blonde hair. Today was her day off so she was exploring the city, her hair up in a tight bun to keep it out of her face. It was a cool, cloudy autumn day, perfect for a stroll. Really she was just taking in the city as she liked to do now that she was allowed to roam.

Her creator did often check in on her but it was mostly at meal times so she would cook for him. Thankfully she had a few hours before he was due for a visit. She wasn't planning on shopping, rather she was mapping out points of interest to check out at some point. Though she was connected to computers she still wanted to go places and see things for herself. She wanted her own detailed map in her mind, so she often took odd turns down alleyways or down strange roads. She wasn't afraid to roam even in the seedier parts of the city. She always carried a hidden weapon just in case, though so far in the last two months she hadn't needed it.
Despite artificial intelligence's prevalence in New Orion, those composed of cotton and stuffing struggled to find stability. One such individual was Aiden. He stood two feet and gangly with white, fluffy fur, black plastic eyes, and two stitched dots for a nose, and a velvet, red t-shirt and purple pants.
For 3 years, he was used for entertainment and comfort. He absolutely loved it, being held, spoken too, petted, etc. However, as robots and androids began taking those roles, he became obsolete, tossed onto the street. He had been searching for employment and housing since.
Aiden sighed, slowly getting to his feet and heading out of the alley. He padded down the sidewalk, wearing a brittle smile on his matted face. The sun seeped through grey clouds, as if trying to provide him a small sliver of hope.
Luna let out a slight huff as she walked. She was planning dinner for the doctor. Something that would be good for his health. She was half lost in thoughts but her eyes constantly darted around taking in everything nearby. Then, they focused on something odd, putting a pause on her thoughts as she saw what appeared to be a stuffed animal or something walking. She stopped in her tracks. Her eyes focused on the little thing as it walked down the sidewalk towards her.

Her head tilted to the side as her eyes tried to determine what it was. No cameras in the eyes, no electromagnetic field in it. What was this thing? It didn't appear to be a person in a costume, it seemed almost too small. She couldn't help herself now, staring as she tried to process this small being. It was a quieter street, people seemed to pay no mind to her or the little walking creature of fluff and fur, likely assuming it to be a robot of some kind.

As it approached she knelt down. "Small thing......what are you?" She asked as her head slowly tilted to the other side. She felt a small yearning to know, to understand this creature this creation. What was its purpose? How did it work? What made it walk? She couldn't see any sort of structure inside, at least she couldn't detect anything. Maybe there was a plastic skeleton inside it. Maybe it was something thin and lightweight. After all if it was wire she wouldn't be able to see it.
The doll stopped and stared up at the blonde woman kneeling before. Judging by her skin's metallic shine, he immediately assumed her to be cybernetic. He saw a few robots walking around before, but none had stopped to ask him who or what he was. Maybe this one's programming was different?
Nevertheless, he gave her a small smile and replied in a deep, squeaky tone, "I'm a doll, darling."
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The android blinked a few times. A doll, well that explained the lack of anything electronic. She searched her memory banks but couldn't find any references to a doll quite like him aside from some old movies. Her head straightened a bit. "Are you lost little doll? Certainly a.....hmmmmmm a doll like yourself is owned by a little girl or boy?" She tried to rack her hard drives for anything that could help. She reasoned taking him to a lost and found may work, her eyes glowed slightly brighter and her pupils seemed to almost twitch or vibrate as she seemed to think.
Aiden frowned and shook his head. "Kids don't want to play with dolls anymore. Ever since bots took over, people like me have been pushed to the wayside."
Luna frowned slightly. "Strange. I would think anyone would be fascinated," She said as she looked at him. "It can't be good for you to be out in the elements. Perhaps you could come home with me. The Doctor likely won't care. He's been rather distant of late."

The little stuffed doll was intriguing. She found a few old wives tales about moving dolls but it wasn't like those tales. They seemed to be more akin to a doll that had a human face and proportions. A doll like she was modeled after. She looked at the doll and her eyes dimmed as she stopped trying to find anything. "I am LMV00794. But I have designated myself as Luna. Did someone name you?"
A smile returned to his furry face. Having a place to live in sounded wonderful, and he was at least interested to learn about this android, how she worked, what made her tick.
He held out a plush hand. "Aiden. Nice to meet you, Luna."
Luna raised an eyebrow slightly but shook his blush hand. "Aiden. I suppose that's a good name. I knew an Aiden Farvell once." She said slightly thoughtful. "I suppose it would be best if I carried you. Your stride is far too short to keep up to me without running." She picked him up quickly and stood again.

She started to walk and think. "You'll need a wash I'm guessing.....If you've been out here for a bit. How would someone wash a creature like you? Hmmmm guides on washing stuffed animals....several found." She seemed to be half speaking to herself as she walked with him carefully tucked in one arm.
Aiden yipped when Luna tucked him under her arm. Memories of being carried around like a baby by kids and adults flooded his mind. One little girl, in particular, would tickle his belly and give him kisses. Eyes watering, Aiden snuggled into the android.
Luna raised her eyebrows slightly, noticing his reaction to being carried. She didn't quite understand but she couldn't sense a heartbeat. She at first thought perhaps he was a lost child but now that she was carrying him there was no way that was possible. She started to walk towards the fancier side of town, not noticing the strange looks she was getting. Here she was, a very straight-laced looking woman, carrying a stuffed animal of sorts. She continued to walk, carefully holding Aiden close.
"And, as far as a wash goes, just warm water is plenty. Someone tried using soap and a washing machine once...took weeks for the fur to stop feeling scruffy," he ran a hand across his head. "oh well, I guess you live and learn, but that was just too much."
"Hmm? Ah. Very well then. Warm water is readily available," Luna answered him as they walked. They approached a bright shining white building, known for upscale members of society and either well off, or well connected people. She walked in without anyone even attempting to stop her. It seemed her place was in this fancy building, a shining beacon of the future. She stopped at the front desk.

"Ah, come for the doctor's mail?" The woman behind the desk ask.

Luna nodded in response. The woman handed her a few envelopes. The android thanked her and walked to the elevators, pressing the up button.
"The doctor?" Aiden tilted his head. Luna mentioned living with someone with that name, but he assumed the person to be her roomate. "Who's that?"
"Ah.... Dr. Thomas Garlond is my creator. He owns the apartment I live in, however he does not reside there himself," Luna answered as they waited. "You could think of him as my father. He stops by every other day for dinner, or at least has for the last few months that I have lived here." She wasn't entirely sure how to explain it aside from that. He had built what was on her insides, though an artist had made her outsides. She reasoned they were more or less her parents.
"Oh...wait, so he built this whole place or just your apartment?" Aiden asked.
Luna shook her head. "no no. He built me. He merely has a residence here in this apartment building. He isn't an architect. He's a scientist. I'm afraid I can't tell you any more than that aside from the fact he is in the military. The rest is mostly classified information." She patted his head as the elevator doors slid open. She stepped inside and pressed the 21st floor button. No one seemed to want to ride in the elevator with them and the doors slid shut once more.
"I see," with nothing else to say on the matter, Aiden decided to change the subject. "Luna, what do you do for work?"
"I am a receptionist at a medical clinic," Luna answered, "It isn't exactly challenging but it is something for me to do." She knew she couldn't talk about her time in the military, which was fine. She'd rather not revisit those memories. While they weren't all bad she did see some horrific things.
"That's awesome," Aiden said. "I've been wondering what I could do for a job. I'm fine with people...just not getting constantly screamed at."