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IC thread

OOC thread

In the era of the dragon, the balance of peace is teetering. Forces both known and unknown have begun to move.

Located in the distant port city Triell, a merchant has sold a valuable item to a young man. This particular item is no mere trinket. It is a living creature; one rare and highly sought after. Madeik is determined to transport the dragonling safely from the city, and out of the desperate hands of the greed driven viscount. His purchase of the valuable dragon has more consequences than just saving its life. And perhaps steeped in more trouble than Madeik is ready for.

Wandering from village to village, Kytana is listless in her venture. There is nothing left for her. With a past wrought in betrayal and blood, she has resigned herself to the simple fact that nothing can stop the ones in red. Yet, for a reason even she doesn't remember clearly, Kytana continues forward. Death is not something she can accept – for now. She has something she must do. What it is exactly, she is unsure of. Only that she will know it when she sees it.

Everything is connected. How it all ends, will depend on those chosen -whether knowingly or not.
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