Dragon Age: Shattered Dreams - OOC & Sign-up

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Roleplay by Mangekyō. Thread design and formatting by Arlathina.

{slide=Introduction & Rules}
Welcome to the "Dragon Age: Shattered Dreams" roleplay! I will be your GM and general story teller for your many endeavors for this tale. We will be picking from the four main races and three classes from "Dragon Age: Inquisition". We will also be including specializations at some point, I will be the only Rift Mage for this roleplay. I have an idea that links my character to such magic. In its place, I will allow Blood Mages. But for the start, stay with the three basic classes. Also, please be sure to look over everyone's character sheet to be sure that we don't have too many of the same kinds of classes. One or two is fine, but we can't all be the same thing. We want diversity.

I will also give a shout out to Arlathina, who made the OOC for me and made everything nice and neat. So a round of applause for her. -Mangekyo


This roleplay will primarily be in the Tevinter Imperium at first, though by no means will it be the only place we will be visiting. My character Tiberius is the adoptive son and heir of Radonis the Archon that is mentioned in Inquisition. He is of the Laeten class, the second highest social rank in the Tevinter Imperium. The reason this is important is because of his distant ancestor, Tidarion was also of the Laeten class. Tidarion was the first Laeten to become an Archon, and it was because of his lowborn mage status that the Magesterium, at that time, refused to accept Tidarion and started a civil war that lasted over seventy years because they believed that magic was a favor of the Old Gods and not of an accidental birth. It would seem history intends to repeat itself.

Before his coronation as official Archon Tiberius Planasene, under the tutelage of one Dorian Pauvus, runs away to come to terms with the pressures of ruling a nation like Tevinter. In his attempt to shirk his duties, he runs into several individuals, each one succumbing to his tricks and hijinx, becoming a wanted criminal who are thought to have kidnapped the Archon. Meanwhile, they soon form a band of mercenaries who roam the lands, taking on jobs and responsibilities all the while Dorian keeps in contact with Tiberius using a magic communication crystal. This allows him to keep well informed about situations arising across the country as well as avoid patrols on the lookout for Tiberius and his friends. It'll also be a plot device for when they start finding more about Solas and his objectives as well as where the Elves across Thedas are disappearing to.

Once they have a complete a complete understanding of what he intends to do--tear down the veil causing a cataclysm that will likely kill countless people. So Tiberius finally accepts the Archon position and ceases hostilities with the Qunari who he then invites to talks about a temporary peace in light of a unifying force to prevent a worldwide catastrophe. So the Qunari and Tevinter join forces to stop Solas.

1. Be polite, and forthcoming with ideas.

2. Have well written, and legible posts. No text speak; capitalization and punctuation where it counts. You don't need to be a grammar Nazi, but I do expect you to be intelligent enough to handle putting effort into posts.

3. I expect commitment; we all have lives and things to do and I understand some things take precedent. That said, however, don't just drop out, out of nowhere with no explanation and leave the group.

4. I will be as accommodating as I can be, but my word is law in the roleplay.

5. Though this takes place after DAI, a lot of the effects in its story are still felt. So those of you who haven't played the game yet, it is probably best you don't join. It would take too long to go over and you would just be confused. Only those who have played and finished DAI may join.

6. Canon characters such as Cassandra, Iron Bull, Blackwall, Solas--are all NPC's. We will be making original characters from Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Qunari. Basic classes to start out with.

7. The posting requirements are as follows: a minimum of two paragraphs consisting of eight to ten sentences per post. As stated above, proof-reading is expected to have been done beforehand.





Name: Tiberius
Creator: Mangekyō
Status: Alive


Name: Arlathina
Creator: Arlathina
Dice Roll: 1
Status: Alive


Name: Venak
Creator: CursedDawn
Dice Roll: 2
Status: Alive


Name: Valiant Beckett
Creator: Tyrannosaurus Rekt
Dice Roll: 5
Status: Alive


Name: Makon Kroscak
Creator: Cerulean
Dice Roll: 4
Status: Alive


Name: Zephyr Swain
Creator: Dualnte
Dice Roll: 3
Status: Alive



Name (& pronunciation):
Date of Birth (& age):
Place of Birth:
Species/Racial Origin:
Social Class/Community Status:

Physical Description

Detailed Physical Description:
Typical Clothing/Equipment:


Most Hated/Dislikes:
Regular Routine:
(optional) Philosophy of Life:
(optional) Attitude Toward Death:
(optional) Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
Education/Special Training:
Place/Type of Residence:
Place of Work:
Work-related Skills:
Past Occupations:



Humans are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the races of Thedas. Only four times have they ever united beneath a single banner, the last being centuries ago. The monotheistic faith of the Chant of Light plays a major role in human society. The majority of humanity in Thedas descended from numerous human tribes.

A humanoid race, elves are typically shorter than humans and have a slender, lithe build and pointed ears. Long ago, the elves were the dominant race on Thedas, and their advanced civilization was based on nature, the Fade and magic. After the fall of their great city of Arlathan and the empire of Elvhenan, its following plunder by the Tevinter Imperium and the subsequent generations of slavery, the elves lost most of their cultural heritage and identity. They attempted to rebuild their society in the Dales, but after three centuries they fell to the Chantry's Exalted Marches.

Since then, the elves have separated into two distinct groups: the Dalish, who chose to lead nomadic lives rather than submit and strive to keep elven culture alive, and the city elves, who live alongside humans, usually as impoverished outcasts, and have adopted many human customs. Overall, the elves are now a people associated with poverty, crime, barbarism, and are often used as scapegoats for humanity's difficulties. In Ancient Tevinter elves were called "rattus". Modern humans use the racial slurs "knife ears," "slant-eared" or, less cruelly, "rabbit." Though most of the elven language has been lost, they once referred to themselves as "elvhen," which means "the people".

The dwarves, or dwarva, as the dwarves refer to themselves, are one of the major humanoid races of the Dragon Age setting. Strong, stocky, and shorter than any other humanoid race, the dwarves are skilled builders and boast a long tradition of courage and martial skill that has served them well in their millennia-long battle against the darkspawn. They once developed a huge, great empire which spread across vast underground networks of twelve great thaigs that spanned the breadth of Thedas. However their world was all but destroyed during the First Blight, and they are now a race in decline.

The Qunari is the name most commonly used to describe the white-haired, metallic-skinned race of giants and their society that governs the islands of Par Vollen and Seheron, as well as the settlement of Kont-Aar in northern Rivain, and Qundalon in the Anderfels.

Members of any race who adhere to the teachings of the Qun can become "Qunari", but those other than the original giant race, that is humans, elves, and dwarves, are called Viddathari within the Qun. Humans of Rivain and Elven slaves of Tevinter are especially susceptible to conversion, although it is not unknown for members of other groups to embrace the Qun.




Battle-hardened and masters of close combat, warriors are pivotal to any group entering battle. As front-line fighters, they absorb the brunt of opponent attacks, steal enemy focus, and create an opening for deadly ranged assaults from other classes. While some warriors prefer visceral, sweeping damage, many are silverite-clad bulwarks, weathering any blows they don't deflect with their shields.


Armed with bows, daggers, and any number of dirty tricks, the rogue's primary focus is damage: tearing foes down one at a time with systematic efficiency. Rogues commonly use a mixture of stealth and mobility to reach positions of advantage, be it a sniper's perch away from enemy blades or behind an unsuspecting mage. Deadly and resourceful, rogues can tip the balance of any strategic assault.


Those who can tap into the raw energy of the Fade and block the whispering temptations of demons are truly exceptional. When they turn that mental focus onto the field of war, they can be truly terrifying opponents. Rains of fire, walls of ice, or even the ability to heal allies make up a mage's toolkit. Most employ considerable skills rendering foes not only weakened, but also vulnerable to physical attacks, setting up opportunities for their teammates to exploit.



  • Minrathous
  • Qarinus
  • Silent Plains
  • Temple of Andruil
  • Arlathan Forest
  • Nevarra City
  • Cumberland
  • Hossburg
  • Antiva City
  • Qunandar


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  • Like
Reactions: Machinaes
I'm interested in this RP~ I'm about to make my CS now though it won't be done till like tomorrow morning~
dammit iwaku... haven't been getting notifications, good thing i checked the thread and found the ooc link. Least i'm only a day late seeing it. i'll get on my cs asap, i'll have it done maybe today but tomorrow at the latest. :3
I'll have the derf werrior up in the next couple of days! =)
Haven't gotten that art I was waiting for yet. Might just put up a human instead.

Still gonna be a warrior though.
I'm interested in this RP~ I'm about to make my CS now though it won't be done till like tomorrow morning~
dammit iwaku... haven't been getting notifications, good thing i checked the thread and found the ooc link. Least i'm only a day late seeing it. i'll get on my cs asap, i'll have it done maybe today but tomorrow at the latest. :3
I'll have the derf werrior up in the next couple of days! =)
Haven't gotten that art I was waiting for yet. Might just put up a human instead.

Still gonna be a warrior though.
Sounds good, everyone! As soon as you submit your character applications, I am sure you will hear back from @Mangekyō promptly as to whether or not you're accepted into the roleplay.
Gonna look at this when I get home tonight est. I think I will join don't know yet^^
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Reactions: Arlathina

Valiant Beckett 'Val-i-yant Beck-it'
The Seventeeth Day of Harvestmere & Thirty Years of Age

A Farming Settlement Outside of Starkhaven on the Minantar River
Freemarcher Human
Commoner & Very Neutral
⌘ MOTHER: Merriweather Fredricks - A woman of infinitesimal imagination and strength, owns and runs the Beckett Farms.
⌘ STEP-FATHER: Finwyn Fredricks - Ex-Militia, helps Merriweather run the farm. Is a very dull man, but at least he mans well.
⌘ HALF-BROTHER: Willam Fredricks - According to Valiant, he's unimportant. According to the rest of his family Willam is the shining light, having taken on Templar duties and all.
⌘ CHILDHOOD FRIEND: Boswyn Pinnam - A ne'er-do-well like Valiant, but a bit better at conning people. Grew up to be a wealthy merchant.


6'0" (183 cm)
168lbs (76 kg)
The first thing one might notice about Valiant is his lazy smile filled with teeth and tugged at due to the scarring on his lip. His blue eyes wink underneath strong red brows and are framed by a lazy smattering of freckles. His short mane of red hair manages to be pushed every which way on his head, most likely from him running his hand through it. It slides into a well-groomed beard. Yet, what might be his most calling feature is the scar across his face. It starts at his ear, slides across his temple and cheekbone and then dips downwards to nick his top lip. The story about it changes every time.

He usually never stands straight, quite commonly leaning against things when he can. This diminished posture has come from years of him not wanting to make a remarkable silhouette. When one stands, chest out, shoulders square they're asking for trouble. It also makes their weapons more visible. This way, he can camouflage what weapons he is carrying along with strength standing at his full height might convey. It's also a lot more inviting. Someone is more interested in sidling up a man with a lazy, open posture than one that seems like some rigid mountain.
⌘ CLOTHING: He wears a mixture of hardened leather and cloth. Hardened leather covers his more vital parts with the exception of his chest and shoulder of his prime arm which is covered in metal armor. The coloring of his clothing is usually a lot of mute colors, but he's never been too fond of black. He usually always wears a hood, but more as a preventive measure to the sun than some way to keep his appearance secretive.
In his off time, he's more prone to wearing loose fitting clothes with a lot of undone ties. He may wear a jacket on occasion, but it's never full buttoned up.

- Snake Bite: A fancy name for the two-blades that Valiant uses. They aren't mastercraft, but they're well-made blades that each have a long slit down the middle to allow Valiant to catch oncoming blades and deflect. They also create two puncture wounds instead of one--hence the name. Valiant is quite proud of them. (Based off this picture)
- A Set of Lockpicks: He calls them "Andraste's Fingers," as they are the digits of the divine. He uses them to get in and out of things. They're sturdy and well made. They're far from magical, as he boasts that they are.


Valiant is a coy and crass individual. He isn't the sort to let words flow from his lips like so much honey, but he isn't a dullard with them either. They're more like lock-picks, moving quick and clean through a lock to unearth the secrets beyond. Though, not every lock is easily picked. He knows this, and in such, he doesn't win every battle of the wits. Though when losing, he'll take to self depreciation and somewhat phallic-oriented jokes. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.

Usually, once one gets beyond his mouth, his personality is laid a bit more bare. He's a man that has known adversity and fought through it. One that has scraped for every little scrap that he ever thought should be his. While he may come off cool in many situations, there are certain ones that cause him to snap. While his words may make him soft, the challenges he has faced has hardened him. He has warmth, he has personality, and he has a very contagious laugh, but he does have a very thick guard to his inner-workings. Not to say he wouldn't dare share a bed with someone, but he wouldn't dare share the reasoning... well beyond him being inebriated and another brain beyond his main one coaxing him into it.

Dual-Wielding: He trained since he was little, and the first time he went to Starkhaven and saw two drunkards go at each other. It was broken up a man using two daggers. Since then, he became self-taught in the art, picking up skills from others throughout his time travelling across Thedas.
Con-Artistry: Valiant really doesn't consider it a form of art. Art is all frou-frou and hard work. This is more like working through a puzzle while one's pants are on fire. It takes quickness and adeptness. Still. It's a skill he's developed through the years. And while it's never fool-proof, it does get him out of many a sticky situation.
Acrobatics: Now, don't laugh. Alright. Well, maybe laugh a little. How Valiant got into this skill is a very humorous story for another time, but it has saved his life. Wielding two blades and being swift and powerful with them involves a lot of fancy foot work and one knowing one's body. He's harder to hit, he's capable of maneuvering over rough terrain, and he can escape out of balconies and down trellises when he finds out his drunken escapade from the night before came with a spouse.
Sleight-of-Hand: It may be a card trick, a quick move with his blade, or pick-pocketing, but Valiant knows his way around using his fingers and hands in the deftness of movements.
⌘ Lock Picking: Any rogue worth their salt can do this. Valiant is skilled at this. No, he cannot break into master locks, and he can't unlock things with a whisper, but he's far from a novice.
Stealth: You want to shit your pantaloons? Well then, Valiant is the man to make that happen. He can slink in and out of most places like a cat.
Hard Liquor
Wicked Grace
⌘ Well Earned Gold
Jewelry Made Out of Wood Pieces
The Bustle of a City
Favorite: Secrets
Overly Complex Stories
A Failed Job
⌘ Heat & Humidity
⌘ Bad Bard Music
⌘ Hated: Demons & the Fade

"To make enough money that if I decide to fat and docile, I have the means to provide for that life style. What? Running about protecting other people's wealth has gotten me envious. If I can spend the rest of my days as a druffalo, why not?"
Perception: Valiant doesn't outright know if someone is lying, but people have tells.
Agility: He hasn't lived as long as he has in the job that he holds without it. Being light on his feet has been his savior.
Blending in with a Crowd: He's a normal looking human in large swathes of normal looking humans. A tree in a forest, etc etc.

Lazy Charisma: A wry smile, mead on his breath, and a full laugh, Valiant is good at getting people to not look at him as some shift grafter but as a friend they never had. To be honest, this doesn't always work. There are always those that are aware of his nature and rebuff it. But he's more prone to have a drink with someone than to do something nefarious.
Illiterate: Growing up in a farming settlement in the Free Marches only gave him so much education. He can't read. Sure, he knows a few key phrases in the common language, but he's incapable of reading books or elaborate messages or signs.
Emotional Shut Off: Getting anything deeper than his usual façade is impossible.
Racist: As Freemarcher and generally pro-human, anti-magic sort of individual, he doesn't find interest in any other races. Maybe the dwarves, because really what have they done to people. And the Tal-Vashoth, because without the qun, Qunari are less rude. But these are only slight paled to his genuine dislike.
Not a Front-Liner: Valiant is fast and nimble, but he isn't one to sustain blows. He'll hide behind warriors and the like, dealing blows as quick as he is able. He doesn't have enough strength and defense to do otherwise.

The Fade & Demons
His Mother Dying
Wicked Grace
Hearing Stories and Telling Stories
Lascivious Encounters
Listening to Music
On a Job: He'll run a job perfectly-ish. Even if that job involves him being up at night or day. In-between times he might be seen in a tavern or chatting up those that are involved in his mission. He might also be trying a new form of acrobatics. Still, he is never far from his mission.
Off the Job: Off the job is waking up every morning hungover and not in the bed he was in the previous night. Not to say he is always successful, but on occasion he is. Days are spent getting drunk and gambling. Occasionally, if he is in the Free Marches, he'll go home to see his mother.

"Living has less to do with what you do it for, but who you do it for. I like to think that I live for myself. Sure. I may make really poor decisions, but at least I do it for myself."
"I'd rather not die. Or if I do, I really don't want to be on fire. I hear burning alive is horrible. Not from someone who that's happened to, of course. Just, generally, fire bad."
"I am a firm Andastrian. Very firm. Andraste's ass firm."
"I do love the Qunari. Their horns. Their stature. Their other accoutrements that are proportionate."
"I was cut once. It was physical and emotional, but it spelled an end of an era for me."
"I enjoy men, women, things that look like women or men. Honestly, I'm not particularly picky."
Valiant has received no proper education, beyond the basics of human conventions and base politeness. The rogue training he received was both self-taught and learned through his trade.
He doesn't have one. As he is always travelling, he doesn't quite have a stable home. That being said, he still has a room at his mother's farm, and that is where most of the things that he can't travel with reside.
Member of the Black Hand: A group of mercenaries that are filled with rogues, vagabonds, and con-artists. They were created by merchants in an interest to create a group of criminals to stop criminals. They perform security for various objectives and follow through. They rarely ever steal from their clients unless their clients steal from them.
Usually Starkhaven, but it can be anywhere that the Black Hands get a job.
Assistant Merchant
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Yeah, I'll be joining but will make a char Tuesday. Merry Christmas everybody^^.
Merry Christmas everyone! @Mangekyō has said we will wait until everyone is a bit less busy with the holiday season before we start! So far, everyone's characters look great. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with their family, friends, and loved ones!
Name (& pronunciation): Makon Kroscak (May-con Crow-zack)
Date of Birth (& age): The Second Day of Bloomingtide, 25
Place of Birth: Orzammar
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Dwarf
Social Class/Community Status: Branded/Mostly Hated by anyone who isn't poor.
Language: King's Tongue (Common)
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: He has one little brother, Hayank.

Physical Description

Height: 4'0
Weight: 240lbs
Hair: Short, Brown
Eyes: Blue
Detailed Physical Description: Makon is considered quite large, even for a dwarf. His frame is bulky and gives him a burly look. A fuzzy body with sporadic freckles make him a bit different from your average naked person.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Typically, he wears whatever he can find. Currently his equipment includes a set of heavy adventure armor, a fereldan broadaxe, a travel pack-with the essentials, and a lute.


Personality/Attitude: Makon is the type to be the first to knock you down, but also the first to help you up. A giver of possibly drunken speeches, he will always push the envelope and try to bring the best out of people. The dwarf has been in some dark places and would hate to others anywhere near that, either literally or figuratively. Good times are something he thrives off of, but the bad are when he tries to take the role of the team dad or some sort beacon of hope. The past might have hardened his spirit a bit, but his big heart remains unaffected. A sturdy, obnoxious dwarf that is good to have in your corner.

"I have two hands, and I use both for my weapon." - Makon has always been the type to charge forward and swing the heaviest thing to take down his foes. This has lead to an aptitude on how to use his body rather skillfully while maximizing the stalwart, dwarven muscle. You would be hard pressed to find a better two-hander.

"Music is meant to be shared, even if it's from a dwarf's gullet." - There isn't always much to do when you are a branded dwarf. Often, you have to pick up a skill that won't turn the heads of nobles or at least pick something to make life in Dustown less unbearable. For Makon, it was an affinity for music. Largely self-taught, the young dwarf loves to pull out the lute and liven the party up with a song.

"You spend enough time as muscle, and you get a just as beefy brain." - His time spent as a bodyguard has let him in on a lot of the inner workings of the Dwarven version of "The Game". Knowledge of how the Carta, and the higher ups, are also a benefit. Even if he isn't welcome in the city, the dwarf probably knows another way in. Not to mention he has smuggled enough goods to know the worth of something.

"Why don't you pop a squat and tell me what's wrong?" - Makon has a desire to take care of his fellows and ladies. This behavior has evolved into something makes him a bit of a camp counselor.

"See that bronto? Watch this..." Or "How much you want to bet I can out pull that horse?" And possibly my favorite "Have I ever told you about the time I shat in one of the chantry's offering urns?"- Simply put, if you need a big distraction, Makon is the dwarf to talk to.

Being Naked
A good fight
Precipitation of any kind (Rain, Snow, etc)

Most Hated/Dislikes:
Know it alls/Do it alls
Anyone with money that didn't earn it
Shat Personalities
Dressing Up

Short term - Clearing his name and be able to walk in his city a free man.

Long term - He doesn't really know. Doing something with his martial or musical skill would be ideal. Perhaps finding a good place to settle would be nice.

Deadly with any melee weapon that is heavy and two-handed
Tremendous Strength
Stellar Stamina
Good old fashion Dwarven Willpower (The trait, not the stat for magic)
Resistant to Magic (From Dwarven Heritage)

Not formally educated
Can likely never use magic
Not very dexterous
Can't resist a challenge
Stealth is the bane of his existence
Not exactly well read on etiquette
Not really much of a strategist

The Fade

Food and Drink
Sporting Events

Regular Routine:
Wake up, eats, gets cleaned up, does what he needs to, eats dinner, wash up, sleep. - Nothing out of the ordinary (not counting the details ;D)

Oddly enough, he is Andrastian.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
As morbid as it may sound, he has many. But the one that hurts the most, is his abuse as a child.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
He values sexual experience. Makon definitely leans towards women usually, BUT if the right person comes along....well the heart wants what it wants.

And sometimes it wants copious amounts of sexual activity. Who are we to fight it?

Education/Special Training:
Any knowledge or training he has picked was either self-taught, or given to him informally by his boss /father.

Place/Type of Residence:
None. For now he is a nomad.


Place of Work:
Formally, Orzammar. N/A

Work-related Skills:
Two-Handed Prowess
Following Directions
Party Spirit Lifter

Past Occupations:
Former Bodyguard for the Carta.
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I may not join after all, but not quite sure yet. Gonna hold off on the CS until some stress has dissipated, at least.
Hm~ reading over the other CS's, I may withdraw Valiant as there is A LOT of overlap with Zephyr, and since this is going to be a small group... there shouldn't be that many rogue types that can do such similar things. And considering Valiant can't do near as much... Idk. I just had Valiant in my head since the Interest Check, and I don't know how much I want to retool him.

We'll see. This is the busy holiday season. ^_^
Hm~ reading over the other CS's, I may withdraw Valiant as there is A LOT of overlap with Zephyr, and since this is going to be a small group... there shouldn't be that many rogue types that can do such similar things. And considering Valiant can't do near as much... Idk. I just had Valiant in my head since the Interest Check, and I don't know how much I want to retool him.

We'll see. This is the busy holiday season. ^_^
I think your character could be a great contrast to mine ^-^ Mine being the archer quiet knowledge able type. Yours being the dual wielding not so quiet and uneducated type. I could edit my character some as well if that helps to give a more Yin Yang type of feel~
I can smash whatever is left. 8D
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Reactions: Dualnte
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I've been reviewing character profiles. Some of you did fine, only just a few things here and there, but some will need revising. Those who have been accepted are granted a "like" by me.

Will everyone please add their dice roll from the Intrest check to their CS.


A few things with Zephyr; one being he can't have "Mortalitasi status". He isn't a mage and Mortalitasi are Death Mages. Even Cassandra, who's uncle was high Mortalitasi and caretaker of the Grand Necropolis, wasn't a Mortalitasi by affiliation nor was she granted the status of one. There is also no such thing as "Mortalitasi HQ". The Mortalitasii work in crypts and mausoleums. He also would know how to use magical scriptures as he is not a mage. I know you've crafted your character around this, and I'm sorry but we aren't cross classing, he is either a mage and has magic--or he is a rogue and he doesn't. There simply would be no need for a rogue in a crypt or mausoleum.

A second thing I am not buying is he knows Qunlat and the reason for that is, Leliana a spymaster who deals in information extensively, nor Hissrad, or The Iron Bull, know the full extent of the language. They understand singular word and phrases. Qunlat is a very difficult language to learn and even for someone like Iron Bull, who grew up in the Qun, didn't understand some of it. I'm not saying your character won't know some Qunlat, but he's definitely not going to be able to be a fluent speaker in it.

Lastly, and this is more of a question than anything is, you mentioned your character having "explosives". What did you mean by that? As far as I know, the only explosive things characters in DA:I have are Antivan Fire, which is more like a napalm than anything, Explosive Shot ability which I'm not sure even actually has something to do with something exploding or if its a really powerful shot. The description is rather vague. Other than that, there really is no form of useable explosives outside of Dwarven black powder and Qunari Gaatlock, both of which are highly guarded by their respective races. So please explain.


Your profile is good.

@Tyrannosaurus Rekt

Your profile is good.


Dwarves are 3-4 feet tall. They are shorter than human females who are in the five-foot range. They can be on the tall end of 4' range, but a male dwarven Inquisitor only comes up to Cassandra's breasts. She has to lean down about half way just to kiss him. Another thing is, most Dwarves speak Common--and in fact, they made Common to make it easier to trade--not just with humans but with other Dwarves from other Thaigs. So there may be regional dialect, but most Dwarves have adopted Common. Other than those two things, you'll be good to go.


I'm still waiting on your character. :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I've been reviewing character profiles. Some of you did fine, only just a few things here and there, but some will need revising. Those who have been accepted are granted a "like" by me.

Will everyone please add their dice roll from the Intrest check to their CS.


A few things with Zephyr; one being he can't have "Mortalitasi status". He isn't a mage and Mortalitasi are Death Mages. Even Cassandra, who's uncle was high Mortalitasi and caretaker of the Grand Necropolis, wasn't a Mortalitasi by affiliation nor was she granted the status of one. There is also no such thing as "Mortalitasi HQ". The Mortalitasii work in crypts and mausoleums. He also would know how to use magical scriptures as he is not a mage. I know you've crafted your character around this, and I'm sorry but we aren't cross classing, he is either a mage and has magic--or he is a rogue and he doesn't. There simply would be no need for a rogue in a crypt or mausoleum.

A second thing I am not buying is he knows Qunlat and the reason for that is, Leliana a spymaster who deals in information extensively, nor Hissrad, or The Iron Bull, know the full extent of the language. They understand singular word and phrases. Qunlat is a very difficult language to learn and even for someone like Iron Bull, who grew up in the Qun, didn't understand some of it. I'm not saying your character won't know some Qunlat, but he's definitely not going to be able to be a fluent speaker in it.

Lastly, and this is more of a question than anything is, you mentioned your character having "explosives". What did you mean by that? As far as I know, the only explosive things characters in DA:I have are Antivan Fire, which is more like a napalm than anything, Explosive Shot ability which I'm not sure even actually has something to do with something exploding or if its a really powerful shot. The description is rather vague. Other than that, there really is no form of useable explosives outside of Dwarven black powder and Qunari Gaatlock, both of which are highly guarded by their respective races. So please explain.


Your profile is good.

@Tyrannosaurus Rekt

Your profile is good.


Dwarves are 3-4 feet tall. They are shorter than human females who are in the five-foot range. They can be on the tall end of 4' range, but a male dwarven Inquisitor only comes up to Cassandra's breasts. She has to lean down about half way just to kiss him. Another thing is, most Dwarves speak Common--and in fact, they made Common to make it easier to trade--not just with humans but with other Dwarves from other Thaigs. So there may be regional dialect, but most Dwarves have adopted Common. Other than those two things, you'll be good to go.


I'm still waiting on your character. :)
He is not a mage, he is the only one in his vast family of mages who isn't a mage at all. He has no magical abilities despite the heritage.

As for the HQ thing I wasn't sure on that figured they had a main base of operation. Either way his entire family works/is a Mortalitasi going back for who knows how long. He had been trained to take care of the dead and such at a young age before they learned he wasn't a mage. His family didn't just abandon him and due to their heritage and likely pull in some political matters they were able to keep Zephry with them. He can't do anything magical, however he has still learned what he can of the works of the organization, and his function in the organization is that of a messenger boy/delivery man. He would do smaller task as well, however he would still have work none the less with the organization.

Not much is known about the organization, however I think that not all of them need to be mages. They could have non mages who have skill do things for them. Gather information, get tomes to add to their already extensive library. Even though he himself isn't a mage he would still work with them. He may not get as much respect, but at the same time due to how huge his family is, he would still have a high status. I wasn't sure what to call it so I just said it was Mortalitasi status.

As for knowing the language, I'm fine with him knowing only what is available to be taught to him via book. He has an eidetic memory, which allows him to recall images, text etc within only minutes with extreme amount of detail. Which allows him to know/learn as much as he does in things regarding mental learning rather than physical education. One reason why he knows so many languages and magical text despite being only 27.

Again he is a Rouge Archer, and is completely incapable of casting any kind of spell.

Edit: Also with the explosives that was a mistake on my part as I thought that's what they were called. I mean he is currently learning how to make/improve grenades. Like Antiva fire, bees in a jar etc.
Lastly, and this is more of a question than anything is, you mentioned your character having "explosives". What did you mean by that? As far as I know, the only explosive things characters in DA:I have are Antivan Fire, which is more like a napalm than anything, Explosive Shot ability which I'm not sure even actually has something to do with something exploding or if its a really powerful shot. The description is rather vague. Other than that, there really is no form of useable explosives outside of Dwarven black powder and Qunari Gaatlock, both of which are highly guarded by their respective races. So please explain.
Just wanna point out, dwarves don't have black powder, that's what gaatlok is (remember the quest name from DAII? Blackpowder Courtesy). Dwarven explosives are lyrium based (and thus potentially toxic if improperly made/handled) and much weaker than gaatlok though much more readily available.
@Mangekyō I thought King's Tongue and Common were the same? And I honestly had no idea what the dwarf limit was on height. XD

Either way, I made the changes. I can't wait.

Also, you sure know a lot about dwarven height in relation with Cassandra's boobies. *side eyes*

Don't worry, I romanced her as a dwarf too.
As for the HQ thing I wasn't sure on that figured they had a main base of operation. Either way his entire family works/is a Mortalitasi going back for who knows how long. He had been trained to take care of the dead and such at a young age before they learned he wasn't a mage. His family didn't just abandon him and due to their heritage and likely pull in some political matters they were able to keep Zephry with them. He can't do anything magical, however he has still learned what he can of the works of the organization, and his function in the organization is that of a messenger boy/delivery man. He would do smaller task as well, however he would still have work none the less with the organization.
I'm not saying his family should abandon him--I'm saying they wouldn't have trained a person in the works of a specified mage field if he didn't show any aptitude towards magic. Mages can sense magic and if he hadn't expressed any talent, say by puberty, then they wouldn't have trained him. There simply would be no point in it. Mortalitasi use magic to preserve the dead and reanimate bodies--none of which he can do. If you think about this way; a person does not get sent to a Circle of Magi simply for being related to a mage. They might be watched closely to see if the power manifests, but they have to have shown the capacity for using magic first then taken to the Circle where they learn to harness their power before they made to go through their harrowing. One does not come before the other. It's just common sense to wait and see first before training him in a craft that uses magic extensive to perform their duties.

Another thing is, Mortalitasi are linked by royal blood and it is quite customary for Nevarran royalty to employ them as advisors. So he would have to be part of the lower royal family in Nevarra. The Mortalitasi was founded by a Tevinter Mage Vitus Fabria who was an advisor to Caspar Pentghast the 1st or Caspar the Magnificent--that was three centuries ago in the Steel Age in the chronological timeline of Dragon Age lore.

So, he can help out the Mortalitasi--but he can't and would not be trained as one nor would he be labeled as such.

Just wanna point out, dwarves don't have black powder, that's what gaatlok is (remember the quest name from DAII? Blackpowder Courtesy). Dwarven explosives are lyrium based (and thus potentially toxic if improperly made/handled) and much weaker than gaatlok though much more readily available.
That is correct. I researched it and they do use lyrium-based explosives.I think the only reason why I though they had gunpowder is because, in Origins, they show Dwarves with cannons, catapults, and ballistae fighting Darkspawn. Thought the Sha-Brytol can use it as well with the rods that break apart barriers that Earthshakers use.

@Mangekyō I thought King's Tongue and Common were the same? And I honestly had no idea what the dwarf limit was on height. XD

Either way, I made the changes. I can't wait.

Also, you sure know a lot about dwarven height in relation with Cassandra's boobies. *side eyes*

Don't worry, I romanced her as a dwarf too.
View attachment 125724
Yeah...I might have made a male dwarf and dated Cassandra for the comedic value of watching how far she had to bend down just to kiss the guy. lol It was a little awkward to watch him dance with Floriane--kept asking how he was doing all that waltzing and keeping up with her when she obviously had a longer stride than him. XD
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