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Original poster

United Races

It had been weeks since you were told by your leader that he/she had chosen you to aid the other races in stopping Noctis from releasing the Nightmares. At first you were skeptical that you would be right for the job but, after thinking it over you agreed. Though even you accepted you still had many questions but, one stood out. Who would lead them? One day your question was answered, a letter came to you.

Dear Team,

I am Lilah daughter of Lady Kilana queen of Stella Vultus, and I'm the leader of this quest. Meet me at the Inn on the edge of Fargon Forest in one week. You'll know it when you see it. The details of the mission will be explained there.

Yours truly, Lilah Kalmin

After having read the letter you tell you leader and start packing. It's now one week later and you have set out in search of the Inn some ready for what's to come others worried about what will happen. When you entered the Inn you were welcomed by a women who guided you to the meeting hall. A large spacious room the looked like a ball room with four love seats in the center.

Demigod and Demi Demon

You woke up one day with no idea where you were. Next to you stood a women with long blonde hair dressed in a glowing white dress. She spoke in a silky voice -

"My name is Dies god of Day and Light. I have created you for one purpose, stop Noctis. Stop my brother from hurting anymore people."

She handed you a letter telling you to head to the Inn at the edge of this forest and hand the fairy the letter. After Dies left you turned and started your walk to the Inn, wondering what this world will offer. When you entered the Inn you were welcomed by a women who guided you to the meeting hall. A large spacious room the looked like a ball room with four love seats in the center. You received weird looks from the others but, waited for the fairy to show up.

Noctis' Team

You don't know who they are or how they found you but, the day you expressed your opinion of Noctis you received a letter. It was addressed to you but, didn't say who it was from. All it said was -

Meet me at the small house in the east of Fargon Forest in one week if you want to help Noctis.

At first you were skeptical but, after a few day's you decided to help. Now is the day and you are prepared. You know this means betraying everyone you know but, you feel the world has been at peace for too long. Setting out to the small house you have a sense of determination. Showing up at the house you noticed it's rundown features. Entering the house it was empty, a large fire place stood in the right wall with two love seats and a couch in front of it.

Anaba had gotten the lettern in a tavern, and at first thought it was a confession letter before actually reading it. Luckily the person who delivered it was out of her sight. Then she actually read the letter, at first she decided to give it a few days before making a decision.

Leaving the tavern two days later, she left Jolu all together and headed out to train and think. Another day past, and she made her decision and set out to Fargon Forest. She traveled without much sleep, only small stops to rest and regain her energy here and there.

Finally arriving, she took in the sight, curious if a little awed by it she entered and let her gaze sweep the room, dagger in hand and covered in a bit of blood from a few days prior during a small hunt she had. Taking a bit of cloth she had she wiped the blood off and returned the cloth to it's proper place on her person.

"Hello? Anybody here?" she called, placing her free hand on her hip. After a moment she plopped down onto the nearest loveseat and cross one leg over the other with a huff.
"Huh." Grace found a letter slipped under her doorstep. She distinctively remembers that all (important) news was held in the central area of the Elvian dynasty. The note gave a specific order to meet in the Fargon Forest in under a week to help Noctis. The note itself looked very suspicious and inadequate for the likes of her tasting, but she couldn't help but felt the need to 'go' to said area. She had went door to door asking if anyone had gotten the same mysterious note. All said otherwise - they know nothing of the note except one. "This better be a good waste of my time." She traveled wondrously; aimlessly around a wise and quiet forest encountering many creatures provided by mother nature. Eventually, she had arrived in Fargon Forest. There was a cabin like den that the note said it would be held. I strutted towards the front entrance - head brace adjusted, ears perked, hair kempt, - opening the door then seeing an armed tiny woman.

It was funny.

I saw a blazing fire being settled in between two chairs. Of course I took a seat resting my body with my legs crossed sitting back with both arms placed on the side of the chair that are provided. I looked at far distinct women eyeing her a disgusted look. But she had to ask.

"I'm guessing you got the note too." She said in such an arrogant unpleasant voice. It felt wrong in her line to even try to associate with another that's not relative to her kind. Faes, however, are another thing.
Buras sat grumbling on the sturdy mountain pony that had so loyally carried him all the way from the dwarven home lands all the way to the forest inn. It had carried him rain or shine, through mud or snow, only stopping when he said stop. Suffering the incompetent rider the entire time. So they were in agreement then. They'll both be very happy to see the other go. For Buras' part, bouncing around on the pony had given him what he had deemed 'the rash' for the first part of the journey before his skin began to grow callouses and toughen up. But his crotch still hurt every time he dismounted the pony for the night, and the already distinct dwarven waddle would grow even worse. He had been miserable the entire ride. But he was finally at the tavern.

Opening the door, he was immediately greeted by the inn keeper, a somewhat round woman, and was ushered to a meeting hall. He could tell this inn would be nice just by looking at the inn keeper. Fat inn keepers meant a good inn, with clean beds and tasty food. Thin inn keepers meant they were stingy, and only did what they absolutely had to. Only cleaning the beds once every other month and serving gruel for breakfast lunch, and, dinner.

But that was besides the point, he was here for a gathering of the group that would stop Noctis from releasing his terrifying horde.
Anaba had kept an eye on the door, alert as always. She wasn't expecting to see an elf of all things walk throught the door though, and the raised eyebrow was an indication of such. She didn't say anything at first, but just eyed her carefully. She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, forearms resting on her knees as she sized the elven woman up. The woman's tone and the way she looked at Anaba instantly put the warrior on edge.

"That I did, and it be best not to get on my bad side to quickly doll." she warned before twirling the dagger she had in hand out of slight boredom.

"Wouldn't want to make an enemy out of a potential ally, hm?" she added with a chuckle and a wink. What was the harm in flirting? Maybe she could ruffle the elf's feathers a bit just to mess with her. Besides, if Anaba could bother the woman enough maybe she'd be wise enough to hold her tounge around the Savage Warrior.
Meet me at the small house in the east of Fargon Forest in one week if you want to help Noctis. Sanford Harmon read the letter to himself once more as he held it in one hand and eyed the small house he'd presumed was what he'd been searching for in this blasted place. Huffing his traveling pack up over his shoulders and gripping his poleaxe in his right hand he makes his way through the various bushes down to the building only to see the door already open and some voices from within; female voices at that.

As the aged human male steps through the doorway his heavy leather boots creek against the floor boards coming to a stop as he looks a single look around the room, his eyes falling upon the two individuals sitting down already; one clearly an elf while the other appeared to be a below average height human. Whether they responded to his presence at all or in anyway he wouldn't react much while his seemingly dull cold eyes did a once over of each of them. What they seemed to be carrying, what they wore, how they looked; everyone was a piece of information and information was useful.

After doing so silently for probably an uncomfortable amount of time for most people Sanford simply grumbled to himself before walking over to a nearby wall on the far side of the room, leaning his poleaxe and large pack against the wall which he proceeds to sit back against and relax a little. It was quite a travel getting here and he'd rather not get in the middle of what sounded like squabbling words and meaningless threats from what he heard; wasted time and energy.
Grace lightly raised her hand with a straight face ceasing her in mid sentence. "Hold your tongue." Her head jolted towards the main entrance and in came a human, and a 'smaller' human. - a dwarf. A man in heavy set armor jingled across the gathering room from head to toe. After a while I found him hanging out on a spot on a wall father across the room. I leaned a bit forward intrigued as to whoever sent this note has sent some specific people indeed.
Grace sat back trying to not make eye contact with the dwarf waddling across the room searching for food. She then layed her hand back down sighing exhaustively in relief that no one yet has entered the door.

Minutes to hours passed by, and she was beyond aggravated. She's tapping her fingers firecely on the edge of the love seat. 'Waste.. of... TIME!' She thought to herself. She suddenly got up and took a step outside to stand out of the front entrance eyeing the designated place. "I could be catching up on my magic and spell casting." Grace looked down eyeing at a bush of rose buds that have not fully bloomed yet. They look like they were about to die and wilt away at the rate the weather attending. She thought this could be a colorful time to try to attempt to make a bud bloom. Gently, she picked a single bud placing it in the palm of her hand. Grace relaxed and closed her eyes focusing all of her mana of magic into the bud. She felt small trinklettes twiddiling around her fingers. She slowly opened her eyes gazing her eyes at the now sprouting rose bud. It looked healthy.
Lilah Kalmin

Mentions: @catulet and @Goji
Interactions: @Beowulf

At first it was a whisper but, soon the rumors spread like wildfire, Noctis had come out of hiding. That's what they all said. Lilah hadn't known what to do then but, now here she was, leading a small team to stop his plans. She remembered the day they asked her. At first she didn't quite understand why they picked her when there was so many other eligible people. In the end tho she accepted the position and sent out the letters to her team. She picked the strongest person from each race. Each with a unique ability.

Buras Garethson from the dwarves was like some other dwarfs. Brash, loud, and a strong fighter. From what she's heard he would gladly fight to stop Noctis.

Andines Merlia from the humans. There quiet from what she knows but, Lilah trusts there ability in fighting.

Firnir from the elves. He distanced himself from his people because of his powers but, Lilah though his powers were useful.

Her team while small was strong and she couldn't wait to meet them. As she walked through the meeting room doors she was met with Buras. He seemed to be the only one to have arrived so far. Smiling warmly she looked him over. As Lilah suspected he was muscular and short like most other dwarfs. "I'm Lilah, it's nice to meet you Buras." Her soft voice carried through the room.
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