Dust Bowl (A Fallout AU RP)

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Borkasu Lazer

Original poster
Disclaimer: The following fan-based RP Interest Check is based on the popular Fallout New Vegas mod: DUST Survival Simulator.

Please support the official release.


I see that you're looking from the outskirts. At that great wreck in the distance. They call it the Dust Bowl. It's the greatest shame of humanity itself.

Let me tell you a story. It begins with these two phrases.

War. War never changes.

Neolithic cavemen murdered each other out of cold blood like the tales of Cain and Abel of old. Napoleon led the French in a ensuing battle against the entirety of Europe. Hitler and the Axis Powers were the catalyst of the biggest war that hit the 20th century.

Power. Riches. Hatred. Greed. These wars all stem from these vices of humanity.

Yet, the same vices that caused these wars led to the downfall of humanity. In the 21st Century, the Resource Wars happened. International treaties became forfeit. Sovereignty ruled over cooperation. Everything was squandered on the next deposit of oil or a underground vein of uranium. Peace became an illusion, a distant afterthought. Countries fell apart. Wars tore the environment asunder.

Until humanity really, finally did it. Nobody knows who pressed the button first. In October, 2077, on the precipice of humanity's technological advancement, the horrors of Einstein's nightmare became world-wide. Oceans boiled into great empty deserts. The land became blighted and uninhabitable. The skies fizzled away as spears of atomic fire rained down and cleansed the world.

A quiet darkness reigned over several years. But humanity is stubborn. Humanity does not give up so easily to a event like this.

Over thousands of lives were spared, thanks to the works of Vault-Tec and their underground proprietary state of the art underground fallout shelters, havens from the hell of the wastes. These inhabitants set out once those great cog doors opened, establishing villages, laws, fledgling settlements on the husk of the old world.

As the decades passed, what had been the American southwest united beneath the flag of the New California Republic, dedicated to old world values of democracy, and the rule of law. As the Republic grew, so did its needs. Scouts spread east, seeking territory and wealth, in the dry and merciless expanse of the Mojave Desert. They returned with tales of a city – New Vegas – untouched by the warheads that had scorched the rest of the world, and a great wall spanning the Colorado River. The NCR mobilized its army and sent it east to occupy the Hoover Dam, and restore it to working condition.

But across the Colorado, another society had arisen under a different flag. A vast army of slaves, forged in the conquest of 86 tribes: Caesar's Legion.

Four years have passed since the Republic held the Dam – just barely – against the Legion's onslaught. The Legion did not retreat. Across the river, the Legion gathers strength… campfires burn, training drums beat, and it is only a matter of time before they cross the Colorado again.

Through it all, the New Vegas Strip has remained open for business under the control of its mysterious owner, the enigmatic Mr. House, and his army of rehabilitated tribals, and police robots.

The deadlock between the three factions has been unshakable. Until as of late. A single man, the Courier, is the wildcard that shapes the fate of the Mojave forever. Rising from the grave, without a nickle to his name, the Courier walked the end of his road like all other wasteland legends. The 87 tribes of Arizona were single-handily defeated by a mailman, Caesar's vision of a old-world empire shattered by a 50 caliber bullet to the skull. New Vegas is now the city of no gods and no masters, not what Mr House had intended.

In time, Hoover Dam became a part of his deck as well. A single man out-thinks and out-maneuvers entire armies and legions of soldiers. He claims the Mojave for himself in a series of ingenious gambles.

Then, the Courier dissipates into history and time itself, with only his open grave in Good-springs to mark his absence.

Don't be fooled. That wasn't the end of the story yet. Merely a chapter in the gruesome history of the Mojave. We discovered that it was merely a beginning of the end.

No one knows what happened. A series of unfortunate events, a bad hand, coincidence, luck, bad luck, no one knows what transformed Vegas from a paradise into a hell-hole.

They called it the Fall.

Vegas is no longer a shining jewel in the desert. A pink, cloying mist covers the vaunted casinos that were oncce the pride of the city. Radioactive dust storms flay and flense buildings and any wastelanders alike who dare take a step outside. People calling themselves 'survivors' kill, rape, pillage and commit acceptable sins in order to keep surviving. Ravaging monstrosities from down below tunnel up and every now and then to snack on the unwary. Sanity is an illusion and insanity is reality. There is no escape. There is no safe haven. There is no hope.

Morality is easy. Understanding is hard.

This is life in the Dust Bowl.
What is Dust Bowl?
Some of you history buffs may see the allusion in the title to the Great Depression. The Dust Bowl was a period of severe dust storms that damaged the ecology and agriculture of several key states in America. The ramifications of the dust storms were intensified due to overgrazing and over-cultivation of crops by farmers. It caused a mass migration of families who lived in California to other states in search of better economic fortunes.

Dust Bowl takes place 20 years after the canon events of Fallout New Vegas in a harsher version of the Mojave Wasteland that is more akin to a horrid combination of the Divide and the Capital Wasteland. All of the major factions have become caricatures and shells of their former selves with tribals, cannibals and remnants alike trying to claw their way to the top in the Dust Bowl. Mystery remains over what truly caused the Mojave to become this way in the first place.

You are not a Vault Dweller. You are not the Chosen One. You are not a Lone Wanderer or a Courier. You are merely an average, by-the-lines, waste-lander who has found themselves in one of the worst places to live in an uninhabitable world.

Food, water and good supplies are rare. Shoot-on-sight is a formality. Mutants and monstrosities roam the wastes. The struggle to maintain your morals and to survive is apparent in the Dust Bowl.

What are your goals? To continue to persevere and survive in a lawless dog-eat-dog world? To escape the Dust Bowl? To become king among heathens?

All that everyone wants to do is survive.

Factions of Interest in the Dust Bowl

A vast majority of the populus in the Dust Bowl are made up of primitive tribes whose roots belong to that of former infamous raider and tribal groups that were prevalent in the Mojave such as the Fiends, the Great Khans, the Vipers, the Jackals and the most infamous of them all: Caesar's Legion. Most tribes in the Dust Bowl practice cruel and unusual rituals in order to keep a semblance of civilized 'order' such as paying tribute to idols with items , human sacrifices and worshiping pagan gods. Cannibalism is a common occurance in most tribes in order to preserve what little food they have left.

A common theme between all tribes is that they are the most savage out of all factions in the Mojave. They lack little to no human decency and are willing to sacrifice dozens of their numbers to mindlessly achieve an objective. They are armed with scavenged melee weapons and use booby traps in order to ensnare their prey and protect their camps. Most tribes aren't armed with any ballistic or explosive weaponry. Tribes descended from the Legion usually have more robust armor and higher quality melee weapons. Most tribes use trained animals such as guard dogs or nightstalkers as well to defend settlements.

The list of tribes in the Dust Bowl include.....

Aurelia: A dictatorship tribal camp united under the leadership of the former commander of Cottonwood Cove, Aurelius of Phoenix, who proclaims himself the true king of the Hoover Canyon, Aurelia and the Holy Roman Empire. He demands weekly tribute from every member of the tribe, lest they suffer execution.

Red Rocks: A group of tribals descended from the Great Khans who live in Red Rock Canyon. They are the most passive and friendly out of all the tribes in the Wasteland; having great expertise in the production of chems. They seldom practice cannabalism, only using it as a ritual in the Red Rock Temple, a former chem production trailer.

South Vegas Tribals: A loose confederation of tribals that hold an uneasy alliance over the remains of Southern New Vegas. The Blind Dogs make up the large majority of the clan and are a militant and prideful tribe that take joy in causing as much inter-tribal friction as possible. The Prophets act as a inter-mediator between the groups of the South Vegas Tribals. The Dust Devils are a peaceful group that derive their history from the Marked Men of the Divide, the most pacifistic out of the entire tribes in the South Vegas Tribals. They have migrated from the Divide to the Dust Bowl, in search of better grounds to call home. The Green Feet are a group of tribals who mainly act as chief suppliers of lichins, cave fungus and mushrooms grown in the underground sewers of New Vegas.

The Burned Bulls: Another tribe with ties to Caesar's Legion, the Burned Bulls almost have a perverse and fetishitic fascination with Caesar's Legion. One of their main rituals, which is a mainstay from the practices of the Legion, is crucifixion which is both used as a punishment, intimidation against other tribes and to age 'produce' for consumption. Their main base of operations is in Nipton with expeditionary forces in the east of the Mojave Wasteland.

The Cult of Mo-Tel: The former inhabitants of Novac have devolved into a group of cannabalistic, cultish tribals who worship Dinky the Dinosaur, who is now known as the pagan god, Mo-Tel. The mythology of Mo-Tel is a long and arduous one but many say that Mo-Tel is a great and terrible god; punishing the greedy and iniquitous with drought and famine while rewarding the righteous with knowledge. A common ritual in the Cult of Mo-Tel is the feast of the warrior, whereby, the most weakest or mortally injured tribal would be consumed by the rest of the tribe so that they might use his strength for better purposes.

Kai-sar's Hill - Kai-sar's Hill is a memorial to one of the sickest despots that the West Coast has ever had to experience. Once the Legion retreated from the Mojave Wasteland, a skeleton crew of tribals came to Fortification Hill and repurposed it to become a fledgeling settlement. Kai-sar's Hill is a religious mecca for most tribals, who worship the numerous pagan gods of Roman Mythology for luck in the Dust Bowl.
Brotherhood of Steel
The Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel have become little more than a radicalized group of glorified xenophobic bandits who pillage and rob any wastelander on sight, using their revered Codex as an thinly labelled excuse for their heinous actions.

Despite this, they are still one of the most powerful factions in the Dust Bowl. The Mojave Chapter are currently held up in the irradiated lands of Camp Searchlight, locked down tight with laser turrets and patrols of Protectrons and Securitrons to incinerate any intruder on sight. They are only one of the few factions in the Mojave with access to power armor and rare energy weapons, making them more than a match for any of the tribal factions. Still, they are few in number and tribals are eagerly awaiting the day when they falter for one moment.

The focus of the Mojave Chapter as of now is to find a escape route out of the Mojave Wasteland. Unfortunately, they accomplish this goal by interrogating any survivor or tribal that they encounter along the way.
The NCR are still one of the few major factions in the Mojave who maintain presence of a few strongholds in the Mojave to assess and report back conditions in the Dust Bowl to the federal governments in Shady Sands. NCR troopers have a complete and total lack of faith in the average wastelander due to the likelihood of them being a insane, psychopathic tribal. Shoot-on-sight is a common policy for NCR strongholds within the Dust Bowl.

Members of the NCR have access to the highest quality equipment and a threat to most tribals in the Dust Bowl. Their intentions in the Dust Bowl are still unknown as of this point but there are rumours that the NCR was involved in whatever led to the creation of the Dust Bowl..............

So, this is just an simple interest check. Not all the rules are in place yet and not every piece of lore about this setting has been released (Purposefully) but its purpose is to garner attention and rectify any questions, not to recruit as of yet. I am looking to get this off the ground once it attracts enough interest.

Some things I am looking for are as follows.....

- People with knowledge of Fallout.

- People who are able to post detailed, multi-paragraphed posts.

- A group of about 3-4 people at the max.

- People who want to have fun.

That's all the details I will spare for now. I will wait for the response to this interest check and anything that will follow afterwards.

Hasta La Vista - Borkasu Lazer