Demon Rust Character Database

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Runs with Axes
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
Varies, but often.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Current Cast:

Yaona Siminov - Battalion Commander, Major - Titan Knight

Irene Valentyne - Squad Leader, Lieutenant - Mage - Co-GM

Arc Evangeline - 2nd Lieutenant - Titan Knight

Marcel Lazard - Sergeant Major, Training chief/Specialist - Titan Knight

Inghild Kramer - Lieutenant, Communications / Test Pilot - Mage/Titan Knight

Zeal - Sergeant - Long range support - Titan Knight - Co-GM

Leonard Kazik - Sergeant - Mage

Erika Kramer - Staff Sergeant / Test Pilot - Titan Knight

Aleria Grehel - 2nd Lieutenant - Mage

Titan Knight CS:

Appearance: (just erase that and add your image, Anime preferred, some game cg and artwork is acceptable, text details such as weight, height and other features can be added in text, please include height and weight at least)


Age: (16+)


Character Description: Personality information, history and other information can go here, detail is always nice)

Titan Knight: (post an image of your mecha, please nothing tooo high-tech or overly biologically looking. If unsure DM me the Image.)

Armament: The weapons your Titan Knight carries, be creative here or general titles are fine)

Titan Knight functionality: How is your machine meant to operate? Close range, fire support, etc.

Titan Knight Name: (Optional)

Pros: Strengths of your Mecha

Cons: Weaknesses to your Mecha

Mage CS:

Appearance: (just erase that and add your image, Anime preferred, some game cg and artwork is acceptable, text details such as weight, height and other features can be added in text, please include height and weight at least)


Age: (16+)


Character Description: Personality information, history and other information can go here, detail is always nice)

Magecraft Affinity: Most mages are limited to a two to three of the elements, typically the reverse of the one they have is unavailiable)

Magecraft Abilities: How does your PC use his or her powers? Healing, AOE, direct strike etc)

Equipment: This is if you have any sort of enchanted armor special staffs, crystals.

Flight Unit: Include an image or text description of your flight unit, see lore section, Magic for more detail. The flight unit is critical to your mage being operational in the Unit, and your roll as a combat mage.

Weaknesses: In what area's does your mage falter or have limits to his or her affinity?
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Height: 170cm (5'7) Weight: 61kg (135lb) Other: Typically is always in her red clothing and fine gloves​

Name: Yaona Siminov

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Character Description: Yaona hails from the Imperium of Rolent, Yaona was the third Daughter of the Siminov Family and it's arms production, which meant she was entitled to very little of the family fortune, suitable to being a marriage candidate at best. Spending her time in a rich upbringing and being well taught, Yaona spent considerable time helping with charities with the local Orphanages and hospitals, seeing the lines of wounded and broken families instilled within her a purpose... This War cannot Continue. Starting out as a technical advisor and getting her way into a minor rearguard unit called the Iron Slayers Corps, Yaona would climb the ranks slowly but surely in positions made vacant by death or with manipulation, until her 20th birthday she obtained the positon of ownership. Turning the Company around into a front line force the unit would in time be attached to Crimson Command. Known for her expert piloting skills and aiding in the destruction of a Titan class she carries the title of "Ace" and is one of the longest surviving members.

Having spent roughly half her life on the battlefield, out of duty and to avoid would be suitors, Yaona has a general harsh and no nonsense manner of being, enjoy books and cigars. Often in the face of violence she remains totally calm seemingly having everything under control if not enjoying the spectacle or ignoring it as if an annoyance. With an eye for investments and calculated losses, the third Daughter wears an air of nobility at the best of times and callous uncaring at the worst. Given her apparent love for the color red, unironically extended to her hair and eyes. Because of this and her penchant for blood shed or striking a heavy blow at decisive moments, some jokingly call her "The Red Comet".

A title she earned for the fact she always seems to be on the move, quick of tongue and wit. Also for the more practical reasoning of her Combat style, and the event of note that secured her place some years prior. During a battle with a titan class, while the fleet was withdrawing for repairs and the ground forces were falling back, Yaona dived her Titan Knight through the Creatures mouth, burning her thrusters before setting off her beam cannon while moving through the creature. The resulting spectacle was akin to watching a Comet striking from the Heavens. Her reasoning was the Creature could have been killed then and there with some risk.

In general a rewarding leader that seems a bit cold and has a wealth of information to share, when she sees the point at least. In general she's not all too sociable, preferring her solitude, but does not totally ignore her men, making rounds in the fortress time to time, often with a Cigar, book or glass of wine in hand. Failure and dishonesty tend to get a very venomous reaction from her. Seems to not have any obvious likes or dislikes in food among other things, though casual conversation may hint at more.

Of what's typically observed is her habits and preference for working on her own machine, though at times she double checks the Mechanics work, much to their annoyance. Seemingly giving "tarnished brass a chance to be gold" Yaona will often speak with prospective employee's that other companies would not take, or even to track down some with some of her men to have a "nice talk" with. Curiously her eyes have slit pupils, though the cause for that is unknown and generally it is not wise to bring up the subject, though it is likely Aether Corruption.

Of additional note is a hobby she has that can catch others off guard, when they have failed her or otherwise earned her ire, off the side of her study is a room with a few dolls made of mechanical parts wearing clothing her "Hall of Failure" as she calls it, often bringing them in with conversations as such;


"See this was a Dwarf Mechanic I used to have here, he always said not my fault and threw his hands in the air. Oh what happened to him? Ahahahaha... Well I hope I don't have to add a statue of you next."

In a manner it's a strange display but from general talk it doesn't seem she has a direct hand in them vanishing so much as firing them, or their own incompetence getting them killed.

Titan Knight:


Sminov Arms Model 45 Assault Rifle:
Heavy high capacity conventional rifle that uses tank munitions of 90mm.
Heat Hawk Close Combat Axe: aether powered axe held on unit's back skirt armor, back up melee.
GXM Aether Canon: an Armor piercing Light Element based Beam Cannon, primarily for anti-titan or dense formations, has limited aether supply, a mage can power an additional shot or concert the weapon's default affinity, though generally it's a highly draining weapon.
RL-44 Canister Launcher: Located on the back these six canisters can contain signal flares or fragmentation shells for pin point defense to protect the Command Unit.

Titan Knight functionality: Heavy Firepower Support, Command Unit. Made for unit coordination and heavy strikes with a great focus on protection.

Titan Knight Name: Karsnaya Phoenix

Pros: Armed with heavy weaponry for mass area attacks or Anti Titan Missions, the Karsnaya Phoenix is of the latest production models to hail from the Imperium. With an advanced thrust Jet and better radio and communication capabilities than standard models they are issued to front line commanders. General Movement speed can be a bit slow outside of bursts thanks to the combat shield and Armor.

Cons: As noted it is a newer design needing calibration and a fairly powerful reactor, the improved boosters can leave smaller models in the dust, forcing the machine to hold back it's potential for fear of using up it's boost jumps and reactor supply. The unit also has a large shield which while useful is shaped to deflect pin point attacks so it's light enough to use the rifle with it.
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"Let's get to work."
Height: 173cm (5'8) Weight: 68kg (150lb) Other: Enjoys really sweet things
Irene Valentyne



Character Description:
Irene is serious, but often seems hard to approach. However, she's rather personable and agreeable once she starts talking to people. Irene is more likely to go out and talk to troops or at fundraisers more often than most. She also makes sure to note those who die and make sure families are at the very least notified. If she was once a coward, there is no indication of it now, as Irene will go out of her way to make sure people are safe, or at least as well-fortified as she can make them. The downside is that she will overextend herself in order to get that last shot in and down a monster if it means saving one more person. She is also forgetful when not on the battlefield, often leaving her reading glasses on top of her head or having at least three cups of cold tea in his office. She also likes to tell bad puns from time to time. Rumor has it, if you get on her good side, she's kind of a pushover. If you ask why she's fighting so hard, there's a chance you may get a long answer.

Irene has been or wanted to be a solider for as long as she can remember. Irene was first distinguished in the army when she showed unusual aptitude at blending two different affinities. Namely, the use of shadow and lightning. While it wasn't unheard of for a solider to have a few affinities, it seemed almost effortless for Irene to combine her two affinities. In fact it was, so much so that she couldn't admit that she had no way to split the two, it just happened from birth for her. People cited her as a magical genius, and the guilt got to her. She worked hard in the war, trying to show how powerful she was. She wasn't powerful enough to save half the people she met from utter annihilation at the hands of the Demon Beasts, however. She only made a few tours before the fighting got to her.

After fighting a few campaigns and losing many friends, she made a decision. She left the army, saying that she was going to find a mentor to teach her more about magic. This was lie, she was leaving because she was terrified of fighting any more. Who wouldn't be? She had lost so many people to fighting that it looked pointless. And for her, it really was. Pouring all the money into fighting? For what? The dignity of being crushed underfoot, apparently.

She studied under a mage in the Iron Slayers Company for several years, and managed to worm her way out of going to fight. Either by claiming work in the kitchen or just plain not showing up to roll call. The company was in the rear, so fighting wasn't nearly as critical. There was a point where she was just known as the janitor or chef because no one had ever seen her fight. Her mentor often chastised her for taking the coward's way out, but continued to teach Irene in the hopes that someday Irene would change her mind and adapt her decent amount of power to try and fight.

However, when he was about twenty her mentor died due to the ongoing war on the demon beasts. Irene learned that her mentor had died trying to save someone that Irene herself would have been partnered in defending. Believing that she could have saved his mentor if she had gone to fight, Irene pledged himself under the new banner of the company. She would march to the front line and end this war. Whatever the cost to herself, she would pay it.

Magecraft Affinity:

Magecraft Abilities:
Irene uses her powers in a more direct sniping sort of attack or blinding the enemy, and often uses shadows to travel around the group.​
  • Shadow Lightning Snipe- focuses aether into a single point and fires to hit a target. If the target doesn't go down, the shadow lighting blinds the target for a little while. Requires rifle setup and charge.

  • Shadow Lightning Burst- a less powerful form of snipe that takes less time to set up. It's near instantaneous, but as a result does about half the damage of snipe. The blinding effect still occurs, however.

  • Shadow Warp- Using shadows to quickly travel between areas, Irene can travel up to fifty feet as long as he can see shadows there. Sight is essential for this skill.

  • Blind- throws a shadow at the target, and if it hits the target is blinded.
Equipment: This is if you have any sort of enchanted armor special staffs, crystals.​
  1. Shadow Crystal set- throwing these is equivalent to a smoke bomb with short-term blinding effects.
  2. Mage-Rifle- a custom made sniper rifle designed to fire off magic. Uses crystal bullets to focus and fire magic. Irene calls it Dragonstrike. She can in theory do this with any crystal and throwing it, she just prefers the flash and bang of her gun.

Flight Unit:
A basic boot unit that straps on and is meant to be stable enough to aim precisely. It has seen a lot of recent wear and tear, and isn't new. It isn't outdated, either.


  • Charge time- with power comes time to focus it. Firing off one Snipe requires three minutes of uninterrupted focus.
  • Sight- Irene isn't immune to becoming blinded. Once she can't see, she can't teleport.
  • Lightning- while his affinity with shadow is good enough to use, outside of his Snipe and Burst she is still refining how to use only lightning. Combining the two magics for so long has made it hard to separate out one at a time.
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Height: 5'5 Weight: 130lb
Name: Arc Evangeline
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Arc Evangaline was born in the Kingdom of Valizar as a member of lesser nobility without much influence. Due to the threat her kingdom faced, she grew up forced to watch the home she once knew change, the land she was once proud of now a shell of its former self, so to protect it and bring it back to its former glory she chose to join the military, and found her calling as a Titan Knight pilot. Being very new to combat, having been a pilot for only 2 years, she is very unconfident with herself in leading others, instead opting to allow others to take command and following their orders. despite this, she has a knack for strategy and is very devoted to those who end up following her into battle. while her experience as a pilot might be low she has good skill and decent potential.

Personality wise she is very kind and easy to get along with, with very few faults, she does however prove to be kind to a fault. This has made people take advantage of her charity in the past. She is also a very honest person, having zero respect for those who tell lies consistently, but she does understand that in some cases its better to tell a lie. she is generally a more introverted person but is very friendly towards anyone who aproaches her, and can easily make friends with them. she is very dedicated and hardworking, finding her work piloting Titan Knights to be very fun. Her only desire is to bring back the home she once knew and protect as many as she can. When she was young her grandfather once taught her to play chess, and she has grown to be quite good at the game. she used to play against her father whenever he would come back from the war before he was declared MIA.

Titan Knight: lux angeli

Lightning Lance: a lance powered by aether to give an electric shock to a target at the push of a button

Steel Shield: A light weight heater shield used more for deflecting incoming attacks

M51 Assault Rifle:a lighter assault rifle built into the right arm designed to shoot 76mm antitank rounds at higher velocity, has a lower magazine capacity. May fire HE or AP

Smoke Discharger: a cluster of smoke grenade launchers to quickly put a smoke screen out

Titan Functionality: Close quarters combat and for ambushes or rapid deployment, is also well suited for scouting enemies

Pros: highs speed and agility, can make very quick attacks and at full speed the lance is very powerful, especially fully charged. excels at 1v1 close quarters combat.

Cons: not well equipped for long range gunfights do to lack of thicker armor, can stand up to small arms fire but not much else. while it does well in single combat or small groups it can be overwhelmed if not supported by heavier units. not well suited for front line combat
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Height: 185cm (6'1) Weight: 77kg (170lb) Other: Tends to wear his ceremonial armor at all times.​

Name: Marcel Lazard
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Character Description

Personality: Marcel is in essence the epitome of a military man. Loyal to his superiors, devoted above all to the cause against the Demon Beasts and strictly adhering to the lifestyle devoid of freedom and individuality that is necessary for a soldier. He has hardly ever known life any other way, and shows no desire to learn otherwise. Being early to rise and early to rest, he has few hobbies outside work but those that he does are exceptionally well maintained. Having an interest for pre-demon history and the currents of warfare he reads broadly, often from the tombs of his personal library. Enjoying his books with a warm cup of tea or puff of his pipe, it's generally in the early hours of the morn before sunrise or in the afternoon just before dusk that he takes to his study.

In the field he is an aggressive head hunter, who makes light of no mission nor chance to get his fair share of kills. While lacking in physical strength, he does not lack in energy or endurance despite his age. Advocating for quick paced advancements in place of sitting holding a position, he tends to favor surprise and distraction tactics. Despite his Rust Bolt's design for slow and steady fighting, it does little to stop his lone cavalry charges where he, unafraid, leaves his support behind in order to clear a path or eliminate the enemy completely.

When not alone or on the field he tends to be cordial to those void of cowardice and timidity. Showing interest in his fellow mercenaries and their pasts, he doesn't regularly place emphasis on rank formalities despite his extravagant appearance. Among his odd talents is the ability to grab attention with his unique flamboyant language and immeasurable scorn for Demon Beasts.

History: Marcel can and will gladly recount his family history from the age of Ilecia to it's eventual total destruction up to the neck of The Corridor. It is here where his own story began, before The Wastes, in a humble village not all that far from Valizar. Its name long forgotten to the current generation, being lost in the minds of his own and dead with those before him. It lays in ruins among the many destroyed towns and cities that litter The Corridor.

Having been driven further back against the hordes of beasts in the age where Mages and Warriors fought against them and not the Titan Knights of the day. The times were far harsher and made terrible for raising young as not only was food rationed but every able body. Boy or girl, it mattered not, once of age were conscripted in order to replace the ever dwindling numbers of the infantry and battle mages. If you managed to escape raids in the night that left towns completely destroyed, what awaited you was death in the field as the battle lines were drug ever further back.

It was here that Marcel grew up, admiring his father and brothers who one by one left home to never return. Remembered then by many for their sacrifices among others, in the present age their names are unknown except to Marcel and those from that time. The monuments within The Corridor while numerous are not near enough to hold every name which has graced its remains within it. As was forced custom, the bodies of those fallen were left in order to slow the hordes down even by a margin and never received proper burial.

Despite knowing of this, even as a young boy, Marcel held a deep desire to fight and admiration for those who had fought, and died protecting people like his mother. And while he was fortunate to escape the waves of death that first plagued Ilecia, he would not sit by forever. On his sixteenth birthday, instead of being conscripted a year later he volunteered for the United Defense Corps of the shattered Ilecia. Finding a place among the Infantry initially he encountered death many a time, yet lived on to experience the inescapable loss of war in the way his new brothers one by one disappeared. As luck would have planned, once he was one of the last remaining from that initial Infantry outfit, command had him moved to an Armor Corps. Showing aptitude for it in the field, it was here he would find his second temporary family.

After years in the AC he eventually was moved into serving the Titan Knights. Twenty-Five and at his prime, it was there for the next fifteen years he would serve various branches, military, and countries as the political map of the world shifted under the unconquerable weight of the Demon Horde. Once an old man at forty and showing the long stage affects of battle fatigue. His hair had become white, skin wrinkled, and body frail. On the verge of having outlived his battle usefulness, an incident encounter with Tank class Beasts took his right eye. Determined then unfit for further duty by his countrymen and advised to retire, he was promoted and offered an instructor position at the Academy. Refusing to sit idle behind the front lines he would not allow his battle life to end there or at the mercy of old age.

Turning his focus to PMC's in hope of new frontiers, he applied everywhere despite the requirements being far harsher than in the UDF. Laughed at by several and passed over by many, it wasn't until the Iron Slayers Corps gave him an opportunity to prove his metal that he was accepted back into the fight. Lacking in strength and the youth of his fellow mercenaries, he was afforded re-enlistment based on his vigor, piloting skills and that he tutor fresh recruits in the field utilizing his extensive field knowledge of The Corridor and Demon Beast behavior. Serving for eight years under Yaona Siminov it is here that his battle continues.

Titan Knight

Thermoaether Tomahawk 005 (Tom)

The fifth series in the line of Heat Hawks preceding their designated new name. It works in a similar fashion to the newer models, but instead of being directly powered by Aether it uses the thermal energy output from the reactor to super heat the blade made of conductive and heat retentive reinforced steel. Relayed through the Rust Bolt's hands, they are less effective against Demon Beasts with thick or heat resistant hides, but seem to work well against all other types including Aether resistant. Requiring reheating, they tend to cool quicker than newer models that are fed directly.

280mm Bazooka (Finale)

A standard among Rust Bolts of decades past, this rocket launcher has not changed much from those used by the original Titan Knights. Consisting of a 280mm barrel that fires explosive rounds from a rear magazine that houses four rockets. It was the first and last line of defense for Titan Knights against Superior class and above before the advent of Beam Weaponry and Aether was universalized. Nicknamed the "Finale", it was typically used in barrages against a greater foe in order to retreat or deliver a death blow.

192mm Juggernaut Shotgun (Ripper)

Specifically designed for the Assault class Titan Knights of yore, this antique has an eight round capacity which can be fed via pump or electrical mechanism. Ammunition range from slugs, to Titanium buck/bird shot, dragon breath, and in few cases special Aether shells. The latter tended to be single use only as the weapon degraded substantially after use. Nicknamed for its effectiveness to tear Demon Beasts apart, the "Ripper" was used by Assault class Titans and as a temporary back up to the 120mm machine gun.

M-120HC Machine Gun (Jam)

The tried and true primary weapon used and hated by Rust Bolts, this humble automatic is fed by a one hundred round drum that requires manual replacement. Utilizing 120mm tank munitions and not requiring an energy source for use, it would make for a reliable weapon if not for the fact it has a tendency to jam. Noticeably half way through a drum, making for not only waste but ineffective fire rate. Though, the time that it is functional, the fire rate mixed with the explosive power of the 120mm turns targets into literal Jam, thus the nickname.

The M-120HC being a limited prototype version issued to commanders within units comes with a special heated bayonet that works in a similar fashion to the Heat Hawk. Making use of excess thermal energy from the 120mm discharge and Aerth reactors it acts as a backup weapon if complications arise or a Titan Knight should find itself low on ammunition.

Titan Knight Functionality(TKF): Designed to operate on the ground instead of the air it excels in close range melee, but allows for short range offensives and fire support given its varied arsenal. Originally outfitted as Commander among a team of similar models, their combined efforts made up for specialization. However as a single unit the Rust Bolt does well to clear Soldier and Tank class. Relying upon kinetic weaponry almost entirely, Demon Beasts of Superior class or above that utilize Aether pose a threat. As do large hordes due to the limited and dated sensory systems on board.

Titan Knight Name: Rust Bolt

Pros: In part due to the resource abundance present on the Continent of Ilecia before her civilizations eventual fall. The Rust Bolt, despite its nickname, is as durable as Titan Knights come. Crafted from thick reinforced alloy plating that has lasted decades despite battle, blood, and weather. Most Soldier and Tank class Demon Beast fangs and claws can only hope to scratch its surface. Paired with this is the emphasis on explosive strength accounted for in its design. Taking advantage of the added weight and intended to match the Demon Beasts own colossal strength. If found unarmed, even against several Superior class beasts the Rust Bolt can hold its own in 1v1 and sometimes 2v1 encounters.

Cons: In exchange for its durability and strength the Rust Bolt is known for its exceptional low speed and limited range of mobility. With stronger more durable material comes additional weight, and with design patented toward a warrior not a fencer, the ability to dodge, fly, and maneuver were not necessary. Holding the line, effectively killing the enemy, and not suffering debilitating damage were however the hallmarks of the early model.

Additionally, given its age as one of the original Titan Knight series crafted by the lost Kingdoms of Ilecia. The on board sensors located in the 180 degree viewing cone of the helmet are dated and less advanced as current models. Not fitted with projectile tracking, navigation, or thermal infrared, the very basics of ocular technology are to be expected. Requiring a keen eye from the pilot and constant alertness, the Rust Bolt trades these new features for night vision, telescopic optics, and active Infrared.
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168cm, Weight: 58 Kilograms

(The Spiffy gal on the right)​

Name: Inghild Kramer

Nicknames: Crammer

Age: 27

Gender: Female
Character Description: Inghild is the ultimate love job between a, full blown, mad weapons designer and an academic scholar. Quick and factual with her mouth when statistics must be presented while also curious and a bit sadistic when it comes to blowing up test subjects and designing ever more increasing brutal and inhumane ways to kill living things that she deems a "BEing of Terrestrial origin that is an Adversary to the human race" [BETA]. This term covers all known forms of demon beasts.

In her professional life, she speaks very intelligently, often employing a scientific third person voice in her speech while seeking every opportunity to bombard people with facts and statistics. She is hell bent on making herself appear as intelligent as possible and she takes hard hits whenever someone proves her wrong. While Inghild can take some amounts of criticism for her theorems/ideologies, excessive amounts of it will tend to make her start pouring salt on the table. In such a case, she will get extra analytical with your dialogue and use your very own speech against you. The argument will escalate from there and she will not stop until she beats you down. This trait of her's is reflected in her choice of clothing an appearance. She has a very beautiful face and shoulder line, she is one who will meet and talk to your with a kind smile. However, don't get too into her elegance and start looking any lower than her shoulders for her weak-spots. Everything below her shoulder line is either black or specks of gold, shall if you venture into these places, you will start seeing the monster that lives inside of her.

In her personal life, Inghild is not much of a social person. With the exception that she has a few friends in the business and academic world, Inghild converses with no one than her superiors and younger twin. Inghild is especially attached to her twin and wants to do everything in her capability to ensure that yandere little bunny will no get her tail chopped off. While most older twins would physically display their love for their younger half, Inghild takes a different approach.

She is highly expectant and demanding of her younger twin, often telling her that the things that she gets her to do are not 'told' but rather 'commanded'. You will not answer her with things like "yes, hai!, or yup" instead you are expected to reply with a polite and professional "understood, acknowledged, and etc." Good vocabulary, never primitive one syllable words. Inghild is also not hesitant to scold her little sister in public, it is well documented that she will grip onto her younger half's chin and start yelling at her without spitting because the idiot doesn't even deserve her spit. Inghild believes and knows that she is, in society, intellectually and logically superior to her younger half, and she intends to drill some of the superiority into her slightly dimwitted twin.

It may seem like she is a cruel and selfish older sister, that is fine. Hate her for it, you should. But don't ever thank her for it as all of it is being done to you for free and all Inghild wants is results, an intelligent and reliable younger twin to hang back on in the future after she has exhausted her brain.

To pass time(though rarely those she ever 'pass time' freely), Inghild is an exceptional guitar player with a specialization in classical romantic pieces (Godfather type of music). She is an avid collector of various teas and also keeps a book on natural medicine (Chinese style medicine). It is well documented that she will go out of her way at times and look for specific types of plants and make herbal remedies.

History: Inghild and her younger twin are products of a mix breeding between human genes and elf genes. They are, a mix breed, frowned upon by the elfen culture but rather adored in human society. She is the second most prized daughter of the Kramer household, a family that is well known as the founders and also current board of "Rheinmetallica", a defense company that builds arms for airships. Her mother was an exiled elf from the elf lands. While the reason of her exile is shrouded in mystery, her kin and also lover are all forbidden from entering the realm of the elves. (Inghild, in her mind, is say Bull fucking shit! I don't think they have any laws governing flyovers! Since... the air is still considered as an international space! Muwahahaha!!! Wait... did i say too much?)

During her conceivement, Inghild's genetic code for 'maturing' was significantly altered which results her to appear shockingly under-developed in terms of her chest and hip. In other words, she is literally a fully grown 12 year old human being! Overall, Inghild has more dominant human features over her elfen features, reason is unknown but only the most keenest eye can make out that she is part elf. Her most major defect is the amount of thermo-receptors in her body, Inghild has double the normal amount which makes her very sensitive to excessively hot or cold climates. She will start to shiver at 16 degrees Celsius and sweat at 25 degrees Celsius. Inghild also has a case of Situs Inversus! (Internal organs are positioned in the opposite way)

This being said, while Inghild did not inherit much physical elfen traits, she did inherit her mother's powerful abilities in magecraft. Her specialty was the dark form of electrical magic and this is distinctive as she shoots off a dark stream of lightning instead of the more traditional white light. She loved it but the professional mages thought differently and rated her to be an extra-dangerous child in terms of magical abilities, fearing that she would hurt her peers, administration mandated her to wearing electrical retardant gloves until the age of fourteen and after she has shone ability to properly control her dangerous power.

For Inghild, this was a time of utter shame. Everyday, she would wake up and half to wear those stupid, non-airy, gloves. They were quite annoying as during summer heat waves, her hands would sweat a lot which gave her sticky and smelly hands when she took them off at the end of the day. However, it was the law, and it was like her parents would allow her to break the law.

This left Inghild with little to no peers to converse with. She found entertainment in academics and also reading up alchemy whilst continuing to perfect her mastery over her dangerous powers. By high school graduation, though being the most socially inactive person in her graduating class, Inghild was accepted into the Royal Engineering school of Rolent. There she showed her true capabilities to the various talented professors and was hired to be a research assistant on numerous occassions. Her duties ranges from taking care of test subjects(really, just to make sure they got the correct amount of encouragement to stay put whilst they were transported from their cages and into the test chamber.... we won't get into it but it did involve her shocking the subjects with her powers) to data analysis. By her senior year, Inghild was conducting her own studies and running her own lab. After finishing her bachelors degree, Inghild proceeded onto obtaining her master's before subsequently entering Rheinmetalica, her family's business.

Perhaps her entrance was right on the queue as the corporation had just received it's license to design and produce two types of Titan Knights. After haggling her oldest brother, Klaus, the current CEO, for a few months, eventually forcing him to submit, Inghild was attached to one of the licenses as the assistant project development director. Fortunately, she and the director were quite like minded, they wanted to create a well rounded, aerial Titan Knight that packed deadly punch, enough that it will be able to quickly suppress any potential harm that might come it's way.

After only a year of development, they unveiled their creation.... The Aegis series.

After a few successful trials and demonstration runs, the military was convinced the Aegis series had a promising future for the army in it's war effort against the BETA. The unit has since been cleared for field tests and Inghild was put in charge of this test because of her knowledge about the unit and also the amount of work she'd put into it. She was not going to let some rag tag mechanic sit in her masterpiece.

At the same time, Inghild searched for a promising individual to pilot this weapons system. While she could have easily told to military to transfer her an ace pilot, Inghild got something... half way to that. She got her younger twin by pure coincidence.

("Oh no... anyone but her!!!")

It was too late to go and find another pilot and Inghild was forced to sit worryingly in the RIO chair behind her younger twin who would be piloting her masterpiece. As if to make things worse, the military allocated the unit to the Ironslayer corps citing that they were highly expectant on the unit and it's results.

(Ohhh bollocks...)

Magecraft Affinity:
  1. Lightning
  2. Water

Magecraft Abilities:
  • Inghild uses her abilities for more purposes around Self defense, 'encouragement', and also to supply her mech with electricity that can be used as an alternative form of fuel.
  • Area denial: An anti-infantry capability. Inghild will splash a massive pool of water on the ground using her powers and subsequently deliver a continuous stream of electricity to electrify this liquid rendering the ground that it covers as in-traverse-able. One can always choose to walk on it if they have the right equipment or if they are plain-out foolish.
  • Direct attack: Another anti infantry capability. Inghild will direct a lethal amount of electricity at her target. Death will come swiftly if her target is not properly protected. The lethal-ity of her lightning is rated at 9.5/10 which enables her to swiftly fry her target's nervous systems in a matter of milliseconds which won't put that much of a strain on her body. While Inghild can use powerful magic, her mix-breed body will only tolerate her to use it in 2 second intervals and no more. Normally, she can use this ability 6-9 times a day and no more. By the time she reaches her quota, she will have severe muscle pain to the extent she will not be able to function properly for the rest of the day.


Besides employing magic for self defense, Inghild is quite a nasty gal when she has her guns.
1x Mauser KM-5 Luger

1x Mauser STG-1960 mod. XVI

  • Cold climates: Inghild's ability to use both water and lightning is severely inhibited when she is in cold areas. Both because of her body's inability to properly function in cold climates and also that her water tends to freeze up quite easily in cold climates
  • Damp climates: Inghild will have to pay extra attention in rainforests, fog, and etc, when she uses her electrical capabilities. This is because she can easily electrocute herself or friendlies.

*****THIS IS EXTRA, I am designing the mech that the twins operate***

Titan Knight

4x Rheinmetalica XM-666 "The Devil's" Smoothbore 85mm auto cannons/110mm cannon +6(85mm) 120 round magazines, and 4(110mm) round magazines

1x Rossman, the chain Katana: If a Katana wasn't enough to kill you, lets give it a chain the saw you in half!

Titan Knight functionality: This machine was designed with the intent for speed and bone crushing assault. What distinct this unit from other designs is it's ability to make excessively long jumps. For example, if a contemporary unit can only jump for 30 seconds, this unit can jump for 45 seconds if the pilot and her flight engineer manages their engine output carefully. The unit's lack of armor plays a significant role in this unique ability.

Also note that it has superior mobility stats than contemporary mechas and also specially built jump units to enable it to make ludicrous direction changes. Another thing to note about the jump units is that they have been made to burn hotter than the normal engine. If you unfortunately get caught in the jet blast, you will like turn to dust. It is a unit designed to attack from the air when it is on the offensive.

This mech also has another purpose. With it's various sensors ranging from ground penetrating sonar to a good surface radar, it can be employed as a scout or a high capability flanker. The pilot of this unit can handle most of the unit's combat functions and etc by herself like any contemporary design, the real magic is the person who sits in the backseat. The... RIO/Flight Engineer/Tactical analyst. Data from the unit's sensors are relayed directly to the second seat who has sufficient amount of work space to work as an in field tactician/analyst.

Lastly, this unit also wields the latest technologies in long range communication so it can also act as the radioman.

Titan Knight Name: "Prinz Eugen"

Unit Stats:
  • Range: 350Km on a single charge + 50Km with electrical alternative fuel + an additional 100Km with Aether droptanks
  • Cruise speed (surface walking): 40Kmph
  • Maximum speed(surface walking): 55Kmph
  • Cruise speed (jump): 150 Kmph
  • Maximum speed (jump): 175 Kmph
  • Never exceed speed: Mach. 0.5
  • Crew: 2(Pilot +RIO/Flight Engineer/Combat analyst)
  • Ferry range: 550Km
  • Room for perishables(food): 80 Kilograms (about 3 cases of 24 MREs...)
  • Maximum force exertion: +6/-4 Gs

  • Statistically better than most contemporary mechs in terms of mobility and close quarters combat capabilities.
  • Is the best form of a "CIC" you can install into a mech with the current advancements in technology
  • Has a specially built engine that can use aether and electricity as fuel. Note, when electricity is used, jump units operate at 75 percent capability and requires a mage to supply such power.
  • Multi-role fighter. (Can serve as an "AWAC" to a certain extent)
  • As a means to navigate around the fuel problem, The Aegis is designed to have aether stores that are separate from the reactor itself. These "fuel tanks" are designed to be easily interchangeable with and readily available aether fuel tank.
  • This unit was designed with the intent to not take hits but to prevent it from taking hits. While the Aegis series can take a bit of beating, it doesn't have as much durability as contemporary mechs. It was never built to take brutal direct hits. Taking hits would bring serious tolls on the machine with all it's delicate equipment and etc. Hopefully it's superior mobility stats will... minimize such occurrences.
  • This unit is not the most fuel efficient thing on the block. It has three quarters the range of contemporary designs. This is made up for by it's unique engine processor which takes in both aether and electricity. It can potentially hamper the platoon's ability to move on the map unless it is supplied with Aether tanks.
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  • "A single string of Rapture's light."
    5'11 | 159 lbs | 20 y.o
    >He can smell it even now.

    Noxious fumes crawling up towards the heavens as cartloads of charcoal are tossed to the flames. The acidic stench of fire mingling with untended musk, while minds melt, thoughts scattering like sparks in every hammer blow. He had trembled back then, shivering despite the heat, limbs much too weak to fulfill the daily quota. Too fragile a body to attain success, but too stubborn a mind to accept failure. Before he understood the presence of the world outside the box, he was already feeding, feeding, feeding the inexhaustible monster that was the Imperium of Rolent's war machine.

    >But he cannot look back at it with hatred.

    It was colorless, the exhaustion of hard work that stimulated the appetite and made thin soup the ambrosia of the gods. It was colorless, the satisfaction of slowly, slowly being able to do more and more with each week, each month, each year. It was colorless, the pain that confirmed the presence of his flesh, the warmth that confirmed the presence of his heart. It was all colorless, monotony that that became agency. Insignificant as it was, a small supporting cog still had value, even if all it did was spin and spin and spin. And when that monotony was broken, by a kind word, by an unexpected gift, it became all too colorful. Blinding. Oversaturated. Hyperrealistic. Scorched into his mind like hot iron brands, dying his ashen body with foreign ink.

    >Ink that faded with the wind and the change of seasons.

    Freedom came in the form of conscription, liberty measured by bullets, eternal tranquility but a bite away. He couldn't register it, but his body reacted all the same, superiors and inferiors turning a blind eye to his desaturating body, to his gaunt frame. In hell, survival was good enough, and to desire more was to invite calamity. Too many had asked for too much, and lost more than just their friend, their lover, their limbs. A cog, regardless of its environment, could only spin and spin and spin away, until its teeth fell out and it was ground to dust. Onwards. Backwards. Steady. Fire. Reload. Charge.

    >It fell apart easily enough.

    Even when tossed out of the machine, a cog still had no use but to spin and spin and spin away. Even when he lost an eye, even with years shaved off his lifespan, even with loss after loss after loss until he became all too numb to form any attachments outside of shallow friendships, he still pursued the same 'freedom' that ruined it. It was comfort. Comfort that could be found in routines, even if those routines only continued to break him. The future was amorphous. The past was nebulous. The present was monotony, broken by instances of elucidation. But he was a good marksman, and only one person allowed themselves to recognize that fact.

    >The cog slotted itself into another machine, and began to grind itself away once more.

  • Ashart
    Sniper Support

    >A flash of scarlet embracing a mono-color frame.

    Overspecializing to the point of obssession, the Ashart model is a discontinued line of mecha centered solely around the concept of attaching the biggest cannon possible onto a Titan Knight. With Aether consumption that makes continuous combat exceedingly difficult, and aim assist systems that take into account factors that most Titan Knights don't even need to consider, the Ashart treads the line between being a sniper and being mobile artillery. Though it's possible to swap out its signature Exceed Buster with less unwieldy arms and get a Titan Knight that can fight in mid-range, the countless compensators and bracers and recoil reducers built within the Ashart, alongside its anchoring system, would all be wasted on lesser weaponry.

    Instead of being a proper Titan Knight, it may be better to consider the Ashart a walking cannon, a trebuchet incapable of either shooting or moving without transitioning. The output of the Aether engine does not allow for both to be done simultaneously, but in exchange, the total commitment of the Ashart's lifeblood into a singular task allows it to be surprisingly agile when it does move, and unimaginably destructive when it does shoot. The Superior class are torn asunder. The Tank class melt and dissolve. The Soldier class are vaporized. If it could be found, even a Titan class Demon Beast can be smashed to bits with the Ashart's prismatic beam. Ninety-six charges, with the capability of expending twelve charges at once for an earth-shaking blast. As long as that number does not reach zero, the reaper's scythe lingers persistently over all within the Ashart's sight.

    The Ashart stands as an absolute God of Destruction for as long as it remains unmolested and operational. Once detected and actively hunted, it, like its pilot, falls to pieces oh-so easily. It is a cog, and a cog can do only one thing.

    Shoot to kill.
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A man standing of around 5'10" in height and 157 lbs in weight with straw-colored hair reaching to his ears and jovial azure eyes. Of a natural, fit body type with soft, more rounded facial features that make him appear in complement with his personality to be quite an uplifting fellow for the particular line of work he's in.

Leonard Kazik

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Character Description: Leonard looks to be an odd man out amongst a group of mercenaries. Not that he's incapable, but he certainly doesn't act in a manner that befits a grim freelancer who possesses his share of emotional and physical scars from the war. Often acting as the platoon's clown per say, Kazik appears to know when to crack a remark to lift spirits and when to follow orders, sometimes begrudgingly. Many see the man as a fool or a rookie, someone who doesn't know a grim situation when it bares its fangs at him, but the more perceptive will see his optimistic demeanor for what it is, a coping mechanism. He isn't who he is despite the current state, but because of it.

Leonard was birthed within the moderate safety of the Imperium, where all manner of life in some way was dedicated to the war effort. Whether you were a soldier on the front lines or a worker in a factory, you were supplying the machine in some way. His mother died while young to disease, incapable of acquiring necessary medicine since any quality supplies either went out to the front or to the nobility. So, since a young age, Kazik can recall his dad leaving early in the morn and returning only after the sun had set completely again. Sometimes it felt as if his father never came home for a couple days, all to support his three children. This overwork led to fatigue, and through ignorance of warnings given, eventually death. It was at this point that it fell to Leonard as the oldest to make a living. Factory work was a possibility, but wouldn't have given him enough. As such, against his own survival instinct, he enlisted with the military.

While incapable of being a pilot, Leonard's magecraft would make him extremely useful in the eyes of recruiters and it didn't take long for him to be deployed. Typically he was moved around, either prioritizing offensive support for Titan Knights or simply to minimize casualties with his healing. Eventually, he was transferred to a free company, the infamous Iron Slayer Corps. While not preferable to him, orders were orders and he had a family at home to worry about.

Magecraft Affinity:
  • Light
  • Fire
Magecraft Abilities:
  • Purification: Light-based move that heals the injuries of a target. Severity of the wound determines how much time and energy is required to treat the injury. Requires direct contact with the target.
  • Solar Flare: Light-based support move. Forms a sphere of energy that when deployed emits a blinding light capable of stunning and/or blinding those who see it.
  • Firebomb: Fire-based offensive move. Condensed energy that when deployed expels a powerful explosion.
  • Ring of Fire: Fire-based offensive move. Leonard condenses energy at his position before expelling it outward, forming a wall or ring of flame that travels outward from his position.
  • Firebending: Expelling energy in the form of fire at a target, forming a streak of flame. Amount of time spent channeling determines power and control of the blast.

  • X1 Richter Auto-rifle

Flight Unit:

  • Most of his abilities require precision and concentration to accurately pull off, otherwise the ability will prove either ineffective or significantly weaker.
  • Improper use of his abilities can easily backfire. Fire, if not channelled correctly can spread wildly and harm friendlies. Solar Flare is indiscriminate and Purification has specific requirements and time in order to be used.
Erika Krammer

"Just notice me!"

Height: 168cm
Weight: 67kg
Age: 27
Gender: Female

Character Description:
Having been born as the inferior twin to a prestigious family had, usually, never been easy. Neither was it any different for the elf-human hybrid going by the name of Erika. Not only had she certain expectations to meet, she had certain expectations to meet while being directly compared to her intellectually superior sister Inghild.

Doing great in an exam meant nothing if it wasn't nowhere close to Inghild, and even then the attention was generally on the higher-scored of the two twins. Everybody loved Inghild. Erika had been living in her shadows. Where most stories take a turn for the worse and end in some weird envy-drama, Erika was different.

Just like her family, the pretty much identical looking girl loved Inghild just as much. She adored her couple minutes older sister just as much as everyone. Rather than jealously, she looked up to her. Rather than feeling mad, she told herself to try harder. No matter how much she failed, Erika was a fighter. Ultimately, even if everything wasn't right, it wasn't all too wrong either.

Things changed however when their career paths diverged. Where her older sister followed a promising career of science and magic, Erika went to the military. There, the blonde-haired girl had, despite her looks, a promising career. Being referred to as a natural she quickly managed to impress a whole lot of people around her -at first.

Without her older sister who had basically been around her permanently, and already having developed a certain kind of obsession that served for self-protection, things became... difficult. While Inghild was a diamond, Erika a piece of gold, and everybody else was simply some smelly poo. Thus, without said diamond around it came to no surprise that the piece of gold made a certain realization and acted out. These people were basically, compared to her lovely sister, trash. Trash that didn't deserve her compassion, let alone attention.

It didn't matter how much Talent Erika had. It didn't matter how much better she was than the others. With, what seemed to be close to zero social skills, the woman was simply benched. Silently suffering, as the only strand keeping her from completely snapping was getting praised by her older twin. Erika waited...

and waited...

...until, one day, as if fate wanted to, the young woman got reunited with her twin. Not just some holiday visit or weekend trip. No, reunited in the truest sense of actually piloting a Titan Knight, together, on the field.

Sure, it sucked to wear formal clothes most of the time just because Inghild liked her to, but that was just a small sacrifice in comparison for their legacy to finally, truly, begin!

Titan Knight credits to @The Perfect Cadence
4x Rheinmetalica XM-666 "The Devil's" Smoothbore 85mm auto cannons/110mm cannon +6(85mm) 120 round magazines, and 4(110mm) round magazines
1x Rossman, the chain Katana: If a Katana wasn't enough to kill you, lets give it a chain the saw you in half!
Titan Knight functionality: This machine was designed with the intent for speed and bone crushing assault. What distinct this unit from other designs is it's ability to make excessively long jumps. For example, if a contemporary unit can only jump for 30 seconds, this unit can jump for 45 seconds if the pilot and her flight engineer manages their engine output carefully. The unit's lack of armor plays a significant role in this unique ability.

Also note that it has superior mobility stats than contemporary mechas and also specially built jump units to enable it to make ludicrous direction changes. Another thing to note about the jump units is that they have been made to burn hotter than the normal engine. If you unfortunately get caught in the jet blast, you will like turn to dust. It is a unit designed to attack from the air when it is on the offensive.

This mech also has another purpose. With it's various sensors ranging from ground penetrating sonar to a good surface radar, it can be employed as a scout or a high capability flanker. The pilot of this unit can handle most of the unit's combat functions and etc by herself like any contemporary design, the real magic is the person who sits in the backseat. The... RIO/Flight Engineer/Tactical analyst. Data from the unit's sensors are relayed directly to the second seat who has sufficient amount of work space to work as an in field tactician/analyst.

Lastly, this unit also wields the latest technologies in long range communication so it can also act as the radioman.

Titan Knight Name: "Prinz Eugen"

Unit Stats:
  • Range: 350Km on a single charge + 50Km with electrical alternative fuel + an additional 100Km with Aether droptanks
  • Cruise speed (surface walking): 40Kmph
  • Maximum speed(surface walking): 55Kmph
  • Cruise speed (jump): 150 Kmph
  • Maximum speed (jump): 175 Kmph
  • Never exceed speed: Mach. 0.5
  • Crew: 2(Pilot +RIO/Flight Engineer/Combat analyst)
  • Ferry range: 550Km
  • Room for perishables(food): 80 Kilograms (about 3 cases of 24 MREs...)
  • Maximum force exertion: +6/-4 Gs

  • Statistically better than most contemporary mechs in terms of mobility and close quarters combat capabilities.
  • Is the best form of a "CIC" you can install into a mech with the current advancements in technology
  • Has a specially built engine that can use aether and electricity as fuel. Note, when electricity is used, jump units operate at 75 percent capability and requires a mage to supply such power.
  • Multi-role fighter. (Can serve as an "AWAC" to a certain extent)
  • As a means to navigate around the fuel problem, The Aegis is designed to have aether stores that are separate from the reactor itself. These "fuel tanks" are designed to be easily interchangeable with and readily available aether fuel tank.
  • This unit was designed with the intent to not take hits but to prevent it from taking hits. While the Aegis series can take a bit of beating, it doesn't have as much durability as contemporary mechs. It was never built to take brutal direct hits. Taking hits would bring serious tolls on the machine with all it's delicate equipment and etc. Hopefully it's superior mobility stats will... minimize such occurrences.
  • This unit is not the most fuel efficient thing on the block. It has three quarters the range of contemporary designs. This is made up for by it's unique engine processor which takes in both aether and electricity. It can potentially hamper the platoon's ability to move on the map unless it is supplied with Aether tanks.

HEIGHT 5"7 - WEIGHT 128 LBS - HAIR COLOR Raven Black - EYE COLOR Ice Blue
Aleria Grehel (Lazard)




Aleria Grehel, who was formerly known as Aleria Lazard, the oldest daughter of Marcel Lazard. Her upbrining was relatively normal but also quite odd at times. Surrounded by four siblings, whereas all of them were younger than her, she had her work cut out for her. It was around the age of twelve, when her father left the family, left her. Fighting in a war, or being a soldier was rather much more important for him, than to be a father.

Back then, Aleria did not know much, and couldn't do anything but stand on their porch with her mother. A pat on her head, and a promise, her father left. Her responsibilities only increased thereafter. Unlike her siblings, she knew more about her father than the rest. She looked after them constantly while they grew up - while she grew up.

They eventually moved away, but the promise her father made never did come true. Aleria always did hope to meet him again. Give him an earful for abandoning them. If anything, it affected her the most, unlike her siblings. They were able to move on much quicker than her. Sometime, being the oldest isn't always the best.

Aleria wanted to change as well. Help fight the abominations that are terrorizing their world. However, like the Titan Knights out there, she was different. Or rather, she was more or less a mage. Someone who could manipulate not only lightning and light, but also air. She eventually joined the military, and due to the rarity behind her affinities, she was selected to be a combat mage.

Prepared and ready, she accepted her duties. Changed her last name in the process - just in case she would meet her father out there. Deep down, it was one of her reasons for joining the military. To prove to him, or show him what she was capable of doing. To ask him why he left. She also kept tabs on him. Reading about him in the newspapers.

Then again, it had been more than a decade since she last saw Marcel Lazard - her father. Was he still alive? How much did he change? Aleria could still remember his face clear as the day he left. Her love for her father was still there, but some hatred had built inside her as well. The young woman had a change in personality. She was much more cold and straightforward with her actions. It produced results out there in the battlefield as well.

Aleria was known for using her blade quick and swiftly in close range, and her specialized semi-burst rifle which could be used both in mid or long range - the latter was more or less her using it as a sniper - with the right scope, that is. Eventually, she was ordered to join the Iron Slayers Corps. The reason behind such an order was simple. Aleria would be much more useful out there, if she was working for the infamous organization.


Sekhmet Rifle


  • Lightning Bulb - Mostly from long range. She is capable of charging her specialized burst rifle to snipe her target. Striking blue bullet will escape the chamber and on impact, a large, but blue, electrifying explosion will occur.
  • Air Maneuver - In combination with her flight unit and its speed, she can manipulate the wind, or the air around her to move at a much more flexible way, and with more speed. Can be used to dodge some unique situations one wouldn't otherwise be able to get away from.
  • Air Burst - In order to get in close range, she would manipulate the air behind her to give her a wave of boost to approach her target at extreme speed. Likely used to cut down her target or to use her burst rifle at close range.
  • Piercing Light - Using her affinity to light in combination with her burst rifle at close or mid range, she is capable of shooting rounds that are pure light, and upon impact, would melt and burn her target. Like its eating away at the flesh, or metal due to the heat coming off of the bullet.
  • Lightblade - A round gem embedded into her blade, right above the hilt. Using her affinity to light or lightning to coat the blade with magic, she can swiftly cut through her target, giving them excruciating pain related to said element. May it be burning or electrifying damage.
A basic boot unit to keep her in the air, and one she can easily move around with, especially in combination with her affinity to air. It isn't exactly advanced, but at the same time, it could be considered so.


  • Lightning Bulb - Once used, the rifle is on a cooldown for at least 8 to 12 minutes. The rifle is basically useless until the duration of the cooldown. It isn't exactly meant to be used as a sniper.
  • Can easily become exhausted due to her affinity to three elements. Using them excessively or in combination for a long duration will definetely put a strain on her body. It must be used wisely.
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Height: 167cm | Weight: 72 kg​

Yu Yuanjing



Character Description:
Hailing from the island of Ossetta, Yu was born to an honorable family of hunters to the village on top of Mount Tesseria. Being the only female child and the youngest in a family that focuses it's own merit and respect in martial prowess normally means you won't be given a voice among the family, and indeed Yu's future was never planned towards the same ends as her brothers. Instead, she was to be married to another noble and live life peacefully in the village, supporting her husband and making sure their heritage continued.

Which is why when she told the family Elder that she wanted to follow in the footsteps of her brothers, not only was he completely taken aback, he also was amused to see that the want for combat did run even in her blood. She was given what she wanted, and trained under her father in the martial arts of the sword and bow for most of her childhood all the way to her thirteen years. After which she was given training on how to control her magical potential.

Spending three years training with her father in isolation, Yu came back with the fire in her soul ignited to show the world the might of Beastkin magic. Her parents recognized her training as finished, and finally told her to choose what she would do with her training now. Following the steps of her brother, she claimed to want to fight in the war against the Demon Beasts, to save not only her people but also everyone, all the while bringing honor to her family name.

She was sent to the Elven Capital to acclimate herself with the different technology and lifestyles, and told to enlist when she was of age. At first it was incredibly difficult to grow used to the different technology and also the social stigma against Beastkin. While some advancements were welcome such as fridges, others felt exquisite to her sight, such as flying behemoths. When she enlisted, the Elven military immediately recognized her potential as a mage and assigned her training for such. Undergoing two years of training due to her unfamiliarity with firearms and fear of the Flight Units, after the training was done, she was immediately sent for the battlefront under a small battalion as a Combat Mage.

Through her three years serving in the battalion, she mostly worked alongside other mages as a defensive mage, mostly working on creating defensive obstacles in the field to protect both infantry and Titan Knights. However, after the tree years serving there, Yu eventually asked for a larger battalion to serve on, seeking both to be more useful but mostly the thrill of fighting more often. Thus she was reassigned to the Iron Slayer Battalion, one specific battalion she had heard quite a bit about.

Being a glory-hound, Yu is always near danger. She enjoys fighting the most thrilling battles, facing the largest foes and taking on the challenges no one else will. To her, there is nothing that cannot be done, and she can go through great lengths to prove others she's right. It is through these means that she states she has bettered herself, always. She'll never back down from a fight and although her courage may seem unfounded at first, she possesses an indomitable spirit to do the impossible, break the unbreakable and touch the untouchable. This does not mean that Yu doesn't respect others or ignores her orders of course, after all, she desperately wants to earn their respect and admiration.

Respecting authority but finding fascination in courage, she is infatuated with learning more about glorious wars of the past and present. Yu is keen of researching about the other races and their past and greatly enjoys knowing their military legends and tales. At moments like these, she can act almost childishly, eager to hear more stories and naive enough to believe them true, even if they seem completely unreal. This is also the reason why she is so optimistic about the war. To Yu, perseverance is the mark of victory. She values honor, to an extent, but does not turn a blind eye to the values of shrewd tactics.

However, that respect is hard to earn with words alone. Actions speak louder than words to her, and if somehow you manage to tick her off in the wrong way, you may never manage to get your chance at having her trust. While this does not affect her in combat, it certainly changes the way she views squad mates and sometimes even leaders. Given her position, she may or may not voice her concerns with honesty, but never expects much change from the person regardless.

Having a complicated relationship with technology, while she views it as a necessity, she has a hard time trusting new and dangerous items. An example of this show is how it was extremely difficult to get Yu to use the Flight Units due to her extreme fear of something that allows her to fly, believing it possible that the object may give out at any moment and let her fall down to the ground. Outside of the Flight Units, however, she is still skeptical about many other items she has seen thus far, but tries to keep face in front of others unless prompted otherwise.

Outside of that, she still practices her hobbies, and thus greatly enjoys showing off her collection of weapons. Always making sure to point that she has many more, and only shows these because they were the only ones she could bring with her. Of note is a large curved sword originating from her home-village, forged completely out of Red Aether Crystal that she carries with her at all moments, even in combat. She seems extremely protective of this sword as well, being one of the few she never shows to anyone.

Magecraft Affinity:

Magecraft Abilities:
  • Sand Manipulation: Yu uses Sand to cast her spells. She uses this ability to harden and move sand with the use of Earth and Air Aether, respectively. Given this ability's extreme situational advantage, Yu has learned various spells that turn stone into sand when the spell is finished, turning a disadvantage to a strong advantage.

  • Stone Barrage: Quickly pulls three pieces of rock from the ground to launch towards enemies. Rocks launched will take the form of a bolt, similar in size to a spear. After penetrating a target, or if they reach a range of 30 meters away from Yu, the bolts dissipate into sand. When one spear is launched, all others follow it. Cannot be cast on air, but can be launched from air. These stone spears will remain near Yu until she commands them otherwise.

  • Sand Prison: Yu marks an area with Earth Aether, taking the form of a glowing glyph. After a long delay, a sand prison in the form of a dome is quickly raised at the target area. The prison will have 5 meters of radius and can reach up to 7 meters of height. After fully formed, the sand will harden and maintain itself. Piercing force can easily penetrate the dome, whereas blunt force will have more difficulty.

  • Stone Wall: Through hard concentration and focus, Yu can form a wall of up to 10 meters in height made out of stone. The wall can be up to 10 meters in width and is always 2 meters thick. Breaking the wall or damaging it will result in the stone becoming sand.

  • Darude - Sandstorm: Using a combination of Life, Earth and Wind Aether, Yu generates a blast with a width of 20 meters in front of her. The blast will kick up the sand and small pieces of unstable stone, while the force generated may push weak enemies along as it travels. This sand blast will travel at 5 meters per second, increasing in 2 for every 10 meters traveled. Upon reaching 35 meters away from it's point of origin, the blast will become a sandstorm that pulls enemies nearby to the middle while blinding and damaging them. This sandstorm ranges at 15 meters of diameter and reaching up to 7 meters of height. After a long delay, the sandstorm explodes, causing damage to enemies within the blast range of 20 meters. Casting this ability requires massive concentration and will exhaust the user. In the worst case scenario, Yu may even go berserk after casting it.
Zenith AT Rifle
Muramasa Aether Blade

Flight Unit:
Yu still uses the same boots she acquired during her training sessions back in the Elven Capital. They seem worn out, but still work in perfect condition. One of the reason she'll never admit not using any other boots or Flight Units is because she has grown used to this one and won't trust any other models.

  • Many spells rely on reaching for the ground.
  • Extremely defensive spells with few options when it comes to causing damage.
  • Many of her spells can backfire and cause friendly fire if used incorrectly, relies on good positioning and coordination with her fellow squad mates.
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