Demon Eradication Alliance Department

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
hopefully you are still taking characters~ Even if you aren't I am sure I can use her somewhere else hahah
Are things still going on for this rp or has it sort of halted for now ? Because I'm quite interested
Oh goodness this blew up while I was on Turkey vacation, didn't it?
Yes there is one more slot for you. After this it will be closed.

As for @Mad Captain Kazu and @etrenelle__ I shall be reviewing sheets soon!
  • Spicy
Reactions: etrenelle__
"Funny..,you refer to me as a beast and yet now you wish to learn my name."

"Even I am unable recall from when the void gifted me to this world."



"Your organistaion is where I reside for the moment"

"Do I look like any human that resides here to you ?"

With Arkenos's renowned reputation of being incredibly hard to approach due to their almost insatiable hunger, They are known to keep to themselves quite often but there are those who have been able to engage in conversation with the demon as they remain behind a door in their confinement in the D.E.A.D headquarters. They have no feelings good or bad towards their handlers as they see them as a sort of means to get their job done at the end of the day. Demons also have no positive or negative impact on Arkenos as just like their handlers, they are a means to get the job done. All they wish is to 'attempt' to satisfy their hunger before it gnaws away at them again and killing Demons is their closest way for the time being.

Thoughts and feelings of someone else flooding their mind was blinding as well as painful to the beast as it attempted to escape this grasp that something had on them and while calm for the moment, the beast wishes to free itself whenever possible of these accursed memories. Group handlers for Arkenos have been hard to come by but that hasnt stopped said groups from trying. While many have become too intimidated by the thin beast towering over them, others have used Arkenos in at least one field test before wishing to be assigned with a new leashed demon for their own reasons be it, preference, or own personal saftey from the aura the beast emits here and there. Through many talks, Arkenos has known to be a calm demon after being talked to and of course given something to satisfy their hunger however restraining the demon after having to kill and the scent of blood fills the air, it takes alot to try and hold Arkenos back from devouring the bodies at the scene. Resting in their own heavy confinment quarters and having to be on alert when the hunger begins to eat away at Arkenos, those advised using Arkenos are to do so at their own risk. The time will truely come when Arkenos can work with a variety of handlers and not cause any issue.

Demon Magics

Jormungandr - Arkenos possesses the ability to stretch their limbs while also being able to form them into tentacles or wings for their own or handlers needs.

Height - 210 cm (6'11")
Weight - 71 kg (156 lbs)

(If anything needs changing or expanding please do say.)​
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This looks interesting. If I join i'll create a human. Or maybe a demon. Not sure until I know the ratio for sure.
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I'm interested as well if there is still room. I'd love making a human or a demon in this; kinda in the same boat as Cush in regards to the whole ratio bit.

@Cush Almighty Oh wait I just looked up a bit. @Karyra said it would be closed after @FrozenOcelot 's character. Bummer >.<
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Name: Maalkan
"Grrrrr...this one's name is Maalkan."
Age: 346
"That is how old they say I am."
Allegiance: Council
"This one serves the ones who bested him."
Race: Demon
"I''m not as fragile as you...humans."

Maalkan is a brute of a demon and he acts accordingly. He goes where he is told and does what he is told so long as it leads to some bloodshed, which in most cases it usually does. After all, he knows what the humans want of him. They want a mindless tool with which they can use to slay demons. Maalkan may appear dense and simple minded but he knows how things work with these...humans he now serves. As long as he plays the part of a good hound he can spill blood and feed and that's good enough for him. The demon is certainly not known for his conversational skills as Maalkan prefers to keep dialog short and to the point of the task at hand. Though as good at following commands as he may be it is common place for Maalkan to insult human and demon alike when irritated which would be often.

Maalkan vividly remembers the night he was leashed. The countless chains that bounded him in place rattling as he struggled against them, his bonded cleaver chained down as well just out of his reach. He roared loudly in agony as the foreign emotions flooded into him. The anger made him feel as though his very skin boiled, the sadness chilled his core and joy caused him to grin uncontrollably. Fear...fear was the one that he hated the most. A deep urge within him begged to feel anything other than that. Even the searing pain he was still feeling was preferable. He didn't know why but he did and that enraged him more than anything in that moment. He can still clearly see the concerned faces of those who watched over him. That emotion he'd felt...fear...he could see it in their eyes. That was his first taste of amusement and joy...good feelings. Good feelings that he wanted to feel more.

For a time Maalkan served as a real menace. He would do his best to startle and terrorize any of whom would pass by the confines of his prison. The expressions they made filled him with more of the cruel joy he now craved as much if not more than a demon's primal hunger. Not long after he started this trend however they stopped appearing. He wouldn't see humans or any other life for days, weeks at a time. Loneliness was all that filled up inside himself during this time, it calmed him which was what the organization wanted. Shortly there after Maalkan was field tested and provided...mixed results. In terms of combat effectiveness and corresponding with orders he was excellent. But he proved to consistently drag out engagements for his personal enjoyment as well as insult and intimidate any whom have been his handler. The only thing that's kept him from termination at this point has been that he hasn't yet purposely attacked a handler. It goes without saying that this demon is kept on a very short and very tight leash.

Demonic Abilities/Traits:
Bonded Reaper Cleaver
- A large crude two handed cleaver that Maalkan can summon into his grasp so long as it is in his sight. The weapon is as much a part of Maalkan as is his own limbs; the demon is known to feed by means of the weapon slashing into his victims. Maalkan is known to become irritable and uncomfortable when the weapon is not within his immediate reach.

Protruding spikes
- Pointy bone like spikes grow out of Maalkan's back and elbows. He has the ability to shoot them out from his body dozens of feet away with enough force to pierce flesh. They travel at about the same speed as a crossbow bolt but are a bit larger.

Aura of Fear
- Maalkan passively causes those around him to feel fearful. It primarily effects lesser demons and weak willed humans.

Demonic Strength & Constitution
- Even by demon standards Maalkan is unusually strong and hardy.

- I couldn't help but make a character just incase you felt like accepting Cush and myself. If not then feel free to use Maalkan as a demon for whatever you may need.​
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Oh too bad then
Name: Dmitri Mormont

Age: 26


Allegiance: High council

Race: Human

Dmitri was cited as something of an enigma due his overly reclusive nature. When ever he is seen, he always seems to have his face concealed and rarely speaks to anyone including most of the D.E.A.D agents. Those who have worked with Dmitri knows that he is a sophisticated, observant and composed individual with pro-human attitude. What most people dont know that Dmitri is actually that friendly bartender that works a few blocks away from the D.E.A.D headquarters who people call Dave.

Growing up near the heart of the city, Dmitri was your average member of the population, Infact no one really cared who he was until he put on the mask. With seven years of service, Dmitri has proven to be one of the veterans in D.E.A.D who the high council usually calls upon when there is a task or odd job that is proven to be too difficult for the average Agent. When he isn't an agent he works part time a local bar.

Ignition purge - flame manipulation...(if that's cool)

Broad sword
Flame manipulation is cool, but I will need some examples as to what you mean. This is also a reminder that money literally not a thing in this society, so why does he work in a bar? Worst of all, most missions happen at night, which isn't that when people go to bars?


. : n a m e : .
"Well if you must know... It is Cassandra."
Cassandra (Cassie) Lupien

. : a g e : .
".... that is rude to ask..."

. : a l l e g i a n c e : .
"Who do you believe it to be?"
The Council

. : r a c e : .
"I am not one of those things."

. : p e r s o n a l i t y : .
"You are being a little noisy here aren't you?"
Cassandra tends to prefer to keep to herself and when she does have to speak to others she normally gives them sarcastic replies and focuses more on what they are doing. She likes to look at everything from a distance, maybe that is why she is such a good archer but it effects her everyday life as well.

Those who have worked with Cassandra know that she is not interested in small chit chat and just want to get the job done and finished with. They also are aware that she does not particularly like demons although she seems to treat her leashed demon differently.

Although she is just trying to think of the creature as a pet and to make sure that it wont lash out her. She doesn't need to deal with the paperwork if she had to kill the thing.

. : h i s t o r y : .
"Do you mind buggering off? I do not intend to share this with you."
Before the incident Cassandra's ancestors lived far into the woods living in seclusion hunting and scrapping for food. Unlike others that lived more "sophisticated" lives towards the cities, the Rosearth's lived a simple lifestyle hunting and harvesting their own food.

Even after the incident Cassandra's family has continued the traditions of their ancestors by teaching each generation the skill of either a sword, bow or spear. Each weapon was one of the main weapons utilised by the ancestors.

Due to their upbringing most children from this clan aim to become part of D . E . A . D most succeed although many happily settle themselves within the lower ranks. Not Cassandra however. Who aims to become the best.

. : m a g i t e c h : .
"All I need is a single true arrow"
A cross bow​
The incident was 500 years ago. For clans to maintain traditions such as above, they might need to apply to other Council Members. Especially since they distribute work to people. I would imagine that the group can live by their own traditions, but my questions is who did they appeal to? Why move to the city?
"Funny..,you refer to me as a beast and yet now you wish to learn my name."

"Even I am unable recall from when the void gifted me to this world."



"Your organistaion is where I reside for the moment"

"Do I look like any human that resides here to you ?"

With Arkenos's renowned reputation of being incredibly hard to approach due to their almost insatiable hunger, They are known to keep to themselves quite often but there are those who have been able to engage in conversation with the demon as they remain behind a door in their confinement in the D.E.A.D headquarters. They have no feelings good or bad towards their handler as they see them as a sort of partner to get their job done at the end of the day. Demons also have no positive or negative impact on Arkenos as just like their handler, they are a means to get the job done. All they wish is to 'attempt' to satisfy their hunger before it gnaws away at them again and killing Demons is their closest way for the time being.

The night Arkenos was leashed was a rough night for those in charge of paperwork of D.E.A.D. The demon kept ear piercingly screaming attempting to free themselves as they clawed at their own throat. The thoughts and feelings of someone else flooding their mind was blinding as well as painful to the beast. Looking to the handler holding the leash that night they quick ran towards them on all 4's like a wild animal with an insatiable look in their eye eager to feed again. More agents were needed on the scene before finally restraining the demon and calming everything down later into the night while around them lay remnants of shattered glass and blood from the ensuing event. Handlers for Arkenos have been hard to come by but that hasnt stopped people from trying. while many have become too intimidated by the thin beast towering over them, others have used Arkenos in at least one field test before wishing to be assigned with a new leashed demon for their own reasons be it, preference, or being unable to control the beast. Through many talks, Arkenos has known to be a calm demon after being talked to and of course given something to satisfy their hunger however restraining the demon after having to kill and the scent of blood fills the air, it takes alot to try and hold Arkenos back from devoruing the bodies at the scene. Resting in their own heavy confinment quarters and having to be on alert when the hunger begins to eat away at Arkenos, those advised to attempt leashing and using Arkenos are to do so at their own risk. The time will truely come when Arkenos can work with a handler and not cause any issue.

Demon Magics

Jormungandr - Arkenos possesses the ability to stretch their limbs while also being able to form them into tentacles or wings for their own or handlers needs.

Height - 210 cm (6'11")
Weight - 71 kg (156 lbs)

(If anything needs changing or expanding please do say.)​
Hello! Uhm... only The Council Member leashes demons. She picks and goes out alone to do so. As such your history begins after your Leashing. And you would be bound to your group, not your solo handler. People who have solo demons tend to be special cases like the sleep demon.

I'm interested as well if there is still room. I'd love making a human or a demon in this; kinda in the same boat as Cush in regards to the whole ratio bit.

@Cush Almighty Oh wait I just looked up a bit. @Karyra said it would be closed after @FrozenOcelot 's character. Bummer >.<
I did, didn't I?

... But I'm too nice to turn you down, either. So... if you wanted to join, get a sheet up before Friday. I will close the RP that day and move the scene. ;)
Name: Dmitri Mormont

Age: 26


Allegiance: High council

Race: Human

Dmitri was cited as something of an enigma due his overly reclusive nature. When ever he is seen, he always seems to have his face concealed and rarely speaks to anyone including most of the D.E.A.D agents. Those who have worked with Dmitri knows that he is a sophisticated, observant and composed individual with pro-human attitude. What most people dont know that Dmitri is actually that friendly bartender that works a few blocks away from the D.E.A.D headquarters who people call Dave.

Growing up near the heart of the city, Dmitri was your average member of the population, Infact no one really cared who he was until he put on the mask. With seven years of service, Dmitri has proven to be one of the veterans in D.E.A.D who the high council usually calls upon when there is a task or odd job that is proven to be too difficult for the average Agent. When he isn't an agent he works part time a local bar.

Ignition purge - flame manipulation...(if that's cool)

Broad sword
Flame manipulation is cool, but I will need some examples as to what you mean. This is also a reminder that money literally not a thing in this society, so why does he work in a bar? Worst of all, most missions happen at night, which isn't that when people go to bars?


. : n a m e : .
"Well if you must know... It is Cassandra."
Cassandra (Cassie) Lupien

. : a g e : .
".... that is rude to ask..."

. : a l l e g i a n c e : .
"Who do you believe it to be?"
The Council

. : r a c e : .
"I am not one of those things."

. : p e r s o n a l i t y : .
"You are being a little noisy here aren't you?"
Cassandra tends to prefer to keep to herself and when she does have to speak to others she normally gives them sarcastic replies and focuses more on what they are doing. She likes to look at everything from a distance, maybe that is why she is such a good archer but it effects her everyday life as well.

Those who have worked with Cassandra know that she is not interested in small chit chat and just want to get the job done and finished with. They also are aware that she does not particularly like demons although she seems to treat her leashed demon differently.

Although she is just trying to think of the creature as a pet and to make sure that it wont lash out her. She doesn't need to deal with the paperwork if she had to kill the thing.

. : h i s t o r y : .
"Do you mind buggering off? I do not intend to share this with you."
Before the incident Cassandra's ancestors lived far into the woods living in seclusion hunting and scrapping for food. Unlike others that lived more "sophisticated" lives towards the cities, the Rosearth's lived a simple lifestyle hunting and harvesting their own food.

Even after the incident Cassandra's family has continued the traditions of their ancestors by teaching each generation the skill of either a sword, bow or spear. Each weapon was one of the main weapons utilised by the ancestors.

Due to their upbringing most children from this clan aim to become part of D . E . A . D most succeed although many happily settle themselves within the lower ranks. Not Cassandra however. Who aims to become the best.

. : m a g i t e c h : .
"All I need is a single true arrow"
A cross bow​
The incident was 500 years ago. For clans to maintain traditions such as above, they might need to apply to other Council Members. Especially since they distribute work to people. I would imagine that the group can live by their own traditions, but my questions is who did they appeal to? Why move to the city?
"Funny..,you refer to me as a beast and yet now you wish to learn my name."

"Even I am unable recall from when the void gifted me to this world."



"Your organistaion is where I reside for the moment"

"Do I look like any human that resides here to you ?"

With Arkenos's renowned reputation of being incredibly hard to approach due to their almost insatiable hunger, They are known to keep to themselves quite often but there are those who have been able to engage in conversation with the demon as they remain behind a door in their confinement in the D.E.A.D headquarters. They have no feelings good or bad towards their handler as they see them as a sort of partner to get their job done at the end of the day. Demons also have no positive or negative impact on Arkenos as just like their handler, they are a means to get the job done. All they wish is to 'attempt' to satisfy their hunger before it gnaws away at them again and killing Demons is their closest way for the time being.

The night Arkenos was leashed was a rough night for those in charge of paperwork of D.E.A.D. The demon kept ear piercingly screaming attempting to free themselves as they clawed at their own throat. The thoughts and feelings of someone else flooding their mind was blinding as well as painful to the beast. Looking to the handler holding the leash that night they quick ran towards them on all 4's like a wild animal with an insatiable look in their eye eager to feed again. More agents were needed on the scene before finally restraining the demon and calming everything down later into the night while around them lay remnants of shattered glass and blood from the ensuing event. Handlers for Arkenos have been hard to come by but that hasnt stopped people from trying. while many have become too intimidated by the thin beast towering over them, others have used Arkenos in at least one field test before wishing to be assigned with a new leashed demon for their own reasons be it, preference, or being unable to control the beast. Through many talks, Arkenos has known to be a calm demon after being talked to and of course given something to satisfy their hunger however restraining the demon after having to kill and the scent of blood fills the air, it takes alot to try and hold Arkenos back from devoruing the bodies at the scene. Resting in their own heavy confinment quarters and having to be on alert when the hunger begins to eat away at Arkenos, those advised to attempt leashing and using Arkenos are to do so at their own risk. The time will truely come when Arkenos can work with a handler and not cause any issue.

Demon Magics

Jormungandr - Arkenos possesses the ability to stretch their limbs while also being able to form them into tentacles or wings for their own or handlers needs.

Height - 210 cm (6'11")
Weight - 71 kg (156 lbs)

(If anything needs changing or expanding please do say.)​
Hello! Uhm... only The Council Member leashes demons. She picks and goes out alone to do so. As such your history begins after your Leashing. And you would be bound to your group, not your solo handler. People who have solo demons tend to be special cases like the sleep demon.

I'm interested as well if there is still room. I'd love making a human or a demon in this; kinda in the same boat as Cush in regards to the whole ratio bit.

@Cush Almighty Oh wait I just looked up a bit. @Karyra said it would be closed after @FrozenOcelot 's character. Bummer >.<
I did, didn't I?

... But I'm too nice to turn you down, either. So... if you wanted to join, get a sheet up before Friday. I will close the RP that day and move the scene. ;)
I'll make the changes accordingly.

Name: Maalkan
"Grrrrr...this one's name is Maalkan."
Age: 346
"That is how old they say I am."
Allegiance: Council
"This one serves the ones who bested him."
Race: Demon
"I''m not as fragile as you...humans."

Maalkan is a brute a demon and he acts accordingly. He goes where he is told and does what he is told so long as it leads to some bloodshed, which in most cases it usually does. After all, he knows what the humans want of him. They want a mindless tool with which they can use to slay demons. Maalkan may appear dense and simple minded but he knows how things work with these...humans he now serves. As long as he plays the part of a good hound he can spill blood and feed and that's good enough for him. The demon is certainly not known for his conversational skills as Maalkan prefers to keep dialog short and to the point of the task at hand. Though as good at following commands as he may be it is common place for Maalkan to insult human and demon alike when irritated which would be often.

Maalkan vividly remembers the night he was leashed. The countless chains that bounded him in place rattling as he struggled against them, his bonded cleaver chained down as well just out of his reach. He roared loudly in agony as the foreign emotions flooded into him. The anger made him feel as though his very skin boiled, the sadness chilled his core and joy caused him to grin uncontrollably. Fear...fear was the one that he hated the most. A deep urge within him begged to feel anything other than that. Even the searing pain he was still feeling was preferable. He didn't know why but he did and that enraged him more than anything in that moment. He can still clearly see the concerned faces of those who watched over him. That emotion he'd felt...fear...he could see it in their eyes. That was his first taste of amusement and joy...good feelings. Good feelings that he wanted to feel more.

For a time Maalkan served as a real menace. He would do his best to startle and terrorize any of whom would pass by the confines of his prison. The expressions they made filled him with more of the cruel joy he now craved as much if not more than a demon's primal hunger. Not long after he started this trend however they stopped appearing. He wouldn't see humans or any other life for days, weeks at a time. Loneliness was all that filled up inside himself during this time, it calmed him which was what the organization wanted. Shortly there after Maalkan was field tested and provided...mixed results. In terms of combat effectiveness and corresponding with orders he was excellent. But he proved to consistently drag out engagements for his personal enjoyment as well as insult and intimidate any whom have been his handler. The only thing that's kept him from termination at this point has been that he hasn't yet purposely attacked a handler. It goes without saying that this demon is kept on a very short and very tight leash.

Demonic Abilities/Traits:
Bonded Reaper Cleaver
- A large crude two handed cleaver that Maalkan can summon into his grasp so long as it is in his sight. The weapon is as much a part of Maalkan as is his own limbs; the demon is known to feed by means of the weapon slashing into his victims. Maalkan is known to become irritable and uncomfortable when the weapon is not within his immediate reach.

Protruding spikes
- Pointy bone like spikes grow out of Maalkan's back and elbows. He has the ability to shoot them out from his body dozens of feet away with enough force to pierce flesh. They travel at about the same speed as a crossbow bolt but are a bit larger.

Aura of Fear
- Maalkan passively causes those around him to feel fearful. It primarily effects lesser demons and weak willed humans.

Demonic Strength & Constitution
- Even by demon standards Maalkan is unusually strong and hardy.

- I couldn't help but make a character just incase you felt like accepting Cush and myself. If not then feel free to use Maalkan as a demon for whatever you may need.​

Oh too bad then
Actually, you have a sort of last minute grace period. Don't worry about ratio demon to human. NPCs will fill out the ratios, but you can just call them Redshirts because they'll probably live about as long. So go!
Name: Dmitri Mormont

Age: 26


Allegiance: High council

Race: Human

Dmitri was cited as something of an enigma due his overly reclusive nature. When ever he is seen, he always seems to have his face concealed and rarely speaks to anyone including most of the D.E.A.D agents. Those who have worked along side him that he is a sophisticated, observant and composed individual who usally prefers to work alone.

Growing up near the heart of the city, Dmitri was your average member of the population, Infact no one really cared who he was until he put on the mask. With seven years of service, Dmitri has proven to be one of the veterans in D.E.A.D who the high council usually calls upon when there is a task or odd job that is proven to be too difficult for the average Agent. When he isn't an agent he works part time a local bar.

Flame manipulation- Dmitri has the ability to manipulate and absorb fire. Although he cannot outright create flames the Magitech he uses allows him to increase the kinetics of atoms and molecules causing them to ignite.

Broad sword
@Karyra made a few minor changes, just say if anything else needs changing. was just trying to mold something into my own, I like to make backstories and such for my characters so it was a little jarring to just starting from a pre-determined point.
"Funny..,you refer to me as a beast and yet now you wish to learn my name."

"Even I am unable recall from when the void gifted me to this world."



"Your organistaion is where I reside for the moment"

"Do I look like any human that resides here to you ?"

With Arkenos's renowned reputation of being incredibly hard to approach due to their almost insatiable hunger, They are known to keep to themselves quite often but there are those who have been able to engage in conversation with the demon as they remain behind a door in their confinement in the D.E.A.D headquarters. They have no feelings good or bad towards their handlers as they see them as a sort of means to get their job done at the end of the day. Demons also have no positive or negative impact on Arkenos as just like their handlers, they are a means to get the job done. All they wish is to 'attempt' to satisfy their hunger before it gnaws away at them again and killing Demons is their closest way for the time being.

Tthoughts and feelings of someone else flooding their mind was blinding as well as painful to the beast as it attempted to escape this grasp that something had on them and while calm for the moment, the beast wishes to free itself whenever possible of these accursed memories. Group handlers for Arkenos have been hard to come by but that hasnt stopped said groups from trying. While many have become too intimidated by the thin beast towering over them, others have used Arkenos in at least one field test before wishing to be assigned with a new leashed demon for their own reasons be it, preference, or own personal saftey from the aura the beast emits here and there. Through many talks, Arkenos has known to be a calm demon after being talked to and of course given something to satisfy their hunger however restraining the demon after having to kill and the scent of blood fills the air, it takes alot to try and hold Arkenos back from devouring the bodies at the scene. Resting in their own heavy confinment quarters and having to be on alert when the hunger begins to eat away at Arkenos, those advised using Arkenos are to do so at their own risk. The time will truely come when Arkenos can work with a variety of handlers and not cause any issue.

Demon Magics

Jormungandr - Arkenos possesses the ability to stretch their limbs while also being able to form them into tentacles or wings for their own or handlers needs.

Height - 210 cm (6'11")
Weight - 71 kg (156 lbs)

(If anything needs changing or expanding please do say.)​
@Karyra made a few minor changes, just say if anything else needs changing. was just trying to mold something into my own, I like to make backstories and such for my characters so it was a little jarring to just starting from a pre-determined point.
I understand, but there are mechanics that are hidden about demons. The reason I have them start at Leashed is for a good reason, I promise.
You are now accepted.
"Funny..,you refer to me as a beast and yet now you wish to learn my name."

"Even I am unable recall from when the void gifted me to this world."



"Your organistaion is where I reside for the moment"

"Do I look like any human that resides here to you ?"

With Arkenos's renowned reputation of being incredibly hard to approach due to their almost insatiable hunger, They are known to keep to themselves quite often but there are those who have been able to engage in conversation with the demon as they remain behind a door in their confinement in the D.E.A.D headquarters. They have no feelings good or bad towards their handlers as they see them as a sort of means to get their job done at the end of the day. Demons also have no positive or negative impact on Arkenos as just like their handlers, they are a means to get the job done. All they wish is to 'attempt' to satisfy their hunger before it gnaws away at them again and killing Demons is their closest way for the time being.

Tthoughts and feelings of someone else flooding their mind was blinding as well as painful to the beast as it attempted to escape this grasp that something had on them and while calm for the moment, the beast wishes to free itself whenever possible of these accursed memories. Group handlers for Arkenos have been hard to come by but that hasnt stopped said groups from trying. While many have become too intimidated by the thin beast towering over them, others have used Arkenos in at least one field test before wishing to be assigned with a new leashed demon for their own reasons be it, preference, or own personal saftey from the aura the beast emits here and there. Through many talks, Arkenos has known to be a calm demon after being talked to and of course given something to satisfy their hunger however restraining the demon after having to kill and the scent of blood fills the air, it takes alot to try and hold Arkenos back from devouring the bodies at the scene. Resting in their own heavy confinment quarters and having to be on alert when the hunger begins to eat away at Arkenos, those advised using Arkenos are to do so at their own risk. The time will truely come when Arkenos can work with a variety of handlers and not cause any issue.

Demon Magics

Jormungandr - Arkenos possesses the ability to stretch their limbs while also being able to form them into tentacles or wings for their own or handlers needs.

Height - 210 cm (6'11")
Weight - 71 kg (156 lbs)

(If anything needs changing or expanding please do say.)​
@Karyra made a few minor changes, just say if anything else needs changing. was just trying to mold something into my own, I like to make backstories and such for my characters so it was a little jarring to just starting from a pre-determined point.
I understand, but there are mechanics that are hidden about demons. The reason I have them start at Leashed is for a good reason, I promise.
You are now accepted.
no worries and thanks
I assume just write up a post whenever or is there an order for now ?
Name: Sidney Cross

Age: 24

Appearance: Yagen.Toushirou.full.1987889.jpg

Race: Human

Allegiance: The Council

Sidney seems rather like a childish and flamboyant person when it comes to being in a public setting. A rather quirky individual who seems to get close to people more often than one would probably like. Whether or not they are invading someone's personal space, Sidney seem to be one of the more affectionate personalities, always wanting to put a smile on someone's face, whether they desire said happiness or not. Not wanting to see their allies or friends in pain, Sidney attempts to have a more passive nature when patching up their comrades, but continues to keep that loving smile for an expression.

At a very young age, Sidney was enthralled with the idea of being a doctor of some sorts, even to the point where he always carried a first-aid kit that was nearly the size of a briefcase with them everywhere in order to assist those in need. Ever since they were little, Sidney studied with his father in hopes of curing the sickness that had plagued their mother. Not a single medicine had worked with long term effects, and her condition was worsening as time progressed. Without a lead or cure to keep her from succumbing, the father went to do something, rather drastic. He had went searching for help, from anywhere and everywhere that could find him a glimpse of a clue. Once late at night, Sidney left the house in search of their Father, hoping to find some answers of where he could be disappearing to. However, their travels had brought him to a Dark Corner where D.E.A.D guards had been stationed. The guards trying to remind the Father of the broadcast, and tried to escort him away. Sidney stayed distanced, watching the whole thing happen before his eyes as he began to become increasingly worried. Suddenly, an intense feeling gassed the air as a demon had appeared within the vicinity, wasting no time in attacking the three. Crying out, Sidney tried to tell the Father to run away as quickly as he could, terrified for their very lives. Nearly petrified by the thought of his child being there, the Father stood frozen, gazing at Sidney from the other side of the street. The hesitation was the Father's demise, for he was eviscerated by the demon. Silence gripped Sidney's soul as the D.E.A.D tried to lead the Demon away from the kid, trying to subdue it, but it had fled after its kill. "It's never too late... Anyone can be saved, as long as you have Hope." The Father's voice rung out into Sidney's head as they slammed down the large first-aid kit and unlatched it open. As the D.E.A.D returned back to check on Sidney, they were distraught by what they had begun to witness. Riddled with an almost mad-like aura, Sidney began to bandage and stitch up their long dead parent with needle, thread, and gauze, using tweezers and scalpels to pull out bits of derbies and metal from their body. Trying to pull Sidney away from their deceased Father, Sidney screamed with tears raining from their cheeks, attempting to claw their way back to the Father, crying out, "It's not too late! It's not too late! Let me save him! Please!"

Having spent years trying to cope with the loss of their father, Sidney continued to further their Late Father's research in order to find an All-Cure for their mother, in hopes of retaining the only bit of family he had left. However, within time, Sidney's mother was rushed to a real hospital, where the professionals could attempt to find a solution. However, not even they could come up with a proper cure, for they were unable to diagnose the problem. After time, lying on Death Door, with a soft whisper, the Mother told Sidney something that would be kept within his heart forever. "...Smile, Sidney. I've always felt better when you're smiling..." Slowly watching her pass on from the hospital bed, Sidney wanted to do nothing but blame the demon that tore his family apart and desired a chance to dissect them himself. Within moments, a formally dressed man entered the hospital room and held a D.E.A.D card between his fingers to show to Sidney. Keeping the memory of his family close to his heart, he looked up to the man, as his now permanent smile was worn on his face, rarely ever changing his expression again.

Magitech: X-Ray Vision

With a pair of spectacles, Sidney's magitech augments are built into the glasses, allowing the ability to access X-Ray Vision with varying levels of effectiveness, from seeing through a person's body to examine bones, or internal injuries/ailments, to seeing through solid objects like walls to be able to locate points/persons of interest. Is not able to continue using these magitech augments over long periods of time due to running the risk of impairing vision, and increased chance if running them at stronger levels.
Forgive if it seems like I sprouted out of nowhere, but I saw there was somewhat of a Grace Period. I was hoping I could be apart of this. I'm getting really good vibes from this, and wanted to try something new for a change!
Name: Sidney Cross

Age: 24

Appearance: View attachment 188163

Race: Human

Allegiance: The Council

Sidney seems rather like a childish and flamboyant person when it comes to being in a public setting. A rather quirky individual who seems to get close to people more often than one would probably like. Whether or not they are invading someone's personal space, Sidney seem to be one of the more affectionate personalities, always wanting to put a smile on someone's face, whether they desire said happiness or not. Not wanting to see their allies or friends in pain, Sidney attempts to have a more passive nature when patching up their comrades, but continues to keep that loving smile for an expression.

At a very young age, Sidney was enthralled with the idea of being a doctor of some sorts, even to the point where he always carried a first-aid kit that was nearly the size of a briefcase with them everywhere in order to assist those in need. Ever since they were little, Sidney studied with his father in hopes of curing the sickness that had plagued their mother. Not a single medicine had worked with long term effects, and her condition was worsening as time progressed. Without a lead or cure to keep her from succumbing, the father went to do something, rather drastic. He had went searching for help, from anywhere and everywhere that could find him a glimpse of a clue. Once late at night, Sidney left the house in search of their Father, hoping to find some answers of where he could be disappearing to. However, their travels had brought him to a Dark Corner where D.E.A.D guards had been stationed. The guards trying to remind the Father of the broadcast, and tried to escort him away. Sidney stayed distanced, watching the whole thing happen before his eyes as he began to become increasingly worried. Suddenly, an intense feeling gassed the air as a demon had appeared within the vicinity, wasting no time in attacking the three. Crying out, Sidney tried to tell the Father to run away as quickly as he could, terrified for their very lives. Nearly petrified by the thought of his child being there, the Father stood frozen, gazing at Sidney from the other side of the street. The hesitation was the Father's demise, for he was eviscerated by the demon. Silence gripped Sidney's soul as the D.E.A.D tried to lead the Demon away from the kid, trying to subdue it, but it had fled after its kill. "It's never too late... Anyone can be saved, as long as you have Hope." The Father's voice rung out into Sidney's head as they slammed down the large first-aid kit and unlatched it open. As the D.E.A.D returned back to check on Sidney, they were distraught by what they had begun to witness. Riddled with an almost mad-like aura, Sidney began to bandage and stitch up their long dead parent with needle, thread, and gauze, using tweezers and scalpels to pull out bits of derbies and metal from their body. Trying to pull Sidney away from their deceased Father, Sidney screamed with tears raining from their cheeks, attempting to claw their way back to the Father, crying out, "It's not too late! It's not too late! Let me save him! Please!"

Having spent years trying to cope with the loss of their father, Sidney continued to further their Late Father's research in order to find an All-Cure for their mother, in hopes of retaining the only bit of family he had left. However, within time, Sidney's mother was rushed to a real hospital, where the professionals could attempt to find a solution. However, not even they could come up with a proper cure, for they were unable to diagnose the problem. After time, lying on Death Door, with a soft whisper, the Mother told Sidney something that would be kept within his heart forever. "...Smile, Sidney. I've always felt better when you're smiling..." Slowly watching her pass on from the hospital bed, Sidney wanted to do nothing but blame the demon that tore his family apart and desired a chance to dissect them himself. Within moments, a formally dressed man entered the hospital room and held a D.E.A.D card between his fingers to show to Sidney. Keeping the memory of his family close to his heart, he looked up to the man, as his now permanent smile was worn on his face, rarely ever changing his expression again.

Magitech: X-Ray Vision

With a pair of spectacles, Sidney's magitech augments are built into the glasses, allowing the ability to access X-Ray Vision with varying levels of effectiveness, from seeing through a person's body to examine bones, or internal injuries/ailments, to seeing through solid objects like walls to be able to locate points/persons of interest. Is not able to continue using these magitech augments over long periods of time due to running the risk of impairing vision, and increased chance if running them at stronger levels.
Forgive if it seems like I sprouted out of nowhere, but I saw there was somewhat of a Grace Period. I was hoping I could be apart of this. I'm getting really good vibes from this, and wanted to try something new for a change!
Ok, you squeaked in.
Literally the last sheet I'll take, too. Congratulations!