Digimon War

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It is the year 3000 and the Digital World has been long forgotten. That is, until our world collides with the digital world causing a rift. New Digidestined must be chosen, and they must stop the rift from inside. The 8 are found in the future's Paris and are taken to the digital world. Once there they find themselves in the middle of a Digi War! Data, Virus, and Vaccine Digimon are duking it out causing the rift and serious damage to the Digital World. Being a shadow of our own world, the war is damaging our world too. But uh oh! Upon entering the digital world, the new Digidestined got separated by the warring Digimon because of their own Digimon partners typings! They need to get back together and stop the war and whatever else this new world would throw at them. But first, the Digidestined need to be made.

Hiya! Welcome to the sign up page! Please use the template below (if you want to add more detail, be my guest) to create your character ^^


Age: (8-18)


Crest: (Happiness, Wisdom, Integrity, Balance, Dreams, Adaptability, Chivalry, or Creativity)

Digimon Partner:

Team: (Virus, Vaccine, or Data based on your Digimon's attribute)







Digimon Partner Bio-

Nicknames: (if any)



Digimon Appearance:




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Annabelle Monette





Digimon Partner:





Look below


Annabelle is strict with herself and others. She's a little impatient and quick to anger. She can even come off as coldhearted to others, and maybe even a little socially awkward. But once you get past her quirks, you will quickly find that she is kind and caring and holds justice, truth, and honor high. She is well mannered, even when angry (although there are rare occasions when her anger clouds her manners). She is also quite insecure and quiet. Though don't think that'll keep her from voicing an opinion. On the contrary, she isn't afraid to let you know what she's thinking, especially in terms of strategy.


Annabelle lost her parents when she was two years old and has been living with her grandfather ever since. Her grandfather is Japanese and prefers the simpler things, so in the middle of the futuristic buildings lies his machiya style home. He spent his time meditating and teaching Annabelle what he knows, whether it'd be martial arts or making tea. This certainly helped shape her personality, giving her the morals she believes in and discipline. She fell in love with weapon martial arts, preferring to use a staff over any other weapon as she believes it is one of the harder weapons to use due to the length of the staff and the wood being likely to snap in combat. She believes it takes balance, grace, and great reflexes to wield one. When she was 8, she was often bullied at school for being a halfer, causing her to become rather insecure and to hide her emotions. When she was 10, her grandfather gifted her a white hood before he passed away. She wears it everyday, saying it's like he's still there.


Sweet things, Digimon, making new friends, helping others, etc.


Bullies, pointless fights, anything she sees unjust, having to wait, misuse of power, etc.


-She loves martial arts

-Her favorite food is udon

-She loves Mochi ice cream and Japanese sweet dumplings

-Her hood is extremely precious to her

-She's very gentle with children

Digimon Bio:






Baby- Kuzimon

In Training- Telamon

Rookie- Enfimon

Champion- Runemon

Ultimate- Nekimon

Mega- Metalrunemon

Digimon Appearance:



Enfimon is mischievous, sly, and a little hyper. He tries to mimic Annabelle's personality but to no avail since his is vastly different. He does succeed in her speech pattern though, finding it preferable to his own speech pattern. He does have a good sense of morals and is a nice Digimon, despite his looks though. He has a smart mouth, which annoys others, and he does have quite a bit of ego. All in all, Enfimon is a Digimon with good intentions and a complex personality.


Pranks, Himself, Annabelle, Eating, Sleeping, Etc.


Anything Annabelle dislikes, Getting caught in a prank, etc.


-He is based off an Enfield, a Celtic mythical chimera who has the head of a fox, the chest of a greyhound, the front claws of an eagle, the belly of a lion, and hindquarters and tail of a wolf

-His evolutions are based off a Nekomata (a Japanese mythical monster cat with two tails), Amateratsu (the versions from the game Okami, not the actual Sun Goddess of the Shinto religion), and his Ultimate is based off a Samurai.

-He prefers his Rookie stage because, in his words "I have the option to walk or be held in this stage. When I have no legs, or I am fairly large, it's difficult to do that."

-He likes to ride on Annabelle's head quite often.
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(Your) Appearance:

Name: [BCOLOR=transparent]Gabrielle Mercier[/BCOLOR]

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Crest: Happiness

Digimon Partner: Lunamon

(Your) Personality:
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gabrielle is a social butterfly, loving to meet new people and getting to know them. She tends to be a scary cat, preferring to let the braver people handle anything scary. Gabrielle isn't the most sensitive person, being very blunt at times, but she does care about the people around her. Gabrielle doesn't express sadness well, having a slight break down if she is forced to face it head on. She would rather take time to herself and let the emotion go. This leads Gabrielle to seem always happy to her friends.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Gabrielle is an only child to a middle class family. Her father works at a law firm and her mother runs a small flower shop. Gabrielle gets fair grades at school, not the best but far from the worst. She had lots of friends who she hangs out with everyday after school. When Gabrielle was 8, she lost both of her grandparents. Her parents didn't take the lost well, being very short with her when Gabrielle was overly emotional. This taught the girl to keep some of her emotions to herself, at least the sad ones.[/BCOLOR]

Likes: Hanging out with others, sewing, making simple plush toys, playing games on her phone, IMing friends, sweets, cute animals.

Dislikes: The dark, being alone, watching her mother's shop, homework, feeling anything that isn't positive, chores, their family cat Toby ("I swear it tried to kill me!"), scary anything, getting into fights with anyone

Other: Gabbie is good with money

Digimon Gender: Female

Team: Data

Digimon Evolutions:
[BCOLOR=transparent]Fresh: Yukimibotamon[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]In-Training: Moonmon[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Rookie: Lunamon[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Champion: Lekismon[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Ultimate: Crescemom[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Mega: Dianamon[/BCOLOR]

Digimon Appearance:


Digimon Personality:
[BCOLOR=transparent]Loony is quiet, preferring to keep to herself. But if someone she cares about is scared or in danger, Loony will be the bravest digi you've ever seen. Loony also likes being around others, as long as she doesn't have to talk to them. Loony gets her nickname from her crazy imagination, making other digimon think she's crazy. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Loony started life out like every other digimon, in the primary village. She had a few friends and they all went to the same digi school. As her friends grew up and became more outgoing, Loony stayed very shy. As a moonmon, Loony started to find interesting things that seemed to be from another world. She would look at these items and would make up stories to tell her friends back at school. Her stories got crazier and crazier everyday, and her friends started giving her the nickname Loony.[/BCOLOR]

Likes: Exploring the 'alien artifacts', telling stories, reading, star gazing, making flower crowns, enjoying peace and quiet.

Dislikes: Loud noises, large groups/crowds, her friends being teased, bright light, avoidable fights, having her antenna pulled on

Other: Loony has a ribbon on her ear, given by Gabbie to tell her apart from the other lunamon.
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Adrian Alexander Anderson




Digimon Partner:



Adrian is a calm and collected person, never letting his negative emotions show. He always keeps a level head, even in the midst of sheer disaster. He finds it easy to think through anything where normal people would get incredibly frustrated and their thoughts would become clouded. He's insanely intelligent and has an IQ of a genius, giving him quite a hoity-toity aura to those he feels mentally superior to.

Adrian grew up without a father, his mother raising him alone since he was born. He never had many friends, always preferring to stick to himself and play his own little board games. When he was attending school, he would always be found reading, rather than playing outside. However, he never read the books normal kids read; he read biographies and manuals, basically everything that could teach him something about anything, he read. He even would play chess against himself to see if he was smart enough to outsmart his own strategies.

After his 16th birthday, his mother had decided to give him and her a small vacation to Paris for all of Adrian's work at school and because his mother felt like they both could use a break from their normal lives. Neither of them could guess how this small trip would affect Adrian's life so much.

Logic Puzzles/Puzzles of any kind, Sudoku, Reading, Chess, Escape the Room Games, Math/Science/Anything Academic

Loud people, Loud noises, Stupid people, Ignorant people, Most people



Digimon Partner Bio



Fresh: Yaamon
Rookie: Impmon
Champion: IceDevimon
Ultimate: SkullSatamon
Mega: Beelzemon -> Beelzemon BurstMode

Digimon Appearance:

Impmon is very closed off emotionally and only knows how to show anger and cockiness. He thinks very highly of himself and won't take crap from anyone. He stands up for himself and those he is close to, although he won't admit he's close to anyone.

Being tough, Food, Playing pranks on people/Digimon, Fighting

Showing emotion, whiny people, being undermined

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quick question, can I have my character meet her partner prior to entering the digital world or no? I'm tweaking a character i already have and her original history has her stumbling onto her partner (who came through a rift between worlds) and subsequently fall through said rift back into the digital world. It's not a huge deal tbh I can adjust that easy enough I'm just not 100% sure how to do her meeting her partner since you didn't really specify how that should happen
quick question, can I have my character meet her partner prior to entering the digital world or no? I'm tweaking a character i already have and her original history has her stumbling onto her partner (who came through a rift between worlds) and subsequently fall through said rift back into the digital world. It's not a huge deal tbh I can adjust that easy enough I'm just not 100% sure how to do her meeting her partner since you didn't really specify how that should happen
Honestly, I'd prefer it if she meets her character in the Digital World ^^' If you really want Impmon part of the real world, maybe Impmon pulls your character through the rift?

Christine Tanner



5'7, athletic build, wears green t-shirt, partly open black over shirt, black jeans torn at the knee, dark green sneakers.


Growing up, Christine had rather severe anger issues. She constantly got into fights and in trouble in general as a result of her outrageous temper. Her parents did their best but Christine openly rebelled against their attempts to help her. Things came to a head when she was 13, and a dragged out fight led to her being arrested and put away for 2 years. Upon her release, Christine was significantly reformed, in part due to mandatory counseling but mostly because it took her arrest for her to see how much her temper hurt her parents.

Once back in school, she proved her resolve to better herself, studying hard and earning good grades. She still had a natural temper however, but she found a (somewhat) constructive outlet for her natural aggression, Kendo. Christine found it not only a good outlet for her aggression, but a good stress reliever and fun. The club provided some much needed discipline. Christine found the way to balance her life with her flaws.

Two years later, on her way home from kendo practice, Christine stumbled onto a small rift between the real world and digital world. Having no clue what it was. Being too curious to leave it alone, she went to inspect it, only for it to suddenly widen as she got close, and causing her to fall into the digital world. It wasn't long after that she met her soon to be partner. As she wandered around, hoping to find a way home, she stumbled across BlackAgumon, who was fighting a small group of data digimon. Despite having no idea about the situation, Christine leapt to defend BlackAgumon, refusing to allow the others gang up on him.

Though Christine couldn't do too much on her own, she did provide plenty of a distraction to let BlackAgumon finish their foes. Afterwards, the two talked, and they found out how the both of them came to be there. Since Christine couldn't go home, she decided to go with BlackAgumon, at least temporarily, and help him in his goal.

Christine is stubborn and strong willed, never giving up once she sets her mind to something. Her formerly short temper is no long the issue it once was, though she is still something of a hot head and is rather easily frustrated. While her diligent studying have made her more intelligent than she might seem, she has never been very clever, and prefers to deal with things head on. She is quite proud of her athletic ability and likes any excuse to show off. She has strong fondness for spicy food, and tends to put peppers or hot sauce on just about everything.


BlackAgumon is from a small out of the way village in the Digital World. As a Koromon, he grew up with many others of his kind. They got along well despite his habit of playing rather rough. The young digimon of the village were frequently harrassed by a few DemiDevimon. Most of them ran away rather than stand up for themselves. One day however, his anger and hate at the DemiDevimon grew too much, and when he finally digivolved, he dark digivolved into BlackAgumon. He chased off the DemiDevimon, but his friends were afraid of him and refused to accept him now that he was a virus type. Angry that after all the time they spent together and after saving them he was still rejected for something like that, BlackAgumon abandoned his home, seeking to prove that just because he was a virus type didn't mean he couldn't be strong and good.

BlackAgumon is naturally a bit rough around the edges. He enjoys a good fight and even when not fighting tends to be a bit rough with his friends. He is extremely prideful of his strength, and nothing will anger him more than calling him weak or underestimating him. While his trust can be hard to gain and easy to lose, he is fiercely loyal and protective of any he considers friends. When it comes to battle, BlackAgumon sees two kinds, a duel or a brawl. To him, a duel means a fair battle, an even playing field, for a duel he'll happily fight fair and will refrain from attempting to kill provided his opponent(s) do the same. A brawl however, means anything goes, he can and will use underhanded tactics to give himself the upper hand and will aim to kill any who show themselves as an enemy if he is able.
Pepper Breath- A small fireball shot from the mouth, not very strong but quick and can be fired repeatedly with little effort.
Claw Attack- A simple attack using his claws, like Pepper Breath it isn't very strong, but it is fast and easy to use.


Large and physically powerful, though not very fast. DarkTyrannomon deals punishing blows but despite his strength he doesn't take a hit as well as he gives one.
Inferno Blast- A large blast of fire from the mouth. Extremely powerful, but while it has a wide range, it doesn't have a very long range.
Iron Claw- A heavy strike with metal covered claws.


SkullGreymon possesses extreme offensive power, well above most other Ultimates, but is tragically weak defensively and doesn't last long under sustained attack.
Ground Zero- Launches the organic missile from his spine. While exceptionally potent, it takes time for SkullGreymon to grow a new missile, so it cannot be used in quick succession.
Curse Claws- Vicious swipes with skeletal claws covered in dark energy.


*Credit to Shadypenpen on deviantart for the image*
A viral form of VictoryGreymon (subspecies of WarGreymon). While lacking in armor compared to a WarGreymon, his speed and massive Dramon Crusher sword grant unparalleled offensive power.
Dramon Crusher- A heavy swing with the blade of the same name.
Vengeful Shield- Unites the "wings" on it's back into an impenetrable shield. Since it requires both hands he cannot attack at the same time.
Trident Hades- RevengeGreymon takes hold of the handles in the Dramon Crusher's guard (where his hand is in the image), the three segments of the blade separate and powerful dark energy charges between them. Once fully charged, the blast is unleashed in a brief beam reminiscent of dark lightning.
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Honestly, I'd prefer it if she meets her character in the Digital World ^^' If you really want Impmon part of the real world, maybe Impmon pulls your character through the rift?
It's no biggie, I'll tweak their means of meeting and add it in the morning. Also, though I would like to claim Impmon (best digimon ever) I'm not the one who's using him ^^;
It's no biggie, I'll tweak their means of meeting and add it in the morning. Also, though I would like to claim Impmon (best digimon ever) I'm not the one who's using him ^^;
I don't follow ^^' You claim Impmon, but you're not the one who will use him...?
Andrew Holland





Digimon Partner:


Andrew is a very artistically creative person. He enjoys making and seeing art. He's expressive with his appearance and likes to dye his hair wild colors. He's a sweet person with a caring soul. He likes peace and quiet most of the time but isn't above a nice social outing. He's very intelligent and laid back. Nothing really bothers him unless the situation is dire. He's quite adaptable to any situation ad has years practice at being calm and looking on the bright side of things.

Paris born and bred, he grew up in the city of love and he loves it. His mother was a professional musician who played the violin and his father was a museum curator of an art museum. So Andrew grew up around the arts and grew to love it. In school he was that one kid that kept to himself besides a select group of friends he grew up with, he was always seen reading a book or drawing in class. He went through highschool with straight As and soon got a scholarship to one of the best Art Colleges in Paris, his dream was to be an animator and draw stories for everyone to enjoy.

His Art Supplies, Music, Museums, Books, The Smell of Paper

Swimming (Scared of Drowning), Darkness, Cranberries

-Speaks Fluent English and French





Fresh- Poyomon
In Training- Tokomon
Rookie- Patamon
Champion- Angemon
Ultimate- MagnaAngemon
Mega- Seraphimon

Patamon is a fluffy ball of love, with a stubborn streak. He's extremely protective over Andrew and the other digidestined. He is a very organized digimon with a great heart.

Nuts, Berries, Andrew, Sugary Sweets

Things that hurt Andrew, Evil Digimon, Storms

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Too bad they're on opposing sides XD
For now ^^ The Digidestined have to come together at some point. It's just the warring digimon that separates them because they're at war and don't want to see Digimon of different types together ^^' But I can totally see Enfimon and Impmon going around pranking everyone
Andrew Holland


Age: (8-18)


Crest: (Happiness, Wisdom, Integrity, Balance, Dreams, Adaptability, Chivalry, or Creativity)

Digimon Partner:

Team: (Virus, Vaccine, or Data based on your Digimon's attribute)









Nicknames: (if any)






Nico you kill me with those pictures XD
For now ^^ The Digidestined have to come together at some point. It's just the warring digimon that separates them because they're at war and don't want to see Digimon of different types together ^^' But I can totally see Enfimon and Impmon going around pranking everyone
Omg that's going to be so great I see it too XD XD

Andrew Holland


Age: (8-18)


Crest: (Happiness, Wisdom, Integrity, Balance, Dreams, Adaptability, Chivalry, or Creativity)

Digimon Partner:

Team: (Virus, Vaccine, or Data based on your Digimon's attribute)









Nicknames: (if any)






HE'S SO PRETTY OH MY \_(*^*)_/
I'm almost done drawing Enfimon and his evolutions ^^ (as well as Annabelle, who will be in the same picture as the evolutions)
Finished! Everyone's OCs are looking great ^u^
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