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Well this is a predicament.

Falon Lavellan thought to himself, sited down and his hands bound by chains, surrounded by several human guards inside some kind of prison. On top of it all, Falon didn't even know why he was being held for along with this searing pain in his right hand. Every time it sparked the Elven mage felt like his limb was going to come off in an most disturbing matter.

Though the worst part of it, the Dalish Elf couldn't even remember how he was inflicted with this condition. Falon assumed it had something to do with magic. That would explain the frightened and hateful glares he was getting from the 'current hosts' that watched over him. While understandable, Falon hated this situation all the same, wanting to leave and go back to his clan. It was because of the Clan he ended up here in the first place. The Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel was quite insisted on sending him, her apprentice to spy on the Conclave, involving the Mage-Templar war.

Doubt that any of it matters now, these people seem ready to kill me. To think I tried to keep an open mind about their kind all these years. What a way be to be proven wrong. Just hope that my clan will be alright, I will miss them.

Just then the door in front opened, revealing two women, one clad in an armor with short black hair, and an hooded redhead. Both seem dangerous and likely in charge, Falon quietly watched them draw near to him, refusing to say anything unless spoken to first.
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The woman in armor came in close and began to circle Falon. The redhead stopped a few feet away from him. Her blues flickered away momentarily to give the guards the signal to back off. They all complied and took a step back, but their hands remained on their weapons.

Several tense moments of silence passed before the woman in armor leaned in and spoke from behind Falon, "Tell me why we shouldn't kill you now." She continued on her path around him. "The Conclave is destroyed. Everyone who attended is dead" --she stopped before him, her face and voice dominated by barely contained rage-- "Except for you."

"There are demons everywhere. They're pouring out of the bleedin' sky. We can't kill them all," a soldier shouted at his commanding officer. Tears threated to spill out onto his cheeks. All around him lay the dead and the dying with more being carted back every hour. Only a handful of men and women who could fight remained at the far gate. "They're going to come and kill us all. We have to run!"

The officer grasped the soldiers by his shoulders, "Calm down, Davis." Davis tried to take a deep breath, choking when he did. The officer released him, "It is our duty to contain this threat as long as we can. Seeker Pentaghast is depending on us. We cannot give into despair."


"Excuse me," a woman with dark red hair approached the pair from behind. She wore light chainmail beneath a long leather coat with a pair of daggers on her hip.

The officer turned, her hand going to her weapon, "What business do you have here, ser?"

The other woman took a cautious step back, "I've come to offer my help, serah. You look like you could use all the help you can find."

"And why, may I ask, are you offering it?"

"Because I have some skill at killing things and I'd rather put it use before the demons overrun Haven," the woman smirked.

The officer frowned at that comment, "Who are you?"

"My name is Meara," she replied, "I came with the templars from Ostwick as extra muscle to help keep the peace which I had managed wonderfully before the sky ripped open."

The officer nodded and released her grip on her weapon, "If you've a mind to fight demons report to the upper camp. Provided you can make it that far. I would suggest avoiding large groups and moving silently as possible."

Meara started past the captain, "Thanks for the advice." But being unseen has never been an issue. The remaining soldiers opened the gates though few bothered to give her more than a glance. Their eyes rarely strayed from the sky. She made her way through the gates which closed behind her with a resounding thud. "Seems I'm on my own." She started picking her way up the mountain side, unsheathing her weapons as she went.

She had been in the tavern in Haven when the Conclave exploded. The bitter taste of the cheap ale had coated her tongue as she ran out with the other patrons to see the green tear in the sky. Words could not describe the chaos that ensued. People screamed, ran, cried for help. Others stood staring straight up, waiting for an answer that would never come. Then the demons had begun to fall.

She reached the first open plain where a pair of dark, misshapen creatures slunk around in search of prey. We can take two, she knew as she dropped a flask of from her belt and disappeared into a puff of smoke.
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At once, Falon was both frighten and offended at the way the armored woman spoke. Yet suddenly the Seeker's words hit him like a boulder. "What do you mean everyone is dead?"

"Explain this!"

Cassandra angrily says while grabbing Falon's manacles and holding them up as the Mark on his hand flares to life again. Loss for words, the Dalish tried to think of a way to explain but he couldn't. Fearfully Falon confessed

"I… can't."

Outraged, Cassandra fired back "What do you mean, you can't?"

"I don't know what that is or how it got there."

"You're lying!" Cassandra answered furiously, before rushing toward the captive Elf as if to strike but the hooded redhead stops her colleague, pulling her.

"We need him, Cassandra."

Lelina reminded the Seeker in an soft yet firm voice. Relieved, Falon looked at the floor for a moment, sinking everything that been revealed. Everyone in the Conclave dead, how that could be, he asked himself. If true, then a disaster of an unimagible scale had been wrought and they think it's all his fault!

"I don't understand."

He said in an confused tone, trying to make sense of any of this.

Turning toward the prisoner's direction Leliana began her own questions "Do you remember what happened? How this began?" Falon pondered, but his mind was like in fog now, catching glimpses of things both horrible and mysterious.

"Uhh...I remember running. Things were chasing me. And then… a woman?"

"A woman?" Lelina stated in utter puzzlement.

"She reached out to me, but then…" The prisoner attempted to narrate but couldn't, his memory had failed him.

Cassandra, now in control of her emotions spoke "Go to the forward camp, Leliana. I will take him to the rift." Nodding in acknowledgment, Leliana exits from the cell.

"What did happen?"

Instead of answering, the Seeker pulls Falon up to his feet and replaces the manacles with rope. Another bitter reminder that he was still a prisoner, whose fate laid in the hands of humans. Yet the Dalish didn't see an heartless shem as many others in his clan kin would rant about. Instead he saw a woman, while strong, very much afraid, guess they're weren't that different in that one regard.
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"It will be easier to show you." After she had secured him, Cassandra led the prisoner out of the cell. Guards lined the dimly lit, stone hall. As they made their way out of the prison, more than a few glared daggers at the captive elf. Cassandra walked ahead of him but remained within arm's reach. Her hand never left her sword hilt.

They climbed a set of stairs into the Chantry proper currently crowded with injured men and women. Cries and hushed whispered permeated the air, a cloud of dread hanging heavy over the refugees. Several lay sisters in ragged clothing darted between the groups as the worked to make everyone comfortable. Few paid the prisoner any mind as Cassandra led him to the doors. After a signal from Cassandra, the guards opened the heavy doors. Cassandra checked to be sure the elf remained behind her before making her way out into the cold air.

"No. No. No. No. No. No!" Meara scrambled across the frozen landscape with a five shades trailing close behind her. The fight had gone relatively well until more of the bloody demons had dropped from the sky.

The first shade went down with after a few stabs, most experimental to figure out what would hurt the black masses. The second managed to knock her to the ground, but a quick roll followed by similar cuts took it down. As they had fallen to the ground and disappeared into the ether, Meara had sheathed her weapons with a satisfied grin.

And then another six rained down from the sky. In seconds they'd surrounded her and begun pressing in. "You've got to be joking," she groaned as she pulled another flask from her belt. The explosion stopped their charge but only allowed her time enough for one kill. It seemed her current brew worked better on humans. Seeing no other option, she turned and bolted.

Unfortunately the demons wouldn't take no for an answer. They followed hard on her tail, gaining ground bit by bit. She glanced over her shoulder to check their progress. They drew closer. "Shit." She pumped her legs harder to increase the gap.

One of the demons pulled ahead of the others and drew itself up. It slashed its claws down into her back. It sent her sprawling. She let out a painful grunt as she pushed herself to her knees. She rolled to the side as it launched a second attack. This will get messy. She drew her daggers and braced herself for the next attack.

Thwack! An arrow appeared in the eye of the shade before her quickly followed by a second in the one behind it. Meara looked up to the cliff behind her where a woman in a purple cloak stood. Her eyes widened. The Left Hand of the Divine?

Leliana glanced her way as she pulled back another arrow, "Look out!"

"Wha--" Meara broke off her questions with a roll as another shade approached. Leliana's arrow struck home in its head. Meara took the opportunity to charge the fourth. She followed her earlier pattern: a slice to the front body with a double bladed stab to its back followed by a dodge and a hard chop to the head. It fell as Leliana took down its remaining companion.

Meara took a step back and sheathed her weapons with a shaky sigh. Maker's breath that had been lucky.

"Hurry," Leliana drew Meara's attention as she gestured to the path leading up to her vantage point, "Before more come."

Meara didn't need to be told twice. She ran over and up the path. The other rogue turned to continue on her way. Meara followed cautiously. The Left Hand's espionage skill was renowned in the circles Meara had frequented. Though she appreciated her help, Meara knew it came with a catch. So why did Leliana say nothing. Meara cleared her throat, "Don't you have any questions for me?"

"I know you came to help and that is enough for the time being," Leliana replied without pausing, "We need to hurry."

Meara frowned but followed. "Where are we going?"

"The forward camp."

She had no where better to be. She trailed behind the archer as they wound their way up the mountain. Maker this is an odd day.
Cassandra: "We call it the Breach. It's a massive rift into the world of demons that grows larger with each passing hour. It's not the only such rift, just the largest. All were caused by the explosion at the conclave."

"An explosion can do that?" An astonished Falon asked looking at the Rift. Such power was hard to comprend in his point of view.

"This one did. Unless we act, the breach may grow until it swallows the world."

The Breach suddenly enlarged itself, with the Mark flaring, and Falon writhing in pain collapsed to the ground. Gods why is this happening he asked himself again.

"Each time the Breach expands, your mark spreads… and it is killing you. It may be the key to stopping this but there isn't much time." The Seeker revealed kneeling in front of him

"You say it may be the key. To doing what?" The Elf inquired curiously.

"Closing the Breach. Whether that's possible is something we shall discover shortly. It is our only chance, however. And yours."

Offended by what his captor is implying Falon replied with a scowl. "You still think I did this? To myself?"

"Not intentionally. Something clearly went wrong." Cassandra refirmed.

"And if I'm not responsible?"

"Someone is, and you are our only suspect. You wish to prove your innocence? This is the only way."

The Elven mage considered everything that's been said and what he seen so far. He could try to run away but it would make him look further guilty and likely couldn't get very far anyway. Not only that it would shame his Clan and this Breach threatens them as well. He was taught since as a boy to place the needs of their people over his own desires. Yes he didn't know if what he did next would save anyone, but he rather die on his feet doing something, rather than awaited a cruel fate by the hands of humans or demons.

"I understand."

"Then…?" Cassandra asked, surprised by his answer, clearly she didn't expect such willingness.

"I'll do what I can. Whatever it takes."

He meant every word. Pulled up to his feet, the captive was escorted through town. The villagers scowling all around at them. Falon never felt this hated in all of his life by so many people.

"They have decided your guilt. They need it. The people of Haven mourn our Most Holy, Divine Justinia head of the Chantry. The Conclave was hers. It was a chance for peace between mages and templars. She brought their leaders together. Now, they are dead."

The Clan Elf couldn't but help noticed the sorrow within his escort's voice as they continued onward. In some ways he can relate, losing people you care for is never easy... Falon shut off that line of thought before it can dove him into painful memories that he rather not think about, just as another group of soldiers opened the gate at the edge of town for them.

"We lash out, like the sky. But we must think beyond ourselves, as she did. Until the breach is sealed."

The Dalisn Elf watches on as Cassandra pulled out a dagger.

"There will be a trial. I can promise no more." She then proceeds to cut the ropes binding his hands. Well that's a start, he will take it for the time being.

"Come. It is not far."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Your mark must be tested on something smaller than the Breach." She explained, leading to Falon concluded that this shem at least wasn't an ignorant savage that many Dalish would believe to be. To test one theory, especially involving magic is sound strategy. He just hoped it didn't kill him in the process.
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Leliana led Meara up the mountain path toward the Temple of Sacred Ashes. Or the crate that had once been a temple. They encountered a few smaller groups of demons on their climbs, all of which they dispatched quickly. The Left Hand moved quickly with an elegant air, felling demons without breaking stride. Meara kept pace albeit with less grace. Finesse was not her strongest point. She began aiming for the points Leliana struck with her arrows, namely the eyes. The creatures went down in seconds. As she cut through the last of a small group, she reflected on how handy that information would be been earlier.

Near the top of the slope, Leliana turned from the path. "This way. I know a passage through the mountains that will take us around some of the fighting."

She passed through some bushes and walked directly at the mountain. Meara opened her mouth to ask how she planned to climb a cliff but she walked seemingly into the rock itself before she could. Seeing few other options, Meara crept forward. She held her hands up and found a narrow opening that led into a cavern. The texture blended the entrance of the cave into the wall, concealing it rather well. That explains how her spies have been getting around the place so quickly. She ran in to catch up to Leliana. "Handy trick," she muttered as she glanced around.

The passage took them through a series of caverns all leading upward. The walls glowed similar to dwarven caverns. Meara had never liked the eerie light, mostly due to the substances tendency to kill people. That aside, the construction was impressive. They passed several branching paths some with warm air drifting down them. The mountain must have been filled with them. "These were a lucky find," she called up to Leliana, "Perfect for moving around the conference unseen."

"These caverns originally led directly to the temple. We merely opened new passages for our own use," Leliana replied. Meara frowned; an answer just vague to keep her from knowing how the Left Hand had stumbled over the tunnels.

They reemerged near the bottom of the last hill. Meara glanced back at the exit which blended into the rock face just as the other had. If she survived the next few hours, she would need to return and see what where some of those tunnels led. They climbed the hill and approached another set of gates. Leliana called to the guards on the other side, prompting them to crack the gates open enough for the pair to enter. Within Leliana made a beeline for a man dressed in Chantry robes standing at a nearby table. His wrinkled face was seemingly locked in a permanent frown as he turned to converse with the Left Hand. Another younger man in armor and some sort of fluffy coat approached when he spotted Leliana. Judging by glares and raised voices that followed, the discussion were going poorly.

Meara looked up into the sky at the green tear. It seemed every few minutes it would pulse and rain another group of demons down onto the mountain side. It's just a shade too green. Like some cheap dye from Kirkwall. She exhaled slowly. Nothing felt real standing here beneath the hazy sky. Uncle Leland had gone to the Conclave that morning to give his advice to younger templars. Her hand wandered to her dagger hilt. She would deal with that if she survived today. Andraste preserve us.

She forced herself to turn away from the sky. Staring at the Breach did nothing. She surveyed the surrounding crowd. The Left Hand's argument appeared to over. She remained at the table with the men, but they had stopped talking. Instead Leliana appeared to be directing a group of scouts on a route up the mountain. They went jogged off toward the other end of the bridge. Meara watched them go. Perhaps now would be a good time to offer her services again.

Before she had taken a step, the gates flew open and a wounded soldier stumbled in. "Another rift's opened in the valley!"

Two other soldiers caught the woman before she collapsed and dragged her aside. The man in the fluffy coat strode forward and exchanged a few brief words with the soldier. Meara waited by the bridge's edge as the remaining soldiers rushed forward to hear about the latest crisis. From where she stood, Meara caught the words "endless waves" and "many casualties." The following chatter drowned out the remaining message. She walked closer in a vain attempt to hear more.

The man in the fluffy coat stood tall and shouted above the crowd, "Any well enough to fight, with me! Leliana, we'll buy you some time." The other soldiers followed the man to the gates while the injured woman slumped down in the corner. Someone passed her a potion and blanket.

Seeing nothing better to do on the bridge, Meara joined their march down into the valley. More demons; the day just got better and better.
At the end of the bridge were two warriors protecting its large gate that Cassandra and Falon approached.

"Open the gate! We are headed into the valley!"

The Seeker ordered and they obeyed. Once the gate opened the two turn left away from the barricades and go up. Three men run by them in utter fright, headed downhill with one of them shouting. "Maker, it's the end of the world!"

As they pressed on Falon grimly noted the corpses, mages and templars alike on each side of the path, with a wagon on fire as well.

At the top of the hill, the Anchor flares and Falon falls to the ground in pain muttering. "Gods not again."

Helping him up, Cassandra noted.

"The pulses are coming faster now. The larger the Breach grows, the more rifts appear, the more demons we face."

Such observation raised new inquiries for the Elven prisoner in green mercenary grab.

"How did I survive the blast?"

"They said you… stepped out of a rift, then fell unconscious. They say a woman was in the rift behind you. No one knows who she was. Everything farther in the valley was laid waste, including the Temple of Sacred Ashes. I suppose you'll see soon enough."

True he thought, but the explanation only added to the mountain of questions that now haunted him. Getting to their destination will hopefully provide answers. Soon enough they reach the second bridge, guarded by five more soldiers. Just as they were crossing through, a meteor hits the bridge, killing and wounding its sentinels and collapsing the structure entirely. The Seeker and her prisoner tumble down with the rumble onto the frozen river below.

Quickly another meteor was spit out by the now destroyed bridge, while they struggle to their feet, It hits the frozen river a short distance in front of Cassandra and a demon Shade forms in a pool of green light.

"Stay behind me!"

Cassandra shouted and then attacks the fiendish beast with sword and shield. Recovering from the fall, the Dalish mage however noticed a second Shade forming right in front of him. In desperation he looked to his left, discovering a magic staff among fallen equipment among the debris. Silently thanking his deities, Falon swiftly grabbed for the weapon and ready himself just as the demon rushed for him. Dodging out of the way, he let loose with the fire upon the spirt-like creature but it kept coming.

It's claws pierced at his armor, forcing him back in pain. Gritting his teeth, Falon switched tactics and let loose with an ice spell that froze the monster in its tracks. Taking advantage, the mage gathered his mania and unleashed a large fiery blast, finished off the Shade, moaning its final cry and vanished. The Seeker fared well against her demonic foe, stabbing it through the head. Panting and looking around Falon commented with relief in his voice

"It's over."

"Drop your weapon. Now." Cassandra said threateningly, pointing her sword at him.

The Dalish nomad looked at her like she grew a second head for a moment. Is she really going to make me go on without this stave? Falon asked himself. While true he could use magic without it but a staff channel the energy more effectively. Yet he needed her trust to live through this, who knows she will let him keep the next staff they can find, if there is any.

"All right. Have it your way." He replied, slowly lowering the staff.

Cassandra paused and said.


She then sheathed her blade and added. "I cannot protect you, and I cannot expect you to be defenseless."

Very true he thought, but didn't say anything else when she walked before turning around, facing him

"I should remember that you agreed to come willingly."

This woman seem to making an habit of reinforcing Dalish notions about humans before breaking them into pieces over and over again, whether she meant to or not. Regardless he was truly appreciate this show of trust,

"Take these potions. Maker knows what we will face."

"Where are all your soldiers?" He asked, before drink one and healed up.

"At the forward camp, or fighting. We are on our own, for now."

Cassandra and Falon run along the frozen river.

After defeating more demons along the way, they turn left and begin climbing a steep staircase coveredthat has been cut into the side of the hill. "We're getting close to the rift. You can hear the fighting."

"Who's fighting?"

"You'll see soon. We must help them."

At the top of the stairs, Cassandra and the Elf turn right, spotting the melee at a destroyed bridge with burning wagons on either end on the right and some other ruins on fire to the left. Among the warriors, battling the host of shades pouring out of a small rift was a baldish elven mage in an ragged traveling cloths that pounded his foes with earth magic. Then was a beardless dwarf in an styling coat, while chest hair, firing a repeating crossbow.

Falon had no time to take it in as he and Cassandra leap down off a stone wall and approach the first rift amidst the burning rubble, and joined the besieged defenders in fighting the demons. Spinning his newfound staff with electric force, Falon slammed it to the ground and lighting burst forth striking all of the shades nearby in an chain reaction, weakening for the others to finish off.

"Quickly, before more come through!"

The bald elf shouted, grabbing Falon's left wrist and aiming the Anchor up toward the rift. It's engery intertwined with the rift's with an outwordly sound. Then the rift ignited in an bright green flash and disappeared without a trace.

Beyond shocked, Falon his mysterious ally and asked

"What did you do?"

"I did nothing. The credit is yours." The other mage said in an matter of fact tone, as if he wasn't surprised about it all.

The Dalish looked at his left hand in realization.

"I closed that thing? How?"

"Whatever magic opened the Breach in the sky also placed that mark upon your hand. I theorized the mark might be able to close the rifts that have opened in the Breach's wake – and it seems I was correct." He explained as if it was all an experiment perhaps it was

"Meaning it could also close the Breach itself." Cassandra added.

"Possibly." Solas replied to her before focusing back on Falon. "It seems you hold the key to our salvation."

"Good to know! Here I thought we'd be ass-deep in demons forever." The beardless dwarf commented, examining his coat. Then halfman approached Falon, introducing himself. "Varric Tethras, rogue, storyteller, and occasionally unwelcome tagalong."

Varric winked at Cassandra at the end of that sentence, who scowled in respond. He didn't really know this Varric fellow that well yet but for some reason Falon took instant liking to him. He struggle for words to say, havinvng interacted with humans more so than dwarves, save for a few traveling merchants. Like that one named Bodahn and his nice but strange boy who kept saying the word enchantment.

"That's… a nice crossbow you have there." Falon said, finding a topic to start with.

Pleased with the compliment Varric replied "Ah, isn't she? Bianca and I have been through a lot together."

"You named your crossbow Bianca?" Falon questioned with a surprised expression, that sounded low there a story behind the name.

"Of course. And she'll be great company in the valley."

Cassandra stepped in and interjected. "Absolutely not. Your help is appreciated, Varric, but…"

"Have you been in the valley lately, Seeker? Your soldiers aren't in control anymore. You need me."

He displayed a confident and smug face that Cassandra, scowling down at him turned around and gave off a disgusted grunt, admitting defeat. Then the other Elf, who Falon was pretty sure not Dalish joined in the conversation. "My name is Solas, if there are to be introductions. I'm pleased to see you still live."

"He means, 'I kept that mark from killing you while you slept.'" Varric explained.

Really. Falon thought, that would explain how he lived this long. He was pretty grateful for that but it begged more questions though."You seem to know a great deal about it all." The Clan Elf said.

"Like you, Solas is an apostate." The Right Hand of the Divine mentioned.

"Technically, all mages are now apostates, Cassandra. My travels have allowed me to learn much of the Fade, far beyond the experience of any Circle mage. I came to offer whatever help I can give with the Breach. If it is not closed, we are all doomed regardless of origin." Solas said in his own defense. That is very interesting

"And what will you do once this is all over?"

Solas approving the question answered.

"One hopes that those in power will remember who helped, and who did not."

Solas: "Cassandra, you should know: the magic involved here is unlike any I have ever seen. Your prisoner is a mage, but I find it difficult to imagine any mage having such power."

"Understood. We must get to the forward camp quickly." The Seeker noted, preparing for the next leg of their journey, perhaps more weary with Varric tagging along now.

The dwarf himself stood next to Falon and looked at him and said.

"Well, Bianca's excited!"

Then party that now consisted of four now began climbing down through the rubble, heading for the nearby bank.
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The ragged group assembled by the man in the fluffy coat, Commander Cullen according to the soldiers, hardly inspired confidence as they trotted along the path leading up towards the temple. Fear froze their expressions into grim masks of determination. Some tried to hide their limps from previous injuries while others appeared to be grey from exhaustion. Most displayed the symbol of Visus on their armor and shields: a group that had accompanied the Divine if Meara recalled. She caught a glimpse of a few fresh faces, individuals like herself drawn in by the chaos, but they were few and far between. A stiff wind looked like it could break this group. She began to question the likelihood of them surviving the day. She bit back a sigh. Maybe the Maker will decide to send down a flaming Andraste from that bloody hole in the sky.

Abandoned carts and crates lined the path alongside broken bodies and oddly glowing green rocks. The group gave them a wide birth as they passed them. Meara kept herself from stopping to investigate. Later, she promised herself, provided we're alive. Then again perhaps dying with the Breach open would allow her to wander as a ghost. Weirder shit's happened before. The stench of fire, burnt flesh, and fresh blood hung in the air as they approached the battlefield. Screams and the metallic ring of steel-on-steel alerted the soldiers as they pulled out their weapons. They jogged the last stretch to get into the valley. Within the last remains of the previous fighting force stood their grounds against a field of demons. "Maker's breath," Meara heard someone whisper. Or perhaps she'd said it. If ever an image better personified what the Void may look like, she hadn't seen it. Nor did she wish to.

The Commander shouted something, but the chaos drowned out his words. His meaning became clear when he raised his sword to call the charge into battle. The soldiers ran forward as one into the valley. Several angry hisses sounded as the mass of shades met the oncoming host. Meara hung back until the creatures had engaged them before she jumped down after the group.

She skirted the field to gain a better view of the battle. Roughly ten shades dotted the field. Or was that fifteen? Twenty? "Andraste's flames," she cursed beneath her breath. She dropped a small flask from her belt to cover her first attack. Four. She lunged at the nearest demon and buried her blades into its back. The creature screamed and fell. She sliced into another's head. A soldier stabbed its belly. "Behind you!" the soldier called. Meara pulled her weapon free and dodged left. The shade struck the ground. She dashed around to its back and stabbed deep. It screeched and spun round with a claw extended. Meara leapt back, narrowly avoiding a second creature. She grit her teeth and slashed its side. The pair swooped in with their claws raised. A sword cut through the second. Meara leapt at the first. It went down after a series of slashes.

She stood back as the soldier moved onto the other demons. Her breath came out in short gasps as she tried in vain to catch her breath. She counted again only to find the numbers holding steady. That soldier wasn't exaggerating. They won't stop. For every wave they killed, another took its place. It seemed more came out of the rift with every pulse it gave. A woman went down mere feet away. Meara wiped the sweat from her forehead and sank back into a crouch. Their defense had begun to develop holes.

Boom! A burst of energy torn Meara's attention from the nearby demons. A group of shade flew back from the Commander, some falling into the dust. Those that drew themselves back up met his blade shortly after. She recognized the technique from her time with her uncle. A templar ability. Maker's breath, where did they find him? He carved through the remaining demons only to have another pair appear on his flank.

Meara pushed herself back into the action. She hurled one dagger into the shade closest to the man. It stopped midattack with a screech. The Commander spun to face them. Meara dashed to retrieve her dagger. He swept his sword through them, killing one. She used her free weapons to kill the second. Meara grinned through her panting, "Nice work."

The Commander pushed her to the side, "Careful!" His shield caught a shade's claws. He followed it up with an overhead slash which dissolved the creature.

Meara took up a position on his flank. A trio of shades began to approach. She took another vial from her belt. "Behind you," she shouted at the man. She dropped the vial to the ground and disappeared into a puff of smoke. Three.
Falon and the other three fought the last of the demons, used the mark on the rift as before in front of the next bridge. As the last time, the tear vanished an bright flash. He took a deep breath and released it, so far so good the Dalish thought. Despite having being in their company for a short time, the trio accompying him were proving to be quite capable, Falon noted. Solas was certainly not from the clans, but he is knowledgable about all of these rifts.

The Seeker herself, while still his captor was strong and sincere if anything else. Now Varric, the surface dwarf is not only deadly with his crossbow but fun company to have around, it was reassuring to say the least. He can overhear Leliana arguing with an elderly man in some kind of chantry grab. As the party approached, the two noticed them

"Ah, here they come."

Leliana: "You made it. Chancellor Roderick, this is–"

"I know who he is. As Grand Chancellor of the Chantry, I hereby order you to take this criminal to Val Royeaux to face execution." Roderick demanded, earning Falon's ire. By the Dread Wolf, these people have a one track mind, but he wasn't the only offended apparently.

"'Order me'?" Cassandra asked in outrage. "You are a glorified clerk. A bureaucrat!" The Chancellor was not intimidated by her tone. "And you are a thug, but a thug who supposedly serves the Chantry!"

"We serve the Most Holy, Chancellor, as you well know." Lelina pointed out with sorrow heavy in her voice.

Roderick: "Justinia is dead! We must elect her replacement, and obey her orders on the matter."

The Dalish couldn't believe this utter nonsense, he was witnessing right now.

"Isn't closing the Breach the more pressing issue?"

"You brought this on us in the first place!" Rodrick raged. "Call a retreat, Seeker. Our position here is hopeless."

Cassandra was not deterred by any of it. "We can stop this before it's too late."

"How? You won't survive long enough to reach the temple, even with all your soldiers."

"We must get to the temple. It's the quickest route."

Then Leliana interrupted "But not the safest. Our forces can charge as a distraction while we go through the mountains."

Cassandra: "We lost contact with an entire squad on that path. It's too risky."

Roderick: "Listen to me. Abandon this now, before more lives are lost."

The Breach expands and so does the mark on Falon's hand, turning everyone's back toward him. Once the mark settled Cassandra then said

"How do you think we should proceed?"

"Now you're asking me what I think?" He asked in suspicion, his eyes narrowing. Do shems let their prisoners make the final decisions, the Mage wondered in the back of his mind

Solas answered first, pointing out "You have the mark."

"And you are the one we must keep alive. Since we cannot agree on our own…" The Seeker let that notion sink. Looking up at the mountain steps before them, Falon Lavellan considered the options before stating

"I say we charge. I won't survive long enough for your trial. Whatever happens, happens now."

Upon that word, Cassandra added to her comrade "Leliana. Bring everyone left in the valley. Everyone." Acknowledged, the party moved forward but not without the Chancellor having the last word

"On your head be the consequences, Seeker."

The party climbs uphill in the snow while soldiers jog forward with their weapons close by. They goes south along a path filled,with more burning. At the end of the path the party turns right to go up some stone stairs. Passing by wounded and resisting warrior along with praying chantry folks, granting rites to the corpses already wrapped up on the sides.

At the foot of the stairs is an intact wagon, a broken wagon on fire, and a soldier standing and looking at the burning wagon. There are also three soldiers sitting down around the steps but not sure if they are just resting, wounded, or dead.

Going up a second set of stone stairs to the west, to an open stone doorway. Falon can hear and see fighting

Solas: "Be wary – another Fade rift."

As he approached the doorway, a meteor hits a running soldier and throws his body down the stairs. Going through the doorway a Lesser Shade fells a soldier. Falon shot fire at it, weakening it for Cassandra finish off with a swing and then thrust of her blade Seeing the multiple of demons overwhelming Cullen and his soldiers, Falon cast a barrier spell upon them while Solas let loose with chain lighting, shocking the horrid creatures.

Varric: "How many rifts are there?"

Solas: "We must seal it if we are to get past!"

Cassandra: "Quickly, then!"

The rift spawns two more demons. Two tall, lanky and screaming Terrors with sharp talons came forth. Their screams lessen the resolve of a soldier as she charged but only to be cut down by one on the right. The duo teleported and suddenly apppeared in the midst of defenders, taking them all by surprise. Falon reacted quickly, unleashing a fire blast that hit both and did it a second time, letting their allies take advantage of their inured state.

Once struck down, Falon lifted his marked hand to the rift, energy surging from limb to the fade tear for everyone in the spot to see until the rift was closed. "Sealed, as before. You are becoming quite proficient at this." Solas complimented like a teacher would with a student.

Varric: "Let's hope it works on the big one."

Cullen, wearing his fur coat step toward the party with his surviving troops

"Lady Cassandra, you managed to close the rift? Well done."

Cassandra: "Do not congratulate me, Commander. This is the prisoner's doing."

Cullen now warily looking at the said prisoner and continued. "Is it? I hope they're right about you. We've lost a lot of people getting you here."

"You're not the only one hoping that." Falon replied

"We'll see soon enough, won't we." Turning back to Cassandra the former Templar explained. "The way to the temple should be clear. Leliana will try to meet you there."

"Then we'd best move quickly. Give us time, Commander." The Nevarran Seeker said.

"Maker watch over you – for all our sakes."

Finished Cullen then proceeded to help an injured soldier hobble away. Just as they were about to continue their way for the temple, Falon noticed Meara who didn't fell back with Cullen's back. Curious he asked.

"Care to join us?'
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Meara cut through her fifth shade when another round of demons crashed to the ground. She rolled to avoid more claws, sweat dripping down her face. She sported a fresh wound from an earlier blunder following her third use of stealth. The demon smelled her beneath the musk and scrapped her as it turned its attack. If we live through this, improve the formula, she made a mental note. Two of the shades flowed toward with their talons at the ready. She raised her blades to parry.

A wave of lightening cut through the field before they could attack.

Magic! Meara leapt up and stabbed the weakened shades in the eyes. She turned to see the arrival of a new group to the battle. Two elven mages had appeared on the edge of the field, both currently blasting anything that moved. She spotted a dwarf farther to the left firing a crossbow into the crowd of shades, seeming to grin with every shot he landed. She could only put a name to the warrior that charged ahead toward Cullen and the soldiers. The second person I never imagined I'd meet up close. The Right Hand of the Divine ripped through the shades left weakened by the mages. She performed the same energy blast the Commander had done earlier in the battle to dispel a large number of the horde. The soldiers rallied around her and managed to beat back the remaining demons.

The rift flared to life after the last had fallen. It spit out two more demons with long spindly limps that towered above the soldiers. They wailed at the soldiers and teleported into the midst of them. The younger mage blasted them with a fire spell. Meara sprinted into the crowd and sliced one's chest. It gave a furious hiss and raised an arm to strike. An arrow knocked its arm back while a wave of ice magic froze it in place. Meara ducked under the monster's legs and stabbed it in the back. It crumbled to dust. Cassandra and Cullen made quick work of the second.

The younger mage stepped forward and shot some kind of green energy toward the rift. She stepped back while other soldiers stopped to watch the spectacle. The rift caved in on itself before dissolving into the air as thought it had never existed. Meara watched the empty air as she caught her breath. That's it? One spell? The other elf approach to congratulate the former. She watched the exchange. That had to be more than a spell.

The Commander approached Cassandra. They spoke briefly and revealed the younger elf to be the prisoner taken after the initial explosion. So he's alive and using strange magic. Perhaps a little incriminating, but at least he was helping to fix some of this mess. She examined him from afar noting that he had the markings of a Dalish. I wonder how someone like him ended up at the Conclave.

The Commander finished his business and began to head back with his soldiers, but Meara hesitated to follow. She glanced at the wound on her arm and then back at the sky. They had not won the day and she had energy left to fight.

The elf noticed her hesitation. "Care to join us?"

Join the final charge forward? Meara smiled. Why not? She closed the distance between them, "I'm always ready to provide a blade for the desperate."

Cassandra stepped between her and the elf, "And you would be?"

"Meara," she replied as she gave an exaggerated bow to try and put the Seeker at ease. "I came with the templars from the Ostwick as a favor to my uncle." She hesitated for a heartbeat, "Unfortunately, he didn't make it out of the Temple so I happen to be a free agent for the time being."
Cassandra's harden eyes soften in sympathy for a brief moment at Meara's explanation.

"Very well you can come." The Seeker said, before moving forward and gesture for the others to do the same.

It seem their new companion was quite witty, Falon noticed. Not to mention the impressive skill with the blades she displayed earlier be useful for what's up ahead. A part of him, wanted to tell to Meara that he did not recall causing any of this madness, but remembering how well that defense worked with the Seeker, he kept his mouth shut for the time being. Closing the Breach is what mattered.

The party approached what was once the holy of holies, now rendered as a devasted ruins for all to see. Falon grew more somber, looking at the burned and burning corpses that stood in various forms of horror and suffering spread out among the debris.

Falon'Din guide their souls gently to the beyond.

He silently prayed to the Dalish god of fortune and death, his namesake. His heart became heavy at the sight. He had not known any of them, yet the nomadic elf didn't believe anyone here at the Conclave deserved this fate. This is magic wrought in the worst possible means. Falon couldn't help but be reminded of his Keeper's warnings about what the abuse of such powers can cause. Now he had terrible firsthand example in front of him along with all of the demon rifts.

Solas: "The Temple of Sacred Ashes"

"What's left of it." Varric added sadly.

The Seeker then spoke up to elven captive with further commentary.

"That is where you walked out the Fade and our soldiers found you. They said a woman was in the rift behind you. No one knows who she was."

Instead of answers, the Dalish mage seem to be recovering more questions more haunting than the last. He shook his head, wondering if any of this will ever make sense.
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Meara fell in behind the group as Cassandra urged them forward. She hadn't seen the Temple since day before the explosion when she escorted a group of mages down to the tavern to calm some nerves. Her uncle had called it "engaging in debauchery," though she hardly considered getting a few hot-headed mages drunk debauchery. Not so long as it kept them quiet. Ser Leland always had a flare for the dramatic. They followed the remnants of a tiled floor that had been a hallway now covered in rubble. A series of fires and burning corpses lined their path like grotesque torches. She gave a humorless smirk as they passed by. "Well that's certainly comforting."

They passed under a remaining section of roof, the lone hall leading them into the open crater. The Breach stretched from the ash colored sky down toward the destruction below. A low bubbling sound emanated from the air accompanied by the occasional metallic clang. Meara gaped at the massive pillar of light as the group came to stop. Maker's breath. It looked so much larger up close. The dwarf wandered closer to the Dalish. "The Breach is a long way up," he observed, his voice somewhere between dry humor and dread.

"Rather does explain why half the temple is missing." Meara muttered to herself as she followed him forward.

"You're here." Meara turned with the rest of the group as Leliana appeared from behind the wall with a fresh group of men. She ran up to Cassandra, "Thank the Maker."

The Seeker turned and gestured to the crater behind them. "Leliana, have your men take up positions around the temple."

Leliana acknowledged with a nod before turning back to return to her group.

The Seeker circled around to the Dalish elf, stepping in front of him. "This is your chance to stop this," she said as she met his gaze directly. "Are you ready?"

Meara glanced at the elf as the group awaiting his response.
Falon looked upon the sight of the Bearch in an mixture of dread and curiosity. Yes he had success so far against the other rifts, but this is far larger than the rest. Even so what little choice did he had, if this wasn't closed the whole world will be swallowed. Looking back at the Seeker, Falon answered.

"I'll try, but I'm not sure to how to even reach much less close it."

Unless I ride on a griffon like out of those Grey Warden tales. He added silently to himself in sarcasm but Solas the apostate spoke up.

"No. This rift was the first and is the key. Seal it, and perhaps we seal the Breach."

Cassandra: "Then let's find a way down. And be careful."

Accompanied by Leliana the party as they go up some steps and take the path on the right that circles down to the rift. As they walked they heard voices echoed from the Fade. "Now is the hour of our victory. Bring forth the sacrifice."

"What are we hearing?" Cassandra inquired, speaking for nearly everyone. Solas, who seem to always ready to give answers replied. "At a guess: The person who created the Breach."

Not exactly a comforting thought, but at least they have someone else to blame for this chaos, Falon concluded. However a new concern rose when Varric noted red substances growing out of the ground on the right side of the path.

"You know this stuff is red lyirum, Seeker."

"I see it, Varric." Was the Nevarrian woman's irritated answer

"But what it's doing here?"

Solas: "Magic could have drawn on lyrium beneath the temple, corrupted it…"

Varric just shook his head, and added. "It's evil. Whatever you do don't touch it." Everyone seem to agreed with the advise as they continue onward. However an echo of the Fade was heard. "Keep the sacrifice still."

"Someone help me!" Cried out a different echo, that caught the Seeker's attention. "That is Divine Justinia's voice!" The party then reaches the end of the path and goes down a collection of stone stairs. They approached the rift carefully and the mark on Falon's hand flared once more, while hearing a repeat of the Divine's plea but a new voice echoed, the Elf's!

"What's going on here?"

Cassandra: "That was your voice. Most Holy called out to you. But…"

Suddenly is a flash of white light burst forth, then ghostly images appeared. Divine Justinia floated helplessly while being held in place by red energy wrapped around her arms. A large dark figure with glowing red eyes loomed over her. Falon then watched on his form entered the room.

"What's going on here?"

"Run while you can! Warn them!" Justina's image pleaded with Falon's avatar.

The red eyed figure pointed at him and said "We have an intruder. Slay the elf!

As soon it was all said another flash of white light gave away and the ghostly images vanished, seen no more. The Dalish try to comprend what he just witnessed and tried to remember but to no avail.

"You were there!" Cassandra exclaimed then demanded. "Who attacked? And the Divine, is she…? Was this vision true? What are we seeing?"

In utter frustration, Falon Lavellan replied back. "I don't remember!" Solas interrupted the renewed interrogation with excellent timing. "Echoes of what happened here. The Fade bleeds into this place."

After the short examination of the rift and its surrounding the Fade Expert spoke further. "This rift is not sealed, but it is closed… albeit temporarily. I believe with the mark, the rift can be opened and then sealed properly and safely. However, opening the rift will likely attract attention from the other side."

Cassandra: "That means demons. Stand ready!"

Upon that order soldiers and archers prepared themselves for the coming bloodshed. Falon step forward with measured steps at the first rift, knowing it's now or never. What else these people will think of him, the young elven will not let them say he shrink from this task, no matter the cost. Stretching out his arm once more, energy spark from from it, into the rift, opening it in the process. As perdicted, something come out from the other side...a massive Pride Demon!
Meara's hand fell to the hilt of one of her daggers as they walked. The conversation that leaked from the Breach accompanied by the presence of an even deadly form of lyirum increased the already tense trip the slope. All we need is a dragon waiting for us at the bottom. She hardly felt a part of Thedas anymore as the Divine's voice joined the strange rasping one. Someone meant to sacrifice the Divine? Meara could hardly believe the Most Holy could have been secured for such a thing to take place. A thoughtful frown tugged at her lips. Unless the majority of the Conclave were killed or trapped in a battle. All it would take was a well-placed magical attack and those chambers would have turned to chaos.

When the group reached the ground and saw the image of the Dalish elf running to the Divine's side, Meara arched an eyebrow and muttered under her breath, "Well, shit." Seemed the elf had been helping or at least working against whatever thing wanted to kill the Divine.

The dwarf, who stood next to her, nodded in agreement. "That about covers it."

They had little time to dwell on the revelation however as Cassandra called to prepare for battle. Meara drew out a blade and a flask as she rolled to the balls of her feet. The elf shot energy at the larger rift as the group collectively held their breath. The increasingly familiar vreem of energy building filled the air until the rift broke open. Within seconds, it spit out a towering demon. Electricity sparked along its spiked body as it turned its attention toward the nearby soldiers.

"Now," Cassandra called, prompting the archers to fire on the beast.

A dozen shots sailed through the air toward the creature. They struck its skin but fell to the ground without leaving mark. Meara bit back a groan as she dropped her flask. "There's a barrier of some kind," she called as she disappeared into her cloud of smoke.

Cassandra ran to meet its attack head on. She slashed at its legs as it charged an attack. "We must strip its defenses!"

The dwarf began firing his crossbow at a distance. "Anyone know how we do that?"

Meara began circling to get behind the beast.
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The towering fiend let loose with electric blasts toward the mixed matched band, scattering everyone in the process. Falon dashed out of the way for cover behind a rock, with fierce burns on his back. Gritting teeth, the Dalish breathed in and out, while the defenders lead by Cassandra fought back against their foe. Solas cast a barrier spell for the melee fighters, Varric fired arrow after arrow from 'Bianca'.

"I'll take a pack of wolves over this monster right about now."

Falon muttered, throwing a fire spell at the Demon's chest, before rolling out of the way. Yet it slowed down, like the Seeker said before they need to break down its defenses. Then Falon looked at the rift while the Pride Demon was distracted and an idea occurred to him. Raising his marked hand at the rift again. shooting energy at it until the rift gave off a short burst that brought the Demon to its knees and weaken.

Smiling briefly at his theory being proven correct, the Elf joined the others, combining their attacks and spells together in related unison. Soon however, a couple of Shades came out of the Fade and joined the battle until slain. Every time the Pride Demon set up his barrier Falon Lavellan would tear it up, using the mark against the nearby Rift.

Finally the spike like creature while defiant was losing its energy at it from various directions with blade, arrow, or magic. Spinning his staff before it to the ground, Falon unleashed a ice spell that slowed the Pride Demon down, giving Meara a chance to deal the final blow.
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