De Profundus: The Signal [Interest Thread]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Father Six Eyes
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y o u d o n o t b e l o n g h e r e

Requesting Mission Log Information . . .

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Mission Log Information Registered; Personnel Confirmed
Retrieving Data . . .

Ark Mission Protocol

Designated Ark Mission crew established 25.12.2097; Progressed mission time elpased roughly 8 years, 10 months, 19 days.

Summary of Ark Mission:

In 2043, the Ark Mission Protocol was established by the Argonaut Coalition, a merged entity comprised of international space and aeronautic agencies in an effort to place major efforts into space programs for the benefit of both the human race and the survival of the Earth itself. During the first phase of the Ark Mission Protocol, which spanned nearly 50 years, the Ark was constructed. The Ark is the largest aircraft to have ever been conceived, at 600 meters long and 175 feet wide, and is fitted with the most advanced technology mankind has to offer - Namely two aspects: First, the most advanced AI ever conceived, named Tiresias, after the Oracle in the Greek epic The Odyssey that guided Odysseus back to Ithaca from the Underworld (sometimes recognizably shorthanded as Tirry or Tir). Secondly, but more importantly, a revolutionary new form of engin utilizing ultra-compact particle accelerators, capable of cutting interplanetary voyage down in more than a tenth of historically achieved travel times utilizing rocket propellant. The Ark utilizes special tanks for liquid immersion, using liquid gallium, specialized oxygen suits, and anesthetic pumps for initial launch, as well as hyper-oxidized stasis chambers for the non-human organisms on the Ark, accompanied by drone maintenance overseen by the AI system Tiresias.

The Ark is fitted for the first manned voyage outside of our solar system.

A year prior the establishment of the Ark Mission Protocol, the planet designated as GJ-699-B, a supposed exoplanet and candidate super-Earth orbiting Bernard's Star, was confirmed in both existence and habitability by the Argonaut Coalition. Therefore, the Ark crew's mission was established: To travel from Earth to GJ-699-B with an ambundant number of lifeforms native to Earth; To establish a pseudo-colony on GJ-699-B; To study and maintain the organisms on-board during the voyage; And do the same with the settlement as long as possible up to a planetary year before the Argonaut Coalition fully greenlights colonization of the planet.

The Ark itself is comprised of 8 sections: The Navigations deck, the Ark oversight deck, the accomodations wing, the zoological wing, the botanicle wing, the engineering wing, the AI maintenance wing, and the vessel maintenance wing. To assist the crew are an abundant number of robotic drones, as previously stated, overseen by Tiresias, with various individual designs for various functions, from the rover-like repair drones to the humanoid droids that assist in maintaining the various on-board organisms in the botanical and zoological wings. The AI also assists with navigations and maintaining the ultra-long range frequency communications that link the Ark and the Earth. The crew is staffed by scientific professionals who have trained long and hard for this voyage, among which reside the likes of expert astrologists, physicists, engineers, and zoologists.


So aside from what is discussed in my little introduction to you, the players, who would crew the Ark and bring mankind among the stars, a few things to mention: That's right, this is going to be a horror RP. I won't quite entail as to how that will be implemented, but don't worry, I have things mapped out already. You're not walking into something with some vague and half-assed story to it. It's also worth noting that there will be a somewhat light restriction on your characters. This is a scientific expidition for the good of humanity. It thus requires the appropriate personnel. So I won't be letting some Class-D perssonel from the SCP foundation on the voyage. The crew will be manned by professionals with scientific backgrounds appropriate for the mission. Of course, that isn't to say these characters can't be spicy. And that certainly isn't to say you'll have to play some defenseless nerd. Last, everybody, say hello to your captain, @Dante, who will act as both leader of the crew and chief navigator. I myself will play literally every sentient thing outside of the crew, including the AI Tiresias, though I will allow some reasonable amount of proxy control over drones and animals to the crew. Obviously you won't be able to outright control them, but, at least during the beginning of the RP, you can certainly influence them just as any human could. Actually, I lied about that being the last thing. The actual last thing is this: Remember, this is a horror RP. Although I won't outright kill you all off, you will certainly be put into dangerous situations. I can be lenient about your survival, but if you put your head in a lion's mouth, expect to die not long after. Well unless you're pulling some circus acts with a particularly friendly lion. That could actually be possible if your character is built for that. I'll be putting up a CS thread the day after 5 confirmed checks for interest.

Welcome to the first chapter of De Profundus.

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  • OMG
Reactions: metric
You know me and @Dante are in for this!
I might need a bit more but I am interested
I might need a bit more but I am interested
Can you define 'a bit more'? The only information I can think to add that Iisn't within my strict 'no spoiler' criteria is that the RP will start out out halfway during the mission, located close to the star Alpha Centauri A in the Alpha Centauri system. Mind you, along with Bernard's Star, these are actual star systems, and the Alpha Centauri system is the closest neighbor of our solar system, with Bernard's Star system being second closest. It's not a straight line, though, just hopping from star system to star system for the sake of navigation.
Can I DM you on discord
This sounds fascinating, and I would like to interact with the AI who has sat by Thebes below the wall and walked among the lowest of the dead.
  • Love
Reactions: RedLeftHand36
Additionally, for those interested, I have a Discord server up and running that will allow for ease of communications, especially since I very frequently use it.

So, while this also serves as a bump, after we get one more person I'll be putting up the character sheet thread, and I'll also likely put up the IC thread with it's intro fairly soon afterward. Hopefully we'll get more than one more person, though.
  • Like
Reactions: Dante
Serving as another bump, I suppose I'll schedule puting the CS thread up either tomorrow or the day afterwards, but I'm really hoping to get at least one more person into this. So here's hoping.
Character App thread is up!