Dancing feathers(winged people rp sign up and OOC)

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This roleplay is set in modern times

Dancing Feathers

(A winged people RP)

Roleplay Thread;

"Flying is for the birds they say, but what if it wasn't?"

This roleplay is based on the idea of people with wings, for this roleplay I'm calling them Avains. The roleplay takes place in and around a town called Ivy River. It's a small town in the mountains that isn't on most maps.

All Avians have wings even if the size and shape vary of the wings. They also have a feathers connecting the wings across the upper part of the back. Sometimes these feathers spread across the neck and shoulders and even down the back. Some Avians have tails of feathers even if their small and barely noticeable or they can have whole peacock tails.
More information can be found here;

Wings and feather patterns are often determined by the species of bird that Avains resemble. There are four types of wings; High aspect ratio, Low aspect ratio, High speed wings, and Elliptical wings.
Wing Span can be determined by multiplying your character's height by 2, or you can use this wingspan calculator.

Tails can be Long or short, Avains may not even have Tails. It's often a roll of the dice. The amount of feathers on the body vary as well, the most common amount is having extra down feathers between the wings and on the shoulders.

Male and female Avians can be called many things determing what kind of bird they are.
Male Avians are more often covered in brighter and more colorful feathers as are birds in nature. Some male Avians can have dull wings but not vary often. Determing on the species of bird a male Avian can be larger then females.
While the males are brighter and more colorful, female Avians are often the better flyers and hunters if they are birds of prey. Most female Avians are often drawn to bright colors or shiny objects.

As in birds, Avian habits depend on the species. For exsample each bird species has its own unique habits, vultures and other birds of prey are often calm and relaxed when not in motion while smaller birds such as humming birds are twitchy and can't seem to sit still.
All Avians are known to present their wings to a potential mates, presenting is when an Avian will actively groom their wings then spread them along with their tails if they have one. Determing the species of bird some Avains will build nests for their mates or preform aerial shows. Some Avains will preform aerial dances together, these dances are often only preformed during celebrations to show the flock their bonds. Unlike most Birds, Avains are more often found mating for life.
Avains will form flocks that are as small as four or as large as 30. In large flocks, smaller family flocks spend lots of time together but the whole flock in general will spend lots of time preening and strengthing bonds.
Avains are known to duel for many reasons.One can duel to move up in Rank or they can duel to win over a mate. Duels can be friendly and end when one Avian submits or Duels can be bloodly and deadly. The second duels are less common. Young Avians or hatlings have play duels for fun or to determine their rank when they join the flock fully.
Nesting is vary common among Avains, a nest could be elaborate or plain. A nest however is often built by a family unit or by a mated pair. Nests are where a lot of bonding occurs in a flock, the nest appeals to the Avains that created it.

Avains can be created in two ways.
An Avian can give away one of their feathers to a human mate. The Feather then must be placed into the skin as if it had been grown there. The human will experience itchy and swollen skin where feathers and wings will sprout. Often included with this way the human will become the same species of bird that Avain is.
The other way to become an Avian is getting Avian blood into your system. This way is a lot more violent but doesn't take as long to become an Avian. The first day after Avain blood gets in your system a soreness forms in the areas where wings and feathers will sprout. A day or two after that wings will rip through the skin of the human followed by the feathers a day after.
Hiding your bird features is relatively easy, the wings will fit under shirts and jackets without ruffling or shifting. Tails and Feathers included. Avains hide their features when they are likely to be seen by humans.
There are clothes that are made to have your wings and tails to slip through, these garments are usually bras and underware. Though it can also be undershirts or even regular shirts and pants but it's not advised.
Avains can make a wide array of noises, they can screech, coo, some sing, and they commonly chirp. Certain Avains can even mimic sounds, though it is a vary rare skill.

Lead Bird:
James Cyril
Left and right command(the betas):
High ranking birds:
Lower ranking birds:

(Picture here, preferably without wings and other features shown)
Species of bird:

Wing span:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Wing appearance: (can be a picture)
Tail Appearance: (can be picture)
Common apparel:




(Picture here)

Hair color:
Eye color:
Common apparel:






Ivy River is one of several small towns founded for Avains to live away from humans. It is always open to new members to the flock.
Ivy River has always been one of the few Flocks that accepts any Avain. While it hasn't always been equal for both genders, it is now. The current flock leader is a peacock, which is frustrating to most of the elders because Peacocks are thought to be overly prideful and therfore not good leaders. However there leader is also quite young, he took leadership after overthrowing the former leader. Their Former leader was a vulture and quite crazy and obsessed with humans, and often kidnapped them to feed on. To stop the human's form discovering the flock the current leader challenged the old vulture to a duel for his title. The vulture made it a duel to the death so the current leader had no choice but to kill him. Most of the Flock are loyal to their leader but there are those who look to his title greedily.

The mountain Range is a great place to stretch your wings and fly. Most humans do not pass through this rugged terrain so it is safe to reveal your features.

Ivy forest is one of the places where Avains can get food. They can catch fresh meat or collect nuts and berries. Though careful, the forest has its name for a reason. Ivy grows in large amounts in the forest.

This lake is the place you want to go if you want to swim or fish. The lake may be small, but the river that runs through town dumps into this lake.
Peacock Salon owner:
James Cyril
Salon workers (2);

Nurses (2):


1. Your character must be approved before you post
2. This is a semi-advanced roleplay, 2 paragraphs at the least. Most paragraphs have five sentences to them.
3.No god moding, your character isn't immortal
4.Don't kill someone's character unless you ask first
5.If you have ideas for plot PM me
6. Don't be afraid to ask if your confused about something.
7. Explicit sciences are allowed but they must be in Spoiler.
8. No arguing in OOC please.

This artwork comes from this amazing artist on deviantart;
Blue-Hearts on DeviantArt




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Name: James Cyril
Nickname: pretty boy, Jamey, hipster, princess
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species of bird: Peacock

Height: 5'6''
Weight: 135
Wing span: 12 ft
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue
Wing appearance:

Tail Appearance:

Complexion: he has faint freckles everywhere on his body, he also has a rather large scar on the inside of his left wing. Vary few feathers grown on this spot but it doesn't effect his ability to fly because of how close to the base it is.
Extra feather placement: his neck, shoulder, down his back to his tail.
Common apparel: variations of this;

Rank: Flock leader
Occupation: owner of the salon
Mate: N/A
A younger sister, Luna Cyril
Unlike most Peacocks James seems to lack Pride in his own appearance. Though he does take pride in his abilities as the leader, James doesn't rub it in. James has quite a bit of anxiety and depression, he struggles with the fact that he might be a worse leader then the one before and hides this part from himself from the rest of the flock.

Even with his issues James keeps a cheerful outlook which he got from his sister. James often responds to situations with sarcasm and a smile. James also tends to be a workaholic which is caused directly by his insomnia. He makes a good leader because he looks at a problem from every angle before finding a solution.

James has devolped a high tolerance for irritating people and issues while being leader, though when he does get angery I would stay out of his way. Though most of the time he keeps a calm facade which seems to be more intimidating then his exactly anger.

-He's a workaholic
-He's an insomniac
- He has anxiety and depression fits

- He is focused and calm
- He's in control of his anger
- James is an experienced fighter
- he is well versed in human culture

James had a single mother with beautiful hummingbird wings that his sister inherited. His mother was extremely loving when she was home, which was not as often as she would have wished. This was because she was often working three jobs so she could feed her two children and pay for their clothes and school supplies.

While they hardly ever had any extra money, James was happy with the way his family was. He loved raising his sister, they often spent a lot of time together.

However happy times can't always remain and heavy storm clouds hung over his happy family. The first bad thing to occur was that his mom lost one of her jobs and then a year later she lost the other two. For a while they struggled to stay fed as his mom jumped from job to job. James was popular in high school and went to parties all the time.

At one such party when he was 18 and a senior he got drunk, one of his human friends got some buddies and stripped James revealing his wings and feathers. The human was disgusted and started to pluck James, the peacock fought them off and fled home.

He told his mother everything and she pulled him and his Sister from school the day after. They didn't stay in places for long after that, she started drinking thinking it was her fault that her son got hurt. James devolped depression, he would often get fits of rage and plucks his own wings.

His sister often found him with bloodly handfuls of his own feathers, she would wrap her arms around him and cry. After the tenth time he had done this he promised his sister he would stop so she wouldn't have to cry over him.

A year later their mother passed away from overworking herself, James was crushed when he was told. His mother had quite the big family that didn't care to get to know him and his Sister. So when they showed up to his mom's funeral, he was ticked off. He kicked them out in his frustration at the thought that they only cared once she passed.

James took his sister and moved away, they stumbled on Ivy River. The flock accepted them easily and James found some semblance happiness until the old flock leader went crazy in his older age. James tried to ignore it at first but eventually he grew concerned for his sister and all the other young Avains.

He challenged the old vulture to a dual during one of the meeting of the flock. The old leader was enraged that he was challenged but he believed he could win so he turned the duel into a duel of death. Either one of them died or it wouldn't be considered official. So unwillingly James killed the vulture and took his place as the current leader.

Other: James has one 'eye' feather in his hair.


Luna Cyril
Nickname: LuLu, feather brain, pervert, loud mouth
Age: 16
Gender: female
Sexuality: Straight
Species of bird: Lucifur humming birds

Height: 4'6''
Weight: 96
Wingspan: 9.2 ft
Hair color: black
Eye color: blue
Wing appearance:

Tail Appearance:

Complexion: She has faint freckles like her brother
Common apparel: She often wears this;

Rank: Lower ranking bird
Occupation: N/A
Mate: N/A
Older brother, James Cyril
Luna is a hyper active girl with a bubbly outlook. She is twitchy and constantly anxious like most hummingbirds. She can literally not sit still for longer than a minute, she often puts this to use by jogging around town will often reading. She is her brother's errandboy as she can not stop moving.

She is often seen a perverted and overly flirting. Her type seems to be males twice her age or males who are real bad news. She has an incredibly ambiguous mind and has been taking online classes to become a tattoo artist, which concerns many members of the flock. After all, she can hardly focus long enough to have a conversation, how could she focus enough to put ink into your skin.

Luna is often absent minded and lost in thought, however she is the most loyal member of the flock to her brother. She is always offering her brother someone to rant to about his issues or she's there to distract him and get him to relax for a bit.

-She is absentminded
-she has an extreme lack of focus
-she often can't hold still
-she is perverted and a stalker

-She is incredibly loyal
-She can multi-task like a boss
-she isn't afraid to speak her mind
-she never stops moving

History: Luna wasn't as close to her mother as James had been, but her brother was the most important thing in her life for a long time. She always thought he was so pretty with his large peacock tail and his gold primary feathers. For a while she dyed her primary feather gold, she did this so her brother could get practice with it.

She was often his lab rat when he would practice his skills for the salon he wanted to open eventually. Eventually she got addicted to all of the treatment and she is her brother's most common customer, she spends more time in the salon then she does doing anything else.

While Luna has never been in a relationship she grew incredibly flirty and perverted. She even writes fanfiction and smut. She has been arrested more than once for stalking someone she had a crush on, James tends to keep her on a tight leash because of how many times he had to bail her from jail.
Other: She has several purple feathers in her hair.
This looks freaking awesome, not exactly my type of role play but I think the plot may do something to keep me. So, what's the story line?
Basically, as I mentioned in the history of the town, the current flock leader is a peacock and wasn't born into the flock. So I was thinking there was one or a group of characters that where against his leadership. Like for exsample the old left and right command that had worked under the old flock leader where angry about James taking over the flock, especially after killing the old leader so they try and over throw him in many different ways. Like a Anti-James group vs a Pro-James group, at first the two aliments wouldn't be defined but as the roleplay goes along the two groups would start fighting more and maybe even a civil war will break out in the flock.

That's my idea for the plot, I'm always open to suggestions though.