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most ardently
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female

My name is Nav and this is my very basic interest check because I'm lazy and yatta-yatta. Everything you could ever want to know about me in terms of roleplaying is here. As a person, I enjoy long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and sexy roleplay partners just like you. ;D

I'm not going to call them rules or guidelines, because they're more of preferences than anything else. I'm really pretty flexible, but I'm not a doormat.
  • Detail: In my roleplays, I definitely prefer a detailed roleplay partner. I usually average 500-700 words a post or more. Sorry, roleplays only really interest me if I have something more than a few sentences to read. I'm not going to put a required word count, but three decent-sized paragraphs at minimum would make me a happy woman.
  • Activity: I've been a bit busier lately, so expect a post from me once ever 1-3 days. Sometimes, I can make multiple posts in a day, sometimes I can't. I expect a minimum of one post a week from you. Please let me know if you're going to be busy/away from the computer for an extended period of time. That's totally fine. (:
  • Plots: Please participate in plotting with me! I love both discussing ideas with my partners and/or being surprised at a turn of events in a post. I don't believe in passive roleplaying and I will get bored if you aren't willing to bounce ideas around with me. I'm very talkative and love making friends.
  • Pairings and Genders: I do enjoy romance. I don't want to just throw two characters together and mush them together for the sake of "romance." If it happens, great. If it doesn't, great. I love exploring the dynamics of a friendship(/family/enemies/etc.) just as much as I do the dynamics of a couple. Don't get me wrong, romance does tend to spring up in most of my 1v1s. I play both genders, but have been pigeonholed into playing males a lot lately. I wouldn't mind playing a girl every now and again. :P
  • Anime: Sorry. I don't watch it.
  • OOC: Talk to me! I love to talk! :D
  • Creepy Pasta: Please don't ask about this. I don't even know what it is, really. Is it a fandom? A style of roleplay? My Italian leftovers from over a month ago that have been pushed to the back of the fridge and is now smelling a little funky? IDEK.

If you don't see what you're looking for, please feel free to suggest! I love trying all sorts of new things. I will tell you now that I love gritty, dark, emotional plots. No, I don't mean emo or tormented teen in Nebraska.
  • Golden Age of Piracy (16th century) anything {Pirate x Royal, Pirate x Pirate, etc. etc.}
  • Royalty x Royalty/Peasant/Servant/etc. {Can include fantasy. Any setting: past, present, or future.}
  • (Post)-Apocalypse {Disease, zombie, nuclear fallout, war, or whatever.}
  • 18th century American Revolution
  • Westward Expansion
  • Gangster x (Undercover) cop {I'd prefer more mafia-style gang to gangbangers of NY}
  • Science-Fiction
  • Fantasy {Past, present, or future setting.}
  • Gritty superhero, antihero, noir hero, etc.
  • Bounty Hunter x Bounty {Any setting: past, present, or future.}
  • Modern {with good planning and plotting}
  • Video Game Character x Video Game Player

Also, a few fandoms I may be willing to try:
  • Lord of the Rings {OCs only.}
  • Borderlands
  • Criminal Minds
  • Witcher

[fieldbox=Plot Ideas]
Wanna read my endless bundle of plots?:

Read them here: PLOTS - Nav's Plot Dump[/fieldbox]
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hallo nav it is i falk i believe i can work with you on a fantasy/Royalty x Royalty/Peasant/Servant/etc plot. i already have a few ideas in mind, dyou care to hear them.

this is my interest check if you want to check out what im into... MATE I DUNNO IF I'M AN ADVANCED POSTER THOUGH. LET ALONE PRESTIGE. CAN I SEND U SUM POSTS PLS B4 U COUNT ME OUT (my iwaku is like outdated) (like really outdated).
Anyone can PM me. I'm bad at checking this. 8D
Hey! I was wondering about a few of your matchups. My favorites are science fiction , fantasy, superhero, and video game character x player. I'd love to talk to you about roleplaying if you're interested!

I have a few ideas too which could build upon one of yours - A Single Drop of Darkness. Let me know if it is still open.
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Sure. (: Shoot me a PM.
I have started roleplaying recently, but have practice with writing and plot-centered tabletop gaming. You keep telling people to pm you, but I cannot figure out how to do so. I am looking for a partner who would be open to the possibility of two dominant personalities in a relationship.
I am still searching. Please PM me if interested, as I forget to check this thread often.
I have been looking for someone willing to play westward expansion! If you're still up for that...I'd be very interested. You can be a GIRL!! Though I'd imagine there would be some doubling up to make that work. Chuckles~ I play both too, so I don't mind either way.
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I have been looking for someone willing to play westward expansion! If you're still up for that...I'd be very interested. You can be a GIRL!! Though I'd imagine there would be some doubling up to make that work. Chuckles~ I play both too, so I don't mind either way.
That sounds lovely. (:
Hnng, so many ideas! I'd definitely be up for sharing some plot hooks with you if you don't mind telling me the top three genres you're digging the most right now?
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