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your blood on my teeth
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don't go in the woods
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Feyre Abernathy

the tower
foudning kids and provider

Fey shuffled her cards in her hands with the thought of the meeting in her head. She picked the first card and dropped it on the table for all the others to see. Death sat face up in front of everyone, "The end of an era." Her voice was ominous-sounding. She looked around at the rest of the founding kids. That was all she needed to see, she scooped the card up and shuffled it back into her deck. She placed the deck back in its bag as the door opened revealing the provider to them. She lightly shivered at the worms that seem to cling to the older man. Partly it almost made her want to vomit even at the thought of them. She listened to the Provider's voice and she was briefly flashed back to two years.

She took a deep breath before standing from her chair. "I believe that you are speaking of is I vow never to assassinate or conspire to assassinate the Provider, with the exception being my senior year of high school. That year is this year for many of us. This year is the end of the Era of you being Provider, sir. This year is a strong year in comparison to the ones before us. Your successor is among our class." She folded her skirt under her and took her seat once more. This year was going to be way more interesting, it was going to be tougher and harder than the years before; especially with this being the year that one of them can take down the Provider and become the new one. Fey reached for the family necklace that hung low and rubbed the stones on it absent-mindedly.
I ain't no joke - Eric B. & Rakim
the tower

Cold, dismal weather. The forward march of a new school year. A clandestine meeting.

Individually, all three annoyed Hunter to some degree, but none so much as the last. Perhaps they'd thought no one would notice; after all, how many people honestly paid attention to the storied tower at the edges of the courtyard? No one came in. And no one came out. So who gave a damn? And really, Hunter hadn't cared much either -- not until he'd seen Alistair Blackbourne slipping out of Venture's dorms into the gloom. The rat didn't so much as show his face once it got dark out. So why then? Why now?

Hunter would have been a fool not to follow.

He knew the tower. He'd seen the rich pricks going in before, though not so many at once. It was a special place to them, or something. So he'd made a note to study it thoroughly in case he'd ever have to go in...or above. Whatever it took. Little did he know they'd have a gathering so soon upon the return of Grimsworth's students. But why?

There was only one way to find out. And it certainly wasn't through the damn front door.

Aged, gothic architecture provided many a foothold and grip to climb. The old, scraggly bricks were ice-cold to the touch. Sharp, too, at points. There was an odd grace in the way Hunter slipped on his black leather gloves. Flexing his fingers lightly, he glanced once behind him to confirm he was alone, and then he dug both hands into the spaces between the bricks above and pulled up, grunting as he was lifted higher.

Hunter had to be careful. Though he'd only seen a light shining from the tower's top floors, it was quite possible that others were on the lower levels. The scrape of stone breaking as his fingers and toes forced holes were loud only to his own ears. Still, he paused every so often, listening.

Only the somber silence of the woods answered. He pressed on.

Stone gargoyles flanked him at the top. And unfortunately, a winged audience: a murder of crows, pecking idly at nothing. The footballer brushed the stone fragments off his gloves, frowning.

"Beat it," Hunter hissed at the birds, kicking at them, and they lifted with a series of angry caws. He scowled at the feathers left in their wake. With a mad sweep, he cleared off a sizable section for him to sit on the frigid bricks.

Hopefully he hadn't missed too much. Ignoring the cold biting into his skin, Hunter leaned sideways and pressed his left ear against the flat stonework. At first he heard nothing. He waited a beat, then another, then another -

"In a year, you will be succeeding those of us in the Council."

A wizened voice. Frail and strained. Unfamiliar to Hunter's ears. Nostrils flaring, he burrowed deeper against the stone, his hawkish eyes focusing in as he listened on. Another voice chimed in with the old man's, and the footballer vaguely recognized her as...Fay or something. One of the other rich brats. Her words brought a quirk to his brow, albeit subtle.

An oath. The end of an…"era". A Provider.

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Emery Nolan
Broken - Anson Seabra
Benji @Vinn

As the day finally arrived for the students to return to Grimsworth, it was both a welcomed end to the sleepy summer days and the daunting reminder of the stressful year to come. With the campus slowly filling with students, it seemed to push the ominous aura to the background.

While the school often held an eerie presence during the year, the summer was deathly still. Without the life of students to fill its walls, the campus returned to its hollow state. You could no longer accuse the strange sounds of simply being from another student, or the shadows occupying the corner of your vision on stress or lack of sleep. Yet, even though the summer passed by at a mind-numbing pace, Emery still preferred it to the crowds of students which always triggered a feeling of anxiety and dread.

As Emery made his way out of his dorm room, his slender arms were tightly wrapped around a large blue marbled pot. Inside was the three-foot-tall juvenile Scottish flame flower. The stem was delicately woven around the twin supports, reaching the top and dangling off. Its bright red flowers were in full bloom, cascading down the vines in stark juxtaposition to the stems deep green. Emery had been growing since last year, carefully tending to it as it grew in his dorm. But, with it starting to outgrow its supports he decided it was time to plant it outside so it could properly flourish.

While he slipped by the other students, he kept his head ducked with his face mostly obstructed by the plant. Most ignored his presence, while some gave him a strange look. Still, he continued down the hall quickly before anyone could give him a hard time.

Once he exited the dorms, he took in a deep breath of fresh air, feeling much more relaxed now that he was out of the busy halls. As he continued towards the greenhouse, he paused for a moment when he noticed someone inside. His eyes scrunched, as he tried to identify who it was. Though, as soon as he had, his pace eagerly hastened.

"Benji!" Emery chirped excitedly. As he approached, he awkwardly peaked around his plant. "It's been so long, I missed you." He said timidly, peering up with a fawning look. "How was your summer?" Emery had long forgotten the plant in his arms, despite their shaking as the weight wore on him.
The Lonely Tree

Richie just didn't get it.

As Percy replied in her own soft way, eyes downcast and her face all but shrouded in that blonde veil, Richie couldn't help but stare, eventually flicking his eyes away to the embers burning at the end of his cigarette. The girl's self-esteem was in the toilets. No - lower than the toilets. Everything about the way she moved, the way she hesitated when speaking, spoke of a fragile insecurity. Insecurity, of all things. Of what...the teen couldn't tell you. Because truth be told, Persephone was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. And somehow, someway, she had all the confidence of an ant. He just...

He just didn't get it.

The words to dissuade Percy's doubts rested on the tip of his tongue. His cigarette dangled from his fingertips; he even turned his lanky frame her way, eyes keen as he readied to speak.

But nature had a funny way of interrupting at a moment's notice. The bird came out of nowhere; bloodied and injured, it flopped against the tree before falling to the ground, and Richie lurched to his feet, trailing after Percy.

"Hey, don't touch it-" He warned, but Percy - the kind soul - was already cradling the battered crow. It looked like something had mauled the freaking thing. Blood covered its left side, and as Percy pressed a hanky against its side, Richie leaned in closer, inspecting the bird fully. There was something in its mouth, something that fell and slipped into the grass beneath them. Richie squinted.

Then the realization washed over him just as Percy let loose a scream.


Panic was a hell of a drug. It was staring at him. This detached, bloodied eyeball was staring at him, and the sudden spikes of fear shooting throughout his body was an intensity he'd never felt before. He didn't think. He just acted. Quickly, he scooped up the eye in his hand and flung it away towards the darkened treeline, wiping its slimy residue off on his pants. He didn't realize he was breathing fast.

"There. It's gone, alright? It's gone. Let's just, uh, well - shit, man." Richie bobbed a bit in place, unsure of what to do next. Finally, he crouched besides Percy, his eyebrows knotting together. "How bad...how bad is the bird hurt? Maybe we can take it back where it came or something."

Whose eyeball was that? He didn't want to think about it, but the thought kept repeating unbidden through his mind. He bit his lip hard, glancing in Percy's direction.

Jesus. She was paler than him. He eyed the blood streaked across her face with worry.

"You okay? You gonna pass out?"

Abernathy Ha

A hollow thud sounded as Jaspers jumped on the bed, his forehead smacking the side of the top bunk. "Son of a bitch!" He cursed, grasping his head and slipping right off the bed and onto the group.

He shot the bunk a nasty glare before kicking at it. Luckily he had the room to himself to avoid further embarrassment, barely. "Stupid beds," he muttered with a scowl, pushing back to his feet. He no longer wanted to lie down, not with his head aching.

He continued to rub as it, as he flicked a glance at the other beds in the room. All empty, yet somehow still left him feeling worried all over again, there was another empty bed in this building with abandoned belongings sitting on the plain covers. He looked away from them, trying to get past the feeling.

Maybe he should head out, get some fresh air and have a little look around. He opened the door to do just that, only to find the way blocked. "Oh hey…" He said. Standing in the doorway for a long beat.

"Oh right," He said, releasing a chuckle as he stepped to the side to let them through. "Must be the new roommates huh?"
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  • Nice Execution!
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Reactions: Kuno and Ardent
GM Post - NPC
[ TW: ABUSE ]​

"THE END OF AN ERA… indeed," the Provider mused, a wicked smile curling his lips. The very idea of his death did not seem to stir any emotion out of him besides excitement. It was as if he were merely entertained by the thought, like it was nothing more than a game.

"The generation before you failed at their task, so here I still stand. Do you understand what this means? If you think I'm old, feeble, and thus easy to kill, you are terribly mistaken." There was an undercurrent of steel in his voice. A threat. Yet, at the same time, there was a somberness to his eyes, if one paid close enough attention. "You have until your graduation day from now. Whoever makes the killing blow shall earn my title and wear my crown."

Shaking hands rested upon his temples at the last word. The earthworm upon his head squirmed. Next to him, Avery shuddered and looked away; and then suddenly the smile disappeared from the old man's face.

"You will look at me when I'm speaking, boy!" The voice that came out of his mouth did not sound like his own. There was a strength to it, the viciousness of a man possessed with a power far beyond the capacity of his mental constitution. A pale, bony hand stretched out to grab a fistful of the mute boy's hair, yanking his head back. Avery let out a soundless cry. Tears glazed his eyes.

The worm around the old man's wrist uncurled itself, dropping onto the boy's hurting scalp.

"Shall I make you deaf, too?" The Provider was almost breathless as he suggested this. Then, he turned to the others. "And what will you do, sit and watch? Go on, try and stop me. Kill me if you must. Do it now, or it will be your turn next!"

@Princess Rose @DANAsaur @neptune @LuluBunny @Bubbly Potions @Ghostly Boo
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Aoife Sheridan

Alistair - Avery - The Provider

"Oh, Alistair. How great of you to correct me." Aoife retorted back at the Blacbourne heir, her voice full of sarcasm. "The need to prove yourself to me is astounding. Shall I reward you? Would a cookie suffice?"

Dawn soon arrived though Aoife didn't bother to acknowledge her presence. Her relationship with the Venture heiress wasn't well established. It's best to keep it that way.

She focused on her well-manicured nails instead, already thinking if she should change her polish for the week. She adores the nude color though she felt like she needs to spice things up. I'm feeling french tips. Yeah, I should do that this week.

She found her eyes drifting to Serena. Seeing the girl so uncomfortable brought a smile on her face. It is entertaining to watch! She was about to tease the girl when a chill ran down her spine. Aoife quickly snapped towards the door. Her instinct was right: someone did arrive. It was none other than the Provider.

The redhead tried her hardest not to show any emotions as she watched the man approach the table. She hid her disgust at the sight of the worms. She masked her fear at the brief traumatic memories that flashed in her mind and her anger at the thought of bowing her head to him.

Aoife bit the inside of her cheek while she sat straight, making sure to have a perfect posture as she listened to the Provider. Feyre's answer to the question is not wrong though she thought there's a better answer. Isn't providing an heir more relevant since this would be their last year of attending Grimsworth? After all, the council requires replacements after they graduate.

Nevertheless, the heiress of Sheridan held her tongue. She continued to listen to the Provider's lecture. Aoife thought today would be a simple meeting but lo and behold! Avery decided to make things complicated.

A shot of adrenaline pumped into her heart as the Provider made the threat. She needs to be clever and act fast to try to diffuse the situation.

"I'm afraid I have to decline." Aoife suddenly blurted out as she stood from her seat before placing her right hand on her left chest to give a bow. "I am fully aware that I still lack the skills to even leave a graze on you. Though if I may ask..."

Focusing her electric blue eyes at Avery, Aoife smiled ever so sweetly. "...are you really sure about this? Avery's death will only be an advantage to us and a disadvantage to you, sir. There will be one less person fighting for the throne though, at the same time, you'll lose a pawn.

"Also, if I may be so bold, it's the start of the year. Wouldn't it be exciting if your assassination comes off as a surprise?"

founder kids | provider

Had they gotten that far, Dawn would have rather been faced with the Death card than laid eyes on the Provider. Not only was he an unpleasant man, his physical appearance made bile rise in the back of her throat—sickly, fragile, sadistic, and slowly being devoured by the worms he wore—she couldn't remember a time when she hadn't been frightened of him. She sunk back into her chair and crossed her legs at the ankles, wishing that she was anywhere else. Beside her, Feyre dared to answer the Provider's questions with speculations of her own.

It seemed that they wouldn't be left guessing; the end of an era signaled the end of the current Provider's life. They'd all taken that vow at thirteen, agreed not to try and assassinate the man until this exact time, but Dawn had never taken it seriously. To her, the vow was something that she'd had to do, just another aspect of who she was. Again, her mouth felt dry and she looked back down at the table, averting her eyes until Avery was snapped at, threatened with further maiming if he didn't cooperate.

Frowning, Dawn looked to Alistair, wondering if he might do something. She didn't bother to gauge Serena's reaction, but might have urged the girl with her eyes if Aoife hadn't taken it upon herself to stand. Like so many others, the redhead wasn't someone that Dawn was close to despite having known her since childhood. She was a bold one, and perhaps some of that boldness—put on or not—rubbed off on Dawn.

"You're hurting him," she spoke up evenly, her large eyes moving from Avery's hair smoothed beneath the Provider's gnarled hand and up to the man's eyes. She couldn't have cared less about usurping his title, she just didn't want to watch anymore. "What if none of us want your crown?" She could think of a few, but she could think of just as many who would wet themselves over a chance to wear that worm. The idea of solidarity was a pipe dream.

"You're getting old," she went on, though her courage was waning. "You could die all on your own."
founding children | the provider

While chaos ensued around him. This was like milk and honey to Ezekiel Florence. But, what could one expect from his looming presence. Silence and predatory. Tucked away in their little tower, the heirs often found themselves at the leisure of the provider.

Oh, so powerful one Zeke thought with a mere roll of his grey-green eyes. It was a perfectly bold suggestion. Proposition, perhaps. Murder and gain power. End of an era, indeed. His gaze lingered between the bickering idiots among them. His scarred brow cock. Eyes cold and still.

Hands calmly settled in his pockets. This whole affair was perfectly dull. There were better things to waste his time with.

Tormenting new hopefuls and Outsiders…

Well that, or finding some sort of mutual caranal release from another in the very room. Seemed more of an intrigue to him.

Avery Blackbourne was a disgrace to his name and the founding family he hailed from. Weak in every definition of the word. Quite deserving of all punishment and torment handed to him. Much like that pathetic sister of his… The biggest bane to his existence, but a pleasure to torment with no one knowing whom she was…

Not that the girl had ever been anything. Merely a product of some whore that opened her legs. A tool. Like most women were. There were a few odd exceptions to that rule. The fiery little vixen, loud and outspoken being one of them. But, that was merely added to the mutual interest in torment and torturing those of lesser.

"Shame really, he can't talk. It'd be really quite intriguing to hear what little Avery had to say." Zeke finally retorted at the sight of the squirming boy. "Must decline, old man. You've still so much to rob from your pathetic little pawn. And, his siblings can only sit there and watch. This is better than an opera," he chuckled. No sign of a smile reaching his eyes.

music & theatre rooftop
kellen @Adrian
Her lips were swollen and lipstick smeared. When Calista finally broke the kisses. Tongue running over a rather tender bottom lip. Thumb swiping clean the smear of her remaining lipstick, admiring the stain on Kellen's lips. Tilting her head to the side, slightly mussed hair, from her prior partner's manhandling falling messily.

"You should try herbal cigarettes, they taste so much better." Calista's eyes were cat-like. Mischievous and cunning. A portrait of the Cheshire Cat.

Perhaps, Kellen was some trap male-Alice. At least, he had some taste in clothing and carried his swagger above his weight with ease. It was mildly impressive.

His kissing ability was enough to sweep her heart into a flutter, even for a moment… Though, what could she expect from the resident manwhore she'd heard so much about.

Mentioned more with sneers or like a plague evoked. Honestly, he didn't seem half bad. At the very least, he wasn't a certain Florence boy.

He wasn't Hunter either, though.

A frown creased her brow for a moment at the thought of her footballer friend. If she could call them that. Hunter had always been so hard for her to read. Though, riling him up was awfully fun. Often he took the bait like a fish drawn to a line.

It was at that instant, she decided to look around for Hunter. Or see at least if he'd arrived at school yet.

Pulling away entirely, Calista smirked at the pink gracing perfectly pale lips. "Pink is a good colour for you. See you round, maybe? Ta-ta princeling." At the turn on her heel. The slightest breeze made her skirt flutter. Not enough for a peak, even if Kellen was looking for one. "Remember herbals taste better," she called from the door. Peaking out at him, half consumed by the shadowy stairwell once more. Leaning her bright hair, eyes and the crescent moon in perfect sight.

Then, like that she was gone. Headphones settling back over her ears.
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Loïc Nottet - Mr/Mme
The Lonely Tree
Richie @Kuno
Panic felt that it boiled every inch of her alive. Perspiration spiked and hands were slick with sweat. "...I-I don't know, it's bad. Shouldn't we have taken-uh, that back?" Persephone babbled stumbling over her words.

Everything felt so cold and clammy.

"I don't--feel so good, Richie," Percy remarked looking down at the bird. Then towards the forest. Feeling hairs stand on ends from her arm and the back of her neck.

Was this what shock felt like?

Much like that time in the forest beyond the grounds. When she was no more a little girl. Following her mother's instructions and got lost in the forest. Then she was saved… But not by her mama. When her mama had promised, she had left Persephone to rot there. If no one else came, she would have been consumed or driven to a state of madness.

Part of her wondered if that was a true shock. This was merely a graze to what she'd experienced prior.

It didn't stop her heart from hammering like a bird was stuck under her ribcage. Thrashing to be freed. To make its way into her throat. Allowing her to choke on the life-giving organ.

Settling the crow on the ground, she applied pressure with the little cloth. While the other hand braced her weight. Fingers stretching into the expanse of earth and soil. Grit dirtying her nails.

"Can you put pressure on the side? I think I'll be sick.." Percy cringed. Hands shaking in both present tasks. Causing her entire body to waver. Weight shifting momentarily made her slump into the earth. The weakest huff coming from her lips, the veil of her blonde strains covering her dirtied cheeks. Shaky breathing and darting eyes.

She was sweating but felt so cold.

Was this shock? Like that damned forest had instilled in her.
Abernathy Hall (dorm)
Leo @MiharuAya | Kellen @Adrian | dakota @Ghostly Boo

More often than not, Baby liked to make the best of any situation, and having roommates in Abernathy Hall was just a fact of life. As far as he could tell, Leo, with pleasant laugh and guitar slung over his shoulder, seemed nice enough and Baby hoped that they'd have an easy year together. "Everyone calls me Baby," he explained with a grin, "but if it's not your jam, that's jelly. It's good to meet you, Leo. Make yourself at home; mi casa is you casa." His Spanish was lacking, but that was neither here nor there.

About to rope Leo into more important tasks that involved where about on the wall his poster should go, the door flung open again. Baby turned to look over his shoulder, his eyebrows raising at the sight of Kellen Armstrong. "You're back?" he asked, but his question went without answer. The year before, the leather-clad, shaggy-haired bad boy had just sort of disappeared. For the people that knew of him, the rumor mill went into overdrive, with some suggesting that Kellen was dead. Baby had always assumed he'd said to hell with this and dropped out of Grimsworth on a whim.

"Oh, okay…" Like a breeze, Kellen was there and gone, leaving just himself and Leo in the room once more. "Anyway," he cocked his head to the side and glanced over at the bunk Leo had selected for himself, "go for it. It's all you." With Dakota's appearance, the last remaining bunk was soon claimed and Baby leaned against the bed frame, an amused smile on his face as he considered the dueling guitars. "How long have you played?" he asked Leo. "I don't have a musical bone in my body, but maybe I'll take up the triangle or something." He chuckled, "Dakota can back me up on the tambourine. Or the kazoo." He really loved the stupid buzz of a kazoo.

Any hope that Baby had about having more room to spread out for his senior year had been dashed in about five minutes, but there was no love lost. He liked being surrounded by people. A life of loneliness tended to make him eager for friends.
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Feyre Abernathy

Founder Kids and Provider

Feyre looked at him with narrow eyes, as he spoke of their parents. None of them could take the provider's title but still, none the less their parents were currently still as helpers. Her eyes went to Aoife as she spoke and nearly laughed at her decline to attack the Provider. Her eyes scanned to Dawn briefly. Her eyes shot to Avery who was beside the Provider and she nearly growled at his rough handling of the boy. Zeke's voice nearly made her eyes roll; he was such a colossal ass and acted above the other in the founding families. Fey really wanted to smack the shit out of him most days. He annoyed her on a level that even she couldn't comprehend. Fey stood up slamming her hands down on the table loudly which rippled across the room, "ENOUGH!" Her voice seemed to change as she spoke loudly enough to silence the whispers.

"You already have a target on you Provider, riling us up to attack you now is only a benefit for you and leaves us at a disadvantage. As much as I would loooove to crave that face of yours off of you it is not the time. Proper preparations and ceremony should be upheld, this is not the time nor the place to do something. Believe me, Provider, I want your death more than anything right now." Her anger was boiling and for many of the other founding kids it was probably the first time many of them had actually seen her temper erupt in such a way. Feyre hated losing her cool but Avery was a sore spot for her and hitting it was going to do no good for her to attempt an attack at this time. Her eyes then turned to Zeke, "If I were you Zeke I would keep my mouth shut." Her voice was icy and near-deadly as she spoke.

He didn't start at the outburst from the Abernathy girl, Zeke merely cocked a brow at her words thrown at him. As if they were lashing or had some measure to make him care. "Dear, if you had half a brain, you'd understand. I don't take advice from little sluts," Zeke smirked. Only a little nudge. It was all he needed for some of these characters among the group. The poor sensitive souls, truly not cut out for their roles, names and well, duties.

Our vows were solemn. This was the truth of it. There was no time for hopes and dreams. Nor was there for sentimental feelings. One needed to be keenly aware. Especially when presented with an offering, a challenge to murder a bitter, old man.

"If you care so much. Take his place, Feyre. The Provider would have a great many organs to torture there. To shred." His eyes were alight with the cruel and disgusting proposal. No one ever took Avery's place. They only whimpered like little bitches, tails tucked between their legs.

Founders Kids, Provider
Where had all the oxygen gone?

Try as he might, Alistair could not bring himself to focus. He was too preoccupied with his own labored breathing, too aware of the bead of sweat that now rolled down the side of his face. His shoulders visibly rose and fell to the quickening rhythm of his heartbeat. The pounding was so loud in his ears. So loud...

For a horrifying moment, he was transported back to that time many years ago. What a fool he had been to think he could have saved Avery. Even now, he felt hopeless. No one restrained him this time, yet he couldn't even bring himself to lift a finger.

Serena had been right all along. He was a useless brother.

Alistair's eyes dropped to his hands. They shook out of an all-consuming fear. How could the others talk so brashly? Had they forgotten what the Provider was like? Had they forgotten he was not a man to be reasoned with? Was he even a man at all?

He prayed they would all just stop talking. Alas, if there were indeed a god, he was a cruel one.

"Please... don't," he said to no one in particular. but it was nothing more than a faint mumble. A futile attempt at diffusing a situation that had already gone out of control.
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Elise Campbell
abernathy hall (room)

Elise could only muster a rather weak grin as she stared, cautiously so, at the mumbling crowd of students that littered the hallways of Abernathy. Her general excitement aside, the small blonde couldn't help the swell of fear that began to fester in her chest as with each student that passed her, she felt more and more claustrophobic. It was too packed and tight together, even though she was situated safely in the corner currently as she glanced around looking for her room number, she couldn't help the nausea that began to build up as any students got too close to her. Sucking in a hurried breath, Elise tightened her grip on her rather heavy suitcase while adjusting the bag slung across her shoulders - the weight causing her to stand rather oddly but she didn't regret packing all of her favourite books.

Waiting a few more quiet minutes till some more of the students filtered into their rooms, the loudness still ever present, Elise hurriedly adjusted her grips as she bolted further down the halls, grin growing as she discovered her room for the year was further on into the building. She really couldn't wait to be settled and classes to start - she was especially excited for book club this year and her start as a peer mediator! It would be a welcome addition to her schedule to tutor other students! The blonde looked almost as if someone had pumped her full of sugar as she made it with rushed steps to the door of her room which was luckily, partially open as she practically threw herself inside.

It seemed however, her lack of co-ordination struck again, as her suitcase collided with the side of the door as she entered. Her tight grip dragged her back to stumble into the the suitcase, an almost strangled noise leaving her throat as she reached out to grab the door frame to keep herself steady. Uneasily, she peered back at her suitcase, then the room only to see another present. Elise looked horrified for a second before she dragged her luggage inside, looking nervously at the other girl, "So sorry! I'm not normally like that - well, I mean, I do trip a lot but I - Oh! wait you must be one of my room mates?" She barely seemed to take a breath as she continued, putting her luggage near the end of one of the beds, she honestly didn't mind which she took so she would let the others decide.

"It is so nice to meet you! I am Elise - you can call me El though if you want, its easier! Can I ask what year you are in and classes? Or is that rude?" She mumbled, realising her manners before she seemed to catch something else, a sigh escaping her lips, "I didn't even knock either - really sorry! It really is nice to meet you!"

The Lonely Tree

"Oh crap- Here I'll, uh..."

Hell if he knew what to do at that exact moment. There were too many non-moving parts to this tale: the half dead bird, Percy's dizziness, and gee, he didn't know, a human eyeball. So what was he supposed to deal with first?

Another yuppy student might have run for a teacher, but the very thought made Richie's skin crawl. Teachers and him were like oil and water. He served his time in school, sure, but brown nosing was not the life for him. Besides: the old bats tended to make everything worse. And who knows what stupid questions they'd have for him after taking stock of the situation? After all, a crow? Carrying an eyeball?

That's a one-way ticket to the slammer, baby.

Amidst his hesitant words, Richie ended up reaching for the crow first. Poor Percy couldn't fall too far if she did end up passing out, and he doubted she could keep holding pressure on the wound like that. The crow looked like he was on his last wing. So did Percy.

"Is it still alive? Kind of a waste to..."

He paused, throwing a quick look at his friend's face.

"Never mind," He finished. It wasn't a good time for a snarky comment. "Why don't you put your head between your knees or something? And close your eyes. I think you'll feel better like that..."

Richie worried. Because if Percy did keel over, well...no offense to his mother, but he'd inherited her lanky frame. Strength wasn't exactly an asset of theirs, so no. Richie couldn't play the knight in shining armor even if he'd wanted to. He would be forced to get help, and the boy couldn't decide what would look more pathetic: the fact he couldn't pull up a girl half his size or him running to the teachers like a weak fuddy dud?

The lightest flutter within his palms almost made him jump out of his skin, but it was just the damned bird twitching ever so slightly. Richie eyed it warily, his hands awkwardly holding on to its inky black body.

Pets and him didn't really mix either. He wondered how quickly he could get rid of it.

Emery @MiharuAya


It was a soft and familiar voice that called out to him. Benji tilted his head, eyeing the boy's awkward shuffle with a smirk.

"Hey, Em." He said, grabbing the marbled pot from Emery's hands to give his trembling arms a break. Benji seemed to study the boy quizzically, leaning his head from one side to the other with a cocked brow.

"Yeah? You missed me, huh." He seemed dismayed - disappointed. Cradling the pot in one arm, Benji placed his other hand on his hip. "I don't know about that. My summer was alright. You know.. I thought you would write to me more often."

He lied. The two wrote to each other over the summer plenty. Benji just couldn't help but tease the kid, he was just too adorable with those eyes full of admiration. It made him want to annoy and pester him. It was part jest and part childish retaliation for rejecting his offer to stay with him over the summer.

"Nope. Just kidding." He couldn't keep it up.
"It's hard to lie to ya, kid." The big doe eyes won.

Shaking his head in defeat, Benji's eyes softened with a smile. "I missed you too."

Out of habit, he ruffled Emery's hair. He felt a tug in his chest when he thought of the boy spending his summer alone. Sure, he had Hunter... but yeah, there wasn't an explanation necessary for why it didn't make much of a difference. They both shot him down pretty hard when he told them to ditch spending the summer at Grimsworth. If the Nolan brothers had anything in common, it was how stubborn they were.

"Is this a.. Scottish flame flower?" His attention finally shifted to the three foot plant. "Damn. It's beautiful, Em."
Benji whistled as he continued admiring its vibrant colours. "Are you planning to plant it? You want company?"

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GM Post - NPC
[ TW: ABUSE ]​

A PUERILE DISPUTE had erupted among the children in the room; and for a moment, it seemed they had all but forgotten who stood before them. The Provider, uncustomarily, did not harangue them for their impertinence. Rather, he simply regarded them with an empty gaze that chilled and cut to the bone. Despite the children's many years of training and indoctrination, they continued to flout the rules and age-old responsibilities foisted upon them by their betters. These dreamers—they had youthful, fickle hearts. Deep inside, they still believed they could fight their destiny.

There was still much for them to learn. Perhaps it was too long since the Provider had reminded them what exactly became of those who defied him.

The worms twisted faster in anticipation.

There was a loud crash and the sound of splintering wood as the Provider pushed Avery from his seat. He did this with such astonishing force that one wondered how a frail old man such as he found the strength to do so. The poor boy lay on the ground weeping, too overcome by fear to find the will to stand. The Provider spared his fallen grandson a brief sidelong glance, mouth contorting grotesquely into a hostile sneer.

He turned to the others.

"DO NOT THINK THAT BECAUSE I CANNOT KILL YOU I WILL NOT TRY TO HARM YOU." Spittle came flying out of his mouth as he said this, and with each venom-laden word the Provider appeared bigger, like a predator cornering its prey. There was a pause as he let the threat hang in the air. He then lifted his hands to caress the worm that curled upon his head, as though to stir it awake. His eyelids fluttered shut. "I should not have to remind you this is not a choice—"

From his wrists and fingers, the worms fell and slapped wetly onto the cold floor, several at a time. More of them emerged from within the Provider's sleeves and the hem of his robe. More, more, more. There seemed no end to these foul things. They twisted anxiously upon the ground, spurred by an invisible force. With a speed and ferocity as had never been seen in such tiny creatures, they squirmed towards the children in the room.

If there was one thing the children knew about them, it was that they weren't the ordinary, harmless worms that most people were accustomed with.

These worms could bite.

@Princess Rose @DANAsaur @neptune @LuluBunny @Bubbly Potions @Ghostly Boo
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Aoife Sheridan

Everyone including the worms

The sound of wood snapping and the sight of Avery being thrown around made the Heiress of Sheridan freeze from her spot. The confident air around her was slowly shifting into something unsettling. Did she speak too much too soon? Although the other kids agreed with her, what really matters is what the Provider thinks.

And based on his reaction, he wasn't happy.

The Provider poured gasoline onto the tiny spark of fear in her belly as another threat hung in the air.

Aoife took a step back, her body rigid and tight. Her instincts were telling her to run though she was rooted on her spot. With each passing second, terror consumed her. The sight of wriggling worms was making her sick. One would assume she's used to it since she spends most of her time in the gardens though that's completely different. The worms she's seeing at the moment were horrendous! Her stomach lurched as she felt bile climbing up to her throat. She needed to get out of the room.

Though before she can take a step, the worms started attacking. It moved like a flash of lightning. One second, they were on the floor; the next, they were on her body.

"Get it off!" Aoife screeched. She could feel her skin burning; the pain focused on her left shoulder as the teeth of the wretched creatures sank on her skin.

Soon, the worm was off of her. She didn't know how but Aoife didn't waste any time stomping her heel trying to kill the parasite. She kept stomping and stomping, her emotions seeping out of her. She was embarrassed for screaming. Mad that she got bit. Frustrated that she was attacked. But most of all, she felt like a total failure.

Aoife let out a loud sigh after feeling that she had calmed down. She had no choice but to swallow the lump of emotions on her throat while running a hand through her hair. Today was just too much! She needed to rest and fully organize her thoughts. Plus, her shoulder was throbbing painfully and felt extremely sore whenever she moved.

This meeting needs to fucking end.

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