Demon Rust IC Thread

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Runs with Axes
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  2. Multiple posts per week
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  2. Advanced
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  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
OOC I Character Directory


Crimson Command - April-17th - Early Morning

Deep behind the walls of Crimson Command a woman clad in red sat in a rather nice office chair, smoking on a Cigar as all around her were piles of books, using her free hand to flip threw a stack of paper documents, she had a rather bored expression to her face, punctured by brief smirks of amusement. New recruits had came in for the so called PMC's, so the ranks need a reshuffle.. Home to a regiment of troops and in some cases their families, her Iron Slayers Corps often got the first pick of the new litters and the older troops aside, though none the less her three Squadrons would be lopsided in terms of ranking. "Well at least this time they almost meet the full compliment.." As the time passed in ideal amusement a decision was reached with a final review in mind.

"Hmm... So a Tech mage from high society, with her less than praise worth sister.. Good records on both, and they have been on the base for awhile.. Ah well I guess I can babysit them, that weapon of her's might be worth the investment, the sister is too good of a pilot to just throw away.. We'll transfer them from the 3rd Company.. That Machine of hers would be useful.. Communications.." Writing down her notes with her one free hand when not flipping pages, she moves down the list

@Skyswimsky @The Perfect Cadence

"Irene should stay in my squad, her knowledge of the lay of the land makes her valuable to her fellow mages.. Though I wonder if she's still haunted by that.. Ah well at least her mentor was one I would never add to the collection... But will the same be said of her?"


"Oh, one of the few Natives eh? Arc Evangeline.. Promising scores in theory and tactics, but still untested, commissioned is she? We can't have her dying just yet." Jotting her down for transfer, she would see what this one could do with her own eyes. Two years seemed like a lot, but with the Knights a year of that was spent in training..


Next up was the Old Sergeant, as if there were any need to consider keeping the Old Iron Horse where he was, he was her central NCO and preformed his duties well, to think they let the old man go because of a few minor wounds and age.. Though that suit of his was a Mass Production model, he still burned with the fires of Revenge to reclaim his homeland..


"Hmm..Zeal, What boonies was he from to have one name? I do like that look in his eyes.. Sniper is it?.. Seems to follow orders well enough, but his previous command considers him bad luck for lose of machines.. Machines are easier to replace than men.. That's good Luck, he can sup with Death and walk away.. Squadron fire support.." Marking him down his lack of rank likely dealt with his perceived lack of ambition, rather than lack of skill.


"Oh, almost immediately frocked to Sergeant out of training, Originally from the 128th Independent Mage Battalion.. Very powerful if not in need of seasoning.. Ah.. So that's why he joined." Taking more notes, this one worried her a little, his motivation could prove problematic, but his test results were impressive..


Next up was a girl with cold blue eyes narrowed into angry slots that looked vaguely familiar.. Noting some discrepancies on her paperwork, the woman in Red flips through more notes in a flurry before comparing histories, with a wide smile of amusement this would be too good to pass up. While a potential problem she simply could not let it go. "Ah well, I'll do you a favor, Girl that shares that Hawk's eyes.. Though do try to not die while running through something.."


Finally there were three others or were noted possible options, but those files could be read later on... Putting out the cigar with a deft motion in an ash tray, the woman calls out to a uniformed male standing at attention blocking the doorway beyond. "Take these files, first stack goes to Captain Esfahan and the Second Stack to Captain Ishmael." Snapping a smart salute, the young man pauses, looking at the third folder, his blonde hair and youthful appearance betraying a sense of confusion. "Major Siminov, what about the Third folder?"

"Hmm, keen eyes..or the presence of mind to question... These, I want you to take them and track down them all. Have their machines or Mage gear brought to Bay Three. Them as well, within the next oh... forty-five minutes. On that note, do get those scary pair of twins to move it themselves, they get rather defensive if the mechanics go for their baby. Ah, minus these last couple, I'm curious if they'll come in of their own regard, or if one of the other squads will take them instead, those files I'll be keeping."

"Yes Major, was there anything else?" Pondering that she smiles thinly. "Have my Machine ready for Deployment, and have some of those little round pastries and Coffee brought down to them, let them mingle about.."

"Ma'am...the food I understand but your unit.."

Smiling a bit Yaona's red slit pupils meet his, unwillingly wilting at them they seemed more like the eyes of a demon than of a beast or human, her parting words only sent more disquiet through the young soldier however.

"Oh? Can't you smell it? Blood is in the Air. Let them have some fun before they set off to Hell."

With that dispatch orders were quickly sent and soldiers were summoned to the new hangar bay, left to their own devices for a brief time till their Commander would turn up for her speech. Or whatever she had planned, either way it wasn't just them, as ragged Technicians and Mechanics quickly got to work bringing in frames and lockers for Mage equipment, crystals, various equipment and lastly Cooks and privates came in carrying plates of various pastries and hot coffee for the Members of the First Squadron. Overhead hanged an insignia on a banner with the Unit's official name and at the center of it all stood a large bright red Knight Frame, weapons being loaded onboard, as the flag flew above it like a standard of old, as if to be welcoming those being escorted there.

And so a seemingly uneventful day would begin, a new world for some, a continuation for others.

(edited for typos because I'm tired today)
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Another day, another meal.

Even with the Titan Knights and Mage Gears brought into the area, Bay 3 was still much too large for a gathering as small as this. In the cavernous space, where engineers continued to do checks and move equipment over, the few tables laden with coffee pots and pastry plates looked positively out-of-place, and the lack of people present made it all too tempting for one of the mechanics to snatch a small donut and pop it in their mouth. Zeal watched them go at it, but didn't speak a word himself. The two-toned youth didn't care all that much for sweets, after all, and had brought his own meal with him. A mug of coffee sat by his feet while he hunched over against a supporting pillar, screwing open a canister of minced white radish marinated in a tangy, spicy sauce. Digging in with a spoon, Zeal chewed away while watching the proceedings of others. Food had to be at least this spicy to be good, after all. Anything else was just bland and pointless.

Mismatched eyes, one silver, one amber, continued to flicker about, keeping track of the positions and distances of those within the Bay Area. Spatial awareness was important, and a supporting pillar was reasonably tough. A few more crunchy bites finished his small meal, Zeal closing the tin box once more and slotting it into the folds of his coat. A puff of air made it out of his lips and he crouched down, bringing up the lukewarm mug to his lips and downing it in a few quick gulps.

There. Enough to go for another twelve hours.

His index finger stroked the grip of the six-shooter holstered on his belt as Zeal's gaze continued to bounce from one person to another, looking for an unfamiliar face.

That morning had been a busy affair for the Old Horse of the Iron Slayer Corps. Paying visits to the barracks, infirmary, and hangar bays. He had navigated across half the halls of Crimson Command and had planned to fly out to observe the front lines again when he received his summons. Adorned in the vibrant ceremonial armor while carrying his scarce used cane, the senior NCO walked briskly into hangar bay three as the frames and magical equipment were beginning their preparation.

Having been sped over by jeep no less than ten minutes after the assembly notice was given, he was among the first to arrive. Strolling down the hangar while thinking back on days prior to a shift in the front due to failed offensives, he was pondering what the days raid would bring when the sight of fresh pastries, the Karsnaya Phoenix, and banners caught his eye. Noting their display for the occasion, he looked around at the now empty lots where past Titan Knight frames had once stood.

With a wrinkle of his beard, a small smile crept upon his face before his eyebrows seemed to suppress it with a scornful gaze. "More fresh blood huh? ... ... ... The damned Beasts never get enough." With a heavy sigh following a small shake of his head, he moved over to where the pastries and coffee had been set up. Reaching for a tin cup among a row, he poured himself a full hand of the strong smelling liquid before taking several sips to wet his mouth.

Unlike his tea, he took coffee black and strong regardless of warmth. Though, it seemed the staff who had prepared the small treat were looking to please as there was fresh steam still rising off his cup as he made for the pastries. Served from tin trays dotting the tables, even they were warm, he found, before helping himself with a healthy sense of urgency. Taking big bites, followed by small windows to chew. Within minutes he'd downed several of the sweets and sunk the entire cup of coffee. Preparing for what lie ahead in the next few moments, the momentary fuel would be needed he knew.

Wiping at his mouth once finished to get at the crumbs and food particles stuck to his face, he next made his way around the hanger to inspect the equipment and frames as they were brought in and unveiled. Hands clasp behind his back and pace slow. He soon recognized several Knight Frames for their distinctive designs. However, much to his amusement and interest a few escaped him as members of the new squad began to spill in. Ambling with his interest engaged talking to crewmen and inspecting the hangar, he silently glanced over his shoulder as each member passed, making note of their apparel, posture, and demeanor. With the hangar growing progressively crowded and busy with activity, it wouldn't be long until he would need to dawn his second set of armor.
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'This coffee is fantastic!' Arc thinks to herself as she takes another sip of her drink. 'And these pastries to!' taking another one from the plate. 'Whoever they got to make these did a fantastic job. Though the coffee could use some creamer other than that its perfect.' Finally finished with with her small snack she takes a quick glance around the room confirming exactly what she was thinking. 'Looks like im one the youngest person here. At least if i ever need extra guidance to make up for my lack of experience there's plenty of people here, though i shouldn't lean to heavily on them.'

Looking around some more her eyes fall on all the Titan Knights standing in the room, and finally on hers. It had taken many years but she had finally managed to save enough on her own to afford to buy a custom made Titan. She also notices the Mage Gears nearby. 'My father was also a mage.'

Taking out of her pocket a silvery king chess piece she studies it for what seems like the thousandth time. 'Well dad i finally made, my dreams can finally become true.' a tear comes to her eye as she remembers all the old memories of her father. Of how he would kiss her goodnight, sing her to sleep when she used to have nightmares, when he first started to teach her chess, and of how he gave her this piece on her 10th bithday as a good luck charm.

Finally she shakes herself out of her memories. 'No, he wouldn' want me to be this way.' she says as she pockets the piece again. Glancing around the room some more she sees a few more people have arrived. Her eyes finally fall to the table with the pastries again. 'Hm, maybe just one more...' as she begins to reach for more.
She was there now - at the Crimson Command. As per her orders from the Military, she was to join the Iron Slayers Corp like many others, or so she assumed. It wasn't surprising, or rather, what she assumed was the truth. There were others there, and people who were lost. Others asked for directions, while some indulged in the free food that was being passed around by the staff who worked there.

Aleria was merely leaned against the wall in the cafeteria, close to a corner. Observing the people for the time being. Someone passed by her, offering her some pastries and a warm cup of coffee. The raven haired lieutenant did not hesitate, before she accepted such offer. Taking her time with the pastries and the coffee, she found herself taking a seat by a table nearby.

There was a lot on her mind. Her family - her long lost father - a battle driven soldier, and less of a family man. Pathetic. Aleria hated and loved the old man. It was a twisted feeling in her stomach. She wanted to prove something to him as well. Her equipment had already been brought in before her arrival.

Once she was done, it was time to make a move. Moving through the Crimson Command, she made it to the hangar. Her new Commander was going to give a speech soon, and the veterans and the new recruits were to gather at such a place. Her arms folded before her chest, she found herself leaning against another wall.

Looking at the Titan frames at the hangar, and the variety in flight units for the mages, Aleria knew that it would be much more different here. It would definetely not be like the Military. She had also heard about Yaona and her reputation, and wasn't expecting anything less from her Commander-to-be.

Not long after, she couldn't help but notice a familiar figure. White hair and the face - its shape. Reading about him in the papers, and looking at him at the hangar, she just couldn't help but whisper. "Father.." It was him, it was Marcel Lazard. The one who abandoned her oldest daughter, his children.

Her blue eyes squinted ever so slightly. Keeping calm and collected, she had to focus on the task at hand. Her feelings were not allowed to come in the way. Aleria did want to approach and talk to her old man, but felt that the time for that would be later.
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"Oh... this is a nice sandwich... oh yes... indeed it is!" Inghild thought to herself as she examined the Turkey Provolone sandwich while she walked back to her Prinz Eugen.

Perhaps this was a rare luxury at this base, Inghild had just visited the officer's mess and picked up the sandwich which was all that was left in the galley. She'd gone late after the main meal and had to resort to the leftovers or the nearly empty pile of sandwiches. She'd gone with the sandwich over the leftovers because the other officers had left the leftovers of lasagna in a suspicious mess and Inghild's nose told her it was best to stay away from it. Still... a sandwich was a sandwich... a good one too considering when a Turkey Provolone was pitted against what sandwiches were offered in the... horrible mess call the 'Enlisted Messhall', the T.P. would easily win the edge over the nearly im-palatable things they served there.

She'd gone there... sneakily a few times for reasons of stalking her little sister to ensure that she kept a healthy diet as outlined to Inghild by their mum, Satella. Or... just for the reason of enjoying the scene in the messhall... things ranging from the under-par food to the occasional fights. The place was a completely different world in contrast to the nearly fine dining experience offered in the officer's mess.

Before Inghild left with her sandwich, she'd heated it up in the quick toaster and transferred it out of it's original plastic wrapping into a white paper bag. Picking up and stuffing into her pocket a 750ml glass bottle of cold brew, she began her way back to her machine. As she walked, Inghild tossed the sandwich between her hands every few seconds as it was still piping hot and she wasn't one who liked to eat on the move.

As she neared her machine, she heard her first mail call.

"Oh goodie! Mum must have sent me something like she promises she'll do every month." She thinks as she races forwards to the corporal who was handing out the mail.

As she approached, Erika sliced into her path with no notice. With Inghild being more nimble at traveling at a significantly higher velocity, it was inevitable that the two of them would collide given the small amount of space they had between each other...even if Inghild had cat reaction speeds.

"Oof!" The two sister yelped as they collided with each other
For a brief moment, the two couldn't think as their bodies were in the process of analyzing just what the heck had happened. Erika spoke first since she felt it the most.

"ältere schwester...." She began. " tingles..."

"Ehhh?" Inghild replied, confused.

"I..its wedging against me..." Erike says weakly.

Wait.. what was wedging against her? Wait... ohh...

"Oh.. um... ja..." Inghild manages before quickly getting off of her twin.

Erika got up by herself and began to rub her posterior, it didn't hurt... just tingled.

"Some umm... ja... you OK?" Inghild asks sincerely.

"Ja..." Erika replies nonchalantly.

"I had the right of way OK?"
Inghild defends. "If this was a vehicular collision, you would have been at fault for failing to look both ways before you..."

"Ja...." Erike interrupts. "Spare me the logic, lets just go get our mail."

Inghild sighed. "Erika, pay attention to small details. Things like this... while they do seem to be minor... if we apply these results to a... heeyy!!! Don't ignore me!" She shouts as her younger twin simply just drifted away from her, not caring what she has to say.

"Schwester... you're using your mouth too much."
Erika shouts back. "Give it and all of us a break for once... ja?"

Inghild stood there for a few moments, contemplating as to what punishment she should hand out this time but after seeing her little sister get to the crowd... she just shook her head and facepalmed. She had a lot of teaching to do and she better drill it into her imouto... else mum is going to kill her for sending Erika back home in a body bag or worse yet, an empty coffin.

The rest of less significant time passed as one would imagine. As Inghild pushed her way through the crowd surrounding the mail man, pressure would ease out as the enlisted recognized her as an officer and made her a bit of room and leeway. It wasn't long before she got to the guy who gave her a 10 kilogram parcel with her name on it.

Carrying it back to her Titan Knight, Inghild caught sight of her little one sitting by herself in the pilot seat and fiddling with the controls. She goes over to her and places her box onto the floor.

Erika's tummy growled.

"I'm hungry." She says.

Inghild rolled her eyes. "Well... if you want food... get out of the cockpit!"

Erika lazily pulls herself out of the pilot's seat and throws herself onto the catwalk before crawling to sit upright against a metal panel before crossing her legs.

"Food..." Erika asks. "F-O-O-D. I want food."

Inghild would have squeaked at the adorableness of those words but her ego as the older sister prevented her from doing so but still, her 'it' really wanted to do it. She peels her sandwich into two giving the bigger half to her younger twin and also donates the entire bottle of cold brew to her. For the next few minutes, the sit side by side in silence as the enjoyed the calories.

"This is really good." Erika says throwing the last piece into her mouth, she looks at her sister's half which was only a quarter way eaten.

Inghild sees this and offers it to her which she gladly accepts.

"Eat slowly..." Inghild says. "Enjoy the moment of indulgence... as you won't pleasure in it for another few hours and that is with food that is pretty bad for the digestive tract."

"Then why don't you bring me what is offered in your dining hall?"
Erika asks as she finishes what was left of the other half.

"Yah... but the others would start looking down upon me for doing that...." Inghild replies opening the bottle of cold brew and taking a sip. "Here... drink. You'll need the energy."

Erika accepts the glass bottle and downs the remaining contents in one breath. Inghild sighs, this was yet another thing that she would have to teach her little one.

As the twins treated each other, a sergeant walked up to them.

"Lieutenant Kramer, Staff sergeant Kramer." He addresses the two of them. "Orders from the boss, you're being transferred the A-company. Pack up and meet in the respective hangar, you two are expected there in thirty minutes good luck."

He gives a small bow and hands Inghild the orders.
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Irene lifted her face from the desk, a paper sticking to her cheek as she did so. Her glasses were askew on her face and as she blinked away her drowsiness it occurred to her that at some point while doing all the paperwork she'd fallen asleep. Irene quietly cursed as she removed the page from her face, and thanked some higher power that she hadn't drooled on it. Moving quickly through the meager remains of the work, she stacked it in the outbox and stood up. A quick stretch later, Irene decided to go for food. Soup, sandwich, or would she spring for the fancier options? She certainly could, that was a lot of paperwork that she'd just finished up...

Something in her gut said not to get something that she couldn't eat quickly. Maybe it was just the everyday sort of feeling you got when you were at war, or maybe it was some sixth sense the mage had. Either way, Irene had long since learned to trust when something told her something was on the horizon. Deep within, the fear bubbled up. Who would they lose today? Would they gain anything? How many would be sacrificed until the threat was over? Would they be an ultimate point to it all?

Irene grabbed a sandwich from the mess hall and walked to the hangar, intentionally walking to a window to see out into the hangar itself. Irene liked to see all the Titan Knights lined up and inactive. They looked like giant people who had just fallen asleep for the moment. Like the people piloting them weren't really part of the equation as a whole, and really they were just an army borrowing the power of giants to fight monsters.

And they were still losing.

Irene didn't really taste her sandwich. The thought of fighting had long since turned its taste to ash, but she was used to the taste, forcing down the remains of food was her finest technique.

That was when her glasses -which she had put up on her head earlier- fell down and startled her out of her mindset. The papers! She probably needed to have turn them in somewhere better than elsewhere on her desk! Irene ran off, stuffing a sandwich into her face as she tried to get the rest of the paperwork in before the next time they deployed, which according to her gut, was soon.
Fondling with an envelope and slip of paper, a four-eyed mage sat alone, eyeing the writing inscribed on the letter. A letter from home, from his family, a way for them all the keep in touch despite the distance between them. His "reading time" was time Leonard cherished as it was closest he would be to his siblings likely for the foreseeable future. Any current happenings, problems or achievements would be reported in the parchment, and though any issues they might have were trivial to his own, he enjoyed reading of them. It was the biggest sense of peacefulness he would be able to enjoy.

Looking up from his position, he noted many troops migrating to a particular part of the area. Calling out to a nearby group, he inquired where they were going. "Hey, where's everyone headed? There a party I wasn't invited to?"

"Somethin' like that," The soldier replied. "Free food before the boss gives off her speech. You're a newbie aren't you? You should've heard."

The sudden realization that he was already late for a meeting, and of course free nourishment, instilled within him a sense of urgency. "Fuck me...!" Hopping up to his feet, Leonard shoved the letter back in its envelope and stuffed the entire thing in one of his coat pockets before jogging off.

As he arrived to the free food—thank God there was still some left—urgency replaced itself with casualness as he picked from the buffet. It wasn't really a buffet, just some standard pastries and coffee, but considering he was here primarily to get food, he wasn't going to turn down freebies.

"Don't mind if I do~" Snatching up several items and a cup of coffee, Leonard nodded in thanks to the server and munched on one of the delicacies. With a hum of enjoyment, he then sought to wash the food down with some of the drink but recoiled after tasting it. "Euck!" Pausing from that, the mage felt a group of eyes staring at him. Sure enough at his side were several troops eyeing him, one of which was of the aforementioned color. "Uh... No, no.. I-uh... I meant the..."

As the group narrowed their eyes and proceeded to a separate part of the hanger, Leonard let out a sigh. "I meant the coffee... Fuckin' hell, why I am so terrible at talking?" He mused to himself.

Today was going great.
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Erika was happy.

The past few weeks since she had been assigned to the only person that matters in the world had been the best since the day the two of them split. Not only did she get to be together with Inghild but they were even in the same machine! If there was one thing that came close to making Inghild happy than it had to be vent out her frustration and hatred slaughtering the shitty beings that dared trying to destroy the world that Inghild liked so much.

Thus, it was more than appropriate that the Sergeant got a death-glare as he interrupted the two sisters in some important bonding! Just long enough for it to matter yet not too long for Inghild to notice. Or at least Erika hoped she did not. The few minutes younger woman was very well aware how much the other blonde cared about her 'social picture'. It was bad enough Erika had to wear formal stuff as her 'casual attire' already. But, alas, the sacrifices one did for love.

Nonetheless, there was no way Inghild would disobey any sort of order. So, at the very least, it could have been fun? "I'll race you there?" Erika asked with a mischevious smile as the human trash finally disappeared.
Moving along the upper gangways, Yaona watched those down below as her aide from before caught up with her, panting a bit for breath. Without turning, she asked, "So did you find them all?"

"N-no ma'am... those special folders of yours I couldn't find... and your Mage Leader seems to be running about..." Pausing to stare at him the Major sighed, handing him the folders. "Well do try and find them. I guess I should go down below. ...Well? Get on with it."

"Yes Ma'am!" Turning with a salute while grabbing the folders, the younger soldier ran off as quickly as he came, he would have made a fine runner in the Infantry... But that would be a death sentence. With a shrug, Yaona ventured down to the ground level by a ladder rung, dropping to the ground on black boots. Gazing at those gathered, a couple of pilots and mages stood out from the dirty coveralls of Mechanics, aprons of Chefs and uniformed soldiers who guarded the base. Being the first to notice her, a Corporal in the aforementioned guard unit snapped to attention and bellowed out, "XO on Deck! ATTENTION!" With that, the vast majority immediately stop[ed the tasks they were engaged with, snapping salutes, or at least standing at attention with whatever preoccupied them in hand.

"Hmmhmm, At ease...Support Troops, you've done well, leave us. Core Infantry, mechanics and parts of this Squadron are to remain." Waiting for those to leave, the red-haired woman walked over in front of her own Titan Knight, leaning against the monstrosity.

"Well, sorry we don't have a stage for me to stand on, nor do I care much for the official uniform, I do hope you like the pastries though, most in the Imperium don't get those on a regular basis. To put it simply, I am Major Yaona Siminov. You may call me Yaona or Major, but in the presence of other units or officials you will keep up the title of Major, other than that I tend to be a bit informal. That being said, I award performance." She shrugged. If this was some sort of prep talk it wasn't a very good one, but then again maybe it wasn't meant to be.

"Well, maybe you'll all live long enough for a good talk or so but until then, enjoy what you have here. You are the elite, and because of that you get better food, beds, toilets and so on. Soldiers in the ground forces and Fleet would kill to be so pampered. And now our Governments demand you pay up for that. So do try and stay alive, remember your training and listen to your fellows. A few- Ah.."

Pausing a bit, the Major turned the young aide from before returned yet again. Barely remembering to salute, he said, "Ma'am! The Base Commander wants to see you now! He says it's urgent!"

"Well I guess we can finish this right after this then... Carry on." Turning to light a cigar as her red clothing fluttered slightly with some stiffness, Yaona looked over the two twins, the males and in general all the other messier sorts, the old man, and his likely unknown to him daughter. And so on and so forth...

Heading up and out of the halls, she pointed at the Old Man as she called him, the Sergeant who had been here far too long. At least with this interruption, he could give the newcomers that pep talk he wanted. "Master Sergeant Lazard, if you want you can give one of your little speeches and I'll explain communication on my return, just...keep them here for now." Walking off for the Command Center at a brisk pace, Yaona disappeared, escorted by a pair of guards..


The Sergeant would have this time to do his little duties in this regard, maybe some of the stragglers would turn up as well for his likely more inspiring speech.


Reaching the Command Center, Yaona met a Colonel a few years her senior, a severe man in Imperium Livery. Here and in the Imperium they both had a higher rank; his however was a bit more senior than hers, but was little much more to it.

"Ah, how nice for you to come Major. The Scouts have found something rather interesting for us on the sensors. It seems the 25th grid is their goal this time, most likely wanting to test the Eastern Wall. At our last count, judging by scans we have 300 Soldier Class, 120 Tank Class and 24 Superiors, numbering 444 total. The 57th Tank Platoon and a Company of Infantry are guarding it right now, with other reinforcements on the way. Needless to say, your battalion will be sent, pretty light work if that Tank Regiment makes it in time. Either way that Company and its supports are digging in. I can send more details but will be a bit of a flight so..."

"Yeah, I might as well get going." Walking over to flip a switch, comms squawk to life all across the base, with Yaona's voice carrying through.

"This is the Major. All squadrons get to your gears and machines, we'll be flying out in thirty minutes. Battalion sized formation is coming down in sector 4, seems to be testing the defense. All we have there is Four tanks and a Company of men, a tank Regiment will show up as well, but pretty much all of this is on us. And late arrivers! Find your unassigned asses to Bay Three on the double! We're going to get some of your cherries popped, and your first real test is a bit east, switch to taccom 7, channel 4 and await further communications. GO!"
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With that simple address and a nod of his head, the Old Horse known as Master Sergeant Marcel Lazard or Sergeant Hazard as he was known on the battlefield, stepped out of line and proceeded down the row of fresh recruits. Simply engaging each one with the stern focus of his eye, one at a time, he didn't linger nor speak until he had gotten to about the middle of the row. Making contact with the concrete floor with his cane, the sound signaled the beginning of a rather mixed and much repeated speech he gave to recruits, typically just before battle.

"Some of you, I'm sure. May have already guessed it, but we're heading to the front just here shortly. The Major tends to test her new blood to see if you've got what it takes to stand here. Not just anyone can waltz into Crimson Command, it isn't like the training exercises you've all had and if the offices have made you soft from pencil pushing you had better get off your ass before it becomes the enemies." His tone growing distinctly harsher with the mention of the Demon Beasts, whatever the cause seemed to soon bleed into the rest of his monologue.

It's rather unlikely any of you will die today, but don't go thinking that makes things easy. ... There's a reason you all are here right now and not back home. Those damned Demon Beasts, the cause for much of this hell, who want nothing more than to tear you to pieces. They've made your country to suffer in ruins and expected humanity to roll over in the dirt and die! But I'm sure many of you are here to persuade them otherwise. Cracking a smile at this remark, Marcel turned to retrace his step talking all the while.

But... No matter how much you hate the infernal bastards the first time is always the toughest. Every man is scared in his first action, and anyone telling you otherwise is a goddamn liar! I've seen just about every son of a bitch in here that isn't dead yet piss their pants at the first sight of the front lines. They'll never admit it and that's fine as they got past the theatrics, but what's important, is they fought on even if they were afraid. For some it takes but a few minutes. Others hours. And the weakest days. But not one, of these tough bastards here ever, lets his fear blind his sense of duty, or make him forget what they're here for....

You sacrifice even an inch, the bastards will take a mile! God forbid, you sacrifice a mile, and they claim the whole damn continent. You give them sons a bitches the edge end of your weapon or a hole in their fucking head, nothing more! As they should be the ones afraid of you, because if there is a God he's sure as hell not going to be on their side. And while we're long overdue in delivering his vengeance, there's not a Goddamn thing they can hope to do to stop it.

I've been fighting these bastards for over thirty years. I've killed more Demon Beasts than you've probably ever seen in your short careers, and you know what? That's saved just as many soldiers from an untimely death. For each of those bastards dead we get a man in the rear who keeps breathing on to the next morning. With every kill we gain another foothold and a step closer to ending this accursed war.

And that's why I'll often say, I don't need men or women, officers or enlisted. I need fucking killers with a thirst for blood so strong, that after their Knights begin to rust from the iron they draw, they turn to me and say
"It's not enough Sergeant.". Damn right it isn't enough! Not until those fuckers are too scared to come running from their caves will it be close to enough. And once those holes to hell are bombed, burned, caved in, and they're sent back to whatever abominable realm they crawled from will it be almost enough! ... ... ...

Some of you may wonder if you'll tremble or run under attack. Don't worry about it. When the time comes you'll all do your duty. This war is bloody business, a meat grinder that takes in fresh recruits and churns out their remains. But wade into those ugly bastards, and spill their blood before they spill yours. Hack them to pieces, turn them into Swiss cheese, reduce them to ash, just make damn sure they aren't moving. And when your hearing returns and you wipe dirt from your face only to realize it's not dirt but the blood and guts of what was once your friend, you'll know what to do. ... ... ....

The observant of you may have noticed that I no longer have a right eye. That's not just as I'm a mean son of a bitch, but because of it. You see, when I was serving in the regular corps I was out inspecting the field one day. And I had a few fellow NCOs out with me and we were returning from the front. What I and those brave boys didn't know was that a hole had appeared not far from us and several Demon Beasts had broken their way through...

Several Tank Class found their way to our stretch of the road and in seconds the Jeep was totaled, the men dead and I was being flung around like a doll...

Hesitating at the words, the old dog's eye rested upon the ice blue eyed woman several feet away from him. A gaze empty and not really looking at the object it was focused on, the sight had just momentary caught his attention while the Sergeant reflected.

Your mothers I hope, told you all never to play with your food...

He picked up again, with a faint smile.

Well that day, bastards learned it the hard way from me. I managed to take the last one's eye in return for my own, which bought enough time for me to grab hold of the fifty that'd been tossed from the Jeep. To make a long story shorter, I managed to live because I didn't give in. The boys working the front didn't give in either and once they saw the hole patched it. The NCOs with me too didn't give in, even when there was a Tank Class for the each of us and little to fight with...

Eventually, command sent reinforcements to secure that stretch of the line, and in the end everyone did their job. That's all I or anyone expects of you here. Do your job, do it well, and kill as many of those sons a bitches as you can lay hands on...


With the last moments of the temporary silence broken by the communications system coming to life, the Old Horse turned and bolted towards his Rust Bolt with little more word than.

"All right, that's all. Get the lead out of your ass!"
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'I wonder how much longer we'll be here before something happens?' Arc thinks to herself as she listens to one of the base staff tell a story about her children at home. 'Can't be to much longer can it? I don't know how many more pastries would be considered to much.' Finally, the staff member's story draws to a close and people begin to fan out into their own little groups.

'Wasn't a bad story, I thought it was pretty good.' However, as she goes to take another bite of the pastry in her hand a loud voice yells out. "XO on DECK! ATTENTION!" Immediately she snaps to attention towards the front of the room. There she can see a women with red eyes and clothing. 'That's a lot of red, though she looks good in it. I guess she must be the Major.' She quickly nods a goodbye to the women she had been talking to when she gets dismissed. Her attention is drawn when She begins talking however.

'It's a bit unfortunate her speech got cut short, I wonder what's going on?' Arc thinks as the Major leaves to meet the Base Commander. Her attention is quickly turned however to the tough looking Sergeant the Major told to give one of his speeches. 'I wonder what he has to say? A man like him must have seen and done some amazing things in his career.' Arc immediately begins to pay rapt attention to the Sergeant as he begins his speech.

As the Sergeant finishes his speech Arc notices relatively quickly that noy everyone had the same feelings as her towards his speech. 'I don't understand, I thought it went really well. I definitely feel much more motivated to get out there and kick some demon but!' Her thoughts are quickly broken by the communications system starting up. 'Looks like things are about to start happening.'

"No, I don't think with the current time I can share a foot race with you." Inghild replies to her twin's proposition. "I need to go around to round up the engineers and technicians for our machine and besides, you need to pilot Prinz over to his new berth."

Inghild stands up and ruffles her little sister's hair with her right hand. "I'll race you later when we have time, pinky promise, but for now... just do as you're told alright? Oh and... please obey the speed limit and don't try to scratch poor prinzy any further. He is my life's work up until now alright?" She ends with a little pat on her sister's head before handing Erika the file(she'd already memorized the new address) and leaving with the box that she'd brought with her.


Inghild arrives at her new hangar just as the battalion C.O. finished her entrance and went trotting off to elsewhere, relinquishing command of the oddly unique mixture of veterans and new cherries to an old hag who was missing an eye. The metal heels of her ankle boots clicked the floor just as the elderly man was about to open his mouth for his speech. Not being a woman of militaristic background, Inghild didn't really give a damn about standing at attention... Plus he was just an old NCO, she outranked him therefore... It should really be him who should be standing at attention.

Inghild didn't go joined the line of soldiers who had assembled at attention in front of the old Sarge. For now, she'll act like a passerby who'd stopped to listen in on what the man had to say.

While his introduction was... Alright but he immediately lost the prestige university graduate student's attention the moment he started to go into his early years as a soldier on the frontline and how he learned things the hard way. Happens unfortunately but to a massive amount of people.

An offending point that Inghild had in her mind whilst trying her best not to yawn or show her lack of interest in the speech was her knowledge in the statistics of people who join the army. The stats, having already been exampled multiple times, shows that the majority of enlisted personnel came from the... Lower part of society who needed some form of easy to get into work. Inghild doesn't like being around people who have a lack of self ambition to progress in society and also make improvements to it. Hell she wouldn't be here in the first place if she wasn't been a woman who was hell bent on improving society by creating weapons of mass destruction that would deal shattering losses to the demon beasts. Part of the process included testing the weapon and that was now and Inghild wasn't going to let a lack of staff from the development team who were willing to sit in the second seat of the machine to monitor it from impeding the program's advancement. So... Like everyone knows... She chose to personally sit in the back.

[Back onto the speech]

Of course the veteran made some good reminders about the dangers faced by everyone sortieing. That was commendable though Inghild would have added a note for him to put some more emphasis on the first eight minutes of death faced by every person on the field. Nonetheless, though the man had a rather uninteresting body for his speech, at least he began and ended on a satisfactorily passing tone.

With people dispersing after the Sarge told them to haul ass, Inghild grabbed two metal boxes from the back of the Jeep with both arms and carried them to over to Erika. Upon teaching her adorable little sister, she places one of the boxes onto the ground in front of her.

"Good news! Our fortified suits just came in today and we can wear them now! No longer will we have to suffer from the G forces. Yyaaayy!!" She joyously annouces. "Get changed and I'll meet you in the crew module (piloting space in the machine) in five. Oh and... If someone peeks... Give the pervert a nice wanking!"

With that, she leaves her sister with a smile to conduct her own business and it was to change. Locating the locker room wasn't much of a problem for Inghild but it was her personal preference that was the problem. When changing, Inghild never wants anyone nearby and she will freak if someone even catches a glimpse of any skin on her torso of upper thighs. If the changing affair could not be made worse any further... To wear the fortified suit properly... It called for the wearer to have nothing inside the suit besides their skin. So... That makes changing a lot more difficult!

After dealing with clothing, Inghild walks out of the changing room wearing her new purple, dust blue, and turquoise suit. Few people notice her at first but soon she was drawing eyes and bored men. Inghild ignored the whistling, the provocative comments and continued to her unit.

"My my..." A familiar voice says. "Never knew the Kramers produced such a beautiful creature."

"Shut up Doctor McFly. Or I'll have you fired for harrassment." Inghild friendly threatens.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am. I failed to control myself" The Doctor replied bowing his head politely.

Inghild continues on and finally reached her machine. Climbing into her seat but not before leaving a small, four leafed clover shaped piece of chocolate with the words: "Here's you good luck ration!!" on younger's seat. Pulling out a clipboard, Inghild then begins to go through the checklist for starting up her station in the back.
Like most others present, Zeal stood up and lined up as the Major came and departed like a spring wind, barely able to start any sort of speech before her time on the 'podium' was interrupted by High Command's request for a personal audience.

A mission then. It was a good thing he had eaten proper food beforehand, instead of these pretty looking pastries. There wasn't a doubt in his mind at the task before them, and everything that followed afterwards was just fluff. A veteran stood up next, a story that he had heard repeated too many times. It was always like this, wasn't it? The people who stayed sane, stayed fighting, were always those of uncommon grit and implacable determination, those who fell in love with the war and the carnage. There was no reason for anyone to remain on the frontlines for so long if that wasn't the case. Anyone else with such commendable achievements would have been shifted to an officer's role, training children how they should die.

His mouth tingled, the aftereffects of the spicy sauce lingering still. Should still be some scraps left in the canister. Would be good for flavoring his calorie bricks if the fight took longer than two days.

It was with such rudimentary thoughts that Zeal left the small gathering, nodding only once at the finely aged Master Sergeant, before striding towards his machine. Thirty minutes was too long. Gave people time to play dress up and worry about whether they should take a shit before they set off. Zeal was in the cockpit of the scarlet-marked monolith within ten. An assault rifle strapped to the side, a handgun holstered to his hip, and the dozens of contraptions feeding him environmental information, while a rudimentary abacus allowed him to keep track of the number of shots he had left. Steel squares clicked and clacked into position as the dual-tone haired youth wrapped a red scarf around his neck, tucking the ends in.

No armor needed. If something could get through the body armor of a Titan Knight, human-sized plating wouldn't do anything.

No confirmations needed. If something was faulty with the maintenance, he'd simply accommodate and work around it.

No extra time needed. If something like this took an excess of thirty minutes, they'd never be able to deal with a swift, surprise attack.

Ashart powered up, Aether engines roaring as each system checked green, the aberrant machine bearing the heart of a thunderbird bursting free of its chains to march steadfastedly to battle once more.
The announcement was what shook Irene out of her paperwork daze. Well, it looked like it was time for the latter part of her job, which was kill some ugly monsters. Hopefully in doing so, they'd eventually save the world. Still, that nugget of fear sat in her stomach as she thought about having to go in and fight again. Someone was always lost in these battles, and something was always lost there, too. But Irene figured dwelling on it for too long would only be a hindrance in the long run, so instead she set to work.

It was all rote memory at this point, putting on the boots, strapping on the gun, and gearing up. Naturally, the Titan Knight pilots no doubt had much more to do in order to prepare than Irene or the other mages did, but still. It was time to get to work, and Irene was the first out of the armory and ready to go. She'd wait for further orders, but considering everything she had was set to go, it was just a short waiting game.

Then again, waiting was always kind of difficult. Wait for people to come home that won't and so on. So in bay three they'd all get ready to go fight monsters and get paid for it. They'd inch closer to the end of the war, Irene hoped. Still, it was time to go to war. Irene was ready. She'd take whatever those beats outside had and dish it back a hundred- no she'd give it back a thousandfold.

There was no time for regrets.
As the Squadron gathered, Yaona climbed up into the cockpit of her own Titan Knight. Unlike the twins in their fancy flight suit, she wore a heavy red coat and black workman's like clothing underneath, her reasoning being much like that of the sniper. Though those suits did look rather nice in a manner. Powering up her systems a simple magically powered light projector reacted with the crystals that made up the Titan Knights Screen, wincing slightly, the joint Squadron was understrength, the last two mages never did show up.

Technically they had a Nine Man Squadron, but given one asset tied up two it was an Eight man formation.. Which a Squadron was five to twelve pilots. Six Titan Knights and Three Mages. Of the rest of the Battlion, Squadron Two had the full compliment but was heavier on mages, and Squadron Three was a mixed bag of ten. Replacements rarely kept up with losses.. Waiting for all the other singles to turn Green from others joining the formation, massive gates open at the foot of the mountain with the Fortress gate following suit.

"All flights, listen up! Out here we use names, or you can call me Major, Given we have two Kramer's we'll go with first in most cases. Out on the so called wall. One Hundred and twenty men with Four Tanks are holding off a 440ish strong Horde, Light numbers.. For both.. So here's the game plan. 2nd, you and yours will secure the woodlands beyond on the right Flank, provide Air support, 3rd, you are to assist on the left with the retreat of the Infantry, make sure those Idiots in the 27th Tank Regiment don't get lost.. Bit of a Wing formation. Other than that;"

"Irene you are in command of the mage group, Leo, Aleria back her up, try and keep to an arrowhead, we don't have a fourth to let you operate in pairs.. And this is a Joint Battalion not a Mage one, that being said Irene knows her job."

@Karyra @Akashi @EmperorsChosen

"Now for our Knights we'll be using a bit of a Hammerhead Formation, Zeal I want you at the back and center, you can attack the enemy from relative safety. Just try and keep up with us, but use that rifle sparingly.. I should take point, but frankly my canister launchers and straight line speed is a hindrance in a formation like this. So I'll be operating on the Left defensive side of the Hammer, Kramer Twins, I want to keep you close, so you stay back and towards the inside of the formation. You'll be helping out with the communications so I can stay in the fight."

@ERode @Skyswimsky @The Perfect Cadence

"Marcel, I want you on the center of the formation, leading the attack in from the Right into their left, Take Arc with you and have her spearhead a bit on the right most flank of the formation. And do try and come in alive, they barely keep us stocked with pilots as is."

@Astros @Clarentonia


Listening to the reports as they came in close, it was going as to be expected.. The Infantry outnumbered four to one was getting it's asses handed to them collectively. All four Tanks were gone, the Infantry was at 68% Strength.. Though there was some good news... According to the Tallies that had taken out 70 Soldier Class types, and somehow 30 Tank Class and two Superiors. That left 230 - 90 - 22. Though she only seen 17 judging by the sensors... The Seismic listeners weren't always spot on, but still... Reaching visual range, they had more Tanks and Superiors than usual but far less Soldiers and from the looks of it, and no flying types.

"Ah so it's the hairless Freak show with oddities. All units short of command and communications, limit your channels to squadrons and fireteams." Looking at the display as the first communications reached her, it seemed to be large wolf like creatures for the bulk of Soldier Class, not all too dangerous, but they were like real wolves operating in packs, striking from the woods and battering the defensive line before retreating. A few Tank Class were those multiple leg fleshy bug like freaks with the armored frontal shells. They were dangerous in head on charges and impervious to most frontal weapons thanks to that shell... no protection at the back, Which unsurprisingly made them most of the dead Tanks, mixed in were a few larger Wolf like creatures, some boars, all larger than life, with spotty fur at best and a clear look of unnaturalness to them. In attention there were several blue skinned cyclops like Superiors wielding clubs, a massive Mammoth, with a razor teeth filled maw in place of a trunk.. All in all it seemed to be the Mammal Freak Show with a few of those Turtle Bug like Tank Destroyers on the side.

"Squadron Three, support the retreat, watch those trees, those Wolves will come down as soon as you do, Squadron Two, Encircle and deal with the Tanks... One, engage at will, primary objective is the Shitty Elephant and the Blue Brutes.. No range or Aether buildup detected, so mostly Melee and numbers, be careful if you move in, I've seen those trees they swing cave in a Cockpit. Let's see how many we can Kill before the Tank Regiment shows up." Waiting for he other units to move about with there own plans, the Old Man would have the younger with him, her and Kramer would have to wait a little before they began there own attacks, they could outpace the old man a bit, truly they should be on the offense with the old Sarge backing up the sniper, but numbers just didn't allow it, plus her canister defenses could damage his visual systems..

Noting on the display as a group of Infantrymen waves with rifles and RPG's in hand, one of them seemed to have a Radio in his hand, speaking as her unit stomped along at a run. "Ah, sending us the Elite are they?! Well watch your asses, we're running low on Rockets, hate to have to go in for you daring young men and your flying Machines, well walking in this case, Regiment is Twelve out.."

"Women in our walking machines mostly, besides you have your moment of Glory already, and tell those Trucks and Tanks to drive faster. Have you seen any Magic?"

"Negative on that We also keep hearing faint tremors from Five Superiors but we've yet to lay eyes on em.. Like they are hanging back I guess..Oh yeah, those Blue Giants like to throw rocks and trees time to time, how I lost my damn tanks, son's of bitches would make nice ball throwers in a Stadium."

"Copy that, Iron Slayers out. Inghild, pass a warning along to our mages, they have free reign, but that the blues like to play tree toss. I won't forgive any mage that is taken out by something as large as a boulder or tree being simply thrown at them." Readying her 90mm rifle, a burst is fired off at the larger Dire Wolf looking beasts, cutting a swath through a couple of them, as her rounds fragmented past a point, more of an Assault Shotgun than Rifle with rounds like that, peppering the formations. Their sudden arrival only seemed to anger the Wolf like Soldier class, who immediately charge out by the dozens to overwhelm the infantry company and Titan Knights below.

The battle was, while heavily against them number wise, an easy one with their setup in front of the so called "wall" really a set of dug in trenches arrayed in depth with an actual wall being built in the plains behind them with heavier defenses being installed. Every so often Artillery Salvos would fall ahead of them, but that was starting to slack off the further ahead they moved, or how tired the crews were getting from the rapid rate of fire.
'Looks like I have the right most flank.' Arc thinks as she zips through the forest at top speed, taking the odd soldier class out along the way. 'Can't let them gang up on me, I may be fast but I can't take to many hits.' A few minutes later Arc stops, just before where a Tank class would have gutted her knight had she continued. 'Damn that was close, but you just weren't fast enough were you?' a cocky smile forming on her face. 'Well you picked the wrong target today.' Arc activates her lance just as a pack of soldiers step from the trees, baring their teeth and claws, the soldier along with them. 'Hm, wasn't expecting all of you. However, i don't have time to stand around here all day, let's just jump in shall we?'

Immediately Arc jumps into motion, the Demon beasts a mere second behind. Bringing her lance up, she starts performing skirmishing tactics. one by one the soldiers are taken down, and any attempt by the Tank is easily dodged or deflected by arcs shield, and returned with an electric lance to the face. after a few minutes the soldier pack is taken care of, leaving only a tired and injured Tank to fight. 'Well this was quite fun, but I think it's time I moved on.' Arc lowers her lance and raises her shield towards the Tank and kicks off the ground towards the Tank. It attempts to swipe Arc, but it being so tired makes dodging simple, leaving the tank class impaled on the end of Arc's lance. 'Guess i should move more carefully from now on. That could have easily ended differently.' Arc frown to herself for a second before taking off at again.

After about 10 minutes Arc comes across the enemy's forces engaged with the infantry's rear guard. After a second she runs up to a group of soldiers who look like they are attempting to coordinate their defense. "Who here is in charge?" The soldier closest to her looks startled for a second at her arrival before responding. "I think I am, we're getting hit pretty bad here. To tell you the truth i'm not sure who's left alive." Arc thinks for a second. "Where are you getting hit the hardest at? ill move there to support you" The soldier points to there Right most flank and Arc takes off to help them.
Quiet, leaned against the wall, Aleria couldn't help but keep her eyes on her father. Yes, he was there, finally before her, but what would happen next? Her demeanor unchanged, she kept herself composed for what came next. Her eyes darted in the direction of the commander in nothing but red. It was Yaona Siminov.

Aleria would be working under her now, under her command. Only a few moments later, all attention in the hanger shifted towards her father. He spoke up, cleared his throat, raised his voice and gave a long, hard speech about the reality up ahead. This would be different, this would be a challenge, but above all, this may even require more sacrifice down the road.

Listening to him, she couldn't help but wonder if this is the only thing that would drive the old man, or this is the reason for him to have abandoned his family. Their eyes met for a few during his grand speech. Did he discover who she was? He was his father, she his daughter, so if he did, it wouldn't be surprising, however, Aleria did not put it past him.

Most of what he said, or pretty much everything he said, was something she was prepared for. With the Lady of Slaughter, her blade, and her talent out there, in the battlefield, she was confident enough to know she'd be just about fine if not better. It is good to be confident, but overconfident is something she never was.

Finally, once the speech was over, Aleria gazed upon the many people in the hangar. Some confused, some afraid, and others filled with energy or strength for what was to come. It wasn't surprising, it was to be expected. This was not the military, or any other organization out there. This was the Iron Slayers Corp, known for its reputation and results.

Through the speakers, a familiar voice caught her attention. It was Yaona Siminov, and she had something to relay to everyone at the hangar. It seemed like they had to be deployed rather sooner than later. This was not sunshine and rainbows. Just like her father, the rest in the vicinity immediately left for their units, or their titan knights. Preparing for take off, if anything.

Aleria suited up, and had her appropriate weapon and equipment intact. Her unit was ready. Standing next to the others, across their commander, Yaona, they were all given orders. "Got it, Major!" So the one in command of the mages were to be Irene, a blonde woman. From first look, it seemed like she was well fit for such a duty, such responsibility.

She did not hesitate, and spoke up. "2nd Lieutenant, Aleria Grehel, ready whenever you are, Lieutenant." Looking in Irene's direction, she was ready to take off. Judging by the information thus far, the horde of monsters they were to get rid of wasn't that difficult, but anything could happen

And she would be fighting next to her father.
Mouth stuffed, Leonard heard someone shout about someone on deck. Watching as everyone shot to attention, the four-eyed mage scrambled up to his own salute. It was Yaona, the commanding officer of the brigade. Though her speech wasn't motivational so much as giving a few broad compliments before being cut off. The next to step up was a grizzled old man who... reminded him of when his father would sit all the kids down for a "When I was your age" tale. Perhaps he was just biased.

What the both of them said was true, everyone here was an elite in some way or another. Everyone had some goal, except for him. He wasn't here to protect the weak or fight back the beasts or take revenge for all the blood they had spilled. He wasn't here to represent his home or become the best. He was coasting. He needed food, his siblings needed food, however he had no intention of sacrificing himself for the greater good.

Loading up on his equipment, Leonard ran the basic pre-combat checks on his weapon and speeder. Seating himself on the device, the mage opened his hand, erecting a small flame from his palm. Perhaps it was a stupid tradition. It wasn't as if one would forget how to bend their element one day, however to him it was no different than checking the rest of his gear. It was assurance that his body would fail him, nor others.

Without a need to test communications, the Major's voice blared, signifying the tech's functionality. Roles and commands were given out. "Order received, Major."

Clenching his hand into a fist, the flame disappeared. Hearing another member of the mage team speak up, Kazik quickly tuned in. "Ah... Sergeant Leonard Kazik, ready and reporting, Lieutenant."
Irene tried to look as tough as she could while the other mages lined up alongside her. Okay, there are three mages, fly in an arrowhead fashion. It wasn't a lot of mages, but otherwise they would have paired up. Three were enough to play support, anyway. They just couldn't split up without things getting worse. Irene saluted and acknowledged the order. Fighting nor was working in a group new. It did restrict her movement, namely, she'd have to avoid using her shadow technique in order to get in the best spots.

Soon enough, Aleria and Leo appeared by her side and waited for orders. Irene looked them over for a moment before saying, "all right. We aren't going to overextend ourselves. We support the Titan Knights, and if we die then there's no one in our battalion who can. That being said, my orders are to support and to not die."

Irene motioned for them to follow her, and they were off to a flying start.


Irene stared down the scope of her rifle as she aimed at a Tank class Demon Beast. With a crackkoom, she shot it through the head and stopped the monster from hitting an preoccupied Titan Knight from behind. Irene moved on the the next most dire area near their group, trusting the others to follow her.

That was when she saw a Titan Knight break formation to go aid the right flank. "Shit!"

"Mages, follow me! We need to support that Titan Knight and get it back into formation!"

Irene flew off towards the Titan Knight, laying down a lot of short charge fire into the group that the Titan Knight had charged into. She killed a few of the smaller ones and paralyzed a few more, but she'd need to help to clear out the area and move the Knight away from the high danger area. While Irene could admire the urge to help those in danger, she knew that charging into the most dangerous area in a crumbling flank might end in a death sentence.

@Clarentonia @Akashi @EmperorsChosen