Dungeons and Dragons: Age of The End (5E Homebrew Campaign)(Sign-Up & OOC)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I didn't want her to have all of the abilities of her class, yet, since she is still in the process of discovering much

hope that is okay?
Hi there! This sounds extremely interesting and I'd love to be a part of it. I do have a question about posting frequency from us because I will admit due to my work schedule my posting frequency can change dramatically to sometimes getting a few posts a week in to only getting one or two a month. If that's going to be an issue I don't want to slow things down or anything like that but I would still greatly like to be a part of this either way if it's something that can be worked with.

That should be fine, since we have a much smaller group I won't enforce a faster posting pace
Great! Glad to hear it. Then I'll definitely be signing up for this. I will get a Character up as soon as I can!

Name: Vin.
Age: Twenty-six.
Race: Changeling.
Gender: Female.

Class: Warlock.
Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Strength: 12 (+1)
  • Dexterity: 18 (+4)
  • Constitution: 9 (-1)
  • Intelligence: 15 (+2)
  • Wisdom: 11
  • Charisma: 17 (+3)
  • Acrobatics (Dex): 4
  • Animal Handling (Wis): 0
  • Arcana (Int): 2
  • Athletics (Str): 1
  • Deception (Cha) 3
  • History (Int): 2
  • Insight (Wis): 0
  • Intimidation (Cha): 3
  • Investigation (Int): 2
  • Medicine (Wis): 0
  • Nature (Int): 2
  • Perception (Wis): 0
  • Performance (Cha): 3
  • Persuasion (Cha): 3
  • Religion (Int): 2
  • Sleight of Hand (Dex): 4
  • Stealth (Dex): 4
  • Survival (Wis): 0
  • Common.
  • Elvish.

Fear: Arachnaphobia (Fear of spiders).
Element: Ice.

Armour Class: 14 (Unarmoured 10 + Dex).
Money: 100 Cp.
  • Common Clothes.
  • Dagger.
  • Backpack:
    • Change of Clothes.
    • Bed Roll.
    • Provisions (5 Days).
    • Water Skin.
    • Tinder Box.
    • Rope (50 Feet).

Biography: Born to a noble family, Vin was raised to be a beautiful and charming daughter. One day to be a bride to another lord as part of some peace treaty or backhanded deal. This was the plan laid out for Vin by her parents. When she was still Lady Vinoletta Clariveron. But little Vinoletta had gone a long time ago. And Vin had been left in her place.

She never knew that her parents came and went about the country house as much as they wanted, hiding as different servants everyday. She knew that her parents had left her so that she may have a chance at a better life. And never knew that she was the child of Changelings, swapped at birth for the baby of a noble family. Vin found out on her eighteenth birthday, when she began changing and shapeshifting. She was no longer Violetta, with the ivory skin and raven hair. Her perfect complexion had turned grey as she watched in the mirror, her black swathe of long hair turned to an ash white. And her birth parents approached her for the first time.

She was told of her true birth. And was told to make a choice, to come back with her parents to live in a Changeling colony, or to continue living with her noble parents in the fancy country house. They hoped for her to choose the noble life, to be safe and happy among them. But Vin could live in deceit. And she could neither trust nor forgive her own parents.

That night Vin ran. She ran from the country house, fleeing into the rain and the night. She had refused to choose either set of parents, either life they had picked for her. Vin would make a life all of her own. In the dark and cold of her first night, she was approached by a stranger. A stranger with a deal, an offer. He gave her the power to fend for herself, to fight for her own life. And in return, all she had to do was talk to a bird every once in a while.

Theme Song: Glitter & Gold, by Barnes Courtney.
Art: By PaolaPieretti on DeviantArt.

Approved, Welcome to the game :)
So we have an orc, half orc, elf, changeling, and what Andy is posting. Interesting group I will say.
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So we have an orc, half orc, elf, changeling, and what Andy is posting. Interesting group I will say.
I'll be making a Dragonborn Ranger :)
So we have an orc, half orc, elf, changeling, and what Andy is posting. Interesting group I will say.

Speaking of where is our Barbarian? Haven't seen them post their sheet yet
So we have an orc, half orc, elf, changeling, and what Andy is posting. Interesting group I will say.

Speaking of where is our Barbarian? Haven't seen them post their sheet yet
They said they should have their sheet up today or tomorrow, they've busy with college atm (like myself) as finals are coming up.
So we have an orc, half orc, elf, changeling, and what Andy is posting. Interesting group I will say.
I'll be making a Dragonborn Ranger :)
Revised ranger or regular ranger?
Not completely sure yet I'll have to take a look and compare. I'm more used to the Regular then revised so I'll probably push beyond the norm and use a revised but at this point it's still up in the air haha.
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Just did some reading on the revised ranger and I'll likely be using that. Definitely works a lot better then the original haha.
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Just did some reading on the revised ranger and I'll likely be using that. Definitely works a lot better then the original haha.
It really does, and I suggest looking at some of the changes from Tasha's as I think it also helps with utility and power.
Just did some reading on the revised ranger and I'll likely be using that. Definitely works a lot better then the original haha.
It really does, and I suggest looking at some of the changes from Tasha's as I think it also helps with utility and power.
Hm..yeah I've heard a little bit about the changes that Tasha offers but in my opinion I still think that the revised is better then both the regular and Tasha. Granted it's all about opinion and how you like to play but for my play style and what I'm wanting to do I'm probably going to stick with the revised Ranger :) thanks for the input though! I didn't even consider Tasha until you mentioned it.
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Just did some reading on the revised ranger and I'll likely be using that. Definitely works a lot better then the original haha.
It really does, and I suggest looking at some of the changes from Tasha's as I think it also helps with utility and power.
Hm..yeah I've heard a little bit about the changes that Tasha offers but in my opinion I still think that the revised is better then both the regular and Tasha. Granted it's all about opinion and how you like to play but for my play style and what I'm wanting to do I'm probably going to stick with the revised Ranger :) thanks for the input though! I didn't even consider Tasha until you mentioned it.
Ah I meant revised + tasha, but yeah.
What path are you planning to take with Ranger?

Name: Malmak Shaprax

Age: 115

Race: Dragonborn (Blue)

Gender: Male

Class: Ranger

Alignment: Lawful Good

(I used D&D beyond to create a sort of character sheet for him so I can better keep track of his stats and stuff. I'll post it here for everyone to view. This also shows the AC and Languages and other proficiencies, Money and inventory is also kept track here.)

Fear: Athazagoraphobia - Fear of Abandonment

Element: Earth

The story of Malmak's origin is anything but an average one. While most Dragonborn are born and raised in their clan..Malmak was not. When Malmak was just an egg waiting to be hatched something happened to his clan. His clan had lived near the border of Zohan and the Elfwood in a very small village that was hardly an accidental drop of ink on any known map of the Zohan area. Even Malmak doesn't even know much about his clan..the only thing he knows about his clan is his clan's name..considering Malmak was the clan name.

Malmak was found as a hatchling wandering around by himself by an elvish ranger. The ranger had known about the Malmak clan living near the edge of the border there but beyond that he knew little to nothing about the clan and if it wasn't for the sight of smoke rising over the clearing..the elf probably wouldn't have found young Malmak wandering around in the ruins of his village. After finding the young dragonborn wandering around the ashes of his village the ranger would proceed to take the hatchling in and raise him as his own. He taught him as much as he could about his people and his clan..but without knowing much about the clan itself there was little he could teach him. The most he could properly give him was a name like he would have if he was being raised by the clan itself. Malmak being his technical first name since it was the name of his clan..and then the name befitting of a Dragonborn such as himself.

The rest of Malmak's story is history..he was raised by the elvish ranger and looked at him as a father, he would train underneath him..learning all he could about the world itself until the day finally came that his guardian unfortunately passed away due to an incurable illness. Since then..Malmak has been on his own wandering the world trying to find not only the answers to what happened to his clan but to find his place in the world itself.

Theme Song:
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My character is up :) hope you all like him.

@TyranntX of course if there are any changes that need to be made or if you want more details please let me know and I'll get them done.
Man y'all all got lucky with your rolls. All y'alls character have such normla fears and my girls over here afraid of clocks lmao
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