Double or Nothing

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ム 丂リᄊ乃のレ W尺ノイイ乇刀 ノ刀 んリアのᄃ尺ノ丂リ
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  1. Looking for partners
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Afternoons/Evenings (UTC−06:00, DST UTC−05:00)
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Sci-fi, High Fantasy, Horror, Modern, Urban Fantasy/Paranormal, Surrealism
I'm curious. I know doubling is a fairly popular thing in roleplay, but my question is do you double when it comes to characters, or play multiple characters in general, and if so why? As for myself, I don't tend to beyond mentioning certain side characters in exposition, and as for why it's largely due to the fact that playing multiple characters or doubling activates the solo writer portion of my brain. Makes me wonder why I don't just write the story myself so I can have complete control over each character arc and know ahead of time where the narrative is going, but more than that makes me want to outline beforehand in general. As managing so many characters isn't something I can really do by the seat of my pants. It's hard for me to reconcile that mindset with the collaborative mindset needed for RP, be that with one partner or multiple, at least on a level where even side characters get as much detail as the main ones.

Plus, most prefer not to outline everything to begin with, which while completely fair, is something I kinda need to do when juggling multiple characters. I mean, I wouldn't end up with notes like this for my newest fanfic otherwise. And the funny thing is, they're nowhere near finished. I've still got a bunch of other stuff to fill out in relation to the game's areas and bosses as I get to them in the actual story.

But why do you double/RP multiple characters, if you do?
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My experience with people who specifically ask for "doubling" is in romance rps where you each play one of each gender so you both get to play your fav gender and get your romancy goodies. I HATE IT AND WON'T DO THAT! Because I have been tricked multiple times where it just ends up focusing on their favored couple and with me playing a dude, and I really don't like playing a dude as my main character. (i'm just not interested in living the male perspective XD)

Outside of that very specific situation I looooove playing multiple characters, main characters and NPCs, and with a partner who ALSO likes playing multiple characters cause it gives up a richer world to play with and the potential for smaller subplots, side stories, etc. >:D I'm all for anything that makes the world richer and more real.
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Usually I play one "main" character and I will have NPCs that will come and go, but sooner or later one of those NPCs will get just a touch too fleshed out and either I will start playing them as a second main character or in a rare twist of fate I might throw the NPC at someone else and give them the "lore" I started developing in my head and bully them to play the character.

I have started out with two (or more?) main characters in the past but that's usually because it's a large group RP and I want certain interactions with different people and their characters.

I was today years old hearing the term doubling.
Oh I do that exact same thing LOL
I tend to start one with one main character and can and will write several NPCs throughout. Sometimes some of those NPCs get so fleshed out and I fall in love with them, too, to the point where they'll eventually get their own story and get some spotlight and can become my main in another rp!
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I've heard of doubling before but I've never done it for the same reasons as @Diana
The focus will eventually end up on one couple instead of an equal divide. If the writer wants to write this ship so badly that they're willing to double just to get someone to play with them, then why not join the fandom where you'll have better luck and get 100% focus on that ship.

As for multiple characters. It is a -must- for me. My partner doesn't have to write multiples if they don't want to but I sure as hell will. And they better love it! *shakes fist*

It just brings the world more alive and improves the immersion overall. Else the story will look like a high school play instead of a awesome movie inside my head. What is a hero within his villain? What is a villain without his minions? What are the minions without their families threatened by the villain? Where and when can you drive home the feeling of betrayal if the hero does not recognize one of the minions as party member number 3? When will the hero's heart break if it weren't for party member number 3? Party member number 3 is the hero's best friend. He's not the main character, he never will be! But he is important nonetheless.

Main characters solo'ing a story is boring and feels empty.
Although I don't plan multiple characters ahead of time or throw them in there all at once. It usually happens naturally; characters are born when the story needs them.
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My experience with people who specifically ask for "doubling" is in romance rps where you each play one of each gender so you both get to play your fav gender and get your romancy goodies. I HATE IT AND WON'T DO THAT! Because I have been tricked multiple times where it just ends up focusing on their favored couple and with me playing a dude, and I really don't like playing a dude as my main character. (i'm just not interested in living the male perspective XD)

Outside of that very specific situation I looooove playing multiple characters, main characters and NPCs, and with a partner who ALSO likes playing multiple characters cause it gives up a richer world to play with and the potential for smaller subplots, side stories, etc. >:D I'm all for anything that makes the world richer and more real.
Ugh me too! It always ends up being their favored couple. I don't like doubling. I'll only play multiple characters if it's a group. Otherwise I won't double or do any of that nonsense.
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I don't really double simply because I am bad at playing male. But, thinking about it, doubling might actually give me good practice and a safe zone to do it in. 🤔

I also generally play a lot of side characters, whenever the story needs or even just wants them. It helps flesh out the world, especially when you play one-offs that are reacting to the situation the main people are dealing with. It can be fun!
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I've dabbled. At one point, it felt like the only way I could write a female character myself was to double. I don't really do it anymore, since I feel like I write my best if I'm developing one main character only. And I only have so much time to roleplay, so I might as well write what I enjoy most lol.

Side characters are whatever. I insert them where I feel is appropriate but even then, they're just there to support the main cast. I rarely develop them beyond that. Otherwise I'd probably end up like this:

I don't like doubling. I can play either gender so if someone wants me to play, let's just say a male character, that's fine but I don't need another couple added to the mix to sort of even the odds. Now with that said, that's for my main character. Outside of that I have no issue playing side characters to help out with the story. I actually enjoy it.
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