Darkening Skies: An End To History

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Horror, fantasy, sci-fi.
OOC: BY INVITATION ONLY - Darkening Skies: An End To History

It is the Year of Dominion 288, and the people of Imeria live in interesting times.

The Ember Rose, airship of recently-promoted Desolator Olimak Lenore, is docked at Puddleglum Spire where progress and tradition are preparing to clash for the throne. Worse, her crew includes an exiled Stormlord noble with some of the deadliest assassins in the known world pursuing them.
Can they turn this crisis into an opportunity?

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Defiant of the threats by Lucius Puddleglum and other reprobates, exile Lady L'amnia Silverlight and her increasingly close friend Dr. Llorn Miles stroll through the aisles of Puddleglum Spire's midmarket, accompanied by the esteemed Ichabod Colby. It may not match the strangness of Towerpeak or the extravagance of Moonbend, but it is at least lively and comforting in sheer normalcy.
Rats are especially abundant, chattering and singing, their human neighbours doing a lot of heavy lifting.

Meanwhile, on The Ember Rose, Desolator Olimak Lenore, Lezek Urral, and Heresh Morrikin prepare for the violence which seems inevitable...
Lezekim Urral

"Should the Rat fient and attempt to slip under my guard, I might use my wings and gust backwards. Though would that expose my wings to injury? No, I should take the fight to him. It is a small creature and will not have the endurance in a lengthy fight."

Having cleared and set a small area of the uppermost deck as a court, Urral had spent most of the day practicing her steps and stances. Many would say she was most likely overthinking it but this was her first duel not out of obligation but out of willingness and she did not wish it to go poorly.

The rat would be an odd opponent, a smaller target to be certain. Nearly two full heads below her standard duel stature. Her initial stance would have to be aimed at an angle downward with the spear tip of her halberd as a deterrent to move in close. From there she could choose freely the first step or the reaction step. She could play a lengthy strategy and work the rat down as her inhuman endurance should overwork the vermin. Or move in for a short three step kill and end the battle before any possible chicanery could be used.

It depended on the opponent she presumed and this was the biggest issue she had with this battle, despite her current practice against a rat opponent, the fiend could be employing a second. Anyone or anything could be brought against her.

"I think I shall have to spend the rest of the time I have reviewing the possibility of an unknown opponent."

Urral throws her wings downward to propel her upward, then holds them just so she may glide downward slowly, landing gracefully upon the tips of her toes.

"I playfully demand that I hear opinions. I am normally quite sure of my actions but wish to include your opinions in my choices."
Ichabod Colby

The Ratkin's pace was slow and meandering, barely keeping pace with his crewmates, taking in the almost overstimulating amount of sights and sounds of the market, after being confined to the ship for so long. The heady scents were making him hungry...

He pauses to count the spare gems he had brought with him to buy some paltry supplies. Maybe buy some peanut butter... he hadn't had any in so long and it always reminded him of home comforts. Yeah, that might be nice... Ooh, and some more fruit teas to go with it, yes! Maybe a gnawing block too... already worked through my last one after all...

Although it had been a few weeks since his proficiency in magic had improved and with it the strange background noise of all metallic objects, but it was still taking getting used to, reverting to gnawing again to sooth the dissonance, like a pup would suck on his tail. He could never quite turn it off now, only quiet it, and in places like this with so much going on, it was hard not to become overwhelmed by it all.

Oh... I'll lose them in this crowd if I don't keep up.
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Heresh Morrikin
Ember Rose


Heresh eyes Urral carefully, looking at the range of her halberd.

"The bastard knows his best shot is to get inside your reach, and he's gonna be both small and fast. Hang on a second...."

Heresh produces a wee knife and offers it to Urral.

"Hold that in your off hand, against the shaft of your halberd, or maybe keep it tucked in by your wrist?"

It's been a long afternoon, and Heresh is pretty damned concerned for her friend.

"I'd also be careful with the wings. Keep them tucked, otherwise he might try to use a gust of wind to knock you off balance."

Heresh doesn't want to say it out loud, but she's basically thinking How would I kill Urral, if I had to? Well, yeah, from about a mile away is how I'd do it, but this little fuckbend has to do it up close and personal with a blade, doesn't he....
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Lezekim Urral
The Ember Rose

"I can see your point about the wings, though I cannot abide by trickery like concealing a secondary weapon. I'll back up if he comes in close, I'm faster than he is. That problem is dealt with." Urral furrows her brow while thinking the situation over. "I am faster and I am better practiced. What the opponent will have is his size and something underhanded. I've dueled many years and likely have experience on my side as well, they will attempt to use this by skirting rules and doing something we do not expect."

Urral looks over at the city, thinking of the inhabitants. The small and furry creatures, always darting this way and that with some sort of malice in their motion that just wasn't right. The spire should have been cleansed long ago. This whole entire situation wouldn't have come to a head then.

Her gaze drifts back over, settling on Heresh when an idea pops into her head. "There is only so much I can do alone. Heresh, you are small and more fuzzy than furry but would you entertain the idea of playing the part of easily the most beautiful and clean of all the rodents and dueling against me? Without arms of course, or maybe I shall use a wood pole. I would very much like to practice against your size."

Ember Rose

And so it came to pass that, bathed in rain and crackling with static, Heresh Morrikin, born of Bronwyn and Sean-Paul Morrikin, trained at Kaidan Spire, faced the might of House Lezek, armed with the wind, the lightning, and a paintbrush dipped in red paint.

Right. How would he do it? He'd want to avoid turning it into a slugging match. Rats are fast, but he won't have the raw physical power of an Infernal, and a well trained human will sustain longer. He wants to get inside her guard and cut her as soon as possible, try to sap her stamina, prevent her from turning the halberd into a wall against him. If he tries to stay out and wear her down, he's only playing to her advantages.

With the barest flick of her sorcerous core, Heresh gathers a breeze and directs a spray of water from the deck at Urral, aiming for her helm.

Urral expects size to be an issue, she expects him to be a whirling dervish at ground level, breaking past her low guard.

So we go high.

Heresh darts in and goes up, trying to mimic with a leap through the wind the agility of a Rattus duelist. Her aim here is purely to get past the 'blade' of the wooden pole in Urral's hand, grab the haft of Urral's weapon with her off hand, and wave the paintbrush in the faceplate of Urral's helmet.
Lezek Urral
The Ember Rose

Feelings were mixed, perhaps this hadn't been the correct path to take for them. As Urral stood in her stance, wooden pole creaking as she held it just as firmly as she would her normal arms. Doubt filled her as Heresh took her opposing position, brush as her stand in.

She didn't look at all an opponent. She looked like her usual friendly self seemingly about to offer sage advice or heap on compliments about the state glow of her skin.

Urral quite nearly laughed as Heresh adjusted her stance slightly. The girl was off balance for her 'dagger' and the only way she could get in her guard was easily parried. The laugh never made it though. It was caught somewhere in her throat as water splurted in through the single opening and into her good eye.

Effectively blinded, Urral knew an attack was coming and she knew the last position of Heresh. She just needed a second to clear her eye. Urral blitzes upwards and away from wings catching the very gust Heresh used to propel her forward.

A few rapid blinks and Urral readjusted, Heresh's attack at her face coming dangerously close to her chest now that Urral had elevated her position. The pole comes around, sliding back in Urral's grip as she chokes up on the pole and darts it forward and down, hopefully into Heresh's chest.

Ember Rose

Spluttering ensues.

When Heresh has her breath back, she looks up at Urral and grins, flat on her back on the deck.

"Right. Now imagine that, but from someone who's been trained to fight with a sword and dagger. He might go low, he might go high. If he can cut your leg or ankle, he'll affect your mobility, maybe force you to rely on your wings. If you rely on the wings, he'll try to blow you off balance."
Olimak Lenore - The Ember Rose

"I would be more concerned with whether or not he possesses the talent of lightning," loudly comments a voice from the doorway.

Lenore strides in, fully armored as usual, watching the two spar with interest playing across her features. With her steps comes the sound of thunderous footfalls, and the tinny susurrus of rain upon metal. Burning eyes regard Heresh, their gaze deep and probing.

"A bolt of such energy is strong enough to give even the heartiest Olimak pause for thought, and that is without cladding themselves in conductive steel,"

She turns her stare to Urral now, watching her impassively.

"I have little doubt in Leketh's skill or strength. In that, she does her ancestors proud. But I do not think even she can sidestep a thunderbolt,"
Lezekim Urral
The Ember Rose

"I have taken such a blow before and yet here I stand. I am the Pride of the Lezek, the Icon of Hubris and the Greatest Duelist of the Leketh Bloodline!" Urral's hidden face expressed worry until she saw the smile on the fallen Heresh's face. Not offering a hand but instead electing to simply haul the spire-girl off the ground and onto her feet before squaring up to Lenore.

"How many bolts would he be able to muster with The Travesty slicing through his vile gullet, I ask of you. If I cannot dodge his bolt, then I'll be forced to kill him before he can summon one!" Urral tosses the pole aside, reaching up to unlock and remove her helmet. The victory in her false duel had sparked a splurge of Pride which she was indulging herself in like a baby Rattus locked in a dessert bakery.

Pulling the helmet off, her eye was beaming and hair fell somehow perfectly on her armored shoulders. "What then, if I cannot slay him quick enough to stop his weaving, do you suggest captain?" The splurt of Pride evidently fueling a bit of sass in the last word.
Olimak Lenore - The Ember Rose

The Captain did not smile.


Her expression was flat as she continued.

"I had hoped that being what you are, you would realise that a duel is not a game, nor to miscount the magus for their lack of divinity,"

"Especially since..." Lenore turns her focus to ruined socket, lingering at the ragged scar, before trailing down Urral's chest to where melted steel had once fused with seared flesh.

"You have paid for it before,"
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"Urral, I have to echo that. My point in doing this was not to say that if you can beat me, you'll certainly beat him. It was that I'm not a trained duelist, and I still hit you with a tactic you didn't expect."

Heresh takes the liberty of tracing her hand along part of Urral's armour plating.

"With that in mind, Honoured Ascendant, grant permission to make armour storm protected?"

Heresh looks up at both huge women.

"The kind of protection I weave will absorb one massive bolt and disperse the force of it, long enough for Urral to skewer him."

Heresh is earnest in her concern, and also afraid that Urral will come over all stubborn.
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Lezekim Urral

A scowl mires her previously pleasant countenance with a dash of defensive embarassent if one could believe it. A figurative spark travels through her mind to stop at different thoughts she was having.

I am angry at these comments.

Why is it making me angry?

Because I was trying to show levity and they think I am a fool.

Does Heresh think you are a fool? Would Lenore hire a fool?


Then they must think you are not a fool.

Then why do they speak to me like this when I try to show confidence?

Because they care about your wellbeing....

A manatech light went off over Urral's head as she looked back and forth between the Spireling and Olimak. She releases the breath she'd been holding since Lenore's criticism.

"Are you both saying these things because you do not want me to be harmed? Or are you saying it because you think I am a fool making light of impending death? Because I am not a fool."

Urral holds back on admitting she's concerned too, instead seemingly intent on making them explain themselves.

@FuzzMonster @Silvertongued

Fuck me, she's blossoming.

Reaching up to flick her rain dampened hair out of her eyes, Heresh smiles.

"We want you to win, and to survive through victory-in-superiority, Honoured Ascendant. Therefore, we poke you and prod you a little bit."

Heresh steps back for a moment, looking up to the Spire, and then down lower to the fortifications upon its outer walls, the layers of bastions and overlapping gunnery portals.

The only way to ensure the integrity of the defences is to subject them to ceaseless assault."

Looking back to Urral and Lenore, she breaks back into Trades.

"A philosophy of Spire military design! That means that if you have a fortress and you wanna make sure it's always strong, you have to keep attacking it so that you know all the ways that it might be threatened."

She grins.

"So we're attacking you, because you're our fortress."

Lezekim Urral
The Ember Rose

"While I gladly accept our Infernal Bonds, I'd rather not the same be said about our relations to Lybar and Dellebron." Urral has to smile. It was a rare occurrence that the word family was used outside of Leketh lineage discussion or House Politicking. Hearing it applied in the fashion of familial bonds and not technically blood was rather pleasant.

The Pride in her heart softens to allow the burgeoning love for her fellows on the Rose. "If I am to be your Fortress, I would gladly have you all man my ramparts in preparation for the upcoming siege. I apologize for not seeing this, plainly. Lenore, please forgive my foolishness. Heresh, I will accompany you to make your alterations to my kit."

Heresh grins up at Urral.

"Honour in service, to be your aegis against mine storm, Ascendant."

She looks back to Lenore for a moment, before making to troop off and tinker with Urral's armour.

"Desolator, grant leave to labour within vessel? Ascendant panoply must be made again, to gift and protect from sorcerer."

I must wonder, Heresh thinks to herself in her native Spiretongue, what the connotations and direct translations of the Urd word for Magus truly are?

[No, really, the Urd word for mortal sorcerer, what does it actually mean?]
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Puddleglum Post Office
A letter awaits Lenore, written in functional but polite Urd.

Olimak Lenore, Desolator of House Olimak, Second Born of Olimak Rufus, Captain of the Ember Rose,
I am writing to you on behalf of a group concerned with the continued wellbeing of your crew. The difficulties currently faced by your Quartermaster have come to our attention and led us to believe we have an interest in the same individual. I humbly request an audience at your earliest convenience as I am in possession of information that may be of some importance to you in the days to come.
Yours faithfully,
A runner is dispatched to The Ember Rose to deliver a letter to Lenore.

Meanwhile, Colby catches up with Llorn and L'amnia as they stop at a stall where the vendor is offering free samples.

A few stalls down, Weaver is attempting to offer his services to a horse breeder's rep.
"I am very sure our horses have quite enough legs at four, Magus," she stammers, politely as she can.

And a little further still, Gideon arrives at PULSE Cafe where the ether rings with magic and emotional tension. It's half-cafe, half machine shop, the clientele mostly rats with piercings and dyed fur, dressed in practical overalls embellished with extra pockets and tool loops. You've heard the coffee here is very good, and it's where - allegedly, the least favoured daughter of Lord Puddleglum spends her time.
A number of the patrons, rats and humans both, are discussing the merits of 'a violent revolution to end the worker's alienation from the fruit of their labour', which is the kind of talk that gets you re-educated back home.
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