Desdemona's Roleplay Hunt

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Original poster
It is nice to meet you, my fated friend.

I am Desdemona. Perhaps we may become Roleplay partners?

About Me
My name is Desdemona and I am a nineteen year old girl from Massachusetts in the United States of America. I would like to thank you for clicking on this topic with hopes that we may become Roleplay partners in the near future! I imagine that you want to know a little bit about me, but I am absolutely horrible about talking about myself. For that very reason, I summarized all information I believe to be relevant into nice bullet points:
  • I have about 7+ years of Roleplay experience from forums, chat clients, video games, and so on.
  • I'm comfortable with all mediums of Roleplay whether it'd be Iwaku's forums or PMs, Skype, Discord, etc.
  • Generally speaking, I'm a fairly laid-back person who usually posts about once or twice a week.
  • I match the length of my partner whether they use one-liners or multiple paragraphs. I welcome all writing styles!
  • I'm not interested in any adult content, so don't come to me looking for it.
  • I'm in high school, a volunteer, looking for a job, and a martial artist, so patience is a must when Roleplaying with me.
  • I prefer to play male characters, but I will happily play female, futanari, transgender, and ambiguous characters as well!
  • I usually use anime-related imagery when creating my characters and I do not like to change this.
  • I like to use NPCs and multiple characters, but I will never ask my Roleplay partner to do the same.
  • While I prefer to write MxF, I am just as comfortable writing MxM and FxF as well!
If there's anything that you're absolutely dying to know about me or that I missed, please don't hesitate to ask me about it. As I already mentioned, I'm a very laid-back person (with little to hide, might I add) and I want my Roleplay partners to feel comfortable with me.

Partner Expectations
I have very few "expectations" for a Roleplay partner as I am comfortable writing with any age, gender identity, writing style, and at any rate that my partner is comfortable with. Despite this, however, there ARE a few things that I do specifically search for such as:
  • Someone who does not Roleplay in "text speak" and uses relatively proper grammar.
  • Someone who is patient with me and is understanding in the case that I need to pause or even drop the Roleplay.
  • Someone that is willing to chat with me out of character (even better if they want to plot with me!).
So, that's not a whole lot! Does that sound like you? Then congratulations! We are one step closer to becoming Roleplay partners!
My Roleplay Ideas
While I'm perfectly open to any Roleplay ideas that you might throw at me, these are my ideas and if you find one that interests you, I'd be more than happy to Roleplay it with you! I'm fine with adjusting the Roleplay in any shape, way or form if requested. Said ideas and scenarios can be found below:

Our characters are college or high school friends that run a YouTube channel with a unique focus: one that is focused on the supernatural and related phenomena. With summer coming quickly, our characters find themselves planning a trip across the country with hopes of hitting bizarre and haunted tourist traps. Traveling with new and old friends, what exactly will our characters encounter while on their journey?

Our characters are high school or college students who are members of a group with a certain fixation on the occult. Somehow drawn to the paranormal for their own reasons, our characters find themselves experimenting with the dark and dead. It is on one fateful night that they are successful in summoning a low level demon (or angel) who seems to have "ambitions" of their own. In order to fulfill these ambitions, the demon (or angel) finds him or herself joining sides with the novice summoners as they set off on a journey to find the fabled Necronomicon.

Our characters are strangers who have been attending the same high school or college with little interaction (our cast of characters can also include ghosts and other related supernatural entities as well). As a test of courage, our characters visit an abandoned house (or similar structure) that is rumored to be haunted and decide to celebrate Halloween while there. Expecting nothing to happen, our characters are greeted with a spooky surprise.

Our characters are members of an online friend group that has decided to meet during their summer breaks. There's no doubt that the upcoming summer will be unforgettable for our characters, but will it be for the better or the worst? Between shenanigans, friendships, rivalries, and possibly even romances, what will be in store for our characters?

Our characters are members of an online friend group that has stumbled upon a series of dark and twisted conspiracy theories related to their world. Whether connected to aliens, world governments, the Illuminati, or anything else wild and weird, our characters suddenly find themselves in over their heads. At least they still have each other. . for now.

Our characters suddenly find themselves stranded in the middle of a desert after a series of strange or tragic events. After aimlessly wandering for hours, our characters stumble upon an extremely small town. Although warmly greeted by the few locals that reside there, our characters begin to wonder if there may be more than meets the eye to this small town such as the possibility of extraterrestrial presences.

Our characters inhabit an alternate reality of Earth in which the Allied forces were unsuccessful in defeating their Axis enemies. Trapped under totalitarian rule, our characters will either find themselves loyal to the body that governs them or the rebellion that seeks to destroy it. Whatever the case may be, the course of modern history is about to be altered for our characters.

Our characters suddenly find themselves hunted by a deadly entity after committing a treacherous crime. Given ten days, our character must redeem themselves before the sunset of the final day or before their deaths at the hands of their hunter. Perhaps redeeming themselves would be easier if they knew the nature of their crime. . .
These are just "ships" that I would be interested in writing out. They are without plots and purposely left vague so that you and I may be able to tinker with them in any way that we see fit!

Supernatural Creature x Human
Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature
Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature Hunter
Supernatural Creature x Authority (knights, royalty, etc)
Royalty x Commoner
Royalty x Servant
Online Friend x Online Friend
Assassin x Target
Humanized!Pet x Owner
Time Traveler x Past/Future Individual
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Hey there I'm interested in royalty x commoner!
Heya! I like the plot ideas for both Necronomicon and Otherworldly Evening. If you're still looking and are interested I would like to do one of them!
It seems like most of your ideas deal with modern times do you welcome ideas in a medieval fantasy setting?
It seems like most of your ideas deal with modern times do you welcome ideas in a medieval fantasy setting?
Most of my ideas are tailored to deal with the modern era, yes, but the settings can be altered. Did you have anything particular in mind?
I have a couple different plots in mind if you would like to see them in pm.
I like the Supernatural x Authority idea . . .
I still have room for more Roleplays if anyone else is interested!
I might have a character set up for Idea #1. I would love to do an RP with you. PM me if you're interested.
OH my god Idea #1 sounds SO fun, I hope it's still open!

Edit: Velvet is one of my favorites characters ever, ToB was incredible!
OH my god Idea #1 sounds SO fun, I hope it's still open!

Edit: Velvet is one of my favorites characters ever, ToB was incredible!
Oh man. Windrunner just requested that one. Maybe we could work something out or talk about another idea?
Edit: I have yet to play ToB, but I really love Velvet's design and what I have seen so far! I'm a long time fan of the Tales of franchise!
Hi Desdemona, I was just curious if your idea #2 had already been taken?
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