Dragon Crest [Limited Availability & Sign ups]

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Sure am making a bunch of progress. On the... dragon, at least.
Are you still accepting
Well then as I see a character I wish to be may I ask for the light dragon seeing as how it said it was open
Oh and the fire human
Thank you. I'm at work right now and will be for a little while so k might not get my characters up today because I get home super late. So if they aren't up tonight tomorrow for sure. Forgive me for the inconvenience
Well, I don't know the details as to why they were banned but... until they return their slots are forfeit and ergo open.... is what I would say if he had any slots claimed... don't know what happened to you bro but I'm sorry if you don't make it back in time to claim anything.
It's fine I think we should allow the final applicants to contest each other for elements and positions they want.
It's fine I think we should allow the final applicants to contest each other for elements and positions they want.
Maybe, seeing as we only need two more players... speaking of any idea when you will be finished with your's?
Maybe, seeing as we only need two more players... speaking of any idea when you will be finished with your's?
As soon as I figure everything out for Elspeth, and figure out some beastly dragon powers for Sayena, I'll be set. That should be soon here.
"Aav zey dii goraan gein. Ahrk vos un hilk kun drun amativ gosvern wah gol. Ahrk eradicate pah vokul."
"Join me my young one. And let our combined light bring forth the heavens to earth. And eradicate all evil."

Name: Zurielis

Angel of light, the angel queen, eradicator of darkness, mother
Of light

Gender: f

Element: light

Age: let's just say. She is a light dragon, and light comes from the sun. And I'm just to lazy to find Out how old that thing is XDD


Dreago-skill: the ability to summon up to nine Angels (three per use of power) to fight for her till there last breaths often come as a mixture of male and female

Angelic fire-
One a fight she can call upon the light of the gods themselves to burn Her foes that oppose her. Lethal and very destructive if she uses this at the right time in the fight. Even if it isn't used at the right time it can still cause a lot of damage but still doesn't kill her foes yet. What's special about this power is that it basically leaves the human world unscaved but her enemy's suffer great damage if caught in its radius. Countering it is difficult but possible, she has found most survive it the best by hiding Underground, behind a large enough building or even in it. After she uses her power she becomes exhausted and tired nearly Un able to fight

Bio: honor, loyalty, justice, peace, selflessness. The very embodiment of the light all held in one being. Zurielis is the most pure hearted dragon of them all. Very few of her former Masters have ever been able to earn her respect and fewer yet have been able to truly earn her ever lasting respect.

She has one two wars now but many question why she has not won more. Mostly it's because few of her former Partners have ever had a bright enough light to be worthy with her. Many say she doesn't win more because she does not think to fight for her self. She might have one two wars in the past, but she says it was either luck or the gods that happened. She looks to end this war.. Forever. And will do exactly that. Weather it's this war.. Or fifty wars from now. The last wars she won she didn't understand how to make her wish and matters at the time made her think of the near future rather than the distant one, and sircumstances brought her selflessness to make her wish for other things. She will one day make her wish and destroy her long hated brother of darkness along with all the evil in this world which includes this war.. And finally give human kind the peace they deserve. That's what she wants Anyways. She knows it seems selfish but look to the history books. Many do selfish deeds so in the future there actions turn out to be selfless, she just hasent had the opprtunity to make her selfish act yet. In her Past she has wanted nothing more than to remove the darkness... But other things happened that pressed her wish in different directions. This time she just hopes that everything goes right, so she can finally have her wish.



"Mighty beast. Aid me in my endeavors, so that I may take back what's mine."

Isabella de lavenza





A princess back in her home country

Isabella grew up with everything she had ever wanted. Being born of "Royal" blood in this day and age has its perks. But she never abused them, never mistreated the people that worked for her father. Her dad was a great leader in her country which some how made them royalty but she didn't care about that. Her father was kind and caring. But some of his followers sought to see another in power. Horrible accusations and false
Rumors were thrown at her father, murders pinned against him. All until they threw her father in jail and took away all she had. Then she heard of this Excalibur that could grant one wish to the winner of this war. So she studied up, and choose which she wanted . And is now ready to take back her name and her kingdom.... Along with her long lost father.


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Bio: honor, loyalty, justice, peace, selflessness. The very embodiment of the light all held in one being. Zurielis is the most pure hearted dragon of them all. Very few of her former Masters have ever been able to earn her respect and fewer yet have been able to truly earn her friendship.

She has yet to ever win a war.
Mostly because none of her former Partners have ever had a bright enough light to triumph with her. Many say she will never win because she does not think to fight for her self. She looks to end this war.. Forever. And will do exactly that. Weather it's this war.. Or fifty wars from now. She will one day make her wish and destroy her long hated brother of darkness along with all the evil in this world which includes this war.. And finally give human kind the peace they deserve
The Light Dragon is stated to have won two wars already, actually. One alongside Alexander the Great, and one along the American Allies (someone in particular I guess) during World War II.
Um, not to be "This guy". But you may want to fix up your dragon, you said that she never won a war but according to the lore of the story she actually has won two of them... There is also a grammar issue but i'll let you deal with that.
The Light Dragon is stated to have won two wars already, actually. One alongside Alexander the Great, and one along the American Allies (someone in particular I guess) during World War II.
Um, not to be "This guy". But you may want to fix up your dragon, you said that she never won a war but according to the lore of the story she actually has won two of them... There is also a grammar issue but i'll let you deal with that.
I'm sorry XP I kinda made her around like midnight my time So i was a little brain dead. I'll fix it guys I'm sorry. And on the subject of grammar I rp soely out of a mobile device and for some reason my auto correct is messed up. I'll fix it
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I'm sorry XP I kinda made her around like midnight my time So i was a little brain dead. I'll fix it guys I'm sorry. And on the subject of grammar I rp soely out of a mobile device and for some reason my auto correct is messed up. I'll fix it
Playing on a mobile device is doable, but when it comes to the more seasoned RPers it's very... Ill advised, I personally don't have an issue with it but some people (not going to mention names) are going to have an issue with it. Also after reading a bit on your character it seems a bit, diluted to say the least. I mean wanting to destroy darkness forever? I have the darkness dragon and even his wish isn't going to be "Destroy the light forever". As much as I don't want to do this I might have to exclude you from this, don't take It the wrong way I would like to see all these roles get filled out. But as the GM my first priority is to make sure everyone is having fun, I'm sorry mate.
Playing on a mobile device is doable, but when it comes to the more seasoned RPers it's very... Ill advised, I personally don't have an issue with it but some people (not going to mention names) are going to have an issue with it. Also after reading a bit on your character it seems a bit, diluted to say the least. I mean wanting to destroy darkness forever? I have the darkness dragon and even his wish isn't going to be "Destroy the light forever". As much as I don't want to do this I might have to exclude you from this, don't take It the wrong way I would like to see all these roles get filled out. But as the GM my first priority is to make sure everyone is having fun, I'm sorry mate.
So you are saying that. Because I made my dragon hate the darkness and evil in this world. That I can't be in the rp....
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So you backs my saying that. Because I made my dragon hate the darkness and evil in this world. That I can't be in the rp....

No. Your dragon raises too many questions. If they're old, and presumably wise, then why did they not decide to destroy all evil much much earlier? They won the most recent dragon war before this. This raises the question of what they used their wish for in the 1940's. I actually have answers to that question myself. Destruction of all evil and the permanent destruction of the darkness dragon, regardless of what the fuck anyone thinks about morality, is not only an unjust act but it's strangely also quite a selfish act. She is, by her own intentions, not the most pure-hearted dragon of all. She wants to end the dragon war, not for everyone else, but for herself. Nobody asked her, and the other dragons and summoners seem to be content to fight it out. To what end is still up in the air.

Also it means Sayena would want nothing to do with her. And, your character clashes with what you wrote of their personality.
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