• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

How would you like your character's roommate to be assigned?

  • I want to coordinate with someone else in the OOC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are you nuts? My character is too dangerous to have a roommate!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Phantom of the Forum
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Modern, horror, sci-fi, slice-of-life, magical, dystopian, school


    Dear Student,

    After careful review, we are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a full scholarship to Dyer Academy for the upcoming academic year.

    As always, making the selection is difficult--but it is clear that you are highly gifted, and we hope you will join our exceptional student body. Historically, our graduates have enjoyed a high rate of acceptance into the likes of Harvard, Columbia, and Miskatonic University.

    Welcome to the Academy—and please, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to keep them to yourself. As our motto goes: obscurum per obscurius.

    Headmistresses Penrose

    In the vast void of outer space, there exist a panoply of cosmic beings that are beyond human control or understanding. Society at large is unaware of these incomprehensible, god-like creatures, as well as the strange monsters that crawl the Earth. Occasionally, either due to cultist activities, steamy nights with Cthulhu-spawn, or other such meddling with bizarre beings, a child is born with a bit of... erm... non-human blood in them. Not enough to corrupt them entirely, mind you, but enough to make their lives a special kind of strange.

    You were one of these children. Now, you are a teenager, and your strange abilities are just beginning to appear. What's more, it's the summer before 11th grade, and you've just received a mysterious acceptance letter from one of the nation's top prep schools--despite not even applying. You think you've been welcomed into an exclusive two-year boarding school; however, you're about to find out that their admission standards are based on something other than academic merit...

    Sequestered by dense forest, just outside the dreary coastal village of Cartham, Mass., lies the enigmatic Dyer Academy. This exclusive preparatory school accepts only a handful of 11th and 12th grade students from around the world. These students—you included—have been "blessed" with (usually hideous) supernatural abilities, as well as the tendency to encounter what the normal world does not: mutants, monsters, and other semi-gelatinous, tentacled beings from beyond our dimension. (Rumor has it that the blood of your kind is especially tasty.)

    While boarding at Dyer, you will not only receive a world-class education from nutty professors and ex-(or not so ex-)cultists—you will also learn to fight off Lovecraftian horrors and master your preternatural gifts. The goal of the school is to teach you how to survive in a world that seems intent on killing you or driving you mad. Successful graduates often go on to work in various secret service agencies aimed at protecting the general populace from eldritch horrors. Others will return to society, content to try and carve out as normal a life as they can. But be warned—the dropout rate is high. Will you survive your two years at the Academy?

  • In addition to the general misfortune that seems to follow them everywhere, every student at the Academy has at least one preternatural trait, or "corruption," that significantly affects their life.

    Physical abnormalities are typically present at birth. Special abilities, on the other hand, usally start to show themselves around the onset of puberty, then rapidly gain intensity around the age of 16. For this reason, any child suspected to have alien influence in their genetic line is secretly monitored until age fifteen, whereupon it is decided whether their corruption is significant enough to warrant admission into the Academy.

    With that said, Academy students are typically "blessed with suck" to some degree. The so-called "gifts" that spring from their tainted blood usually feel more like curses, especially since they tend to come bundled with physical oddities, psychological issues, and general calamity. At the time of admission, students have only a small amount of control over their abilities, and using them takes a considerable physical and mental toll.

    This is a place to stretch beyond the vanilla magical powers and tread into the dark, funny, and bizarre. This can mean several different things in terms of your character's abilities. They might fall into one or more of the following categories (not exhaustive, and feel free to modify any of the ideas below):

    - Seemingly useless and/or embarrassing. Ex: A character can talk to spiders. A character can manipulate flowers. A character vomits corrosive black slime.

    - Dangerous. Some abilities are flat-out bad news, and end up causing serious injuries--or worse. Ex: Pyrokinesis, ice powers, weather control.

    - Costly. If your character has a more traditional ability, think about a way to make it difficult, morbid, or impractical--put a twist on it! Ex: A healer (or person with self-regeneration abilites) must drain the health of something else.

    - Not too OP. Stuff like mind reading can cause obvious problems for an RP, so just be sure to consider others! If a character's power is OP, then at least include some drawbacks and restrictions.

    - And the most important rule... have fun!!

    Remember: Average people are generally unaware of the supernatural, so your character has likely learned to hide their experiences with the arcane lest they be feared or locked away. It is possible that a few parents or friends may be aware of your character's powers, but your character would definitely want to avoid the evening news.

  • First, make sure you go to the Rules tab and read over everything! :) When you're done, send your completed CS to Insomia.n and Starbleme as a PM. Once accepted, you can post it in the OOC.

    A drawing or faceclaim is totally optional. If you don't include one, then your description should be more detailed to compensate! Remember: a sharp, punchy physical description of your character can be just as striking as a faceclaim.

    Full Name:
    Appearance: (Odd, disconcerting, or striking details are not necessary--but given the nature of this RP, they are encouraged. Also, feel free to give your character physical flaws.)
    Gender: (Normally all genders are welcome. However, as of now the RP has no female / feminine identifying characters, so we are especially requesting for girls at the moment!)
    Age: (16 or 17 for human students)
    Orientation: (Straight, bi, pan, ace, prefer not to say… etc.)
    Personality: (Paragraph or longer)
    Greatest Fear:
    Anomalous traits or abilities: (Do make sure to read the "corruption" tab and include a detailed description here. You can make most ideas work with a little tweaking, and you get brownie points if it's gross, odd, or has serious consequences.)
    Bio: (At least a paragraph. Summarize the key parts of your character's personal history.)
    Theme Song: (Fun but totally optional)
    Sample Post: (A good way to introduce your character. If you're having trouble with inspiration, write about the moment your character received their acceptance letter.)

  • Rules
    General rules include the typical stuff: no god modding or autohitting, be respectful OOC, and follow Iwaku policy. GMs will try to solve problems that arise around the RP if need be, but if please keep drama out of the OOC thread. Also, please notify us if you will be away for a while or plan to stop playing. There's nothing wrong with dropping an RP, but letting the GMs know is a courtesy that ensures no one gets left hanging.

    Content and Language
    Make sure to include your character's name and location in every post as a header, so that it's for everyone to keep track of where we all are! At least one paragraph is preferred per post, with an Intermediate writing level or better. Try to use font colors that work on all Iwaku styles (it will save people some eye strain.) This guide is really helpful!

    Dark themes, profanity, and some body horror are most definitely allowed. It's the nature of horror! With that said, this is not a redstar roleplay. Romance is accepted and encouraged, but if you want to write smut (with someone of appropriate age), take it to the PMs.

    Posting Speed
    Around two posts a week is the expectation (more is OK). It's understandable for life to get in the way; just communicate with me so that the game can keep rolling smoothly. If your character is absent for like two weeks with no word from you, they'll most likely be written out (perhaps as snack food for one of the Academy's resident eldritch horrors).

    To keep things easier to manage, the RP will start off small. As it's getting off the ground, everyone is allowed up to two students. Really frequent posters could be eligible for more in the future, if desired. A few teachers might be included as well!

    To show you read these rules to the end, include the word "lugubrious" somewhere in your CS. (Why "lugubrious"? I just think that word is neat)

  • GMs: Isomia.n and Starbleme

    Slot 1: Shizuochan
    Slot 2: Rax Rosetta
    Slot 3: OddlyEverAfter
    Slot 4: daird
    Slot 5: :Cosmic:

    Student List

    Ansgar Staudinger

    Anthony Linnaeus Musa ('Tony')

    Asher (and Ashley)

    Ayla Jayne Hayes ('AJ')

    Jacqueline Fletcher ('Jackie')

    Orson Grey

    Richard Grey ('Rick')

    Rosa Psalms

The school colors are black and red. Very slight flexibility is allowed in terms of uniform: it's either a school sweater over a dress shirt, or the classic blazer and dress shirt combo--in both cases with tie. Students are given the choice of pants or a skirt (with no consideration of gender). No uniforms are necessary on weekends, with the exception of school trips or school-sponsored activities.

At this point, all of the player slots are filled, hooray! If anyone would like to join the waitlist, shoot me a PM!
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I'll have to see if I can think of anything appropriately Lovcraftian. I also realized that if one were to play staff instead of a student, the librarian is clearly the best option, because they must be among the most powerful people around, as anyone who's played Call of Cthulhu knows. And they control access to the really interesting books in the forbidden stacks.
  • Like
Reactions: Starbleme
Full Name: [BCOLOR=transparent]Aguta Egil [/BCOLOR]
Appearance: Height: 5.2 feet, weight, 90 lb, skin tone, pale, eye color, left eye blue right eye purple, hair color, white, hair style, goes down to the midway point of his back and is usually braided.
Gender: male
Age: 16
Orientation: demisexual
Personality: Aguta on the outside is cold and distant towards most people he comes in contact with, preferring solitude; but once you get to know him Aguta is like a warm blanket in the middle of winter. Aguta is the mother figure you never knew you needed. His main goal in life is to protect the ones he cares about and will do anything to fulfill his goal. His ideals are old fashion and he is occasionally thick headed but that doesn't mean he doesn't care, he just doesn't understand. When talking he is a listener and when he does respond it is in the forms of stories that really don't make sense unless you sit down and think about them for a good while. His anger issues sometimes come between him and others because when he is angered he can be both physically and emotionally abusive; causing him to feel a sense of self loathing.
Hobbies/Interests: cooking, knitting, exploring, storytelling, writing, reading, nature, fighting, folklore/myths, magic
Greatest Fear: Hurting someone he cares about
Anomalous traits or abilities: Aguta is able to control elements associated with the cold weather (i.e ice, snow, wind etc.) The problem is that while his power is great, his internal temperature runs at about -90 degrees, making it impossible to touch others. Also, when in the heat of battle he sometimes goes into a killing frenzy (His eyes will both go purple at the time) and he will no longer be able to control his blood lust. You will be attacked friend or foe.
Bio: Left behind by his mother when he was an infant he was raised by his grandmother who was an Inuit shaman in Alaska were he was he apprentice. When his powers began to manifest however, he accidentally freezes one of the ribes men to death, forcing him and his grandmother into hiding.
Hey Obsessive Compulsive, thank you for showing interest in the RP! :D Just so you know, though, you have to submit your CS to Isomia.n and I. You also need a sample post in there. (And you may want to read the rules again; there's something you may have missed!)
Hi friends, I've been blessed with Approval!


Look at how lugubrious I am!​

NAME: Anthony Linnaeus Musa ('Tony')
APPEARANCE: For the most part, Anthony's appearance is geared to be perfectly innocuous. Perhaps he has succeeded too perfectly, as he's attained an almost ghost-like appearance. His pallor is pale, a blank canvas with a narrow mouth, and a muted, in-descript nose. His dark eyes are wide, but almost empty, staring at nothing in particular, but also never wandering. His black hair is arranged in the fashion of a bowl-cut, which is more suited for a dweeb than an aloof loner, but that should largely be chalked up to being out of touch with high school hair trends.

He stands at a height of 5'8" and has a moderate build, although the slightest hint of a paunch has begun to adorn his skinny frame, as a result of a largely sedentary lifestyle.

His most disconcerting feature happens when he undergoes one of his 'withdrawals'. In a horrifying turn, his skin begins to peel off entirely, exposing the muscle beneath. Thankfully, upon being sated (read Trait section), his skin seems to regrow near instantaneously.

AGE: 16
ORIENTATION: Asexual (okay probably not, but Tony claims this!)
PERSONALITY: Anthony subscribes to the idea of perfect adequacy! Be not the best, be not the worst, but be somewhere in the middle, in all things you do! This ethos, of course, is symptomatic of a few ingrained traits that have commonly plagued the Musa bloodline; fear of failure, fear of hard-work, fear of disappointment, fear of being let-down. Indeed, Anthony is adverse to things such as danger or rejection, and takes them harder than most. Indeed, he maintains his standard of acceptably average by compensating for his lack of initiative with latent intelligence.

Personal ethos aside, Anthony's a kind individual who doesn't envy those above him, or shun those less fortunate than him. He is simply who he is (wonderful!) and everyone else is who they are. He's impartial, because taking sides is just far too much effort. Due to this, friends come easy to him, but because of his lack of passion, very close friends often elude him.

  • Not quite a hobby, but likes to preach to others that bananas are, in fact, botanically considered berries.
  • Cooking – primarily with bananas as an ingredient. Tempura bananas are a specialty at the moment.
  • Collects pyjamas.
  • Enjoys watching Japanese Puroresu (Pro-Wrestling)
  • Yes, he knows it's 'fake'.
  • Slam poetry.
GREATEST FEAR: Being in a place without bananas and succumbing to his withdrawals all alone and helpless – it's the pain, and having to suffer through it alone.
ANOMALOUS TRAITS: It is known that the preternatural traits – Corruptions – that afflict the students at Dyer Academy are often remarkably quirky in nature. Tony's are no exception. Tony's abilities encompass control of bananas (and other similar fruits in the genus, notably plantains). Tony is able to telekinetically maneuver bananas, as well as alter certain crucial physical characteristics; taste, hardness, size, stickiness, and a banana peels' degree of slippy-ness, for starters.

The downside is that Tony's powers seem to be associated with some strange, inexorable connection with the fruit – keyword: inexorable. In layman's terms, Anthony is addicted to bananas, and at a level not dissimilar to the most far-gone of drug fiends. Without constant consumption of bananas, he is completely non-functional, a gibbering wreck that suffers through torturous withdrawal symptoms.

BIOGRAPHY: There are those people who aspire to nothing, who wish to accomplish the median in everything they do, to be completely average, and to lead perfectly adequate lives. Throughout his childhood, with parents that were loving but not doting, and in a neighborhood that was quaint but safe enough, Anthony Musa managed this just fine.

Then came the hunger. A hunger that was hideously primal. Anthony had forgotten to eat breakfast before, and found himself famished at snack-time. That hunger was something different, something trivial. The hunger that Anthony Musa manifested at around the age of fifteen was terrifying. He had scrambled for the fridge then, desperate. The leftover ziti did nothing. The entire jar of mayonnaise was an experience, sure, but ineffective.

Then the fruit basket. And the bananas. By some miracle, they sustained him. More than that, they seemed to speak to him. Begging for him, yearning for the grace of his attention. In return, Anthony did much the same. Thankfully, bananas are amongst the cheapest commodities possible, and Anthony managed to sate himself. It seemed, thankfully, that he'd be able to continue his life of perfect adequacy.

Until he received that fateful letter. In truth, Anthony had never even found himself intrigued by the concept of a top school wanting his attendance.

But like the bananas, the letter called to him nonetheless.


[Takes place in a 10th​ grade math class]

"Anthony, what have I told you about not eating in class?" Mr. Ottogalli's voice bore the resigned timber of an over-qualified, under-paid bachelor.

Sheepish was the face of the student, and stuffed full of banana was the mouth. Anthony Musa, rendered unable to speak by the entire banana lodged inside his throat, opted to give some sort of frantic wave to signal his acknowledgment. The worst thing that could possibly happen here, he noted, was to choke upon the phallic fruit in his mouth. That's not to say that his current situation wasn't dire. He wasn't a popular kid and he wasn't one of the disfavoured losers, but his current situation was one that could thrust him into the latter category.

He forced himself to swallow the banana whole, and raised both hands, as if a criminal surrendering himself to an officer of the law. "Very sorry, Mr. Ottogalli, won't happen again."

Fates conspired against Anthony this day, as his open backpack fell from the back of his chair, spilling their contents upon the linoleum; banana, banana, the rare plantain, and even more banana.

"… I'm very convinced."

"I can explain!" Anthony blushed, realizing that this was a code red situation. 'Banana-Boy' was just one of the monikers he wished to avoid on this day. "Science! Project! Potassium!"

Swing and a miss. "Those are… words."

"I mean that I'm doing a science on potassium!"

Oh. He missed a word. What a tragedy.

Character #2

NAME: Rosa Psalms
APPEARANCE: A gaunt, malnourished girl with a porcelain complexion, there's little to speak of regarding Rosa's face. Sure, her eyes are a pretty blue, and her nose is a cute little dot, but she happens to be missing an entire mouth. Indeed, Rosa's mouth(s) are located on each one of her hands, often salivating at the most inopportune of times. That trait, however, is somewhat compensated by the fact that Rosa's eyes are incredibly wide, with an incredibly hyperactive capacity for expression.

Has incredibly long locks of dark hair that fall to her lower back – considerable as Rosa is tall for a girl of her age.
GENDER: Female
AGE: 16
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
PERSONALITY: Rosa literally has a mouth on her hand, so she's fairly quiet. Shy, Rosa is cordial enough in a conversation, although has an interesting tactic of ending conversations that she feels dragging for uncomfortable lengths of time; she spouts a non-sequitur and immediately stares intently into the distance. A soul that's equal parts creative and mischievous, Rosa likes imposing her mind on her environment in minor ways, and then seeing how people react. For example, she'll rearrange the contents of her parent's fridge, and see how they react. Interestingly, this isbehavior that she demonstrates towards people that she either feels kinship with, or finds intriguing in some way.

Towards those that she feels comfortable enough engaging in full-blown conversation with; remarkably sarcastic, with a startling world-weary worldview. Rosa considers humanity and its actions largely irrelevant in the long run, with its only merit being mild amusement.

  • Collecting baseball cards.
  • Learning different forms of sign language.
  • Performing subtle pranks on people, with the aim ultimately to be mild confusion and annoyance. Bonus points if the culprit is never discovered.

GREATEST FEAR: On an introspective level, coming to a realization that her actions matter, and then subsequently failing. Otherwise, being eaten alive by her own arm-mouths.
ANOMALOUS TRAITS: Rosa's mouth is not where it should be. Instead, her left and right hand each have a mouth - teeth, tongue, lips, saliva and all – upon the palm. Both mouths seem to be usable for eating and drinking, although Rosa is only capable of speaking through the right mouth (and, yes, it is disconcerting to hear a young girl's voice projected from a hand).

The left mouth, on the other hand, will occasionally screech unintelligible, cacophonous nonsense, independent of Rosa's will.

Rosa has also discovered that any object firmly held in one of Rosa's hands for at least five seconds will have an identical copy appear in the opposite hand- provided that the opposite hand is not closed.

BIOGRAPHY: Rosa was not always as she is now. A spoiled daughter born with a silver spoon and a sense of entitlement, Rosa rampaged through grade school like only the prettiest girl should – with the cruel decree of a tyrant. Indeed, she ruled the recess with an iron fist, and her imperial declarations of gossip shook the landscape of elementary school.

The summer before high school, Rosa had a nervous breakdown. To this day, she is unable to verbalize just what she saw, but it was a cruel sight, as inevitable as it was inexplicable, a mystery that pierced the very essence of the young girl. The truth of it all eluded her, but just being in its presence was as if her skin had been scorched by hell-fire.

She opened her mouth to scream, only to find that she had no mouth at all.

Her parents discovered her new nature and immediately pulled her from enrollment. Rosa was content with this, for the abyss had touched her, and the formerly haughty school princess realized that nothing mattered at all. When the letter arrived, her parents jumped at the chance, figuring that whatever their daughter was had a chance again. Rosa simply played along, not caring at all.


Rosa wondered if there was a point to telling her parents that it felt incredibly suffocating to wear gloves. She reasoned that at the very least it would be enlightening, as she was perhaps the only person on the planet earth to experience the hassle of having mouth-hands. In the span of the next three seconds, Rosa ultimately reasoned that it would be pointless.

Her parents had reasoned that, with gloves and proficiency in American sign language, Rosa would be able to chalk up her non-mouth having status to burn injuries and not suffer undue persecution. A flawed plan, Rosa thought, as it still did little to fix the problem of not having a mouth on her face. It also didn't make ASL instructors any less boring. This one, in fact, was surprisingly restrained in his gesticulations.




Rosa nodded as her instructor contorted his hands with fluent deftness. She caught on fairly quick, as it happened. Truthfully, the whole hand gymnastics thing was at least slightly impressive. Pointless, sure, but not the worst diversion she could have. Rosa began contorting her hands in kind.


She paused before making the symbol for A.

Her mouths curled into smirks from beneath their gloves. She switched gears.


Hummus? No. Also, did this instructor really just ask a no-mouth person about food?

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Hey Obsessive Compulsive, thank you for showing interest in the RP! :D Just so you know, though, you have to submit your CS to Isomia.n and I. You also need a sample post in there. (And you may want to read the rules again; there's something you may have missed!)
Hey Obsessive Compulsive, thank you for showing interest in the RP! :D Just so you know, though, you have to submit your CS to Isomia.n and I. You also need a sample post in there. (And you may want to read the rules again; there's something you may have missed!)
First off, lugubrious, second off sorry.
Here's a sample:

"I can't go grandmother, I can't leave you behind." The words were said icyly but their was warmth in there meaning when the white haired boy spoke to the old woman in front of him. He posture was tense, as it always was when he defied his grandmother.
"You will go Aguta, you will not let this opportunity for a bright future pass you bye." Her words were strong and she held herself high when she spoke down to her grandson. She was the elder of this house and youth listened to there elders.
"My future does not matter Grandmother, think of yourself for once in your life." He pleaded with the aging woman who had raised him. How could he leave her when she needed him most? How could he leave her when her strong grip was no longer as strong, when he black hair had streaks of white, and when she was thousands of miles from what she called "home"?
"You should listen to your own advice child. Now go pack your bags." Her words held a finality that even the most stubborn of men could not refuse. Aguta turned on his heel and left the room
Banana powers, guys. I really love Anthony. God damn is this RP going to be wild.

I also wanted to say that we have gotten some stupendous students so far! With that said, we have no female students at the moment, so at this point we are specifically requesting female characters for the last two slots.

(I don't think a male submission will automatically be a flat-out no, but female characters will definitely be given preference until further notice.)
Well, good thing I got the approval when I did then, eh?

Full Name:
Ansgar Staudinger


Ansgar is a tad bit on the tall side for his age, standing at roughly 6'1" tall, while usually weighing in abnormally low, typically between 150 and 160lbs. These things, coupled with normally baggy or loose fitting clothes gives him a very malnurished, underfed appearance. However, underneath his clothing is, starting at a core of ink black over his heart, veins that pulse outwards in varying fashions, currently only halting at his waist, halfway down his upper arms, and just below his collar bone. All of which that are things that normally are concealed by his clothing of choice, though the how and why of the spreading is unknown to Ansgar.




Personality: (Paragraph or longer)
Ansgar tries to, overtly, be your average 17 year old, something that might seem odd compared to how others react to the Eldritch. He acts like nothing is wrong, often times a bit disinterested, more interested in spending time reading and relaxing than worrying about his studies or the future, things he thinks is typical of an average teenager. In all reality, he is dubiously unhinged, often times mentally arguing with himself in ways that, sometimes, bleed over to muttering and arguing with himself in a rather lugubrious manner, unsettling his peers that might catch him in such a moment. Yet, as they say, he full well intends to fake it until he makes it. Yet, despite his relative success at faking being normal and not worth attention, when his corruption kicks in, he shifts rather jarringly if it kicks in hard.

When looking at things as they are, as Ansgar calls it, he sounds distressed usually, panicked and even, at points, terrified. Gone is the attempts to look and seem normal, and to an outsider, he might simply be going through a nervous breakdown for no discernible reason as his mind revolts at what it is being subjected to. When he does speak in this mind set, often times, he speaks nothing sensible or even overtly reasonable, having to try and put words to what should not be. As such, he tends to be distressed and very much unlikable when seeing what should not be seen, regardless of whether others realize it or not. Short of a good, hard knock to the head, normally he only returns to normal after a random period of time.

Violin, reading, Sleeping, Avoiding working, card games, writing his Uncle

Greatest Fear:
Completely and permanently losing any sense of what is Real, and what is not.

Anomalous traits or abilities:
Ansgar has no name for it, the closest he has gotten is True Sight. In effect, he is constantly catching glimpses of what lies beyond the mortal coil, the faces that reality wears, into the in between, where things that should not be live and exist, waiting to bleed over into real space. Normally, outside two situations, this is limited to the 'aura' of people he looks at, giving him an idea of who they truly are, while dancing shadows and mysterious figures and shapes at the edges of his vision make up the normal things he has to deal with on a daily basis, making it tedious to discern what is really happening, and what is his own personal torment. However, there are more advanced stages of this sight, in specific circumstances.

Ansgar can choose to forcefully look into the abyss, or when a situation grows too stressful it naturally happens, and strip away the facades that are either constructed by the mortal mind, or look past illusions that are put in place by things that should not be. Obviously, being able to see past lies, illusions, and attempts to trick him are potent, but the dangers mean that he rarely does so willingly. His already tenuous grasp on reality is strained to the point that, often times, he cannot separate what is real from what is not temporarily, meaning that normal, mundane tasks become monumental. And this does not even touch on the mental trauma caused by ignoring the safeties put in place by his mind against such things. And, unsurprisingly, just because he sees what is really going on behind the curtain, does not mean anyone else is, and considering the maddened state he often descends into? It is hardly easy, at best, to explain what is going on. Physically, his body literally stresses to the point that he often bleeds from his nose, eyes, other orifices, or recent injuries, potentially causing life threatening losses of bodily fluids.

To make a truly disturbing development, at least to Ansgar, he has found that, when faced with truly dire or life threatening consequences, his corruption goes one step further. Having spawned the physical signs on his body of the touch of the abyss, he can rarely tear down the facade worn by creatures or people, either exposing themselves to what they really are, or allowing something temporary ability to act upon the mortal plane. But not only can he not readily control what gets revealed, but the consequences beyond this are almost as dire as the situation spawning it. Besides the prior issues with his True Sight, revealing things for what they are not only attracts far too much attention, but can cause more problems than it solves. And, again, it basically takes his sanity and snaps it over a knee like a twig, sending him into feverish madness. He was lucky, or cursed, in that he recovered from it last time, and there is certainly no promises that he would recover if it would happen again. And coupled with the physical stresses that are normally present with True Sight, Ansgar's body goes into a severely high pressure situation, vitals sky rocketing, brain activity going off the charts for what is remotely healthy, running not only the risk of permanent madness, but actual death.

To say that Ansgar Staudinger, when born in a small town outside of Berlin, Germany, did not have an easy childhood would be like saying that a plane with no fuel had a spot of trouble taking off. When he was barely old enough to walk and talk, he started seeing things. Most children feared the monster under their bed, or the boogie man in the closet, but to young Ansgar? They were not just spooky shadows or creeky floorboards. He could see the grasping talons of a shadowy hand, the writhing appendages extending from under his bed, eliciting many sleepless, terror filled nights. His parents had no idea what to do with him, no amount of medication seemed to help, and only sheer exhaustion usually let him sleep.

It was his uncle, a detective and, secretly, an occultist that recognized what was happening. Taking the boy in, under his wing since his parents had given up on the maddened boy, Ansgar would be given some idea how to shield his mind and separate the boogie man and monsters from reality, being able to discern one from the other, the fact the latter could not normally harm him. School would be rough, as he was often distracted or caught off guard by what he saw, and got into fights at times, thrown into mad fits when backed into corners by bullies and others that wanted to torment the young man for being different. Yet, whether it be fortune, good or ill, or the blessings of otherworldly beings, Ansgar survived and kept moving forward.

Nearing the end of his tenth grade classes, Ansgar would find that, in part thanks to his Uncle's requests, a letter inviting him to a rather exclusive sounding boarding school in the United States arrived. His uncle, of course, greatly pushed the young man to go and attend, both for his own good and for the sake of his education. The chance to get away from his tormentors was a glad one to take, even if he had to leave behind anything he ever knew. He would continue to write his uncle though, they agreed upon this, and with that, and no words spoken to his actual parents, he would depart for the States.

Theme Song:

Sample Post:
(NOTE: Actual conversation carried out in German)
"Uncle, why is there a letter from a US address?"

Ansgar was sitting at the dinner table with his caretaker, guardian, and closest thing he had to a friend in the family, Uncle Staudinger, as they ate dinner after school had let out for that day. He was nearly done with the, to compare it to the US system, 10th grade level of education. The two were watching the evening news, Ansgar ignoring the dancing shadows behind his Uncle. They were always there, seeming to haunt the older man, while he sifted through case files for the latest job he had been hired onto. Ansgar's question, though, caused him to pause and glance up at him.

"Young Ansgar, it is an invitation for Boarding School across the ocean, with the Americans. I think the change of climate would do your humors good."

Ansgar knew what he actually meant, that a change of environment would perhaps help with what he had to see constantly. That dealing with other people that weren't used to who he was earlier in life might get him less bullying. And escaping his current tormentors? It seemed ideal to Ansgar, yet he seemed uncertain still, poking at his food with his fork instead. Leaving Germany, the town he had grown up and, indeed, still cared for was not an easy decision. His Uncle rested a hand on his adopted son's, in every way that mattered, shoulder.

"I will not force this upon you, but I requested you be considered for invitation. I attended the very same school in my youth, and chose to try and lead a normal life afterwords. Graduate, and I will explain why I know as much as I do about your condition, my dear Ansgar."

The idea shocked Ansgar, looking at his Uncle with slightly wide eyes. Ansgar saw turbulence and something strange in his Uncle's aura, the air about him shimmering and unsteady, like it was almost ready to collapse and suck the man away. Yet it seemed to stabilize, retaining the odd air that sent a chill down Ansgar's spine. Yet, curiosity damned him. He nodded, looking at his Uncle, the man he considered his father, in every way that mattered, and only had but one question to ask, as shadows danced eagerly in response.

"One question then, Uncle. When do I leave?"
@Obsessive Compulsive

Hello, we appreciate the show of interest to the RP but your level in writing might not be up to par to what we are looking for. Feel free to disprove this with a more detailed CS, maybe using the already accepted characters as a reference.
Heya, just popping in to say this is super cool, and I'm definitely working on a character for this roleplay!
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Name: Asher (Internal twin sister Ashley)

Nicknames: Ash

Race: Half Human Half Angel

Gender: Intersex; While Ash prefers to be treated like a male he is actually intersex which means he has both female and male parts, though they are not fully formed like normal people with one genitalia (If more info is needed I would be happy to provide a more vivid picture.

Age: 16

Orientation: Ash likes men, Ashley likes blood. Ash generally leans towards gay but does his best to stay out of the dating bit as much as possible due to physical issues.

Appearance -
Voice: Soft but a little rusty, like he hasn't spoken in month, also sighs too much.
Eyes: Left eye is red, Right eye is sky blue
Complexion: Very pale, doesn't go outdoors very often.
Height: 6'0
Build: Thin though it's hard to tell under his baggy clothes.
Hair: The hair on the left side of Ash's head is snow white and reaches down to the middle of his back, the hair on Ash's right side is jet black and shaved on the side.
Tattoos/markings: Ash had a few scars on his body where extra organs, such as an extra kidney, that was left over from parasitic twin Ashley was surgically removed if they caused issues.

Personality: Ash is quite and shy, he likes to be left alone to do his own thing or people watch. He also has a sighing problem, making it seem like he's always bored or just doesn't care, which most of the time is true. He doesn't make friends easily but when he does he sticks close by them and will take a beating for them. Ashley, Asher's parasitic twin who haunts Asher's thoughts, is chaotic and loves to make a mess, especially out of people. One of the reasons Ash stays away from people is because he's afraid that Ashley will find a way to take over his body and harm Ash's friends, after all it's happened before.

Hobbies/Interests: Ash likes anything to do with crafts, if there's a youtube video or a book, he can pick it up. He enjoys reading books and listening to music, since these are both single person activities and he likes to be left alone. Another hobby of Ash's is that he likes to people watch. People are strange creatures, since Ash has been alone for most of his life, excluding Ashley, and Ash takes every opportunity to see how they react to different situations.

Greatest Fear: Ash's greatest fear is that Ashley will someday grow stronger than him and take control of the body. It has happened in his past, creating horribly gory outcomes, and Ash does not want to lose anyone close to him every again.

Anomalous traits or abilities-
Abilities: Ash has the ability to form feathery wings on his back much like your typical angel. The right wing is black and can create a healing light. The left wing is white and creates black hell fire. The right side of Asher's body is tied to Ash's twin Ashley, ironically the gore-loving psychotic twin has the ability to heal, while the left side of Ash's body is his own, creating a chaotic hell fire though Ash would never want to harm anyone.
Traits: The most disturbing trait about Ash is really his sister Ashley, his parasitic twin who haunts him and speaks to him through telepathy, seeming to actually be in his mind more than his body. Ashley is a constant threat to Ash, both physically when she needs her "Blood Sacrifice" and emotionally when she beats Ash down from the inside or start looking at his friends, to which he has very few of because of Ashley, as her next meal. Ash lives in constant fear of his sister whom he shares a body with, worried that one day she will overcome him and end his, and many others, existence in this world.

Bio: Ash's is a sad and twisted background. When he was around the age of six his sister Ashley, was able to take control of his body for long enough to kill their single mother in her sleep. When Ash woke up he was in a psychiatric ward for children and stayed there for a few years where he learned to control his sister's hauntings, keep control over his body and not let her possess him, and also learning how to control his more angelic, or demonic, powers.
Ash stayed at the psychiatric ward until his teenage years when he was actually able to kind of fit into society. Still, Ash was always an outsider and needed constant therapy, it is hoped that his acceptance into this new school will pave the way to a bright and happy future for Ash.

"The fuck..." Ash stated blankly as he stared at the letter that was address for him sitting on his bed. The nurse probably left it in there when she tidied up his room for him, he wished she wouldn't do that. He held the letter in his hands for a long moment, staring at it with his two toned eyes, seeming mystified that he even got a letter, he never got mail.

"Fuck, please don't let this been from that dentist asshole." He grumbled under his breath as he tore the envelope open and pulled the letter out. He stared at it for another long moment before unfolding the paper and reading. He read it once, twice, three times. "The fuck?"

"Honey, stop using such fowl language." Came the voice of one of the nurses in the hallway outside his door. Ash sighed, wishing he had closed his door all the way before he looked back down at the letter. If he read, and re-read, it right, this could be his ticket out of this place. He could go to an actual school with kids like him and dorms and libraries. The last part was the only real thing he was excited about. Still, he liked the idea of a little freedom, and boy did he need it.

But there it was again, like the softest whisper of wind through the leaves. "I bet there will be a lot of yummy guys there..." Ash shivered as the voice of his sister forced it's way into his brain. One thing was a fact, if he did go to this school Ashley would have more opportunities to look for snacks.

Ash sighed again, trying to push the thought of out his head as he stareddown at the paper. "More people like me..." The words were barely audible as they escaped his lips. It was time for him to leave the nest and learn to fly.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Hello. Though my time right now is limited(I have to leave for work in a few minutes), I wished to express interest. If allowed, I would like to play both a female and a male character. I will attempt to have the character sheets composed by the end of the next day.
@Obsessive Compulsive

Hello, we appreciate the show of interest to the RP but your level in writing might not be up to par to what we are looking for. Feel free to disprove this with a more detailed CS, maybe using the already accepted characters as a reference.
Sorry i was responding on my phone at like 10:30p.m.
how much more do you want?
Sorry i was responding on my phone at like 10:30p.m.
how much more do you want?
That's alright I can understand the whole phone rush situation. As for the amount that's really up to you. I'm more interested in the 'quality over quantity' rule but a good place to start would be what the others have so far. Take your time to revise and edit your content there's no rush.
Oh!! Apologies Isomia.n, I got Ash's CS and approved it, but I didn't notice that you weren't cc'd on it. I think I mentioned Ash in my PM but you probably didn't know what I was talking about lol. Sorry!! (The "secret" word was included in there, as well.)
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Oh!! Apologies Isomia.n, I got Ash's CS and approved it, but I didn't notice that you weren't cc'd on it. I think I mentioned Ash in my PM but you probably didn't know what I was talking about lol. Sorry!! (The "secret" word was included in there, as well.)
Ahhhh no probs. I'll delete my post then and @OddlyEverAfter apologies for the mix up.
It's cool ^-^ Can't wait to see this thing up and running.
I'm drawing a blank on things for characters, so I feel like I'll probably be beaten to it. But, I'll keep an eye on things a while anyway. Good luck to all.
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I'm drawing a blank on things for characters, so I feel like I'll probably be beaten to it. But, I'll keep an eye on things a while anyway. Good luck to all.
Good luck to you as well :) and thank you for the interest! Also take your time on formulating a character. There's no pressure to rush.
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