Double Take: A Sucker Punch Story

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
The rabbit holes of the real world are often our own mad hearts...


Find Your Way

One. Two. Three.

You came to the Swann House running away from something - your parents, your boyfriend, a life you couldn't live. Or you were looking for something you never found. But you made it here, to this home for runaways. They took you into this full-roomed place, saturated with color. And you learned there was no way out.

No, you learned what the Swann House really was: a brothel, a den of devils for you to dance for. Literally. Within its walls, your only sustenance was food, water, clothes, and makeup. You never saw any of the money - perhaps this place was a front for some shady business. No patron would take you away, and the house killed anyone who stopped bringing in money. The only people on your side were the other dancers. You drifted between reality and fantasy. And you resolved to leave this place.

All credit goes to @Mollisol for the idea of this project. Even though she is not the GM, give her props anyway. I'm Enigma and I only have a few rules pertaining to roleplaying:

1. Respect my word and everyone else. I don't wanna be a hardass, but I won't tolerate disrespect.

2. No explict smut. If you must, fade out.

3. Follow the rules and guidelines set by Iwaku. Just do it.


4. No godmodding, bunnying, or anything else that makes things difficult.

Back to Life

||P E T - N A M E||
Something catchy

||D O B||
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy)

||S E X U A L I T Y||

||P H O T O G R A P H||
Realistic image

||B I O||
2-4 paragraphs. Include your life before the loss of your family, what happened to them, and your life at Swann House.

||P E R S O N A L I T Y
E V A L U A T I O N||
2 paragraph description of personality

*feel free to include anything else to your character.


...if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything...
  • Thank You
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I am still interested in this; I've just been having trouble thinking of my character ;_; my goal is to have one up by this weekend, though!
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@Enigma is this good? I was a bit confused by the wording of the bio section, so I'll be happy to change it if it's not right. Also, do you know if other people will be posting soon?

||P E T - N A M E||

||D O B||

||S E X U A L I T Y||

||P H O T O G R A P H||

||B I O||
Honeybee was born to two rich, rich parents - her every physical need was fulfilled, and in their estate, she would grow up to be the perfect daughter. That was the plan, and Honeybee seemed ready to fulfill it. She tested well in school, she danced ballet, she made her group of overachieving friends, and looked like her parents' ideal, golden child. However, nobody knew what went on when Honeybee wasn't at school.

Honeybee's parents had no tolerance for failure, and little love to go around for a daughter who was, as she grew up, struggling to live up to their increasingly high standards. As she got too heavy to dance, stopped keeping up in classes, and started fighting with her friends, they started to view her as lazy and spoiled. They constantly criticized her, withheld meals to "bring back the body she let go", and on some occasions tried to slap the failure out of her. Honeybee grew to hate her life, as well as the person she was becoming - she was terribly lonely, she no longer looked forward to what had once been sources of pride and happiness for her, and she never lived up to her own standards either.

One day in high school, Honeybee came clean to a school counselor about her growing depression and some suicidal thoughts. The counselor contacted her parents, and Honeybee became very scared the abuse would worsen. She never came home from school, taking a bus to another city where she hoped she wouldn't be found, and hoped the chill of the winter night would kill her. She sat outside, waiting and waiting, until the blue of her bare skin made her change her mind.

A recruiter at the Swann House found her wandering, and brought her inside to offer blankets and a place to stay. Honeybee gladly accepted, but quickly learned she'd stepped into another awful situation. Still, she believed there was some sort of reason she'd gotten a second chance at life, even if it was in another abusive environment. She took it upon herself to show the other dancers the affection she wished she'd been shown, and treat each dance like her life depended on its perfection. She's been at the Swann House for three years now, and although every day is grueling, she manages.

||P E R S O N A L I T Y E V A L U A T I O N||
Honeybee is perfectionist, industrious, and compassionate. Although she blames herself for her situation at the Swann House, she invests a lot emotionally in her dance performances, as if being competent here would make up for everywhere else she failed. Oh, she hates every client, and the higher-ups that push her around - but her performances are almost sacred to her. The tiniest mistakes in them, or anything really, upset her, because she clings to anything she could possibly "get right". She'd rather not do something than do it in a way that's not up to her standards, and this has caused many a breakdown before a performance, but otherwise, her hard work rakes in plenty of money. Although the cash never reaches her hands, there's a strange sense of satisfaction she gets from a good dance.

While Honeybee is very hard on herself, she doesn't view the other dancers the same way. Rather, she takes on a sweet and almost nurturing role in her relationships with them, always looking for the good in them and trying to bring it out. With them, she's soft, forgiving, and generous, taking time to teach them dance techniques or show the new dancers the ropes of the Swann House. She's even patient with the dancers who dislike her. The same can't be said for her behavior around others. Around those who control her, she snaps and criticizes readily and obstinately. She rationalizes that the punishments she earns are worth it - she can't be expected to be a sweet, diligent worker bee to everyone.​
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So I'm defiantly interested. Just because of it being finals week I'm not sure how fast I might can get a character up. My finals end May 11th so if I don't get a character sheet up this weekend it will be sometime after the 11th.
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@Enigma let me know if I need to maybe edit something.

||P E T - N A M E||

||D O B||
Date of birth (4/2/96)

||S E X U A L I T Y||

||P H O T O G R A P H||

||B I O||

Monkey isn't from a rich family. Her father was never really at home but always at work. What relationship she had with him wasn't much of a good one. Monkey often argued with her father at a young age. Her mother never really stood up for her or picked her side. But Monkey got along great with her mother during her childhood. When middle school came her father was home more but their relationship didn't grow it just became worse. He started to be an abusive father often drunk hardly able to keep a job. She didn't understand how her mother put up with him and wanted out.

Now in school Monkey wasn't the smartest kid in school, she basically was the student who made grades good enough to get by and didn't care to study but instead made jokes. She'd pull pranks on teachers, interpret the class, would fall asleep during notes. Cheat on the hard test she obviously didn't study for. Your usual troublemaker in the school. The teachers wondered if it was the cause of her home life but no one really ever seemed to check for she would put on a fake smile and act like nothing was going on. The truth was for years she just seemed to want attention and by acting like she did got her results.

One day during her sophomore year of highschool her English teacher finally had enough and sat her down one day. He said he just wanted to talk and was concerned that if she keeps it up she'd ruin her life. He explained that there was a kid he knew a while back that acted very similar and had a troubled home life. Eventually, Monkey spilled about how when she was young her father was never home and now that he. That her father was an abusive drunk that would beat her and her mother. But she didn't want to tell anyone scared at what kind of trouble it might get her family in.

After she was on the bus headed home she got off at friends stop four blocks earlier. After grabbing a bag she had stored she finally decided to run away. Where she planned to go at the time Monkey didn't know just away from where she was. Eventually, she found a dark alleyway she could probably hide from any trouble and make that her new home. Little did she knew it wasn't the best place to go when streets get cold at night and muggers often turn up.

After being beaten the night before a recruiter from the Swann House found her. They took her in and helped her get back to health only with a few scars to remain, bruises and broken bones healed. Monkey didn't know she had found herself yet again in an abusive situation. However, once Monkey did it didn't to much matter the people of the Swann House did save her life. She wasn't sure how to show them her thanks, other than doing what she could to make guest laugh and enjoy any performances of the show, she even was one of the dancers, but her main act relied on enjoyment, and laughs.

||P E R S O N A L I T Y
E V A L U A T I O N||

Monkey has always tried to be happy, often hiding the reality of how she feels. Jokes and odd comments are how she hides from reality. Some feel she is in her own world most of the time, but she is very aware of what goes on around her. Monkey is a very friendly girl, she enjoys getting to know people and can be pretty trusting of any new dancers. She can be very emotional at times and seems to show empathy towards others.

As a performer Monkey brings in her jokes to entertain. She seems to know when it may be a joke that could go too far. She doesn't let any of the client's comments and jokes toward her get to her as if she brushes them off and goes along with it. Maybe even being willing to comply to the odd jokes request. She can be considered a flirt with about anything, which she uses as part of the act. Maybe her odd actions are what makes her a useful asset to the business. Monkey doesn't ever see the money simply knows it's there and what she does to contribute she isn't sure.


Before performances or meeting with those in charge, she didn't at first argue too much till she learned a bit more about the place that had helped her back to health. She would complain has actually fought one of the staff. She can't stand really anyone that works in the place other than the other performers who are in the same mess as her. She acts a bit like she did at school not really paying attention to the boss, or doing something that will get her in mild trouble. Some think one day she'll end up going too far.
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