Dragon Age: The Sixth Blight

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Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
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OOC: OPEN SIGNUPS - Dragon Age: The Sixth Blight OOC
Sign-Ups: CHARACTER INDEX - Dragon Age: The Sixth Blight Sign-Ups
[fieldbox=Arrahel the White, grey, solid, 8, book antiqua]
Nearly thirty years ago, the darkspawn- foul creatures from beneath the earth- revaged the southern continent of Thedas in a great Blight lead by the Archdemon Urthemiel. The Warden-Commander of Ferelden, a Grey Warden by the name of Duncan, along with the Warden Alistair, recruited the daughter of Teryn Bryce Cousland- Alessia- to combat the threat of the darkspawn. She would soon lead the Grey Wardens upon the deaths of King Cailan Theirin and Duncan, eventually avenging them after betrayal by Loghain Mac Tir, who was executed by Alistair- who, in reality, was the bastard son of Cailan's father Maric- before being named King of Ferelden. Eventually Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden married, Thedas began to move on.

And, as it had happened before, the people of Thedas forgot about the power of the Blight and failed to ignore the warnings of the Grey Wardens as the latter became forgotten.

Now, thirty years have passed.

Forgotten and receeding, the great nations of Thedas realize too late that the Grey Wardens have dissappeared, causing the Empire of Orlais to go so far and proclaim that the ancient order is dead. In time, only Nevarra, Ferelden, and the Qunari openly believe that Grey Wardens remain. As such, Queen Alexandria of Ferelden announces that a small party of volunteers to cross from Ferelden into Orlais, the Free Marches, and Nevarra before approaching the fortress of Weisshaupt in the Anderfels, the ancient headquarters of the Grey Wardens.

And so came all those across Thedas who were brave enough to answer the call, to seek the Grey Wardens at Weisshaupt in the Anderfells, but not before leaving to answer the rumors in the south that a living Grey Warden had been seen living amongst the Dalish elves, who had suppossedly joined up with some smaller tribes and kinsmen while rescuing some human villager along the way. If nothing else, they would need the help of these Dalish to combat the darkspawn in the future. But now, as they enter the Brecilian Forest, all is dark and quiet...

"Wake up, Arrahel. The Grey Wardens are needed all over Thedas, and your duty is only just beginning to reveal itself…"

It was to that voice that the elf known as Arrahel the White awoke, having slept for more than three years amidst the chaos of the rising Blight. The elf felt as if all of the life in his surroundings beckoned him to consciousness, their collective will amplified through the matronly voice that had resounded throughout his mind. But that mattered not immediately, as the Dalish healers ran forward to tend to the Grey Warden, ensuring he had suffered no permanent injury during his sleep.

It was during the days that followed that the Dalish clan informed the Grey Warden about everything that occurred in the past three years, including the loss of public faith in Orlais and of some of the northern countries. Furthermore, when Arrahel asked if any of the Dalish clans they had come into contact with had sighted any other Grey Wardens. Due to the extent of the information that the Dalish could provide, Arrahel learned that the previous Warden-Commander had been found dead near Redcliffe.

It was with this news that the elf had to rise and take upon himself the duty and rank of Warden-Commander of Ferelden. The burden felt like great millstones had fallen onto his shoulders from miles above, but he could not forsake it. To forsake this duty when he was the last Grey Warden he knew of would be to condemn Thedas to the darkness of the Blight, a place from which the continent may never rise again. His duty, at least, was clear; to unify the people of Thedas against the Sixth Blight and begin to rebuild the Grey Wardens.

It was a daunting prospect, to say it in the most minimal terms, but it had to be accomplished.

The first step, Arrahel would determine, would be to call upon the obligations written down in the treaties signed with the Grey Wardens. And with the expedition to Weisshaupt the Dalish had informed him of, Arrahel wouldn't have a better opportunity. Somehow he needed to catch up with them before they reached Guerin, which according to hearsay was their initial destination. Hopefully he could convince the Dalish to uphold the ancient treaties before he needed depart for the port city.

It would be soon that the healers allowed the Grey Warden to exit the healing tent after a few days, wherein the elf donned his garb and armor. His garb consisted of a white, long-sleeved tunic- under which he wore his Warden's Oath pendant- and grey traveler's pants and matching socks. His gloves were made of inscribed leather, and his vambraces were of a central layer of red steel that was covered with twin layers of inscribed leather. His cuirass encompassed the pauldrons, chestpiece, and a short tasset that also acted as a codpiece. Arrahel's legwear, however, was simple and only consisted of red steel poleyns (knee-guards) and grey, roughspun adventuring boots that were equipped with red steel greaves.

However, Arrahel's most valuable garment was his cloak. A parting gift from his parents before he left the Circle to join the Grey Wardens, the white, hooded cloak was woven and enchanted to mimic a dragon's scales in the aspects that it could resist and protect the wearer from elemental magics, softening the blow and preventing the destruction of the cloak though not negating attacks completely and scarcely dirtying as a side-effect (this was much to the mother's approval). On the back, the Grey Warden had modified the cloak (after taking upon himself the ways of the Arcane Warrior and learning how to weave the enchantment) to have two holsters. The topmost was for his staff, and the bottom most holder supported the weight of his metal targe (which looked to be more like an improvised sling to some extent), upon which was the heraldry of the Grey Wardens.

Aside from these garments, the elf wore two satchels beneath his cloak. One carried lyrium, ingredients for potions and poultices, the instruments necessary for the aforementioned, and bandages while other carried copies of the Grey Wardens' treaties, his personal accounts, items for correspondence (including sealing wax, the seal to which was a ring he wore on his right ring finger), what little correspondence he received from other Grey Wardens, and the equipment necessary to perform the Joining, save for vials of darkspawn blood.

He did have one more bag, a single-strap rucksack in which he kept clothing and personal effects, along with preserved food and drink. It was well used, but the fabric and rope held taut and firm even after the elf's years-long slumber. With his bags packed equipment holstered, the Grey Warden pulled out his staff- which was carved predominantly from dark sylvanwood- and used it to ensure his legs were fully awake as he walked through the camp and speak to the healer, leaving his mage's satchel and rucksack in his tent as he made his way to the Keeper.

The clan's Keeper, an elderly elf named Thelralan, had the same angular racial features as Arrahel. But while Arrahel's hair was white naturally, Thelralan's hair was white due to age. But soon enough, the Grey Warden's steel-blue eyes met the Keeper's green ones, the former turning to speak on serious business with the latter. The Keeper, resting on his silverite staff, greeted the Warden-Commander as they stood under the shade of the aravel he shared with his family. The voice of the Keeper was a hardened, gruff bass while the Warden-Commander's was a lower, more serious baritone.

"Aneth ara, Arrahel."

"Aneth ara, Theralan. I'm glad to see you're still living after my slumber, falon."

"Mas serannas, falon. Likewise, it is good to see that we did not lose you to the Fade. Did you dream any while you were in your sleep?"

"Sometimes, sometimes. At times I was conscious of the living world, observing the affairs around me, and other times I was pulled in and out of the Fade, speaking with the spirits I passed as I had control over my limbs, despite it only being in dreams."

"I understand, mithradan. But from what I understand, you Grey Wardens have different dreams than the rest of us, that it is your dreams that affirm whether or not Thedas is truly subject to a Blight."

"Unfortunately, that is true, falon. My dreams while in that state have shown me that we are, indeed, subject to the Sixth Blight. Therefore, it is with some sadness that I must ask you to uphold your end of the ancient treaties and begin to prepare, likewise informing the other Dalish clans as to the fact they are to be called upon."

"Mithradan, we cannot yet fulfill our end of the treaty. The People are scattered all across Thedas. We need time to rally the clans- and when that is done, the People will be with the Wardens again."

Then, spotting an unusual figure, the Grey Warden spoke once more.

"Falon, who is that human?"

"He is an Ash Warrior who found us about a month ago, from one of the villages in the south that have already been destroyed by the darkspawn. About three hundred humans from their villages survived and are travelling with us. With them are some Templars and warriors, but not enough to keep the humans safe without our help."

"Then it is true- the Blight truly does scare everyone into harmony and equality."

It would be then that one of the Dalish hunters who guarded the entrance to the camp, the young hunter speaking slightly worriedly to the Keeper.

"Keeper, news from the front watch! There is a group of travelers and another of refugees passing through, but a horde has emerged but is going to assault them!"

"Call the hunters and the warriors! We fight the Blight on this day!"

Gathering what warriors and hunters he could muster, the Grey Warden drank a vial of small vial lyrium (as, unlike Templars, mages do not suffer addicition and withdrawal to the substance) to give himself further strength and to awaken him enough to be of use in the battle. They formed up on the edges of the nearby clearing, where darkspawn began to crawl out of the earth. The elf first took his staff from his back, the gem humming with energy as he raised it to signal the archers to draw their bow. The tactic in question was simple- to ambush the darkspawn before either of the passing groups could be assault. And- with a conscious Warden in tow- getting the attention of the darkspawn would be all tooeasy.

Lowering his staff, Arrahel gritted his teeth and yelled out the command to release a volley of arrows as he cast a barrage of lightningbolt from his staff before putting it aside. Arrahel then cast the magic of the Arcane Warriors, drawing his sword and his shield as he immediately led the charge into the group of darkspawn. With the superhuman strength he derived from the taint and the powerful lightning magic at his disposal, the Grey Warden took his duty upon him as he cut through the horde in search of the leading alpha. For when the horde's alpha was killed, the darkspawn would retreat back to whence they came until a new alpha was bred to lead them by their broodmother. As the horde was rather large, it would be difficult to detect where the alpha was concealing itself. But no matter- Arrahel was doing a rather good job at carving his way through the darkspawn as the severed heads and limbs of genlocks and hurlocks laid at his feet as the battle raged on.
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Jerus Heron|The Rumors are True

The journey to the West Brecellian Forest to see if there was truly a Warden amongst the Dalish there was a long and arduous one. And if the assassin who sat in the back of a hay wagon as it made it's way to the forest's edge was honest, it was also incredibly boring. A lesson that he'd learned after his first few successful assassinations was that when people see a man armed with daggers, and throwing daggers on occasion, leaving the home of a man who was found dead an hour later, they don't pick fights. Or if you're decently armed on the road and have the right look about you, highwaymen and brigands would go off to find easier prey.

Since leaving headquarters, he had seen neither hide nor hair of the usual criminals who made travelers their source of income and it had left Jerus Heron with a sense of disappointment. He always relished the idea of testing the metal of others against himself but the opportunity was rare in his line of work. Releasing a sigh, he went back to sharpening his dagger, listening to the rhythmic sound of creaking wagon wheels. Please, in the name of whatever gods there are, let me get to the forest soon. I'm going mad here...

Only silence answered him and with another sigh, this one more agitated, he continues with his sharpening.

Several minutes later, as the first of the trees comes into view, the sounds of combat echo out to the assassin and he looks up and turns around, recognizing the trees as those belonging to the Western Brecellian Forest. With a grin that vanished beneath his mouth cover, he stands and jumps over the wagon's driver, several copper pieces landing next to him. "Thanks for the ride! I'd head back if I were you!" He didn't wait for a reply and within a little more than a minute, he was amongst the trees and heading for the source of the echo.

The run was about ten minutes long, maybe longer, as Jerus didn't bother keeping track of time, before he saw it, Dalish elves and humans pushing against a tide of Darkspawn. Leading the charge and having the least trouble downing the cursed beasts was something that even the assassin had thought nothing more than a myth, but it would seem that the rumors of a Grey Warden being here were true.

Of course, his awe lasted until a Genlock noticed him and rushed at him, it's own daggers gleaming wickedly with the light and Jerus grinned. This was just what he needed to relieve the boredom he'd suffered over the last few weeks. As the diminutive Darkspawn reached him, his daggers met it's in a clash of metal and then pushed back, causing the creature to loose it's footing. A smirk crosses Jerus's face as he proceeds to take advantage of it's loss of balance and slits it's throat before kicking it over. Rushing forwards, he seems to fade from sight as he uses his stealth skills to move in behind a Hurlock a mere moment from ending an unfortunate Dalish warrior and rams his blades through it's back and into it's heart, killing it instantly. As he comes back to being visible again, he nods in response to the warrior's thanks and moves to engage another Hurlock. This was going to be fun.[/hr]
Zephyr Thantous
24 Mage

"This, I believe this is the tree I met two and a half times before isn't it? It looks like it, are you?" Casually approaching the tree in question a white hair male with glistening green eyes adjusted the hat that resided on his head. When he got to it he placed a hand on the tree and tilted his head to the side making his once adjusted hat go lopsided once more. "I'm Zephyr, why do we keep meeting, you are the same one, I remember these poisonous mushrooms." He said softly as he ran his hand down the trunk a little. "Such a beautiful tree, I wonder why I noticed you and not the others, the mushrooms? Are you blocking the path? Do you move or am I not moving? Coincidences? Maple, if she were here she'd explain it. I felt like I've been walking for ages now." Letting his hand fall to his side he looked up at the branches. "Do you mind if I use your shade? Its hot, I could take off this coat but I prefer not to..... Thank you, I wont disturb you long."

After saying this he turned around and rested his back against the trunk before slowly going to the ground as he finally relaxed his feet. "Maybe you kept going in my path to tell me to rest? No, I'm lost...I'm really lost, Maple was the one that new how to read maps, and how to use things like a compass." Placing a hand on his stomach he let out a small sigh as he closed his eyes a bit. "She also knew how to get meat, I've seen your poisonous mushrooms but I'm not that hungry, not yet at least, thank you for offering though."

After a bit he pushed his hat down over his eyes and brought up his face mask a bit, using this moment to rest. He knew he should get some rest for the time being. And that he did, silently listening to the wind rustle the leaves, Zephyr had no issue resting.

His rest didn't last long at all when he was startled awake by the cries of something near by. Immediately standing up and uncovering his eyes he looked around in confusion. "Whos there? Maple?" He called out as he approached the sobs. Pushing past some grass he happened upon a lone girl, a girl that wasn't truly there as she was see through and had a glow to her, a spirit, one that wasn't fully in this world. Looking at her for a moment Zephyr approached. "Spirit, what is the matter?" He asked as he kneeled next to her.

The girl jumped a bit as she looked over at Zephyr for a moment before her sobs continued. "Bloodshed, my beautiful groove, its going to be destroyed. I weep before its all gone from this world."

"You reside here? That's unusual, I don't often see spirits in this realm. You must love this groove. Why is it being destroyed? Its so deep in this forest, surely no human is doing it, and the elves that live here are respectable."

"The blight, its already corrupting so much around me, with the new creatures coming in, it will be gone, my beautiful beautiful groove."

Zephyr looked down at the spirit in silence for a moment as he reached out to touch her. "Please gentle spirit, do not fret. Where are these creatures coming from? Maybe I can help keep your groove safe, at least for a little longer? Surely, that will give you time to come to peace with this and then return to the fade before the corruption gets you."

The spirit was about to run from Zephyr as he extended his hand, however she stopped and looked up at him before pointing north of them. "They are coming from there, others are in their path. the souls there. My groove, I do not wish to depart it. Its my beautiful groove our beautiful groove."

"I understand." Zephyr then stood up and smiled at her. "Rest easy kind spirit, if there are others facing these monsters. I'll be sure to assist them in any way I am capable. I will help you protect your groove." Before the spirit could respond or do anything of that nature Zephyr ran off.

He made a beeline in the direction that had been pointed out to him, and for awhile he ran with no luck of finding what the spirit was talking about. However, after another minute passed he could hear it, the clash of swords, the shouts of men and the cries of pain. "Sudden, battle just start? Still far, then the groove can be safe for a bit longer cant it? Are these people strong? Surely or they would have ran."

Running past several more trees he had to come to a sudden stop as he realized he was on a small cliff, one that gave him a good view of the carnage down below. At the sight he fell silent. "W...What is this??" He asked in disgust. This was the first time his eyes had ever laid on the repulsive creatures known as the darkspawn. He wasn't ignorant of them, but to see them in person, it was...it was unsettling.

As he looked at battlefield his eyes moved to those that were fighting. A majority of them were elves, arrows and blades were everywhere his eyes looked. Though one man stood out as he wielded lightning, another mage. "Gawking? Why am I? Need to act I promised the spirit." Taking in a breath he removed his staff from his back and made sure his hat stayed on his head. And with that he immediately climbed down the cliff with quite a bit of dexterity. Once he got on ground he didn't rush into battle rather he looked around for anyone that needed help. It didn't take long for him to notice a group of elven hunters who were wounded and being pushed back by several of those darkspawn.

Immediately seeing their distress he moved behind them. His staff out he held out a hand at the group and after taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling an icewall appeared before them blowing a strike from a herlock that would have certainly killed one of the fallen. After doing that he slammed his staff into the ground and there was a small glow on the soldiers, for a brief moment cuts started to heal up and they seemed to have new vigor in their eyes. Though very confused as to what happened, they focused on the fight before them. When the wall of ice broke down the elves immediately fought back with their new found strength.
One Year ago, Frelanden: Wedding day of Ser Rob Lafur and Lady Iris Blackwood

The night was winding down, the festivities were over and the honored guest left. Only a small group of close friends were left. Dan Green sat outside the Manor. Dan had to admit something as he watched the stars, he was happy for Rob and Iris. That's a weird thing; forcing to admitting like that. He was bitter at first when Rob told him, Dan felt guilt over that. Rob was his best friend, and he felt abandoned by Rob. He knew he had to get over himself. Iris was a great woman, and they truly loved each other Sitting outside with the star, he took a sip of his beer.

A skilled Qunari warrior, adopted by two humans and taught him the skills of a Templar. He it was always something people, especially people of high society would always pepper him with questions about. He'd always put on a smile and answer, however it always wore him down. At this point at the night, it was just close friends, but still, he needed a break.

"Danny? I knew I find you out here. Would you like some company?"

The Templar's ear perked. It was Lady Veronica Leclercq of House Leclercq. She was an old client turned close friend. Years ago, Rob and himself were hired as fulltime bodyguards after her family targeted in some "move in the game", as he was told. She ended up having to travel with the two men for a long time, due to lack of safety in her own home. It was all worked, and while the two parted, they stayed close, writing letter when they could, meeting up if they were close. "Eh, I could take or leave you, but why not?" Dan smirk devilishly as the young woman childishly frowned.

Her light red hair hung down like a vine lightly gleamed as she took s seat. Casual and without asking, she took his beer, sipping it before leaning her on the oxmen. Dan smirked as he took his beer back. "Your welcome, by the way."

The just sat there for a time, watching the stars glimmer. Breaking the silence, Veronica spoke, her head still buried in Dan's shoulder.

" I might be getting married soon."

"That so? So, who's the lucky guy."

"Some war hero of Orlais, my father said. I forget his name."

Neither of the two spoke. The two of them always had a connection to the other one. However, the both were smart enough not to act on it. The words lingered in the night sky. Veronica turned to Dan, her eyes seemingly near tears. Dan's soul ached as he wrapped his arm around her. Holding back his own tears, he stayed strong as he tightened his grip around her.

"I know. I know"


Current time.

On the Wagon, Dan kept quite as he read his letters. It was from Rob. It was a letter of hope. His skills as an inventor were gaining the interest of the Orzammar. Plus, and more importantly, Iris was pregnant. Dan chuckled to himself as he thought of his best friend as a future dad. Marker have mercy. Tucking it away, He looked at his other letter, this one from Veronica. He frown as he put that one away.. It had been a few months since last saw her. It didn't go well. It was a shouting match outside her garden at her father's home. He thought that was the end of their friendship. Dan wasn't ready to read it, he wasn't ready for what she had to say. Dan thanked the marker when he realized they arrived. Tipping the drive a gold coin, he marched forward.

Pulling out his sword and shield, Dan was like a wreaking ball as he knocked over darkspawn with his, following with killing blows. Marching his way into the battle, he ended up near one of the mages, a mage wielding a sword. He couldn't help but wince. What kind of magic was this? It wasn't blood magic. Still, he had to keep an eye on it Smacking a gerlock hard into the ground, he turned to the white haired elf.

"So, you know how to wield that sword, I assume? Or did you just lose your staff?"

Maybe the time wasn't one for joking, but Dan couldn't help himself.

Mavera | Thousand Voices Dead at my Feet
She found herself bored by her fellow travelers. The dwarf and her fellow assassin - honestly, if he was trying to fool anyone into thinking he wasn't one he needed to work harder - were tolerable in the little time she spent among the group. So many of them seemed to have a sense of righteousness or moral purity. It was easy for her to slip away from them during the day, hunting dinner for the night, and track the wagon once she was finished.

Mavera sighed from her position in the back of the wagon facing away from the others. So close to Brecilian Forest and its rumors of a living Grey Warden, she did not desire to leave their company. She might have been raised Dalish and still considered herself Dalish, but that did not mean that she wished to spend an extended amount of time alone with them. There were already too many people around her on a regular basis. No need to add more.

Absently, she found herself toying with one of her vials of deathroot extract. A simple poison, one that was easy to create on the move. She was not the only one trying to find ways to pass the time: One of the others was chuckling at something known only to himself and there was the unmistakable sound of a blade being sharpened. With nothing better to do, Mavera set to looking over her bow and dipping the head of her arrows in the deathroot extract.

The forest loomed ahead of them, and with its arrival brought the sounds of battle. Mavera did not bother to stick around and see what the rest of her group was doing. Instead, the golden-haired elf jumped from the back of the still-moving wagon and disappeared between the trees. Her steps were light on the forest floor. An arrow was knocked and ready to be drawn and released at the slightest hint of danger; an event far more likely as she came upon the outskirts of a darkspawn hoard.

Mavera cursed internally and placed the arrow back in her quiver. Her bow over her shoulder, she scaled the closest tree and readied herself once more. Her position was off to the side of the hoard and further away from the center of the fighting. She always did enjoy backstabbing an enemy, as much as shooting could be considered backstabbing. Careful aim allowed her to shoot for the gaps in darkspawn armor. As they were picked off by both herself and lucky shots from other archers, Mavera moved among the trees.
⚜~Cerendil Ua Fenwyvern~⚜
Not all those who wander are lost
Adorned with sturdy armor with the symbol of the Forlorn Grey, a crown of bandits grace his noble brow, at the front of the hay wagon travelling with strangers unknown together united for a common cause, to see if the rumors of the last remaining Grey Warden is at the West Brecilian Forest. Together with a Dwarf an Elf an assassin and an Qunari, all of which seemed to be nice but appeared bored out of their minds. The Merc-King wanted to bond with the strangers, ask them about their dreams and hopes, their stories and such. But it seems they are too busy with their own devices that he decided to just leave them and continue on watching the road on the way.

He takes in the scenery of the places the wagon has been, admiring them especially the mountains and the color of the sky, which reminds him of far away home, Orlais, he looked at the sky again to try stop the coming memories of his home whom he greatly missed but can never return too. He missed visiting the Grand Cathedral at the Capital and hear the word of the Divine, the beauty of the Celestine Lake, but alas he missed his childhood home of Val Fontaine, he wondered how his Mother and Father are doing, where they safe? Are they mad at him especially his mother? He shake the thoughts away as he needs to focus on saving Thedas from the Blight, firstly by finding this supposed Grey Warden (though deeply in his heart, he hope it was true) and conduct a counterattack against it, he now begins to form in his mind plans on what do after they accomplished the first step.


After getting down from the wagon, Cerendil and the group he was in heard the song of battle "Alright guys, here's what we d-" before he says the plan he thought up, everyone charged into the fray, others disappeared in thin air while others charged in. He shakes his head and unsheathes his two-handed sword and put on his Helmet and proceeded to head towards the battlefield

Qunari charging in like a wreaking ball, The Elf raining arrows down up the Darkspawn, and a group of Dalish Elves and Humans fighting, and there he saw it, the griffon crest, the grey armor, and the prowess and the finesses of the Grey Wardens, it was true, the rumors was true "Praiseth be the Maker, the rumor is true!" he said to himself, then two hurlocks appeared before him, blocking his way on heading towards the Grey Warden, "Out of my way Abominations!" One hurlock charged at him and lunged its sword forward at him, Cerendil parried and sliced off the darkspawn's head, the other one charged towards him, "Have at thee!" Cerendil said as he charged at the hurlock. They crossed swords but Cerendil had the upper hand for as the Hurlock's sword made contact with his sword, he poured strength into the blow to daze the Hurlock and was successful, the hurlock was stunned, at a daze for the sheer force of the blow, he then proceeded to impale his sword into the darkspawn's chest and beheaded it to make sure it stays dead.

But as he turned around after finishing off the previous darkspawn, another one came out of the woods and slashed him in the face, but thanks to his helmet which blocked most of the blow and damage of the sword "Rrrraghh . . . Bastard!" He said as he returned the greeting in kind, when the Hurlock charged he timed his thrust so that at the right moment his sword pierce the armor of the darkspawn. He made the darkspawn kneel as he pressured his sword into the hurlock, he removed his sword from its chest and quickly pierced the hurlock in the face.

After dealing with the darkspawn that blocked him, he noticed that the Grey Warden survivor was an elf and a mage, he raise his sword up high and said "TO THE WARDEN!!" to signal anyone in the vicinity to regroup to finish the darkspawn off.
The swaying of the wagon as it rolled over the uneven dirt path was frequently interrupted by sudden lurches to one side or another as it ran across a particularly large dip or stone. This jerking movement had caused Athala's stomach to feel as though it was one of the little eddies in the stream, swirling and bubbling unpleasantly. Squeezing her eyes tightly closed, she sat in silence willing her stomach to behave and wondering if she looked as strained as she felt.

It took a moment for her to realize it when the wagon came to a halt. The disorienting wave of noise that accompanied it was what made her open her eyes first. Her thoughts raced as she did at last, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. They had made it as far as the forest, at least, and she couldn't help the errant thought of thanks to the Maker that there would likely not be any of this wagon business in the forest.

The odd assortment of fighters that had been compiled for the task was already surging forward and into the fray even as Athala tried to recover her bearings. The result was that she at least had a certain idea of where they had taken themselves to, though the only one that seemed like she would be hard to find at this rate was the elf with the bow. The other warrior, with the way that he was shouting, could likely have been found by a blind nug.

With a jump from the wagon more graceful than even she herself could have expected, Athala was grateful to find that her stomach had mercifully made its peace with the trip. She drew her sword and scanned the various darkspawn engaged with both her own group and what appeared to be elves and humans from another traveling party. Lifting her shield, she made her way forward with the intent of closing ranks with the rogue to offer him a buffer against incoming attacks. Her attention was caught, however, when she heard the other warrior yelling about a warden.

Turning her head, Athala couldn't help but try to catch a glimpse of this warden. She had, as a child, heard tales of the hero Cousland, a woman from Ferelden who had saved everyone from the Darkspawn. She had time to process the shimmering cloak and white hair before a glancing blow to her shield brought her firmly back into place. It was no time to think about fairytales.

Swift retribution in the form of a blade darted forth, catching the darkspawn that had struck her shield. It recoiled only momentarily before leaping again at her only to be turned aside with the shield and run through in the next breath. She continued a slow advance with the aim of standing with at least one other member of the party to keep both of their backs safe. So far, with the elf tucked away in the trees and the other warrior off shouting, the rogue seemed the most likely candidate.

"Better two, so nothing bites you in the ass, isn't it?"
[fieldbox=Arrahel the White, grey, solid, 8, book antiqua]
After a few minutes of these newcomers slamming themselves into the fray, it became far easier to detect the alpha of this darkspawn horde, a hurlock alpha in this particular case. Placing his shield on his back, Arrahel took to wielding his longsword in both hands, snarling and roaring as he charged and- in one stroke of his sword- decapitated the emmisarry from behing, the jaundiced figure going limp and falling to the battlefield, but not before Arrahel cast a small flame with which to incinerate the body.

As the smoke rose in the air and lightning emerged from the Grey Warden's fingertips, many of the remaining darkspawn began to flee while others were dispatched by the combined efforts human and Dalish warriors. Following the Warden's instructions, each darkspawn corpse was burned in order to prevent the blight from infecting other living things. Anyone who was stuck with the blight in a limb would have it amputated and the limb burned, provided that the blackened veins had not connected to the torso. Those who were beyond saving were given tonics to ease their pain and suffering to allow for a peaceful death, and those who were dead were taken in preparation for quick cremations and burials, as although the Dalish didn't believe in cremation as the Andrastrians did, it was still the only was to prevent the corpse from being exposed to more taint and becoming a ghoul, as well as prevent even more possible exposure.

Overseeing and assisting with the efforts being undergone (as he, being a Warden, was the only one present immune to the taint), Arrahel sheathed his sword on his hip while drawing his hood, using magic to burn the bodies and cauterize amputation wounds from limbs that were cleanly hacked off with small hatchets. The Dalish who hadn't participated in the battle had began packing up their aravels to begin making their way towards the relative safety of Orlais, where there was to be a gather of their keepers. Arrahel had already convinced this clan's keeper to uphold the treaties, so he could act as an envoy of the Wardens.

But, soon enough, his attention had been caught by figures approaching. He did not recognize them from the camp, but they did show signs of exhaustion- they must of been some of the combatants who joined the battle late. For a moment he kept quiet, curious as to why they were approaching him and wondering what they were to say.
Dan Green

As the battle wrapped up, and the smoke cleared, the darkspawn retreated. Standing near Arrheal, Dan watched him intently. Dan, in all his years, have never seen this type of magic. Rumors, yes, with his own eyes? No. Dan, being trained in the ways of a Templar had a health mistrust of magic. Mages as people didn't bother him, it the raw power the handle that scarred him shitless. He could imagine what he'd do with that kind of power. As he watched Arrheal, on thing was clear, he had to be the warden.

Turning his head slightly, he turned to the people he arrived with and, surpassingly, a random mage that wandered in.

He didn't realize at first, but on of those men was Cerendil Ua Fenwyvern, the "Mercanry king". Dan had definitely heard of him before. While Dan worked more as a bodyguard no of days, some names in the business are unavoidable. Dan knew his name and adventures reached some people. Being a hornless Qunari trained as a Templar, it happens However didn't expect Cerendil to know he was.

As for the Assassins? As someone who's job it was to protect people, He mostly tried to avoid Assassins. The other mage, the one with the mask, Dan frowned as he starred for a bit. One again, not trying to be mean, but old biases die hard. As for the rest? They seemed right for the job. He'd have to wait and see.

So back Arrtheal, Dan took the lead. Someone had to say something. Taking a deep breath, Dan spoke up.

"So you're the Warden, I assume? I'm Dan, Dan Green. I and a few others here, we've been commissioned to find you. I don't need to tell you why, right?"

Dan turned his head, motioning to the remints of the battle.

"The Wardens are needed now. This blight most be stopped, and you're the guys who do that, at least last time I checked."

Dan wasn't trying to speak forever one, but he had to speak his mind.

⚜~Cerendil Ua Fenwyvern~⚜
Thus begins the Adventure
Dirtied by the blood of darkspawn and his helmet damaged beyond repair, Cerendil threw his helmet away and looked at the people around him and the warden, a Qunari (Whom called itself Dan Green) an Assassin, an Amazon, an Elf and now a Mage from out of nowhere. He whistled at the star studded cast he was with and said "Well this is interesting" He said to them, he put his hand at the Qunari's shoulder and said "Holy Maker! you're strong, could have used you as my bodyguard" He smiled at the Qunari, trying to lighten things up. Cerendil looked at the others and said "Well met friends!" He told them as he planted his greatsword down "I am Cerendil, known as the Mercenary-King!" He announced to them.

He was about to speak when saw the Elf-mage with gleaming armor, blonde hair, and a look that says "I kill darkspawns for breakfast", The Qunari spoke, asking that the Wardens are needed now more than ever "I agree with the Qunari" He said to the Warden, "Time is worse, and Time is running out, we need the Grey Warden and their Griffon Banner now more than ever!"
Mavera | The hunt has just begun
With the addition of her group to the battle, the tide seemed to turn swiftly in their favor. Mavera herself did not see the figure that struck the blow on the alpha, but the fleeing darkspawn certainly caught her attention. She barely had to aim to hit their fleeing backs in the group they made of themselves. Those who did not receive a killing blow would die soon enough. Only once the last darkspawn had fled did she turn her gaze to the humans and elves below.

Safe in her perches, she had not had to worry about the darkspawn taint some of the defenders now carried. Limbs were amputated and tonics were given out. A single figure moved with surety through the crowds. He burned the corpses and helped with the wounded and paused only when members of her group started to approach him.

Mavera smirked faintly; this must be the Grey Warden they were sent to retrieve.

Her curiosity now satisfied, she jumped from the tree and began the painstaking process of retrieving her arrows. There were not many left she could salvage and some had already been burned with the bodies, but at least she had a respectable number to work with until she could create more. She stepped lightly around the Dalish and humans, finally making her way to the Warden and her companions. She stayed to the edge of the group, close enough to listen and far enough to not be drawn into conversation.
Jerus Heron|The Rumors are True

Even as the Darkspawn fled, Jerus moved among them, cutting down those who weren't felled by the arrow of the high and mighty elf archer or the spells of the Grey Warden. Eventually, they thinned out enough that the Assassin eventually turned to finishing off the wounded ones still on the ground, slitting each throat carefully as to avoid getting their tainted blood on himself. The warrior who'd taken to watching his back had been good, since it meant he'd had one less blindspot to check periodically and had left him to more readily slaughter the clumsy creatures.

Still, as he slit the last throat, he noticed the rest of the group he'd come with were all gathering near the Warden and followed suit, at least until he heard people saying that they'd been sent to retrieve him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, we weren't sent to retrieve anyone. We all agreed that it wouldn't hurt to investigate the rumors of the last living Grey Warden being here and, if they were true, which they obviously were, ASK him to come with us. Let's NOT make ourselves sound like royal buffoons, eh?" Jerus also had no inclination to share his own name at that given time, nor did he care for the "Mercenary King's" continual attempts to take charge, but for the time being, he kept that to himself. Instead, he turned to the warrior who'd watched his back.

"I appreciate the back up. Pretty sure I would have ended up Darkspawn chow a couple of times without the help."
Zephyr Thantous

"Rest, the battle is over, your pain is gone, just close your eyes, and let the relief of victory wash over you." Zephyr said as he knelt by the bed of an amputated elf. After the battle had finally came a halt, Zephyr had made his way through the elves and others assisting all that were wounding. Namely reliving the pain from those that were injured and making sure amputations were as painless as possible. Even those that weren't in danger he went out of the way to heal, for he didn't want to risk any life to a disease that could easily be caught from an open wound. As he looked at the elf who once had fear in his eyes he couldn't help but smile (a smile that was hidden by his face mask) as the other started to go into a peaceful slumber. "May you wake with pain the last thing on your mind young fighter." Brushing some of the elf's hair behind the others ear he moved away from the cot.

Grabbing his staff he pushed himself up, only for him to get rather dizzy at the movement. Reaching up and grabbing his head he had to close his eyes and take a deep breath. "Too many spells within such a short time." he whispered as his eyes wandered around the camp. Despite his light headiness he still was more than ready to help anyone that seemed to be suffering. However, before he could find someone to help his eyes landed on the grey warden who was starting to be surrounded by a group of people. Moving his hand from his head he went ahead and adjusted his hat as well as his mask before he made his way to the group, his staff now once more secured to his back.

As he approached he heard small bits of the conversation but not all of it, however there was a conversation none the less. Hearing this made him stop in his tracks a decent distance away. 'I should wait, distrupting their conversation it, it would be looked down upon, best not bother, I shouldn't bother.' He thought as he seemed to look away from the group to find something else that could distract him.

'Go, talk to them now before you end up being left behind because of your lack of action. We all know if you don't act now you wont make it through half a fortnight before hunters capture you.' A second voice said though he could only hear it, hearing this voice made Zephyr's eyes wander around before landing on a tree branch where he could see squirrel, but this squirrel was little like the rest for at times one could see through it, and it seemed to fade back in forth between existence and none existence. Though to anyone else, the branch was simply empty.

"Surely my conversation can wait, this group seems important." He said softly, merely a mummer under his breath as not to disturb those around him, but none the less if one paid attention they could most certainly hear him.

'What would Maple do hm? I don't think manners should be on your mind when your life is on the line. Unless you waaaaaant to be shipped back to be taught blood magic, or unless you want to go back and have blood magic be used on you.'

"I don't want that." His eyes now going to the group he let out a soft sigh before he once more adjusted his hat. "Speaking, without maple? To humans, elves or any living....I wish Maple was one in that group, I wouldn't have to worry..."

By this time he finally made his way over to the group, and there he stood for merely a moment as he waited for one of the men to finish his sentence. "Those creatures would easily end anyone if no help was there...unless that person they are attacking is one of admirable skill." He said as he raised his face mask a bit more above his nose as he tried not to be nervous, though any nervousness was unnoticeable right off the bat due to only his eyes being seen.

Moving his eyes from the man he looked over at the warden and gave a small bow of his head as a sign of respect and a simple greeting. As he began to speak he started to fumble with his hands a bit as he was feeling the nervousness rise in him with the fact he likely was imposing or simply being rude, a nuisance even? At the very least people were likely watching him (something he didn't want to acknowledge so he kept his eyes soley on the warden, though he couldn't keep eye contact). "Warden, I've heard stories, we maple and I, maple isn't here I mean she is here in this world just not currently here here, I-"

'Already making a fool of yourself, soo hopelss without maple~'

"I'm not hopeless, its not easy." Zephyr whispered before shaking his head as he fumbled with his hands some more. "Sorry, Zephyr, that..that is the name I was given I-" He could feel only more nervous the more he talked as he knew he wasn't getting to the point, he was only wasting everyones time and surely it would only be a bit before he was shooed away. Something he truly didn't wish to happen.

'Spit it out today, yesterday, the day before would have been best really.'

"I couldn't have said it the day before...we just met? Maple and I have come here in search of you warden, I know we are strangers and she isn't here here right now." Zephyr continued as he could feel his eyes spinning as he tried to keep on the conversation gods he was talking to much he should have given the man a chance to talk or someone else, but he came to far to stop now. "Sorry talking, I just, I'm not one to do it, Maple does, she isn't here here, sorry I...I we I mean, we came to help? Join, that's what, join we came to join. I..." Glancing at the small crowd he pushed his hat down to cover his eyes a bit to hide his emabresment as he stumbled over himself. "If their is an option, Maple and I are wishing to join the wardens. I spoke to much I'm sorry, others are talking and I jumped in, jumping in I don't usually, just cant be left behind, had to speak I...I'll be silent now." Staying true to his word Zephyr immediately snapped his mouth shut and took merely a small step back as his eyes remained at the warden's feet. He said nothing, and did nothing as he simply stood there in pure silence trying his damnest to hide his nervousness and his uncomfortableness.
@Zarkun @AceSorcerer @Everyone around the warden
With the Alpha defeated, the remainder of the darkspawn that had not already been cut down fled instead, leaving a bloody mess of a battlefield behind them. Those who had been tasked with searching for the rumored warden were now converging near him, along with others who drew close like moths to flame. The flame in this case being the magic that hung on the man so heavily Athala could almost smell it. It hadn't really occurred to her that this Grey Warden could be a mage and, somewhat sheepishly, she realized that she had been envisioning a mighty warrior clad head to toe in plate and wielding a two-handed blade as though dancing. This man was not what she had expected, though that could hardly be his fault. What destruction, though, could a Grey Warden under the thrall of a demon wreak?

To steady her thoughts, Athala turned to that which gave her comfort in uncertainty - routine. From a pouch, she produced a stained and well-worn cloth and gingerly set to work cleaning the darkspawn blood from her blade. Though she had had little experience with the darkspawn before now, it didn't take a seer to realize that the blood of the darkspawn was dangerous in the aftermath of the attack. The burning of bodies was good and clean but the bulging black veins of the infected were seared into her thoughts. She would burn the cloth when she was finished.

The rogue that she had fought alongside hung on the word retrieve and Athala's lips quirked as she envisioned the motley lot of them trying to compel the last of the Grey Warden to come with them. She didn't think that they were in much danger of pressing the man to do anything that he didn't feel like doing.

"And the same to you, it's good to have someone capable at my back. Besides, my shield and I here can take a beating rather than having to burn you too if they got you." The grin that followed the last sentence was jovial but her thoughts flitted again briefly to the agonizing screams over pulsing black veins.

With some curiosity, Athala regarded a fragile-looking waif of a man - it was a man, surely? who approached the group. She was trying not to stare and was carefully cleaning the last few spots of blood away while watching him from the corner of her eye. He seemed peculiar, his movements jerky and voice trembling. His eyes darted around so much that Athala couldn't help but wonder if he was suffering from some sort of withdrawal.
Dan Green

Dan couldn't help but slightly winced as he was referred to as "the Qunari." He knew it shouldn't have bugged him, but it felt like a jab at his soul. "Please, call me Dan." It's not that he was ashamed of what he was, it was the fact from what other Qunari's Dan met told him was that in his people eyes, he wasn't even consider one of their own. Mixed that with the fact he was raised by two humans and he always had to prove himself to people, that's how you get a complex.

Small talk ended as Jerus spoke. Dan couldn't help but frown. The nameless man seemed to be one of those types of guys. You know the type. In it for himself. However, what was worse was he had a point, Dan didn't ask.

"You know with my job, I spent a lot a time among royalty, so maybe being a royal buffoon rubbed off on me, but let's take a step back."

Dan pointed to one of the dead dawkspawn on the ground.

"The blight is getting worse and worse day after day. This guy is the first grey warden heard from in year. Are you from Fereldan? If so you've heard the horror of the last blight. My mom is from Loathering, she saw the horror first hand and barley made it out. If it wasn't for my Dad and his another Templar, friend she and others would be dead."
Taking a slight pause. Dan kept going. Now we haven't had another Loathering yet, but it's gonna happen if blight isn't. So Luckily for us the Warden doesn't seem like someone shirking his duties, but the world needs to know what the plan is. Am I not giving him a choice? Yes, I'm not. He's Warden, he doesn't have a choose, he has a duty."
Normally Dan always tried to be the nice guy, you get more bees with honey after all. This time was different, he knew he was coming off an asshole, but he had to.

Then he froze. The mage with the mask came in rambling and talking to him. Intimated like a rabbit infront of a wolf. However, something was off. He sound like he was from Tevinter and he asked to join the Wardens? The Vents never had a good rep, and he was warned about them He's training his father taught him was screaming inside Dan. Dan slightly got closer to the warden, ready to protect him if something happened. This man however, Dan would need to try a soft touch Turning to the young human mage, the hornless Qunari stood firm, his voice light. Dan started with small talk.

"Your voice, your from Tevinter I assume. That's pretty far away from here. Did you come all the way from there to find the Warden?"

@AceSorcerer @Kitti @Zarkun @SolemnOath @MelodicInferno @Brother Gabriel

[fieldbox=Arrahel the White, grey, solid, 8, book antiqua]
The Grey Warden immediately rubbed the bridge of his nose. They came to seek him, and the moment they begin speak to him they soon dissolved into various conversations. In a quick moment, the mage slammed the base of his staff into one of the larger stones beneath him, the sound echoing for a moment before he spoke up again.


"Now is not the time for semantics. You came here to fulfill a duty, did you not? If you've come to ask me to combat the Sixth Blight that threatens to ovetake the whole of Thedas, then you have nothing to fear. However, if you all have saught me, you may be worthy. It is folly to think that one Grey Warden can end the Blight, especially when one has been weakened by slumber for so long. Only the power of the Grey Wardens can allow one to defeat the Archdemon that commands the darkspawn horde, and it is certainly idiocracy to think that an ordinary man can kill the beast with steel alone. As long as the dark taint can escape, it will be impossible to kill. Therefore, I urge you all to become Wardens alongside me. As with anything, there is a choice. I will not enforce the Right of Conscription at a time such as this- it is foolish and will do more harm than good. Only those with might and willpower will be able to fight off the blight, and my senses tell me you are all viable candidates."
Zephyr Thantous

Keeping eyes down he saw feet approach him but he still stayed utterly silent. When the voice reached his ears he could tell that someone was talking to him. Rubbing his hands nervously he gave a stiff nod, only to shake his head moments later. "Yes, I'm from there, lived there for a long time, Maple and I have." he said softly as he looked up a bit. Seeing the Qunari there, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as he kept rubbing his hands. "No not really not me, I don't know with Maple, she's not here here, maybe she wanted to? I cant ask her, not now I just follow her, she would like you since you are like her..." He mumbled as he began to ramble. "I don't know why she is here here, I thought she would be, I'll ask people later. She'll be her-" Before he could go on in his ramblings however that was when the warden shouted out and slammed his staff down. An action which caused Zephyr to nearly jump out of his skin as he took a few steps back, one hand now gripping his shoulder tightly as he looked up at the warden as the man spoke.

When the warden was done speaking Zephyr looked at the man that was speaking to him earlier before taking a look around the camp. He looked and felt rather nervous, for he had no clue what he should say right now. Speaking, and making these kind of decisions was something Maple always did. Letting go of his shoulder he grabbed his hat and pulled it down a bit to hide his eyes from the others. "I should join...that's the plan isn't it, join? Yes I think so....no...no the plan was to join with her? If she's not with me should I not join? I should wait? No...warden wont stay, none of them will. Maple isn't here, why isn't she here??" He asked himself. Though his words were soft others that were close could easily hear his words. "I'm talking outloud, I know I am." he said as he looked over away from the group at a nearby patch of untouched grass. "I prefer to talk like this, helps head, makes thoughts flow easier. I'm not talking that much, no...no I am. Where is Maple?" He mumbled as he adjusted his face mask.

".....She wouldn't want me to stay would she? No..no she wouldn't. Staying wont do for either. Claims she will find me so she will, she always does. I need to listen to her, for both our sakes don't I? She's okay, shes far too tough to not be okay. She here still, even if not here here...." Taking a breath he looked over at the warden, adjusting his hat so his eyes were once more visible but the rest of his face, for the most part remained hidden. He had to take a few breaths to keep himself calm as he spoke, as he really hated talking in front of others. "...I...I wish to join the wardens. You offered, I didn't mishear that or imagine it. Unless I did...but if I didn't I want to join, Maple will likely come and join us later, but right now just I will...out of my gr-" He stopped talking as he grabbed his wrist tightly. "Was about to talk to much. Sorry, I do that. I wont be dead weight, I swear this. I will help, when I can, if I can, once I join the wardens...since I want to do that." Gripping his wrist a bit tighter he winced a tad as he moved back a bit to let others speak without him being in the way.
@AceSorcerer @Josh M @everyone near the warden
Mavera | World riddled with conflict
Even after a battle to rid themselves or restless energy, the group couldn't seem to keep it together and not go after each other. The assassin had tried to scold the others who spoke the plain truth. Mavera sneered at him and ignored that bit of conversation. Her attention instead shifted to the newcomer. An odd fellow was her first impression. He was nervous even in his speaking, constantly whispering to himself and almost fidgeting. Her gaze sharpened on him; he could be one to easily manipulate. A few kind words and 'gentle' guidance should do the trick nicely so long as this so-called Maple never showed again.

And no one called her on her planned ruse.

The Qunari spoke to the newcomer next and Mavera lost interest for the moment. A good thing, considering the Warden had decided to let his displeasure with them be known. His voice was strong and the words firm, but nothing of them convinced her to even consider the plea to join the Wardens. She kept quiet while the others thought and was about to speak her mind when the newcomer - Zephyr, he had called himself earlier - spoke up and accepted the offer.

She curbed the sharp words she had planned to speak and discarded her thoughts of using Zephyr. "No," she stated from her place at the edge of the group. Mavera left it at that and settled in to watch what would undoubtedly be an entertaining discussion.

--- @SolemnOath @Zarkun @AceSorcerer
Dan Green

Dan didn't flinch as the Warden slammed his weapon on the ground, announcing his presence. Hearing Zephyr's word first, Dan was of two minds on the boy. He was a weird, unique one, but he was earnest and someone Dan felt sympathy for. However, with that being said, the young man's quarks could be explained if he possessed or blood mage. So either way Dan need to keep an eye on him

All in all, who ever this qunari named Maple was, it was easy to piece she was the one in charge of their duo.

Next to speak was the woman who gave the flat "no." Dan couldn't help but chuckle loudly do to he bluntness.

Now it was his time to speak. Dan was more than willing to join, but he had a question first.

"I have to admit Grey Warden, it's be an honor, but i jave concerns
I'm.. I was born a Qunari. Am even allowed to join. Also, I was trained with the skills of a templar. Does that not worry you? Most mages I know try to avoid people like me."

@AceSorcerer @MelodicInferno @Brother Gabriel @SolemnOath @Kitti
Jerus Heron|The Rumors are True

When the Qunari started in on him, before he could reply to the warrior, all Jerus could do was shake his head. The Blight wasn't their problem, it was the reason they'd all gotten together in the first place was to go to Weisshaupt, and investigating the rumors was a pitstop on the long run of the reason they were together. As he went to give a sharp-tongued reply to the man, the Warden spoke.

Well, spoke wasn't quite right. More he demanded the entire group's attention, chastised them like misbehaved children, then asked if any of them were interested in joining the Wardens. When this whole thing had set out, the assassin had gone to make something more of himself than just a man who spilt blood for a living. And that's what the Wardens did, in a rather twisted sort of way. They protected others for the sake of doing it, not for the highest bidder, and that was something that he could potentially get behind. But then...

"Appreciate the offer, Warden, but I think I'll pass for the time being. If we find nothing but bad news at Weisshaupt, then I'll take it." Jerus also vaguely hoped he could get them back on track by mentioning their original objective, but who knew with this group.
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