Dawn of Chaos < CHARACTER INDEX >

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  • Elementalists have been around for a long time. They are people that had the ability to control one of the six elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Light and Dark. While it is possible for everyone to influence all elements in some way, when they come to the age of sixteen, they must choose one to specialise in. Until then, from the age of eleven, they are admitted to Clawfed Academy, a school to help young elementalists hone their powers and keep them from running rampant.

    Till the age of sixteen, they attend class in the primary section of school, which is in a separate place from the secondary school. The secondary school, for those from the age of sixteen to twenty-two, is more secluded because their powers are stronger and they need to be kept away to avoid accidents.

    The school has been around for many years and it's vital that everyone learn to control their powers soon because something is brewing in the dark side of this magical world. A death has occurred right in the school. People wanted it shut down because chaos magic tainted the dead body, but the elders believed that they all needed to be prepared for whatever was to come.

    And it looks like whatever it is, is about to hit soon...


    - This roleplay will contain violent themes and some blood and gore so be aware of that before deciding to join.
    - Romance is always allowed, but anything that goes further than a little lip lock needs to be taken to the PMs or just fade to black.
    - No godmodding. Don't control any character other than your own and give other characters a chance to react to what your character does. Please don't decide the outcome for them.
    - Please be civil to everyone OOC. Roleplay drama sticks to the roleplay.
    - This isn't heavily detailed. it's more casual, but two paragraphs would be a minimum for post length. As for post frequency, it's not too serious. Maybe once a week? It's pretty chill.
    - Please read through all the folklore and magic types before making characters.
    - When requesting a character, please use the format given in the 'CHARACTERS' tab.

  • There are seven types of magic in total but only six are practised. At the age of sixteen, once you choose one type of magic to specialise in -- or rather, when it chooses you -- a ceremony takes place where they are branded -- magically and without pain -- with an emblem that signifies the area of magic they have chosen.

    Air Magic - The Aria Emblem
    The ability to control, create and harness the air. People that pick this elemental magic can influence the air and anything that contains it. They can fly, levitate things by manipulating the air around them, and even literally sucking the air out a person's lungs, though that is highly frowned upon and could land you in some serious trouble. They are able to go up to very high altitudes and can even breathe underwater. This is The Aria Emblem that they are branded with at sixteen.

    Water Magic - The Aqua Emblem
    The ability to control, manipulate and create water. People that pick this elemental magic can influence water in liquid forms mostly. They remain dry if they wish to be in water and they can suck pure water out of anything that contains it. They can levitate it, change it' state, but once the state is changed, it is harder to control and change back. This is The Aqua Emblem that they are branded with at sixteen.

    Light Magic - The Legero Emblem
    The ability to control, create and manipulate light. This means bending the sun's rays or any light beams, increasing and decreasing the intensity of light - though this mainly applies to man made light - and even sensing things in the light that other people could not otherwise notice. They are sensitive when there are light sources nearby and it provides them with slight prophetic powers as well. This is The Legero Emblem that they are branded with at sixteen.

    Fire Magic - The Fuego Emblem
    The ability to control, create and manipulate fire. This means creating more fire, sucking the fire out of a hearth, changing the temperature in a room -- though only by increasing, not decreasing. A fire elementalist can also shape things from the fire and is immune to being burned. If anything, the fire makes them stronger. That is, the presence of fire. Creating fire on their own drains them. This is The Fuego Emblem that they are branded with at sixteen.

    Earth Magic - The Terra Emblem
    The ability to create, control and manipulate the earth. This includes creating vines or plants, controlling the growth of vines and plants, being able to tell what is underground nearby and to an extent, understanding what plants require to grow. They can, if necessary, turn a plant poisonous and vice versa. This is The Terra Emblem that they are branded with at sixteen.

    Dark Magic - The Obscura Emblem
    The ability to create, control and manipulate the darkness. Unlike most people think, dark magic is not 'dark'. It st have to do with lack of light. A dark elementalist can make a room go dark, can easily blend into shadows and manipulate them, and can also travel through the shadows. They can become mist on an exceptionally dark night and they hear things in the dark that other people cannot. This is The Dark Emblem that they are branded with at sixteen.




    The left wing is the boys dorm and the right wing is the girls dorm. Each dormitory has large rooms that can house three students in three separate bedrooms. Each bedroom identical for both boys and girls.


    There is a field for every sport -- all normal sports







    There is a room where there are plenty of these fountains. Everyone is expected to communicate with their friends and family this way. They follow the Greek way. They are provided with gold coins that the toss into the spray of water and then say the name of who they're contacting and they appear in a hologram to speak for ten minutes. Another golden coin replenishes the time for another ten minutes. Some fountains are also scattered across the courtyard.


    Elementalists live among humans and have been doing so for as long as they have been alive. It is only the schools that remain hidden in secluded areas, away from civilisation. There are small towns nearby that are also hidden by magic and some elementalists settle down there, but most stay and come from all around the world.

    The original Elders were seven people. They mastered one of each element - Chaos, Light, Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Dark. Together, they formed Clawfed Academy for all other elementalists to train and control their magical abilities. Elementalists need not be born from another elementalist. They could acquire the powers even from completely normal parents, however if that is the case, they are usually taken away from their family at a young age and put up with an elemental foster family since the moral world can never know about their powers. Those that are born with non magic parents are considered 'impure', whilst the rest are considered the elite. To be chosen by an element that chose your parents as well is an honour, but to be different is frowned upon. By most, anyway. Luckily, not all. For a long time, there were no Chaos children, and when the first one came along, it was mayhem. They realised that even in control, chaos magic did nobody any good, and the Chaos Elder, Obscuri Levotix, turned chaotic as well. He had to be stopped and put an end to and since then, people only talk of six magic types, and not the seventh. They pretend it doesn't exist and since then, a chaos child has never been born. So far.

    The tram is the way most people travel to and from Clawfed Academy. It leads them into the heart of a small town nearby which is where they are allowed to spend second weekends of every month and from there, during longer breaks, they can take a tram that will take them into the city where there is a bigger train station with plenty of trains that will take all the students where they need to go.

    The crystal core is the centre of n elementalists power. It is extracted by them at the age of sixteen from the Crystal Caves close to Clawfed Academy and they must wear it at all times or their powers will be harder to control and won't work as well.

















  • When requesting a character please use this format and check the magic tab:





    EARTH MAGIC [taken]
    NAME ○ FEMALE ○ 17 ○ FC: tba


  • NAME





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⌜ V E R O N I C A


"Trust me when I saw that it takes forever to get weeds out of your hair. Now apologise to the flower you just plucked."

  • G E N E R A L


    Veronica Eleonora Astrid Janssen

    [ veh-ron-ick-ah / ell-eeh-oh-nor-ah / as - trid / jan-ssen ]

    Ronnie || Ron || Badass Mother Nature


    25% Dutch ; 25% Norwegian [paternal] || 25% Italian ; 15% Irish ; 10% Britsh [maternal]

    Earth Magic


    British [Cockney English]

  • A P P E A R A N C E


    It's naturally pale blonde but she's always dyeing it various colours, and never one single colour but blends of them. It reaches her shoulders and is slightly wavy.

    She has Heterochromia so one of her eyes is a light blue while the other is a light grey.

    Fair, smooth

    Petite, lithe


    43 kg

    You could call Ronnie a hippie by the eay se dresses. It's very bohemian. She loves anything lace and she absolutely loves crystals and large rings.


    four on each ear plus her left helix || Nose ring || Bellybutton piercing

    Right wrist || Between shoulder blades || Behind ear || Right hip || Left Bicep || Left Rib || Right collarbone || Right Ankle || Left Forearm

    One jagged scar across her collarbone from an incident as a child and a few on her legs here and there.

    Different coloured eyes || Vibrant hair


  • P E R S O N A



    Since she was a child, Ronnie has always been very passionate about nature. She would go to great lengths to try and revive a dying plant and she would always sneak in abandoned animals and magical creatures into her foster home, much to her foster mother's dismay. She dealt with the consequences. Even as a six year old, she was a tough girl. And a stubborn one, no doubt. No matter how many times poeple said no,she went ahead and did it anyway. She is her own person and she makes her own rules. She doesn't really take lightly to people telling her what to do, and while she doesn't lash out, she can be quite subtle in her rebelling.

    As she grew older and the bullying surfaced because she was 'impure', having been born into a human family rather than an elementalist one, she became more tough. She is the type of girl that would chain herself to a tree to avoid it from being cut down, but she's also the type of girl who would wrangle you then and there if you so much as pluck a leaf from that tree. Or any tree for that matter. When she says she's passionate about something, she means it. She doesn't deal with conflict much but if you so much as harm any living thing around her, you will be sorry. She may be tiny but don't ever let that be the base of your judgement because she will prove you wrong in seconds.

    Apart from this, Ronnie is generally very charismatic. With her bright, energetic nature, it's hard to not like her. She's carefree and spontaneous and rarely takes things seriously unless it concerns animals or thr environment. She has an imoulsive streak, which doesn't always turn out well for her, but it can't be helped. She also likes to think she has a good sense of humour and she can be very sassy when she wants to be. Which is all the time. Definitely not a stickler for rules of any kind, she can sometimes get herself into trouble, and because of her ADHD, she is also very easily distracted. She's also never not excited. It takes a lot to put her mood off and if you manage to achieve that, then you best hide yourself away for the next ten years because she holds a grudge like no other.

    Nature || Plants || Exploring || Wilderness || Animals || Adventures || Freedom || Humour || Rings || Crystals || Music || Art || Painting || Drawing

    Fire || Animal abuse || Environment abuse || Homophobes || Hypocrites || Bring restrained || Being told what to do || Being underestimated || Bullies || Death

    Gardening || Adventuring || Painting || Playing the piano


    Talking to herself/speaking her thoughts aloud || Biting her nails || Making plants grow in random places || Rambling in Italian when she gets angry

    Taking care of plants/reviving them || treating animals || playing the piano || painting || winning arguments

    Fire || losing someone close to her -- especially an animal

    A purple crystal she mined herself at the Crystal Caves

    ADHD || Dyslexia || Insomnia

  • B A C K G R O U N D


    Ronnie never knew who her parents were because they were normal humans, not elementalists. All she knew was where they came from. And as per the law of the elders, any elementalist born into a human family had to be taken away at birth. Her parents lived their lives thinking they lost a child while she was put into foster care with an elementalist family in Britain. This didn't do wonders for her status in school when she finally joined. A majority of the elementalist population came from elementalists rather than humans so she wasn't very popular. It just so happened that that changed when she entered her third year and proved to be quite skilled with Earth magic. Right away she knew that was what she wanted to master when she turned sixteen and she was one of the best of her age. Despite the fact that her home life wasn't much -- she lived with a single foster dad since her foster mother had claimed her own life when Ronnie was seven -- she focused on what made her happy, which was nature and adventures and taking care of animals. She was always spunky and spontaneous and this drew poeple to her, regardless of her heritage and while she was still often bullied for it, she held her own. She didn't let people mess with her. When she turned sixteen, her foster father passed away from a disease and she was put under the care of her older foster brother whom she had grown close to over the years.

    : Earth Magic :
    The ability to create, manipulate and control the Earth and it's elements.

    • She can grow plants and feel their emotions so she can tell what they need.
    • She can turn a plant poisonous and also turn a poisonous plant to a harmless one.
    • She can sense what is underneath the
    ground within ten feet of her.
    • Because she can shape dirt and soil she can also create little creatures out of it and small plants that stay alive as long as she concentrates on that.

    • Her powers have yet to be controlled so they are influenced by her emotions. She could cover your hair with roots and weeds if you upset her and it'd be completely involuntary.
    • She can easily control small plants and vines but big trees she has no control ofer yet except for maybe the leaves.
    • Her creations can turn against her if she is not focused -- and she is never focused.
    • Her powers are useless against fire.

    Ansel Janssen || Foster Father || Deceased
    Marguerrite Janssen || Foster Mother || Deceased
    Levi Janssen || Foster Brother : 25 || Alive

    • She is fluent in Italian, Dutch and Gaelic
    • She is (obviously) a vegan
    • She has a peg chameleon named Houdini

  • R E L A T I O N S H I P S


    Dorian, Anders, Harlow, Sixten





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⌜ A N D E R S


"Money is but a piece of paper that I have a lot of, but couldn't care less for. Unless it's for books. I love those."

  • G E N E R A L


    Anders Jerome Vincenzo

    [ ann-durz / jerr-owm / val-dez ]

    Andy || Jerry || AJ



    50% Italian [paternal] || 25% American ; 25% French [maternal]

    Fire Magic



    New York American with Italian undertones

  • A P P E A R A N C E


    Slightly darker than sandy brown. Straight and usually messy with that 'just got out of bed' look.

    Dark, ocean blue

    Fair with a slight tan

    Lean, slightly muscuclar


    67 kg

    Casual is what suits Andy the best. He likes to wear whatever makes him comfortable and it also depends on the weather. He rarely wears formal clothes like suits and ties or anything too expensive.




    Left wrist || Right forearm

    A few here and there, mostly from reckless behaviour.

    Striking eyes || Defined features

    Nut Allergy

  • P E R S O N A


    When you first see Andy, you would never think he comes from a rich, upperclass family that never insists on driving but prefers to have chauffeurs. He is so much unlike them that you might think he is adopted, which he is not. For most of his childhood, he suppressed his excitable nature, and that was hadd to do because it just wanted to break out so often. He tried to ne waht his parents wanted him to be. Part of it wasn't hard because he was already smarter than both his siblings combined, due to his eidetic memory. He excelled in his classes and hs parents had big dreams for him.

    But when he started realising that his wasn't going to be water elementalists like them, he started to let his true self show. He revealed the more playful and mischievous side of him. The side that liked practical jokes and making puns whenever he got the chance. He in no way fit in with his snobby family which is why he is glad to be in a boarding school. He's a friendly person, always open to new things and experiences, howeevr he has a short temper, and that, paired with his impulsiveness, never really works out too well for him. Trouble has a way of finding him before he can go looking for it -- not that he does. Most of the time anyway.

    He can be known to be very caring and loyal but at times he can also be a bit naive. He sarted a policy about never lying after he revealed that he was going to choose fire magic to master so he just assumed that nobody would have any reason to lie to him if he was telling the truth. Finding out that someone lied is a bit of a trigger for him. He can be a bit of a drama queen at times, and that's just old habits that die had. He's quite a funny person, though sometimes he can be quite rude without meaning to be. Not in a snobby way, but just in the way that he's maybe too honest for his own good. He is also known to be slightly egotistical but it's always in a joking manner. Truth be told, he's a dork.

    Fire || Warmth || Summer || Doing what he wants || Fun || Parties || Freedom || Beaches || Swimming || Basketball || Music || Playing the guitar || Photography || Adventures || Practical Jokes || Reading

    Bullies || Large bodies of water || Being controlled || High expectations || Liars || Homophobes || Hypocrites || Racists || Snobs || Wasting money || Spiders

    Photography || Reading || Camping || Playing the guitar || Meeting people || Talking

    Calling people by their last names [affection] || tapping his fingers against any surface he can find || Whistling

    Retaining information || Creating fires and warming up rooms || Getting what he wants || Practical jokes

    Large bodies of water || Spiders || His father

    A crystal in a bronze ring that was mined by his great great grandfather and passed down to him.


    ADHD || Eidetic memory

  • B A C K G R O U N D


    Andy was born into a home of prestigious elementals. They were some of the best of their time, and all a line of water elementals. So imagine their surprise, when their youngest son, the one who was the smartest among his siblings and their prized posession, broke tradition and chose fire magic. He had never had an affinity to water, and in fact, ever since he nearly drowned as a child, he hated it. Warmth, fire, that was were his interest was, and the element chose him. He couldn't refuse so he chose to pursue fire magic when he turned sixteen. This didn't sit well with his family at all but he had spent his whole life trying to impress them. He was done with that now. He decided he wanted to do things his own way rather than be a snob like his parents and siblings and basically the rest lf his family. He doesn't dress in expensive clothes like them and he carries himself like a hyper teenager rather than someone pretending to be poised and perfect. He doesn't really make nice with his parents whenever he's home which is why he's glad that Clawfed is a boarding school.

    : Fire Magic :
    The ability to create, control and manipulate the fire element.

    • He can create fire out of nothing and oxygen generally makes it stronger
    • He can warm up any room and also food really quickly
    • He can create things with fire that move but it doesn't last very long
    • He is immune to being burned

    • While he can't be burned from fire, the same does not apply to electrical burns
    • He still hasn't learned to control his fire magic so it can run rampant according to his mood which can be quite dangerous
    • He has trouble breathing sometimes because when he creates fire out of nothing, it uses up the oxygen in his blood system slowly

    • His body temperature is sometimes too hot that it burns people but he can never tell when this is the case because he feels normal all the time.

    Chester Kenneth Vincenzo || Father || Alive
    Margaret Francine Vincenzo || Mother || Alive
    Alison Noelle Vincenzo || Older sister : 28 || Alive
    Aidan Hanz Vincenzo || Older brother : 24 || Alive

    • He knows only English and a little French despite the fact that he is Italian. He never bothered to learn.
    • His favourite book is To Kill a Mockingbird
    • He is Agnostic

  • R E L A T I O N S H I P S


    Dorian, Veronica




    Harlow, Sixten

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"Words cut but I don't care how much it hurts"​



Harlow Rhea Johnsson




Harley, Harlow-Harley, 'Lo, Dolly*, Streisand*, Spitfire**
*These two are convoluted and typically only used by family or those who know Harlow extremely well.
** Only call her this if you have a death wish


18 going on 19



Elemental Magic





You can tell she's a Cali girl. The slang is very abundant



Dark brown, almost black, at the roots before lightening up to an almost reddish brown at the tips. Loads of beach waves. There's often various braids and hair-wraps styled into her hair, so the occasional flash or two of a charm or colorful string isn't uncommon.


Relatively average sized and teardrop shaped, as well as a little bit puffy underneath. Dark brown, almost black in the shade, but if the light hits them just right there are tones of red and notes of chocolate


Tan, with warm undertones, great complexion - clear, soft, and smooth


Toned and firm, it's clear that Harlow is an active person and takes great care of her body.


5 ft


5.5 kg


Never skirts, and never a dress. Harlow effortlessly pulls off the surfer girl look. Shorts and ripped jeans (and by ripped jeans, think these) are staples in her wardrobe, as well as crop tops, tank tops, bralettes, loose t-shirts, and the occasional flannel. There are really only two pairs of shoes she ever uses - her trusty Rainbow® Sandals and an aging pair of regular converse. She completes her ensemble with woven and/or beaded bracelets and anklets, chokers with a seashell or two, various rings, and her favorite turtle toe ring on her middle toe.


Left ear - three lobe piercings, a cartilage piercing, two helix piercings, and a daith piercing
Right ear - two lobe piercings, two cartilage piercings, a helix piercing, and a conch piercing


A small sea turtle tattoo by her right hipbone


Various scrapes and scratches from accidents she's gotten into.

Distinguishing Features

A confident smile, serious beach girl vibes, a drawn-out "Dude"

Health Ailments

Allergic to strawberries



Harlow is as unrelenting as waves crashing upon a cliff, yet as down-to-earth as the lazy licks upon a sandy beach. People are often thrown for a loop when one moment Harlow is all "It was so chill, dude, I swear," and the next showcase a spectacular knack for tearing down her opponents. You're never really sure what you're going to get.

When you've got Harlow in a relatively normal to good mood, you've got chill Harley. Bubbly and effervescent, few manage to resist her charm and bright smile. She can be mellow and a little lazy, like warm California spring days, yet excitable and making wisecracks easily. Harley on a good day is outgoing and spontaneous, always ready for a last minute adventure. And she'll do anything to get the adventure going - if she has to drive, she will. If she has to lie a little, she'll do it. A good time and laughter are guaranteed around chill Harley.

Harlow is also fiercely prepared to do whatever it takes to help her friends or to achieve her goals. She's not afraid of confrontation and will stand up for those she cares about and what she believes in. Giving in is not an option. Blending this with her typically compassionate nature, and you've got someone who regularly tries to do good in the world and fix problems. She's been a part of various "Clean the Beach" events, and has done a few protest marches when it's really come down to it. She hates the prejudice against those who are considered 'impure' and those who choose a different path than their family's. One part because she herself was born to regular human parents, two parts because she knows that it's just not right to dislike others for what they can't control or for being themselves. This has sometimes led to her getting into fights, which in turn has led to a nickname she absolutely hates.

However, when Harlow hits a low, it's like someone pulls the plug on her. She loses any and all motivation to do anything, and often times needs someone to check if she's even been eating. Her bedroom becomes her lair, her bed becomes her prison. Despite maybe wanting to do something, Harlow will just not get out of bed. She shuts out everyone as well - no texts, no calls, no nothing. It's like she pretends not to exists for a day or two. It can take her while to get out of it, but once she starts getting out of it she finds herself easily emotional. Harley thinks it's embarrassing, especially when she reflects that she's sobbed over pizza not once, but twice.

All in all, once you befriend Harlow you've got yourself a deeply compassionate friend who will be there for you 85% of the time (You gotta be there for her the other 15% man. She can't help it and she doesn't mean it).


sea turtles // hibiscus and orange blossoms // the ocean/beach // music (really all over the place. Everything from musicals to Kanye West to The Neighborhood and Arctic Monkeys) // her guitar and her ukulele // sandals // hair wraps and braids // beach cruisers // bonfires


low days // being overly sensitive // being told what to do // assholes // the color pink // people who litter // overly smoggy cities (LA) // cliche pop music


collecting spiral seashells // playing her guitar or ukulele and singing along // longboarding // going to the beach // going to musuems // making hair-wraps and weaving bracelets


will absentmindedly braid her hair when she's bored // chews on the inside of her cheek when she's deep in thought // bites her thumb when frustrated


playing the guitar/ukulele and singing // getting the perfect shot of the sky as it's transitioning to day/night // making hair-wraps and weaving bracelets


that people will turn away from her because of her mental illness // being heartbroken // suffocating // heights

Crystal Core

A purple/blue/green crystal she mined herself, on a choker she wove herself.

Mental Ailments



Brief Bio

Harlow knows absolutely nothing about her parents. They weren't elementals so she didn't get to stay with them. Her foster parents are all she knows, and she's always thankful for their presence in her life. Especially because she got to grow up close to the ocean, in sunny California. Of course the lengthy train trips to Clawfed Academy sucked majorly, Harlow wouldn't have lived any other way.

She didn't have any siblings, as her forster parents were infinitely happy (and infinitely preoccupied) with Harlow and her eccentricities. They did have two cats, a dog, and a bird though, so she wasn't ever unhappy being a single child. She enjoyed it.

Growing up, Harlow was sprightly and energetic, never seeming to sit still. Everyone and their neighbors had stories about "That fiery Johnsson kid who always causes mischief." She mellowed out as she aged, however, and started having low days around the age of twelve.

Many in her family's circle expected Harley to specialize in fire magic, due to her personality and passionate outbursts, so they were shocked when Harlow ended up being chosen by water. Harlow herself and her parents weren't the least bit surprised - they had been very sure that Harlow with her unpredictable nature would turn out specializing in water magic.

It was one of the best things that could ever happen to her, with water being so soothing and calming yet temperamental and chaotic.

Coming to Clawfed was both the best and worst parts of her life. She loved learning how her magic worked and making new friends. However the prejudices some of the students have led to one of her best friend's suicide. This experience was devastating to Harlow, as it was her first experience with death and she abruptly lost one of her best friends. To this day Harlow dislikes talking about it.


Water Magic
The ability to create, manipulate, and control water and its elements.


Controlling water in its liquid state is relatively easy by this point, practically muscle memory. She can cool temperatures and create ice with a little more concentration. Harlow has even started experimented with various non-water liquids to various degrees of success. When it's raining she never has to worry about her or her stuff getting wet.


Controlling large amounts of water is taxing on her, anything over five gallons is where it starts being less effortless. The longer she keeps temperatures cool the more drained she gets. She can't change water into large amounts of ice yet, nor has she contemplated whether steam/mist is even a possibility. Harlow can't keep more than three people dry at a time.


Reagan Johnsson, and Elias Johnsson - her foster mom and dad



Veronica Janssen, Delaney Cortell


Sixten Lövgren

Love Interest

Delaney Cortell


Anders Vincenzo, Dorian Ghannam

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But my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake​


Sixten Kjeld Lövgren


Sixten would probably tell you not to bother even trying, but here, go ahead:
seex-ten (Not really pronounced like six. The Six part of his name is higher tonally, and comes from close behind the teeth, rather than farther back in the mouth/throat like Six. The Ten is short and goes down tonally)
sheld (The K and J together create a 'sh' sound in Swedish, so it's not 'Kejud'. The e should be pronounced with an EH sound)
lōhv-grehn ( Form OH with your lips and then say UH while doing so. That's how you should pronounce the ö in Lövgren. The first half is also slightly lower tonally than the second half)


Six, Ten, June Gloom or just Gloom, Octopop (don't even ask. He had a friend, jokes were made, a nickname stuck)




He doesn't even know. It's not something he really thinks about? And people are people. If something were to start, sure, cool, but it's not a necessity for life?

Elemental Magic

Believe it or not, Light


Swedish and an eighth Sami, from his mom's side


American through and through. Despite being born elsewhere, he's lived in the states nearly as long as he can remember. Likes the swedish curse words, and converses with his siblings and family in Swedish



A blend of darker and lighter blonde. It's short, and usually looks like he just ran his fingers through it. Because that's all he does with it. Sixten almost never styles his hair, and typically only does so for special occassions.


Narrow, blue-gray eyes. They have a dark outer line and lighten up towards the center. If you look really closely you'll find a fleck or two of yellow


Pale, with cool undertones. He has a few freckles scattered across his cheeks and nose. His cheeks turn pink/red for almost everything - the cold, the heat, the sun, being nervous, being flustered, etc.


Pretty lanky. He doesn't really get up and move around too much either, so he's not the picture of male body ideals.


5' 10"


61.2 kg


Sixten is surprisingly picky about his clothes for someone who almost only wears black. There are the occasional white, grey, or maroon shirt, but it's always paired with black jeans and fully black high top converse. It can take him an entire day to find one piece of clothing that he likes. He doesn't really accessorize either, maybe the occasional beanie. Oh and his glasses. His black frame glasses are almost always on his face.

Did we mention that he only wears black jeans? He's not even sure if he owns a pair of shorts.


Has his lobes pierced, and keeps simple black or silver studs in.




Has a small scar on his upper lip. Otherwise he's managed to come out of scrapes rather well

Distinguishing Features

A disinterested stare, a sharp tongue, ever present cynicism

Health Ailments

Pretty nearsighted - his glasses are a necessity
Easily gets canker sores - he can get several simultaneously



Often times people meet Sixten's older sisters before they meet him. They see the physical similarities and agree "Oh, the Lövgren siblings are all so similar!" up until they actually meet him. Sixten has a knack for pissing people off. He can easily speak circles around others, and his sisters find it both endearing and incredibly frustrating. Sixten enjoys being right, and he's so frustratingly smart and stubborn that people either have to leave their conversation with him or explode in frustrated anger.

He just has that effect on people.

You either absolutely hate Sixten or absolutely love him, there aren't really any inbetweens. His near constant sarcastic remarks and ability to make others look like an idiot is difficult to get past. Just ask his sisters - sometimes even they have to leave the room to keep from exploding, despite how much they adore him. The most frustrating part is that he enjoys it - he enjoys it a lot. His sisters are the best targets, obviously, but really no one is safe.

When he's not being a frustrating twit, Sixten can actually be really chill. He'll spent entire afternoons just listening to music with his sisters sometimes. And once you get past his annoying exterior, you find an absolutely hilarious and witty individual. Believe it or not, he did a lot of improv growing up. So he's always ready with a joke, pun, or witty comeback. And even if the comeback is at your expense you can't help but laugh anyways.

Sixten is also deeply competitive - a round of Mario Kart is not just a round of Mario Kart. He can turn anything into a high-stakes competition, and absolutely hates losing. He can be a good sport about it though, but he still doesn't like it.

People have hard time connecting with Sixten as he tends to shut out nearly everyone. He rarely opens up, and his sisters treasure those moments deeply. They themselves can have a hard time connecting with him, and Sixten likes the bit of distance he has from everyone. He hates baring himself for others and keeps many secrets.

He tends to either reflect deeply or not at all, leading to almost sage-like wisdom on some subjects and a shrug in others. Sixten is also problematically lazy. If he doesn't feel like doing it he won't do it.

This pisses off his dad to no end.

The two of them are both extremely stubborn personalities, refusing to give in no matter what. Usually this is a negative attribute for Sixten - if he doesn't see the point of doing a piece of homework, he'll absolutely refuse to do it. And he could care less what others think of his decisions. Sixten gives zero shits about what other people think of him, and this reflects that.

However, he does question other's motives. He doesn't believe that people can do things just because they are inherently good - there must be a selfish reason as to why anyone does anything. So he'll question everything someone does and why if they start acting too nice to him out of nowhere.

So unless you like those 1000 piece puzzles where there are at least ten pieces missing, then you should probably just save Sixten's time and move along.


dogs // good humor // his sisters (but don't tell them that) // improv // talent // the color black // pasta // puzzles/challenges/riddles // those people who have somehow managed to worm themselves into his life (they're called friends) // books (specifically literary works)


large personalities // things that are really colorful // being told to do things // losing // ignorant and stupid people // potatoes // the beach // too much sun // people who won't give him space when he wants it // being wrong // pop music // fake people // talking to people over phones/at counters/placing orders // conformity


reading // listening to music // pissing off his sisters


pushes up his glasses when he's confident about a win // rolling his eyes when he thinks you're being an idiot or if he doesn't like what's being said // crossing his arms when he gets disinterested by a topic/conversation


pissing people off // improvising // literature analyzation


losing the people he cares about // being lost (both literal and figuratively) // that his secrets will be uncovered against his will

Crystal Core

A simple clear crystal inset into a ring - his sisters mined it when they were getting their own, and thought of him. He treasures it deeply.

Mental Ailments

Light social anxiety


Brief Bio

When Sixten was ten weeks old, his family packed up and moved from Göteborg, Sweden to New York City. His sisters were 3 and 5 at the time, so they have more memories of the homeland than he does. This has resulted in Sixten being much more "American" than his sisters, although he does conform to Swedish culture a little bit.

Growing up Sixten displayed the stubbornness and tenacity for pissing off others rather early on - little Sixten thought it was a fun game. He threw a lot of tantrums, and to this day there's a little trophy on the mantle for "Angriest Kid Ever Seen". Yeah, he was a handful.

His sisters were real powerhouses school and power-wise. Rut turned out an earth elemental and Moa chose to specialize in air. The two always excelled in everything they did and everyone expected Sixten to follow in their footsteps. The pressure to perform well instead drove Sixten to do the absolute opposite. He did terribly in school, and teachers were sure that he had no magical power whatsoever.

However, when it came to choose where to specialize, he surprised a lot of people by choosing to stay with his family's element - light. After that most of the expectations on him were removed, he began doing better in school and showed a natural affinity for his element.

The teachers don't under- or overestimate him anymore, but they still dread having him in one of their classes.


Light Magic
The ability to control, create, and manipulate light.


Bending light beams is muscle memory for Sixten by this point, and so is increasing and decreasing the intensity of manmade light, and he's realized that reflective surfaces are his best friend. He's gotten okay at sensing things using light beams, but he's still tweaking and experimenting with it.


He's still experimenting with decreasing and increasing the intensity of natural light sources - he's not even going to think about the sun, but bioluminescent lifeforms should be fair game right? He's working on improving his sensing things with light beams, and he can't generate a lot of his own light just yet - he can manage enough to be used as a small flashlight. The 'slight prophetic powers' isn't within his grasp yet, much to his chagrin


Magnus and Lovisa Lövgren - his dad and mom
Rut Lövgren (24) - his eldest sister
Moa Lövgren (22) - his elder sister



Dorian Ghannam, Veronica Janssen (Slow burn friendship. So slow)


Delaney Cortell


Harlow Johnson

Love Interest



Anders Vincenzo
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  • Love
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade

"Anybody in my family would tell you I'm the family disappointment. Go ahead, ask around. I dare you."
"Be not so nervous, be not so frail,"

  • NAME:
    Dorian Elyas Ghannam

    Door-ee-an Ee-lie-yus Guh-ey-nam

    Dorian; does not take kindly to nicknames




    50% Egyptian American, paternal ♠ 50% mixed American, maternal

    None; also enunciates well
  • HAIR:
    Dark brown, curly texture, cropped short, typically messy and often dirty

    Cobalt blue; dark blue mixed with gray spread across his iris fairly evenly

    Olive in tone, pale in color

    Slim, athletic


    64 kg

    Dresses for comfort instead of for style, and tends to pick grays and blues, though he hardly puts effort into coordinating his looks. Many of his clothes have stains on them, from oil or grease or mud or other various messes



    Many small ones, from fights or from fun; most are clustered on his hands or arms though he has a number elsewhere

    Curly hair ♠ Untidiness ♠ Resting bitch face

    Lactose intolerant
  • Dorian would be best described as the human equivalent of an asshole cat, right down to the dislike of touching. He likes to mess with people, gently poking fun or not-so-gently teasing to get reactions from others as much as he uses it as a test to figure out who's worth his time. He's feisty, too, a whole lot of passion and tenacity packed into a fairly small person, and he's far from shy and far from one to back down from a confrontation. It's easy to get on his bad side, but it's just as easy to earn back his good will if one actually cares about keeping it. He holds himself to incredibly high standards but refuses to apply those standards to others, instead a surprisingly forgiving and understanding person when it comes to others and their mistakes.

    If one can handle the antagonism and deal with the teasing, Dorian's a damn loyal and reliable friend and a fine source for an objectively honest opinion.

    + Intelligent - Dorian is the interesting combination of cunning and perceptive, making him a quick learner and excellent at assessing then solving logic-based issues. It also allows him to read people well, allowing him to take in the little details about an individual and run through possible causes or meanings, then make an educated guess.
    + Forgiving - Despite how hard he is on himself and his own flaws, Dorian is incredibly forgiving when it comes to the mistakes or inadequacies of others, even when the mistake/inadequacy directly interferes with him or his work. In fact, gently accepting an apology is one of the rare situations that evoke an actual (and reassuring, in this context) smile.
    + Courageous - Dorian is far from fearless, but fear is an emotion he's learned to deal with better than many people. He's got an impressive level of self discipline in this regard for one so young, and it's part of why he's got such good control over his element.
    = Private - Dorian can speak of current events, his personal life, or his past in an objective fashion perfectly well. However, if discussion turns towards his emotions about any of those subjects, he either shuts down or shifts to blunt and typically frustrated honesty, depending on the subject and the persons involved in the conversation.
    = Coarse - The concept of manners has no appeal to Dorian, despite the fact he knows them quite well. He curses when he feels like cursing, or he uses blunt language instead of flowery metaphors when discussing more risque subjects. He refuses to cater to anyone else's sensitivities, often incorrectly coming off as "excessively honest".
    = Improper - Laws and what society deems "moral" have no bearing on Dorian's actions. That isn't to say he lacks principle; it means he merely has his own sense of morality and he's a firm believer that "good" and "socially acceptable" are two separate things.
    - Confrontational - If Dorian takes issue with you or something you're doing, you will know about it, and he's far from the type to back down if you take it to violence. He likes fighting, verbally or physically, too much and takes it far too seriously for this to be considered a positive trait.
    - Self depreciating - Dorian has been compared to others since he was a little boy, and that habit was one of the things that his father did rub off on his youngest child. He bases his self esteem on how his accomplishments compare to others and he's never been willing to call himself or his achievements "good enough".
    - Mechanical - Approaching every issue in his life like it's a machine isn't the healthiest or most successful method of problem solving, but it is how he works. He thinks of every problem, especially emotional ones, like it were mechanical, like he can replace a few parts or fix something and the problem will be solved. Problems that can't be solved that way frustrate and depress him, and it...well, it's a vicious cycle.

    Math ♠ Blues and grays ♠ Space ♠ Machines and electronics ♠ Reptiles ♠ Electro swing, techno, EDM, upbeat music ♠ Challenges ♠ Sarcasm ♠ Black coffee ♠ People who rib him back

    Slow music ♠ Waiting ♠ Being interrupted ♠ Stupid questions ♠ Yellows ♠ Sweet drinks ♠ Humid weather ♠ Silence ♠ Sensitive people

    Parkour/Free-running ♠ Reading ♠ Filling in coloring books ♠ Tearing apart anything from lawnmowers to radios to computers to cars

    Pacing ♠ Humming while writing or working ♠ Has to listen to music while concentrating ♠ Tapping on nearby surfaces with his hands or feet ♠ Tends to chew on writing utensils or his lower lip and bite his fingernails

    Agile ♠ Good hand-eye coordination ♠ Played piano since he was six ♠ Excellent at math and logical reasoning

    Failure ♠ Being considered inadequate ♠ Water he can't see the bottom of

    A blue crystal he mined himself

    Dorian was born to very influential and very powerful parents. His father was the heir of a massive and profitable oil empire and his mother was the daughter of an entrepreneur who had made millions selling her internet-based company. Both were gifted light elementals, and both had high hopes for their children. Dorian managed to be a disappointment. He was an awkward child and the younger failure of a brother to a near exemplary son who was intelligent and business smart and obviously gifted in light magic, while Dorian failed consistently when trying to use it and tended to be too awkward around other children to socialize well. Their father was convinced Dorian was a dimwit til he was nearly eight. Their mother, while far softer to her younger boy than his father, was too busy to properly raise her children, so the two had nannies instead. Dorian grew up lonely and angry, quickly growing out of trying to earn his parents' respect and instead just trying to get their attention.

    He spent what little free time he had lashing out and being rebellious, usually antagonizing his older brother or getting into trouble (occasionally with the police) or indulging in his greatest passion: machines. He did terribly in school...until he met Delaney, anyways. He was eight, she was nearly nine, and the two hit it off in a bad way for both of their parents. They were competitive rivals and then competitive friends, Dee talking Dorian into actually doing his work and Dorian bugging Dee until she stopped doing her work. They're basically good for one another, though it doesn't always look that way on the outside.

    His elder sibling came out as a trans woman when he was seventeen, and the two of them have slowly but surely bonded over their parents' distaste for their life choices since.

    Air Magic

    ♠ Can manipulate air, airflow, and create wind; utilizes it quite creatively
    ♠ Can levitate small or medium sized objects
    ♠ Excellent control over his ability

    ♠ Anything intricate with his ability requires his own energy and he's drained of it quite easily
    ♠ Large objects (or himself) are far more difficult to levitate or move and far harder to control when levitated
    ♠ Requires a lot of concentration to use his ability

    Ebrahim Ghannam ♠ Father ♠ Alive
    Odette Ghannam ♠ Mother ♠ Alive
    Jessica Ghannam ♠ Older sister: 23 ♠ Alive
    Many other relatives, but none Dorian keeps contact with
    Delaney, Veronica, Anders, Sixten




  • 1.) Face claim is Rami Malek
    2.) Color code is #436886
    3.) Speaks English and Egyptian Arabic fluently
    4.) Is a vegetarian and arguably follows a branch of Paganism, though he's quite private about both
    5.) Lyrics around text are from Be Not So Fearful - A.C. Newman

    Related Tropes:
    Chaotic Good; The Snark Knight; Pint Sized Powerhouse; Rebel Prince; Being Good Sucks

"Someone watches you, you will not fail."
Songs: OneTwoThreeFourFive

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"I'm not my parents. I don't know what else I might be, but I am not my parents."
" I feel like Bobby Fisher, always four moves ahead​ "

  • NAME:
    Delaney Larissa Cortell

    Deh-lain-ee Lah-ree-sah Core-tell

    Dee, Dean, Laurie




    25% English, 25% American, paternal ♣ 25% French, 25% Amercian, maternal

    East Coast American
  • HAIR:
    Light brown, wavy in texture, cut short and usually styled neatly

    Pale green; darker green around the rim blending into a paler green around the pupil

    Fair in tone, pale in color

    Average, muscled thanks to the sports she enjoys


    55 kg

    Dee dresses for style instead of comfort, selecting her clothes and her outfits with care. She has a preference for graphic tees, often with sayings on them, and likes to flaunt the worn leather jacket she got after purchasing her motorcycle. She tends towards greens, to compliment her crystal core.

    Helix of both ears ♣ Belly button

    A tooth on her right arm, just above the bend of her elbow ♣ this on her right forearm

    Not as many as one would expect; a particularly notable appendectomy scar on her belly

    Confident attitude ♣ Leather jacket ♣ Optimistic outlook

    Asthma when she was younger, but has mostly grown out of it; allergic to bee stings
  • Most people tend to think well of Dee, seeing as she's a polite young woman who's kind and considerate without ulterior motives when she's dealing with other people. In fact, there's nothing particularly dark about her. She's confident and friendly, one to approach others for conversation and plenty good at maintaining a conversation without constantly turning it back to herself. She's also passionate about the things she cares about, and it's plenty easy to spur her into a fervent rant on one subject or another if one feels like listening to such a thing, Her snappy temper and her competitive nature are also fairly obvious traits, however, and running afoul of either usually spoils the good first impression she makes and tends to sway other elementalists towards assuming she's a fire elemental.

    It's a surprise to many when they learn the element she specializes in or how ambitious and vindictive she can be, and that's exactly how she likes it.

    + Kind - Dee is a genuinely kind and generous person, a complete sweetheart to people she first meets but especially so with people she likes. She's the sort who willingly shares her food with anyone who asks, the sort who offers up her jacket to another when it starts raining, and the sort who walks that little bit faster to hold the door open for someone else.
    + Tenacious - After Dee chooses a course of action, she sticks to it. If sticking to it is painful, irritating, tedious, or otherwise difficult, she only takes it as a challenge and pushes herself to do it even more and even better. "Failure" and "no win scenario" are not phrases in her vocabulary.
    + Confident - Trying to convince Dee of anything bad about herself is a damn near impossible task. She knows herself well, feels good about her accomplishments and her abilities and how she looks, and the effect the judgement of others has is really only to piss her off. She also tends to be the one to initiate conversations or propose ideas, and is utterly unafraid of public speaking.
    = Passionate - Dee does nothing and feels nothing in half measures. She's completely in support of an idea or she's not. She feels something completely and wholly or she doesn't feel it at all. That isn't to say she lacks emotional depth, however.
    = Fearless - Dee's completely unflappable when it comes to things most people are scared of. She could stand at the edge of a cliff and leap off into the water below, she could face down an intimidating individual and tell them they're doing something wrong, she could stand before a roomful of people and share and embarrassing (but funny) story.
    = Ambitious - Dee has set some solid goals concerning where she wants to go in the world (lawyer after graduating from Clawfed academy, then district attorney, judge, and a political career) and she'd do quite a lot to accomplish those goals. She isn't so ambitious as to compromise her morals or personal relationships, but it is one of her driving motives.
    - Hot tempered - On a particularly bad day, a strong enough gust of wind could set Dee off, and she's not one of those people who calms down quickly and forgives easily. Generally she's the sort who yells instead of fights, but it is far from difficult to goad her into a physical confrontation and she's not one to back down from one.
    - Impulsive - Independently, Dee doesn't exactly think before she acts. She operates off of emotion and gut feeling instead of logic, her decision-making process too quick to even really be called a process. One can sit her down and help her come to a favorable decision, but convincing Dee of anything is easier said than done.
    - Cocky - Dee could be referred to as a showoff, if one wanted to be polite. She doesn't think she's better than others, exactly, but she is excessively competitive and more than willing to put in the work required to beat someone else at...anything, really. Defeat is a thing she takes personally.

    Motorcycles ♣ Greens, blacks, purples ♣ People with brown eyes ♣ Playing sports, especially soccer and track ♣ Nighttime ♣ Reading ♣ Challenges ♣ Sour candies ♣ Energy drinks and sodas ♣ Being appreciated or complimented ♣ Movies

    Criticism ♣ Bright lights and going outside without sunglasses ♣ Cold temperatures ♣ Jerks ♣ Injustice ♣ Messiness and inefficiency ♣ Being talked down to ♣ Flying insects ♣ Bitter food ♣ Humid days

    Reading, especially historical and nonfiction ♣ Making sure Dorian doesn't get into trouble ♣ Exploring ♣ Swordplay

    Slouches when she sits ♣ Chews at her lower lip ♣ Tends to fiddle with her crystal core

    Fencing ♣ Cooking ♣ Approaching situations with sensibility and reason ♣ Dancing ♣ Talking Dorian out of stupid things

    Flying insects ♣ Disappointing herself ♣ Being left

    A green crystal bracelet she mined herself

    Dee was born to a lovely couple from the Boston area, and she seemed to be the final piece to make their life a perfect picture. Her mother was a surgeon and earth elemental, smart and successful, and her father was a small business owner and water elemental. Their pairing was an interesting one, but from the outside they seemed like a perfect couple. That was a complete facade. Whatever love and trust had been in her parents relationship soured into bitterness and resentment as Dee got older. She learned to take care of herself from a young age, seeing as her parents avoided one another so much they unintentionally avoided their daughter, as well.

    Dee did well in school, achieving good grades and an excellent attendance record, though she didn't really start developing socially til she was nearly nine and met Dorian for the first time. The pair hit it off in a bad way, intensely competitive rivals at first, until Dorian stopped trying to antagonize Dee and instead asked if she wanted to get into trouble together. They've been friends since. Dorian was the first real source of support Dee had, and he was the catalyst that caused her to bloom socially. She makes sure he does his homework; he makes sure she sets her books down once and a while and socializes. They're good for one another though they don't always look like it.

    Dark Magic

    ♣ Can create/generate darkness and manipulate shadows
    ♣ Has mildly enhanced hearing when in the dark
    ♣ Sees well at night or when in darkness

    ♣ Cannot cloak herself in darkness yet and considers it a sore point
    ♣ Has decent control over her abilities, but loses it when she gets emotional, and she gets emotional often
    ♣ Tends to be more sensitive to bright light and light in general

    Marinette Cortell ♣ Mother ♣ Alive
    Calvin Rhodes ♣ Father ♣ Alive
    Some aunts, uncles, and other extended family, but no siblings and no one she's close to
    Dorian, Harlow


    Anders, Sixten


  • 1.) Face claim is Beck Holladay
    2.) Color code is #688765
    3.) Purchased a motorcycle for herself last year with some help from her father
    4.) Can and will sing along to most any song on the radio
    5.) Lyrics around text are from Cosby Sweater - Hilltop Hoods

    Related Tropes:
    Neutral Good; The Anti-Nihilist; Screw Destiny; Hot Blooded

" of my competition, listen, they ain't gonna stop me ever ​"
Songs: OneTwoThreeFourFive

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