Different Worlds, Same Souls

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To A Great Mind, Nothing Is Little
Original poster
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  5. One post per week
Online Availability
3pm-10:00pm, though sometimes I disappear for a day or two
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  5. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. No Preferences
Drama, angst, dark roleplays, yaoi, modern, set in the future, romance, horror, family, coming of age. I like a lot of shit.

Snow dusted his eyelashes, as Romeo looked in Juliet's eyes. Those gorgeous eyes, that mischievous look in them. It could make Julian do whatever the man pleased. "Romeo, are you sure we should be up here....I'm sure that sign said no students on the roof...And besides we're going to miss class.".

"Class is for squares." Romeo replied as hr wrapped his arms around Julian's neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

The taste of sweet honey and buttercream reached Julian's lips easily making him forget the fear of being caught. Momenta like theses he wished would last forever. However it didn't. The snow around them faded away to a hot dry air. The school building turned into a royal designed bedroom. Romeo himself disappearred, along with Julian as Halcyon awoke from his slumber.

His eyes were wet with fresh tears as he felt that longing once again. He sat up, sighing heavily to himself. "...Romeo..." He whispered softly to himself as he scratched his head. Every night for years he dreamed of this Romeo. Every night it was a different moment he shared with this man. A man he didn't know yet felt like he had. A butler brust into the room of the young Prince, bowing before saying, "Prince Halcyon. You're father. He has an important hostage you need to watch over. Please go to the cellars immediately."

Halcyon looked a the butler, annoyed he was bothered so early in the morning with petty jobs. What hostage could be so important?
It was fair to say that that morning for the young Aloysius wasn't going swimmingly.

He had woken from his disturbed slumber, having had a similar dream to Halcyon's, dazed and confused, with a considerable lack of energy to start with. And then came the screams of agony, and the panicked cries outside his bedroom window. His people's terror was palpable even without setting his eyes on them, and, despite being someone who didn't like conflict, like much of the planet, the first thing the future King did was pull on his royal robes and rush to lend his assistance in what he assumed was a bloody battle.

However, was it? Far from it. Rather than a big, brutal battle taking place, only two guards outside his room had been harmed, and all for one reason: Aloysius was apparently to be kidnapped. The screams? Simply to get him to run from his room in fear. The faces of his kidnappers from the planet he was at conflict with currently were the last faces he saw before being knocked out. In spite of being able to match them in power, physically, his people were weaker. They were shorter, for a start, and were far more peaceful in nature, so it wasn't any surprise that Aloysius had been knocked out so easily, and his hands tied up. Without his hands, he couldn't use his powers... at least not successfully.

And now, he was finally stirring in this unknown room, on a completely unknown planet. The first thing he noticed was the heat, and the stench of burning fires that seemed to surround the place. Compared to his home of lush grounds and nature, it was the embodiment of hell. Groaning tiredly, the small boy -at least, small in comparison to Halcyon's people- tried to scoot back away from the burly guards stood watching him. As scared as the Prince was, his father had instilled in him something - a refusal to look as scared as he felt in the face of danger.

"I... I demand to see the ruling family," he croaked out, his knees pressing to his chest in an effort to keep as far back from the guards as possible. "...O-Or whoever is in charge, understood? This is... completely disrespectful. My family would never kidnap, it's a sign of desperation..."​
"Such your trap!" Barked a deep voice. Soon, that deep voice came into view, Halcyon's father. He was over ten feet tall, his skin a grayish color. His hair was long, to the middle of his back and was jet black. His eyes were a golden color, like fire, and he glared at the young boy. "You must be the Prince hmm? Oh you must be terrified~" Chuckled the man

Soon, footsteps were heard against the stone floor of the cellars, followed by another deep, yet soothing voice. "Father, what hostage could be so important that you awake me from my slumber. I was dreaming, and-"

"That's not important. And for the love of- get rid of that ugly flower!" Growled the King as he snatched the white flower, throwing it on the floor, near Aloysius's feet. "You know who this boy is?"

Halcyon was already in a cranky mood, from being woke up. Now he was pissed because his father threw his flower. Glaring at his father he tiredly glanced at the boy with little care. "No. I don't, is this over now?"

"Ugh, I'm raising a fool. This is the Prince we've been trying to kidnap! I need you to watch him. That dammed planet will be ours for the taking." Chuckled the King with a smirk

Halcyon looked at the boy then his father with wide eyes. "Are you crazy?! This is going to start a never ending war-" However his father was leaving along with the guards

"Watch him. That's an order!"
Examining the situation and watching it unfold, it was fair to say that Aloysius was petrified. Unlike Halcyon, fighting and conflicts really weren't natural in his world. Fighting was frowned upon, and disagreements would always be settled by sitting out in the field of flowers, relaxing and talking over problems therapeutically. Physical violence was incredibly rare, so to suddenly find out that his planet was on the verge of a bloody battle to defend themselves and avenge his kidnapping? Of course he was frightened, though he was determined not to show it, even if everyone to him at the moment were like giants, and scary ones at that.

Nervously hitching back in the cell further, he discreetly held the flower behind him in his hands, having made a grab for the trampled thing when it was tossed aside. He couldn't use his powers completely, but he was far from useless, and seeing the flower all crumpled and broken was genuinely hurtful to him. After all, his species worshipped nature. The planet he was on at the moment didn't seem to have anything growing, so the one time he had a chance to hold nature, he was obviously going to seize it.

Behind his back, the broken rose, thanks to his powers, began to reinvigorate and regrow, bursting back into life, and subsequently giving Aloysius a little more strength - enough strength to defiantly glare up at the fellow Prince opposite him.

"My planet isn't weak. We'll fight, should we need to. I... I hope you're ready to enter a whole world of pain," he spoke, until breaking the brave display by groaning and grimacing at how pathetically awkward and cheesy he sounded. Clearly, he wasn't used to making threats. "...My father won't be pleased. He... He can save me, and when he does, I... suppose we'll be at war."​
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Halcyon wasn't even listening to a word the Prince was saying. Instead, he was grumbling under his voice at how idiotic his father was. His father had grown obsessed with ha ing things that weren't his. He wanted the planet because it rivaled in strength, because they were the only ones who put of a good fight. Other planets went down far to easily. So now his father was obsessed. And in Halcyon's eyes? He should just let it go.

Halcyon looked around, before slight panic surged through him. The flower was missing. He needed the flower, his father just through it in the cell and now its not...Ugh this little boy was going to be a pain wasn't he. "Do you have my flower? Could you give it back those are extremely hard, and stressful to find." Growled the man slightly, opening up the cellar with his fire power. It seemed fire bending was the key to the cell.
"Why are you so obsessed with a flower? Svengali is hardly a place full of them, I would have thought you'd be more into fire, volcanoes, violence and blood," mumbled Aloysius bravely, scuttling back into the corner of the room and refusing, for the moment, to give up the one thing giving him some strength and energy. Besides, he didn't entirely want to help Halcyon out at all. Why would he? He had just been kidnapped, yelled at, mistreated, and now he was expected to just hand over the only beautiful thing he had found?

Silently noticing the fire power used, he smiled briefly to himself. Sure, he couldn't use his power at the moment with his hands tied, and nor did he like fire-bending, but if he had the chance, he knew that was his one way out, and he would do what he could, regardless of the consequences.

"I don't know what you mean. Flower? I haven't seen any flowers," he innocently shrugged, his brown eyes looking anywhere but at the large man in front of him. He was a terrible liar, and if he had to make eye contact when lying, he would just babble awkwardly and make it more obvious.​
'Tsking', the man rolled his eyes annoyed with how childish this boy was. "You're such a child. I know you have it. My father just three it at you. And yes, Svengali barely has flowers. So you realize how hard it is to find it? Give it back. Someone dear to me loves those flowers." He hissed, gripping the man by his collar.

He realized the words slipped out his lips before he could stop them. Someone dear to him. Was Romeo someone dear to him? Well yes of course. He was in love with him. However....He didn't even know who Romeo was. He had no idea why he had the dreams of the man, and he didn't even know what planet the dres took place on. Whatever planet it was it had to be far from the one he was on now. For one. The sky was blue! That was....Strange. No sky was blue. It was just plain weird, and ugly at that. The world was ugly. The people were ugly...Expect Romeo. He was the only gorgeous one. The only one who was fun. Yet...Halcyon had never told anyone that Romeo was 'dear to him'...He would just sound crazy.
"I like flowers. Loads of people like flowers, at least on my planet. We have loads of flowers. I bet you're jealous, huh? You and your special someone. Look, have it. I fixed it up for you. I wouldn't harm it. I adore nature," he babbled quietly, growing fearful the moment he was grabbed by the neck. Granted, even Aloysius had worked out that Halcyon wasn't like his father. If he was, he probably would have yelled and snapped at him. He seemed to have more patience and kindness... but Aloysius really didn't want to push things and make the Prince lose his composure, hence why he handed across the newly fixed rose hurriedly.

"For the record, it's a rose. A white rose, my personal favourite," he muttered as he pressed back against the cold of the wall, anything to try and cool himself down from the intense heat he was hardly used to. His planet was naturally cool, with light breezes. "Calling it simply a flower is honestly disrespectful. Roses are beautiful, they deserve to be called by their name, right? I mean, if this person you apparently like loves them, I recommend keeping it close and not letting your father throw it around-- Halcyon, right? I know you. My people know your family rather well since you started attacking us and our world..."​
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"A white rose?" He questioned. On his planet, no one really named the flowers. they we're just....Flowers nothing special. But...Romeo loved these flowers more than anything. "Well...I know who you are as well...My father is obsessed with you and your family. You're Aloysius. Well Aloysius thank you for fixing my flo-rose. Thank you for fixing my rose, its prettier....He would have loved it." He happily chirped, smiling at how pretty itnlooked. The petals weren't wilting, and the steam was a healthy green color.

"...Sorry about my father. He is completely obsessed with power. A can't disobey him. So....I can't let you out of my sight. Stand please. We are going somewhere with more light. I think this rose could use some." Mumbled Halcyon as he looked st the white rose, his fingertips brushing the petals gently with a smile.
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"Why don't you just grab me by my throat again? That was very nice of you. I don't know why I expected anything less. Your kind are savages," muttered the smaller man bitterly, pushing himself up to his feet as best he can, which was obviously difficult when he didn't have proper use of his hands. However, he could use them enough to try and adjust his grand robes, tugging them around himself despite the hot warmth of the castle. The robes made him feel safer, and feeling safe right now was a luxury he felt he needed if he was to continue putting on a brave face.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but... if I'm being taken to be killed, I'd rather know first," he softly murmured, the break in his voice indicative of the genuine fear he had of being beheaded or tortured. Svengali was infamous for its brutality and love for violence, after all, and currently, Aloysius couldn't put up any fight. "...God, you're huge. You're all giants on this planet, it's awfully off-putting..."​
"I'm not taking you to die. Like I said, my rose needs some sunlight. And we aren't the giants. You lot are some little munchkins is all." Smirked the Prince as he led him out the cellar, holding him by the forearm. He needed to have a firm grip on him so it looked like he was trying to at least be rude to the hostage. Even if he had no desire to be

"Besides this cellar is far to drafty. I rather go somewhere pleasant."
"Munchkins? Well, that's rude. Not that I expect anything less from you and your kind. You're all rude and brutal and-- hey, that hurts!" He squeaked the moment his arm was grabbed, glaring up at him for what he thought was a genuine attempt to hurt him. Even though Halcyon obviously wasn't a mean-spirited person, and didn't mean to harm the smaller man, but Halcyon's kind were clearly strong, naturally, whereas Aloysius was far more gentle and physically weaker.

Grimacing once leaving the cell, he immediately missed it. At least there, he was in a safe space and alone. Now? He had to watch guards pass and smirk evilly at him, or spit at his feet which he personally find absolutely disgusting. Didn't they even have manners here?​
"I didn't mean to grip you hard. Jeez, you're dramatic like Romeo-....I mean..." Halcyon just stayed quiet wondering what was wrong with him. Usually he was good at holding his tongue and not mentioning Romeo. But today he seemed to have an issue with that.
Staring up at him in utter shock, it was fair to say that Aloysius was caught off guard. If Halcyon had said the name without skipping a beat, the other Prince probably wouldn't have thought too much about it. Hell, if Halcyon hadn't protected the rose so much and said it was the favourite of 'someone special', Aloysius wouldn't have batted an eyelid. Now, however, the highly intelligent boy had found a clear link between the two things, hence why he had paled in confusion.

"Romeo?" He repeated wearily, his nails digging into his palms to urge himself to sound calm and clear. "...How do you know about him? Is this an elaborate ploy? Implant dreams into my brain to weaken my strength of character? I must admit, how you managed to corrupt my dreams is incredibly impressive for your kind. You usually use fists, not these sorts of manipulation schemes, but... my goodness, it makes sense now, at least. My dreams made no sense. You simply wanted to get me to break down at night, so I wouldn't put up a fight for the kidnapping-- impressive," he babbled, apparently assuming that this was all some scheme. After all, he wasn't going to think that they shared the same dream - what were the chances of that? And given how sly and sneaky Halcyon's people were, it wasn't a stretch to assume the worst.

"You're despicable," he seethed, his eyes brimming with emotional tears. "I... to put those dreams in my head?! I-It's downright pathetic. I've invested so much emotion into Julian. I... I thought he was... something to me, even if I've never met him-- I've dreamt of humans! I don't even know what one is, and now I discover that it's not some mystery, but a made up fabrication to torment me? T-That's fucking low..."​
"Dreams...?" He whispered his eyes wide. Gripping bother of his shoulders he made the young Prince face him, his eyes wide. "You...You have those same dreams?! You....Of Romeo and Julian?! You....How, how do you....I thought I was the only one who knew of them...Look this isn't a trick, I've had those dreams all my life...I...I feel like I know Romeo....I'm, I'm in love with him. And it hurts to wake up and....see that he's not there, and he isn't....anywhere. Do you feel the same?"
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Staring at him again, stopping from his struggling against him to do so, the look slowly changing from anger to astonishment. He didn't entirely know whether to believe him or not, because, obviously, believing Halcyon was having the same dreams and felt the same longing he did was hard to accept. It seemed impossible, or like Aloysius was being taken for a joke, being made fun of for naturally being a trusting person.

"...I don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're deluded," he finally muttered, refusing to acknowledge that he had the same feelings, mostly because he didn't like to feel them. It made him upset and confused, and he didn't want to show that to his enemy, even if Halcyon didn't seem like that bad a person. "I was wrong. You and I have nothing in common. You kidnapped me. I don't have to tell you anything... You brought this war on yourself, for belonging to such an awful family, frankly... I won't say a single word more to you."​
"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Hissed the much taller man, gripping his shoulders to look in his eyes, searching to see if he was lying. Instead? He found a little twinkle in his eye. The one Romeo possessed. That happy man who was....The love of his life. Thean he never even met.

"....Romeo?" He whispered before letting go quickly. He decided that he was just seeing things. He gripped his forearm again and dragged him. "Let's go...No talking."
Staring warily up at the giant of a man, the fellow Prince scoffed to himself and struggled once again at the restraints around his wrists. If he had his hands free, he could at least put up a fight. Right now, he just felt useless and weak. His kind were peaceful, but that didn't mean they couldn't fight and protect themselves, even against the most powerful of opponents.

"Don't talk about Romeo-- or Julian. You simply read my dreams, I refuse to believe you shared the same. You have no idea what you're talking about. Julian-- he was everything to me, and I don't even know him. For you to take that and use it against me is disgusting."​
"....I'm not using this against you...I...." He knew exactly who this boy was. But....How could this be. Was he really Romeo? "....Romeo...I...Is it really you?" He asked turning to him, his eyes watering. He forced the other to look at him. "Look at me, really look at me! Its me, Julian. I...I know its you." Whispered the man nearly desperate.
"Don't touch me, I find it incredibly uncomfortable," began Aloysius sternly, only to abruptly stop at the flicker of emotion behind Halcyon's eyes. The same emotional shimmer that Julian had when, in his dreams, he looked at him and laughed at one of his corny jokes, or simply when he cuddled close and whispered how being with him was all he needed. It could be a huge coincidence that the same look was shared... but it was almost impossible.

"...Julian? I... this is legitimately insane," he began hoarsely, blinking tears from his eyes as he attempted to gather himself together. "I... it's a dream, it's not real. B-But... oh god, it's really you. Meaning I'm Romeo, or... was... and... and those dreams are... aren't dreams, I-- I'm going to faint, I need to sit down."​
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