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Goddess of Thunder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
EST Mon thru Thurs: 6pm–11pm, Fri: 6pm–1am, Sat & Sun: All day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci Fi, Horror and Magical.
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jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

Aria had no reason to confide in James. None of them really knew each other, nor did they owe each other anything. Everyone was handling, or not handling, the disappearances in completely different ways. He took it better than most because he wasn't really that close with anyone who was gone. But that didn't mean he couldn't sympathize with those that were having a rougher time either. There were others at the academy that probably would be easier to open up to then himself, but currently he was the only person who took it upon themselves to come check on her.

It was obvious that she was a bit nervous. James wasn't the best at reading people to know if it was just the way she was or perhaps his presence that made her uncomfortable. He had contemplated getting up and leaving her alone to her thoughts, but then she finally answered him. "Aside from being completely embarrassed, no. To be honest, I'm not."

Wet, loose strands of hair clung to James's cheeks as he shrugged. "Don't be. Everyone'll forget by the morning." He tried to reassure her, although he didn't know if it did much good. Sure, she had a bit of a tantrum. Not everyone takes criticism well, especially from people you barely know. He can't blame her. He wouldn't be surprised if some of the others felt similarly to how she did.

There was a long silence, but he didn't try filling it with pointless words or small talk. James remained seated and available if she wanted to talk, but wouldn't pressure her if she preferred the quiet. But after a few moments, she met his gaze and started to speak. "When I was in the Xavier Institute, a lot of my friends lost their powers. It was… a scary time for all of us. I went to my father's, and when I came out of it, I found out that everyone I cared for was gone. I haven't even had time to process it. I miss everyone. I thought I was handling it well, but I guess I'm not."

Then like flipping a switch, Aria waved a hand in the air with a smile. "It's silly. I should just… move on like everyone else." She then quickly moved the conversation in a different direction. "I think the mall around here opens at 9 am. I will go then."

James's brows furrowed as he sat upright. His hands mindlessly tapped on pot between his legs. He wasn't going to let her shift directions that easily. "Move on... Those people?" He asked while pointing his thumb back over his shoulder, gesturing in the general direction of the academy. "... Then why are they here?" The question was rhetorical but posed a good point. "You can't compare yourself to others. My stakes in all of this aren't the same as yours. I haven't lost anyone I'm close to. But Myla... Will, their parents are missing. Phil and Alfred were desperate enough to send out a distress call on an old dead network. Hell, even Kane who seems the least bit interested in what's going on stayed to help. No one has moved on."

He ran his hands back through his hair with a sigh. "Emotions are a normal thing. You should feel sad, confused, frustrated, angry and anything else you're feeling. Just because other people seem calm and collected on the outside, doesn't mean they aren't screaming on the inside." James sighed at his own shitty philosophies. He wasn't very good at the whole pep-talk thing. Aria might have been better off if someone more personable came and talked to her. But it was too late, he was the one there trying to make her feel better but really just talking in circles.

With a sigh, James pushed off his knees and moved to his feet. "I'm not good at the whole talking thing. I've been on my own for too long." His gaze fell to the ground for a moment. He wished he was good at talking and was a reliable shoulder for others. But he doesn't know the first thing about having a friend or being one. This academy was the longest he's been around the same people in almost a decade. "You're just... You're own person, Aria. Don't be in a rush to try and be more like us. You're passionate, but that's not a bad thing." He slid his hands into his jean pockets and shrugged. "Means your heart hasn't died like the rest of us old grumps," he joked with a sad laugh.

There wasn't much else Jameson could really say without repeating himself or sounding more ridiculous. So he just gave a slight smile as his gaze fell to his feet. "I'll stop bugging you," he laughed as he slowly turned around and headed for the door. Just before he exited he stopped and looked back over his shoulder at her. "It's a uh, masquerade banquet... So, you should get a mask if you want to keep your identity secret," he said while motioning to his face.

After giving Aria a small wave, he was through the door and back into the halls of the tower, wet shoes squeaking as he walked. James was a few feet down the corridor before he slipped on one of his own puddles. He nearly landed on his ass if he hadn't manage to catch himself on the wall. "Son of a bitch," he mumbled to himself before aggressively brushing his hair out of his face. He groaned to himself before he started walking again... slowly, making his way towards the elevators.

myla murdock
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hell's angel

Myla didn't know what Kane's reaction would be, but the one thing she wasn't expecting was feeling his fingertip run along her skin as it brushed hair out of her face. Obviously, she never noticed such a thing because it wasn't like it impaired her vision. But the small gesture was enough to make her inhale softly and goosebumps crawl up her spine. "The Falcone family is... Gotham. Without them, the villains run rampant. I don't consider them... evil, but maybe a powerful presence that can be violent when necessary."

That answer didn't really help her feel anymore comfortable with Raoul's presence, but it seemed they had no choice. Myla contemplated arguing the matter further, but it seemed whatever points could be made Will, James and Theo had voiced them. It was strange times when people who couldn't come from more different worlds had to work together for the greater good. Although she'd be lying if she said she trusted Falcone to have the best intentions. Everything about him said he was only there to benefit himself.

Kane moved to stand beside her, placing his hand on the small of her back as he began to guide her towards the elevators. While he placed himself between her and Falcone, Myla's steps slowed as she lingered by him. She studied the man, in her own strange way, learning the sound of his voice when he told the truth and the smell of his expensive cologne. Just like Wilson Fisk. She let Kane continue to guide her, but her attention never left the stranger until they were in the elevator and the doors closed.

Once alone, Kane stepped away from her and leaned back against the wall of the elevator. "I don't think I can sleep until I pick up that trail of clothes that leads from your living room to your bedroom. It's not safe."

Myla's brows furrowed but not in a curious or playful manner, more surprised and maybe even a bit... uncomfortable? "You went in my room?" The question was more rhetorical than anything, since she already knew the answer, but there was a slight accusatory tone to her words.

He cleared his throat. Myla could sense his nervousness but she said nothing and let him attempt to try and redirect the conversation. "You should go with your friend. Penny, was it? You know, to pick out a dress and do all that woman stuff. Whatever you guys do."

Her head fell slightly as she wiggled her bare toes, listening to the levels tick by. Part of her wanted to question him, but rather than make the elevator ride more awkward than it had already become, Myla decided to humor his comment. "I actually planned on asking Lexa for help. She seems more of the girly type... Reminds me a bit of my Uncle's girlfriend."

"I might turn in early, actually. I'm still sore," Kane commented just before the lift dinged indicating that it reached her floor. "Unless you need help. You know... with the mess. I can... do the... thing."

Myla was prepared to brush the fact that he had been in her room under the rug if it hadn't been mentioned again. But as she stepped through the door out into her room he brought it up once more. Before she could really think of what to say, she sort of snapped. "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean everything that's on the ground is a hazard." Her voice had a bit of sharpness to it, so much so that it took herself by surprise.

She stopped a few feet into her room and sighed before turning to face him. "I'm sorry," Myla said softly while shaking her head. "It just... feels like an invasion of my privacy." She knew nothing about him, yet he was there... in her apartment. He was there long enough to get a look at her underwear. Perhaps it was that part of it that bothered her so much. He was a walking mystery. She knew so little about him, yet he had knowledge about her that no one should have unless she wanted them to... Did she want him to know? It didn't matter, that should have been her decision.

Then there was a long silence. It might have seemed like Myla was waiting for Kane to say something, but in truth she was trying to find her words before she spoke. "You confuse me," she admits barely above a whisper. "You wanted nothing to do with the academy or me... But you stayed and you saved me twice. And at times you're so different with me that it's almost like..." her voiced trailed off, never finishing her thought.

"I sensed your heart skip a beat when I mentioned Fisk and you say you're a villain, like I should steer clear of you..." she admitted. Myla wasn't as naive as others might like to assume. She knew he wasn't a hero like the others and that there was some darkness he hid from her. It was like two different men lived inside of Kane. There was the darkness and then there was light that seemed to only come out when she was around. And even if he wished for her to stay clear of him, every corner she turned he was always there, like a dark guardian.

"... I want to trust you, Kane," she said softly, taking a slight step forward. "But I know nothing about you," she added as the elevator doors started to close. While her comment was the truth, Myla's words came out almost like a plea. She didn't move to try and stop the doors, but she didn't wander off deeper into her penthouse either. Rather, she remained where she stood like an unspoken question with two simple answers... Would he stay or would he go?
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aria munroe
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As James spoke, she continued to rock the swinging chair gently. It was a small comfort; just idle movement to try and soothe a mind going a million miles an hour. She's supposed to be mature. Be a hero. Be all of the things that her mother was. She had so many big shoes to fill, yet here she was, behaving like someone who has never grown up. She still had such childish emotions. No one else here seemed to have them. Just her.

"Move on... Those people?" He gestured over his shoulder to where everyone else was - at the academy. "... Then why are they here?" That was a good question, actually. Rhetorical, sure, but when one gets into the root of the question - what he's really trying to tell her is that they haven't moved on at all. They were here. She never considered that.

"You can't compare yourself to others. My stakes in all of this aren't the same as yours. I haven't lost anyone I'm close to. But Myla... Will, their parents are missing. Phil and Alfred were desperate enough to send out a distress call on an old dead network. Hell, even Kane who seems the least bit interested in what's going on stayed to help. No one has moved on." And he was right. While he continued to remind her that she isn't the only one caught up in feelings of loss, she nodded here and there - quietly agreeing with him. It was true. Even Kane, of all people - was still here.

"Emotions are a normal thing. You should feel sad, confused, frustrated, angry and anything else you're feeling. Just because other people seem calm and collected on the outside, doesn't mean they aren't screaming on the inside." He began to conclude his little lecture. It had been uplifting, and yes, she felt much better by the end of it.

Before he started to make his exit, he remembered to mention what they'd be doing tomorrow. A masquerade banquet. How… original. Was that not a weird thing to do when they were trying to avoid whatever was happening to the other heroes? Could other heroes be trusted? She had to laugh at herself with that question, as here she was with a bunch of people she didn't know - trusting them enough to sleep in the same building without fear.

When she looked up, James had all but disappeared through the door. It was decided that she spent enough time in here making herself seem like a poor victim, so she needed to leave. Especially with the new piece of news that they'd be having to dress formally. That meant she'd really have to get her hair done well tomorrow. She'll likely be up early enough to get to the mall by opening time.

Aria winced a bit as she witnessed James slip. She rubbed the back of her neck, guilty that the powers still immaturely tethered to her emotions put him in that situation. After catching up to him, she cleared her throat and offered him a really bad joke - from a young person to an old man.

"Better be careful, James. We wouldn't want those old man knees to break," she pressed the button to the lift for the both of them, a burst of light laughter coming from her lips at the very bad joke. It would be funnier if he actually looked old. But no - James was all man. He was… so much man.

Where are her thoughts going? They were not going in a good direction. Why was her brain like this? He just lectured her like some paternal figure, and here she was thinking about his body. That's so messed up.

Once they were both in the lift, for some reason, it became quiet. He probably meant to escape her quickly so that he didn't have to talk more. "For whatever it's worth, James, I don't think your heart is dead," she noted softly. Just in case he still needed a reminder that he's also very much still a person underneath everything he felt he was. "You carried out Lexa when she was hurt and came to check up on me. You didn't have a real reason to do any of that." A single shoulder shrugged at that, "...It's just been… asleep for a long time."

The lift stopped to let her off since she was ready to go to her penthouse and sleep the rest of the night away. Unlike Zehara and her crew, she couldn't fathom staying up past 8 pm. "I'll probably head out when the mall opens. I'm an early bird," she sighs, "So, I'll see you there. You don't seem like a formal kind of guy, but maybe we can help each other pick something out."

She gave him a small wave and disappeared into her penthouse, the lift doors closing seconds after. Since there was nothing left for her to say or do, she just… did the only thing she could and fell into her bed. "Jarvis, wake me up at 7 am," she muttered into her pillow seconds before her eyes closed.

It wasn't even that late in the night. She just didn't want to be awake.

kane nyguyen
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"You went in my room?" Shit, he thought to himself as he realized his error. She sounded very offended by that. The man was used to doing whatever he wanted - going in and out of residences and places without care. It was just something he did. Then again, he's never done it to someone he was… friendly with. He stared at her as the inquiry was almost… pending in his brain.

He tried to gloss over it, but he didn't mean to. He was just dumbfounded at himself. Then she apologized and spoke honestly. She was right to speak her mind, and he was glad that she did. He might not have an honest profession or even be an honest man, but interacting with people on this level was… different. He needed a little more than a guessing game. Mind reading was not one of his superpowers.

"Uh," he stammered as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck. What was he supposed to say? "I'm just… I just do things like that." There, at least he was honest about it. There couldn't be any other explanation. He just welcomed himself into Myla's penthouse without her present. When he thought about it as he now stared at her, lost and confused, that was a horrible violation of her privacy.

He's not the best at making apologies, but he made a genuine attempt at it, "Sorry, I don't think about these things. I've never…" he trailed off, uncertain of what to say after. Luckily, Myla had filled in the blanks.

"You confuse me. You wanted nothing to do with the academy or me... But you stayed and you saved me twice. And at times you're so different with me that it's almost like..." She also trailed off. Then she continued having seemed to have sorted out her thoughts, "I sensed your heart skip a beat when I mentioned Fisk and you say you're a villain, like I should steer clear of you." She moved closer to him, and he stood his ground right there.

"... I want to trust you, Kane. But I know nothing about you."

He thought about letting the lift doors close completely, but he stuck his arm out and stopped them right on time. When they fully opened again, he stepped through and heaved a heavy sigh. "I was a gangster. I'm an assassin…" He thought about that for a moment, "Was an assassin. I'm just a man living however other people want me to live, Myla. I… don't know what you want me to tell you."

He gently grasped her shoulders; the rough pads of his fingers stroking the skin, "I… care about people, deeply. The world I grew up in is cruel, so I chose to pretend that I don't. That I am less than human." He tilted his head as he looked at her and watched for Myla's expressions as he confessed, "Did you want to tell me to tell you what you already know?"

He'd wait only a few seconds before getting the rest of it out, "I stayed because you remind me that I am still human. Whatever that means to you…"

Now back to the initial topic of property invasion, "I really am sorry about trespassing. I have old habits that I need to fix. So, I'll ask for a little patience while I sort through dealing with someone I don't plan on killing." He added a little dark humor to the mix, making sure to laugh so that she knew he was only joking. Mostly joking… Okay, so it's not really a joke, but there it was.

He released her shoulders and cleared his throat. Awkward. He just said all of that weird shit, and now he's here staring at her. "So… uh… did you want me to stay or…?" He gestured toward the lift over a shoulder with his thumb. Not that she could see, but she could probably hear it in some way.

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hakan proudstar
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"Lucky that your ancestors are there to guide you." Zehara told him, but he had no answer for her. Not yet. Besides, he was confident that no one wanted to hear his wisdom."Mine want me dead," Hakan would have loved to tell her that she was wrong, but he didn't know her legacy. Therefore, it was not his place to speak on behalf of her ancestors.

While Zehara busied herself making verbal arrangements with others, he took a moment to look around as heroes filtered through the lobby and out to do whatever. The spirits were low, but he figured it would just be a matter of time before it is all picked up. He couldn't fault them for behaving in specific ways. Even he, the big macho-looking man, missed his parents deeply. He just had more faith.

As he drifted off into his thoughts, the minx yanked him out of them and pulled him toward the bar area. He stood there like a dumb donkey and allowed her to pack him up with alcohol until his arms could not logistically carry anything else. Given his innate superhuman strength, it felt like nothing. Soon enough, she had him contemplating how much she could force him to carry until it'd go all topsy-turvy.

He was tempted to tap into his sibling telepathy to see if there was anything he should do or say. Given the obnoxious outward personality of Catori, he reckoned that he'd just get a dirty joke or two. He used his best judgment and advised himself against it. His sister was not someone that he could always take very seriously, and he believed she felt the same toward him. So, without the advice of Catori, who seemed to have a familiar persona to the feral gal that now coaxed him into the lift, he was on his own.

Maybe others would join. They certainly had enough booze to go around!

When the lift doors quickly pull apart, Hakan got a quick cursory glance at the facade of Zehara's loft. The raising of both his brows might non-verbally insinuate that it was an unexpected sight but not unpleasant.

He wondered if all the lofts looked like this. That would be nice. He lived in a trailer, and this was much bigger. The open floor concept was not shocking or new to him, as he was used to spaces like this. The color scheme was very… relaxing. Earthy. It took him a couple of long seconds before he moved out of Zehara's way to let her into her penthouse.

She plucked the bottles from the cradle of his arm and moved them to their next destination. "You're welcome to use my restroom to change. Although, I wouldn't complain if you wanted to undress right there."

A deep chuckle rippled through his body, and he slid the thick strap of his bag off of his shoulder. It dropped to the floor with a heavy 'thud.' It wasn't that Hakan was perverted in any way, shape, or form - it was simply that he didn't care. It didn't bother him. Sure, Zehara's beautiful - and clearly, very much so from behind in nothing more than a black thong. No man or woman could deny that fact. In the end, it's a body. So, out of respect for that, he only looked for a second. He's still a man, respect or no respect. There was a decent way of looking without leering.

He dropped everything that he wore save for his boxers. He wasn't even ashamed that they were cartoony, but he's had them for so long that the graphics were barely identifiable. He's broke, man.

The rest of him, though, wasn't half-bad. While he has always been a modest man, there was no denying that he had a remarkable structure, like a chiseled bronze statue. It could be hard to believe that a man with such a daunting figure could be such a soft creature. It's probably why no one expects anything of him. It's also probably why Zehara thought he'd leer lewdly at her. As intimidating in stature as Hakan was, he's characterized differently from men that looked like him.

He had a few scattered tattoos - mostly faded and hardly noteworthy. Meaningless.

It didn't take him long to slip into his more comfortable clothes. It was just… your standard white wifebeater and sweatpants. Not exactly what he'd call pajamas, but he also slept in only boxers. He's sure that not everyone would appreciate that.

"So, what's your poison?"

He left his things where they were since it was already out of the way. He's a neat character, so it wasn't like he threw his stuff around. He found a place to sit and watched her open bottles and grab cups to start the party. A party that only had two right now. Hopefully, more, or… maybe hopefully not. He's not sure yet.

"Whiskey is fine," he said simply. There wasn't much talking involved there. One of his legs did that anxious constant jumping thing. What was he supposed to do?

catori moonstar
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
spirit arrow

"Uh, what isn't there to do? We have a swimming pool, library, gym, training simulation..." Theo trailed off, and she watched him for a couple of seconds. "You should ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to give you the grand tour. I would offer, but I don't think I'm great company at the moment." In Theo's pause, Catori felt like the air was tense. It had already been so when she arrived, but it had grown t hicker with the arrival of Falcone. Curious. "I was going to make myself some food, actually. If you like French pressed coffee and bacon, I'd be happy to put another serving in the pan."

At first, with how her empathic nature told her to decline the offer, she was quietly contemplating a way to tell him "no" without hurting his feelings. Or without him feeling as though he was to blame! But she ended up giving him a big smile with the thought that it was better to be in good spirits rather than a bad mood. It wouldn't be in Theo's best interest to allow someone as superficial as Falcone to get to him. That mobster-looking man was just a human being, and Theo would have to learn to live with him temporarily.

"Is one of your skills telepathy because you read my mind," she offered her best cheesy joke to cut through the thick angry air. It sounded like a pick-up line delivered with a little mischievous foxy tone that was dramatic. Then she gave him a more serious, "I am famished. I also live on french-pressed coffee. Only the best for this gal," she pushed her thumbs lightly into her chest.

Then Zehara chimed in with an offer to join her for an afterparty shortly before hauling Hakan away like the big lug he was. Catori gave him a silly waggling of fingers. She's teasing him about his current predicament, to which Hakan responded with a typical sigh.

"Actually, I don't think that would be too awful. You know, make some friends while I am here." She wasn't sure how long everyone had been here, but with the way everyone left separate from one another (for the most part), it was not hard to glean that they were still strangers.

They were both in the lift aftward, going wherever Theo went to make French-pressed coffee and cook bacon. She's not sure if there was a communal kitchen or if they go to their separate flats. Either way, she wanted to see what her loft would look like. Does it customize? This place looked rich, so she is confident she'd get something good.

She had pressed the button to her loft. Whether she got off first or last, she's not sure what his number is, but she would try to spend these few seconds convincing him to join floor 70 for a bit of fun. "Did we exchange names? I don't remember," she laughed softly at herself as she brushed some hair from her face, "Catori." Wait? Did she introduce herself back there?

Then she scratched the side of her head, "We did, didn't we? Or I did, at least. It's been a long drive…"

She was feeling a tad air-headed right now. Thankfully, the lift pinged, and the doors opened to her room. She turned around and clapped her hands together once, "Last one to floor 70 takes the first shot," Then she went into her penthouse. It was bright, open, and cozy. It had a kitchen, living space, a daring balcony with a beautiful view of everything outside, and a small bedroom.

It was much better than living in the city.

She settled in for about fifteen minutes, crawled out of her clothes, freshened up a little bit, then slipped into her pajamas. She put on her slippers, pressed the button to the lift, and headed inside to begin her short ride to the 70th floor.
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theo grayson
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Is one of your skills telepathy because you read my mind." Catori's response was so unexpected that Theo couldn't help snickering at it, his face scrunching up into a goofy grin. "I'm gonna call my mom and tell her!" he responded, playing along. "Well, I don't know about best, but it's pretty good coffee. You can review it for me." He wasn't a man of great taste, and had only graduated from coffee grounds because a friend had insisted, even gifted him the press last Christmas, so he really wasn't that discerning, but if Catori had an opinion it would be nice to hear someone else's thoughts.

Far from being rude, Zehara's interjection sounded way better than sitting around awkwardly in his kitchen, which Theo had immediately feared the moment the offer left his mouth. She might not have been a great team player—he honestly didn't know—but she seemed like she knew how to have a fun time. His bad mood had completely dissipated thanks to the girls, Falcone be damned. "That sounds great," he responded, a genuine smile reaching his face, "I'll see you at yours in a bit." And then the door slid closed, and it was just him and Catori.

"It'll be nice to make friends," he nodded along, "been a while since I was here but everything was a lot easier with friends. Knowing that my teammates had my back." And with everything else going on, I could use someone to have my back, he thought but did not say.

Her musings broke through his thoughts, and he brushed his hair back nervously, suddenly self-conscious that he had invited this girl over to his penthouse without even introducing himself. "Uh, I'm Theo! Yeah, you introduced yourself, I was right behind you. Glad to have you here with us." He continued talking inanely until the doors opened to reveal her room, only realising the challenge once she'd gone. "That's not fair, I'm making coffee..." But she wasn't there to hear him protest.

No challenge went unanswered where Theodore Grayson was involved, and he began jogging impatiently on the spot as the elevator took him to his floor. Obviously there was no way he could win, but he sped through his tasks, preparing a flask of coffee and frying up a pile of bacon anyway. Just in case the others wanted some. Generosity and friendliness trumped winning, in the end. His last task was to change, and then, balancing a huge flask and plate in both hands, he made his way to Level 70.

"Hey, I brought some food in case we're hungry while waiting for the Chinese," he called, making his way inside, almost bumping into Hakan. He took the opportunity to dump the plate of bacon in the giant man's hands. "I made the coffee for your sister, but you can have that. Think I could get a Scotch?" he called over to Zehara. He hoped he wasn't interrupting anything.


penelope cage
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power girl


raoul falcone
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Eventually Penny found the energy to drag herself out of her chair, taking the first lift she could back to her room. Nobody noticed, and she didn't have enough presence to pay attention to the rest of the lobby, which meant that she'd completely missed the kerfuffle of the new arrival. Not that it mattered. She'd made up her mind. She was going to go home. It was easier to run away from her problems than face them head on, and that was what separated her from the other heroes. She had spent so long staring down her own inadequacies that it had become impossible to keep facing the proof that she wasn't good enough, so it was easier to simply leave without telling anyone.

She made short work of putting her things away again, but couldn't bring herself to go just yet. For a good while she sat on the bed, just staring out of the window. There wasn't a single thought in her head, just the notion of going home. At some point J.A.R.V.I.S. piped up cautiously to ask if she was alright, but she only nodded once and then fell back into her reverie. He didn't speak up again.

Eventually, she stood up, shouldering her bags. There was no denying it, there wasn't any place for her back at the Academy. She was a fraud, a poor excuse of a hero. And, though it really was all in her head, she was totally and completely useless. The outline of her body on the sheets where she had lain earlier was dried, and soon the shower would be dry too. It would be like she was never there. As quietly as before, she went back down to the lobby, which seemed totally empty. Until a voice called from across the room.

"Got somewhere else to be?" Raoul didn't bother approaching the girl, though the frightened look on her face when she realised he was there signalled she might go bounding off to god knows where if he alarmed her any further. He raised his hands to show he wasn't a threat. She hadn't been present when he arrived, he realised, and though she did look familiar, they'd never met. He pointed to himself. "Raoul. Just got here."

"Penelope. Just about to leave,"
she said quietly, her grip on her bag tightening. Raoul raised one shoulder in a casual shrug. It wasn't any of his business. "Alright. Might I see you around, Penelope?" She shook her head, her curls bouncing gently around her shoulders. Really she would be quite pretty if she weren't so timid-looking, Raoul thought to himself. She didn't look like any of the other heroes. No fire in her. Again, though, it wasn't really any of his business. Sometimes people could surprise him. But probably not this one. "Bye then." He turned his back on her, his attention going to his phone as he sent instructions for some personal belongings to be delivered to him.

Just as he thought she must be gone, her voice drifted over to him, quieter this time. "Don't tell anyone you saw me. Please." Then her footsteps padded away and she vanished out into the early morning. Raoul frowned. Weird encounter. He put it out of his mind then, more interested in instructing his lackeys on exactly which suits he wanted brought to him. As he continued to text instructions, he entered the lift, heading to his own penthouse. He wasn't going to participate in any parties that morning. He had work to do.
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myla murdock
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hell's angel

kane nyguyen
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Myla waited in silence to see if Kane would respond or let the lift close and bring an end to their conversation. The doors began sliding shut, yet there was still nothing said. She slowly turned to disappear deeper into her apartment as he inevitably left, but then she heard his hand catch them before they shut. She pivoted to face him once again as he fully stepped into the room with a sigh, letting the elevator head off without him. "I was a gangster. I'm an assassin…" he began. Her brows raised in curiosity, but she said nothing, not wanting him to stop once he'd started. "Was an assassin. I'm just a man living however other people want me to live, Myla. I… don't know what you want me to tell you."

Kane took a hold of her shoulders. His hands were rough and calloused, but they were his. Just another piece of the puzzle that slowly revealed an image that was her own portrait of him. "I… care about people, deeply. The world I grew up in is cruel, so I chose to pretend that I don't. That I am less than human." Myla felt the air shit as his head tilted slightly, like he was studying her. But her expression didn't reveal much, other than her patience and how intently she listened. "Did you want to tell me to tell you what you already know?"

Of course she did. Myla was not stupid. She could connect the dots easily and had for some time. If she didn't already know, the way he acted in the simulation only seemed to concrete those suspicions. While she could read him through his closeness with her, the hitch he gets in his breath, or the increase in his pulse, that didn't mean he had accepted it as the truth. Admitting it, out loud, somehow made it all more real.

"I stayed because you remind me that I am still human. Whatever that means to you…" he finally admitted.

A small, sheepish smile graced her lips as Myla gave him a small head nod in acknowledgement. "Thank you... For your honesty." While he might have known it already, she still wanted to be sure he knew how much his openness with her meant.

"I really am sorry about trespassing. I have old habits that I need to fix. So, I'll ask for a little patience while I sort through dealing with someone I don't plan on killing." Kane laughed which made her giggle softly. He slowly released her shoulders while clearing his throat. "So… uh… did you want me to stay or…?"

"As long as you don't try killing me, I have all the patience in the world," she added with her own joke before answering his question. "You're welcome here whenever you'd like." Myla smiled, as she motioned to her apartment. "But in the future, if you're wanting to see my underwear, just... find out the normal way." It took a moment or two for it to fully register what she had just said. Myla's brows furrowed then shot up in an embarrassed shock as her cheeks quickly flushed. She cleared her throat and turned her back to him. Awkward... very awkward.

Both of his eyebrows rose at her bold demand that he not be sly about anything. Not that he meant to find the color of her panties or anything. Her clothes were scattered everywhere! But if he knew anything about women - as all men had to abide by these unspoken man-codes if they wanted to live - he wasn't going to say anything. He figured, if that was her conclusion, then she was right. You know - they weren't married, but the old saying goes, "Happy wife, happy life. Nothing rhymes with happy husband." Even with girlfriends this remained true. Not that they were that, either. Or were they?

As she walked away, his expressions went from amusement to confusion. He's only known this woman for maybe two days. Why did he feel so certain that he'd kill for her? Die for her? His head tilted as he ventured into his own thoughts, arms crossed. She was busy in the kitchen anyway. Love at first sight was something that only existed on television. Right? Certainly one didn't have such strong beliefs over someone they simply liked.

Myla's pulse was so loud she felt like she was going deaf momentarily. She cleared her throat once again before she started heading towards the kitchen. "Tea?" Her feet halted in front of the cabinets as she faced them, temporarily confused. She had never actually used the kitchen in her penthouse, nor does she know if there is actually tea available. She sniffed once or twice before her nose was able to point her in the right direction of the tea bags. Step one, done. "If I was a teapot, where would I be?" she mumbled to herself as she opened another cabinet and ran her fingertips along the items on the first shelf.

Eventually, Kane walked into the kitchen to help her. He came up behind her, but gently, and reached up and took her fingers with his own. He pulled her hand back, arm with it, and turned her around.

Overwhelmed with her own thoughts, Myla hardly noticed Kane approaching. Some part of her might have acknowledged that he was in the kitchen, but she brushed it off as no more than him waiting for her to make their drinks. Just as she had found the teapot a hand appeared over her shoulder, seizing her fingers before she could grab the handle. She gasped softly, perhaps from being startled… Or maybe anxious.

Whatever sensory numbness she had from embarrassment was quickly replaced by hyper awareness as he slowly turned her around to face him. Trapped between the counter and Kane, Myla felt so close to him that she could hardly breathe, yet far enough away that she was tempted to close the gap between them. She didn't understand why he made her feel that way, they hardly knew each other. Yet where his hand touched hers made her nerves tingle with a foreign warmth and curiosity.

"I don't want tea. I'm tired," he stated blatantly. His fingers gently wrapped around hers still, and his thumb even stroked along her hand absent-mindedly. "I want to sleep. Here, with you." Honesty was best. She wasn't a mind reader, and he didn't have anything to hide. Why bother?

If there was ever a moment where Myla wished she could see, this would be it. Her own nerves made her acutely aware of every move Kane made, yet somehow blocked her capability to read his body language.

"Just sleep," he reminded her, a little grin upturning the right corner of his mouth. He rose a free hand and his index finger poked her forehead gently, "In case your dirty mind is starting to wander." A joke, of course. He was a man, and he did have urges. They were very strong urges with her. Every fiber of his being thought that it would be too easy to scoop Myla up, plop her on the counter, and have his way. But, he was a respectable person. That was not a respectable action at this time. He wanted something with her, whatever that could be. That meant he should treat her like a woman, not a physical need. He could give into all of his more salacious thoughts later.

Myla couldn't help but laugh softly at her own stupidity after he poked her, which seemed to help some of her nervousness disappear… Maybe sensing his slight grin aided as well. She smiled and nodded her head in agreement. "Sure."

He still had a gentle grip on her hand, but rather than pull away, Myla let her fingers lightly return the hold as she slipped out from between him and the counter. She led him silently through her penthouse to her quaint bedroom. Everything looked relatively in order aside from her bags in the corner that were opened with clothes half pouring out of them.

"Sorry," she apologized, releasing her hold on his hand to go and try to contain the clutter to a smaller pile, remembering how messiness seemed to bother him. Myla squatted down and started shoving loose clothes, like underwear, back into her bags. "Make yourself at home," she said while motioning a hand toward her bed.

As she bade, he made himself comfortable. Kane peeled his loose-fitting tank top off. He didn't sleep in anything but boxers, but… he'd keep his sweats on for her. Well, unless something else transpired. He's not going to bank on that, though. He folded his attire and found a suitable resting place for it. He took the side of the bed that he naturally would; the right, as he was used to doing things very routinely when he was alone. He didn't even consider her favorite side of the bed.

After a minute or so she did the best she could do without repacking all her things. She exhaled softly and pushed off her knees to stand back up. Myla gave him an apologetic smile as she made her way around her bed to the available side and pulled down the covers. She stopped before climbing under the covers and turned her head towards him. "I have a strange question," she broke the silence with her hands held out before her, palms up. "Can I… see you?" She didn't elaborate, although maybe she should have. But Kane was smart and she figured he had to know what she meant.

Kane had turned to her long after she also settled in. He made an audible, but noticeably playful, 'hmm' sound, as though thinking over her request. "Yeah," he finally replied.

Now, Kane - as much as he was domineering and masculine in every way - was not a large man. The black ink that encased his arms, etched in his neck and torso, made him appear smaller, too. It hid hard musculature, but even that wasn't bulky. His build was for swiftness and agility, and he was more than happy to leave picking up cars to the big men in charge. Or ladies. Whoever. Body aside; he's also very clean, and it becomes noticeable that he hates body hair. It's not on his arms, chest, or any other place she might explore. Just his head.

He was pretty average in almost every way. His hair was coarse but short, lips a tad on the thicker side, monolid eyes, a small nose. The only people that would probably really swoon on him would be some crazy American girl that watches way too many K-Dramas. Thanks, BTS.

Myla slowly scooted closer to him until her knees just barely brushed his side as she crossed them beneath her. She started to raise her hands but stopped before she touched him. "You know I meant your face, in case your dirty mind starts to wander," she said with a smirk and gave his shoulder a little poke.

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit with that. Touche, as they say. "I'm a man. It's already wandered there. Multiple times," he reminded Myla just to see her blush like she always does. It's kind of cute.

Well if she wasn't nervous before… Her cheeks flushed, just like he wanted, as she hid behind her loose hair bashfully. She had some ideas of what he looked like from the brief time she tended to his wounds. A painting of him slowly started to etch its way into her memory from the smell of the air whenever he walked by to the coarseness of his hands against her skin. But the part of her that found herself growing more attached to him wanted to know what he looked like with as much clarity as possible, aside from shoving him in the shower to see him with some kind of blind sonar.

She cleared her throat. "Ok," she spoke softly as her hands finally reached out. Initially she intended on going straight for his face, but when the tips of her fingers brushed against his bangs she instead let them slowly slide back through his coarse mane. Myla hadn't the faintest clue what colors actually looked like, but from all the descriptions she's heard and what she knew of Kane, she imagined that his hair was dark… Whatever that meant.

Her digits ran along his scalp and slowly worked their way in and out of his hair. She studied how it was shorter near his neck and grew longer toward the crown of his head. Her index finger even playfully twirled one of his locks that dangled in front of his face.

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as her featherlike touch trailed down from his bangs and along his forehead. "Would you consider yourself handsome?" Myla whispered as her thumbs paused in the middle of tracing his thick brows. She had little to no understanding of the concept of beauty, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious. While physical attraction was of little consequence to her, a small part of her still wanted to know. Similar to how she's always been curious about how she looked to others.

Kane's hands rose and he softly gripped her fingers and pulled them down to his neck. He wasn't sure if she could feel the subtle shift of bare skin to that which was scarred with ink. "I'm told I have 'bad boy' looks. Whatever that means." There was even a second, before that, where he nearly mentioned he had the word 'sexy' scribbled at his ear where his sideburns were supposed to be. "I don't struggle with women, if that's anything to go by."

Myla swallowed as he guided her hand to his neck. It was just skin, but it seemed the more her fingers explored the more heightened everything felt. It took her a bit of searching to find what he was leading her to. Tattoos often felt no different than the skin around it. Her eyes closed trying to focus and follow the lines. She chuckled softly at the 'bad boy' comment. Even blind, the motorcycle, stern silences, and secrecy were strong indicators. His other comment settled a little uneasily. If he could get women easily, then why her? And why was she jealous?

He let her feel out the design of flowers, webbing, and even a butterfly at his neck and throat. As he took to that, he placed his palms on either side of her face and gently pulled her so much closer than they had been. He didn't know why. He just wanted to, and Kane normally did what he wanted. He kissed her. Softy, for a hot half-second, but then urges took over and his mouth was more demanding. Maybe it was her touching him. Maybe it was just the close proximity. Maybe it was everything, but here it was.

Her fingers had traced their way along his tattoos to his clavicle when Kane took her face in his hands and pulled her closer. She might have fallen into him if she hadn't braced herself against his chest. Myla inhaled softly, holding her breath as the distance between them vanished inch by inch until he finally kissed her.

At first, it was gentle and tender. But the longer they remained entangled, it grew deeper… hungrier. Myla's hands slowly ran down his chest, along his ribs, and hooked themselves on the back of his shoulders. With each kiss, her body started moving, absent of her mind. She stretched her leg across Kane's lap and shifted her weight to straddle him in one fluid movement.

At this point, he rested his hands on her hips. Honestly, he hadn't meant for it to get this risque. The man was tired, but she'd get what she wanted from him. He wasn't going to complain, even if it felt both right and wrong at the same time.

It took immense restraint and self-control, especially when he touched her, but somehow Myla found the strength to break the kiss. "I'm sorry," she whispered, still close enough to him that when she spoke, her lips brushed his.

It was only fair if she was similarly as open and honest as Kane was trying to be with her. She pulled away with a sigh, tucking loose hairs behind her ears. "I have bad luck with this," she added, motioning between them. "You're the first man I've gotten close to who knows the truth about me… And I don't want to ruin that." As she inevitably would. Something about Kane was different, making her more scared about messing it up. "And… I don't want to be like other women," she admitted sheepishly.

He sighed, but it was of relief. "Good, because I'm tired and I wouldn't want to be a slacker on the first round," he stated with a lazy chuckle. Kane wasn't about to talk about anything else after that - the thought of ruining this or that. Maybe she was a bit of a doomsday kind of gal, but he liked to take his life day by day. The future did not concern him.

Myla nodded her head and put on a convincing enough smile at his joke. Did what he say, or lack thereof, seem to strike a cord with her? Yes. But as he said, he was tired. And beyond that, she understood what was said… And what wasn't, plainly. She was embarrassed, but there was no one to blame but herself. So rather than make it worse, she climbed off of him and into the covers without another word.

He made sure she was tucked snuggly into him, "I'm going to need a lot of sleep if I have to socialize. The thought of it is draining…" He rolled his eyes at that. "I feel like you're probably the same. Let's just… sleep."

That said, he just closed his eyes and fell right to sleep.

She let him tuck her in without complaint and agreed to what he said, once again, with a nod. It was true, Myla was in desperate need of sleep and being as social as they have been was exhausting. Whether or not she needed that sleep was irrelevant, however. She spent at least half of the night getting lost in her thoughts and overthinking.
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jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

"Better be careful, James. We wouldn't want those old man knees to break," Aria spoke up from behind him as she approached the elevator and pressed the button.

Jameson laughed, running a hand back through his wet hair as he looked down at his knees. Hearing her laugh at her own joke only seemed to make him laugh more. He caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eyes, happy to see her with higher spirits. His gazed lingered on her for a moment. While he had noticed she was attractive before, everyone in the Academy seemed to be gifted with good genes, it wasn't until he saw her laughing, comfortable, and not timid that he was able to see her real authentic beauty.

"A fair price if it meant making you laugh," he replied with a smile. "Just means you'd have to carry me around like Yoda. It was your puddle after all," James teased as the elevator doors opened. He held out his hand to keep them from closing and motioned for her to enter first.

Once the doors closed it grew quiet. It didn't bother James, most of his life had been spent in silence and alone... Aside from the demon inside him that annoyed him 24/7. He leaned back against the far wall of the lift and slid his hands into the front pockets of his jeans as they waited to reach their floors.

"For whatever it's worth, James," Aria spoke up. James's brows raised as he looked up and met her gaze. "I don't think your heart is dead." His father would say otherwise, but he had no intention of opening that can of worms anytime soon. It had been a long time since anyone had seen as anything other than a drifter, let alone having a heart. His lips pulled into a small, bittersweet smile as he nodded in silent gratitude. "You carried out Lexa when she was hurt and came to check up on me. You didn't have a real reason to do any of that... It's just been… asleep for a long time."

Jameson let out a weak chuckle. Maybe she was right. Or maybe this hero thing had become second nature so it didn't matter if he had a heart or not. For what it was worth, he hoped she was right. "It's just old... And tired," he replied before leaning sideways towards her. "Like my knees," he added, playfully bumping her shoulder with his own.

It wasn't long before the lift came to a stop and the doors opened, revealing Aria's room. "I'll probably head out when the mall opens. I'm an early bird. So, I'll see you there. You don't seem like a formal kind of guy, but maybe we can help each other pick something out."

"You got me there. I'd really appreciate the help." he said as he took a step forward to hold the doors open for her once again. "If you want company, just swing by in the morning," James offered with a smile before he retreated back into the elevator. As the doors started closing, Aria gave him a small wave which he reciprocated with a "Sweet dreams, Aria."

Alone, James started peeling off his soggy shift for the second time. It seemed it had just managed to dry off before he went into the greenhouse. He chuckled at the irony as the doors opened to his penthouse. "Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S.? Where's the laundry in this place?" He had limited clothing and with how frequently he was getting drenched, it seemed he was destined to get very familiar with the laundry room during his time at the academy.

"You are welcome to place any dirty attire in the labeled compartment in your closet and it will be returned to you by morning properly cleaned or dry cleaned and pressed."

"Convienient," James mused as he made his way up to his bedroom and into the closet. To his surprise, when he opened the doors, instead of seeing bare shelfs, racks and shelves were filled with a variety of clothing that looked brand new. Was he in someone else's room? "J.A.R.V.I.S., what's this?"

"Apologies, Mr. Blaze. I noticed upon your arrival that you didn't have much clothing, so I took it upon myself to gather some pieces that I thought would suit you. I believe I got your measurements correct."

James undressed and discarded his dirty clothing into the appropriate cabinet. Curious, he opened the door a moment later to find it empty. His brows furrowed out of curiosity and intrigue. This was without a doubt the nicest place he had ever stayed in his life. He wondered over to the available clothes and was surprised to not only find everything to be his size, but also match his style. He hmm-ed to himself, impressed. It was also a little freaky, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Forgive me if it was forward, sir. But I also overheard you mention how you use to enjoy playing the guitar. I took the liberty of having one brought to your room for you. Mr. Stark always wanted everyone at the Academy to feel at home and have everything that could ever need or want."

"Huh," James hummed as he walked to the interior balcony that looked over his living room and say the guitar sitting on a stand by the sofa. "Thanks, J.A.R.V.I.S.."

"Good night, sir."

While they might have joked about Jameson being an old man, he definitely didn't go to bed early like one. It was rare for him to be in bed before the sun came up. But he also avoided sleep like the plague. He'd rather be tired than deal with the nightmares, if possible. Unfortunately, even with more energy because of the demon, he still had to sleep at least a couple hours every night. But you'd never see him in bed before midnight.

James took a much needed shower and was happy to have, not only, fresh pajama pants, but boxers in the closet for him. Clean and dressed, he headed down to the lower level of his penthouse. He pulled out his phone and called his dad. It rang once before a robotic voice answered. "This number has been disconnected. Please hang up and try your call again."

"God damn it," he cursed and threw his phone at the couch. Why did he try? At least once a week for years, he tried calling his dad to no avail. What did he expect? He ran his hands back through his wet hair and sighed. Rather than sit and stew in his thoughts, James pulled a chair over by the windows and grabbed the guitar. He took a seat, propped up his feet, and like riding a bike, he played with a natural ease. He remained there for hours, until he eventually dozed off where he sat in the wee hours of the night.
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zehara el sayid
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catori moonstar
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spirit arow

hakan proudstar
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theo grayson
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With such a shy nature, Zehara naturally assumed that Hakan would scurry away into her bathroom to change. She was surprised, pleasantly, when she turned around to find him down to his boxers right out in the open. She was definitely not as respectful as he was when looking, nor did she hide it. When she walked past him toward the kitchen, her pace slowed as she very obviously looked him up and down. Her gaze lingered momentarily on his cartoon boxers, smirking before he covered them with sweatpants.

"Cute," she commented playfully as she motioned to his now hidden boxers. "Looney Tunes?" she asked as she finished gathering the booze and cups.

He looked over his shoulder at her, "Keep them guessing."

Once changed, Hakan joined her in the kitchen and sat at the counter. "Whiskey is fine."

Zehara poured them a bit of the amber liquid and offered one to him. "Cheers." She clinked her glass against his, then downed her drink in one go.

He also down his own drink. He had no problem with alcohol. It was common on the reservation to indulge. In fact, his ability to do so heavily would come to light as the night progressed.

An index finger tapped at the brim of the glass as she chewed on her bottom lip in thought. Zehara was not a timid or shy woman, and having someone of Hakan's stature in her penthouse... alone gave her some ideas. But when she noticed his leg bouncing anxiously, she cleared her throat and set her glass down. While she was never one to be ashamed of how primal she could be, emotionally and physically, it was never her intention to make someone uncomfortable around her, either. It just reminded her why she was a loner in the first place and that it was unlikely the academy would make her presence more palatable. Perhaps forcing her way into whatever kind of gathering this was wasn't the best choice, but it was too late to turn back.

She sighed softly, grabbing the whiskey and pouring herself another drink. There was no second toast. She slid the opened bottle to the middle of the island, leaving it available if Hakan wanted more as she downed hers once again. Zehara inhaled sharply between her teeth and set the glass down with more force. "I mentioned something about ordering Chinese, didn't I?" she commented rhetorically, her accident becoming more predominant with the aid of alcohol.

Unsurprisingly, the penthouse, or maybe J.A.R.V.I.S., must have heard what she said because shortly after mentioning Chinese, a screen illuminated inside the counter. Zehara's brow furrowed as she shifted slightly to look down at it, finding a rather extensive menu of various cuisines. "Apologies for the interruption, Ms. El Sayid. Mr. Coulson has requested that no deliveries be made to the Academy to preserve everyone's safety and anonymity until the present danger has been absolved. But our kitchens are fully stocked to make dishes from over 50 cuisines. I'm sure you can find something to your satisfaction, and I will have it delivered to your room promptly."

"Sahha, J.A.R.V.I.S.," Zehara replied as she started filtering the menu by Chinese. She rested her left elbow on the counter, with her chin in her palm as her other hand kept scrolling. "How hungry are you, handsome?" she asked, peering up at him from beneath black bangs.

He couldn't pick up the signs that he was making Zehara feel weird. After a while, though, her overall stature and tone seemed to be that of utter boredom. Not that he'd blame her. Hakan was not the most exciting person on the planet. It would have been better if his sister had come with him, but he let the vixen next to him tug him by the metaphorical leash. Not that he minded.

"Something's wrong. What is it?" He could feel it, given his innate ability to feel the emotions of others around him. He had tried not to pry too much, but part of him felt that it might have been his fault. He tended to make people nervous, largely due to his nature. Hakan looked like someone that bled and oozed confidence, but he was, in fact, quite the opposite. He's timider, less exciting, and generally just dull all over. He was a letdown to women that are the type to be attracted to him.

Zehara sighed, running her tongue along her teeth behind her lips as she searched for the words. "I make you nervous," she mumbled and motioned to his bouncing knee. "I know I'm an acquired taste and I'm not ashamed of that… But I don't want to make people uncomfortable either." She inhaled deeply through her nose and tapped her fingers on the counter. "That's why I usually keep to myself, but I suppose the whole idea of the Academy," she waved her hand around at the building in a general fashion, "got to my head. It's ok, I understand," she added with a weak smile.

"Acquired taste?" One of his brows rose at that. "That's not true. You're beautiful," he sighed, looking out one of her windows for a moment. "I'm just slow to warm up. The situation is… unnerving. I'm…." He cleared his throat as he trailed off, "...a sensitive guy." He said that last part a bit more quietly, and also into his glass right before he took another swig of whiskey. "New situations unnerve me, not people."

"You're sweet," Zehara said softly, with a smile as she looked up from the menu. "I happen to like sensitive guys," she added matter-of-fact-like as her finger scrolled along the digital screen, glancing over at him from the corner of her eyes. She made quick work of just ordering one of everything, figuring that would do the job, before turning her attention solely back to Hakan. "I used to be like that once, easily unnerved… But life had other plans." She poured herself another glass, but this time only took a sip. "I'll try to be gentle in the future. But I can't promise I won't flirt relentlessly." She smirked suggestively before taking another drink.

He laughed at that, "Better be careful. Sensitive and gentle can only go so far." It was a warning but a playfully sensuous one. Unintentional, but he was being honest.

"Is that a promise?" She asked, her playful smile half hidden behind her glass. Unfortunately, before she could get any fun retort, their little party grew as the lift dinged at her floor.

"Hey, I brought some food in case we're hungry while waiting for the Chinese," Theo called out shortly after the elevator doors opened. "I made the coffee for your sister, but you can have that. Think I could get a Scotch?"

Zehara's brows raised at the large offering of bacon being handed off to Hakan just after Theo nearly bumped into him. She chuckled softly and nodded her head toward the quiet giant. "All yours, big guy. I don't eat pork." She was sure to smile at both Hakan and Theo, so neither of them thought they had done anything wrong. How were they to know her dietary restrictions? While she was religious like her father, she still grew up never having it. She had no problem with it, but old habits die hard.

She sifted through the bottles she and Hakan brought up to her room until she found the scotch, then poured a glass. "Theo, right?" she double-checked before sliding the drink along the counter toward him.

Catori came shuffling in shortly after Theo; long hair a mess, short shorts, and a cami. All pink. She's a colorful kind of gal! Her flip-flops flopped noisily as she walked. She made her drink request immediately, "Make me something fun to drink? Not really into hard alcohol." Was she supposed to bring something? She forgot. As she stood there, it looked like she had temporarily spaced out. Then she blinked herself back into existence.

Zehara's gaze lingered on Hakon for another moment or two before she turned to face Catori and gave a slight nod. "I'll try my best." Truth be told, she wasn't a bartender, nor did she ever really care about the state of the alcohol she got. So she didn't have much knowledge about froo-froo drinks. But she managed to grind up some ice and add some juice to make some sort of frozen lemonade… With vodka. "Hope this suffices," She said, offering the girl the glass with a smile. Apologies if it's shit. Don't have much experience with mixed drinks."

Theo caught the glass easily, pointing finger guns in Zehara's direction. "Quite so. Thanks for the invite." He raised the drink in her direction, then tipped back half of it in one go. Maybe the day had been longer than he'd realized. Then he turned his attention to Catori, setting the flask of coffee down beside her iced drink. "French-pressed, as promised. I believe you promised me your opinion."

Catori blinked back into reality when Theo reminded her about the coffee! Not that she needed it, but she was kind of an addict. At this point, she's pretty sure that caffeine just gives her anxiety and heart attacks instead of wakefulness. She smiled at him, "I will cherish it, and if it's especially delightful, you will have to see my face first thing in the mornings." A small chuckle left her lips at that joking remark. Only, she's not joking. Fifty-percent, maybe.

Hakan was happy to eat bacon. It was greasy and crispy; just the way it should be enjoyed. He drank his glass, and Catori was happily sipping at both her mixed drink and the coffee. It wasn't a party, party as much as it was just relaxing from a day's stress. Sure, he and Catori hadn't fought in a simulation, but they had a long ride here.

"I guess everyone else hit the hay early?" Catori inquired between a sip of her icy delight and then coffee goodness. "Seemed like you guys had a rough day. How long have you all been here?" It might have been noted in their meeting, but she didn't catch it.

"Eh? Not that long." Theo waved his hand around vaguely. Time was weird when he didn't sleep properly. "Not much longer than you. I joined up once the signal was sent out." A bit of a sore point to remember the crisis ongoing while they were sipping drinks and chatting over breakfast. He shot Zehara a look, wondering how she was feeling about it all.

Zehara rested her elbows on the counter. She ran the tip of her index finger along the brim of her glass. "Couple days…" Her brows furrowed as she corrected herself. "Two days, actually." She laughed as she ran a hand back through her hair. "Feels so much longer than that."

She caught a glimpse of Theo's gaze in her direction and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I think I had it easy compared to others in the simulation," Zehara offered with a sympathetic tight-lipped smile. "My only job was killing… Not something I really struggle with," she added with a somberness as she looked down at her glass.

Hakan was full of bacon and alcohol, which wasn't going to be a great mix come morning. He didn't care, though. He didn't have much to add to the conversation, but he listened to everyone else talk. Catori had always been the most social of the group, and Hakan was more of an outcast. He wasn't weird. He just liked his people, and was very wary of others. Wary, but also highly empathetic, which made him tired in so many ways.

Their Chinese food had come in since then, and all of them ate. There was very little conversation as everyone was tired or caught up in other thoughts. It didn't take much longer before they all went their separate ways.
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jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

aria munroe
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Aria had a decent night's sleep. It wasn't great but it wasn't as horrible as she expected. Like many others here, rest was hard to come by, but her mind and body had been too tired for emotional restlessness. J.A.R.V.I.S. woke her up right on time, illuminating her penthouse in a soft light that gradually became brighter for a more peaceful awakening.

She dragged herself begrudgingly into a shower, threw on some clothes, and slipped into shoes. If she had to try on dresses, she'd dress comfortably so that everything could come off easily enough to get done quickly. She didn't enjoy shopping, particularly because her small skinny figure was unforgiving in the clothes department. Even what she wore now was baggy and practically swallowed her.

Not that it mattered. James likely didn't care one way or another.

Wait. Why did she care about what he thought of her? Aria's head tilted as she stared at herself in the mirror. What a mess she was. She cringed at the thought of showing up at his penthouse like this but also scoffed on the inside. There was no way she was his type, and there were far better options. James seemed…

… seemed like… something words could not describe. It was time to stop this train of thought, though! She had already shown herself earlier. She shrugged and sighed. Maybe it was better that she went to the mall alone and bypassed him. Safer. It would be very safe.

She slung her purse strap over a shoulder and headed into the lift once the doors opened.

"Should I go get James?" She asked as she leaned against the side wall of the lift. It hadn't gone anywhere yet, as it awaited her decision. "Yes. JARVIS, take me to James' penthouse." As requested, the lift took her down.

The ride was short, but she had to rehearse what she would ask him at that time. There weren't going to be any mistakes this time! She faced away from the door and tilted her head to and fro, making gestures, motions, and otherwise as she roleplayed the scenario. As a highly introverted woman, one wrong word would haunt her for years to come.

At one point, she didn't even notice that the lift had stopped and the doors had opened again. "Hi!" She stopped. "No, no…. That's too exciting." She put a hand on her hip and thought for a second. She raised a hand and offered the back wall of the elevator a hesitant wave and weak smile, "Hi? Did you still want to go to the mall with me?"

She sighed at herself, "Too timid." She changed her tone to something more friendly… or at least she hoped it was. "Hey! I need a ride to the mall. Could you take me?" She stepped forward and plopped her forehead against the wall, "Why can't I be a normal person?"

Neither of them was normal.

When Aria turned around, she expected him to be awake. However, as she stepped into the penthouse, she was met with… one very tired Demon-possessed man. Before she tried to approach, she spared a moment to look over his living conditions. Neat. Minimal. It was very New York in the winter. Cozy, but it also felt like he could leave at any moment without batting an eyelash. She slowly walked through, taking in everything until she was next to him.

Should she wake him? Was this highly inappropriate? Yes. It was inappropriate.

With James still snoozing away, she noted his phone that appeared thrown. Curiosity got the best of her, so she gently scooped it up and turned it on. A missed outgoing call. Panicked at the realization she was seriously intruding on his private space, she dropped the phone on the floor. It clattered loudly, so she bent down, quickly picked it back up, and tossed it back on the couch.

"Oh, my God, what am I doing?" She asked herself as she turned to head back to the lift.

James was far gone entrapped in the thralls of a nightmare when Aria arrived. He mumbled and thrashed as whatever demons tormented his mind. Sweat covered his bare torso and even the smallest bit of steam rose from his skin like the Ghost Rider was seconds from emerging.

While Aria's arrival wasn't enough to rouse him, the loud clattering of his phone falling to the ground startled him awake. James nearly dropped the guitar that had still been resting in his lap when he sat up quickly, looking around in a bit of a haze. His eyes squinted, catching the tail end of Aria tossing his cellphone back onto the couch. "Anything interesting?" He asked groggily.

It took him a moment or two to rub the sleep dust from his eyes with his right thumb and index finger. With a tired sigh, he finally stood up and leaned the guitar against the closest wall. James slowly made his way over to Aria. He didn't say anything, nor did his face. He stopped about a foot or two away from her, holding her gaze for a moment as he ran his fingers back through his sweat-dampened hair. He then leaned down and picked up his discarded phone. "Mind if I shower before we go?" He asked, assuming his current appearance was explanation enough.

He nodded his head, then turned to head toward his bedroom. Just as he crossed the threshold he paused, before spinning around and walking back towards her. James held out his phone to her with a quirked brow. "Here. Mostly pictures of nature and strays." He didn't wait around for Aria to argue or fish for an explanation about what she was doing. Instead giving her full rein of his phone to sate whatever curiosity she had. "Let me know if you find anything interesting," he called out to her as he disappeared into his room.

James had nothing to hide on his phone. He didn't have any semblance of a life or anything in the realm of secrets. There were only a handful of numbers in his contacts for all the family members that no longer speak to him, a heavy use of google maps, and pictures of things that appeal to him on his travels… Mostly stray cats. Other than that, his phone was little more than an expensive paperweight. He didn't care that she was curious, but snooping usually meant distrust. And while they hadn't known each other for long, that didn't mean it didn't hurt, at least a little… Not that he'd ever say it.

Given his phone, Aria was very embarrassed…to say the least. She did it, but she didn't know why. Curiosity really does kill the cat, or at the moment, the beginning of a possible friendship. She just set his phone down quietly, but there wasn't much in her brain for excuses.

She walked to his room, but didn't go in. Aria leaned against the doorframe with her hands steepled together and the toe of her left shoe tip-tapping on the floor. However, when her brain could not come up with anything to undo the weird situation, she tried to briskly walk to the lift.

"Why did I do that?" she admonished herself while her forehead bounced off the lift doors a few times. She kept pressing the button, but it was like JARVIS taunted her or something.

James's shower wasn't long. In typical male fashion, he washed his hair, pits, and balls with the same soap, so it all couldn't have taken more than 5 minutes. As he stepped out he swore he could have heard some kind of tapping. With his own curiosity taking over, James wrapped his waist in a towel and made his way to the living room, leaving a trail of small puddles behind him.

His brow furrowed in confusion as he found Aria standing by the elevator, pressing the button furiously. "Aria?" James moved quickly over to her, trying his best not to slip on the hardwood floors. When he reached her, he raised a hand to block her head from potentially bumping the doors once more. "What are you doing?" he asked softly, looking down at her.

When her forehead hit his hand instead of the lift door, she very slowly turned around. "I have no idea…" she admitted while glancing down at their feet. "I'm not snoopy. I… my intrusive thoughts just won. I shouldn't even have come all the way in once I noticed you sleeping…" She cleared her throat, "Now it's weird. Or I'm weird."

She had to keep her eyes glued to the floor. Intrusive thoughts. Then it hit her - she had to get over it and feign some kind of confidence. Aria dragged her gaze up to look him in the eyes, "You know what? Yes, I looked for a second. At your phone…" she made that extra pointed since her face looked as hot as it felt. James is right there! All… manly and stuff. "I'm a woman, you're… very much… all this… and I was curious. About… your type." A lie, obviously. She's never been a good liar and James could sniff one out. But what was she supposed to say? She's just curious about his last phone calls? Wondered if he was missing someone, too? That was stupid.

Maybe her weird emotional mix would earn some forgiveness because her brain was not braining right now. It was like ten thousand degrees here. Have they ever met with his shirt on? Have they? No. Every encounter has been like this. James seemed oblivious to it, too. Used to it, maybe?

James did his best to hold her gaze and follow her nonlinear train of thought. One thing he was able to piece together… kind of, was that she is a woman and all of him caused issues. He could only assume it was because the only thing keeping him from being naked was a towel. He cleared his throat and held his hands up innocently. "If you promise not to run away, I'll go get dressed. Ok?" He searched her face for some sort of confirmation. When she didn't argue, he took that as her agreeing and went back to his room.

Not one to have an eye for fashion or care much about what he looked like, James just grabbed the first outfit he could find. He tried his best to be quick, still worried that she'd be miraculously gone by the time he got dressed. Still wet, it took a little more work than he cared for to wiggle into the boxers and jeans. He snatched up a shirt as he made his way back out into the living room. Thankfully she remained where he left her, standing bewildered by the lift.

He quickly tugged the shirt over his damp hair and made his way over to her. "Alright," James said softly as he wrested his hands on her shoulders and guided her to a seat. Once she seemed content, he took a seat on the coffee table in front of her.

He leaned forward, running a hand through his hair before resting his elbows on his knees. "Ok, so…" James tried his best to recount everything she unloaded on him so he could do his best to address it all. Something about him or this situation made her nervous, and all he could do was try his best to… make sense of it? Reassure her? He didn't know.

"I said you could come get me. I knew that meant you might have to wake me up. I… I don't sleep well, so I thought maybe I'd be up." James shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't bothered that she let herself into his penthouse. Not in the slightest.

"I'm not mad you looked through my phone. I just…" His gaze fell to his cupped hands and his voice trailed off. I just have trust issues. I don't do well around others… I don't want to be disregarded. His mind flooded with how it made him feel and how he could connect the dots to things that hurt him in the past. But he said nothing. "Just… Ask next time," he added with a weak smile.

One of her legs shook as she waited for him to finish the thought. Or…not? She won't push as it wasn't her place. She'd make up for it later.

James lightly clapped his hands together and cleared his throat. "I uh… Don't think I have a type," he answered her last question after some thought. It wasn't something he had much time to think about. Women were not stable fixtures in his life. It was better that way, for them. "I don't have a girlfriend… If that's what you were getting at."

Aria took that last statement lightly. Maybe even try really hard not to seem too relieved about it. Even if he didn't have a type, she felt like it would be odd for her to be close to it.

Aria leaned forward and placed both palms on his knees. "Please carry extra shirts. In fact, we are going to buy many shirts. For my sanity." Then she leaned back and sighed, "You can't be this….." she leaned forward again, "My imagination has been very unsafe lately. If you're going to continue running around without a shirt, I might… I might…" she just trailed off and looked elsewhere.

"I can't do this here right now. Mall. Let's go." She stood up, "I hope this is bike appropriate," she gestured to her outfit.

His eyes widened slightly as she placed her hands on his knees and leaned forward. James didn't know what he expected her to say but that wasn't it. His cheeks flushed, which was a feat when it came to him, he was not one to blush easily. Luckily, in his oblivious boy mind, he managed to piece enough of it together to understand that being shirtless made Aria uncomfortable. If it was a good uncomfortable or bad uncomfortable, that he was unsure about. He laughed a little awkwardly as he tucked wet hair behind his ears. "Got it. Wear shirts."

James pushed off his knees, standing after she did. "And you're good," he commented in regards to her outfit. "You look nice," he added before wandering off to his room to grab his shoes and give his hair a quick brush.

After a moment or two, he returned looking as ready as he'd ever be for the mall. His shopping knowledge was minimal. James met Aria near the elevator doors and held out his leather jacket to her. "You should wear this… At least on the motorcycle. It has padding, for safety." He was a good rider and had never been in an accident, but bike safety was always important, even if being the Ghost Rider made him practically invincible. He didn't know the extent of Aria's powers, but he still wouldn't risk her safety.

Aria took the offered jacket and immediately tugged it on. Naturally, it was very large on her. It also smelled good as one would suspect. While she zipped it up she made a couple of suggestions for him to take or leave, "Clothes and accessories first? The hair will take a couple, so unless you plan on hanging out with the braiding ladies, you might want to find something to do during." She smiled at him, "I can also just go back with someone else. No pressure."

There wasn't enough time for too much conversation between his floor and the garage before the lift doors pinged open.

"I'm not going to leave you stranded at the mall," he said as he held open the elevator doors for her. "Plus, I could probably use a haircut." James paused for a moment. "Or at least a trim," he corrected in a playful tone.

James walked over to one of the walls in the garage where a bunch of extra equipment was stored for their use. He looked over all the different helmets before grabbing a silvery-blue one for Aria. "Ever worn one before?" he asked as he made his way back over to her.

Aria nodded, "A few times here and there." She took the helmet from him, assuming that she's going to put it on herself. "I'll try not to grip you to death. I'm a weird mixture between thrill-seeking but also very cautious and scared all at once." She laughed at her own contradictory character. "It's very confusing."

"Luckily for you, I'm wearing a shirt, so I should only be half as scary," he teased.

James put on his own helmet then climbed onto his bike. He took his time getting adjusted and putting up the kickstand. Once adjusted, he flipped up the visor on his helmet and motioned for her to get on. Then his voice dropped to a more serious tone as he looked over his shoulder at her. "You're safe with me," he reassured her softly as he held out his hand to help her on.

"I know," Aria responded confidently as she took his hand and pulled herself on. It took her a few seconds to get comfortable, but she eventually settled and leaned into his back with her arms wrapped around his waist. She's brave, but not hands-in-the-air brave.

Once Aria seemed settled, James revved the engine once or twice before taking off. He wasn't one of those bikers that weaved back and forth through traffic, or drove like an idiot. Especially with a passenger on the back, he was in no rush and preferred to drive cautiously. Every turn he took, his hand subconsciously braced Aria's knee so that she didn't lose balance or lean the wrong way.

Eventually, after a half an hour or so they arrived at the mall.

After the pair dismounted from the bike, they walked through the garage, took the lift up to the first floor of the mall, and were finally in the company of everyone else who arrived at the mall early; old people and employees.

Aria located one of those map posts, and she gave it a quick glance before spotting her destination. She looked up at James and poked her finger against it, "I'll be here. It will take a while, so get some breakfast, wander about - I don't know." She tilted her head a bit up at him, "You're also very welcome to come, but it might be very boring."

James nodded his head in the general direction of the food court. "I'll go grab us a bite," he said while taking a couple steps backwards. "Be back in a bit." His hands slipped into the pockets of his jeans as he spun around and headed in the direction of food.
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myla murdock
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hell's angel

kane nyguyen
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Myla got little to no sleep. Throughout the night she'd just toss and turn to end up back where she started and no less tired. When it was a somewhat decent time, 5 a.m., she couldn't take it anymore and climbed out of bed. She made sure to remain quiet so as to not wake him up as she made her way to the living room. While her stirring was because of the night before, she wasn't mad at him, she was mad at herself. He was tired and deserved some rest.

She started stretching then moved into some yoga poses, followed by sit ups, push ups, and whatever other workouts she could manage without making much noise. Myla continued at it until she felt the warmth of the sun pouring through the windows and heard the distant sounds of the others stirring throughout the tower. She would have been content staying there for the rest of the day, but it seemed to be her only chance to get the help she'd desperately need to pick out something masquerade worthy. If left to her own devices it would be guaranteed she'd show up looking like a sack of potatoes.

With a sigh, Myla pulled herself to her feet and trudged her way back into the bedroom. She wasn't surprised that he was still asleep as she walked past the bed to her bathroom. Once the door was closed, she stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower.

Working out did a good job of distracting her mind. But in the shower, alone with only her thoughts and the sound of the rushing water, she couldn't keep herself from dwelling on the night before. She was embarrassed, beyond the point of knowing what to do. Did she apologize for how she acted or just pretend like it never happened? Why was she so eager? Why did she open her stupid mouth and say what she did? This is why she always kept her guard up. Myla hated feeling vulnerable or exposed. She lost herself for a moment and all she accomplished was looking easy and sounding like a love struck idiot.

She sighed, resting her forehead against the cold tile. Myla didn't know what was worse, looking like a fool or opening up a new fragile part of her to be met with nothing. It wouldn't be the first time she found herself in deeper. Somewhere she misread his subtext or body language… Something was lost in translation. Whether or not she wanted to, she felt herself closing off and her guard inching back up. She needed to bury it all in the back of her mind and move forward… But then why did her stomach flutter whenever she thought of the kiss?

Myla groaned in frustration before submerging her face under the stream of hot water.

Kane slept like a rock. There wasn't any need to be wary, even though he often felt like his body was in a constant heightened state of alertness. Maybe it was the overexertion from things he normally didn't do or feel. Maybe it was Myla's presence. It was impossible to tell.

When he woke up, she wasn't there and it didn't surprise him. She was used to doing all this exhausting hero stuff and he was not. Killing was much easier than trying to keep people alive, and that's a fact. For him, at least. He scooched out of the bed and pushed himself up to his feet. By this time, he could hear the shower .

He could. Well, she was certainly ready for it last night. He'd have felt bad about what he did if he had any awareness, but her embarrassment was lost on him. Typical clueless man.

Well-practiced at stealth, even though he knew that she could hear a feather fall on a carpet, he moved toward the bathroom and opened the door gently to let himself in. Kane was just… intrusive that way. His capacity for giving others privacy was non-existent and something he'd really have to learn if this relationship made any progress.

He watched her silhouette for a few seconds through the haze of the frosted glass, trying to think. Should he? He could. It's the morning time and the man is in his most primal and reptilian-brain nature. Could she deal with his domineering personality in this capacity?

The worst that could happen is that she tells him 'no'. At which point, he'd realize his error and reassess. For now, he just… felt like it. He felt like it last night, he was just… incapable.

He peeled away whatever layers of clothing that had remained, opened the door to the shower, and quickly closed it. The distance between them was swiftly closed, and Kane's body pressed against Myla's backside and somewhat to the side. He placed a hand somewhere between her throat and her jawline to turn her face toward his own, which leaned in, as much as he could without hurting her. His other hand grabbed one of her wrists and pinned it to the shower wall. He waited for a second, just to make sure she didn't want to reject the sudden intrusion because it was very obvious at this point that he intended to sate his urges.

For the first time… In too long, Myla was lost in her own thoughts so much that she missed Kane stirring in the other room. Perhaps it was the water crashing down on her head that deafened her, or maybe a part of her didn't want her to hear him leave, which she imagined was his intention. It was only when she heard the shower door close that her head snapped to attention, but he was prepared… where she wasn't. She gasped as he seized her throat and made quick work of pinning her against the wall.

The pounding of her heart drowned out any other noise as her chest heaved, trying to catch her breath. She nearly gave in. God did she want to. It took all of her strength to reach up and wrap her free hand around his wrist. "I meant what I said last night," Myla said quietly as she pulled his hand away. "I'm not like other women."

Before she could let her hormones cloud her judgment, Myla ducked under his arm and stepped out of the shower. Her hands ran over her face and back through her hair as she tried to compose herself. Funny how one minute she had every intention of putting her guard back up and pretending like last night didn't happen. Then at the first sign of Kane her walls came crashing back down. She hated it. It would be easier if she used him. But she was already in too deep, and sex would only make the feelings stronger. As hard as it was, it was easier to pull away now to avoid getting hurt later.

Myla let out a shaky breath as she reached for the towel rack. Her hand missed several times before she managed to grab the towel and wrap it around her body. She intended on leaving the room, but only made it as far as the edge of the bathtub and took a seat on the edge of it.

Too aggressive. Noted. He wasn't disappointed, but he'd need a minute under the cold water to dispel his clear… wakefulness. "I already know you're not like other women," he decided to remind her clearly. "Even if you were, what's wrong with it?" He then posed the question as he took a few minutes to wash since he had to calm his body down anyway.

Kane's tone was still gentle with her. He didn't want to admonish or guilt her in any way. He was truly unbothered by her resistance. Not everyone lived like he did. She thought of the future, and he didn't. There wasn't much of a future for him. Life was lived day-to-day because tomorrow was never guaranteed. Whatever he had today, he'd like to spend it with her. That's all that was certain.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I've been in casual relationships before," she replied. Her arms wrapped tightly around her torso, holding the towel against her. Myla's body language betrayed her honesty, making her look guarded and insecure. Her toes tapped on the ground nervously, lightly splashing the puddles of her own making. Kane had been open and honest with her, he deserved the same respect… As much as it knotted in her stomach.

"Your presence has emotionally compromised me," she admitted barely above a whisper.

He found a spare towel to wrap around his waist so that she wouldn't have to deal with the exposure again. After he sat down next to her, he looked off toward the mirror at the both of them sitting there on the edge of the bathtub. "Look… we'll figure this out. Don't worry about it. I'm a hard guy to disappoint," he attempted to reassure her.

"It's not you that I'm worried about disappointing." Myla sighed softly. "I don't want to be used for sex… Not by you," she muttered under her breath. She was growing feelings for him, whether she could admit it to herself or not. And if he was just using her for physical release it would only hurt her in the end. She had done well, for years, not letting herself get emotionally attached to a man. Then Kane showed up… And it was starting to terrify her. He was quickly becoming her weakness and it was only human to be scared that he didn't feel the same.

"I can't make many promises, but I can make one." He leaned forward and in a bit to make sure she could really hear him well, "I don't care enough about anything to stick around for something casual."

Then he stood up and looked down at her, "I'll give you a minute to collect yourself." He couldn't help but smirk at that as he turned to leave the bathroom. No one said he had to be kind about the fact that she was obviously flustered. "Let me know when you're ready for the mall."

It was some clarification, not much, but enough for Myla to have some piece of mind. She had every intention in taking a moment to catch her breath in the bathroom after he left. But with her mind no longer cloudy, she was fully aware of his smirk. And while she was still feeling a bit exposed due to her new honesty, she still wasn't going to let him get away without her own comment.

She slowly stood up and made her way to the door. As she walked past him, Myla turned her head to face up in his direction. "I'm not the one who needed the cold shower," she added with her own little smirk. They both seemed the type to rely on sarcasm to get out of awkward situations… And being open… too open, was awkward for her.

Myla made her way back into the bedroom and made her way over to her messy heap of clothes that certainly drove Kane nuts. She squatted and sifted through the mound, trying to find something to wear. "I should be ready once I get dressed." Unfortunately, at the academy she didn't have her strategically labeled closet, courtesy of Darcy. She had to make do with the feel of the fabric and whatever vague memories she had of the outfits she wore. She remembered Darcy once mentioning she bought her mostly neutral clothes so that it was less likely for her outfits not to match… But that only helped so much.

She grabbed what she thought was a good enough outfit, she stood up and placed the clothes on the bed. Myla might have been bashful around Kane before, but considering he had already seen her naked in the shower, she wasn't bothered to go to a different room. Instead she dropped the towel where she stood and proceeded to get dressed. Plus, everyone liked being a tease on occasion… even Myla.

After pulling the sweater over her head, she turned to face Kane and held out her arms. "Is this motorcycle appropriate?" Myla asked in a joking tone. "And does it match?"

He had naturally watched her while tugging on clothes of his own. Of which conveniently happened into Myla's room. JARVIS was far too aware for Kane's comfort, but whatever. It was nice not to have to take the lift up to his loft.

When they were both dressed, he stepped toward her and pulled her closer to him by her waist. "Not sure the shirt matches. I'll help you take it off." It was obviously a joke. "It matches. You look fine."

Myla gasped softly as he pulled her close, bracing her hands against his upper arms so she didn't stumble over. She blushed and laughed at his comment before pushing him away playfully. Now that Kane was flirting even more openly it was hard for her not to give in. But they had things they needed to do… Shopping and… Stuff.

He let her grab the rest of her things before leading them both into the lift. He clenched his teeth, still a bit…tense…from earlier. Myla was lucky that Kane was kind of respectable. He had also done it to himself.

Once inside the lift, Myla took a moment to finish tying the laces on her boots and slide the straps of her mini backpack over her shoulders. She could sense his tension, hard not to when they stood so close. Her hand slipped into his and gave his arm a gentle tug, guiding him down to her level. She wasn't sure if she was going to kiss him or maybe just make a playful comment about how tense he was, but before either could happen the elevator stopped and opened, revealing the garage.

They made it a few feet out of the lift when Alfred seemed to pop out of nowhere. "Pardon, Ms. Murdock, might I have a word?"

"Sure," she replied, concern evident on her face. Myla gave Kane's hand a slight squeeze before releasing it. "Give me a second?" She gave a small smile as he continued on, then turned her attention toward Alfred.

"Apologies, it'll only be a moment," he reassured her. "I was informed by J.A.R.V.I.S. this morning that Ms. Cage left the facility last night. I couldn't help but notice you both were friends and I wanted to be certain you heard about it first."

Myla stood there in a stunned silence. Her brows furrowed as she tried to piece together why Penny would leave, especially without saying goodbye. "Did she say anything? Leave a note?" She asked, trying to find some sort of answer.

"I'm afraid not, miss. I'm sorry. I wish I had more information to share."

She nodded her head and gave him a small smile in gratitude. "Thanks for telling me, Alfred." She gave him a gentle squeeze of the shoulder before making her way back to Kane.

"Safe travels," Alfred called after them in his usual friendly warmth.

The moment Myla reached Kane's bike her hand dug into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone. It was an older flip style phone, but the buttons helped her be able to use it, unlike a smartphone. She had the menu layout memorized and was able to navigate it with ease. "No new messages," the robotic voice spoke back to her.

She cursed under her breath. "Penny left last night," she said in a bit of disbelief. There wasn't anything either of them could do about it, but she was hoping that there was reason behind it. A lead? Something. Myla didn't know what to say but she had to text Penny. Her fingers slowly moved along the buttons and simply typed out "Why?" before hitting send and shoving the phone back into her pocket.

Kane knew if he said what he had wanted to, it would upset her. He didn't have a gentle way of putting the most well-known fact on the planet: people leave. All the time. He tried to give her his best sympathetic smile, but it probably didn't come off that way. He quietly helped her put the helmet on, believing that maybe she just needed an ear. He didn't know Penny enough to answer her questions, which meant it was likely rhetorical.
Myla had grown quiet, lost in her thoughts as Kane helped her into the helmet. Once he was ready for her she climbed on the back of the bike. Unlike the last time, when she touched him only where necessary, she let her small frame form to his. Her thighs hugged his hips as she rested her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms snuggly around his waist.

Kane put his own helmet on, got onto the bike, and revved it on. Every once in a while, when he felt it was necessary, he placed a reassuring hand on Myla's fingers for a gentle squeeze. The ride was quieter this time, even though he was no less faster than he would be normally.

They were at the mall in no time, arriving just a couple hours after James and Aria. He got off, then helped Myla down. He pulled off both of their helmets, and spared a moment to take care of Myla's helmet hair. "People come and go, Myla, so don't waste your time on things you can't control. Hmm?" He bent down just enough to look her in the eyes, face-to-face, even though he knew she was blind. He was trying really hard to have a gentle tone and not sound as nonchalant about it as he felt.

She blinked once or twice before replying softly. "Not all people… Not me." Myla was loyal to a fault. She never abandoned those she cared about. That's why she was at the academy, desperate to save her father. Perhaps Kane wasn't used to blind loyalty or having someone he could rely on. It was just one of the many ways that they were different, but perhaps, overtime, he'd be able to trust her loyalty.

Myla had nothing else to say, dwelling on it would only make what was supposed to be a somewhat fun outing into a drag. With a soft sigh, she dug arm in her bag and pulled out her collapsed white cane. She hated using the damned thing, nor did she need it, but her father taught her it was important to keep up with appearances. She could get away with it if her eyes didn't deceive her, but people tended to be uncomfortable conversing with someone who couldn't meet their gaze… Which also reminded her to put on sunglasses.

He then stepped to her side, grabbed her right hand with his left, and guided them into the mall. He heard the screeching tires of Lexa pulling in with her jeep after them, which was life-saving. He liked Myla - a lot - but he wasn't sure he could bear shopping with any woman.

Lexa's hand was seen going between the elevator doors to stop them from closing, and she slipped in. "So, Myla, are we thinking backless? I think backless would look great on you," she smiled as she made herself comfortable in their presence.

Myla turned her head toward Lexa with a smile. "I was hoping to run into you… I haven't a clue when it comes to fashion."

After the elevator stopped them on the ground level of the mall, Kane unraveled his fingers from Myla's own and backed away slowly, "I'll be wandering."

That meant, he, and likely others that came with female counterparts and didn't know the difference between a tuxedo and a suit, or how to match a bowtie to a woman's dress, would find a place to commiserate together.

"You should find Will or Raoul, I'm sure they would be helpful," Myla called after Kane before he retreated, obviously not wanting to be part of girl shopping. Once he was out of ear shot, she turned her head slightly towards Lexa. "Can you make sure I look hot?"

Lexa watched Kane walk away and then hooked her arm through one of Myla's, "Most definitely." Then the pair began their trek through the mall to find their first store.
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hakan proudstar
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catori moonstar
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spirit arrow

Hakan was the first of the Moonstar siblings to awaken. Even though all appearances might lead one to guess him to be a certain time of way, he was a genuine passive soul. The beginning of his day was just as important as the ending. There was much to think about and be thankful for when he got to wake up each morning. So many people he knew did not.

He enjoyed the sunset in nothing more than his boxers and a cup of hot coffee in hand. As the sun peeked over the horizon, he breathed in deeply and let it out slowly. There was so much for him to accomplish today. He wasn't overly social, so he's not too thrilled about preparing for a gala. It sounded fancy, and he is just not a fancy man.

And then there was Catori, who needed the assistance of JARVIS to wake her up. With living life on the go, she was used to the rude awakening of an alarm that had likely attempted to get her attention at least two times before. "I'm up, I'm up," she groaned and rolled out of bed looking like a disheveled beast.

She took a quick shower, threw her hair into a braid, and grabbed the gear needed for the mall ride. She dragged herself into the lift and pinged up to Hakan's dwelling.

Hakan had showered, dressed, and put his hair back into a loose ponytail. Catorie braided it for him since his arms were kind of heavy and he had the flexibility of a rock. "Should we pick up Zehara?"

He looked down at her biker-inspired attire, "I don't think we can all fit on your motorcycle."

Catori's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she set her helmet down on the back of his couch. "We can just drive. Let's see if she wants to tag along."

He blinked at her, "Let's grab Theo then."

That was the only other name he could honestly think of. It had just been the four of them conversing last night, so it made sense.

"Great thinking! You're going to have to sit in the front, though. I can't have you and Zehara trying to feel each other up in the back seats." She laughed, obviously joking while she pressed the button to the elevator.

Hakan sighed at her, "I wouldn't do that."

"...I was just joking, Hakan. I know... I know you wouldn't do that," she relented.

They decided to head to the kitchen area first, just to grab some iced coffees for the road. Since they were going to try to con Theo and Zehara into carpooling with them, they grabbed one for each. Catori felt like she vaguely recalled certain preferences for things from last night, but JARVIS was smart enough to take much of the guesswork out of it.

Hakan could easily recall Zehara's loft number. The siblings had long since split up so that they could each grab the other person. He had his iced coffee in one hand, which he sipped through a straw. The lift opened, but he didn't invite himself in right away. He waited for a second or two, just to make sure that he wasn't going to walk in on something awkward. Not that Zehara would mind. She would probably love it if he had. But he's respectful... as he could be.

"Zehara?" He called out after taking a couple of steps inside. He settled both of the iced coffees on the kitchen counter. He decided to wait around on her couch. If he knew she'd be bothered by him intruding, he would have left. However, after he had seen most of her, he figured that there wasn't that much space between them anymore.

Catori, on the other hand, didn't think that Theo would be so welcoming of intrusion. So, instead of going up to his loft, she decided against it and asked JARVIS to leave him a message on her behalf. In a happily chiming tone, she left him: "Want to head to the mall? Hakan is grabbing Zehara. Figured we could carpool. I'm in the kitchen grabbing a quick bite if you care to join us."
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tobias lehnsherr
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petra maximoff
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scarlet witch


The mall that the young heroes visited that afternoon had more Academy alumni in it than expected. Petra Maximoff, having received the Academy summons, had made the executive decision to leave New York and return to her old haunt. She wasn't alone; before hitting the road, she'd spent some time hunting down her uncle Tobias Lehnsherr, determined to bring him along. He'd gotten the summons, too, and it only took half a day of Petra trying to persuade him to get him to agree to go too. Tobias was driving, of course.

It was more than a question of having a friend on the road. A decade ago, when the Academy was at its peak, every super who wanted to be someone attended, including Tobias. His lineage meant that he would never be seen as anyone but the son of Magneto, which Petra greatly resented. She was related to Magneto, too, but no one ever had anything to say about it. Though of course the villain had his own motives in sending Tobias to the Academy, but his son was a person with better morals and will than Magneto could ever dream of having. Petra was certain of it. She'd never gotten over the injustice, and now that the Academy was defunct and calling for help they wouldn't turn Tobias away. He would have the chance to prove himself, she would see to that.

Both of them had been due at the Academy later that day, and Petra had had the foresight to send word ahead. Alfred, for his part, had been kind enough to inform them both of the gala, so Petra had insisted that they stop at the mall to pick out clothes. Not that Tobias had really much of a choice, once Petra had made up her mind.

Tobias, on the other hand, was less than thrilled to be back in the hero circuit, let alone anywhere near the Academy. His last time there he was treated less than favorably. And while there were others there that came from less than savory parents such as his own, he seemed to feel more singled out than the rest. So unlike his niece, he was more than happy to ignore the message entirely. But it was one thing ignoring Phil and Alfred, and a whole other thing giving the I.H.A. the cold shoulder.

Over a decade ago when he first joined the Academy at his father's behest, Tobias also had to be registered in the I.H.A. Not much had come of it, something to do with the son of a known, still active, supervillain. This time even he received the invitation to the banquet. That was enough for Petra to persuade him to come along. That and saying it was only a matter of time before Mystique or someone else close to him went missing. She always plays the devious card when she wants him to do something… And he'd eventually cave, like always.

"Try this one. Just one more," Petra cajoled, holding out yet another suit to Tobias. "That colour doesn't do your complexion any favours." She would not have been so friendly with just anyone; only her close relationship with Tobias ensured that he saw the warmth she never showed anyone else. Which, of course, meant that finding a good suit for him was her sole focus, which would not end until he was dressed to absolute perfection.

"I could have told you that," Tobias sighed as he tugged at the collar of the very bright shirt. "Maybe something—" He paused when he looked up, seeing the suit Petra was holding out for him this time. "Not pink?" He grimaced, looking down at the bubblegum colored shirt paired with a white jacket.

Tobias knew that no matter how much he complained, Petra wasn't going to budge. So he just squinted his eyes at her before turning and going back into the dressing room. As he changed into the new suit he called out to her. "You know, having me try on every color in this store isn't going to change that I look best in black."

Petra didn't dignify him with a response. Just because the man couldn't be bothered to try something other than black... Of course, he looked good in it, black flattered everyone. But that's no reason to be dressed so gloomily all the time. A fresh image might do him some good, especially where the I.H.A. was concerned.

After a few more minutes of struggling in the seriously small changing room, Tobias came out, holding his arms out in a less-than-impressed manner. "I look like an extra from Grease."

"Tsk, I don't know why I try. This one still looks best." Petra gestured at a suit in deep mulberry that she had assessed for a moment longer than usual before giving it the rare yes. "You'll look really good, I promise."

Tobias sighed, looking over at the maroon suit. At least it wasn't pink. "I could not go," he mused with a playful smirk before ducking back into the changing room.

Unlike his niece, Tobias had enough of playing dress-up. She said the one suit would look best, they knew his size and he didn't hate the color. That was enough for him. While he loved to complain a bit more about going to some banquet around a bunch of heroes who hated him, he also knew that when Petra set her mind to something there was no talking her out of it. He was stuck. And, what he was less inclined to admit, the whole situation seemed a bit… off. He didn't like the idea of her going there alone.

With his new purchases in hand, he looked over at Petra with an appeasing grin. "Alright, your turn."

"Okay. I'll need your opinion." While Tobias had been waffling over his suit, Petra had taken the initiative to pick out a few choice dresses for herself. Always favouring a simpler look, she'd found a range of colours which she cycled through quickly, popping out of the dressing room every now and then with something new for her companion to look at. It had been some forty minutes before she finally took a break, dropping down onto the bench beside Tobias. "Any thoughts?"

Tobias spent a majority of the time scrolling through his phone. He looked up whenever Petra stepped out and twirled in whatever new dress she had put on, giving her the appropriate nod or grimace or helping her zip it up when she couldn't manage it on her own. Perhaps it was because he was a guy, or rather that she was his niece but it seemed all the dresses started to blend together in his mind.

When she finally came and sat beside him, he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't know if I was the best person to take shopping with you." He laughed weakly. "I don't know. I wouldn't choose any of the tight ones. You'll be miserable and uncomfortable. And if something happens…" His voice trailed off as his expressions became more somber. "You can't fight if you can barely move your legs. And I'm not helping you go to the bathroom in those things," he added with a more playful tone.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Tobias squinted his eyes as he studied the dresses hung up before him. "Maybe one of those?" He replied, not very convincingly, as he pointed at two of the more flowy gowns.

"Ever the pessimist," Petra sighed, though there was no heat in her voice. He was right; it was difficult to assume that anything would go exactly the way it should in their line of work. "I'll take care of myself, and you worry about yours. I did quite like that one, you're right," her attention turned back to the gowns, and as she made her final decision, she set about getting their purchases packed and paid for. Once their gala clothes were neatly folded into a bag, she crooked her arm in Tobias's direction, offering him an elbow. "Shall we?"

Tobias wouldn't deny that he was happy the shopping excursion was at an end. They purchased what was needed, so there was no need to linger anymore… He hoped. He stood up, smiling over at her as she took his arm. Before she could argue, he quickly snagged the bags in his free hand with a guilty grin. "Let's get out of here," he practically begged.
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william richards
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jr. fantastic

ross mcculloch
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mirror master

Like most nights since his parents' disappearance, Will got little to no sleep. What rest he did get was when his grogginess won the fight, causing him to finally pass out and double over in his chair. But these short bursts of respite were few and far between, only lasting half an hour until he snapped out of it and made himself another cup of coffee. It wasn't a healthy way to live, mentally or physically, but until the lost heroes were found… until his parents were found, he refused to rest.

Will was quickly isolating himself from the others, intentionally or not. Whether he wanted to be or not, he was their de facto leader. It seemed the others had already started to form their clicks and make fast connections, whereas he had a few conversations and nothing more. He was lonely, though he'd never admit that. Solitude was how he had spent most of his life. So locking himself up in his room and shutting down aside from the mission at hand was almost easy for him. Tunnel vision on the current situation made it easy for him to repress whatever else he was feeling. His feelings weren't important.

Morning arrived faster than he would have liked. Several hours of research and he was no further ahead than he was a month ago. No leads, no information, nothing. Just more missing heroes to add to the growing roster. J.A.R.V.I.S. informed him that it was early and that the others would be rising soon to head to the mall. It was only then that Will peeled himself away from his desk and trudged over to the shower.

The hot water helped invigorate him with a new surge of energy. He couldn't keep doing this to himself. While his cells were enhanced, he could only handle so much before he crashed indefinitely. Will was needed at his best so when the time came that they had something to act on he could act. But no matter how much he told himself this, he was never able to follow through, always worried that the one time he decided to take a break would be when he missed a prudent piece of information.

After getting cleaned up, Will got dressed, grabbed another coffee and made his way down to the garage. While he had no travel plans or anything like some of the others, he still decided to wait around in case anyone needed a ride or anything. He was plenty experienced in buying suits or other formal attire, so it'd be a shopping trip like any other for him, but perhaps he could be useful.

He spent most of the time chatting with Alfred and giving small waves as some of the others headed out. After nearly an hour of sitting around Will assumed his help wasn't needed and decided to take his leave. On the positive side of things, shopping alone meant he'd be in and out quickly. He'd be back before lunch and able to get back to work. But there still was a part of him that wanted the time to socialize, be helpful and just… be normal for a day.

It didn't take long for Will to arrive at the mall. He was making his way down the wide halls in the direction of his usually tailor. As he passed one of the larger department stores, he heard a familiar voice not far past the entrance. "Yer head's full o' mince if yeh think I have that kind o' money!"

Curiosity killed the cat. Will couldn't help but stop, backtrack and turn into the department store. It didn't take him long to find the boisterous scot arguing with one of the salesmen. "I'm sorry sir, but for that kind of money you'd be better off trying a thrift store." Before Ross could say or do something he regretted, Will stepped in, placing his hand gently upon his shoulder.

The Scotsman whipped his head around ready to give a lashing to whomever else decided to tell him he was too poor to shop there. But the moment he saw Will, he let out a relieving sigh, relaxing a bit. "Richards! Did ye hear how this crabbit auld man was talking to me?"

Will nodded his head toward the salesman as he gently guided Ross away from the rack of Calvin Klein suits and out of the store. "You couldn't very well expect the man to want to help you if you talk to him like that?"

Ross grumpily let Will walk him outside like a scolded child. He was half tempted to stomp his feet in a proper temper tantrum fashion, but decided he didn't need to embarrass himself more than he already had. "Shoulda just klept the damned thing 'n been done with it."

"I thought you'd given that up?" Will asked with a laugh and disapproving shake of his head.

The Scot laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Aye, well… Tough times after the academy closed 'n the missing heroes." Ross shrugged his shoulders. There were worse things than shoplifting. He still was behaving himself… relatively. "Ah dinnae ken how the I.H.A. expects people like me t'afford shite like this." He grumbled, waving his hand dismissively toward the department store.

Will's brows furrowed curiously. "Did you not get the message?" he asked. Obviously Ross was invited to the gala, but he found it hard to imagine that he would have rejected the invite back to the academy if he had gotten it. He was one of the longest attending students. It really helped him turn his life around and become a hero… nearly.

"What message?" Ross asked, confused. To the best of his knowledge, he just assumed Will was at the mall for the same reason he was. After all, he was one of the bigger faces of the younger generation of heroes… It only made sense.

"Sounds like we have a lot of catching up to do." He wrapped his arm around Ross's shoulder and guided him further into the mall. "Come on. You don't want to shop there anyway." They didn't have to walk very far before they reached one of Will's favorite bespoke tailors.

Ross's eyes went wide as he stopped dead in his tracks before entering the store. "Ye've gone fuckin' mad, Richards. I cannae afford this."

Will gave him a gentle nudge forward. "Come on, I've got you covered."