Dragon Age: The Sixth Blight OOC

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The Chantry teaches us that it is the hubris of men that first brought the darkspawn into our world...

IC: CLOSED SIGNUPS - Dragon Age: The Sixth Blight
Sign-Ups: CHARACTER INDEX - Dragon Age: The Sixth Blight Sign-Ups

Nearly thirty years ago, the darkspawn- foul creatures from beneath the earth- revaged the southern continent of Thedas in a great Blight lead by the Archdemon Urthemiel. The Warden-Commander of Ferelden, a Grey Warden by the name of Duncan, along with the Warden Alistair, recruited the daughter of Teryn Bryce Cousland- Alessia- to combat the threat of the darkspawn. She would soon lead the Grey Wardens upon the deaths of King Cailan Theirin and Duncan, eventually avenging them after betrayal by Loghain Mac Tir, who was executed by Alistair- who, in reality, was the bastard son of Cailan's father Maric- before being named King of Ferelden. Eventually Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden married, Thedas began to move on.

And, as it had happened before, the people of Thedas forgot about the power of the Blight and failed to ignore the warnings of the Grey Wardens as the latter became forgotten.

Now, thirty years have passed.

Forgotten and receeding, the great nations of Thedas realize too late that the Grey Wardens have dissappeared, causing the Empire of Orlais to go so far and proclaim that the ancient order is dead. In time, only Nevarra, Ferelden, and the Qunari openly believe that Grey Wardens remain. As such, Queen Alexandria of Ferelden announces that a small party of volunteers to cross from Ferelden into Orlais, the Free Marches, and Nevarra before approaching the fortress of Weisshaupt in the Anderfels, the ancient headquarters of the Grey Wardens.

However, as then party leaves for Orlais, it is discovered that one Grey Warden lives among the Dalish in the Brecilian Forest. Heading south, the fate of this small party and this unknown Grey Warden will determine the fate of all Thedas...

Some remarks:

This RP takes place in an AU where the events of Inquisition don't occur. Otherwise, the original concept this is based on was originally crafted by myself and @Bears . All characters in the RP will have the oppotunity to undergo the Joining and become Grey Wardens, or to just be awesome badasses. Some characters, such as Fergus Theirin will available to be taken by players.


The Fifth Blight Begins.
- Warden-Commander Duncan inducts Alessia Cousland into the Grey Wardens.
- After being named king of Orzammar, Bhelen Aeducan annuls the Assembly.
- The werewolf plague ceases after the Lady and Zathrian accept peace.
- The Fifth Blight ends when King Alistair Therin kills the Archdemon.
- Kieran, the son of Alistair and the witch Morrigan, is born.
- Princess Alexandria Eleanor Therin is born to King Alistair and Queen Alessia.
- Arrahel the White is found at the doorstep of the Circle of Ferelden.
- Shale becomes the royal protector of Princess Alexandria.
- Nathaniel Howe, Anders, Oghren, Velanna, Sigrun, and Justice join the Grey Wardens.
- The Warden-Commander spares the Architect.
- The Messenger is allowed to wander the surface of Thedas.
- Construction of the Low Road, which connects Orzammar and Kal-Sharok, begins.
- Alessia leaves the Grey Wardens to fulfill her role as Queen of Ferelden, Nathaniel Howe is named Warden-Commander.
- Prince Fergus Therin is born.
- Justice merges with Anders.
- Archon Radonis of Tevinter is assassinated, and his son Cassian succeeds him as the new Archon.
- Hawke is crowned Champion of Kirkwall.
- The Qunari Sten, a former companion of the Hero, is made Arishok.
- Wynne dies.
- King Aeducan reinstitutes the Assembly, remodeling some features after the Aseembly of Kal-Sharok and instituing the Rule of Sal-Deshyr- making room for elected members of the Assembly from the non-noble castes as opposed to only the hereditary, noble deshyrs.The first act by the new Assembly is to construct the Warden's Way, a mortuary hall honoring Grey Wardens who met their end answering the Calling in the Deep Roads. It also serves as lodging for Grey Wardens travelling in Orzammar.
- Construction of the Low Road is complete after taking measures to ensure it is inaccessible by Darkspawn.
- Anders destroys a Chantry and flees with Hawke.
- The First Mage-Templar War begins.
- A Conclave is called by Divine Justinia V.
- Originally a representative of the Dalish at the Conclave, the mage Galen Lavallan emerges as a hero of the Chantry after preventing the destruction of the Conclave by rogue Templars.
- Lavellan is accused of being an inside agent for the Dalish and the rebel mages with the purpose manipulating Chantry politics in their favor. Although an asset in bringing the rebel mages to reason and discussion, all accusations are found to be groundless.
- Duke Gaspard de Chalons initiates the War of the Lions against Empress Celene.
- Empress Celene sends her son and heir, Ezekiel du Lyons, to live with allies in Nevarra to prevent his assassination.
- Seheron is completely conquered by the Qunari after expelling Tevinter forces once more.
- The Arishok opens limited trade with various nations, inviting the royal family of Ferelden to the city of Seheron itself as he reuintes with his old friends and companions.

- Emperor Gaspard successfully seizes the Orlesian throne and Celene is publicly executed after the Seige of Jader after allying with the elven spymaster Briala, publically vowing to improve the elves' quality-of-living.
- Lavellan is given the title "Arbiter" in respect to his diplomatic prowess. He is sent to Seheron on behalf of the Chantry to form an alliance.
- The ancient Grey Warden Avernus dies, but not before his research is secretly taken to and then hidden by King Alistair and Queen Alessia.

- Emperor Gaspard of Orlais dies due to disease, possibly poison.
- Emperor Philip de Chalons succeeds his father and reigns for four months before dying.
- Empress Viktoria takes her throne after her brother's death. Ezekiel du Lyons gains support quietly for his claim upon returning to Orlais.
- The Triumvirate does not permit a full alliance with the Chantry, but does permit use of Qunari sea routes.
- King Alistair and Queen Alessia of Ferelden depart with their longtime friends, Oghren and Sigrun, to answer the Calling. Their weapons are given places of honor in the Warden's Way.
- Grey Wardens begin to disappear across Thedas, beginning in Orlais.
- Princess Alexandria assumes the throne at just 14 but receives advice from Arl Teagan.
- Divine Justinia dies, her Right Hand Cassandra Pentaghast is crowned Divine Victoria with assistance from her lover, Arbiter Lavellan.
- The Sixth Blight begins as Darkspawn surface in the Free Marches, although unnoticed due to the violence of the Mage-Templar War.
- Nathaniel Howe and Velanna are called to address the possible darkspawn threat in the Free Marchs, but Howe is killed and Velanna is crippled. Rumors circulate that Anders himself killed his former friend.
- The Divine officially ends the war. She reforms the Circle and Templar order.
- Arrahel the White passes the Harrowing, becoming a full member of the Ferelden Circle.
- The Divine begins reforming the Seekers, rooting out the corruption and abuse of power of her former order.
- Arrahel the White undergoes the Joining and becomes a Grey Warden.
- The Second Mage-Templar War begins after Divine Victoria is almost killed in a Darkspawn raid at the Val Foret chantry.
- The rogue Zevran is called upon by Leliana, the Left Hand of the Divine, to begin searching for clues regarding the dissappearing Grey Wardens.
- Having lost faith, Empress Viktoria and the Council of Heralds proclaim the Grey Wardens are "dead" and that they will have to combat the blight themselves. Tevinter, Rivain, Antiva, and the Free Marches issue similar statements.
- Ferelden and Nevarra, along with the Divine and the Chantry, keep hope that Wardens still remain. The Arishok publicly states that "Wardens do not die easily- only a fool would believe they are truly gone," referencing his experiences during the Fifth Blight.

- Orzammar throws its weight into combating the darkspawn, using an ancient explosive known as Emerald Fire to seal off the main entrances to the Deep Roads while further reinforcing the Low Road. Some side-entrances remain open for scouting purposes, but are heavily guarded and reinforced.
- The nations of Ferelden, Orlais, Orzammar, and Nevarra establish a military coalition to prevent the darkspawn from going into the hearts of their lands. The Free Marches remains in disarray due to he Second Mage-Templar War, while Tevinter defends itself. Rivain and Antiva form a similar alliance while the Qunari focus on searching for the Grey Wardens.
- The Grey Warden Arrahel is found by the Dalish after going comatose at Ostagar.
- Ferelden mourns as Arl Teegan dies after protecting the Frostback Mountains from the darkspawn.
- Emerald Fire is used to seal off various locations across Thedas, while some employ dwarven-designed Great Barrier Doors instead, a means of further preventing the darkspawn from accessing the surface in crowded areas.
-The Arishok sends a small division of warriors to Ferelden to aid in fighting the Blight.
-Kal-Hirol gives legions to fight the darkspawn upon finally entering diplomatic discussions with Orlais.

- Present
- Arrahel awakens and assumes the role of Warden-Commander of Ferelden upon learning he is the last known Warden.
- Queen Alexandria and Prince Fergus marshal an expedition to search for the Grey Wardens.


  • The land where the Fifth Blight rose and fell nearly thirty years ago, until recently the land was ruled by King Alistair Therin and Queen Alessia Cousland, the former Grey Wardens who ended the Blight. Their eldest child, Queen Alexandria, now rules undisputed while her brother Prince Fergus (who, by birthright, is also the Teryn of Highever) handles Ferelden's military affairs. The Queen of Ferelden is subject to the Landsmeet- the legislative body comprised of Ferelden's nobles, Chantry officials, and even representatives from the Ferelden Circle.

  • A group of loosely-associated city-states, the Free Marches make major decisions by convening in a Landsmeet. Out of all the nations of Thedas, the Free Marches is the least concerned with the Sixth Blight as it deals with the Second Mage-Templar War.

  • Perhaps the strongest human nation and the home of the Chantry, Orlais is an absolute monarchy. Unlike Ferelden and Orzammar where there are bodies that can challenge the actions of the monarch, the emperor or empress of Orlais has the final say in all legal affairs. Although it is not said publicly, one look at Orlesian society tells one that humans are enforced as the dominant race while elves and qunari are seen as serfs and servants. Dwarves aren't treated as well as humans, but are treated far better than elves and qunari.

  • Perhaps the utmost ancient society in Thedas, Orzammar was once the heartbeat of a great dwarven empire that spanned throughout the thaigs of the Deep Roads. However, when the First Blight attacked the dwarven empire, only two great thaigs- Orzammar and Kal-Sharok- survived, the latter closing itself off from the world. Orzammar itself is ruled by its king, Bhelen Aeducan, who approves laws made by the Assembly, the legislative body of Orzammar. While most believe Orzammar's holdings are naught but the thaig itself, many subterranean dwarven cities now connected by the Low Road and those in the Frostback Mountains give their allegiance to the King of Orzammar.

  • Once called the land of dragon-slayers, the Nevarrans are ruled by a monarchy, who is advised by a Grand Council, a small legislative branch that also act as the council to the king. They often track their dynasties extensively, making Nevarran politics all the more intrinsic and exhausting. However, the fact that Nevarra possess the best-trained and best-equiped soldiers is uncontested as not even Orlais will willing attempt a border skirmish against Nevarra.

  • One of the islands controlled by the Qunari, Seheron is the home of the Triumvirate, the three individuals who govern the Qunari. They are comprised of the Arishok (the supreme military commander), the Arigena (the greatest industrial, agricultural, and trade official), and the Ariqun (the great high priest), who represent the body, mind, and soul of Qunari society, respectively. This is, in part, because the Quanari believe their society to be a living thing, wherein each individual Qunari- in their following of the Qun- are duty-bound to do what is best for the society as they are akin to drops of blood in a single body.

  • The oldest existing country in Thedas, the Tevinter Imperium is a powerful magocracy led by the Imperial Archon. The title of Archon is typically passed from father to son, although Archons may be elected if there are no clear successors. Like Orlais, the population of Tevinter believes in the supremacy of humanity. It has mostly closed itself off from the rest of Thedas since the Sixth Blight has continued to spread.

Humans are the most numerous and most powerful race in Thedas. All The leading kingdoms explored in the Dragon Age universe are human – Orlais, Ferelden, as well as others. Compared to the other races of Thedas, Humans are recognized for their adaptability, ingenuity and flexibility in terms of morals and beliefs. They are capable of being rogues, warriors and mages.

Long ago humans worshipped a draconic pantheon of Old Gods which it is considered that they now slumber beneath the earth. The magister rulers of the ancient Tevinter Imperium who regularly talked to the Old Gods, engaged a series of invasions in which they defeated the elven kingdom of Elvhenan and enslaved the race. Boosted by the sheer number of slaves, the Imperium conquered almost the entirety of Thedas in the next centuries.

Eventually, the Imperium was challenged from the south by a barbarian uprising, the armies led by Maferath and his wife, the prophet Andraste.

Andraste brought the teachings of a new god, the Maker, and her word spread quickly. The oppressed masses of the Imperium rose up in rebellion to support the invading barbarians and eventually most of the south fell to their might. Andraste was not stopped in her Exalted March until she was betrayed by her husband: jealous of her power, Maferath turned Andraste over to the Tevinter archon and she was burned at the stake. The Chant of Light would say that the Maker turned his back on humanity when she died. He would only return and make the world into a paradise when the Chant of Light was sung from all corners of the world, and so the Chantry began to spread. In modern times, the Chantry has spread throughout the known world, its power unquestioned even as it begins to give way to internal strife.

The elves are a physically-weaker version of humans with a slender build, pointed ears and astronger affinity for nature and magic. Long ago, the elves were the dominant race on Thedas, and their advanced civilization was based on nature, the Fade and magic. After the fall of their great city of Arlathan, and its following plunder by the human mages of the Tevinter Imperium and the subsequent generations of slavery that followed, the elves lost most of their cultural heritage and identity.

Since then, their few numbers have been scattered all over Thedas in either forests as illusive but dangerous nomads known as the Dalish, or as "city elves": impoverished outcasts, the lowest of the low in human society with little hope of recovery for their culture or their race. They're now a people associated with poverty, crime, barbarism, and are often used as scapegoats for humanity's difficulties.

However, elves are often noted as being the most resilient of the races, building up from near-extinction like dwarves while clinging to what little cultural identity that they have been able to keep. The elves are also well-documented as having the closest connection to the Fade, making it more common for an elf to be discovered as a mage than a human or Qunari.

Dwarves are a short, stocky, and physically-strong race. The dwarves are skilled builders and boast a long tradition of courage and martial skill that has served them well in their millennia-long battle against the darkspawn. They are a race in decline, once developed a huge, great empire which spread across vast underground networks of twelve great thaigs (or underground cities) that spanned the breadth of Thedas. However, their world was all but destroyed during the First Blight.

In addition to the loss of nearly all thaigs and the majority of the Deep Roads to darkspawn, dwarves are known to be increasingly infertile due to their proximity to the darkspawn taint, a situation which has given rise to anxiety for the future of the race, as well as the invention of noble hunters to bolster the children born to noble houses.

Unlike elves and humans, dwarves do not naturally enter the Fade, as they do not dream. Dwarves who spend too much time above ground are labeled as Surfacers and are shunned as well as prevented entry into the few remaining Thaigs. In recent years, there has been talk of making a Surface Caste so that surface dwarves may still find peace with the Stone.

Qunari - The Qunari is the name most commonly known for the mysterious, illusive and gigantic race that governs the island nations of Par Vollen and Seheron. Qunari are taller and considered to be more physically robust than humans. They have skin of varying metallic colors (such as gold, bronze, and silver), white hair, pointed ears, and vivid eyes with colors like violet, red, silver, or yellow. They follow a harsh but respectable code of honor known as the Qun.

Any Qunari who is not born in the Qun are known as Vashoth (not to be confused with Tal-Vashoth, individuals who abandon the Qun or are exiled from it) and are somewhat shunned by the Qunari, to the point that some consider Vashoth a race entirely different from theirs. They tower over the other races, averaging seven feet and are incredibly physically capable. Qunari born with magic are called Sarebaas and are bound, with their lips stitched together in order to keep them from inflicting chaos on the people of the Qun.


The darkspawn, are a race of humanoid tainted creatures that mostly dwell in the underground of Thedas. When the darkspawn uncover one of the Old Gods rumored to be asleep deep underground, they expose it to the taint, changing it into an Archdemon, which then leads them in an attack against the surface world called a Blight. The darkspawn are perhaps the greatest single threat to all of Thedas; they are bloodthirsty, exceptionally numerous and willing to indiscriminately kill or corrupt all in their path.

Darkspawn exist solely for one purpose - war against all sentient beings in Thedas. As a rule, they are completely hostile to outsiders. Anyone caught venturing underground will be attacked, and anything caught in their path during a raid or a Blight will be mercilessly slaughtered. Surrendering to darkspawn is generally foolish; even if they spare a prisoner's life, they will still drag them back to the Deep Roads.

Males are devoured and tortured for entertainment once their effective labor is used up, while females are turned into broodmothers, disgusting abominations used to birth more and more darkspawn in order to fill their armies.



Warriors are the front-line fighters and the backbone of any party under assault. They rely on melee weapons, as well as heavy armor and must pull from deep reserves of stamina to function. The warriors of Thedas come in two different varieties - two handed and sword and board.

Two handed warriors are a wave of destruction in the battlefield, either wielding broadswords or giant axes, they are more offensive form of warriors. Sword and shield warriors are the epitome of defense, they can withstand a great deal of punishment. Both varieties usually have a strong understanding of tactics. All races can be warriors, though Qunari and Dwarven warriors are usually a cut above the rest.

Specializations: Reaver, Templar, Berserker, Champion, Guardian

Rogues are crafty combatants who succeed in battle by combining speed, subterfuge, and a wide range of abilities to bring their opponents down in unexpected ways, sometimes before the enemy even perceives danger. Rogues can pick locks with great skill, incapacitate enemies with ease, or sneak up on targets to deliver a devious and crippling backstab. They usually wear light armor and skirt around the outskirts of a fight, looking for the opportune moment to strike.

Rogues usually dual wield daggers or practice archery. All races can be rogues, but Dalish archers are a renowned hunting force and city elves are usually comfortable with daggers considering their upbringing.

Specializations: Bard, Duelist, Ranger, Assassin, Shadow, Artificer, Tempest

In Thedas, magic is a natural physical phenomenon such as gravity or magnetism. Some people are born with the ability to interact with, control, and shape it, these people are Mages. Conventional magic originates from the Fade, the realm where spirits dwell and humans, qunari, and elves visit when they dream. Mana is a measurement of one's ability to channel energy from the Fade, and this energy is expended in the practice of magic. Just as the Fade can be reshaped by those who have grasped its nature, so can the world of Thedas be manipulated by magic via willing things into being. In combat, mages utilize staffs from a safe distance if they aren't casting spells to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Specializations: Arcane Warrior, Shapeshifter, Spirit Healer, Blood Mage, Battlemage, Keeper, Mortalitasi, Knight Enchanter


The Chantry

The Chantry, as a whole, has remained mostly the same. However, the Conclave and the actions of Divine Victoria have lead to the Chantry taking a different outlook on mages and allowing human woman who are mages to becoming priestesses. Otherwise, the Chantry now asserts itself as more of a political entity given the tighter leash on the templars, as well as the actions of the Divine that have given a certain political power to Chantry members.

Circle of Magi
After the end of the First Mage-Templar War, Divine Victoria permitted the First Enchanters and Grand Enchanter to write of a document known as the Declaration of Magi Rights. This document set minimum standards of treatment for mages by members of the Templar Order, the Chantry, and by military personnel. Although the Circles still stand, their residents are now considerably more free and can even receive permission to marry outside of the Circle and live in a nearby village.

The rebels in the Free Marches consider these changes nothing better than band-aid fixes, believing that the Divine is ignoring the flaws still present in the system.

The Templar Order
The Templar Order is a military order of the Chantry that hunts apostates and maleficar and watches over the mages from the Circle of Magi. While templars are officially deemed a force of defenders by the Chantry, established to protect the communities of the faithful from magical threats, they are in fact an army unto themselves; well-equipped, highly disciplined and devoted to their duties.

No longer a public force following Divine Victoria's election, the Templar Order has been relegated to being the Divine's personal army. Although many protest the move, the Templars are restricted in their authority as the Divine will only give them more authority when she deems it necessary.

Grey Wardens
The Grey Wardens are an order of various races and nationalities all of which possess exceptional ability as well as a dedication to fighting darkspawn throughout Thedas. With the right to conscript anyone to their order, regardless of rank or reputation as well as their history of saving Thedas during all five Blights, they are a renowned group of mages, rogues and warriors.

Little has changed amongst the Grey Wardens, they were primarily focused on the redistribution of available forces and clarification of duties during ages of peace before they slowly began to disappear as a whole.


I. A minimum of a post per week is required if you want your character to jeep breathing.

II. 1-2 paragraphs per post is an appreciated average.

III. As of right now each writer is allowed one character, although some exceptions may be made.

IV. Inform the GM ahead of time about prolong absences and such.

V. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask here or in a PM.

VI. Romance is allowed! Any smut should be kept in private.

VII. All of Iwaku's general forum rules apply.​
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Can I be a Grey Warden?
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
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Still here and interested. You have a specific character sheet format you'd like?
There's a link to the character index with the sheet at the top of the first post @Zarkun
Thank you for the tag. I'm afraid, however, I won't have time to take up another roleplay what with school starting soon and me starting my job next week. Thank you for thinking of me though. :)
@AceSorcerer Can you blame me Brother? :frogface::link:

So is he accepted? Any comments?
@AceSorcerer Can you blame me Brother? :frogface::link:

So is he accepted? Any comments?
...I've never seen a Link emoji on this site before. Otherwise, I'd tune down the old English first. That, and I believe there would be great penalties for directly copying the Grey Wardens (i.e. false hope, massacres, execution).
  • Thank You
Reactions: Brother Gabriel
I will edit it shortly
  • Thank You
Reactions: AceSorcerer
Also, a fair notice to everyone that we'll be starting in media res, specifically in the middle of a battle.
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Reactions: MelodicInferno
I think I've crossed all of Athala's T's and dotted her I's now. Let me know if you need me to fix anything or I had a dumb moment somewhere?
I think I might be able to say the same about Mavera.
Jerus is up as well. Let me know if I need to make changes.
Alright everyone- I'll take a look at the completed profiles after I finish this pre-lab report.
Is this still open to sign-ups?
(I ask because not everyone changes the 'Open' status right away, and it seems there's a few people who have posted BIOs already.)
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