Dyson - OOC

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2016. A meteorite was detected in New Zealand-Australian airspace that was not detected by any known man made satellites, radars, or technology. Not until it entered Earth's atmosphere in solid form. Upon landing outside of New Zealand, a black sanctioned task force was sent to retrieve it, discovering a luminous cosmically colored cluster of solid and an unknown element. It was taken to a classified Australian site where this uncanny element was studied. As a liquid, it has an atomic number of 1 (light as Hydrogen the lightest element, meaning it could float in liquid state). As a gas, it has an atomic number of 60, right in the middle of all elements and the second heaviest gas. As a solid it's atomic number is 120, the now heaviest and durable solid of all elements. And then, this was when humankind as we knew would change.

The element was discovered to have been spread in radius and mass before entering Earth. Meaning it was a gas before hitting the atmosphere, which scientifically improbable but not impossible. But here's what is impossible. The element once removed from the ocean floor, once a solid mass oxidized with Earth's air... it became liquid. The opposite of what lower to high density physically does. This element operates, melts, condensates, and evaporates on an entirely different set of physics. Which begs the question: Where did it come from?

In the span of the year since 'Dysonium' has been discovered (named after the theroretical Dyson Spheres which adapt to environmental aspects) The media has pushed it as a miraculous and cool spectacle, its seemingly self-changing properties the topic of scientific and philosophical phenomena larger than even Einstein's theory of relativity.

But those that look deeper find something more. From the Earth satellites, a light of almost all colors shines from a point in Australia, life surrounding the area both dies within a week and fully flourishes just as fast. Men in hazard suits, black uniformed men, enter but don't leave. All other governments reach out only to be shunned to what's already been provided to the public. This has pushed the mysterious element's worth up to 30 billion a GRAM. It has invoked interests of science, philophers, adventurers, and even government enforcement and intelligence. Why?

Because New Years 2017, the Dysonium not only lit up in solid state, it emitted a radioactive frequency. And to those on the inside of this information. The code was derived in Morse as a word: LOCKSMITH. The element was communicating. It was more than a natural resource.. it could be humanity's natural unconditional evolution. As the mystery around Dysonium unfolds, its reaches will affect far more than the balance of elements and nature. Human nature was also about to change forever.


This is an OOC & background for a Superpowered but realism based RP. No capes, no fantastic adventures. Humans dealing with scientific anomaly. The setting is present time 2017 a year after the meteorite landed, so about a year a VERY small number of people have had scientific and biological enhancements to the point of spectacles from a comic book issue. They (you) don't know how, you don't know why. But every now and then they have dreams... more like visions of a glowing element the color of the cosmos. Calling to them. Not by name, by a cellular tingling, almost as if something is breaching the soul. And one word: Lock.

As the RP progresses, we will discover the secrets of Dysonium and reveal the truth behind the newfound reality that has landed upon us. The tone or feel of this RP will be similar to Stranger Things, grounded but retro-fantastical.


1. The main common one. Respect Iwaku and its rules.

2. Any questions or intrigue about the plot or story come to me! I love hearing ideas even if we don't incorporate them.

3. OOC will be friendly and respectful. IC be extra and add flair all you'd like BUT...

4. BE REASONABLE. Realistically adapt and grow into abilities and make logical choices. You can control weather? Know that you will not begin with master continue or creating storms at will. Go into a very secure Army base tossing fireballs alone? Your IC has ended lol.

5. I do not mind if you guys subplot romance. Just keep it PG-13 and not TOO detailed.

6. Try to have UNIQUE characters. For some reason people love military trained or martial arts based characters. As much interest as this RP go to I can tell you now EVERYONE WILL NOT MAKE IT. If you want to make a combat character go ahead just flesh them out. I will not begin approval process until I see and feel good about your CS sheet. Only those that are approved will get an ability. If you do not make the cut, or if you don't even want to have a powered character speak to me about a support role and I'll see what I can do.

7. If you didn't know from the InCheck, the process for selecting abilities will be the combination of your preferred power added with a random power from me. Ex. (Mind control + Enhanced Hearing = Widespread Telepathy which is hearing minds over vast distances)
If you don't like you power you'll just have to find a way to cope. Side note: I will NOT change true power no matter how weak or overpowered it is. Once it's yours, it's yours.

8. If you cannot post due to IRL or other reasons please post in consideration of everyone else. I'm interpreting this RP to go relatively fast pace wise not too speedy, so if you need assistance ask and you shall receive! And...

9. If you do fall too far behind or get in a hole you cant climb out of that doesn't mean you're done for. Unless you're intentionally a jerk or going against the tide of the plot, you can get back up to pace.

10. If you band together, or fight amongst each other IC, coordinate with each other as I will be overseeing those situations with a final outcome, but stay true to character and abilities. Don't force it just because you wanna "be great"


12. Now, if you read, accept, and understand all rules: At the end of your CS, write a sentence mentioning Dyson Spheres in a fashion that would be true to your character.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Appearance: (Real pic/face claim only )


Personality Goods:
Personality Bads:

Hobbies and Skills:

True Power: (your preferred power here + the random power here) = To be determined.

Background: (Character bio & History)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Justin

Name: Diamond Shepard
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs

Occupancy: High School Senior in China (Concordia International School)

Personality Goods: Honest • Generous • Genius • Strong-Willed • Compassionate.

Personality Bads: Aloof • Cunning • Dramatic • Sensitive • Critical

Hobbies and Skills: Researching, Soccer, Reading, Swimming, Very strong mathematical and computer skills, watching romance stuff on Netflix, loves studying culture and traditions, sometimes she hacks, programming, can speak Mandarin as well as Chinese and English of course. She also enjoys partying (great social skills) and anything with Chris Hemsworth.

True Power: Power Replication + (Quantum Manipulation) = Physical Law Manipulation

Background: Diamond was born in New England, Massachusetts. Her father Colt was working as a owner of an auto shop, while her mother Paula was working as a requisition officer for the government. Diamond lived a very loving childhood with kids on her block and a loving home environment. She was an A honor roll student all through elementary and middle school, but was rather an outcast. She's always been an outcast. This further drove home when her parents announced they'd be moving to China, as her mom got a promotion to work for a key US Embassy in Shanghai. She'd already enrolled her into a top international school, and just like that the little of familiarity and social life she had was gone at 16 when they moved. She's the quiet one at school, and the rebellious one at home. And it only got worse when she start having nightmares and grunting in her sleep. Bright lights, constellations and starts ringing in her head. She'd wake up in cold sweats every night. Until she started to notice Stranger phenomenon going on around her everyday life. She didn't know exactly what it was, but she could feel it. Something. And upon seeing the news about the new element from space, she could only help to feel an urge for some reason. What that urge is she didn't know, but it made her feel above worldly things. That was 2016. Now present day she keeps to herself, studying the new pinnacle of science and physics as Dysonium becomes a derived obsession. She's also known the pattern of occurancws in her life, and while she cant directly confirm, if she were to share what she believed, the world may not be ready if it turns out to be true.
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Umm do I pm Preferred Power or just say it in here and will have CS up by wednesday.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom

Name: Jasmine 'Jazz' Watts
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Occupancy: Part Time College Student + Receptionist at a K-Tech Labs​

Personality Goods: Spunky, Imaginative, Helpful
Personality Bads: Clumsy, Skeptic, Loud, Lazy, Sloppy

Hobbies and Skills: Video Games, Frequenting Buffets, Pilates, Writing, Speed Typing, Multi Tasking, Online Shopping, Collecting Coupons

True Power: Replication + Rougarou Physiology = Replication Empowerment

A true victim of 'middle child' syndrome, Jazz has never reached her full potential. Or at least that's what her parents always tell her when they come to visit her in her matchbox apartment.

It's not as though her parents neglected her as a child, it's just that Jazz has always been laid back to the point of being lazy and figured her brothers produced enough success for the entire family. As young children, all three Watts children were rambunctious and full of energy but sometime during middle school, Jazz's energy seemed to deplete and she settled into blissful mediocrity.

During high school, Jazz's brother Jacob was the captain of the football team, a mathlete and student council president. Jazz and her little brother Jack's high school years were occupied by playing video games. The only different between Jack and Jazz's mutual hobby was that Jack made a career out of it.

When graduating rolled around, Jacob got a full ride scholarship to a science and tech university in the US, Jack became an internet celebrity and Jazz...Became a full-time freeloader until her parents got sick and tired of her lazing around and 'recreational' activities, and gave her the boot.

If it wasn't for her brother who apparently became the master of making connections while at his fancy STEM university, Jazz would have ended up as a homeless person or worse. Thankfully, Jacob was able to get her a job as the receptionist at a lab that sponsors Jacob's university.

Thankfully, being kicked out of the house and her brother's kind intervention, helped Jazz try to get her life together. She now takes online classes while being a damn good receptionist at the lab. In addition to this, she's working on a book! Kind of. (She has the idea for the book and has jotted down some ideas on a napkin.)

"Dyson Spheres, the chameleon of the scientific world. Heh. That's actually pretty clever, I should write that down and put it in my book later..."

FC: Ayame Gouriki
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I'll get to work on my character tomorrow
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[ Will Finish Wednesday ]

Name: Justice Sparks

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 198 lbs.

Occupancy: College Senior Student [ Physical Therapy Student At Yale University ] | Personal Trainer

Personality Goods:
Personality Bads:

Hobbies and Skills:

True Power: (Solar Manipulation + the random power here) = To be determined.

Background: (Character bio & History)
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Dr. Malaki Gerhardt
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: *Variable-Depends on end power
World Health Organization Doctor- Facility Stationed: Germany

Personality Goods:

Personality Bads:
Lacks Empathy (Certain things trigger this.)
Quick Tempered
Doesn't care for hiding things
Doesn't sugar coat anything
Speaks his mind no matter the situation
Voices disagreements irregardless
Unafraid to throw the first punch.

Hobbies and Skills:
Molecular Chemist
Eagle Scout
Free Running/Parkour
Viral/Disease Manipulation + (Spacial Force-Field Generation) = Pheromone Generation

"Some say I am not the greatest individual in the world. To that I would say that no individual is good nor are they evil. They are simply judged on their humanity through the merits they gather...."

German born and raised to Pre-Teens in Germany the young teen was soon on his way to the United States. Having been brought up in a different education system the boy flourished and continued to do so through much of his school career. Through the academic advances and madness of college Malaki found solace within nature. Finding the forests of Central Pennsylvania more comforting and akin to his youth than the streets of humanity it was here that Malaki found himself. Finishing school he found his dream job within the World Health Organization. Moving back to Germany with his family not far behind the young Doctor settled into his new position. An assignment on the recent event involving the elemental substance known as Dysonium was forefront with possible effects on humans being observed.

Against his best wishes he was dispatched to Australia as part of the WHO observation team. Annoyed Malaki found the assignement to be highly disagreeable, despite his voiced opinion's he was quickly on a plane and heading directly to the black site. The landing occured within the dead of night and the following hours were filled with miles and miles of 'Yellow Tape'. Despite their clearence, it was then that they were told that they were not to gain access to the material itself.

"What do you mean we-" Malaki was suddenly cut off as a man in a uniform approached. "I would lower your voice Doctor. You are here to observe, not to poke or prod. You are your team are to remain where you are told." The man spoke causing Malaki to narrow his eyes. "If we are not here to do-" Malaki spoke once more and, was once more cut off. "You have here to observe." So set the tone of his stay.

Time passed and with each completed assignement the team was granted more and more freedom to conduct their experiments. Although never holding the element itself, Malaki soon found himself no longer arguing his position. The shift taking place steadily over several months but ending in one instant.

There are events in ones life that can change the course of their very purpose in life. Such as witnessing the birth, death and rebirth of life pulse from the surrounding area. "So, what do you say now?" A voice from behind him spoke. "What can I say... this is straight out of Star Trek Wrath of Khan... this is Genisis."​
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Dr. Malaki Gerhardt
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: *Variable-Depends on end power
World Health Organization Doctor- Facility Stationed: Germany

Personality Goods:

Personality Bads:
Lacks Empathy (Certain things trigger this.)
Quick Tempered
Doesn't care for hiding things
Doesn't sugar coat anything
Speaks his mind no matter the situation
Voices disagreements irregardless
Unafraid to throw the first punch.

Hobbies and Skills:
Molecular Chemist
Eagle Scout
Free Running/Parkour

True Power: Viral/Disease Replication (More or Less Cellular Control/Manipulation
*This is Self Augmenting only)

"Some say I am not the greatest individual in the world. To that I would say that no individual is good nor are they evil. They are simply judged on their humanity through the merits they gather...."

German born and raised to Pre-Teens in Germany the young teen was soon on his way to the United States. Having been brought up in a different education system the boy flourished and continued to do so through much of his school career. Through the academic advances and madness of college Malaki found solace within nature. Finding the forests of Central Pennsylvania more comforting and akin to his youth than the streets of humanity it was here that Malaki found himself. Finishing school he found his dream job within the World Health Organization. Moving back to Germany with his family not far behind the young Doctor settled into his new position. An assignment on the recent event involving the elemental substance known as Dysonium was forefront with possible effects on humans being observed. Heading this within his facility he probed the new substance in hopes of discovering what it may hold.

With time passing his mind was ever more brought towards the object of his studies. At times he felt it... but how does one describe a feeling towards an elemental substance. It was not... magnetic and he could not find a reason behind the occurring sensations. Unable to alienate it and unwilling to make himself seem crazy he put himself in self quarantine in an attempt to rid himself of the sensation. It was then that he realized the sensation was not isolated to the facility.

Months passing the sensations had come and gone only to resurface time and time again. With his work directed at the substance himself he passed it off and alienated it within his brain. If his colleagues didn't feel anything, he was the black cat in the group... it was all in his head... wasn't it?​
Small note to remember. All the Dysonium is in Australia in a classified site. It would cost 30 billion a gram to get ahold of the smallest bit of it. Perhaps you could change it to where he made a trip to Australia to investigate the element? Even though he'd probably not get access to any right away
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Small note to remember. All the Dysonium is in Australia in a classified site. It would cost 30 billion a gram to get ahold of the smallest bit of it. Perhaps you could change it to where he made a trip to Australia to investigate the element? Even though he'd probably not get access to any right away

I considered this to begin with. But, I didn't want to push that end of things. Will do if you feel it is appropriate.

Edited it
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  • Thank You
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Name: Shaemus Bartholemew

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 115 Kg

Occupancy: Ex-ASIS operator.

Personality Goods:
Straight Forward

Personality Bads:
Hot Headed

Hobbies and Skills:
Being with friends
Working out
Street fighting.

True Power: Enhanced Physical Capabilities + the random power here = To be determined.

Background: (Character bio & History)

Shaemus was born in the beautiful town of Margaret River in Western Australia to a loving mother and negligent father. He grew up without so much as a want for the world, passing school with decent grade, though not high enough to be counted as a nerd by his peers. He was fairly popular, rarely getting into fights but seldom losing those he did have, always fighting dirty to put the other guy down. As he went through high school his father continued to neglect him, preferring the company of various drugs and those associated with them, driving a wedge his father and the rest of his family as he went further into a drug binge lifestyle.

After he graduated high school Shaemus decided to pursue a life in the opposite direction of his now drug dealer father and studied everything to become a security officer, taking extra courses to be qualified in every aspect of security. He eventually took a job as a crowd controller and went over the country for work, generally taking jobs at nightclubs or minor concerts. The night that the meteorite hit the earth he was on his was to the airport to fly home to his mother, who had been recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. He pulled over to watch the phenomenon and called his mother, telling her to look outside and see the beautiful colours that were coming off of the tail of the comet, wonder and awe filling his voice as he watched it.

As time went on he was contacted by the government for work patrolling a research station that housed some of the research on the meteor. As this work progressed he did more courses and tried to go for recruitment with ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Services). He passed the written and physical without much trouble but was his mental. As his relationship with his father and the troubles with his mother continued to deteriorate, though after many psychological tests he was eventually inducted into ASIS as a junior operative, mostly running paperwork around and doing the odd protection and document collection job. He was continuously assigned to the researchers working on the Dysonium and was repeatedly exposed to the element.

After 3 years the worst thing in Shaemus's life came to pass. His mother had succumbed to her illness and this drove him to a depression, this in turn caused ASIS to give him a medical discharge along with all the benefits that came with it. Though he was still called in every now and again to have the eggheads in labcoats perform various tests on him due to the amount of exposure that he had had during his time working with them.

In recent times he has returned to regular security work, generally at high end night clubs and concerts.

"Spent three years of my life guarding, stealing and destroying research on Dysonium Spheres, what do I get for my troubles... Annoyed mostly."​
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Name: Lucky real name Laurence Alvis
Age: 18
Gender: male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 145lbs
Occupancy: high school, however rarely goes

Personality Goods: smart, quick thinking, calm
Personality Bads: socially awkward, lazy

Hobbies and Skills: video games and strategy board games like chess, works out/trains

True Power: fear manipulation (Fear Manipulation) + the random power here = To be determined.

Background: Laurence was born in the united kingdom and spent his first 7 years growing up there. His dad had walked out on him and his mum when he wasn't even born, so he was raised by his mum. However Laurence's mother was one of the UK's leading biochemists and so spent little time with her son after the age of 4. At the age of 7 he was moved to Australia with his mum due to her work. Things went down hill from there as he became a troubled child, not wanting to go to school and getting in trouble every time he did. His mum never really paid attention to this or to her son. Laurence spent most of his time at home entertaining himself with video games as well as chess. He got very into strategy games and became very good at the. The name Lucky was given to him by the few people he played games against, these men tended to be older people running games shops. Since he would always beat them they started calling him Lucky, believing that it wasn't the fact he was better than them at the games and just a big lucky streak. After the discovery of Dysonium his mother spent even less time with him as she was sent with her team to work on the new element. Laurence did some research into his mums field of work but soon got bored and went back to playing more strategy based games.

"Dyson spheres? Yeah I don't really care about that. Try asking someone else."
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Hi. I don't know whether this is how things work here but I figure I'm allowed to just jump in and ask to join? Couple of questions regarding characters: First, is there a minimum age? And second, is a written description of appearance acceptable? I'm not too comfortable with doing image searches for "young child"...
c a r m e n

Name: Carmen Cortez
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 126 lbs
Occupancy: Musician/Part time bartender

Personality Goods: Cool-headed, easygoing, kind, affectionate, witty, playful, quirky, clever.
Personality Bads: Aggressive, rude, possessive, too independent, reckless, insensitive, secretive.

Hobbies and Skills: Singing, playing guitar and violin, origami, cooking.

True Power: Sound manipulation + ??? = To be determined.

Background: Carmen was born in Cuba and raised there until the age of five in which her parents moved to her father's hometown, Barcelona, Spain. She didn't know it at the time but her parents were getting a divorce if things didn't work out there. Needless to say, it did not. They divorced and her father left her with her mother. From there, things went from bad to worst. Her mother got into terrible relationships which left them both scarred but with another child, her younger brother whom she loved. At the age of nine, she discovered her musical talent but she had to give it up at 15 when her mother was diagnosed with clinical depression. At the age of 16, her mother committed suicide. She moved back in with her father who she hadn't seen in years. Still, he was kind enough to take in her brother as well. Over the years he had two more kids of his own. She practically raised all three of her siblings because her father was a bum and their mothers were nowhere to be seen. However, she was able to study music again, was even qualified for Julliard but going to school would take up too much time and she had to care for her family.

"The Dyson Sphere. A mysterious alien like object found and studied by the government. What could possibly go wrong? "
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Hey guys! Happy Turkey Day! Try to finish everything by the end of the weekend if you can!
My guy will be up by Sunday busy working Black Friday and stuff. Happy well it's over for me but Turkey Day XD
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Nvrmnd. bye^^!
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Room for me to join? I can have a CS up within a few days.
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