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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
There once was a school for wealthy young children. There, they learned incredibly valuable life skills that would lead them to a very good profession. This school specialized in teaching students how to become powerful assassins. However, this school did not last forever. When the headmistress was killed, it fell apart. Few students remain as active assassins, and the school has faded into legend among the assassin community.

A more pressing rumor among the community is a brotherhood of highly skilled assassins rising together. Led by a legend, Ghost's Darkmoon Brotherhood is the most powerful group of assassins around the globe. They provide bodyguard services, delivery of highly valuable items, and of course, assassinations.

It is your lucky day, as you have been approached by the mysterious Ghost. He wants you to join his brotherhood. Will you accept?

Darkmoon Brotherhood IC | IwakuRoleplay.com

[fieldbox="| RULES |, red, solid"]

Never reveal the location of the Brotherhood Headquarters.

Follow the orders of your superiors, and myself.

Always complete your missions.

Always write at least at least six sentences per post.

Be considerate to your fellow brothers and sisters.

[fieldbox="| The Wall of Infamy |, goldenrod, dashed"]
The most notorious assassins who've come and gone in the Brotherhood have earned their place on this wall. Everyone in the business is aware of their prowess.


"My job description... Is to be death itself. And live with the consequences."

Wise, fearless, and cold blooded to the core, Ghost is the leader of the Darkmoon Brotherhood. He is notorious for his kill count, and is the leading expert on deathdealing. No one knows where he got his skills, but rumor has it that he was a student of the school.

"This will only hurt a bit, I promise."

Haze was once the second most feared member of the Darkmoon Brotherhood. But, like any mad doctor, he made a fatal error. Ambushed while on a mission, the amiable killer was killed by a rival guild.

"I'm the ace of hearts. I know how to stop them, and start them back up again."

Ace is the medic. He provides expert knowledge of organic cure-alls and those pesky prescription medicines. He's also the best around when it comes to poisons. He's clever and incredibly smart. No one is sure why he has taken a step back from the killing fields, though his medical expertise is always welcome.

"Mon mioche, would you care for a sweet?"

No one in their right mind would suspect the doting bartender of being a popular assassin among the higher class families. However, that was how Velano worked before he went to bartending school. Now his brothers and sisters in arms have to deal with his bubbly charisma whenever they want a drink of the alcoholic variety. He's also been taking cooking classes.

"You can come to me for anything, dear."

Rachel del Morris is the weapons master of the guild. There are few who dislike her easy smile and wit. She's a mentor to many, freely giving advice on even the simplest of tasks. Her skills don't end with weapons, however. There are few who would stand against her experience with many forms of martial arts. She has no moral qualms about killing--to the point of being psychopathic. Who would ever guess?

"Be careful, love. I know when you do something wrong."

Known as the Owl, Yvonne Mckenzie is someone who's friendly and playful with everyone in the guild. But don't let this facade fool you for when it comes to a job, she's someone who's willing to do everything seriously just to get it done. Oh, did she mention she knows when something's odd with you? She's the Owl after all, and an Owl can see almost everything.

[fieldbox="| The Application |, green, dotted"]
Any potential member of the Brotherhood must fill out an application that contains pertinent information about their abilities.



No killer kiddies, 18+ charries only.


Experience in the Brotherhood:
If over 10 years, please pm me to get your charrie on the wall of infamy.

What kinds of missions does your character take? How do they complete them?


[fieldbox="| The HQ Floor Plan |, violet, dashed"]

Just a quick sketch, nothing to exact scale, bedrooms and bathrooms can be added. Below are some pictures to help illustrate my doodle better.
Living Area








Recreation Room






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Archaeo Grimoire




Experience in the Brotherhood:
Since the beginning. And then a long ways before that.

Ghost is a killer of killers. Many fear seeing him at night. Calm him old fashioned, but he prefers seeing his victims up close, seeing that raw fear on their faces as they meet death.

Ghost is a quiet person. He doesn't talk about his past. Casual conversation tends to have him walking on thin ice, though he fakes his calmness well. He doesn't easily trust people, as he's seen what comes from trust. He prides himself in his capabilities of giving sound advice to upstart assassins.

Assassin's Playlist:
Linkin Park - A Line In The Sand
Black Veil Brides-Fallen Angels
Black Veil Brides- Devil in the Mirror


Nathaniel Furdin




Experience in the Brotherhood:
Since the beginning, and a little while before that. He was Ghost's apprentice.

Ace used to take out high profile targets. Weasel his way in, earn their trust, then slip a lovely little neurotoxin into their drink and move on with life. However, he's moved on from that, and instead focuses on healing others now.

Ace more than makes up for Ghost's lack of social skills. He genuinely enjoys studying human interactions firsthand. He also loves the science behind all of those intricacies. He is fiercely loyal to his brothers and sisters, though he has come to fear death above all else. He's taken a step back from fieldwork due to some life changes that he's been going through recently.

Assassin's Playlist:
The Darkness (ft. Srvcina)
Welcome to the Jungle - Guns & Roses
Audioslave - Like A Stone
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Appearance: a26024e6-4dc0-458b-a291-9b615f66bf85.jpg

Name: Nico Westen

Alias: Machiavelli, M for short

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Experience in the Brotherhood:
M has been in the Brotherhood for 6, going on 7 years. He's never really been a big fan of Ghost's... well, tactics, but understands the benefits of group work, especially in a profession such as this, so he goes with it, as much as he can.

M is always down for a good heist, provided its high profile. Anything for a challenge, he also enjoys a good assassination now and again, not exactly for the sake of spilling blood, nor the commission really, just for a chance to test his wits against another. As to the "how" it simply depends on the situation, whatever his meticulous planning calls for him to do.

Personality: Arrogant, snarky, cunning, and sarcastic. Speak these words three times and M will appear. (Not really, but you get what I mean) He's ambitious and cares mostly for himself. M is slowly warming to the idea of brotherhood, though he's not quite there yet. There is some loyalty, in the sense that M won't leave them to die, but past that, no pleasantries are exchanged unless it pertains to a job, and rarely even then.
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Name : Leondarvandiski Alwit
Alias : Leo The Great ( Or so he hoped, most just call him Leo.)
Age : 21
Gender : Male

Experience In The Brother Hood : Been apart of the group for about five hours, had a sandwich with another memeber that's about it..

Speciality : He likes anything that involves killing. He's a sucker for severed heads, limping hostages and begging victims. That kinda thing. Is he good at it ? Not really. His speciality is thievery and alkaline metals not too useful but hey, ya never know, may come in handy some day.

Personality : Some say he's a psychopath others would argue he's a ladies man (others being himself and only himself)
though this may be true Leo is but a joker seeking thrills, a guy that thinks anything can be justified with comedy. Quite a nice guy, mostly anyway.
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Hey-hey^^!! Just wanted to drop off an appie! So just curious what kinda pic you wanted (anime/real/digital/etc)?


Name: Amina Askinas

Alias: Hot-Wire

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Experience in the Brotherhood:

5 years. Academy brat and trained as a protégé.

Small explosives and vehicle mechanic, vehicle tampering/detonation, wheel-woman and pilot.

You need a hot ride? You need someone driven? If it has a place for Amina to drive it full throttle, she most likely will do it and do it well. You need someone taken out by 'accident'? Oops crash boom buh-bye? Amina is your woman. Academy trained, streetwise and revving for a killing. Amina is your wheel woman.

High intensity, always talking smack, always fiddling with something. Loud music, tight outfits, flirting with the ladies. Usually answers with a smile, wink, and nod or just a middle finger. But when she is on the job she will just stfu and get 'er done. No fussing around. Just stay out of her way or get run over. Typical badass brat who loves kitties, rainbows and growling engines. Vroom-vroom, meow bitches...

But she doesn't want to know anything about the mark other than: who, what, where, when and how. Don't tell her 'the why.' The last time she found out 'the why', she was a drunken, wreckless, emotional wreck and hid out at her little bro's place for weeks.
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Katsumi Yukimura

Red Snow (For short , Red .)



Experience in the Brotherhood:
5 years . Joining the Brotherhood at quite a young age got her used to all the havoc that goes on .

Red's mission requirements are very flexible . Just tell her who , when , where and if you'd like to indulge her , how , but never why . She doesn't need to waste time calming someone who's having second thoughts about it .

The methods of her killings can be seen as unconventional as she doesn't like to draw too much attention to the victim itself . She has had a little bit of experience in the medical field , courtesy of watching Ace work - Poison , accidental intake of a medication and etc. . BUT , if her clients requests for it , her weapons available are her two rifles - Shiro and Kuro , her jagged titanium penknives or a simple choker .

1. Quiet , but has a bubby personality
"Did you know that animals can make about a thousand different expressions ? *In awe* " .

2. Hot-tempered
"...You did WHAT ?! *Explodes and tries to meditate to calm down*" .

3. Loves animals
"*Looks at a bunny* We need to bring it back . *Stares down at it and picks it up* Uh , because it'll give us good information ." .

4. Blunt
"You are an idiot if you think you can pull that off . *Eyes you* ." .

All in all , Red has a good personality and she tries to look tough and hardcore , but in reality , all she does is make herself look like a cute child throwing a tantrum .
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@Daspro, @Umber, @Boo Girlie BoomBoom,
Please include a picture of your character in your forms. Pictures can be either real or anime.

Unless you want your character killed in my starting post, please do not kill any Brotherhood members. Remove that from your form.

@Katsumi Y.,
Accepted, however if you put spaces around all your punctuation like , this . in the IC, you will be kicked. That is a trigger point for me. Also, do not put actions in *these stupid things* in the IC. We follow proper grammar rules. Complete sentences that describe an action are what we're going for here.
@AshenAngel the action things are only done when I'm out of character , so don't worry about it . Sorry if it gave a wrong impression , haha . And I'll work on not having the spacings .
We could use a few more people...
If you're still open, I'd love to join!

Name: Adrian Lockwood
Alias: Silence
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Experience in the Brotherhood: 5 years
Specialty: Ooh... Silence just enjoys the thrill. He doesn't try to get a connection with his victim, to gain their trust and whatnot... instead he will be watching. Silently watching. Then, when they think it's okay, he'll be there: in their car, in an alleyway, in their house... and they'll be killed rather horrifically, normally stabbed multiple times... just to make sure that they are completely dead. He specialises in quick assassinations... but he's pretty open if he's the only one available for the job. Saying that, Silence does enjoy learning new weapons, and does use range weapons as well as melee, fire and poison, as long as he knows how to use it properly.
Personality: Some people would say that Silence can't be trusted. This is far from the truth. He is extremely loyal and obedient, however, he generally doesn't try to make many friends other than for work purposes and can seem a bit suspicious. He moves fast and as if he is guilty of something, fidgeting and things like that. He doesn't like to stay in one place. Despite this, he knows when to stay down and he can be still for hours on end if told to or if he believes it will help his on his missions. He seems emotionless, but he actually feels very deeply; he just doesn't want to sit down and talk. He's got a pinch of sadistic in him, and he enjoys assassinating, more as if it is a game than anything else, and yet, is serious and wants to get the job done. He thinks of people as playthings, something for him to hunt, rather than to trust, befriend and care for. He aspires, and when he has a goal, he'll risk anything to complete it, sometimes recklessly putting his own life in danger to get the job done. He's clearly talented, robotic even, and he stays quiet... it's how you learn.
[I hope this is alright ^^]
Olivia Elington


"Olivia, that's the only name I expect to be called from you."

"Every heard the saying sly as a fox? I get what I want, through whatever means necessary."

"Honestly, does age even matter?"


"I think you could work it out without me having to tell you."

Experience in the Brotherhood:
Two years
"It's not like I had anything better to do. Besides, it was better than what I was doing beforehand."


Olivia specializes in gathering information, having multiple contacts as well as know how to convince people to tell her what she needs, "It's easy, especially when it comes to men. I swear, they're just so simple. Especially with their desires." However, being an assassin is not only about garnering information. It's also about killing. Her method, if she has the time, would be to have her kills appear as suicide or unfortunate accidents. But for quick kills, she simply shoots with a gun. "Firearms are extremely common nowadays that it would be impossible to track."

At first, it would seem as if Olivia is an unfriendly person with her sarcasm and not so kind teasing. Many assume she's being rude. However, it's actually how she shows she cares. When she acts extremely kind to someone then that person should fear for their life. She's playful and though she usually has an annoyed expression, she actually liked being with the brotherhood, even if she finds some of them childish. Well, she's childish as well but she thinks she's at least more mature than some.

When she's not working, it's rare to see her smile, usually just having an annoyed or emotionless expression - It's a real challenge to have her laugh. "It's better than showing a fake smile, yes?" She's a master at changing her personality to suit her needs but when it comes to the people in the brotherhood, she prefers to be honest with her feelings. As an assassin, she often smiles and even though it appears to be genuine, it's far from that. "With a little practice, people could be easily fooled to believe what' untrue." She could also be flirtatious and will flirt with men or women if required, but is rarely does so when it's outside of her occupation. In fact, she tolerates flirting but doesn't mean she's fond of it. She often becomes annoyed when others flirt with her, but with a friend, she's more tolerant. The same goes for nicknames. Being called pet names like 'darling' and whatnot makes her feel inferior. A feeling that he dislikes due to being prideful, "Because in the end, all that would be left with me is my dignity and pride."

The downside of being prideful would be that she refuses to ask for help, thinking that she could handle her troubles alone. She's ready to help others, but not to accept help. She's actually a nice person, she just shows her kindness in a different manner. When a topic she doesn't want to talk about comes up, she'll simply end the conversation with a few rude words or bluntly say that there's no room for discussion.
Yay, thank you very much! :D Would it be alright if I created a second character? If so then this would be my second character;

Laurence Milton


"I don't really have a nickname but if you want to use something other than Laurence then that's fine with me...as long as it doesn't sound weird."

Falcon and Bunny
"Probably because I have a good eyesight."
The second was a term that an old friend of his often called him. Mostly because of his constant fidgeting as if he was about to run away any second. "I think I would die of embarrassment if someone found out about that name..."

"Yes, I'm nineteen. Please stop mistaking me for a younger age...I know I'm pretty short."

"I thought that it would be pretty obvious...I don't know how I'd be mistaken for a girl."

Experience in the Brotherhood:

"Just now. Maybe a couple of minutes ago. Should I say the exact time? I'm sorry, I didn't really check a watch."

Being a person who has difficulty socializing, Laurence would prefer to assassinate from afar with as little casualties as possible which is why he chose to be a sniper. However, in the case that he would need to fight close range, he carries a handgun with him, aiming at his opponents vital points for a quick kill. "I'd rather not prolong these things. They tend to get messy, in my opinion." Growing up with a family that prides themselves in producing quality assassins, he also learned skills that might be useful such as hacking.


Despite being an assassin, Laurence has always been shy. He rarely ever interacted with others as a child and as a result, he has a tendency to be awkward as well as ramble - or stutter - whenever he talks to others. He often tries to avoid people because he has no idea what to say, but he's currently trying to be more sociable. Trying. He has trouble looking at the eyes of others and he's easily scared. "Though please don't suddenly surprise me...I might accidentally punch you or something." He's easily embarrassed, especially when complimented. Growing up in an environment surrounded by people who's only aim is to get better, he doesn't have much confidence in himself, always seeing someone better than he was. When in missions, he will always do his best to succeed, not wanting to disappoint anyone. He prefers to make plans rather than charge recklessly, "I don't think being reckless ever works. Other than in movies, that is." He's also the type of person who assumes the worst rather than the best, "Because if it turns out good then there'll be overwhelming sense of happiness and if not then, it was expected." Lastly, he is very defensive about his height, not liking being called short.
Second character is accepted.
Day one and no one has posted their starters. Damn. Maybe I should just quit group rping.
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