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Heya! If you don't know me already I'm Daz, a sparkly student with a love for psychology and gaming. After months of waiting to be finished with A-levels, I can finally say with confidence I have enough time to GM my very own RP- huzzah! If you hadn't figured it out from the title already, I'm going to be hosting a Danganronpa inspired RP, complete with pawful puns and neon pink blood. If you're not a fan of the games then fear not, for the RP doesn't require in depth knowledge of the game: everything you need to know will be explained in the plot info and sign-ups thread. For now all you need to know is that you will be trapped in a school and forced to kill your classmates to escape, all for the amusement of a mocking mechanical bear. If you're interested, I'm hoping to have an info and sign-ups thread up withing the next few days, so you can find out more then! Until I have it posted though, let me know if you're interested here, and I'll be sure to tag you when the thread goes up.
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Another DR RP, huh? Well, since my exams are to be finished soon, you can count me in.
Another DR RP, huh? Well, since my exams are to be finished soon, you can count me in.
Yup, you can never have enough Danganronpa! What better way to mark the end of your exams than with a murder game? :P
Also interested :D
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I have a friend who loves the Danganronpa and Corpse Party franchises and, um, he may have showed me some stuff...>.> HMM



I have a friend who loves the Danganronpa and Corpse Party franchises and, um, he may have showed me some stuff...>.> HMM


*Lures Joan in with cookies* You know you want to~. :P

Obviously don't feel obligated to join if you're busy, but I'd be delighted to have to join!
I'm interested but I have one little question to make sure of what my character would be

Is any of the canon Ultimates talents available to play? By that I mean having OCs using ultimate talents already used in canon stories.
I'm interested but I have one little question to make sure of what my character would be

Is any of the canon Ultimates talents available to play? By that I mean having OCs using ultimate talents already used in canon stories.
I don't see why not. You can't actually play any of the canon characters, but if you want to use one of their talents go ahead.
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