Dominant Bottom Character looking for a Dominant Top Character (MxM)

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Original poster
This first post is updated often with what I'm currently craving to roleplay, and I do the same with the title. I'm open to all sorts of roleplays, not just that I'm craving, and this is my general request thread. If you're not interested in this plot, then check the next post for more information with what I do!

  • I'm not a fussy roleplayer, I'll roleplay with almost anyone, but I have rules. They're not harsh, just there so everyone has fun!
    Do tell me when you have an idea or want to change the course of the roleplay.
    Don't godmode/godmod the roleplay.
    Do tell me if you're uncomfortable or want to end the roleplay!
    Don't get angry, mad or upset if I do the same.
    Please talk to me OOC about our roleplay! This is optional, but I love talking about what's going on or the direction it's heading, so don't be afraid to talk to me.
    Bear in mind most of my characters will be trans male, so please be comfortable with that. (However, I do have some cis characters.)

  • A Dominant Top/Switch for my Dominant Bottom Character
    My dominant bottom character likes challenge and I haven't experimented how much challenge he can take yet, so I want to push him to his limit to see if he'll break. This also leaves room for heated banter, considering both of them will be rather dominant (and since my bottom character is dominant in personality as well as in the bedroom, I'd love to find a top that matches him to see how he takes it). I have no limits with how far the reactions will go, or (for adult content) how intense it gets. If you're interested and have limits, please tell me before we begin roleplaying. My dominant bottom character is very volatile, and isn't afraid of a fight, and if you'd prefer something like that didn't happen then tell me and it won't.

  • Something contemporary fits the dynamic I'm looking for. I was thinking that our characters could have known each other since they were young, due to their parents being best friends, and they've never seemed to like each other. They'd always tease each other during dinner when their parents would visit each other, and would always have something bad to say. People think they hate each other when really they're mad about each other, they just don't want to admit it until they find themselves stuck somewhere (elevator, etc.) and things happen between them.
    Just lots of drama.

    Or something along the lines of a werewolf pack RP might work, too. Maybe one is a rogue and the other is an alpha-to-be. The alpha's parents welcomed the rogue but the rogue doesn't get along with the alpha-to-be at all. They butt heads a lot and the rogue thinks he rules the pack, and one night the alpha confronts him and it leads to a fight which then leads to something completely different?

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Hi! I'm not a newbie to roleplaying, but I'm a newbie to this site, and I'm looking for a partner (or more than one) that's willing to do a MxM roleplay with me. Below is a few tabs that might help you decide if I'm the roleplayer for you.
I play all sorts of genres, from paranormal romance to contemporary. These are a list of my favourites.

    • Paranormal Romance
    • Fanfiction Tropes
    • Fanfiction Worlds (Attack on Titan, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Harry Potter and Shadowhunters)
    • Fantasy Romance/Gothic Romance
    • Favourite: Domestic Settings in Any of these Universes
Don't be afraid to suggest genres to me! I'm open to almost anything.
  • You'll find some links in my signature, but I'll post them here too.

    The next few tabs will be plots! If you've got a different plot in mind, or want to tweak some plot points, just let me know. I'm open to anything!


    Genre: Fantasy Romance Adventure
    Dynamic: Dragonslayer x Dragonshifter
    Rating: 18+ (Violence, Swearing, and Sexual/Adult Themes)
    Preferred Part of My Character: Dragonshifter
    Preferred Part of My Partner's Character: Dragonslayer
    Having that in mind, I also don't mind being the dragonslayer!


    Person A is a dragon slayer living on the outskirts of the capital of their kingdom. They have a small cabin, a small stable for their horse, and a well in around the back. It's surrounded by forest land, but there's enough to see overhead if there's an incoming dragon.

    It's mid-summer and person A is grooming their horse when someone (Person B) comes stumbling out from the surrounding forest, covered in blood and bruises. There are visible cuts and rips in their clothing, and person A manages to catch B before they fall over.

    They help them rehabilitate, and in return person B helps them with gathering food, and a few months later person B is as fit as ever. Their wounds had healed (at an abnormally fast rate, to A's surprise) and it's almost as if they hadn't been injured in the first place.

    It's late Autumn, and there's a dragon attack on the city, and person A's weapon breaks during the struggle. To A's horror, Person B then shifts and runs the dragon out of the city, and person A finds out that they're a dragonshifter.

    The dragon hadn't left without some treasure, however, and person A is tasked with getting it back - along with his dragonshifter friend.


    Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
    Dynamic: Prince x Assassin
    Rating: 18+ (Violence, Swearing, and Sexual/Adult Themes)
    Preferred Part of My Character: N/A
    Preferred Part of My Partner's Character: N/A
    I don't mind which part I play.


    Person A is a normal young adult, studying at college and working a small part time job. That's until they're transported to another world (Faerie?) through the basement of their grandparent's house.

    They meet person B, someone they recognise but can't quite remember where, and they don't seem very welcoming at all. They agree to help them find their way back, and they travel through the mountain lands until they find a small village. Person B stops person A before they reach the outskirts, and they insist they turn back and take another path. Person A, confused, presses that they go through the town; person B did say it was quicker, and they want to rest.

    They go farther, person B taking slower steps than before, their demeanour changing slightly from unwelcoming to something else. When they get to the edge, they see royal guards, armed with weapons person A has never seen before. Person B grabs A's hand a sets off running in the opposite direction, A barely being able to keep up.One of the guards shouts traitor as the sound of armour gets closer, and B tells A to run ahead; not to take the path, to run through the thicket.

    A eventually finds out that they were meant to be prince, but when the kingdom couldn't find them, their uncle took the throne. When alerted they had come through the portal, B had been told to assassinate them; however, B couldn't do it, and is now considered a traitor.

    They must both bring about a revolution in order to take down A's tyrant uncle and save both B's life and their own.


    Genre: Contemporary Romance
    Dynamic: Rivals turned Partners
    Rating: 18+ (Violence, Swearing, and Sexual/Adult Themes)
    Preferred Part of My Character: Professional Ice Skater
    Preferred Part of My Partner's Character: Newcomer Ice Skater


    Person A is a professional figure skater, claiming gold at the Worlds final two years running, and takes pride in their placing. Person B, only having reached the Worlds final the previous year, has claimed silver, but isn't too happy about the results; they don't believe that A's performance was worth bronze, let alone the gold that they got.

    Now, a year later, the competitions are happening again. However, B's coach has other ideas for them; they won't be competing in singles, they'll be competing in couples. A little confused, B pushes on, but before they can finish their question, A makes their presence known at the doorway. B's coach then reveals that they'll be skating with A in the couples competitions; if they can't make it in singles, they'll surely have a chance at couples when they skate with A.

    They train, day after day, and that leads to them having to eat with each other – at lunch, at dinner, sometimes even breakfast so they can discuss their routine. They grow closer, and A shows B how they teach themselves to feel the rhythm of the music. This leads to a heated dance, and they spend the night together.

    Are they able to put their personal relationships aside to win the competition, or will their feelings get in the way and ruin it all?

    They find out (around 2 months later) after A is unwell enough to not be able to train that they're pregnant, which could jeopardise their routine and force them to forfeit. A still wants to do it, so it's up to B to make the decision; will they refuse to compete for the welfare of A and the unborn baby, or is the competition more important?
    Yeah, the title was a pun... or joke. Whichever word fits.


    Genre: Paranormal Romance
    Dynamic: Partners in Crime (or, more than likely, saving the world)
    Rating: 18+ (Violence, Swearing, and Sexual/Adult Themes)
    Preferred Part of My Character: N/A
    Preferred Part of My Partner's Character: N/A
    I don't mind who I play.


    Person A is a college student working part time at a clothes store near their campus. It pays an average amount, but fees to and from college are taking up most of their money, along with rent and groceries. They find the perfect little house within walking distance of their campus and job; however, it's a two bedroom and just outside of their budget.

    Enter person B, a mysterious waiter who's losing their apartment due to the landlord upping their rent. Person A doesn't know them too well, but the other waiters and waitresses seem to be close to them, so what's the harm? Person A asks B if they'd like to rent the house with them, since it would be within both of their budgets. Person B agrees.

    One day, while B is working, A snoops around their room after hearing something fall. They discover it's just their creepy pet knocking something over, but an open book catches their eye. They read the few pages aloud, and before they get the chance to leave, it blasts them backwards.

    B comes home to A on their floor, and when A wakes up they explain about the book. How A has awakened their powers within themself - how they've made themself a witch.

    How will A deal with being a witch? And with danger on every horizon, can B teach A how to control their abilities? What happens when they catch feeling for each other?


    Genre: Contemporary Romance
    Dynamic: Celebrity x Bodyguard
    Rating: 18+ (Violence, Swearing, and Sexual/Adult Themes)
    Preferred Part of My Character: Celebrity.
    Preferred Part of My Partner's Character: Bodyguard.
    Though, I don't mind being the bodyguard.


    Person A is an A-list celebrity and a well known name in homes worldwide. They're often making public appearances, whether for charity or to boost their own name and reputation, and they're seen by many as a role model for the younger generation.

    However, they've now got a stalker threatening their life, and they seem to know where they live too. Person A hires person B, a newly trained bodyguard that's dying to work with a top celebrity. The catch is, they'll have to work full time, living in a spare room at A's house until the stalker is found and jailed.

    They get close to each other, and the time they spend together becomes more personal than professional. And during all this, B must protect A from the person threatening them.

    Add some drama and domestication. Person A falls pregnant with B's child, and this seems to anger the stalker more once they find out. A's manager tries to fire B to keep it from becoming a scandal, but B's only gone for half a day and A's kidnapped.

Okay, so I'm craving something fandom at the moment, so here is where I'll put all the information you might need! For clarification, I don't do OC x Canon, I only do Canon x Canon or OC x OC.

I do Saeran/Unknown x Yoosung and Saeran/Unknown x Zen. I'd prefer if we didn't keep them in the Mystic Messenger canon and bring them into other worlds, like a fantasy or paranormal romance. I can do canon, I just think it'd be more fun to put them somewhere else to test out their chemistry. I apologise but I only play Saeran/Unknown.

I do Sousuke x Nitori, Rin x Nitori and Nagisa x Rei. I'd prefer if we put them into alternative universes or settings, since I don't find the plot of Free! to be too thrilling to roleplay. I only play Nitori or Nagisa.

I do Armin x Eren and Armin x Jean. We can either keep them in canon or put them into another setting; we can even change different events in the AoT timeline if you want! I only play Armin.

I do Coran x King Alfor. We can either keep them in canon or put them into another setting; we can even change different events in the Voltron timeline if you want! I only play Alfor.
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  • Love
Updated the plot tabs to include a paranormal romance (it's a somewhat mixture between Alice in Wonderland and maybe Iron Fey)!

Also a new ice skating plot! You could say it's a bit like Yuri!!! on Ice, but instead of the professional character being the coach, they're couples skating partners. (Which sounds unrealistic but let's bend the rules a bit.)
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I'm interested in doing a dragonslayer/dragonshifter roleplay dynamic, anyone want to try it with me?

The basic idea is under one of the tabs!
Do you still need a partner for this plot? It sounds like it could be a lot of fun~
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Do you still need a partner for this plot? It sounds like it could be a lot of fun~

Yeah, of course I do! ^.^ Can I PM you so we can discuss characters and plot?
Yeah, of course I do! ^.^ Can I PM you so we can discuss characters and plot?
Of course. I might not get you any detailed information until sometime mid to late afternoon or later. (Especially with character sheet stuff) but I'd love to plan this out via pms =3
Of course. I might not get you any detailed information until sometime mid to late afternoon or later. (Especially with character sheet stuff) but I'd love to plan this out via pms =3

That's fine!! I'll send you a message now!
Hello I am very interested in your Traitor plot, if you haven't already found a partner. ^^
Hello I am very interested in your Traitor plot, if you haven't already found a partner. ^^

I haven't already found a partner for that plot yet! Can I PM you so we can discuss it? ^.^
Still searching, especially for the Ice Ice Baby (oh gosh I wished I'd chose a different name, I'm cringing) and the Spellcaster plots. I'm also craving something with a fandom pairing.
I've added the new plot Spotlight which I'm super excited about, so if anyone's interested don't be afraid to send me a message! It's a contemporary romance about a celebrity and their bodyguard, which leaves tons of room for drama and scandals.
If spotlight is still partnerless when I get my free time back (properly), I'd love to do a few tweaks to the plot to fit one of my characters.
If spotlight is still partnerless when I get my free time back (properly), I'd love to do a few tweaks to the plot to fit one of my characters.

It is, and that'd be awesome!! ^.^ When you get the time, just PM me with what tweaks you want to make and we can go from there.
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I've been gone for awhile but I'm still looking for more partners! (Especially one for the dynamic on post #1.)
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