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Touhou lover
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Most scenarios that allow for characterisation
((OOC note: Daz has transferred the RP to @Aravhorn and me, making us the new GMs. That is, even though the original GM has retired, this RP is not dead. Please don't archive this thread anymore D: ))
You feel a dull ache in your head as you regain consciousness, vaguely aware that you are lying on an ice-cold floor. Slowly, you open your eyes, gradually adjusting to the bright lights shining in your face. When you're finally able to look around, you realise you are in an unfamiliar room with familiar faces: you are in what appears to be a high-school hall with fellow Hope's Peak graduates. You think back to your final memory before waking up here, but it offers little explanation other than the fact you were abducted. Your abduction wouldn't be so strange as someone fighting to end The Tragedy, if it weren't for the fact that someone managed to abduct so many of your classmates too; who on Earth had the power to simultaneously kidnap seventeen people with Super High School Level abilities? More importantly though... what did they want?

It seems some of your questions might be answered soon, as you hear a crude, mechanical voice ringing out. "Upupupu~, I see everyone was able to make it! So let's get this show on the road!" A robotic bear appears in the centre of the room, seemingly the source of the voice- makes sense, since you doubt a human could ever produce such an annoyingly high pitched voice. Despite its laughable voice, there's still something chilling about the bear: maybe its glowing red eye, or the way it speaks as if it already knows everything about you. That chilling feeling isn't aided by the bear's next line...

"I'm Monokuma, and I'm going to be your new head master... forever!"


@The Tragedy
@Daydream Heroine
Victor looked around as he rubbed his head, groaning a bit as he pushed himself up. He thought back to his last memory, the cards, and then blank. He stood up slowly and looked around the room, a few faces were familiar to him as some had been in his class in Hope's Peak.He looked towards the center as the bear's voice echoed through the room and he rose up. Victor's eyes widened at the bear's statements "You've got to be kidding me.." He looked around, not even he would have seen all of this coming.

Victor reached down and felt his cards in his pocket, but that was all he could find of his possessions. He shook his head, trying to wrap his head around all that had happened in the last minute "What the hell are you talking about bear?!" He asked in everyone's favor, most likely sharing everyone's level of confusion on their new circumstances in this place, whatever it was.. speaking of which, where were they? Many questions needed answering and he was sure this bear would answer close to none of them
Rin "Flame" Sakai, SHSL Graffiti Artist
These faces... it had been a very long time since Rin had seen any of them. He scrunched his eyes shut, pressing a hand to the ache at the back of his head. The last mural... the sunset and the stones and the mountain. The girl and the bear and—the bear. Rin struggled to swallow at the bear's words. Monokuma's words. He recognized it now; it had come to symbolize despair since the Despair Event. And it and the girl had to be responsible for kidnapping him and his old classmates.

The question became why? Rin looked around. There were the artists and celebrities of the year below him, including Violet, whose work he admired, and some of his tougher, shadier senpais; he nodded at Ken from his year in greeting, and there were two particularly dignified life savers, Lelei and Arsen, both younger than him. All in all a good, trustworthy group, assuming some of them had changed after high school. There was something he was forgetting... something important that might explain what was really going on. But he had a bad feeling about this.
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Masuyo Hayabusa, SHSL Thief, 5th Division
To say that Masuyo has seen better days would be a complete understatement: first he was gassed in the middle of a mission, then he woke up lying on the floor with a headache that would put any hangover to shame, and now there was Monokuma rambling about being their new headmaster or some other crap he didn't care to pay attention to.

"Damn it, I've already had enough with going to high school once, and now I have to do it again? Man, this operation can't get any worse..." Grifter groaned as he rubbed his forehead in discomfort. Apparently, even his dizziness couldn't stop him from being a smartass. However, despite his seemingly cocky remark, worry plagued Masuyo's heart; if this was what he thought it was, then that means things are about to go downhill, and fast. And he didn't like that one bit.

In an effort to distract himself from his thoughts, Masuyo took a moment to scan his surroundings: as he expected, he was in what looked like a high school hall, and what is even more surprising, he wasn't alone; there were seventeen other people in the room, most of them already awake. Upon closer inspection, Grifter recognised some of them: He could see the co-workers he once met at the employee loungue, Natsumi and Alex, that famous street artist, Rin McSomething (whatever his name was), and even his former classmates from Hope's Peak Academy, Hiro, Tetsuya and...

'...Haruka?' Masuyo was slightly aback by her appearance; she looked much paler than the last time he saw her, and what's more concerning, she was missing her left arm. 'I thought she died in the Towa Incident. How come I didn't catch wind that she was still alive?'


Haruka Yukimura, SHSL Special Tactics Law Enforcement Unit, 6th Division
In her sleep, Haruka felt peaceful. It's like the chaos and despair she had to experience on a daily basis did not exist in the world of dreams. She didn't have to rescue anyone, or put down a madman who was in the middle of his killing spree; she did not have to worry about any kind of responsibility, or to inform a family that their son died during the riots. She felt... free.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and soon enough she was sent back to the world of the living, with pain running through her body. Haruka grunted as she opened her eyes and tried to come back to her senses. Where was she? What happened? Little by little, her memories were coming back to her.

"Shit..." Haruka grabbed her head as she slowly brought herself to a sitting position. 'Ryouichi...' she felt a slight sense of grief as she recalled the death of her assistant. Life had a very twisted sense of humor; one moment Haruka made a promise to keep him alive, and the next life made a liar out of her. '...I'm sorry.'

Then, a familiar voice brought her back to her senses: "Upupupu~" Alarmed, Haruka reached for her gun, only to find out that it was missing. 'Fuck!' without wasting time, Haruka used her remaining hand to stand up and assume a defensive stance, only to feel the pain running through her body and kneel back down whincing in pain. "Damn it..." As much as she hated to admit it, she was still too weak from the car crash to be able to even stand, let alone fight. Defeated, Haruka tracked the voice to a bear that was floating in the middle of the room, which judging by its design resembled a high school hall.

Haruka said with a mix of hate and disdain. She knew Monokuma pretty well; after all, she had lost her arm to one of its copies back in Towa City, and nevermind the fact that it was created by the person who sent the world into Despair in the first place. She hated Monokuma, and she would've loved to wipe out every single one of them from the face of Earth... But despite this, Haruka quickly repressed those feelings; if she ever wanted to put an end to this, she had to stay calm and focus on what was really important: putting an end to the Tragedy once and for all.

Haruka took a moment to examine the other people in the room; she could see a lot of familiar faces, most (if not all) of them from Future Foundation. She also noticed several of her former classmates at Hope's Peak; much to her dismay, the three of them were pretty much criminals. '...Great. Just what I needed.'
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"Awh, it seems like I'm not very popular," Monokuma sulked, briefly taking a dejected stance before jumping back up again, "Well too bad, I'm gonna be you guys' headmaster whether you like it or not!"

Monokuma paced back and forth for a few moments. "I guess I should explain what's going on in a bit more detail for you dimwits. Basically, this is a good ol' killing game! If any of you want a chance at escaping the school you're currently trapped in, then you're gonna have to kill each other... I think about five murders should do. Yeah, after five murders have taken place I'll let whoever is left take part in the Final Trial; if you pass the Final Trial, then you get to leave! Lucky you! There are a few more rules about killing each other, but I'll let you read them for yourselves. If you take a lil looksie at the tablet I've given each of you then you'll find allllll the rules you need to know."

You realise that there is a digital tablet tucked away in your clothing, which you hurriedly take out. Upon booting up your tablet you see your name displayed across the screen, before you're taken to a menu with several options. You select the option marked 'Rules', which takes you to a list of the following thirteen rules.

1 - Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.
2 - "Night time" is from 11 pm to 6 am. You may only reside in the Main Area of the school during Night time.
3 - Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited
4 - Destruction of doors and surveillance cameras is also prohibited.
5 - Anyone who gets away with murder will gain Monokuma's protection. Attempting to murder someone under Monokuma's protection is prohibited.
6 - The Body Discovery Announcement will play as soon as three or more people discover a corpse for the first time. Once the Body Discovery Announcement has played investigation of the murder officially begins.
7 - After the investigation time is up, a trial will to take place to determine who the killer is. Participation is mandatory for all living students.
8 - If the guilty party is exposed during the trial, they will be executed.
9 - If the guilty party is not exposed during the trial they will receive no punishment, and the person who the majority believed was the killer will be executed instead.
10 - You may kill a maximum of one person at a time. After the trial for that murder has been completed, you are allowed to kill another student.
11 - After five trials have occurred, you are no longer allowed to murder other students. Instead you must investigate and take part in the Final Trial.
12 - Completion of the Final Trial allows students to graduate, and leave the school.
13 - Additional school regulations may be added at the headmaster's discretion.
Hiro Doku - SHSL Poisoner

His head throbbed as he climbed back to consciousness. The cold floor a hard reminder that he wasn't where he was before he lost consciousness. He coughed as he lifted his head off the floor.

Gah, what had he missed!?! Was he overly careless? How had he been aducted? Had he been posioned? At what time was he hit with it? Had it been that old man? Those sick children?

He looked around, and much to his suprise. He found that he wasn't alone. He saw numerous other future foundation members. Including some of his past classmates. His grimace deepened, they reminded him of past memories. When he was different.

Still, this gave a more pressing concern. To abduct him was no small feat in itself, but to aduct this many only meant that they were in even greater danger.

A familar laugh rung out throughout the hall. "Don't tell me..." He looked up, and much to his horror. Monokuma stared back at all of them.

They were all trapped in here with Monokuma. And as the bear spoke, a feeling crept up his spine. He was starting to realise why they were all put in here. "Basically, this is a good ol' killing game!"


As Monokuma listed the basic terms of the 'game'. Hiro damned himself for getting caught in this mess. Monokuma mentioned that five murders would have to take place. He wondered if that would come ot fruition. Afterall, he had heard of a previous killing game.

"There are a few more rules about killing each other, but I'll let you read them for yourselves. If you take a lil looksie at the tablet I've given each of you then you'll find allllll the rules you need to know."

Grabbing the tablet, Hiro flicked through the rules.

"Protection?" Ah, how clever of the bear. Get away with killing once and you were safe at least till the end. He wondered if even that was enough for someone. Even he hoped better for the future foundation, but... Humanity leaned to despair.

"How did you take everyone?" Hiro spoke, dusting off his legs. "What's your goal with this...game?" Infomation was vital here.

Violet Theobold - Ultimate Poet

It was cold.

Confusion was first. Her last light had been in her bed. And now, this hall. With the others. She regonised many.

Colleagues, Friends and all.
Swept up in still, dark horror.
And then laughter came.

And the bear spoke, words about being the new headmaster forever. And how they were in a killing game. "I don't understand..."

The bear pointed out the rules, and as she looked at the tablet she couldn't help but be in disabelief. Murder her friends? Some who she knew before the tragedy? She could never...

That list brought many things.
To understand their situation.
The horrible realization.
That all of this was real.

The fake truth.
That none would commit sin.
To kill those close to kin.
A certain impossibility.

But deep inside,
It brought fear.
And took something dear.

She scrabbled backwards as Hiro spoke. "Is anyone hurt?" A vain question. As looking did not look exactly well. But, she felt it was in good faith to ask.
Chikako Kimura, SHSL Chef, 13th Division
Everything was so overwhelming. The pain in her head, the bright lights, the cold... Chikako shivered and swallowed down tears as she rubbed her eyes and curled tighter into herself. What was happening? There were whispers and groans around her. A piercing, high-pitched voice. Her head hurt and it was too bright. "It's okay, Chichi, it's okay," she murmured to herself. "It's okay, shhh, shhh." Words, old words her father used to murmur a long time ago. Old memories. Soft green curtains, fuzzy with sunlight; the smell of shoyu ramen. Her first love, the first thing she learned to cook. Chikako's breathing slowed, and the pain in her head dulled slightly. She sniffled and uncurled slightly.

"Okay, Chichi, what's the last thing you remember?" she murmured to herself. She'd been baking meringues... and then a voice, and pain, and darkness. She shivered again and sat up. "Let's not think about that, okay Chichi?" She looked around, in a slightly better mood now that she was calm. Let's see, there was Arsen and Endia from her high school class, the nice girls Violet and Lelei from the year above her... Grifter and Flame with the silly nicknames? Was everyone here from Hope's Peak? Chikako frowned; then she saw the bear. She tilted her head and studied it, trying to find it cute, but it was just creepy. Really creepy... wait, was it talking?! She blinked as it said something about checking a tablet for the rules for... something. She hadn't really been paying attention.

In a moment, the tablet was out, and Chikako stared, barely comprehending the words. "These rules don't make sense," she told herself. "Why do the rules say you can kill someone?" She looked up at the person nearest to her. "What's going on?"
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Alex Riley, SHSL Manager, 2nd Division

Along with the others starting to wake up, Alex was one of the last rise from his forced slumber. Not a sound left him as he reached up and rested his hand against the back of his head. Standing up, though slowly as to make sure he had good footing, his eyes gazed about the room, as he kept his hand on his head. After taking a look around he saw several familiar faces, some of the people he noted were from his school days, others he knew simply because a profile of them had crossed his desk, or he heard of them due to ideal gossip.

Sadly, the group of people were not his concern, not as of now. Rather as soon as he gained an understanding of the situation his eyes went straight onto the bear before them. Still no words leaving him, he could feel his stomach twisting and turning, for only the most ignorant of people wouldn't know what that bear was. Why, even living under a rock would be no excuse to not know about that thing. The symbol of despair and the root of so many issues that plagued the world today. 'Monokuma.' He thought keeping a completely straight face, as if the sight of the bear didn't faze him.

When the bear spoke, the feeling of his stomach only worsened, despite his unchanging features. 'No.' He thought, wanting to deny what he had heard. 'This, it....just no.' His eyes scanned the room, silently seeing how many people were honestly listening to this drabble. 'How did someone take us all here? Were we all attacked? We cant be in...not in this game.....it just...it just cant be. I just got off the raido with Mother, I have to call Clem, I cant be here, not here...anything but here!' His inner thoughts were making his rational side go on stand by for the moment as he got. As he saw others try and comprehend what was going on, his own hand reached into his jacket to pull out the tablet that was residing there. His eyes swiftly went over the rules, and it only took him five seconds to read everything that was laid before him.

None of it was amusing nor settling. Reaching up he adjusted his tie a bit, allowing it to be looser around his neck, for despite the fact it was already loose, he felt like he was close to suffocating. After what felt like quite a bit of time has passed he opened his mouth to say something but before words left him, he stopped himself. Promptly shutting his mouth, he had to relax his shoulders. 'Don't speak yet, not yet, everything is confusing, sudden, I need a moment to gather my thoughts. I cant speak if fear is clouding my mind, only foolish questions will leave me. Calm down, listen, understand, then speak.' He thought to himself as he placed his tablet back in his coat pocket. Despite his heart and mind racing, to anyone else, he looked utterly calm, as if nothing about the situation was shocking in the least.

Ken Tanaka /SHSL Architect/ 12th division

"Gods, this is what I get for talking instead of running, thought I was in a safeish spot."
Ken grumbled as he sat up criss crossed while rubbing his head. "Fuck...damn it, I blame you lok-" Before he finished his sentence he stopped rubbing his head and immediately. He remembered obviously that he had been knocked out, though as annoying as that was, it didn't matter to him as of the moment. Rather what was more important was which why did he fall when he was hit? After all his pet, a delicate bird had been residing in his chest pocket, had he fallen that direction.... The commotion on what was going on in the room fell on his deaf ears as he immediately reached up and opened the secret pocket in his coat, the one where he always kept his companion.

Seeing the tiny green bird there gave him a bit of relief, however it wasn't until he touched the bird on the back (getting a low grunt as the bird only shook him off before going back to its rest) that he felt all source of worry leave him. "Good, at least the bastard didn't hurt you." He said softly, with a small endearing smile.

Now that was cleared out of the way, Ken choose to start listening to what was going on. Closing his pocket one more and securing his bag over his shoulder he stood up. Unlike with Alex, who's eyes went over everywhere, Ken's eyes locked on one thing, and solely one thing. "....Haha...haha..y...you have to be shitting me. I...I'm hallucinating." He whispered as he looked at Monokuma. That was all he said as his eyes remained glued to the damn toy, his ears now listening to every word that left the...the thing.

Reaching down where he kept his switch blade, he felt the tablet that was now residing there, along with his deeply prized possession. Taking the tablet out he read through it from start to finish in silence. After he was down, it was now he choose to look around the room, to see who was with him in this horror, though of course there was that chance that none of this wa- 'Don't even kid your self.' He thought to himself as he slipped the tablet back into his pocket.

As he looked around the room, many faces greeted him. Several of which he knew, due to them being in the same year as him during their highschool days. "They got you to Titty tits??? How the fuck is that even possible????" He asked in exasperation at the sight of the street fighter. Though in all honesty, that was shocking. For anyone to subdue Tatsuya, well they must have had a damn army! Moving his eyes from the most familiar of faces he looked around some more. As a bit of time passed by, and as he gathered the situation, he was able to calm himself down, and accept, or at the very least understand what was going on.

Despair was back, to ruin their lives.

At the questions that left one girls lips, Chi, chi something, he couldn't quite remember who she was, or what her talent was. None the less he couldn't help but respond to her questions in the only fashion he knew how to respond to any kind of question. "Since we all just woke up, makes sense you cant use the logic part of your brain just yet." He said with a small smirk dancing on his lips. "See that bear with the shitty grin? Ya? Well that thing or whatever ever shit is controlling that thing. Wants to play god. So being the sick thing they are, they placed us here and it seems they intend to keep us here till we choose to off people. At least judging by these rules."
@Solaresque @the.complex-of-constellations
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Endia groaned as she came to herself. What happened? Her memory was still hazy, it felt like a big mess. She could hear people talking next to her, the voices somewhat familiar, even though she hadn't heard most of them in ages. Slowly she stood up, holding her aching head. Where was she? She slowly started to panic. Did she get captured by her target? No, that couldn't be, because when she looked around, she could see the familiar faces of her former classmates and other Hopes Peak students. Why were they all here?

Her thoughts were harshly interrupted by an annoyingly high-pitched voice, one that rang also very familiar in her head. Monokuma. Monokuma? Why was that thing here? What was he saying about a killing game? They're supposed to kill each other? Endia grabbed her throat, this was way too much to swallow at once. Her whole body trembled in fear and she started to look at everyone in panic. They could all turn on her. No, if they found out, they definitely would.
Then she could hear her fathers voice, as always when she was in trouble. He ordered her to stop acting up, they would notice her fear and kill her off. "Take that advantage and strike first.", she thought, imitating her fathers way of talking.
She didn't like lying, but who on earth would trust an assassin? Then again, there was at least one person here who knew. One who knew about her and she hoped by god that this person would keep quiet when she had to lie about her talent.

By now, her trembling stopped completely, she stood still, staring at Monokuma apathetically like she always did when on a job. her father was right, this was the only thing she was good for after all. The only thing she could do. Slowly, she grabbed her tablet, reading the rules. She wouldn't have to kill anyone, but getting away with it would give her immunity. Endia sighed, thinking about this very carefully. She wouldn't do it. If no one killed another person, they could just live here instead, right? Wherever this was, it was better than the outside world, it was better than going back home and it was way better than doing her damned job. Yes, she could probably just get along with the others, most of them seemed to be nice people back in school anyways, even though she rarely talked to anyone.
Thalia: Act 0-1 -- Prologue

Groaning, Thalia slowly opened her eyes, only to find herself staring at a floor. "What... whu?," she muttered, still too dazed to even push herself up. Had she fallen asleep in the middle of practice again? She really should keep a better check on her sleep schedule; this was getting ridiculous. ...But no. That didn't explain the throbbing headache she felt, unless she had hit her head or something. Nor the fact that this floor did not look anything like the stage floor. Pushing herself up, Thalia tried to remember what had happened before she woke up here. She had received an invitation to a new play, which she had accepted. Once there, she had received a very strange script full of gruesome images. Then there was the white smoke, and then... Then nothing. Then she was here. Well, that didn't explain a whole lot other than that she was apparently kidnapped? She started to look around, to see if there was anything around that could help her see where she was and why she was here.

...No way. That thing... That was Monokuma, the symbol of despair during The Tragedy. Which meant that whoever was behind this was an agent of Despair. ...Suddenly, the truth of her foolishness hit Thalia like a sack of bricks. M.O. no Kuma. wasn't a full name with initials; it was just one word spread out to look like a normal name. How could she not have seen that before? And considering how everyone around her was not only a Hope's Peak graduate, but also a part of the Future Foundation, this was more than just the random acts of some lunatic. No, this was a calculated attack, an attack against the seeds of hope itself, to prevent it from sprouting and blossoming. How one could have so dark a heart, she never understood. Instinctively, Thalia took shelter in one of her many roles, afraid that if she beared her true heart to this bear, he would devour it in an instant.

As Monokuma's speech went on, the intent of their kidnapper became clear; the plan was to make hope defeat iself by putting the Future Foundation through a Killing Game, much like others have been made to do before. "Such a wicked irony," Thalia whispered as she took a look at the tablet, and the rules inside of it. "To use the seeds of hope to sow despair..." She looked around to see the reaction of the others. Friends, colleagues, people she knew. Would they fall for the devil's temptations, eat from the apple of despair? Or would they rise above it all, to bring forth the dawn of hope? Her heart, her spirit, aye, her soul, all beckoned for the latter one. But still she feared that beckoning itself would prove to be too little. Nay, they needed more; a blade to wield in name of hope, a shield to ward off all despair, and a word to bind them together. Though she had not the former ones, the last one she could offer. ..

"And so, the darkness of a shattered heart keeps spreading its malevolence," she said. Though she was not shouting, years of practice in articulation allowed her voice to still ring clearly through the hall. "Like a twisted leech, it seeks to drain the light of life from those who would oppose it." Putting on a brave mask, she turned to Monokuma, pointing an invisible sword at him. "But know this, oh wicked fiend! Even if the sky is tainted by clouds of deepest black, the sun still holds her radiance, and even the darkest night shall give to day. No storm nor squall can ever bring an end to light. So, too, despair will never win, and hope shall live forever," she continued, bringing her left hand to her chest. Though her face had no trace of fear on it, she could feel her heart thumping below her hand...
Masuyo Hayabusa, SHSL Thief
"...Actually, forget I said anything. The operation *can* get even worse." Grifter's suspicions proved to be correct after all. They were gathered there to kill each other, all of it in the name of Despair. He felt a lump in his throat as he read the rules, one by one. Then, his eyes fixed on the fifth rule from the list: 'Anyone who gets away with murder will gain Monokuma's protection, huh...?' For a brief moment, he considered it, but then he quickly pushed that idea from his mind. 'No, what am I even thinking? I'm a gentleman thief, god damn it, not a murderer! That goes against the very concept of who I am!'

However, even despite all this, deep inside, Masuyo knew that sooner or later a lot of innocent blood would be spilled, and it was only a matter of time when his name would be written in the obituaries if he didn't do anything about it. '...So, it's just a matter of having the moral high ground or doing the logical thing and staying alive for the rest of this darned game, huh...? But on the other hand, even if I were to kill someone, there is no guarantee that I would make it past the trials, and even if I did, then I doubt the others would let me walk around unscathed... Damn it, just thinking about this makes my head hurt even more!'

Grifter decided to let that issue for another time and instead placed the tablet back inside his jacket and shifted hiss attention to what his former classmate Hiro was saying:

"Oh, come on, Hiroku, isn't it obvious? This furry bastard is probably broadcasting this shit all across the globe again to spread Despair or something. Just like that one time with the 78th Class, you know?" This was, of course, a wild guess on Masuyo's part; just like everyone else, he didn't have the slightest clue what was going on, and he really doubted that Monokuma would make things any clearer for them.

Haruka Yukimura, SHSL Special Tactics Law Enforcement Unit

Monokuma's speech didn't faze Haruka in the slightest. In fact, she expected that this sort of thing would happen. After all, why would Monokuma gather a group of Future Foundation members in one place if not to see them tear each other apart in the name of Despair? It has already happened once, so it was to be expected that they would try the same gimmick again...

But even despite all this, she had to remain vigilant, and even more so after Haruka finished reading the rules for Monokuma's little "game". 'Monsters...' The thought crossed her mind as she placed the PDA in her breastpocket. Using "Monokuma's Protection" to motivate others to kill... As much as she wanted to believe otherwise, as much as the more innocent of her former classmates wanted to deny it, Haruka knew that a bloodbath was yet to come, and it was up to her to make sure things didn't get out of control.

For the rest of Monokuma's short speech, Haruka scanned the room and made a mental note of people who she considered suspicious, and swore to herself to keep an eye out for any potential dangers to herself or her fellow classmates.
Logan Vickson- SHSL Card Teller
Logan pulled the tablet out of his other pocket and looked down at it, reading the rules he shook his head as he went down it. He looked back up at the bear and put the tablet back in his pocket. He looked around at the familliar faces and pulled the deck of cards out of his pocket. He turned it over, the 8 of spades (Temptation, misfortune, danger, upsets.) He gripped his fists and put the deck into his pocket. He wanted to be the voice of confidence, to say that they wouldn't go through with what the monochromatic, salmon eating, shit stain of a bear's desires, however, the odds were against them, and eventually one of them would be dead.

Logan eventually spoke again, this time asking what could be a very important question "If we fail the final trial... what happens then?" He looked towards the bear, he was hoping they wouldn't have to get that far before they either escaped or got help but just in case it did happen, it would be better to know.
At last, the young doctor began to wake up. Groaning slightly as he held a hand to his forehead, these people were quite familiar, yet this place; was unknown to Tetsuya. The cold beneath him sure as well helped him come to, so looks like the hunter has become the prey. Not the first time this has happened to him of course.
The young man sat up, listening calmly to the animatronics words. Now Tetsuya certainly could appreciate the effort and organization, yet a murder game? Trials? It all seemed like a pointless and boring tug at some poor creatures withering ego.

Now and finally standing, Tetsuya cleaned off his glasses, calmly looking around at the people around him. "A pleasure seeing all of you, shame it had to have been under such inconvenient circumstances." He gave a sweet smile, yet the boredom in his violet eyes was quite clear as he gave a little laugh.
Tomoko Hayashi (SHSL Soccer Player)

Tomoko muttered, sitting up and looking around. She could see several people standing in the dark hallway they were in. Further along, there was a bear...thing talking in a voice way too cheerful for the situation. It was saying something about rules and killing...Wait. No, that couldn't be right. She had heard about the original killing game before, from other survivors of the Tragedy, but...there's no way that she would have to be involved in one, right?

She stood up, and saw that several of the people who were awake were looking at tablets.
Didn't they have those in the original Mutual Killing Game? That must mean.... She took a closer look at the bear. Yeah, that was definitely the thing from the Mutual Killing Game. So that's how it is, then.... She pulled out her tablet, but didn't turn it on. She would have time for reading whatever rules were on the thing later. She looked over at the other people in the room who were standing. There were a few she recognized; Logan, Thalia, and Violet were three of the people who were in her class when she was in high school, and while she didn't know much about them, she certainly knew of Haruka, Masuyo, and Hiro because of their work with the Future Foundation. She had seen the others in yearbooks as well. So, we're all Hope's Peak graduates, then....

She turned around. While it might be useful to stay here and listen to what the bear had to say, figuring out where they were and learning where everything was also happened to be a top priority.

"I'm going to go look around,"
she said quietly, walking away from the group.
Pretending to be asleep, Monokuma ignored the various protests and questions of his 'students' until Logan's query.

"What happens if you fail the Final Trial?" Monokuma sneered, leering at Logan. "If you're that moronic, you get the bad end where I kill you all! Even I don't want that ending y'know, otherwise I woulda just gotten it outta the way already, killed you all before you even woke up. So you better get your acts together, and look around the place for clues or somethin'."

Monokuma paused to think for a moment. "Just so you don't stand around gobsmacked all day, I'll give you a tiiiiny bit more help; after that, I expect you to get to work killin' each other, understood?" Without waiting for answer, Monokuma continued. "On your tablets you can find a plan of all the rooms you can currently enter. You can also access report cards containing basic information about your classmates, for you amnesiacs who have forgotten your high school buds. Lastly is a section named Monokuma Murder Files, but you won't find anything there yet."

"I think that's about everything..." Monokuma concluded. "Alright, I'm off to take a bear nap. I'll be watching you~..." With that Monokuma disappeared, popping away in some unknown manner. Thus deadly life of the eighteen Hope's Peak graduates began...

The floor plan is still on it's way, so for now you guys will have to make do with the following lists of rooms.

Main Floor: 18 dorm rooms, each with an ensuite shower; toilets, male and female; dining hall with a connected kitchen; medical room; laundry washer/dryer room; mini hall; common room/lounge; storage room, containing many boxes.
Floor 1: Computer room; Physics classroom; Mathematics classroom; an electronics work room; a small planetarium.

The report cards will only show information that your character knows about another student, so looking at report cards from your own tablet cannot reveal any secrets about another student. I'll be lenient with interpretations of what information can be found in report cards; if you want it to contain colour of underwear, so be it.

As you can probably guess, the Monokuma Murder Files will contain information about murders when they occur.
Tomoko Hayashi - SHSL Soccer Player

As she was walking off, Tomoko heard the bear mention that the floor plan, as well as information about her classmates, were on the tablet. Good. That'll make searching around the building easier. She turned on the tablet she had pulled out earlier, and opened the floor plan. There were a few classrooms, the dining hall, a few other rooms, and the computer room.

Huh. I'd think that the computer room would be blocked off, so we'd have no way to try and contact the outside world.

Tomoko wasn't a computer genius or anything, but that room might be the group's one hope for all getting out alive.

It probably won't work, but I should at least try to go in there and contact some people....

She walked toward the computer room, following the map on the tablet. As she walked around, she noticed the dimmed lights, the honestly creepy atmosphere, and how...empty the school was. It really has been a long time....

At last, Tomoko reached the computer room. She slowly opened the door, and walked in. Sitting down at a computer, she tried to turn the old machine on.

"Let's hope we're lucky and that there's wi-fi...."
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Rin "Flame" Sakai, SHSL Graffiti Artist
Flame closed his eyes briefly before he reached for the tablet he'd felt in the inside pocket of his hoodie. The 78th class. He remembered now. There had been rumors on the streets of something horrible happening at Hope's Peak. Fortunately, the homeless people he'd helped didn't know he'd gone to school there, and so they'd told him of what had transpired. Despair striking another blow against hope, of course. That was when he'd decided to get to work. But that was irrelevant now, Rin told himself as he read over the rules. The stakes were higher than ever―this game wasn't just about their lives. It wasn't about their lives at all. This game would take advantage of their fear, their deaths, their killings, their humanity. This game could be the finishing blow against hope if even one person faltered. He took a deep breath and read over the rules again. Someone would definitely falter, and once one person fell, another would be emboldened. This was a terrible situation, to say the very least.

He re-examined the people around him, checked the tablet's report card section, tried to predict the game. There were plenty of people here who would snap, either out of fear, assurance in their own abilities, or out of some twisted conviction. Targets, murderers, those who could be either. A first reaction spoke volumes about which side someone fell. Despair would certainly win a battle here, though not the war. The game could be interesting... especially if people insisted on their morals over the truth. And there were skills to be used. Clever, clever.

Out of curiosity, he checked his pockets and came up with his cell phone, the only other thing he seemed to have. He tried to turn it on―it had barely any battery and no reception at all. That was fine. The only person he would've bothered to call was here with him, anyway. Speaking of whom. "Let's go, then?" he murmured to Ken, more a statement than a question. @SolemnOath

Chikako Kimura, SHSL Chef, 13th Division
She stared blankly at the guy who'd spoken to her. "What?" she murmured, though she was already looking back at the rules on the tablet, trying to piece things together. The bear wanted them to kill each other... so they wouldn't be killed? Chikako whined and rubbed her eyes again; they were starting to sting. She hated this. This whole, this whole fight between hope and despair had nothing to do with her. It made her feel sick and homesick and she missed Riku and being able to cook and being able to help people and all the other chefs she'd taught and the green curtains and shoyu ramen and she took in a deep, shuddering breath and willed herself not to cry, biting her knuckle and focusing on the pain instead of the lump in her throat. Things were going to be okay. People would probably find them. Hopefully.

Then she felt like screaming or stomping her foot, but that wouldn't be a very proper thing to do at the moment, so she scrunched her face up as she looked at the floor plan instead, hoping... "Yes, yes, there's a kitchen!" she squealed, maybe a little too loudly. She sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "There's, there's a kitchen," she explained lamely, "and I'm a chef, and, I think I'm just going to head over there." She gestured vaguely in one direction before consulting her map. "Does, um, does anyone want anything in particular? Just so I can, uh, start on that?" she asked, turning to whomever was left.
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Masuyo Hayabusa, SHSL Thief
Grifter glanced over the floor plan on his tablet. The layout was different from that of Hope's Peak Academy, however he could still see a very vague resemblance with its old high school. In fact, he could even see the computer room, which was Grifter's go-to place to slack off when he was younger. However, what was previously the Gym was now replaced by a planetarium, which he found to be a welcome change; while he wasn't exactly physically weak by any means, Grifter *hated* PE classes with passion.

'At least the swimming pool offered some nice "views" of the ladies...' Grifter couldn't help but let out a small smirk at his somewhat childish thought. At times like these, Masuyo found that silly things like this helped him tremendously at coping with whatever adversity that came his way. Besides, as far as he knew a good laugh never killed anyone, so why not?

After giving another look at the map, Grifter turned his attention to Chikako, who was asking if anyone wanted to eat something in particular. 'Food, huh? Well, truth be told, I haven't eaten anything since I signed for the stupid mission. 'Sides, I could use some time to gather my thoughts, anyway...'

"Well, how about we check what he have in stock first, sweetheart?" Grifter said with a smug grin. "After all, we won't be able to cook anything if we don't have the ingredients at hand first." And with that said, Grifter headed towards the kitchen, when...

Haruka Yukimura, SHSL Special Tactics Law Enforcement Unit

Haruka quietly listened to Monokuma, her gaze calm but her eyes burning with supressed fury. Thankfully,her training far surpassed the desire to destroy that damned bear then and there, so she decided to check the school map in greater detail. '...I see.' It seemed that they weren't at Hope's Peak as she had initially thought.

After examining the map one last time, Haruka turned off her PDA and spoke to everyone, her voice deep and filled with authority: "Everyone shall meet in the dining hall in an hour for a report of their findings. No exceptions. And Habayusa, you're coming with me." And with that, Haruka started to walk away, heading towards the Electronic workroom.

"Wh-Hey, why me all of the sudden?!" Grifter protested.

Haruka briefly stopped and looked at Masuyo: "Because that way you won't be able to get into Chikako's pants while we're here. And now, unless you want me to keep humiliating you in front of everyone, how about you just shut up and follow me." And after making that low-blow, Haruka resumed walking

Grifter was taken aback by Haruka's statement: "Wha- That's not what I-" Upon realising his defeat, Masuyo sighed. "Damn it, Haruka, we haven't seen each other since forever, and this is how you greet me?"

Haruka smirked maliciously: "Well, then we will have plenty of time to catch up on the news while on our way to the Electronics room."

In a way, Haruka enjoyed hearing Grifter grunting in defeat behind her back as he apologetically shrugged to Chikako and followed her steps. For a brief moment it reminded her of simpler times, way before the Tragedy. Back when Haruka was just a student, sheltered from the pain and the horrors of the real world... How naive she was back then. But at least she was happy.

Sadly, the nostalgic thought didn't last long in Haruka's focused mind, and soon she was back in the real world, participating in a twisted game of life and death, fighting against those who used to be her classmates. '...If there is a God out there, sometimes I just want to punch him for its sick sense of humor.'

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Tatsuya Yamazaki - SHSL Street Fighter


While Tatsuya could always be described as something of a deep sleeper, the unconscious state he was roused from could hardly be described as proper rest. His eyes fluttered open to the sound of the augural giggling that had punctuated his last memory, a subtle though chilling reminder that something had gone terribly wrong from when he was last awake. He remembered a little, remembered that in his sudden vertigo he'd collapsed on the bathroom floor, that he'd heard a muffled bang, like that of a door, and then...

And then what?

In his attempts to shed his mental vacancies and recollect his bearings, Tatsuya moved with a sudden vigor, rolling over and propping himself up on his elbows, and glaring down at a floor that did not belong to his bathroom at all. Okay, so he'd been abducted, clearly. Abducted, along with a few other people, people who possessed voices and faces vaguely familiar to him, it seemed. This was... oh, no...

He wasn't back at school now, was he?

Cussing under his breath at the stupid thought, the street fighter leveraged himself up into a sitting position, groaning at the thick, painful pulses that assaulted his temples as he attempted to recover even a little balance. He had to have been sedated... When, how, or with what, Tatsuya had no idea, but the heaviness that continued to partly weigh his limbs down was coming to be incredibly frustrating for him. To be subdued in that way... his guard had been breached so easily, and he had been granted no opportunity to fight back, or to even recognize who it was that had bested him. Suppressing an otherwise overt annoyance at this fact, the man instead opted to pay better attention to his new surroundings, to those who possessed the same space as him.

He remembered a few of the people here, and they all looked as equally lost as he was. The majority of them he could at least identify as Hope's Peak graduates, having formed some part of his mediocre schooling life. A certain graffiti artist caught his eye, and he was almost momentarily surprised to see Rin among those captured. He also recognized a person that he was perfectly happy to pretend he did not recognize. It seemed Ken had noticed him too however, his choice use of nickname causing Tatsuya to snort his anger and glower in warning. Not even a grim situation like this would keep Ken from being the annoying twat he could be at times, and while Tatsuya would not normally take such disrespect in stride, he was far too preoccupied with his general situation at the moment to care.

Slowly Tatsuya moved so as to stand, his muscles tense and his spine emitting a few painful sounding cricks in response. He physically and mentally felt like shit at the current moment, and it wasn't doing well for his mood, so when he finally made note of Monokuma positioned paces away, his expression only darkened further.

"What kind of joke..."

Of course it wasn't anything close to a joke, and Tatsuya was already well aware of this. He had seen the characteristic monochrome bear insignia everywhere; the Despairs identified with it like it was their war emblem. Robots were not an uncommon sight either, but in hearing what this one had to say to them...

Killing game... trapped... murder...

So they'd been abducted to kill one another, thus fueling their captor's sick fantasies. Fucking wonderful.

Maintaining his composure in the face of this revelation was no easy feat. Dragging a hand over his face, Tatsuya sighed, before reaching for the tablet he'd been given and absently scrolling through the rules that governed the new Hell they'd been condemned to. Only vaguely did he interpret the information presented to him, much more greatly preoccupied with coming to terms with his misfortune. It was almost laughable. Killing a person, to gain immunity. Murdering another, if only to escape...

What a fantastic way to break one's willpower, huh?

Listening vacuously to the few other things Monokuma had to inform them of, Tatsuya did not have to wait upon the bear to have left the room before he himself had turned and headed for... elsewhere. He didn't really have a place in mind he wanted to explore, because exploring denoted curiosity and right now Tatsuya was more agitated with his situation over anything else. He did not like being trapped, but he hated even more that he had been too weak, too naive, that he had simply lacked such caution as to have failed to defend himself from an assault he otherwise might have predicted. But at least he was alive... he was alive, but to what end, for how much longer, and upon what guise would he actually survive this event...

Bristling with restless thought, Tatsuya slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks and silently stalked from the room, glancing about the nexus of what appeared a school building foreign to him before heading in the direction of the dormitories, to wander the hallway there in search of his room. Although it might have been a good idea to converse with the other graduates, he needed some time to cool his head and come to terms with his position here. Then he could decide as to the best course of action. This is not where it ended, after all; he had been captured, but while there remained some form of escape, Tatsuya would seize every opportunity to survive. At the cost of another person's life... he could not be so sure. But if the others were willing to see reason, perhaps there was a possibility they could all make their way out of this together...

A possibility, but Tatsuya was not so incredibly invested in it, as grim as it was to admit. Things had only just begun, but he very well understood that a man's desperation knew no bounds if wrought tightly enough. Tatsuya would not be letting his guard slip again, not with his life pitted upon the line. And ultimately, if it meant completely withdrawing his faith in the humanity of those he'd been trapped with, as familiar as they may or may not be to him, then the street fighter would.