Darling Next Door (Lilium ☆ Lola)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Agender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Nonbinary
genre(s): general, fantasy (high or low, modern, urban, or whatever), slice of life, modern, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, romance, mystery, drama, adventure ; dark themes (to add more)

themes: angst/fluff ; slow/fast burn; romance ; platonic ; arrange marriage ; fake dating ; enemies to friends ; enemies to lovers ; college, family, friendship, hurt/comfort, bayside/beach/island, city/urdan, forest, mythology, mythological creatures, friends to lovers, found family ; (to add more)

The aroma of fresh baked bread filled up the whole bakery as it was being pulled out from the turned-off oven, now being placed on a counter as the worker closed the door of the oven. Light brown eyes scanned the bread from behind the glasses the owner was wearing. Said owner of the eyes took out the mittens after placing the bread on a tray and let the other worker take to the front to place it in the display. A small sigh escaped the young man's mouth as he put the gloves away, eyes glancing around the bakery's kitchen before walking out to the front of the shop to help the other workers.

Ira flipped the opened sign to closed before walking out of the bakery and locking the door. He checked the small building for a couple of minutes and then took off, walking towards the direction of his home. Ira stuffed his hands into his jacket pocket as the cold air breezed passed his pale face. The teen had sent a message to his parents that he'll be heading home now. Ira's eyes searched their surrounding as the blacknette walked through the city street. He will stop at any orange hand when cars are passing, carefully glancing at his left and right.

An hour and a half have passed, Ira had finally arrived the neighborhood where he had moved in just a few weeks ago with his parents. The house will always be empty whenever Ira left for school and/or for his two jobs. His parents will always go on business trips, leaving their son to attend to himself. Ira didn't let these thoughts get to him, he understands why his parents leave every time. Besides, he spends most of his free time reading and studying for any tests as well as doing his homework.

Ira sighed tiredly as he crossed the street to go to the next block where his house was, already glanced at both ways the cars were coming from.... Maybe he should have checked for at least the third time before crossing the street. A light that bright shouldn't be coming very fast as it is now.

The sounds of strong gusts of wind were sounding in Macario's ears as he exited his home. Every night after he got home from work, he'd change into more comfortable clothes and go out for a jog. Usually he liked to get out there before the sun set, but he had a late day at work so he was just going to have to jog in the dark with the only lights being the moon and the street lights.

He was well on his way down the side walk when he felt shivers running down his spine. He knew he should've put on a few more layers before he went out on his nightly jog, but for some reason he had decided to leave the extra jackets behind. Now as he was jogging down the side walk in the cold, he knew that he had made a mistake. Still, though he was cold, he supposed he could enjoy the scenery of the little town. The sky was a pretty blue and lots of the people in this neighborhood had gardens to look at.

He was jogging for a good thirty minutes before he was coming up to a crossing area. He thought about turning around and taking himself home so that he could drink some wine and watch some tv. Then again, if he planned on having wine tonight he probably needed the extra exercise. As he approached the lane, he noticed the young boy from across the street on the other side, probably headed home.

Just a few weeks ago, that boy and his family had moved in. Or, something along those lines. The boy looked to be of highschool age or so, but at the same time Macario noticed that the parents never really seemed to be at the house that often. It made the man wonder if this boy was in college but still had enough money to afford his own house. Macario could only imagine how wealthy that boy's parents must've been if that was the case. Or how lucky the boy was to have such a high paying job if he was paying for it on his own. Either way, Macario didn't really bother with neighbors but so far this boy seemed kind.

Speaking of that boy, it seemed that the young man had started to cross the street. That was normal of course, nothing important to note. That is, until the noise of a racing vehicle started sounding from one side of the road, quickly making it's way towards him. Instinctually, Macario broke out into a sprint. It seemed a little cliché to be racing down a side walk in order to save someone, but he couldn't help it. That was a young boy with a family, a job, probably friends... This kid had a whole life and Macario didn't mind risking his own to save him. So he threw himself into the middle of the road and practically picked up this other human, throwing him back towards the side walk and praying that he didn't get hurt in that process. In reality though, Macario should've been praying for himself not to get hurt because after that moment of heroism, the car slammed into him with such force that he passed out on the spot.

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Blurriness was all that surrounded around the young teen as he was picked up and thrown back from someone, having to feel their arms around him. Ira glanced up as the driver drove away quickly. The sight of an older man passed out in front of him caused the teen to panicked. Ira scrambled towards him and tried to wake him up as he took out his phone to call the ambulance. Others neighbors and bystanders gathered around him as they try to call help as well.

An hour or two passed by, the blacknette frowned slightly to himself as he tried to get comfortable on the chair of the waiting room. He had been here for awhile now, haven't left the hospital since they helped out the older man. The young male had only a few small injuries, noting broken. But, as for the older gentleman... Ira sighed tiredly as his brown eyes glanced over to the clock, slowly ticking and ticking and ticking to the next hour. It was getting very late, then again he shouldn't be worry since his parents aren't home enough.

The door opened to the waiting room, a doctor in their white coat walked over to Ira with a clipbroad on their hands. "Um, hello, are you related to the gentleman in the room?' They asked, raising a brow at Ira. Said teen shook his head at the question and opened his mouth to speak. "No, doctor, I'm not. But how is he?" He replied, soon asking the doctor a question as well. "He's alright.... Well, actually, Mr. Leone has a few broken rids, a broken arm and leg. He has lost blood, but not too critical. But, we do recommended for him to stay at the hospital for a couple of months or until he is able to function right. Don't worry, we have explained the situation to him." The doctor stated, adjusting their glasses as their eyes scanned the papers that are in the clipbroad. Ira nodded his head slowly to the professional as he tries to progress what was being told to him.

"Do you perhaps know anyone that Mr. Leone knows? A family member of his or anyone?" They asked at dark haired boy, who shook his head again. "No, doctor, I have never talk to this man before. I have seen him as I am his next door neighbor.' He respond, his head tilting. "Alright then..." Muttered the doctor as they wrote some notes on the papers and slowly turning away from the male. "You should head home now, son. It's getting late." "I know, but may I see the man who saved me?" "You can stop by tomorrow, or until he wakes up again." "Oh... Okay then, thank you for everything." Ira said, waving to the doctor who explained the situation to him. The dark haired teen sighed once again as he left the hospita, glancibg over his shoulder for a moment before heading towards him. I should bring something to that man... What was his name? Leone? Hmm... Who knows, I'll bring him something from the bakery or library.

Ira pulled out his keys from his pocket, sticking it to the hole and unlocking it. He walked inside, letting out a few words as he took off his shoes. "I'm home..." He muttered, knowing no one will answer him. Ira walked up the stairs to his bedroom, not having the feeling to eat. He opened his door and then closed it, placing his bag on the ground and laid in bed, deciding to fall asleep in his clothes that he has right now.​
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Waking up to see the bright lights of a hospital was disorienting. When Macario felt the force of that car hit him, he was sure that he was done for, he was sure that he died saving some young boy and to be honest? He was okay with that. But when he woke up alive, his first thoughts weren't of being alive, they weren't of the criminal who hit him, they were about the wellbeing of that boy.

The first time he woke up he was dizzy. He barely had the capability to comprehend where he was and what was going on but a doctor came in and explained Macario's health situation to the brown haired man. Macario could barely think, but all he could manage to ask was where that boy was. Of course he knew that the little guy couldn't be dead or anything but Macario did know that in the process of throwing the other, he could've hurt him. The doctor sighed softly. "He's alright Mr. Leone, no major injuries." He said. Macario nodded slowly. He wanted to sit up and ask more questions, but his head was pounding and there was a burning pain in his ribs that throbbed as he tried to sit up. Letting out a groan to show his pain, the brown haired male grabbed onto the railing of the bed and tried to pull himself up. The doctor was quick to move over and stop him. "Don't do that! You'll only make things worse on yourself. You need to lay down and let yourself heal." He said. Macario wanted to protest and argue with him. Macario had a job, he had a cat at home, he had bills to pay, but the pain in his head was all too much for him to even want to stay awake. Therefore, he let himself lay back down and fell asleep.

The second time he woke up, it was about five in the morning but he was much more sound minded. He understood what he did, understood why he did it, and asked all the questions he needed to know. His first question was how long he'd be in the hospital. The doctor told him a few months and Macario sighed in acceptance. Then he asked questions about the boy, how his mental state was when he was here. Almost being hit by a car when you're that young was bound to be a scary, scarring experience. The doctor said that the boy was fine, but in all honesty, Macario didn't believe it. There was no way someone that young would have a near death experience and be perfectly fine. He'd have to remember to check up on the other once he got out of here.

The day wasn't that bad, maybe because of the shock and the pain killers, but it was okay. The first half of the day, Macario was barely able to move due to the pain killers. He spent the most that time eating the disgusting hospital food and staring at whatever was on the tv. But, he was a lot better by afternoon. By then he was able to move the bed into a supportive sitting position while he watched the tv. His only real issue about the hospital was how uncozy it was. Macario's house was a warm place where he was comfortable, filled with red and browns colors, and he had himself a cat. But here? It was lonely. No cat, white walls, the only thing he had to occupy himself was a tv and he was even getting sick of that.

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The alarm clock rang loudly throughout the young man's bedroom. Such noise woke the blacknette as his hand reached over to shut it off. Said boy stood up from his bed and went to the bathroom after grabbing his work outfit for the bakery shop. It took him an hour to get ready for work, combing his hair after showering and eating breakfast.

A few minutes passed after Ira left his home, heading towards the direction of the bakery. On his way, he saw the hospital and stopped for moment before swallowing heavily and walked towards the hospital. He has an hour before work start anyways. Ira walked inside the hospital and went up to the front desk, signing in and asked to see for the older man. The nurse gave him a nametag before letting him go off. Ira thanked the lady before taking off to see the older man in his room.

Two floors up and going left and right, Ira finally found the room where the injured man was staying at. He sighed shakily before grabbing the knod and twisting it to open the door. He peaked inside the crap before fully walking in, seeing a single hospital bed with the man from yesterday. Ira felt the nervousness get to him, standing awkwardly in a room of a man that he doesn't know at all.

"U-um... Good morning, Mr. Leone..." He muttered, hoping it was loud enough of the older man to hear. Ira decided to stand by door, unless the man invites him in. His brown eyes glanced quickly at older patient before staring back down at the ground. "I-I just came back to thank you... For saving me." He said, blushing brightly from embarrassment. Ira took a deep breath before fully looking at the older man, a small smile crossing his features. "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. I'm very sorry for getting you in this stage." Ira continued, frowning slightly to himself before smiling again. "I'll repay you back, I promise."​

The sound of someone else's voice was amazingly soothing. Macario immediately relaxed when he heard Ira speak to him. For a moment, he couldn't place the voice. At the time he had been laying back with his eyes closed as he listened to the sound of the tv. As he listened to the voice speak, he opened his eyes with a smile coming onto his features. "You... Stop apologizing and get in here." He said in a soft voice. It was good to see that the boy hadn't been hurt, and he was glad that he didn't seem too torn up about it either.

After being completely alone for the hours that he had been in the hospital, the brown haired man found himself very observant of the boy's actions. It was clear that he felt guilty and maybe nervous, so the older male tried to sooth him. "I'm alive, aren't I? And so are you. I'm not mad or anything kid, if I didn't want to save you, I could've let you get hit."

With a hum, Macario used the remote for the bed to move himself up into a sitting position. "Now first thing's first, don't call me Mr. Leone. My name's Macario. Secondly, you don't have to make anything up to me. If you want to thank me, just sit down and talk to me for awhile... Not to sound whiney, but it's kind of lonely in this hospital, and I think I'd like to get to know the person I got hit for. It'll be good to know that you aren't some awful person." He tried to make a little joke as he gestured to the seat next to the bed.


Upon hearing the words from the older man, Ira rubbed his right forearm before walking over to stand next to the patient. His eyes scanned the older man's body before glancing back at his face. Ira blushed embarrassing at his comments. As he noticed the gesture from him, he took a seat on the uncomfortable chair of the hospital. After getting a bit comfortable, Ira glanced over at man, now known as Macario, and returned the smile. "It's a pleasure to meet, Mr. Macario." He said, knowing if he should dropped the 'mister' part from the name. "My name is Ira..." He added quickly before leaning slightly into the chair.

"I only have an hour and a half to get to work, but I could stay for a few minutes to have a small conversation." Ira replied, placing his messenger bag on the ground next to the white, hospital chair he sat on. The words that left from the injured man made Ira smiled slightly to him and a light chuckle leaving his lips. "Trust me, if I were an awful person, I wouldn't have come and check on you. But, good thing I'm not." He said, muttering the last part of his sentence. "Is there anything wrong with your conditions right now? Everything going fine?" Ira asked, trying his best not to sound too noisy. Hr didn't want the man to think he's strange or something.

Macario was quiet as he listened to this young boy speak, taking in everything that he was saying. His name was Ira. Which was a strange name, but he found it to be pretty cute. While Ira spoke, the older man was trying to take in the information and make a guess about how old he was. The younger man mentioned working so he was at least sixteen, that was good to know. When he heard Ira ask about his conditions, Macario smiled a little bit. "Eh, just got hit by a car full force you know, no big deal." He laughed but immediately followed himself up, "Kidding, kidding. I'm actually pretty okay. I'm an old man you know, we're pretty resilient." He laughed a little bit. It was good to have someone here to joke with.

But sadly, the talk of the incident wasn't too pleasant, so he decided to change the topic. "Tell me about yourself? I know we're neighbors, but we never really talk. Like, how old are you? Where do you work? What do you do in your free time? Tell me all that stuff. And don't leave out any details, okay? Even if you think they're dumb, I'm a lonely old man in a hospital, so I'll listen to anything you have to say." He snickered a little bit because of how true it was. Earlier that day, he listened to a nurse tell a story about the first time she saw a ladybug, just because that's how much he was craving interaction with someone. There were no good books to escape in at the hospital so human interaction was his best bet for entertainment.


As the young man heard the older patient speaker after he was done, he smiled slightly as he made lighlthokes about the incident but saw how it wasn't too pleasant to talk about it. Ira still smiled thinnly before raising at Macario and how he wants to know more about him. Such the thought of speaking about himself made the blacknette blushed in embarrassment once again before calming down.

"W-well, um, I'm, uh, nineteen years old. I been working at the library and at a bakery shop for, um, one year now..." He replied, his eyes glancing away from the older man. "I wouldn't mind taking about myself, but I will like to get to know you as well. And you don't look old. You still look pretty young... Maybe is your late twenties..." Ira stated, smiling slightly brightly at the injured man. "For my free time, I like to spend my time reading or tending the garden." He continued, looking back at Macario. "Have you ever tend your garden, Mr. Macario?" He asked, wanting to keep the conversation going despite being for only a few minutes.​

Watching Ira smile brought a smile onto Macario's face. He was scared to make the young man uncomfortable since this wasn't the most common situation to be in. He was trying to keep the conversation light hearted and fun, nothing about the accident, and nothing too personal.

Through out the conversation, he made sure to remember the important things that Ira said. The younger man was nineteen which was amazingly young compared the Macario. And he had two jobs. In theory, he guessed that'd make sense if he was paying for the house by himself, or if he was working to get through college. But when Macario was asked about himself he went ahead and started to answer.

"I haven't kept a garden in a while, my cat tears it up. The only thing I grow anymore is catnip." He said with a little smile, letting out a hum. "I used to when I had more time though." Macario's hand reached up so that he could thread it through his own hair while he was in thought. "If it's not too personal, do you mind telling me why a young, pretty, nineteen year old boy is running around with two jobs instead of going out to parties and all of that?" He asked. "I always thought nineteen was the year you kids liked to start rebelling, going out a lot and getting tattoos and stuff, not working at a library or a bakery."

The young male listened to the other one as he answered his question, smiling slightly to know the patient has a cat. Mayde it was the same cat that Ira kept seeing from the window of the older man's living room. Upon hearing his other question, a light, rosy blush spread across the young boy's cheek as the brown haired man called him "pretty". Ira smiled shyly for a moment before opening his mouth to speak up. "Oh, um, well, you see... M-my parents still have debts to pay. They will send money to pay for the bills and anything else... But I know they still need more money... I mean, at times they'll sent money to help me pay for my classes, but those rarely comes, which is why I work two jobs. The salaries are decent, though." He respond, his eyes glancing at the white floor of the room as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "I don't go out to parties or anything of the like. It can be loud and wild at times..." He added, sighing softly before glancing back at the older man. "I mean, couple of the co-workers will invite me to go to parties with, but in just tell them I can't since I have homework and projects to finish."

"Well, I would love to talk but I don't want to get late at work." Ira said after glancing at his watch and stood up from the uncomfortable chair as he grabbed his things. "I'll stop by after work... Mayde I can bring you something from the bakery. What do you like if I may ask?" Ira questioned, he didn't wanted to bring in something that Macario won't like.​
It was strange, but Macario was amazed at how sweet this young man was. This was a boy taking a full set of college courses with and working two jobs, a busy young man, but this busy young man still stopped by to thank him. Maybe to some other people it wouldn't have meant so much, in fact, some people might've thought they deserved it. But the older man didn't think he deserved this kindness, and to Macario this meant a lot. It really showed that Ira was a good person and that was nice to know. Maybe it was a little strange, but he sort of wanted to make a habit of talking to this boy. Macario was a very easily irritated man, but so far Ira had only brought him happy moments, and that fact brought a large smile to his face.

Being asked about what he liked, Macario had to think. He wasn't really that into sweets but it was such a sweet gesture that he didn't know what to say. After a small pause, he smiled again. "Just grab me something you like? I'm not very picky." He said, "And by the way, thank you. You're a really sweet boy, you know that? You can stop by as often as you like, if you have the time that is. I know you must be busy with work."

A small smile crossed the young, dark haired boy's face as he nodded his head at the older man's offer. "Alright, I'll make sure to stop by to bring you something from the shop." He replied, eyes closed as he continued to smile. The boy blushed lightly pink at the comment made by the older man. Ira opened his eyes and glanced at his watch before looking back at the injured patient. "Well, I'm heading off, I'll see you later today. Mayde I will come back during my lunch break." He said, waving at Macario before exiting the room and soon the building.

It took a few minutes to arrive at the bakery shop, but Ira was still able to make it before it became too late. The young teen began to work, always glancing at the clock to check the time for his lunch break. Few hours have passed and it was already lunch break for Ira and another coworker. Said teen pick up a pink box that had a design of a fluffy, small, yellow bird with a place cupcake beside it. Ira placed a couple pieces of cakes and flowery cookies inside the box, then closing it and headed out of the shop. He made his way to the hospital, making more than twice at both ways. Once he arrived, he walked in and signed in, letting the nurse check the box and soon giving him the tag name. Ira smiled and went up to the floor the older man was in.​

During the time that Ira was gone, Macario had gotten terribly lonely. So lonely, that he paid a nurse twenty dollars to go to his house and bring his cat in. The nurse said that he could only have her there until visitation hours were over, but in that moment he was pretty happy. He also had the nurse grab him some books for him to occupy himself with. By the time Ira got there, Macario was wearing his reading glasses, reading a book and petting a fat, white, and very fluffy cat that laid on his stomach. Upon hearing footsteps of someone walking in, he smiled widely and looked in Ira's direction.

"Hey! You're back pretty fast, is your shift over already?" He asked, not putting together the fact that this was a lunch break visit. It made sense that Ira would have short hours since he was a student, but still, he was here pretty quickly. Macario could only hope that this boy was getting enough hours to suit his financial needs, if not, the older man was sure he could help with that if they got close enough.

A light chuckle left the young teen as he walked into the room and stood by his side. "I'm on my lunch break right now. My shift won't be over until five." He replied, smiling at the older man in front of him before handing him the pink, decorated box. "I brought you something from the bakery, I hoped you like." Ira stated, his eyes glancing over at the patient before flickering over to the white cat on the said man's stomach. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of the feline. "Oh, is this your cat? How beautiful." He commented, smiling a bit at the cat with closed eyes. Ira soon turned his attention to the tall male. "I didn't know the hospital would have allowed pets into the building." Ira glanced back at the white cat before speaking up again."So, how are you feeling right now? Everything's going smoothly for you?"​
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Nodding along, Macario smiled. He'd have to remember to be alert and awake around five in case Ira actually came back. He wouldn't get his hopes up but he'd keep it in mind. He took the box, "Thank you..." The older man said as he propped himself up and looked into the box hungrily. When his attention was turned to the cat, Macario smiled. "She's here until visitation was over..." He said. In secret, he was hoping to pass the cat off onto Ira until Macario was able to get out of the hospital, but that was a question for another time.

When asked about himself, Macario hummed. "I'm pretty good... I've gotten used to the pain medication for the most part, so I'm pretty calm. And I had a nurse grab my kitty Silvia here and some books from my house, so I've been better." He smiled at Ira. "How is your day so far? Anything happen at work?" He asked. He didn't like that the conversation was constantly centered around himself and his injury. He wanted this younger man to know that Macario was interested in him as a person and wanted to hear about what was going on in his life.

Ira smiled softly as he listened to the injured man speaks about his good being. Upon hearing about the cat and nurse bring it on visitation hours. He thought about taking care of it, but seem too afraid to ask right now. Perhaps for another time. "You're welcome." He said as he watched the man looked at the pink box. Ira rose a brow at the cat's name. "Oh, that's a pretty name for your cat. I wish I could have a pet, my mother is allergic to animal fur, especially cats."

"Oh, my day?" Ira replied as he tilted his head before speaking up again. "My day has been good so far. Nothing too exciting happens at all." He continued, taking a seat on the uncomfortable chair. "Although, my friends were invited me to another party, but I told I can't go. Have to finish doing other homework." A sigh escaped the young's lips as he leaned in the chair. His brown eyes glanced over at the older man. "What work do you, Mr. Macario?" He asked, smiling gently over at him.​

Macario was observing Ira's face as he spoke and frowned as the sigh escaped the young man's lips. He thought it was unfair that such a kind boy should have to work so hard, but they weren't close enough for him to actually tell him that. Shaking his head, he smiled when asked about his work. "I work in construction. I help build houses, all of that. It's not really a fun job, but it pays the bills..." He also let out a soft sigh and looked at Ira. "Never let yourself get sucked into a manual labor job, it sucks. Always get a job you're interested in, okay? Or else you're gonna end up like me, an old, crazy, cat man..." He joked a little bit as he pet Silvia's head.

The cat began to stand and hopped over onto Ira's lap, purring softly as she nuzzled against him. A smile came onto Macario's face. "You better give her the attention she wants, she's spoiled..." He said while staring at his pet. Macario pulled out a flowery cookie from the box and handed it to Ira before taking one out for himself. He ate it and hummed, "So are you a baker? Do you want to be a cook?"

The young teen nodded in understanding at the older man as he explained about his work and what he does, smiling slightly before glancing down at the cat. Ira smiled as Macario gave him one of the cookies before answering his question. "Hm? Oh, yes, I'm a baker. Mostly the only one. The manager is trying to find another one so I don't have to do work by myself." He explained befoe taking a bite from the cookie. "Yeah, I want to be a cook. I have always been interested on cooking, but my father always tells me that that's not real work. That it's just for women. A real man supposely work as a CEO of a big company, just like his boss... You know, he's about to get promote to a higher position on the company..." Ira continued, sighing tiredly. "So instead of going to a culinary art unversity, he put me in one of the better university for business and whatnot... He doesn't know I work at a bakery, he'll flip out on me." Added the black hairsd boy. He smiled gently at the feline before carefully petting her. His eyes glanced over at Macario, opening his mouth to speak up. "When did you get her?" He asked, his eyes soon flickering down to the cat as one of his hands ran through her white, beautiful fur carefully. "She's very pretty..." He muttered under his breath, smiling calmly as the cat continued to nuzzle against him.

"Actually, I think I did use to have a pet. It was a dog, but my mom told me to gave him away after finding out she was allergic to the fur." He said, shrugging his shoulder as he let out another sigh. "You're sure are lucky to have a pet, though." Ira added, smiling up at the older man before glancing down at his watch. "Oh, I have to go back. My break is about to end in a few minutes. I'll stop by when I get out of work." He stated, placing the white cat on the older man's lap before gathering up his things. "I hope you enjoy the treats."​
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All of Macario's attention was focused on Ira as he spoke. The older man hadn't met someone so open with themselves in such a long time that he didn't know what to do besides listen. He was upset that this young boy had so many problems. From two jobs, to classes, to family issues... He couldn't imagine how that all felt on the little guy's shoulders, and automatically he decided that this boy deserved better. While listening to him talk, he reached out to place his hand atop of Ira's and squeeze it a little bit. "If you ever need to talk, I'm gonna be in here for a few months..." He said with a smile.

When asked about his cat, he smiled widely. "I got her four years ago, she was a family cat." He said, moving his hand from Ira's and onto the cat. It wasn't until he heard that Ira had to go back that he had a small, disappointed frown. "Come see me after your shift maybe? If you have time, I mean... I'm pretty smart at most subjects, I could help you with your homework if you wanted..." He said. Though he looked to be all muscle, he passed all of his classes in highschool and even did a couple of years at college back in the day. He was sure that he could help Ira out with some math or some book report or whatever he needed.
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